How to make a full face thinner with makeup: tips from makeup artists. Makeup secrets for obese women

A full face tends to appear large and round. It is generally accepted that the owners of full faces are ladies with extra pounds. But this is a mistake. Full faces are often found in quite slim women- this is just an individual form of the structure of the face. Knowing how to perform makeup for full ones, you can not only make your face well-groomed and hide some defects, but also visually correct the shape of the face, bringing it closer to the oval if possible. Create spectacular makeup, modeling face and emphasizing the “strengths” of appearance, it’s not difficult at all if you follow simple rules.


First of all, it is necessary to outline the contour of the face. To do this, you need a slightly darker tonal base. natural tone faces. It is distributed on the cheekbones and neck. After that, the entire face is covered with a light foundation. It is possible that cosmetics with a matting effect will be required, since people with a full face often have oily skin, which is accompanied by an unaesthetic oily sheen. Nasolabial folds and the area around the eyes can be additionally worked out with a corrector. Thus, dark circles under the eyes will be disguised, and the nose will appear smaller and more elegant. In addition, the skin will acquire healthy shine, and, the face will appear younger than it actually is.


It's time for the blush. When doing makeup for the full, it is important to visually reduce the cheeks, so the face will appear neater. It is worth applying blush, adhering to a special technique. It is necessary to retract the cheeks until the formation of dimples-hollows. On the protruding areas of the cheeks, apply blush or powder slightly darker than the skin tone. The direction of the brush should be strictly down: from the forehead to the chin. After the blush is well shaded, a highlighter can be distributed slightly above the cheekbones.


From harsh and bright colors make-up artists advise to refrain from shadows. It is also not recommended to abuse the eyeliner. The main goal in working with the eyes is to unobtrusively emphasize them, to attract attention. The shade of the shadows should echo the girl's outfit. For a daytime make-up, light and pastel shades. For a festive evening make-up, you can choose smoky colors. The selection of the contour of the eye looks spectacular, but you should not draw it about a single solid line. It will be enough to draw a line on the upper and lower eyelids, starting from the middle and moving to the outer corner of the eye. This technique will visually open the eye, draw attention to the color of the eyes. In the poppy for full stylists, makeup artists are advised to use thick brown, charcoal, dark blue eyeliners, regardless of the color of the eyes and hair.


Eyebrows play an important role in makeup for a full face. The main thing is not to break them too much. natural form. You can give them a slightly raised, shortened, curving shape, of medium density. If you leave the eyebrows thick and make them noticeably thin towards the edges, then the cheeks in this case will visually decrease, and the look will be more expressive.


Most women with a full face are curvaceous and sexy lips. This moment in appearance must be emphasized and highlighted with natural rich shades - coral, pink, chestnut. Mother-of-pearl lipsticks are well suited for chubby young ladies. And here oily shine it is better to leave aside, trying to increase the volume of the lips with their help is useless, the lips should seem as natural as possible. The central part of the lips can be painted with bright lipstick, and the corners of the lips are more light colors. This trick will help narrow down lower part faces.

Everyday makeup

Everyday makeup for a full face should be natural with highlighted lips. First you need to model the oval of the face, smoothing the skin tone. Then highlight the cheekbones. If desired, you can apply shadows and highlight the contour of the eye with a pencil, discreetly tint the eyelashes. At the end, it is necessary to work out the eyebrows, perhaps tint them with a pencil or shadows and apply bright lipstick on the lips.

evening make-up

IN evening make-up for full emphasis should be made on the eyes. They need to attract maximum attention, make them attractive and alluring. You need to highlight the eyes with color. On the outer corner of the moving eyelid, it is necessary to apply dark beige or brown shadows, possibly with the addition of mother-of-pearl. The tubercle of the eyeball on the eyelid stands out more dark tone shadows. We paint the outer edge of the lower eyelid with a similar dark shade and shade the line towards the center of the eye. On upper eyelid draw a slightly elongated arrow along the lash line. In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize the density of the eyelashes.

Excess makeup on a full face is a problem. Therefore, having indicated the color of the eyes, the lips should be painted with a neutral natural tone.

Proper make-up for the full performs the same function as clothing: it distracts attention from problems and emphasizes dignity. Therefore, feel free to try on the most different colors cosmetics and you, for sure, will be able to make your image noticeable and stylish.

Video "Hairstyle, makeup and accessories for curvy ladies"

Many young ladies with lush cheeks and a round oval face experience various complexes because of this and try in every possible way to mask the existing shortcomings. But do you know exactly what makeup artists consider a full face?

In fact, they call it a round shape, because it is with it that the impression of excess weight can be created.

But nature often rewards girls who are slender from birth with a similar type. In order to correct the features and get as close as possible to oval shape, considered ideal, you need to know exactly how to do makeup for a full face. In addition, having makeup skills, it is possible to focus on your strengths and take him away from his shortcomings.

It is this stage that is the most important in the make-up, it depends on how well the base is applied. general form. It is possible to achieve maximum adjustment.

The main thing is to know exactly how to apply the remedy. Try to take into account following rules and follow the sequence.

If you need to keep makeup flawless for as long as possible and extend its “life” up to 10 hours, be sure to first treat the surface of the face with a primer - this tool will not only protect the epidermis, but also provide a secure fixation foundation, correctors and powder. The primer needs to be allowed to dry, 5 minutes will be enough.

Now prepare the tonal foundation in two colors: the skin tone and 2 shades darker. Similar modern facilities have a very comfortable consistency - it allows you to easily shade them, so you should not be afraid that the borders will be too noticeable.

A light tone should be applied to the entire surface, walk through hard-to-reach places and the hairline. A darker tone is needed to create clear shapes and change the oval.

It must be applied to special brush(this will make the drawing more convenient) and walk along the borders - carefully process the line of vertical hair growth (along the temples) and also walk along the line of the cheekbones.

This place should be given Special attention- the line should be drawn along the entire zygomatic bone, also do not forget to shade the nose on the sides;

Even if you do not see clear boundaries between the light and dark base, they still need to be carefully blended with a sponge or a soft brush. Remember that the movements should be very light.

In conclusion, powder should be applied to the face, it is desirable that it does not have a very dense texture. This tool will not only eliminate excess shine and make the surface matte, but also allow makeup to last as long as possible.

Working on cheekbones

Correctly performing makeup for a full face is impossible without working out the cheekbones, because it is this area that we need to correct as much as possible. As mentioned above, for this you will need tonal products of two different colors, draw a darker line directly under the zygomatic bone, it should reach its very end, that is, to the temple.

If you do not know exactly where it is located, try to feel it with your fingers, it will be felt under the cheeks. The borders after that need to be shaded well so that the sharp transition is not visible, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

Please note that if you decide to use blush, in no case apply pink tones, they only emphasize the round shape. The ideal option in your case is bronze and peach tones, as close as possible to the color of a tan.


It is not so difficult to fully master the makeup technique for a full face - let's start drawing the eyes:

  • No matter how surprising it may be, but a well-made make-up of the eyes can also affect the contours of the face - including making it noticeably narrower;
  • With any type of makeup, the inner corner of the eye is always treated with light shadows - this method allows you to make the eye wider and wide open, in addition, after that it will become a little elongated;
  • If you want to apply dark shadows, please note that they can only be used on the outer corner of the eye and in the brow area. The moving eyelid is best treated with neutral mother-of-pearl shades, otherwise you can visually reduce the eye;
  • Arrows will look good on a full face, while they can be very diverse. The only advice is to learn how to draw them correctly and symmetrically, for this you may need not a single week.

It is advisable not to apply shadows of too bright and poisonous shades. Firstly, this has not been relevant for a long time, in addition, such a color scheme can worsen the boundaries of the face.

Eyebrows, like the base, are the basis of the face, they create the overall silhouette, so if you have the opportunity, seek help from a beauty salon. The master will not only help to give you correct form, but also be able to color them, thereby changing the shade.

If you have a round shape, you will most suit just enough wide eyebrows, which visually separate the boundaries of the face and make it more symmetrical. Also keep in mind that they should be as clear as possible, this will give you expressiveness.

Makeup for a full face does not allow too thin eyebrows, visually they only emphasize the shortcomings.


Every young lady dreams of voluminous and expressive lips, if nature has rewarded you with them, emphasize them in every possible way. You can use both matte pastel shades and glossy berry colors, in this case it all depends on your desire.

Of course, do not forget to consider the appropriateness of makeup and the time of day. If you want the lip makeup to last for a long time, be sure to process the contours with a pencil, it must match the natural skin color.

If you cannot find such a pencil, get a colorless one, they are now very popular and very convenient to use. Now you know what makeup should be for a full face and how to apply it.

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Purchase good cosmetics, professional tools and start experimenting, and soon you will fully master the skills of makeup and be able to change yourself beyond recognition.

Many women with magnificent forms do not like to use cosmetics, as they believe that this gives their face even more roundness. However, skillfully applied makeup for a full face can smooth out the roundness and make it more elongated. How to achieve this, our guide will tell.

Makeup is designed not only to emphasize the advantages, but also to hide significant flaws. And for this it is not necessary to have any extremely complex skills and abstruse techniques, you just need to master a few basic rules:

  • Focus light shades foundation on prominent parts of the face such as the forehead, chin and nose. To do this, you will need to get a corrector of two different colors, each of them should be 1 tone lighter or darker than your skin color type. A light corrective foundation is applied in the center of the forehead, chin and in a straight line along the nose.
  • To create the illusion of high cheekbones, position dark colors on areas that you want to get less visible. For example, use dark base under the fullness of the cheeks or along the chin.
  • After applying the foundation, be sure to use a soft brush to apply shimmery powder all over the face. Mineral-based products will refresh appearance, will give beauty and healthy shine.
  • Now you can choose which part of the face you want to focus on. If you use light lipstick, then pay attention to rich eye makeup. Prefer red lip color? No problem, it's perfect for obese women.
  • To not make a face fuller makeup, use light blush on the most protruding part of the cheeks. This technique will visually "push" your cheekbones to the fore and hide the fullness of your cheeks.

And don't forget your hair. Beautiful make-up and the right haircut for a full face work just amazing and make you visually slimmer. If your face is elongated, try frizzy hairstyles. For broad face Bob haircut and straight cuts are ideal.

How to apply makeup on a full face: a detailed master class

You may need to practice a little before you go outside with makeup. Give yourself a few free evening hours to practice in front of the mirror. The primary task is to find those parts of the face that you want to emphasize in order to focus the attention of others on them. Use the tips below and try to bring our master class to life.

Necessary cosmetics:

  • light tonal base;
  • bronzer;
  • makeup brushes;
  • sponges;
  • shimmering powder;
  • blush;
  • eyeshadow;
  • ink;
  • lipstick and gloss.

How to apply makeup:

Makeup for full faces is based on the same techniques that are used in the usual art- remove the superfluous, emphasize the best

How often we do not even realize that with the help of a competent make-up we can not only make our image brighter, but also visually hide certain flaws. Makeup for full faces is based on the same techniques that are used in conventional art. This method of "painting on the face" is called contouring or sculptural makeup. Let's consider it in more detail.

How it works?

In general terms, the principle of such makeup is simple: just like when drawing on canvas, some areas on the face are darkened, while others, on the contrary, are highlighted. Thoughtful application of colors and shadows (these terms are also used in art) helps not only to smooth out the fullness, but also correct the shape of the face, visually hide dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles. After all excess weight very often appears after 40-50 years.

At everyday makeup for a full face (see photo) color transitions should be almost imperceptible, and the contours soft and only slightly outlined. Because artificial lighting makes the face less expressive, evening make-up or make-up for an upcoming photo shoot or video shoot involves applying more cosmetics in bright colors.

Successfully use contouring for full many stars, for example, Kim Kardashian. This is clearly visible even in the photo. This is especially striking when comparing her photos without makeup and with makeup.

Advice! Color correction can be carried out both with powder and blush (dry method), and with the use of creams on oily base. The last way more suitable for creating evening looks.

How to determine your own skin type?

Be sure to carefully read this paragraph of the article. Indeed, in order to obtain a natural and attractive make-up, it is important to choose the right shade of cosmetics in accordance with our type of appearance. The slightest color discrepancy between tonal means, shadows, blush or lipstick with our skin completely deprives the face of naturalness, and it becomes a lifeless mask.

As you know, in nature there are warm, cold and neutral shades. Human skin can also be cool (pink or bluish), warm with a yellow undertone, or neutral in color. The latter is less common and has a blue-green (olive) hue. It can be identified by the colors of the veins. Consider them carefully. Which of the above shades do they have?

But still, stylists distinguish not three, but four types of appearance. Indeed, in addition to skin tones, hair color and eye shade are crucial:

  • if the girl is perfect pink color, which means her color type is “winter”;
  • gray-pink tones, more muted than in the first case, are characteristic of the “summer” type, this color is also considered cold;
  • muted peach tones are ideally combined with a warm "autumn" type;
  • the same warm, but with an admixture of orange peach is more suitable for women of the “spring” type.

Rinse off all makeup from your face and bring fabrics of the described colors to it. If against their background the face becomes fresher and brighter, then you are on the right way and found exactly your color type.

Advice! A big mistake is to have in makeup for a full excess shades of pink. Even if your color type is "winter", use this color to a minimum, especially around the cheekbones. Otherwise, your efforts to apply sculptural makeup will simply come to naught.

Skin tones ranging from light to dark

Depending on the amount of pigments in the skin, makeup artists and cosmetics manufacturers divide it into:

  • very light (pale);
  • light;
  • medium tones;
  • olive;
  • dark;
  • swarthy;
  • tanned.

Naturally, cosmetics for dark-skinned women are absolutely not suitable for white-skinned blondes. Try to brighten dark skin by using light colors also unreasonable. Nothing good will come of it. Cosmetics should be matched to match the tone of the skin. Tones (darker shades applied along the contour of the face) should only be a couple of tones darker.

To select the “right” foundation, it is applied to the chin line. It should only even out the skin, but completely merge with it in color. This must be done only when daylight. Artificial light can have its own undertone, and you can make a mistake in choosing.

Advice! For selection desired shade foundations, concealers, shadows or lipstick can be mixed in different proportions.

Cosmetics for contouring

To contour the face, you will have to pick up a whole basic set of cosmetics. Moreover, it should be quite versatile so that it can be used for everyday make-up or creating a brighter one. evening look. It is much easier to purchase ready-made kits called palettes. In general, this term refers to any sets of cosmetics, selected in one color scheme from dark to very light. We need two of them:

  • one with tonal means for contouring the oval of the face;
  • the second palette of concealers (products applied to the skin pointwise) to hide certain skin imperfections.

Naturally, we will select both palettes, like the rest of cosmetics, in accordance with the color type of appearance. In addition to them, we will also need:

  • base (primer): this tool is often labeled as Makeup Prime; it makes the skin more even and uniform and helps make-up stay on the skin for as long as possible; unlike foundation, the primer only evens out the overall tone and masks minor imperfections; it can be liquid (lighter), creamy, solid (with less transparent coating) consistency or produced in the form of a gel (for oily skin or skin with enlarged pores);
  • two tonal creams: the first skin tone and the second a couple of tones darker;
  • powder of two shades;
  • highlighter: product with reflective particles slightly lighter skin to mask wrinkles or other defects; with the help of it, small glare is created on the skin;
  • blush;
  • palette or individual sets of eye shadow;
  • pencil or special eyebrow shadows;
  • pomade;
  • lip liner.

Required Tools

In addition to the cosmetics itself, we will need special brushes:

  • wide for applying primer;
  • another fairly wide flat-top brush with a smooth flat cut for uniform distribution of tonal funds;
  • with beveled pile: with it we will highlight individual parts of the face;
  • blush brush;
  • sponge for blending.

Advice! Apply makeup only with clean brushes, otherwise it will go unevenly. Therefore, once a week they should be thoroughly washed and dried.

Full face sculpting rules

The very principle of makeup applied to a full round face seems to be simple. We need to mentally draw on the face the perfect oval that we would like to get. This part should be "painted" over light colors. The skin outside of such an oval is covered with foundation and powder a couple of shades darker (no more, otherwise our makeup will be unnatural). Thus, the rounder the face, the larger the surface of dark tones will be.

But such simplicity is apparent, because we need to find the darkest and lightest areas on the face, and paint over them according to certain rules, repeating all natural curves.

First of all, pay attention to the forehead. Since he has a little convex shape, then at its edges the skin seems darker to us. So that it does not turn into a flat surface, we must distribute tonal means in the same way: apply a lighter tonal in the center of the forehead, and use a cream or powder a couple of tones darker along its edges. So excess fat in this place is almost not deposited, we just need not to lose the natural contour of the forehead.

A full face does not have a pronounced relief of the cheekbones, so this area must be worked out especially carefully. To find the area where we will apply darker shades of cream, blush and powder, it is necessary to draw in the cheeks. We will get a line starting somewhere a few centimeters from the edge of the ear and almost reaching the corner of the lips. On this line is applied the most dark shade corrector and blush. Just above and below this area, a slightly lighter shade is distributed.

To balance the contour of the face and make it more clear and expressive, the dark corrector is gently shaded in the chin area along its sides and in the center. In the presence of double chin it also fades a bit.

Advice! Corrective makeup is somewhat similar to ordinary drawing, so it’s only natural that you won’t be able to achieve the perfect result right away. Look carefully at yourself in the mirror and remember with your eyes the perfect oval that you would like to get. Now start drawing it. Over time, this will take you less and less time.

Sculptural make-up of a full face. Main stages

Let's describe the makeup process for a full face (see photo) step by step:

  • first, of course, we cleanse the skin with a tonic or lotion and apply a day cream suitable for the skin type;
  • apply primer; carefully and evenly shade the product with an appropriate brush; not to lift tiny hairs, he, as well as the rest of the cosmetics, is distributed only from top to bottom;

  • evenly distribute a light foundation over the entire face, then apply its darker shade along the edges of the forehead, in the cheekbones (we described this area in detail a little higher), on the side surfaces of the nose and chin; the resulting borders are carefully shaded;
  • further, repeated color correction with dry powder is required; this will help to further narrow the oval of the full face and make it more expressive; the powder will also hide our minor previous flaws; so, we shade the center of the face with a lighter powder, and distribute the dark one over those areas where we previously applied a darker foundation;
  • in addition to correcting the oval of the face, we will need to define the contour of the eyes and visually increase their size, because it is no secret that if they are too full, they look smaller;

  • you can visually enlarge the eyes by applying lighter shadows above the eyebrows and in the inner corner of the eyes; dark pigments are distributed only in the outer corner of the eye; medium shades - in the folds of the century;
  • small arrows will help make the face more expressive, but you need to follow the measure, the face should be feminine, but not rude;
  • the final stage is tracing the contour of the lips and applying lipstick.


Advice! All flashy shades and sharp transitions, even in evening make-up for a full face, will only emphasize its shortcomings. Yes, and fashion has long been moving away from bright colors in cosmetics. That's why ideal option there will be a golden mean.

Apply highlighter and concealer

These two types of cosmetics are considered a top coat, and we will apply them as a finishing touch:

  • concealers are applied pointwise; their color is selected depending on the type of skin defects; so, you can hide red pimples with a green concealer, and cover up freckles or dark spots- blue; yellow or orange hides bruises under the eyes (in fat people this defect occurs quite often). purple smooths out yellowness;

  • apply a light highlighter under the eyes in the area of ​​the cheekbones; his reflective particles help us visually hide wrinkles and make the look more radiant; the skin in these places needs to be slightly stretched so that it fits into all the folds;
  • if necessary, you can shade the back of the nose with a highlighter if you want to visually reduce it; apply it to inner corners eyes, if they are close set;
  • to visually increase the size of the eyes, it makes sense to apply a little reflective highlighter over the shadows and above the eyebrows.

Advice! Kosiler and highlighter are not shaded in the center (otherwise we will just smear them), but neatly along the edges.

Age makeup for full

Such a make-up should, of course, differ from a brighter youth one:

  • it is unreasonable to emphasize the skin with glosses, because, crumbling, they will gather in small wrinkles, the corners of the eyes and around the mouth, which will only emphasize age-related imperfections;

  • any age cosmetics(foundation, blush, shadows or lipstick) should not be excessively greasy; spreading, it will also fall into the folds of the skin;
  • don't forget about basic framework: it will allow makeup to last longer;
  • it is better to choose a tonal foundation with sun protection, it will help maintain skin elasticity longer and protect it from the appearance of age spots;
  • be sure to review the color palette of your cosmetics at least once every three years; because the color of our skin changes with age;
  • do not be afraid to experiment, look for new shades for your skin - and it will look perfect, and your face will be bright and well-groomed.

Summing up, we note that any type of face has its own charm. The most important thing is to know how you can emphasize your strengths and competently smooth out your flaws.

Each type of face requires the right makeup. Only in this case, the image can turn out to be harmonious, natural and beautiful. This is especially true for girls with a round face. Due to the peculiarities of its structure, makeup for round face must be chosen with particular care. Otherwise, a woman may look like a toy or, conversely, too vulgar.

Features of makeup for a round face

A round face is characterized, first of all, by equal length and width, large and rounded cheekbones. Typically, these women small nose and, often, close-set eyes. In some cases, the chin also has a completely round shape and is lost against the general background of the face.

Therefore, the main task is the visual transformation of a round face into an oval one. This requires the correction of the cheekbones, eyebrows, cheeks and chin, their visual highlighting and highlighting.

With improper makeup, a round face can generally look flat, and its owner becomes like porcelain doll. In some cases, women overdo it with makeup and, conversely, look too pretentious and unnatural.

When doing makeup on a round face experienced makeup artists advises to single out upper part face, forehead, eyebrows and eyes. Properly placed emphasis on them will help to stretch the face up and draw the main attention to the eyes.

When creating makeup, it is necessary to remember that the hairstyle will also play an important role in its perception by other people. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to choose the best haircut option, which will also visually help to slightly lengthen the face. Do not forget that, when choosing a further make-up, you should take into account the size and shape of the nose, eyebrows and lips. All these parts should further harmoniously look with each other and adjust the shape of the face in the right direction.

Types of make-up

Today professional makeup artists there are several types of makeup: corrective, daytime, evening and festive. Exist special rules, on which each of these types is performed. For round type faces, it is the correct corrective makeup that is the basis. It must be performed before evening, festive or daytime makeup.

It is structural makeup that will help give the face the most correct shape and hide all the flaws.

Such basic modeling is the basis of any makeup, it will be quite simple to correct a round face with it, if desired. How to properly perform such makeup will be described below.

Day make-up for a full and rounded face is only an addition to the corrective one. When it is performed, the lips and eyes are slightly tinted. It is designed to minimize the main advantages of the eyes or lips.

Evening make-up is more expressive. When it is performed, darker and saturated colors, as well as more funds decorative cosmetics. Usually, when it is performed, one zone is highlighted, for example, only the eyes or lips.

Festive make-up implies the use a large number variety of decorative cosmetics, bright colors And additional accessories. It can be wedding, stage or themed.

Each of the types of makeup will be described in stages below, the main thing to remember is that the corrective make-up will be the basis in all cases.

How to choose cosmetics?

Properly selected cosmetic products also play an important role. In order not to be disappointed in the result, you should follow these tips:

  1. Tone tool. Better take advantage foundation creams two shades at once: light and darker. They will help to visually stretch the face.
  2. Highlighter is purchased for the same purposes. It will help to narrow some parts, highlight the face and narrow it as a whole.
  3. Eyebrow pencil. It is better to choose a simple pencil from good manufacturer. Properly shaped and tinted eyebrows can change the face in better side beyond recognition. It is desirable that it be soft and ideally suited to natural color hair.
  4. Shadows. From warm colors and it is better to immediately refuse shadows with a large number of large rhinestones and sparkles. It is better to purchase matte shades of cold colors that would emphasize natural beauty eye. You can also stock up on dark shadows with a slight pearly sheen. They will be needed when performing festive and evening make-up.
  5. Mascara. She must be natural colors and necessarily well lengthening. Stretched eyelashes up will also help to correct the face for the better.
  6. Blush. They should be, as well as shadows, cold tones.
  7. Lipstick and lip gloss. At round shape individuals are best to acquire these funds calm, neutral shades. Too bright and flashy colors should be discarded.

It is better to choose cosmetics from well-known manufacturers, which produce really high-quality products that fully meet the manufacturer's statements, especially for highlighters and tonal products.

Pick the color of everyone cosmetics necessary based on your personal color type. On white-skinned blondes, light blue shadows will look very inappropriate. It is very important that the products you purchase only emphasize the natural beauty with their shade, this is especially true for shadows and blush.

The release form of these cosmetic products it can be any, the main thing is that you can use them perfectly and there should be no inconvenience when applying them to the skin.

How to apply correctly?

main stage in performing make-up of a round face - this is its correction, or corrective make-up. Step by step it looks like this:

  1. The sides of the nose, the general oval of the face and the chin are covered with a darker tone. foundation. All other parts are applied a light shade.
  2. With the help of the corrector, the superciliary arches and the upper peak of the cheekbones are additionally highlighted.
  3. With the corners of the eyes lowered down, a small amount of highlighter is also applied to them.
  4. Lips are treated with a colorless gloss.

The further sequence of actions depends on the type of makeup performed. If a daily make-up is created, then on the upper eyelid is drawn brown pencil a small arrow for the eyes. It should be equal in size to the length of the eyelid or slightly protrude beyond it, while the arrow should be short and necessarily bent upwards. Mascara is applied in one or two layers, be sure to lift the cilia up with a brush. Blush is applied to the middle of the cheekbones upwards with a small narrow strip and carefully shaded, and lips can be made up with light pink lipstick or simply covered with gloss.

When performing evening or holiday makeup general sequence actions are the same, with a few exceptions. Eyes need to be designed more vividly, for example, circle and upper eyelid eyeliner or pencil, additionally make up the upper eyelid with shadows. The main thing to remember is that the arrows on the eyes and the eyelashes themselves should look up. The use of bright lipstick is also not recommended. But it is quite possible to make up the lips in some more visible color.