Porcelain doll, or a scary gift. Voodoo doll - how to make your own hands and how to control it

In this article, I would like to express my thoughts about Reborn dolls, since this topic seems to me interesting and relevant.

From the beginning, I will present brief information from the Internet. Reborn doll (from the English reborn - received new life, reborn) is a doll created on the basis of a factory-made baby doll (less often an older child), appearance which, as much as possible, resembles a living baby. The process of creating a doll is called reborning, and doll artists are called reborners. Reborns weigh and look like real babies. In their creation are used natural hair or maher, glass eyes, a special composition of vinyl and paint, as well as various fillers (weights) for the body. Modern Reborns can contain "animating" mechanisms, with the help of which quite realistic "heartbeat", "breathing" and even speech are created!

The craft of making Reborns appeared in the USA in the late 80s and early 90s of the 20th century. The Internet has allowed doll artists and collectors to create their own online community. In 2002, the first "reborn" doll was listed on eBay. This expanded the Reborn market, allowing artists to open online stores, the so-called "kids". In "children's" Reborns are not bought, but, as it were, adopted, and almost never resold. The media contributed to the development of the current in other countries and continents - Britain, Australia, Canada, Europe, Africa and Latin America. In this regard, magazines, books and organizations dedicated to the Reborn doll began to appear. In Russia, this hobby has intensified since 2008.
Reborns can be made at home. To do this, you need a play vinyl baby doll, or a special set for creating Reborn. Paint is removed from the factory doll, and it is re-painted. The blanks from the sculptor (molding) are not painted, and already have their own physical features- folds, nails, etc. The painting of the body is done in several layers, and the painted parts of the body are baked in an air grill.

Sets of body parts of the future Reborn are affectionately called “Frankenstein sets” by some master artists, and finished dolls are called “doll babies”. The arms, legs and head of Reborn in the package resemble the "dismemberment" from Dexter Morgan from the US television series of the same name. Usually, all the "shortcomings" of the baby's skin - rashes, scratches, as well as snot and saliva - are used by the creators in the form of a painting to give more realism. Some masters create their dolls using photography real baby to reproduce his appearance.

The image of a Reborn doll, which almost completely coincides with the image of a real and individual baby, is able to evoke in its owner those emotions and feelings that he could experience for a living child. I have repeatedly watched videos on the Internet in which the happy "parents" of the Reborns, with apprehension and care, corrected their babies' heads thrown back. Moreover, such "parents" buy them real strollers and baby clothes, suckle them and cradle them like real babies! All this reminds me of the state false pregnancy bitches when they take toys, lick them and try to feed them, as if they were dealing with puppies! I'm interested in the fact that in the box with finished doll Reborn always lies a certificate of his birth, which indicates the date of his birth, height and weight, as if we are talking not about a doll, but about a living child. I saw on the Internet and bracelets of newborns, dressed on Rebornam's handles.

As a rule, Reborn is not cheap, its cost varies from 5 thousand to many tens of thousands of rubles. Therefore, Reborns are not often bought as a gift for young children. Most often they are acquired: either by collectors; or single women without children; or those who have lost a child and want to find a replacement for him; or women who have raised children and dream of babysitting a child again.

What is the danger of Reborn dolls? At first glance, they are sweet and innocent, and are not capable of causing mental harm to their owners. But this is only at first glance.

Let's remember our old homemade dolls made from rags, straw, fur or laces. The beauty of these dolls is that in their appearance there is only a hint of individuality, that is, they are image dolls or archetype dolls - mother, girl, Baba Yaga, brownie, horse, etc. Such dolls are poorly personified, and they allow the child to develop his imagination while playing with them, to supplement their figures with significant details for him. When playing with Reborn, a child can hardly change anything qualitatively in his appearance (add or subtract). The maximum that he can do is to take off or put clothes on Reborn, as well as walk with him or feed him. That is, the child from the current creator in the game becomes ... service personnel! Seeing a hyper-realistic Reborn in front of him, a child may perceive him not as a doll, but as almost equal to himself (brother or sister), but only dead. And therefore, the child may form a detached or suspicious attitude towards Reborn. And if you also consider that the mother bought Reborn for herself, then the child, most likely, will not be allowed to play with him. A child may be punished for damaging such expensive toy, which can make him jealous of Reborn or hatred of his parents.

Known models of sleeping Reborns (the so-called "splyushki"), premature and damaged (sick). Needless to say, their influence on the psyche of the owners, especially children, is unpredictable. In their subconscious, attitudes towards Reborns can be formed: “forever premature”, “never recover”, “sick forever”, “never wake up”, which in fact are Thanatos according to Z. Freud, as opposed to Eros.

With the emergence of the popularity of Reborns, resonant programs arose in Russia and abroad, such as "Male-Female" with Yulia Baranovskaya and Alexander Gordon and the sharply social talk show "Ukraine Speaks" with Alexei Sukhanov "Vinyl Children". Interestingly, the anti-Reborn audience expressed their opinion in a purely emotionally, almost without explaining it in terms of reason and logic. The fact is that the phenomenon of the "Sinister Valley" or the effect of the ominous valley is described in science. The essence of the hypothesis is that a robot or other object that looks or acts almost like a person causes dislike or disgust in human observers. In 1978, Japanese scientist Masahiro Mori conducted a survey examining people's emotional reactions to the appearance of robots. At first, the results were predictable—the more human-like the robot, the prettier it seems—but only up to a point. The most humanoid robots later turned out to be unexpectedly unpleasant. This decline in the “sympathy” chart was called the “Sinister Valley”. The reason may be that at a certain level of similarity between a robot and a person, the robot ceases to be perceived as a machine, and begins to appear as an abnormal person or an animated corpse, a cadaver. It is this effect that all those people who are disgusted with Reborns feel.

According to esoteric literature and the opinion of psychics, Reborn may well become a haven for a restless soul or demonic energy. Such a doll can have a negative mental impact on the surrounding space, up to the appearance of a poltergeist. Hyper-realistic Reborn is able to overexcite the psyche of an impressionable child, which can lead to the development of a phobic, anxiety disorder and sleep disorders. I came across a user's statement on the Internet: "body minus soul equals corpse."

In fact, the "mommies" of vinyl "children" put their emotions and feelings into pieces of plastic, which is the transfer of maternal instinct to inanimate objects, and can lead to mental or hormonal dependence. The position of limited and infantile parenthood in relation to Reborn is very convenient, since an inanimate child can always be thrown into a dusty corner if he gets bored. Collecting itself is, according to Eastern tradition, a retreat into Maya and the multiplication of an illusion that leads nowhere. It is no coincidence that many collectors have traits of pedantry and suspiciousness in character, insensitivity to others, egocentrism and fantasy thinking, divorced from reality. Therefore, before you buy an expensive and fashionable Reborn doll, consult your family and friends, read the comprehensive information on the Internet, go for a consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist, in general, weigh the pros and cons. A rash purchase of Reborn can bring discord into your life and harm your mental health.

Kaminskaya Elizaveta Viktorovna, psychotherapist

Video: Reborn dolls in Russia:

Good day, my dears! ... I was thinking about why this happens, you choose a doll, you will like it very, very much, you look forward to it, and when it is already in your hands, the long-awaited ... you know, not yours ... not she ... is not needed ... Isn't she beautiful? Or what kind of defect? ​​.. No, something else prevents you from accepting this doll, falling in love with it ... And we put the unfortunate one back in the box ...
Wandering on the Internet, I caught my eye interesting articles that tell about the impact of things on a person. In our world, all material objects are filled with energy, which consists of the object’s own energy and energy received from outside world. The more often we use a certain thing or go to a certain place, the more influence they have on us.
Here, for example, what you need to think about when choosing toys for a child.

Toys should be chosen beautiful, up to seven years it is better not to use toys that do not correspond to the real image, for example, a red hare. It is very good if the family has favorite toys that are inherited from generation to generation. Such toys acquire a strong charge positive energy and can become a talisman for the child.

Previously, mothers and grandmothers embroidered rugs (mainly depicting children, flowers, baby animals), which were hung on the wall near the crib, they protected the baby from everything negative and helped him grow up healthy, introducing him to the energy of the family.

It is advisable for girls to give dolls, you can make them yourself (if your daughter does not go to school yet, her dolls should not be too big - no more than half her height).

Dolls attract and generously share with the child life force, playing with dolls helps the girl subsequently become happy in family life, to have caring and healthy children.

Ten to fifteen dolls is not the limit (earlier in the villages, up to a hundred dolls were made for daughters).

doll furniture, Dollhouse, clothes for dolls - all this gives useful energy. It is only advisable to avoid sharp corners and bright, unnatural colors of toys.
Some types of toys can be dangerous for a child. The quality of materials, production technologies and the degree of toxicity of children's toys, all this, of course, poses a danger to child's body. We will talk about the energy danger of toys.

It is worth going back a little to understand how toys can influence children. In ancient times, a toy, or rather, a doll, was used not only for playing, but also for witchcraft. With the help of a doll, it was possible to bewitch a person, send damage and jinx it.

Many people think what harm a toy bought in a regular store can do, because manufacturers of children's goods are not sorcerers at all and why should they send damage to someone? All this is true, but if you remember psychology, then while playing with a doll, the child unconsciously compares himself with it.

It turns out that in the process of playing a strong energy connection is established between the child and the toy.

Now imagine if your child lost his doll?

A toy that has ended up in the wrong hands does not lose touch with its former owner, and this leads to the fact that the energy of a stranger, which may well be negative, affects the child through the toy.
In addition, there is a danger for those children who play with toys in the form of villains from popular cartoons.

These toys already knowingly carry negative energy, which can harm the child. In addition to irritability, disobedience and poor appetite there will be other consequences - this is a loss of activity and interest in life. You also need to know that seemingly harmless toys (bunnies, bear cubs, etc.) can be real. energy vampires for a child.

When buying a toy for your child, choose the ones that are most similar to their originals.

In other words, avoid bright colors and colors, incomprehensible details and unnecessary elements. For example, you should not let your child play with a red hare or with a doll whose eyes occupy half of her head. Playing with such toys, the child will lose strength and activity, which can even lead to serious illnesses.

Give preference to toys that cause only positive emotions.

Each person probably had his own favorite toy in childhood, which kept all his secrets and was best friend V difficult moments. Such toys forever remain our talismans and keep not only a piece of childhood, but also a lot of positive energy. Make sure that your child also has such a talisman.

For boys, positive energy is collected in toy cars, trains, boats, various construction sets and small but working tools.

Soft toys are also useful not only for children, but also for adults. Such a toy can serve as a source of positive charge, a talisman or a corrector of the energy space of the house.

Do not give children toys directly from the store, they may accumulate negative energy. Those toys that can be washed should be washed under running water, the rest should be warmed in the sun. With caution, one should approach the donated toys, especially if they were presented to the child by unfamiliar people. Sometimes it happens that in order to improve one's own life, all troubles are transferred to a thing, a toy or small money (they are thrown on the ground), whoever takes it will receive these troubles. The ancestors correctly said: it is not supposed to be us, it is not taken by us.

The person who is the first to take such a thing will receive a powerful negative charge that damages personal energy, which can lead to trouble and poor health. Children are especially vulnerable to such objects. A child, having played with such a toy or picking up coins or a thing from the ground, may simply begin to act up. It may be worthwhile to remove some of the toys for a while, if the baby's behavior does not return to normal, then calculate the toy with negative energy and get rid of it. Children have their own energy very active, and if the impact is not very strong, then all the negativity quickly disappears. We must try to maintain the energy of the baby on high level(give him the opportunity to move a lot, walk under open sky for at least two hours, read fairy tales, play with water, etc.) and teach a child not to pick up other people's things from the ground - this can be dangerous not only in terms of energy.
To protect against negative energy, it is advisable for children to constantly wear a cross if the child is baptized; a chain around the neck or clothes with protective ornaments. To strengthen their own energy, a child should eat foods that give strength to the body - meat, poultry, fish and eggs. Otherwise, he will easily succumb to the persuasion of strangers who can harm him, drag him into trouble: for example, ask him to take something valuable out of the apartment.

Preferably with early age to accustom the child to independence, this will help to better develop his energy. Independence does not mean that the child should walk by himself, without supervision. Independence is the ability to make decisions and implement them. The ability to cook is also independence, give the child a little opportunity (in early childhood) to help you in cooking - put cookies in a cup, then you pour kefir there. At the age of 2-3 years, a child can help to collect on the table, sculpt pies and cookies, make the simplest sandwiches from finished products. The simplest household chores perfectly develop the energy of the child, doing them for him, parents interfere with the maturation of the child's energy and his intellect, the ability to harmoniously fit into the surrounding life. Remember the fairy tale about Cinderella - she worked from childhood, she had aspirations to improve her life, she independently learned to dance and sing, and the prince fell in love with her - such a versatile girl, and even such an independent one, it is impossible not to fall in love!

For a child younger age keeping your room (or corner) in order is also independence.

Your corner is the state for the child, his personal territory, it is desirable for adults to interfere as little as possible in the affairs of the children's state.

Scattered toys most often indicate an excess of energy in a child, and not laziness. The child intuitively feels that scattered toys take away excess energy from him (just as any disorder reduces the energy of the room and the people in it). Therefore, if a child often leaves toys in a mess, keep him busy: instruct him to sweep the floor with a small broom, wash small things, and wash dishes. This will only benefit the child - our ancestors believed that if a child under the age of seven did not do household chores: did not embroider, knit, sew (girls) or did not make something, planed, sawed (boys), then it was as complete as possible energy cannot develop.

It is not necessary to remove broken toys - they must be repaired immediately, a broken toy in most cases begins to “suck” energy from the surrounding space, weakening a person. Broken toy or item energy level remain intact, they consume more and more energy to maintain integrity. If there are a lot of broken things, then this can lead to depression, a mess in business and a decrease in immunity. For example, a broken clock contributes to a lack of time for planned activities. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of things that surround you.
Don't buy gifts you can't afford - they won't do you any good.

To the one who was given a thing filled with negative emotions, V best case some time to fight bad mood, and at worst - get sick or get in trouble at work. There is always an energy thread connecting the gift and the giver, negative energy will return along it and also bring trouble.

Always give something that will please a person.

Mutual benefits from such gifts! If there is no money, you can draw a picture, make beautiful frame for photos, grow rare flower(if a person is fond of floriculture and will be happy with such a gift). Gifted with love will return part of the energy of love to the giver. Given with resentment, it will strengthen it.

A reborn doll differs from a living baby in only one thing - absolute immobility. She does not move, does not breathe and does not blink, but in everything else - in weight, height, smoothness of the skin, the gleam of her eyes - is indistinguishable from a real child. These dolls were invented for children - just as another entertaining toy to entertain the little ones. However, as it turned out, reborns are completely unsuitable for this purpose.

“Children don’t like such toys,” says psychotherapist Varvara Sidorova. “It’s impossible to play with them: to make right amount actions and manipulations, fantasize, invent. Naturalism and resemblance to a living child rather attract the attention of adults.

Reborns with their exaggerated naturalism, so similar to a living, but strangely and eeriely motionless baby, cause many to be dumbfounded and want to turn away. But there are people - and there are many of them - who value reborns precisely for their extreme resemblance to newborns and are ready to pay a lot of money for a doll. “People acquire them in an effort to satisfy their desires. Some people want to nurse a child and take care of him, but for some reason they do not dare to have a living baby, while others themselves need warmth and care - and do with the doll what they would like to be done with them: they wrap, cradle, swing on the handles, babysit ... ”- says Varvara Sidorova.

Security and Predictability

Women play with reborns with pleasure, dress them up in nice clothes, feed, cradle and ride in a stroller. They adore these "children", who - oh, a miracle! - they don’t cry and don’t make you get up at night ... It turns out comfortable, pleasant and safe way almost to be a mother. “It is really very attractive,” says Varvara Sidorova. - You can play with the doll and put it in the box. And living children require attention, responsibility, absorb resources, time and effort. Besides, children are forever. And reborns will never grow up, never change, never leave their mistress. Everything is safe and predictable. They won't say hurtful words will not cause pain. There is no need to fear for them, there is nothing to expect from them. And in no situation can you feel like a bad mother.

On the other hand, why shouldn't women play with other dolls, also cute and naturalistic, but not with babies? “In any games, there is an imitation of life and the training of certain experiences,” says Varvara Sidorova. - Playing with a reborn baby, a woman receives in a homeopathic dose everything that she would receive from a real baby. She can gladly afford to be gentle and caring. In addition, a baby is touching tenderness, defenselessness, bows, lace, beauty ... Therefore, caring for a baby always causes pleasant emotions- affection, admiration. Receiving these experiences in a microdose, a woman makes up for some kind of internal deficit.

The entourage of such a game and the ability to create also has its own charm. A woman can create different babies With different characters, invent their destinies and families. This occupation becomes something like writing stories or fairy tales, only not words are used, but material objects.

Reborn can also be purchased by a woman who has not yet become a mother, but thinks a lot about it and “trying on” future motherhood. While playing, she will learn the skills of practical care and get used to the role of a mother. By the way, as a "simulator" reborns are used in groups preparing pregnant women for the birth of a baby.

More than a game?

What if the game gets delayed? “People with emotional deficits need such a game, which can be replenished by taking care of the doll,” explains Varvara Sidorova. - If we are talking about reborns, then most often it is a lack of care, tenderness, security, tender admiration. Sometimes it's a need to be respected and recognized as important as a caring mother."

In this case, reborns can reduce the pressure of an unfulfilled need, but cannot fully satisfy it. At the same time, very often we are talking about people who experienced trauma in close relationships, often in early childhood, and for some reason this trauma was not healed. “Dolls in this case “anesthetize” deep despair, so familiar that the person himself no longer notices it. He just feels that after playing with the doll it becomes better, more pleasant, ”says the psychotherapist.

That is why it is simply cruel to demand from a person that he immediately stop playing with an artificial reborn baby. How to take medicine from a patient - or chalk from a person who lacks calcium. It shocks us, it is strange and embarrassing for us to watch these desperate attempts to make up for the lack, but the person receives relief from this. “Even if a person does not realize the depth of what is happening to him, he should not be deprived of the opportunity to play. From this, he will only become more unhappy, - the psychotherapist notes. “It’s better, without canceling the“ painkiller ”, to turn to a specialist in order to truly heal that spiritual wound that has remained inflamed and hurts.”

Imagine a woman pushing a baby stroller through the park. After all, she also asserts herself as a mother, reaps the fruits of the child's attitude towards her as a mother, and this is exactly what she needs. What if she could get all the same, but in a different form? Most likely, over time, the passion for reborns will pass, and the woman will move into another category - storytellers or future mother ready for a new stage of life.

On March 9, 1959, the Barbie doll, created by the American Ruth Handler, went on sale. Since then different countries over half a billion dolls sold. Long-legged miniature beauties are still wildly popular: according to statistics, at least one Barbie is sold every second in the world. This toy is adored by all girls aged 3 to 12 years, however, some psychologists believe that this doll should never be given into the hands of children. In their opinion, Barbie negatively affects the psyche of children and makes their life miserable.

The doll is not for children

The idea to create a doll in the form of a girl with model appearance appeared to Ruth Handler after she saw a Lily doll, the heroine of a popular adult comic book, on a store counter during a trip to Switzerland in the early 1950s. Lily was not intended for children: a doll with long legs, slim waist and lush breasts were not sold in toy stores. Handler was impressed. When she got home, she asked designer Jack Ryan to video-tweak the doll a bit so the kids could play with it. Ruth named the resulting Barbie doll after her daughter. In the description of the toy, Handler indicated that it was intended for children aged 3 to 12.

Barbie immediately fell in love with girls from all over the world. The doll remains wildly popular to this day. Together with Barbie, parents buy for their children her friend Ken, a house with furniture, toy horses and many different outfits for the doll. Psychologists urge not to encourage the passion of Barbie girls: supposedly this doll can cause irreparable damage to the child's psyche, moreover, break his fate.

Complexes for life

According to psychologist Ekaterina Klimova, Barbies are dangerous for children. The expert claims: these dolls with an unnaturally thin waist, long legs, gorgeous hair, half-face eyes and the face of the model lead to a sharp decrease in self-esteem, which subsequently cannot be restored throughout life. “Barbie for girls is the ideal of an adult girl,” says the psychologist. - Although such women do not exist in reality, the girl strives to be like her ideal. And when she sees that she does not match this image, she is very upset. Often the child develops against this background deepest depression, and dissatisfaction with himself accompanies him all his life. Another option is possible when older girls begin to make themselves plastic surgery, give "beauty injections", and become like a doll. Perhaps they themselves are not aware, but all these are complexes from childhood.

According to some psychologists, Barbie can be dangerous for the child's psyche. Photo: pixabay.com

According to Klimova, the image of a successful and rich beauty has long been “glued” to Barbie. Thus, playing with a doll, the girl tries on one of two roles - a maid or a girl living in luxury. When choosing the first model of behavior, the girl will become a loser in life, and with the second, she risks being lung girl behavior, the psychologist is sure.

But the worst thing, according to the expert, is that Barbie is an active propaganda of the unhealthy. sexual relations. Now there are “pregnant” dolls on sale, but, as you know, Barbie is not married, because Ken is just her boyfriend. “Have you seen at least one Barbie in stores that looked a little like the average woman? - asks Klimov. - Personally, I don't. They all seem to have stepped off the cover of a glossy magazine. It turns out that the girl is taught that her main advantage should be precisely her beauty, with the help of which she can engage in promiscuity and give birth to children not from her lawful husband, but from anyone!

And finally, the evil brought by Barbie dolls is aggravated by the fact that parents are forced to spend a lot of money on these toys, because Barbie needs outfits, a house, friends and numerous accessories. “Instead of Barbie, I advise you to buy baby dolls for your children, who teach the girl to be a good mother and honor family values says the psychologist. - Now such dolls can do a lot of things: they talk, cry, laugh and drink milk, and most importantly, they correspond to the size of a real baby. Such toys for girls are the most useful.

Parents should be more important than the doll

Another expert psychologist Ksenia Sergeeva, is of the opposite opinion. “It is very doubtful that the toy will influence the worldview of the child and his entire future destiny,” she said. - All girls have ever had Barbie dolls. Many of these girls have already grown up and become adults. The presence of Barbie does not mean that all modern young women are prostitutes or notorious people. I’ll draw an analogy with boys: everyone has toy pistols and machine guns, but children don’t grow up to be bandits or murderers.”

Now all Barbies are not alike. Photo: pixabay.com

According to Sergeeva, one should not exaggerate the importance of a toy, which is only a method of entertainment, but by no means a tool for the formation of life principles. “Values ​​in the life of a child should be instilled by parents,” says the psychologist. “And if a toy is more important for a child, this is already a question for his mom and dad, but not for Barbie.”

What should parents do - forbid children to play Barbie or not? The answer is simple: allow, but at the same time do not forget to communicate with your child, spend time with him and just talk about everything in the world, or better, play Barbie with your daughter yourself.