How to recognize a girl of easy virtue by appearance and habits. Why do men prefer to love the unreachable

It seems to me that for many women something has happened to self-esteem. Good women consider themselves "too" good, and instead of encouraging men to develop and spiritual growth, inspire them to great deeds with their beauty and inaccessibility, we are ready to give up our positions in a matter of days and weeks and do everything to keep man.

Women agree to live with men who do not want to start a family, because they hope that "who knows, one day he will suddenly change his mind." Women agree to be "one of", because now "everyone lives like this", "men have a polygamous nature." Women themselves now play "alpha females" and predators, using the spell of external attractiveness, starting a relationship precisely with this, and then complain that "men have been crushed, there are no real ones anywhere." So why do men make extra efforts if everything is given to them anyway. What is there to win if the "prey" itself came and persistently offers itself as a fulfiller of the desires of a man? This is not about all women and not about all men, but, unfortunately, there are many such.

I understand that there will be disagreements among readers. Both among men and among women. And the most surprising thing is that among women there will be dissenters and dissatisfied ...

What has a woman gained from the opportunity to "win" a man in the modern world? What do we all benefit from rapid physical convergence? It seems to me that we don’t even have a special culture of communication between a man and a woman, there is no dating culture, there is no culture of courtship. It is clear that who here will wait two months (what a horror! And if more?))) Without intimacy, if there are many easily accessible options for pleasure around. I think the question here is not even in the physiology of male or female, but in where we direct our energy.

The upbringing of boys in modern society does not really encourage the manifestation of masculine qualities in them, at least, internal masculine qualities: responsibility, purposefulness, determination, fortitude, restraint in emotions, but will in feelings. Outwardly, yes, the image of a relief male body excites the minds of thousands of women, but it is surprising why the male body has so many muscles, if for many they are required only in the gym. Chop wood, build a house, work in the field, fight (in armor;)) on the battlefields, work physically on their land - among young people, not such a large percentage is engaged in such activities, and the easiest way to feel your masculinity is to physically proximity. And the more women, the stronger the man. Hmm... It seems to me that we all have much more meaning.

The upbringing of girls today is also divorced from the image of mother and wife. Seductive predators, highly intelligent bitches, "iron ladies" and much more are popular in the modern world. And if you are a wife, mother and housewife, then this is not entirely "prestigious." Olga Valyaeva was one of the first to talk about this in her articles and books, and, of course, such statements are resisted. I mean the statement that the destiny of a woman is to be a Woman, to be a Wife and Mother. But we are fighting for independence and for the fact that "I want to realize myself in my business." A wife and mother is not a very worthy occupation for many of us ... In my opinion, it sounds terrible. And admitting this is not very easy.

Starting relationships with physical intimacy, can we expect that they will last for many years, what is it about family and children, what is it about a joint path, what is it about self-development and about depth? Perhaps there are such stories, but they are more the exception than the rule. The problem is that there is no such request inside us - relationships for life, family for the rest of our lives, etc. Someone has, but in general in society there is no value of the family. Divorce before having lived even a year in marriage, not even make it to the fifth birthday of your baby, get married, but "if I meet someone better, I'll go to another." Somewhere crept in 09/02/13
system error, I think. Something is wrong here.

It is clear that many of us already have it as it is: children, divorces, and not the first family. But we need to pay more attention to preparing for the family, it seems to me that we need to learn, grow, and raise the level of spiritual development. Everyone should start with themselves, first of all, and not rush with accusations at a partner. I am very close to the idea that in spiritual societies there is no need for psychologists, because everyone lives according to conscience and internal high standards, there is no need for external regulation of relations.

Is there any point in striving to have a partner for life, so that the first intimacy happens after marriage, I don’t know, everyone needs to decide for themselves. But I am convinced that it always makes sense to be more conscious in creating relationships, first to talk more, spend some time alone, get to know each other better, but not rush to jump into bed until a more subtle connection has been established.

Physical intimacy is certainly pleasant, but without spiritual contact, it devastates rather than empowers. Satisfying the needs of the physical body can hardly be the highest goal of a person's life, leading him to happiness and harmony with himself. Warmth, love, friendship, support, growth and development are the foundations of good and strong relationships, and physical intimacy is part of them. But not vice versa. This is my opinion, and you, of course, have the right to think differently.

I wish you all a great day and good mood :)

(c) Deanna Richards.

April 16, 2017 at 02:17

We all know perfectly well that girls are divided into two types: inaccessible modest angels and dissolute devils. However, at first glance it is difficult to determine the degree of availability of a particular girl. Today we will tell you about how you can find a girl of "easy virtue" on the Internet.

Web service with speed dating feature

If you decide to find yourself a woman "once", and do not want to spend time on all possible pickups and courtship, then the sites will help you sex dating. Women's nature is on an equal footing with men's, it is also seething and eager to get a sexual partner at its disposal, moreover, in a short time. On dating sites with an intimate bias young girls, as well as older women looking for lovers and few of them are willing to bother serious relationship. So you just have to choose any Internet portal you like, view profiles and choose a suitable beauty for yourself. But you must understand that acquaintance with a girl, in any case, should be held in a respectful manner.

Dating for adults without registration

In addition to specialized services for sex dating , there are simple, beloved by everyone, free dating sites . This option is more complicated, since these portals gather people with a variety of goals: someone wants to make new friends, some dream of finding a life partner, but there are also those who want to find a "one night" partner. If you go to dating "" or at " ", you can see an innumerable number of profiles. A convenient search will sort the profiles and help you select the girls who came to the site just to find a guy for sex.

Groups in social networks

There is another easy way - to search for easily accessible girls in special groups. Type in search " speed dating for sex" or " I want to meet for making love" and you will see quite a list of publics where "hungry" girls are sitting. However, be careful, because, as you know, the Internet is full of fakes. So trust only those girls who have real pages with plausible information on them.

Inaccessible girls attract those men who have been spoiled by female attention since childhood. This is due to the fact that they no longer see the excitement in predictable victories. They are more interested when a girl refuses various invitations, for example, to the cinema, cafe or restaurant. This surprises the man very much, and he tries to do everything to win her attention. And it all starts with the fact that a man simply cannot realize that the girl was able to refuse him.

It must be remembered that womanizers are not courting out of serious motives, it usually happens that after he achieves a girl, she becomes uninteresting to him.

Another reason why men like inaccessible girls is that the girls themselves scare away with their desire to get married as soon as possible. Of course, men know that women dream of their own family hearth. If a girl at the beginning of a relationship puts pressure on a man by wanting a white dress, a wedding, then such a relationship is unlikely to be lasting. This is due to the fact that a man thinks that everything happens over time and you should not rush, especially with a wedding. If the girl insists, then the man may be disappointed in her. And in the future he will be interested in those girls who will behave independently and not want to get married.

Not every man can cope with the independent behavior of a girl. Most likely, such a relationship will be doomed to failure.

Some girls try to hide that they want to get married, but not everyone can do it. On the other hand, if a girl does not talk about the wedding at all, it seems strange to a man and he begins to wonder why she does not want and does not think about marriage. He begins to slowly wonder if she likes him? Thoughts begin to oppress the young man. If he offers a girl to marry him and she refuses, this means that she is not yet ready for family life. Therefore, in the future, he will seek her until she agrees.

What kind of men like inaccessible girls

The inaccessible are loved by those men who have met easily accessible girls in their lives, capable of anything for them. Not all men are ready to appreciate it. Unfortunately, men love those women who repel them. If a woman tells a man every day that she loves him, over time, the man ceases to rejoice at these words. Therefore, it is recommended that a girl remain a mystery to her man in any situation.


  • Men don't like weak women

Love is unpredictable. It comes sometimes when even thinking about it seems stupid. Sometimes girls they light up with a fiery feeling for guys who do not notice them at all, but sometimes remain cold to those who are not indifferent to them. However, there are ways to win the love of a woman.


If you are thinking how to conquer, then you probably have a lady in mind whose love you dream of. Very good if so. You can think over the tactics of behavior, taking into account what kind of person she is, what she is interested in, what she values ​​\u200b\u200bmost in people. Find what suits you. It can be life goals, musical preferences, character traits. Remember that opposites do not always attract, and it is better to build relationships on some basis.

Don't be banal. Girls appreciate originality in guys, the ability to go against the crowd in something. If you can afford to keep your individuality, then you have a strong character. Understand that a woman sees in everyone a potential partner for creating a family, and it makes sense to combine with the bonds of marriage only with a strong person, otherwise you will have to answer for everything yourself.

Watch your appearance. Girls like clean and pleasantly smelling men in neat clothes - the rest depends on the tastes of a particular young lady. Inadvertently take an interest in what external characteristics of a man are distinguished by a woman you like. If possible, you can get closer to her ideal.

Let the young lady know that you can rely on. If you promised to fix her laptop or help with a project, keep your promise, even if you yourself have to call the master. In turn, do not hesitate to periodically ask the lady for help. People tend to value what they put their time and effort into.

There is a chance that, despite all your efforts, the girl will remain cold to you. If the efforts do not bring results, and you can’t win the girl’s favor in any way, be able to stop in time, survive the heart drama and turn your attention to other young ladies.

On the one hand, this state of affairs can be considered somewhat childish: when children see a bright toy that is inaccessible to them, they begin to fight for it and cry if they do not get what they want. Perhaps it is not for nothing that men are called big children. The desire to possess the object of desire is the higher, the more unapproachable this object is.

However, on the other hand, such behavior is quite justified. Initially, a man was assigned the role of a hunter in society. Going hunting, a man is accustomed to achieve his goal, that is, to win prey, otherwise his community and family could be left without food and die. He embodies the same principle of behavior in relations with a woman: a man needs to win his goal. Without struggle and manifestation of strength, he does not feel his masculinity.

Therefore, women who need to fight for other men, inaccessible in their beauty, attract them especially strongly. If a woman agrees to everything and literally falls into the arms of a man, it is, of course, convenient for him. Perhaps he will even start a fairly close relationship with her. But initially, she no longer satisfied him - he could not win her, be the only strong and beautiful who achieved this particular woman. Though not immediately, but this fact can negatively affect relations in the future.

It is the availability of a woman that can be assessed negatively by a man, especially if he is serious about relationships. What is easily acquired is usually not appreciated. If a man does not respect a woman, he can leave her as quickly as he received. A real woman, mysterious, mysterious, will respect herself first of all. She will not agree to the persuasion of the first man she meets, she will carefully choose her future partner, help him to see himself and learn from all sides. She will give him the opportunity to show himself, to achieve it, so that both the man and the woman appreciate this union and can treat each other with respect and trust.

Helpful Hints

When it comes to a woman earning a living in a known way, many media paint the image of an unfortunate woman who has become a victim of circumstances or her own unethical habits.

Few people openly say that many women voluntarily and consciously choose this kind of income. Not because they are in dire need of money, not because someone deceived them, took away their documents and put them on the panel. The truth is that ordinary women start doing this completely voluntarily.

The explanation for this phenomenon is very simple. In no country in the world, the income of an ordinary ordinary person can not be compared with the amounts that these women earn. Regardless of the nation, women who volunteer in this business are distinguished by the fact that no matter what income they have, they are always not enough.

For material wealth, they go to any lengths. Moreover, all these actions do not take place at all in dirty apartments and not on another planet, but literally under everyone's noses. The reality is that anyone can be a woman of easy virtue, because often they cannot be distinguished by manners, appearance, vocabulary or any other sign.

Occupations of the oldest profession have long gone beyond the walls of brothels, and the women themselves no longer look like vulgar-looking girls from the highway or drug addicts. In the minds of women, this is no longer a taboo, it is a way to get a high income to satisfy their endless demands.

So, when calculating a lady of easy virtue, the first thing to do is to correlate the approximate income and expenses of a woman, without family support, and if they differ significantly, then conclusions can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence.

Now let's talk about other signs of such women. However, we emphasize that it is not worthwhile, having found one of the following points in someone, to think badly. Conclusions must be made in a complex, having found at least 5-7 similar signs in a girl. The signs below are purely statistical observations and are not the ultimate truth.

Women of easy virtue

1. Having dirty tattoos

Especially in the case when there are a lot of them, they are large and clearly visible, and of course, when they are on a sexual theme.

2. A lot of piercings in different places, except for the earlobes

In ladies of easy virtue, you can often find piercings in the nose, on the other part of the ear, in the eyebrows, and in other parts of the body, which speaks very loudly.

3. There are a lot of obscene words in her speech

Historically, women swear less than men. If a girl’s speech is full of obscene words, and she uses genital vocabulary, then this is a reason to think. Dissolute girls like to show disregard for social norms, including through speech.

4. They are ticklish

It has been observed that many girls of easy virtue are not afraid of tickling due to the fact that they are constantly hugged by men. Almost any ordinary girl is ticklish, representatives of the oldest profession - very rarely.

5. Interest with various substances

In this case, we are talking about different types of drugs, even the lightest and even pharmacy ones. Still, such a desire goes against the norm. Well, if you think from their point of view, then under the influence of various substances it is much easier to fulfill your fantasies.

6. Dressing inappropriately for the weather and exposing his body

Open clothing looks great and looks logical in summer. If a girl exposes her back, chest, stomach, shoulders, lower back in March or November, then this only says that she likes it when they look at her body.

Signs of a woman of easy virtue

7. They have more hair on their arms, face than the average woman, and/or a deep voice

It's simple biology here. More hair and deep voice = more testosterone. But this item is not a 100% definition of a woman of easy virtue, because women of some nationalities have such features by default.

8. Black long dyed hair

This item is also a statistical observation. A girl with such hair, if she does not belong to the oldest profession, then often shows her inclinations. Of course, this does not apply to those ladies who in their distant past were goth teenagers. This pattern is difficult to explain, you just have to confirm or refute this idea.

9. She likes to party with girls

When a girl in any conversation hurries to tell and show her bisexuality, then you can already see a hint in this. If she really would be like that, then she would calmly live with it. A person of ordinary orientation does not shout about it at every corner. Most likely, such ladies have heard somewhere that men like it when girls kiss, which is why they put their knowledge into practice.

10. She parted with her virginity too soon.

We are talking about the age of 15 years. Everyone will agree that it is not normal when a girl at 12 suddenly stops playing catch-up and decides to go to bed with someone older. Of course, in this case, education plays an important role, but nature also begins to appear from an early age.

11. She has a bad relationship with her dad.

Each of us comes from childhood, so the roots of most problems should be sought there. Are her parents divorced? How does she talk about her father? Does she have a lot of grudges against him? If she often complains about her parent and behaves loosely, then these two things are most likely related to each other.

12. She sunbathes all year round

In summer, all girls get a beautiful tan. However, ladies of easy virtue try very hard to maintain it throughout the year. A tanned body is a reminder of summer, when all senses are heightened. A tanned body looks very seductive, of course, if the tan is natural and looks harmonious. Lovers of fast relationships have taken this into service and actively sunbathe all year round.

Features of a woman of easy virtue

13. She talks about sexual topics very easily and simply.

Talking about it with a partner or girlfriends is normal. But discussing such topics with an unfamiliar man with whom there is no relationship yet is a real provocation.

14. She travels alone or exclusively with friends to infamous festivals.

Such a lady likes to go to some festival, which is secretly known among the people as a place where people gather for one-time relationships. At the same time, she believes that intimate contact on vacation can even be ignored.

15. She is "friends" with DJs, comedians and other pseudo-celebrities

Ladies of easy virtue are extremely greedy for the powers that be, even if these comrades are not particularly strong. If she sees even a small hint that a person is known to some extent, she immediately wants to "make friends" with him. She will please him to bask in his fame, and perhaps climb a little higher up the social ladder to become "famous" too.

16. She likes to dye her hair in unusual colors.

Along with piercings and tattoos, an unusual hair color is a challenge to social norms, which in most cases translates into easy behavior.

17. She is obsessed with money and is an incredible materialist.

She talks about money, thinks about money, sleeps thinking about it, and eats thinking about money. It is very easy to seduce her with money, and sometimes she herself asks to be seduced, of course for a certain payment. She will never refuse cash gifts.

“Affordable” or “touchy” - what determines how men treat you? tells what the stronger sex thinks about women's accessibility.

What do men think about women

There are no unavailable women! There are not too persistent men. Notice I say persistent, not pushy. Alas, there are plenty of boors and cattle, for whom the process of acquaintance is limited to the phrase “Che, go to me!” And they are sincerely surprised when they are refused. Because they do not understand and do not know, the poor, that it is possible in a different way. What is the word "romance"? That any woman - no matter where she just got out of, from the pool in an elite cottage or from the nearest garbage can - a kind word is nice. But let's not talk about these, so to speak, "macho". Hranivas fate from meeting with them.

Strictly speaking, the concept of accessibility-inaccessibility of a woman is very subjective.
Remember, if you, or one of your colleagues, behave at a corporate party a little more relaxed than usual, dance an incendiary dance with a colleague of the opposite sex, and, God forbid, take a taxi home, with this colleague - that's it! The reputation of a lady who makes a career in a famous place is guaranteed to you!

And on the other hand, there are women who, in the same team, manage to play short novels with almost all men, without causing any irritation or envy-anger from other women, remaining sweet, pleasant and charming for everyone. They are not offended by "abandoned" men, women speak of them with friendliness. Believe me, there are!
Of course, a lot in the behavior of women depends on how she was brought up in childhood. But, as life shows, it is not at all a fact that the daughter of strict parents with a conservative look will grow up “morally stable”. And vice versa. I, as a man, respect any woman's position in life. Whether it is “in life you need to try everything and as much as possible”, or “a man should be alone and for life”. But, I repeat - there are no inaccessible women! Time, perseverance and money (alas...) are the three Chinese male successes. Of course, I'm talking about the case when a man did not impress a woman at first sight.

What do men think about women

To the question of the number of men in a woman's life. Three, five, twenty, one hundred ... In my opinion, there is not much difference. I'm not at all interested in how many you had before me. Here and now I am with you, you are with me, and let the whole world wait. Well, if you want to show off, then don't be surprised if a man disappears from your horizon, impressed by the number of your victories. By the way, I know men, and not so few, for whom being the first and only one with their woman is important and fundamental. Which only confirms the subjectivity of the topic.

Our society loves labeling. About, and often without. This one is a slut, and that one is a lady worthy of respect. Why? Well, of course! She constantly walks in a miniskirt, and this one in a strict dress to the toes and a deaf collar. And the fact that the "slut" has three children and a beloved husband, and the "lady" provides "escort services" in the evenings - does not matter at all. Yes, cleavage or mini work on men quite predictably. But isn't that why, darlings, you dress like that? All your excuses like: “I like this style” are ridiculous. You like our attention, even if you don’t admit it to yourself!

Of course, the sacred right of every woman to decide whether or not to be a specific man next to her. And if so, how soon. On the first date, or after five years of a candy-bouquet relationship. I will not hide, often men, counting on quick sex, turn their attention to simpler women. Young girls, not burdened with a particularly intellect, provincials, greedy for everything that you will not find in a small town.

Available women? On the one hand, yes. The prospect of being in a man's bed on the evening of their acquaintance is very high. But on the other hand, most of them sincerely believe that this is the greatest love, which will bring family happiness and prosperity. Available? Alas, they are simply naive. Or another case: an accomplished, successful woman changes partners like gloves. Affordable? No! Just lives for pleasure. And to sleep with - meticulously chooses herself. And if a man does not fall into this circle, the prospect of being in her bed is illusory.

You can talk about female accessibility for a long time. But life alone remain just too modest, or too naive. And the most “affordable” ones marry safely, the second and third times, as a rule, successfully, give birth to children and love men.