French women, what are they? Everything you need to know about French women

Myth No. 1 French women are the standard of style

A flying gait, a head held high, a thin, fragile figure, legs “from the ears”, the scent of perfume, a bag from Louis Vuatton in our hand - such is the typical French woman in our imagination, ideal woman, which is worshiped by all the men of the planet and which all the fair sex wants to be like.

The most typical representatives of what is called French chic are still admired by the inhabitants and inhabitants of our planet: Catherine Deneuve, Brigitte Bardot, Isabelle Adjani, Sophie Marceau, Juliette Binoche, Audrey Tautou ... Style, charm, grace - this is what always distinguishes Frenchwoman among representatives of other nations. A kind of bird fluttering everywhere and not stopping for a minute, striving to have time to do the maximum number of things in a minimum period of time ... This is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe average inhabitant of the planet about French women. About those who, according to popular opinion, are the bearers of French charm.

But "nothing lasts forever under the moon." Unfortunately, time is running and the images fade. The appearance of beauty a la Audrey Tautou in our time is nothing more than a myth. Modern research European sociologists argue quite the opposite to the popular opinion - modern French women do not take care of themselves too much, instead of high-heeled shoes they wear a pair of worn-out shoes, a haute couture dress successfully replaces them with a shapeless hoodie, mostly gray in color, but in their hand is not an elegant handbag, but most often a household one bag. This is what catches the eye in the province. In large cities, including Paris, in aristocratic quarters, typical representatives french chic are more common, but in general, there are much more “gray mice” in the city.

Here is how a young Russian woman who lives permanently in Paris described the appearance of modern French women: casual style, everything is gray, inconspicuous, women are almost always without heels, without makeup, do not shave, often groomed nails, love to wear boots on bare feet, short in winter denim shorts and black tights are par for the course, they like to wear sneakers under a skirt that looks just “wonderful”, or they wear a skirt with sports shoes without heel. Both men and women always wear scarves, different shapes, size, color and texture (just some kind of scarf cult). Women love ballerinas and tight jeans, all clothes are necessarily practical, pastel shades, often not ironed, made of natural fabrics. In general, I will disappoint you, but modern people do not have the famous French style, especially among young people. Beautiful dressed women in heels and with makeup - these are usually pensioners. Everyone, everyone without exception, smokes, they smoke a lot, especially women.”

In addition, according to statistics, 30% of French women abuse alcohol. And that doesn't make them any more stylish either...

Myth #2 Excess weight threatens all women in the world, except French women

Despite the well-known fact of the residual presence of fats and carbohydrates in French cuisine and the special love of the French for bread, the image of a French woman consists of easy gait, an elegant figure, including in old age, a frivolous hairstyle and cheerful chirping ... French films are full of scenes of lunches and dinners, during which elegant French women absorb a huge amount of food and drinks ... Why don’t they get fat ... The latest book by Mireille Giliano “Why French Women don’t get fat” explains this French phenomenon by the following three factors:

French cuisine is varied but not heavy. In addition, in France, mostly fresh products are eaten, and semi-finished products are not very popular;

One of the invariable rules of the inhabitants of France is to eat varied, but little by little. Eating is considered by them as a kind of event. They remember that you get the most pleasure from food from the first bites, and rarely ask for more. During the day, they drink often and little by little. mineral water, often drink dry wine, but only with food and only a glass or two;

You need to enjoy food, then it will not harm the figure. Even if you overeat, there can be no feeling of guilt ... This is alien to French women ... They do not eat in a hurry, standing up or walking.

Unfortunately, harsh truth life suggests that a thin, graceful figure can often be found among ladies of at least Balzac age, strolling along the boulevards of Paris. It was they who, at the age of 50-60-70-80, managed to maintain the harmony of 25-year-old women. But most of the youth and adolescents, instead of the traditional french cuisine leans on American fast food.

Therefore, according to statistics, we have the following: from 1995 to 2000. The number of obese children and adolescents has doubled to 2 million. If we take data for all of France, then here is such a picture - if in 1997 from overweight 8.2% of the population suffered, then in 2003 it was already 11.3%, and in 2006 already 12.4% (that is, 6 million people). According to 2009 data, people with overweight in the country there were 14.5% ... According to statistics for June 2010, France is the sixth country in the world in terms of overweight and obesity, after America, Australia, China, Germany and England. It's a shame....

Dry statistics, which knows everything, says that the French and French women began to abuse vodka. She is becoming more and more popular with the younger generation in general and her fair half. And those French women who still want to keep their figure and who have sufficient character for this will smoke an extra cigarette instead of an extra sandwich. According to statistics, the average French woman smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.

So, no matter how much we want to have a bright image of ideal French women before our eyes, we have to open our eyes to the harsh reality and admit that the farther away, the less and less of those “ideal” French women remain. Rather, there are more and more French women themselves in terms of weight ...

Myth #3 French women are surrounded by charming, super sexy French men.

For a long time, the French were also credited with a special passion, sophistication and indefatigability in the love field and innumerable victories on the “passion front”. The gallantry, courtesy of the French gentlemen makes a woman feel that she is a woman. A French woman perceives inattention from a man as a personal insult.

But the notorious gallantry does not include the assertion that the French are real men. Research results international organization WHO are tragic for the French - they belong to the group of the world population with a weak potency. In Europe, the French are overtaken by the multinational brotherhood of Russia. This does not mean that the French "can't" ... Maybe, but for this he needs a long prelude, he needs to constantly "turn himself on" and change his impressions more often (read: partners).

What's interesting about this survey is that 20% of French men between the ages of 18 and 24 "declare a lack of interest in sex." But more interestingly, French men under the age of 35 who abstain from sexual relations, twice as many as women!

Myth #4 Female sexuality has a French passport

French women are extremely temperamental, they are the standard of female sensuality and sexual magnetism.

French women are sensual and insanely romantic creatures. Graceful and refined, in bed, these women change before our eyes, performing such sex feats that even the plots of very relaxed xxx films are silent about. The sexual initiative of passionate French women is legendary. What is the famous French Kiss and the traditional French blowjob "after dinner with champagne."

And here are the statistics. According to the same WHO survey in 1970, 68% of French women had only one sexual partner. In 1992 this figure dropped to 43% and in 2006 to 34%. Although French women have begun to show interest in other men, more than a third of them remain faithful to their only one. In 1970, the number of love affairs in the life of French women as a whole did not exceed two. Today, the life of an average French citizen brightens up about five novels. Against the background of our compatriots, this is a very modest result. 90% of French women never realize their sexual fantasies.

The survey results also show that married madams aged 40+ have a much better sex life than married French women with younger children. main reason: women of Balzac age (in our time, they can be attributed precisely to those who are over 40) - more confident, inventive and enterprising in the bedroom.

The survey also confirmed what everyone knows, but it is not customary to talk about it - having children really negatively affects sexual life in young years.

60% of the women surveyed with children over 18 admitted that after the offspring left the parental nest, they (women) had much more sex. And its quality has improved significantly.

At the same time, 91% of working mothers of children under 10 years old described their sex life with the phrase "absolutely went wrong." Not "so-so", "more or less", "worse than it was" and even "bad", namely "absolutely went wrong", came to naught.

Two sociologists who worked on the WHO data claim that many of the French sexual taboos have disappeared, but a nervous attitude towards having sex has appeared. Consultants for sexual life now loaded in France like never before. One estimate puts them at 500,000 patients a year.

Russian women never cease to admire the incredible charm of French women who know how to dress beautifully, even without having huge funds. Admire the French ladies and men. If you know how french women dress, you can learn how to create spectacular bows out of time and out of fashion. It is enough to have some basic wardrobe and put things together the right way. So how do you learn this art? Let's try to figure it out.

Parisian lionesses follow fashion trends and do not miss fashion shows. However, in France, the formation of a bow exclusively from branded items is considered bad form. Strange, isn't it?

A Frenchwoman always takes care of herself and even going to the store she will definitely think over her image to the smallest detail. No one will ever condemn such a woman, they will not make comments to her, she is always well-groomed and charming.

Learn the secrets of style french ladies will allow some features inherent in their manner of dressing. First of all, it is necessary to focus not on what is worn, but how exactly it should be worn. Let's name the main characteristics of their style.

  • Thoughtful negligence. smoothed straight hair- this is not natural, so even when you leave the hairdresser you will not see women with a perfect haircut. The same rule applies to things. Of course, they will not be crumpled or dirty, but the lack of gloss and pathos in the image is quite normal.
  • Combination of trendy and vintage pieces. These ladies do not forget about what is stored in their closet and understand that for greater effect it is worth visiting not only boutiques, but also flea markets, where there are always a couple of interesting things that can be used to dilute a modern look.
  • Price contrast. It is not at all necessary to wear exclusively expensive things, it is much more difficult to learn how to combine clothes of famous brands and designer products. Inexpensive manufacturers also create worthy solutions, so why should they be abandoned?
  • High quality designer underwear. The closer the clothes to the body, the more beautiful and effective it should be. If lace - then the highest quality, if silk - then excellent. And no protruding threads, uneven seams - linen should be perfect!
  • No savings on accessories and shoes. Even if the financial situation does not allow to have a huge amount of shoes and accessories, a French woman will prefer to purchase one product, but of the highest quality. Accessories and shoes are not a reason to save money. Shoes should be comfortable and ready to serve for a long time.
  • Focus on long term service things. Everything that a Frenchwoman selects for her wardrobe will serve almost until the end of her life. These ladies buy practical things that can be worn even after they go beyond the fashion Olympus.
  • I would like to note that and the make-up of French young ladies is not noticeable. They are oriented towards natural beauty and do not spoil your appearance an abundance of "plaster". Probably for this reason, even with a small income, they find the opportunity to walk around shopping malls and buy quality items.

French Dressing Tips by Ines De La Fressange

True French and famous model Ines De La Fressange worked hard and published her own book on how to dress French women and those women who want to "try on" their style of clothing. The tips are set out in the book "Parisian Chic". Here are some suggestions from the book.

  • Wear clothes and shoes that make you feel comfortable. No point in wearing tight dress and high heels, for example, for a celebration where you are going to have fun or dance for hours. By ignoring this rule, you run the risk of “sitting on the sidelines” for the entire event and painfully looking at the cheerful faces of those around you. in tight clothes and uncomfortable shoes You will begin to experience discomfort - so what is the point of it? Wearing comfortable clothes will give confidence and emancipation, and will not serve as a source of your complexes.
  • Don't be afraid of mixes. Interesting mixes of styles, things and colors make great combinations. Of course, you need to have a natural taste or develop it regularly in order to understand which solutions look worthy and which damage the image. real lady with French roots will not wear a catwalk bow. She will add something new to it - an accessory, replace the color, texture of the fabric. She will not be afraid to make changes that will give her ensemble a personality. So she will great way demonstrate their knowledge and show the manner of dressing, but copying someone else's idea will be regarded as a woman's inability to form her own sets.
  • Bright cashmere stockings and boots. French ladies use this bold combination for the autumn season, when they so need comfort and warmth. Knee-highs playfully peek out from under the top, which looks very impressive in a grayish landscape.
  • "No" to high cost. French women do not strive to look expensive, because when wearing inexpensive things it is much more difficult to show your ability to dress and combine things. Expensive clothes are considered bad manners, and even with such a bow, the girl will look as if she is desperately trying to find a millionaire husband. All things from the wardrobe should emphasize good taste rather than financial condition.
  • "No" mass. In France, they strive to show individuality, so girls will not wear what others wear. Even if the Frenchwoman liked new model or a fashion designer's suggestion, she will add something new to them and replay the image.
  • Dubbing things. Parisians love to wear two straps or scarves together. They may also wear two T-shirts or T-shirts. From such a non-trivial decision, the appearance does not look worse.
  • Knowing of limits. You need to understand when to stop and not go beyond the brink of madness. Numerous experiments should be moderate, otherwise there is a risk of becoming ridiculous and causing ridicule among others, and not delight.

To dress in the style of French women, you should be more careful about buying new things and not throwing out of the closet what can be used again and again. It's time to talk about the things that should be in your wardrobe, because they should be skillfully combined with each other. Remember, experimentation is not forbidden, but you also need to remember about a sense of proportion!

  • Man's jacket. They can be complemented with a lot of bows, both business and casual. For example, a black dress adjacent to the figure and Man's jacket milky shade will be advantageous in one ensemble.
  • Classic trench. Coloring should not be extremely bright. So, you can wear a raincoat for any season, periodically combining it with different accessories. For example, in spring a gray trench coat can be complemented with a pink scarf, and in autumn - red-brown. When the new season comes, you can experiment again and dilute the image with colors.
  • Navy blue sweater. Quite a universal little thing that can be worn in the case when there is no time and energy to think over the bow. If you need to rush to a nearby store, wear a navy blue sweater, light blue jeans, and dark boots. The set will be concise, even without taking into account the fact that you did not spend time collecting the image.
  • Cotton T-shirt. Indispensable in the summer season, and in cold weather used to create layering in an ensemble. A T-shirt can have different tones, prints are also acceptable, but they must be so versatile that they will easily harmonize with many elements of the wardrobe. For a walk in the park, it is enough to wear tight-fitting good stuff leggings and a plain white T-shirt. It remains only to supplement the set with sneakers that will not hamper movements when walking.
  • Leather Jacket. It will come in handy at any time of the year. Its versatility will allow you to complete the set in the summer, and in the autumn, and in the spring season. Even in winter, the jacket can be used if you find an insulated version, complemented by fur.
  • small black dress . There must be several. French women wear such dresses with or without it. And in the morning, and in the afternoon, and in the evening. The little black dress is so versatile that it is suitable for any occasion except for outdoor activities and swimming in the pool. Dresses should be complemented with accessories and other items of clothing - boleros, jackets, jackets, scarves. Thus, the dress will “play” in a new way every time.
  • Pencil skirt. Choose from several options that differ in color and texture of the fabric. The skirt can be combined with various blouses and tops, which will allow you to create a lot of interesting new looks.
  • Blouses. Used in sets with trousers, jeans, skirts. Various colors and styles are welcome. What is important, exclusively noble and natural fabrics are always preferred.
  • Dressy trousers. Choose those styles that favorably emphasize the figure and do not show imperfections. Beige trousers are welcome. It can be flared trousers, cigarettes, straight or bananas. Beige trousers can be rolled up on the palm above the foot a little casually, as French lionesses do.
  • Jackets. Ladies often prefer them to fur coats and coats. Jackets should have a good cut. They should fit perfectly on the figure and not look baggy.
  • Trouser suits. 2-3 trouser suits can be worn both for work and in free time. With them, you can create different combinations by changing the color and style of the blouse, removing the jacket and adding accessories to the look.
  • Jeans. They are distinguished good quality and neutrality. Trendy cuts certainly look impressive, but a French woman will not buy a thing that resembles a rag, so the number of cuts and holes should be minimal, creating a slight negligence in the image. Jeans are combined with various shoes- ballet flats, high-heeled shoes, wedge boots, ankle boots, sneakers. You can use the same jeans in a strict way, and in everyday life, and on sports holidays.
  • Accessories. Their number may not be very large, but they must be of high quality. Accessories may include Sunglasses from famous brand, expensive stylish watches, handbags made of crocodile, python or ostrich skin. A Frenchwoman will find a reason to throw an old shawl over her shoulders, decorate her neck with a scarf, and put on beautiful stockings or tights on her legs. Gloves and a hat can match in color or simply combine with each other, complementing each other.
  • Decorations. Jewelry such as rings, earrings and necklaces are welcome. The pearl thread will be long and of course of high quality, and a stylish brooch will complement the scarf or clothes. It should be noted that Jewelry French ladies are either very bold or very simple.
  • Shoes. Sophisticated French women go crazy for high heels and are happy to buy boots, shoes and ankle boots. But do not forget, if a French woman feels uncomfortable in shoes, she will not wear them, despite the fact that she really likes them. In high heels, you need to be able to walk, keep a graceful gait and be confident. Therefore, in the shoe closet there are also ballet flats, which are so nice to wear for a short trip to the shops. By the way, French women very carefully select shoes and spend hours, days and weeks for this. Do not forget about home shoes. Luxurious heeled sandals can also replace soft slippers, depending on what the French woman feels comfortable in.
  • Linen. As we said earlier, expensive and luxurious underwear is welcome. Approximately 20 percent of their annual income French women spend on shopping underwear which is supposed to be sexy.

Let's take a look at a few fashion solutions from the last seasons that I could not resist french fashion.

  • Matroska. She is stretched out on her shoulders, has short sleeve or completely devoid of it. A scarf, a waist strap or a brooch near the collar or chest will add individuality to the image with a sailor.
  • Braided belts. They can be worn several at a time, or can be worn on the hair instead of headbands. It will be good if the straps are slightly worn and made of dark brown or beige leather.
  • Velvet jacket. It has a dark blue or black color, dark green or eggplant shade. A velvet blazer pairs perfectly with white shirts and light blue jeans.
  • Shoes on bare foot . In Paris, barefoot shoes are worn in any weather. Do not forget that French women choose high-quality shoes, and therefore they can afford such a move.
  • knitted scarf. You can make a frivolous flower out of it or throw one tip over your shoulder.
  • Vintage handbags. As an alternative to a clutch, you can try a vintage briefcase to be worn on the shoulder or held in the hands by the handle.
  • Gypsy skirts. They are complemented by a white T-shirt, blouse or short motorcycle jacket. Woven sandals or boots flaunt on the feet.
  • Denim shirts. The campaign for them should be selected from dark leggings, but the combination with jeans is considered bad form.

French chic is lightness, originality, banality and negligence. To try on the image of a Parisian, you do not need to go to another country, it is enough to deliberately buy practical and high-quality things, ignoring the total looks from the catwalks, diluting them with your own accents in the form various accessories and decorations.

Women of France - attempts to combine elegance with modern realities life. How do these women maintain their style and independence, remain proud and attractive to all men? What is their zest and what is their outlook on life? They are not like Russian women, but their desire to be happy and their sense of duty unites them with Russian women.

Family for a French woman - dream or reality

Speaking about women in general and in particular, the topics of family and children immediately suggest themselves. French women fall into the category of beauties and fashionistas, and it would seem that there should be no problems with female realization. But there is a slight hitch - as in all of Europe, feminization is strong in France. The customs of this country are such that women here are strong in spirit and strive to earn money. In a relationship with a man - half expenses, half responsibility. They are strict with children - and it cannot be said that they are somehow rude or indifferent.

No, but discipline is very welcome by French women. And the children of these women are brought up well. It is also very interesting that the majority of French women do not support the institution of marriage, pragmatically believing that it has become obsolete. The most popular family "hearth" in France is civil marriage in which children are born and houses are bought. Although, it makes you think - is it not the notorious independence of French women that gives rise to such a large number of divorces and informal marriages.

The expression "Balzac's age" arose after the release of Balzac's novel "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman" and is permissible in relation to women no older than 40 years.

Relations between two French women can be called secular - if they are girlfriends. All attributes of women's communication are collected in their meetings. But there is in all this a big difference from the friendship of primordially Russian - the lack of depth. There is an exchange of news and compliments, superficial conversations, but the Frenchwoman will not plunge into problems. For this they have psychologists - and here you don’t know if this is good or bad. The sincerity and depth of relationships accepted in the Russian mentality do not find such a response in France.

The average age of marriage for French women starts at 27, and the birth of children is most often postponed until full self-realization, when both housing and a car are bought. These women are practical in small things, to say nothing of such a step as starting a family.

Self-realization and career

But French women also have their own virtues that Russian women should borrow - this is their self-confidence and fairly high self-esteem. It is said that the women of France often "overestimate themselves", but in fact, they demand retaliation for dedication. French women are most often hardworking and competent in the field in which they work. Moreover, given that it is hard to work in France, they always work. At the same time, they raise children and run a house. A French woman will never marry in order to torment herself in marriage, burdening herself with all the responsibilities. They will require a response from the man. Which, in principle, is true and quite natural.

The attitude of these women to a career is also very interesting - unlike Russian ladies, they will not work for an idea or just because good relationship bosses. Practical and rational, they are well aware of their rights and one can hardly count on the fact that these rights will be allowed to be infringed. In general, in France a certain selfish attitude towards their own people is very developed. self-interest which is also shown in women. Standing on a par with men, these ladies are quite cold-blooded and can be prudent in relation to marriage and career. Which is what happens most of the time.

Fashion or practicality

And what interests Russian women so much is the notorious French fashion. The ascribed standards of female beauty and Parisian fashion differ significantly from today's real ones. But there is a similarity - the changed standards of beauty are perfectly expressed in the French everyday fashion. French women dress simply - casual style is most common among ordinary women who are in a hurry to work or study. It is appropriate to say about jeans and sweaters, flat shoes - everything that is functional and comfortable. Accessories are welcome - scarves and glasses, brooches, umbrellas and bags. But you won’t find too much here - hair in a ponytail, a minimum of cosmetics, pastel shades in clothes.

There are, however, some quarters of Paris - especially fashionable, chosen ones. Here, women are a little different, corresponding to fashion trends, but their lifestyle involves the creation of such an image. For an ordinary Frenchwoman - a hard working, purposeful and independent - too sophisticated outfit and high heel will only create further difficulties.

But do not think that French women are such "aunts". Not at all. The simplicity of their attire is not a random choice or something gaudy, deeply sloppy. All shades and styles of clothing are matched perfectly, the look is neat and fresh. You should not buy only for beauty - you can’t buy bread for it, women of France believe. And in this they are right.

Interests and hobbies

At their core, these women are far from stupid and do not build pink castles. Most of them know their worth, and therefore value their time. Their leisure is their relatives and friends, which is highly valued in all social strata of France. Relatives are extremely important to them. family ties, and they often get together - relatives of all generations. Friends and pleasant communication result in joint trips to the cinema and the gym. But most of these women study a lot in their youth, and then work, so they have friends according to their interests.

These are the French women. No longer as romantic and dreamy as the contrived heroine Amelie, but still as attractive, independent and flawless.

2. The minimum salary is set at around 1000s. There are, of course, salaries and less, but this is rather for a part-time job (waiters, janitors, etc.). Most professions have this minimum pay, and about 80% of the population receive it. For the most part, of course, these are young people and immigrants.
3. There is practically no corruption in the country. It is categorically not recommended to give a bribe to a cop (I wanted to try)) or to any department. He won't take it, and he'll give you up.
4. Frogs in France will be served only in rare gourmet restaurants.

5. There are a lot of cafes there. Most often, the owners of these cafes are bartenders and only for the evening they take waiters as their assistants. In the evening from 6 to 11 o'clock it is almost impossible to take a place in a cafe. Lunch is also difficult, but still a little easier.
6. They smoke in cafes, it feels like that's it. A beautiful cafe in the city center spoiled my date due to the fact that the girl was hard to see from the smoke. Very few people bother with ventilation there.
7. They smoke a lot there, especially young people. Which is strange when you consider that a pack of the cheapest cigarettes there costs about 220 rubles in terms of wooden ones.
8. There are many Arabs. So many. Especially the youth. They, it seemed to me, more than the French. And it's not even Marseille.
9. The Arabs, mostly young, behave quite aggressively there. They are very reminiscent of Caucasians in Moscow, only their faces are slightly different. In the same way, they can run into in the evening, very greedy for beautiful girls. But why not scary? Maybe it was my brave Russian blood that was seething so much in me, but in the evening I was not at all afraid to walk past a company of drunken young Arabs, waking up the whole area).

10. The style of the French for our look is heavy. 99% of the youth there wear watches and chains (than more themes better) over all clothing, even if it is a down jacket. dress in different color boots, socks, doing completely freaky hairstyles - this is the norm and no one is surprised by this. Hairstyle, a la "short pot", more like a Jewish cap, is worn by 99% of young Arabs. Europeans are more like people.
11. Girls in France are VERY not pretty. Small, fat, scary on the face. ALL (!!!) beautiful girls that caught my eye turned out to be immigrants. Well, except for one thing - the lady was stunning (and what did she do in such a suit in the subway?), But I did not dare to find out her nationality.
12. Children in France are also scary, especially girls. Then they grow up into terrible French women.
13. Public transport cool. Trams look like moon rovers, buses are clean and comfortable, the metro is quiet and comfortable (there are wheels with tires), but it travels much slower than in Moscow. But. The metro runs there every 10-15 minutes, and some lines run automatic trains without a driver. They consist of 2-3 cars (some of 5-6), and it's pretty cool to sit in the very front and feel like a driver)). Tickets for all types of public transport are the same, that is, having bought 1 ticket for 1.5e (right now it can be more expensive), which is valid for 1 hour, you can go through as many turnstiles as you like. different types transport. Very convenient for short trips.
14. Controllers on transport are from time to time. They go to see tickets and read - did you get a card for a free trip, if there is one (for example, students and schoolchildren have). Xs why, but even such cards must be punched.

15. Penalties for stowaways are unrealistic. For a beautiful pirouette through the turnstile in the subway (by the way, there are also a lot of jumps, mostly Arabs), I was fined 200s)) And taking into account the fact that I didn’t carry a foreign passport with me, they also called the police and waited a long time for her to arrive.
16. The police arrived in 10-15 minutes. Which is strange, considering that they were driving a car, and the site turned out to be 1 km from the station. The cops were polite, French, and never brutal. Brains did not soar for a long time, they specified my full name (by the way, they are not able to write it down by ear)), and they let me go.
17. It is customary to make money on tourists. Souvenir prices are huge. As probably everywhere.
18. Houses and apartments are low and luxurious. In the center, there are usually buildings of 5-6 storey buildings. Rarely 7. In the whole city, I counted only a few houses above 10 floors. The porches in all houses without exception are crystal clear, well-groomed, in general, a paradise. The apartments are big. 3-4 rooms everywhere. Often - with decorative elements. Living there is a pleasure. Although there are also cheaper and worse options, mainly in suburbs and other cities. In Saint-Etienne, I visited the hut of a Lithuanian, which was located in some garages. It was possible to get there only along a tricky route, all the walls were painted, the hut was small and uncomfortable, in the style of a studio.
19. In so many houses on the windows outside there are tricky metal blinds, in fact just metal shutters that can be closed. You can’t do anything with them, neither paint nor remove ANYTHING. Even if they bother you a lot. Will you tear it off? Fined.

20. Fines in France are generally huge for everything and everything. Especially traffic rules.
21. The embankments are very similar to those in Moscow.
22. There are a lot of women driving. But they drive like all women - not very much.
23. In France, they are very partial to fire. If with us you want to harm your neighbor on emotions, then you put a heap on him, shit on the rug, etc., then they will burn the rug, car, mailbox, whatever. Everyone insures their cars against arson. For example, my friend's mother's ex-husband, out of jealousy, burned their car, the stain probably still hasn't been washed in the parking lot) But in the end it turned out to be profitable because the insurance paid out more than this car really cost.
24. The French are very fond of their car industry. I personally observed the superiority in the number of Citroens over Renault and Peugeot, but there are many of them. In fact, even if there is money, the Frenchman is likely to take a Citroen, and not a Mercedes or a Japanese woman.
25. The French are very polite. In case of minor accidents (the same friend’s mother deftly kissed the jeep when parking), they don’t tense up at all and disperse.

26. The French are VERY polite. I will describe an incident that plunged me into culture shock. I was riding a bus, a woman was driving (about half of them there), a man who obviously didn’t care about everything ran in front of her, which caused a sharp braking, everyone almost fell. Right now, I was expecting a swearing tirade, but instead the man waved to the lady, and she smiled and waved back at him and drove on.
27. France has very cheap wine. Before leaving, I bought 3 bottles for the 2nd, and the quality was better than many of ours.
28. In France, bad bottled beer. It costs about a third more than ours (like all products), but the taste of their mediocre beer is at the level of Zhigulevsky. I brought them bottles of Bochkarev and Siberian Crown for testing, and I myself compared them for a change. Ours is much better. From our beer in their shops you can find only Baltika.
29. There is trouble with Russian shops, they are there, but not enough. And the prices are outrageous. Then (3 years ago) Ochakov's boob there cost 3-4 times more than I drank a couple of days before in Moscow)). The owners of Russian restaurants also buy groceries there.

30. The French are very sociable. So they strive to sit down and talk to you. Even if you are with a girl. Even if you say you don't understand French. Sometimes it's very infuriating, I want to take and fuck.
31. The French are suffocated. There are a couple of big guys with bitsuha for the whole city. A GYM's more like a pasta shop. But sports are in order. The most popular games are football, basketball and rugby. If you are a rugby player, you rise in their eyes by 100,500 points, because you are most likely a healthy guy and unique. Everyone plays football there. In basketball too, but less.
32. There are not so many blacks in France, as it might seem from the game of their football team. Approximately 15% of the total. And they are pretty normal guys, polite, sociable, not aggressive.
33. There is no swearing in their language. There is only the word Mierde which can be translated as hell, but it can also be translated as gamble. depending on turnover. There is also no X sound, they told me that they can’t even pronounce it, but I don’t believe it.
34. Social assistance to the "poor" there is at such a level that our middle class should feel wounded. Help comes first of all with products. According to coupons, every 2-4 weeks, all the "poor" districts (mostly immigrants) gather for distribution. Everything is handed out there - cheese (with mold, we don’t have this), chocolates (very tasty), yogurts, bread, vegetables, milk, cereal, well, in short, everything. The quality of the products is the same as in the store and the goods are not basement, but branded.

35. The standard of living there is extremely high. I lived at one time in a family of such "low-income" families. They have a 3-room apartment on the 5th floor with crystal clear light yellow porches and glass doors. Excellent repair, half-wall plasma, audio system, computer with Internet, full refrigerator .... In general, in Russia I live much worse. Inet, by the way, is good there anywhere in the country, and without glitches.
36. Education is very good there. high level. At school, by the 10-11th grade, they go through a program equal to the 2nd year of our university. Checked. They take it very seriously - it will not work for free, the program is very complex, you need to study from and to. But if you got a diploma - consider life a success and a good job is waiting for you. But there is an opportunity to drop out of school, as many immigrants do and then go to builders and auto mechanics.
37. If there was a temperature of -20 for at least a couple of days, France would have died. It’s cold there even at +10, especially in the cottages…
38. There are a lot of old houses in France. Lyon has a whole block of houses that are 300-400 years old. They look good, like Soviet houses of the 60s and 70s...
39. The French are obsessed with discounts, as probably all Europeans. They go around trying on clothes for 2-3 months, and then during the discount season (if I'm not mistaken, there are 2 of them - winter and summer) they storm shops all over the country. It's hard to explain scientifically.)

40. There are markets, but in hidden places in the city, so that it is not visible. They sell all sorts of bad clothes, vegetable fruits and some furniture and plants. The sellers are Arabs. The quality is poor, the prices are lower than in the store.
41. After 9, not a single store, even pharmacies, is open. The only exceptions are Arab shops and all sorts of kebab houses. There are no convenience stores.
42. Kebab is a very common food, especially among young people. By God, how we have shawarma. It is prepared exclusively by the Arabs. All the ingredients are like in shawarma, only they are cut a little differently and instead of pita bread - a piece of pita. It’s more convenient to eat shawarma after all) It costs 3–4 euros.
43. The French cook so-so. Even in cafes and restaurants. And their coffee - a feeling that with cigarette butts. But all this is worth a lot. For 2 lasagna and 2 cups of coffee in the center, be prepared to pay 30–35 euros.
44. Russians are not very loved, but they are not despised either.
45. There are a lot of Ukrainian prostitutes in France. Almost all) The guys told me)) I did not check it myself. But it seems they are in demand, given that fr. girls are scary in general.


On May 22, 1980, I came to Paris. Nastassja Kinski, a brilliant young actress who had flown to Paris on the same flight as me, still fluttered on my retina as I left the Charles de Gaulle airport building. I already managed to quarrel with her during landing.

Parisian women turned out to be small and black. They reminded me of Italians, and also Georgians, only drier French ones. Such jackdaws, emaciated in the spring. True, they won after sloppy American women in those years (dudes without backs, shapeless trousers, T-shirts salted with sweat - these are their summer uniforms), but I felt sad. Just a few years ago, I broke up with my blonde wife and instinctively looked for blonds in the street crowd. No matter how! Blonds were depressingly few, and those that were often had an impressive Arabian nose in addition to a white scalp. The cynical young journalists with whom I immediately became friends towards the end of a happy year for me—the year my first novel appeared in France—told me that, historically, France had been peacefully invaded by waves of migrants from the Mediterranean many times. Therefore, blondes survived as a species only in the provinces of Brittany and Normandy north of Paris, and even in Alsace-Lorraine. "You won't see any of the Three Musketeers miladies, Edward, don't be old-fashioned! There are enough foreigners in Paris, there are plenty of German and Scandinavian girls running around the Pompidou Center on Rue Beaubourg, and in the Latin Quarter you can meet such fiends, blond beasts ... Edward ... "

The blonde was Shanta, who worked as a clerk in the prefecture of police, but I didn't like her. A great friend, she helped me out many times by extending my carte de sejour (residence permit), but I didn’t like her, damn it, she reminded me of a log in a sundress. For about a year I met with a real contessa from ancient family Burgundy, contesse was in her thirties, tall, excellent large breasts, passionate, but dark-haired! However, the fact that she was a contessa elevated her to blond. The fact that she was an alcoholic, my Jacqueline, lowered her, however, I forgave her her weakness, recalling the drunk Marilyn Monroe congratulating her lover John F. Kennedy: “Happy birthday, mister president, happy birthday to you!”

Carla Bruni

Annie Girardot

Anne Angeli was the editor of an erotic magazine that published hot letters from excited women. The magazine was a commercial success. Small, thin, graceful, in the old days they would say “graceful” - here Anne was the standard of a Parisian woman. It had one taste, not an ounce of bad taste. I remember her blue shadows under her eyes. I also dated her friend. Here is a friend, Claire, being just a “log in a sundress”, a tall and seemingly awkward village tall woman in a dress with a small flower, which concierges wear, turned out to be a magical gift of nature. She also had the gift of clairvoyance, she told me the life that I have, that is, exotic.

French ladies have a curious dignity: unlike equal American women and contemptuous, often male-hating young Russian women, French women know how to court men. I remember with pleasure Helene, blotting me with a hot towel and cooing boastfully: “We French women know how to treat men. Are you enjoying it, Edward?" Wetting my private parts with a towel, she gave a whole speech about the high sense of hygiene and sanitation, which women have been taught since childhood. I remember that at that time I was ironically thinking under a towel that hygiene became a virtue of French women involuntarily, because plumbing in Paris is terrible. At least that was the case in those years.

Well, yes, they are mostly black as jackdaws and thin as sticks. But, hurrying to work through a city that looks like scenery for an old opera, entire generations of Parisians absorb its charm and charm from this majestic old architecture. There is an unobtrusive training in the sense of taste - that's what happens daily. Although the models are brought to France from the United States, the French femelle has a cultural charm that is unique to them. They are like a carefully calibrated variety of flowers: not bright, not lush, but surprisingly proportionate and stylish.

Vadim Glusker

Director of the NTV representative office in France

In Paris, you will constantly find yourself thinking: “Where are these elegant Parisians? Where is this discreet beauty, light makeup, this unique style, damn it? Style, alas, exclusively in fashion boutiques. The city is dressed in grey. Women walk around in worn-out sneakers, shapeless jeans and faded sweaters. People still want to see a Parisian in furs and a flirty hat, but all this is in the films of Jean Renoir, and in real life- less and less.

Twice a week, markets open in every quarter of Paris, strictly according to the schedule approved by the mayor's office under Napoleon. And the beauty of these markets is in the public that makes the food promenade. old ladies in mink coats from September to May, with full makeup, with bags on wheels, talking with the sellers about the eternal. And not only the elderly, however. A French woman, after all, will never allow herself to appear in a greasy dressing gown, opening the door to a plumber or a neighbor who has come for an onion. Indeed, in every housing and communal services worker, not to mention a neighbor, a potential lover may be hiding.

The French are beautiful precisely for this - the amazing ease of relations. The motto "You love your wife, but live with another woman" - it's so French! Family, children, Catholic upbringing... All this, of course, is in mass consciousness respectable Frenchman. But he needs everything, he wants to do it in such a way as to give himself pleasure. Or at least try. And what about the notorious French exclusivity! After all, only here, “in France”, everything is always the best. The French themselves create these myths and cultivate them themselves. “How does this cheese go with this wine?” Both women and men are meticulous, and God forbid you break this pseudo-aesthetics!

Catherine Deneuve

Anna Gavalda

In it, in this French aesthetics, lies the principle of the French "d'Artagnanism". The French are boastful, even somewhere deliberately squeamish in this boasting. Their self-esteem can only be envied. When Marion Cotillard, trying to speak English at the Oscars for the role of Edith Piaf, gets confused in words, it's so sweet and touching that at that moment you understand that French charm is not just a word or concept, it's a way of life .

Of course, French women are no longer so feminine. The cold beauty of Catherine Deneuve and the seductive sensuality of Brigitte Bardot were replaced by emancipated leaders of the socialist party. But the name Segolene Royal will soon be forgotten, and the ideal of a French woman will continue to be Bardot and Deneuve. It was they, and not the feminists of the late 1960s, who emancipated French society. Revisit "And God Created Woman." My great namesake Roger Vadim, more precisely, Vadim Plemyannikov, clearly knew the material better than I did. Of course - he was surrounded by such women.

François-Xavier Otier


In France, courtship is difficult intellectual game. The first date is not necessarily a trip to a restaurant. It is much more interesting to invite a girl, for example, to an interesting exhibition in some small, not very famous museum. There is so much going on in Paris all the time that such an exhibition is not difficult to find. And if it’s a restaurant, then it’s definitely not pretentious, fashionable, but some cozy place, with an intimate atmosphere conducive to heartfelt conversations and delicious food. Then we, quite possibly, will go home. Where to hurry?

This is in Moscow, I noticed that people want everything at once: gifts, a new car, a wedding, children. In France, we look at each other for a very long time, we try to find out as best as possible whether this person is yours or not, before starting a relationship. By the way, it’s not bad that the next step is for a woman - perhaps the next invitation to meet will come from her. The Frenchwoman is generally a tough nut to crack. If she didn’t text you or call you a day or two after the date to tell you how good it was with you and how interesting the exhibition was and the right restaurant, things are bad! And a French woman is unlikely to ask a man to pick her up or then call her a taxi - she is quite capable of doing it herself. When the bill is brought in a restaurant, she will certainly insist in order to pay for herself. Of course, in the end, the man pays, but this playful struggle for independence is never complete without this - the year 1968 changed our women too much ...

Isabelle Huppert

Coco Chanel

I came to work in Moscow ten years ago. I remember well my first date with a Russian girl. "What do we do?" she asked when we met. To put it mildly, I was surprised. At that time I hardly knew your city and did not speak Russian, but The cultural program- the choice of a restaurant, cinema, performance - has always been on me. Then I realized that this is typical of many Russian women - you prefer a man to take the initiative and make decisions. Many of you like to feel fragile and helpless, although you yourself are not for a minute. Couples really touch me - he gave her flowers, but he carries them himself, because the bouquet is too big and heavy! The French are not characterized by all these conventions, so on a date with Russian girls, I sometimes feel like I'm on an exam - I always owe something.

For a Frenchwoman, by and large, it doesn’t matter whether you drive an old Peugeot, bike or walk. Much more important is whether you can chat for three hours in a row for life in a cramped bistro. Casanova said that his secret of seduction was to create such an atmosphere that there must be bread, Roquefort cheese and Burgundy wine Gevrey-Chambertin on the table. And flowers and gifts will come later. Even French women do not use all this arsenal of seduction that Russian girls love so much: hairpins, sexy clothes and makeup. You are in Russia a l'amour comme a la guerre ("on love as in war") - you constantly seduce: when you walk down the street, buy things, work. You continue to seduce, even if you are already married. And, I must say, this is really your strength - the ability to always and everywhere be femme fatale! But the main difference is that French women are conservative - in their tastes, preferences, habits. Russian women are unpredictable. You are constantly changing, just as your society is changing. And that makes you endlessly intriguing and attractive.

Evgeny Grishkovets


When I talk about French women, the image of a woman over forty immediately comes to mind. Sometimes well over forty. Young beautiful women you won't see in Paris. This must be forgotten once and for all. You have to go to the university to see the young ones. You mostly see young people in motorcycle helmets, on some kind of scooter. This is probably beautiful, but it would be better if they did not take off their helmets. Under it is something unpainted curly. Charming, wrapped in a scarf, in a sweater of an incomprehensible size, with a bag over his shoulder. One of my Parisian colleagues, much older than me, explained: “Why did I have to do makeup before the age of 30? Styling hair, wondering which salon is good, which is not very ... I was young anyway. Even freckled. 20 kilos more - such a bun, but I was young and could always find any adventure for myself.

I really like the Parisian morning when the Parisian leaves the house in the Sixteenth district or in Saint-Denis. Doesn't matter. You look at this woman: where she did the styling is not clear. She walks somewhat worriedly. All in yourself. Doesn't look around. Behind her is a light trail of fragrance corresponding to the season, and, knowing the Moscow context, you think: now she will pass a little and there a car with a driver will be waiting for her. He will go out, open the door... But she goes to some small Peugeot or Citroen, slightly scratched and rumpled, not the latest model at all. Magazines, bundles, newspapers are casually sketched in it. Gets into the car and drove off. And she's beautiful. She may have an adult son. Such an adult that you do not expect such an adult from her. She has a beloved grandson or several grandchildren. She is very cheerful, but not the most caring grandmother. Because she always has some business in her office, or a small shop, or a small theater box office. But always something small and as charming as she is. She has a charming apartment, clean but unkempt. There, perhaps, too much has accumulated and everything is sketched out. New curtains have been bought, but the old ones have not yet been removed. Here's something wonderful. She immediately begins to communicate with you, looking somewhere to the side, while talking on the phone. She invites you to sit down. He immediately pours coffee and, in a hoarse voice due to smoking and eternal conversations, explains something to someone and at the same time makes apologetic eyes in your direction and some charming gesture. Just as she did not take off the old curtains, but already hung the new ones, she has new friend, and she has not parted with the old one yet. They have a wonderful relationship. They can have dinner together.

Marion Cotillard

Marina Vlady

I have also seen quite strong Parisian families, but for me this is more of a rarity. At the same time, children, friends ... In our country, the smile of a woman to a stranger at the elevator will be perceived either as madness or as a command to action. And there she talks to everyone like this: with a familiar seller in a shop where she buys coffee or fruit, with acquaintances in her favorite cafe, where she drinks coffee or dine every morning. The Frenchwoman is always struggling with something. When it was possible to smoke in restaurants, Parisian women were indignant that everything was smoky, although they themselves smoked. Now that it has been banned, they say: “Lord, we have to go outside to smoke like dogs. And then, our favorite smell was gone from the cafe. Now it smells of detergents and kitchen. It's a bad smell." They are always like in a Delacroix painting, where a woman with half-naked breasts is on the barricades. They are all like that. This is some kind of miracle, not women.

Parisians never wave their hands at themselves. We have so many women who give up on themselves, at any age, that it's just some kind of national disaster. Vitality in our women, probably not less. But they look different. After all, they, the Parisians, who have adult children, old friend and a new friend, life is not sugar. French men may look better, better behave, but not better than ours. Even more greedy, even more capricious, even more selfish, corrosive and jealous. Our women, of course, are more resilient. Maybe.