Dress with frills for a doll crochet pattern. Well, the crochet dress and hat for the doll are ready.

Probably, there is no such girl who would not be delighted with new clothes for her favorite dolls. Knitting is a great way to replenish your toy wardrobe. It is not necessary to be a craftswoman with experience in order to learn how to knit a dress for dolls, which we will discuss further, you just need to have beginner knowledge and a great desire. By learning how to knit such a simple warp, you can come up with hundreds of designs on your own.

A doll 41 cm high was chosen as a model. We will knit a dress for this doll on circular knitting needles, we use children's acrylic yarn in three colors - it is soft and inexpensive, easy to knit, the most for toys and accessories. Leftovers are also suitable, yarn of each color needs about 30 grams. For those who find it difficult to close the loops with knitting needles, you will need a hook. If you want to do embroidery, as in the photo, then you need a needle with a wide eye. Well, buttons or Velcro as a fastener.

Let's get to work: knitting will go from the neck of the dress to the bottom, and the sleeves are not knitted separately, but will be obtained from the main fabric. This type is called "raglan". Cast on 36 stitches. We look at the diagram: 4 loops, indicated by circles, will be raglan.

Raglan pattern

1. Cast on 36 stitches.

2. First row - purl loops. Further, in all facial rows - facial, in the purl - purl (you will get the front surface without patterns). Increases begin from the third row. In general, in each row of the front side, an increase is made to the left and right of the raglan loops. It turns out that in the third row 8 increases were made (two for each raglan loop) and there are already 44 loops on the knitting needles.

3. By the same principle (making increases in each front row before and after the raglan loop), we continue to knit until, when trying on a doll, the part closes in the armpits.

4. As soon as the desired length is reached, from now on we stop adding loops. We knit the back and front just with a stitch, we close the loops on the sleeves. The thread does not break anywhere.

5. This is how it should turn out if everything was done correctly: the sleeves took shape.

6. Now we shift all the loops together and knit a straight fabric to the waist.

7. We take the yarn of the second color. On the front side, one row of facial loops and on the wrong side again a row of facial loops - this will turn out a relief strip.

8. In the row following the embossed strip, we make increases every three loops. The hem of the skirt expands. After three rows of the front surface, we knit a row with increments. Rows 10-15 just straight, depending on the desired length of the hem of the dress for the doll.

9. Embossed stripe with yarn of a different color.

10. Row, where every three loops increase, and straight knitting to the very end, that is, the desired length. At the end, close the loops. I did this with purl stitches, so the edge turned outwards. It turns out here is such a wide detail, which, when sewn together, will miraculously turn into a dress.

11. We decorate the future dress, knitted for the doll with knitting needles, with yarn embroidery. Since it turned out to be quite simple, it would be nice to focus on decoration. The photo shows how easy it is to embroider flowers.

12. We supplement the plot of embroidery with beads and curlicues.

13. Fold the dress and sew the hem. We organize a fastener on the back. If you knitted a dress with knitting needles for a little girl, then Velcro is best. Nowadays, it is easy to find in any needlework store. In my case, the girl already knows how to fasten buttons, so I use them. On one side we sew buttons, on the other - loops of yarn.

14. We admire the finished dress. If necessary, wash and steam with an iron.

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Crochet doll clothes will replenish the doll wardrobe, will allow mothers and their daughters to come up with original scenarios for home games with dolls. Petite Barbies or chubby Baby Bon dolls want to be beautiful and irresistible, try on new outfits, and your daughter will simply be delighted with a new doll wardrobe that none of her friends have. Such games, together with daughters, have a positive effect on the early development of the child, teach her to take care of small children, develop independence, because, having learned how to change clothes for baby dolls on her own, the daughter will very soon dress herself, without the help of her parents.

Crochet doll clothes

If you have already mastered the simplest knitting skills, then it will not cause you any difficulties. crochet clothes for dolls, patterns you can choose children's openwork dresses, shorts and hats, but reduce their size so that the product fits tiny Baby Bones.

Today you can find a huge variety of clothes for dolls in stores - for Baby Bon, for Barbie or Monster High, but not always parents want to spend money on such an unnecessary thing as a doll wardrobe, so the needlewomen came up with the idea to knit fishnet skirts and dresses with your own hands. It takes a little time to create such a product, if we talk about yarn, then the rest of the threads can be spent on doll products. And you can also learn how to knit using the amigurumi technique by following our master class.

You do not need to take measurements, prepare patterns, just pick up the threads and the hook and start knitting, at any time you can try on the product so as not to miss the size.

We chose a bright elegant sarafan for Baby Bon, you can knit the same sarafan for your daughter, it is light and airy, with a fluffy skirt, so in summer it will be comfortable in hot weather. The baby will be able to roll her beautifully dressed doll in a baby carriage along the street, showing off the beautiful outfits that her mother knitted with her golden hands.

We will start the sarafan with a tight knit strap that will go along the chest line. This part should fit snugly against the puppet body, so it’s better to make a measurement - what is the circle along the chest line, it is this length that we have to tie the rectangle. You can choose any pattern, for example, the simplest - double crochets, in this case, you need to dial 14 loops and knit about 38 rows. When we knit this bar, we will not knit in a circle, since this bar will later be fixed with Velcro so that the dress can be comfortably put on the baby.

You can also use the remnants of fabric, tulle, fleece to, and as a basis, you can take patterns of things for babies by changing them.

Crochet: clothes for dolls

Crochet clothes for dolls, is the best way to consolidate your knitting skills, for example, if you want to master a new technique or learn a new pattern, then it is better to consolidate the knowledge gained from master classes in this way. The mini dollie won't suffer if you make a mistake, and you'll most likely use leftover yarn for it, so you can always unravel and try again without worrying about the yarn fraying and kinking.

We will not take the simplest pattern for the front strap of our sarafan, we will consolidate new skills, so we will choose a complex pattern of embossed elastic. Having trained today to perform such a complex pattern, you can easily knit a stylish hat or a warm sweater for a child in the future, it is in these products that the ability to knit an elastic band is very important.

We need to dial an even number of air loops for the future rectangle. To go to the second row, you need to insert the tool 4ch from the edge and start knitting the next row, making the usual ss1n, this will allow you to form a beautiful pattern with an elastic band in the future. To move on to the next row of knitting, you will need to perform lifting air loops, since the main fabric will be represented by a relief column, then the number of lifting loops will be two.

For a relief column, you must enter the tool under the column of the previous row from right to left. We will have purl and front embossed columns in a row, which will form an elastic band. As in the case of knitting, when the elastic is knitted with front and back loops, their number in alternation can be different - 1x1, 2x2 or 3x3, the same rule applies to crocheting. In our case, for a puppet sarafan, where stretching the front bar is not of great importance, we will take the 1x1 alternation.

Crochet clothes for dolls

As we said, you can choose any crochet, clothes for dolls it will still turn out beautiful, because its main decoration is a fluffy multi-layered skirt. The finished knitted rectangle can be tied with a “shell” using threads of a contrasting color, for example, the same as the future frill on the skirt, so that the whole product looks solid. At the end, we will sew two Velcro strips along the edges of this rectangle. At the same time, when you tie on three sides (the bottom long edge should not be tied with a frill), you must immediately tie the straps. Alternatively, you can sew on the straps after knitting, if, for example, you want to make straps from thick elastic.

To crochet doll clothes, you can take the remnants of yarn, for a light sarafan you need to choose a thin thread, for example, Iris of bright colors. It will be impossible to take your eyes off this product.

Now, from the top bar of the rectangle, you need to tie the dress down with a sirloin stitch. This mesh canvas will become the basis for future openwork frills. Under each future frill, we need to knit five rows of sirloin knitting, gradually making increments so that the sirloin fabric expands and the skirt becomes fluffy. We will have only three frills, so we need to knit 15 rows of fillets. After a couple of rows, the fabric can be connected and knitted in a circle to the very end. If you don’t already know, then fillets are the simplest scheme: ss1n + 1vp + ss1n.

Crochet clothes for dolls with patterns turns out to be the most beautiful, so for the frills we tried to choose the most openwork pattern. In addition, it is very easy to perform and consists of simple columns.

Crochet clothes for dolls with patterns

So that you quickly learn how to perform crochet doll clothes, diagrams and description we have prepared for you. Carefully follow the diagram and the step-by-step master class so as not to go astray, only then your frills will be beautiful. And with a little practice, you can already knit a children's sarafan with a fluffy skirt for your daughter. Perhaps this idea will come in handy if you want to knit a lace skirt for your daughter.

Frills should be knitted directly along the fillet: you need to select one row and start knitting on it according to the presented pattern. We knit sbn in the VP of the filet, we collect 2ch from it, skipping one cell of the sirloin grid, then we knit 4ss1n into the next cell. You also need to knit 2 ch and, skipping one cell, knit sc in the next. We get the following scheme: sc + 2ch + 4ss1n + 2ch + sc, this sequence must be repeated until the end of the row, the first row should close in a circle.

In the next row, we need to knit ss1n in each sc, and in 4ss1n according to the following scheme: ss1n + ch + ss1n + ch + ss1n + ch + ss1n. In the next row, the pattern will be very simple, and your hand will finally rest: 2ch + sb, all the columns must be knitted in the ch of the previous row. In the following: 2ch + sc + 2ch + sc + ss1n + 2ch, etc.

After that, you need to repeat the pattern of the very first row, and then make the main decoration of our frill - a large shell according to the pattern: ss1n + ch + ss1n + ch + ss1n + ch + ss1n, and near each ch up, you also need to knit a small arch from 4ch.

And now, when such an openwork sarafan is ready, and other products that you will definitely knit in the future, a master class will also come in handy so that Baby Bon has its own locker, where all the little things will be neatly folded.

Crochet clothes for Barbie doll

If you want to diversify Baby Bon's wardrobe, then crochet clothes for dolls can be made according to any schemes of children's products, the main thing is to reduce the size to a puppet. It is a completely different matter when you have to knit a luxurious tortured dress or a summer sarafan for a miniature Barbie.

Barbie fashionista always wants to wear the most stylish things, and she also loves to have her dress fit her figure beautifully, and this is a real challenge for a knitter. Pay attention to our master classes if your daughter is a fan of dolls from the Monster School series.

In an openwork weightless ball gown, Barbie will look like a real princess. To clothes for barbie doll crochet met your expectations, you should choose a thin cotton thread, for example, Turkish-made Canaris, which needlewomen love to use for knitted tablecloths and napkins. In fact, for a Barbie skirt, you can choose a small round doily pattern, but enlarge the circle in the center so that the skirt can be put on the doll.

In order for the fluffy skirt to keep its “dome” shape, you can carefully starch it, but it is better to sew one tulle petticoat and put it on under knitwear.

Since the dresses must be fitted, it will not work to knit the bodice in a circle, it is knitted with an even fabric, making reductions along the waist line and increases along the chest line, constantly trying it on the figure. On the back of the bodice, Velcro is sewn along the entire length on both sides. If you want to make straps, then it is better to sew on straps that can be tied, since many Barbies cannot be removed from the head.

Additionally, you can decorate products with thin ribbons, ribbons, the finished skirt can be embroidered with small beads, and then make an ornament on the neck and arm to match, weave a diadem on the head.

You can crochet a lot of beautiful items for the dollhouse, for example, a blanket for the bed, pillow covers, light curtains and a round rug for the bedroom.

5 March, 2016

This post is a real gift for doll lovers. After all, you will not only learn how to knit a doll, but you can also make her a whole set of clothes for any occasion. First, you can knit a basic wardrobe, which includes panties, socks and a sweater. Clothes for knitted dolls can be very diverse - this is pajamas, and a beach outfit, and a school sundress. For bad weather, a raincoat and a hat are suitable, there is also a rustic set - overalls with boots. And little fashionistas will be delighted with the Little Red Riding Hood costume. Unfortunately, we do not know the author of the scheme, so we cannot express our gratitude to him for an excellent master class.

Basic crochet doll pattern

KA - amigurumi ring
ch air loop
sc single crochet
dss double crochet
ss connecting post
P increase


yarn 30% acrylic, 30% polyamide, 40% wool, hook number 3, 2 safety eyes 1cm diameter, filler, large eye needle

Head lower part (beige):
knit in a spiral
1. 8sc in KA
2. 8 P
3. (sc, p) x8 (24)
4. (2sc, P) x8 (32)
5. (3sc, P) x8 (40)
6. (4sc, P) x 8 (48)
7. - 19. 48 sbn, cut off the thread, hide.

Scalp (brown):
knit like a head from the 1st to the 8th row

first leg
1. 12 sc in KA
2. - 25. 12 sc, cut the thread, hide.
second leg
knit as the first, do not cut the thread.

1. 4 ch, 12 sc of the first leg, 4 ch, 12 sc of the second leg (32), fill the legs
2.-13. 32 sc
14. 9 sc, U, 14 sc, U, 5 sc (30)
15. 7 sbn, U, 13 sbn, U, 6 sbn (28)
16. 6 sbn, U, 12 sbn, U, 6 sbn (26)
17. 6 sc, U, 11 sc, U, 5 sc (24)
18. 5 sbn, U, 10 sbn, U, 5 sbn (22)
19. 5 sbn, U, 9sbn, U, 4 sbn (20)
20. 4sc, U, 8 sb, U 4 sb (18)
21. 4 sc, U, 7 sc, U, 3 sc (16)
22. 3 sbn, U, 6 sbn, U, 3 sbn (14)
finish with cc, cut the thread and hide.

Hands (beige)x2:
cast on 10 sbn in KA and knit 28 rows in a spiral, in total with a ring there should be 29. Sew up the ends of the threads.

Stuff the body and arms. Attach eyes. Stuff the head, sew on the upper part, sew on the hands.
Pull the knees back with a few stitches.
Cut brown hair yarn 40 cm long, fold the threads in half, attach like scarf tassels to the top of the head.
Embroider the nose with beige threads.

Basic wardrobe

descriptions of individual parts of the wardrobe are identical, in some cases the details differ (yarn thickness or hook number). The author recommends following the description.


Knitted in swivel rows
Dial a chain of 19 ch.
1. starting from the second ch 18 sc (18)
2.-7. 1 ch, 18 sc, turn work
8. sl-st in the first 3 loops, ch 1, 12 sc (12)
9.-16. skip the first loop, then 1 sc in each loop, turn (4)
17.-23. ch, p, then 1 sc in each loop (12)
24. ch, P, 10 sc, 4 ch (16)
25. skip the first loop, 3 sc in the air loops of the previous row, 12 sc, 4 ch (19)
26. skip the first loop, 3 sc in the air loops of the previous row, 15 sc (18)
27.-32. ch, 18 sc (18), cut the thread, hide, sew the side parts.

Shoes x2:
You will need: yarn for hook number 3 - 50% acrylic, 50% cotton, hook 2.5, wool needle
Knit in a spiral.
*1. 8 Sat in KA
2. 8 P (16)
3. (7 sc, P) x2 (18)
4.-8. 18 sc (18)
Next, knit in turning rows.
9. 11 sc, turn work
10. - 13. ch, 11 sc, turn the work
14. ch, 11 sbn, cut the threads, fasten
Fold in half along the last row and sew, thus forming the heel of the shoe. *

Socks x2:
You will need: yarn for hook number 3 - 50% acrylic, 50% cotton, hook 2.5, wool needle
Beginning: knit like shoes from * to *, then knit along the top in spiral rows: 8 rows of 17 sbn, finish with sl-st.
Cut the thread, fasten.

You will need: yarn for hook number 3 - 50% acrylic, 50% cotton, hook 2.5, wool needle,
knit in a spiral
Dial 40 ch, connect in a ring
1. ch, 40 sc
2.-21. 40 sc
22. (6 sc, 8 ch, 8 p skip, 6 sc) x2
23. 40 sc, ss

Sleeves x2:
Attach the working thread to the armhole
1. ch, 16 sc
2.-21. 16 sc
Cut and fasten the thread.


You will need: yarn for hook number 3 - 20% polyamide, 20% wool, 60% acrylic, hook number 3, 2 buttons with a diameter of 8mm, elastic
We start knitting the bottom of the legs (a chain of ch and the 1st row) with light yarn, then the main color, in our case pink.

Pajama bottom (spiral)

First leg:
Connect a chain of 18 ch into a ring
1. ch, 18 sc (18)
2.-24. 18 sc (18), cut the thread, fasten

Second leg:
as the first, do not cut the thread, knit further as follows:
25. 3 ch, 18 sc of the first leg, 3 ch, 18 sc of the second leg (42)
26. - 39. 42 sc (42), complete sl-st
Cut the thread, fasten, insert an elastic thread or a thin elastic band.

pajama top:
Knitted in turning rows.
dial with light yarn 45 ch
1. (front) skip the first loop, 44 sc
2. - 16. ch, 44 sc

Right shelf:
17. ch, 11 sc, turn work (11)
18. - 24. ch, 11 sc (11), cut the thread, fasten

Right side - attach the thread to the 13th loop of the 16th row

Left shelf:
Right side - attach the thread to the 34th loop of the 16th row
17. ch, sc to the junction, 19 sc (20)
18.-24. ch, 20 sbn, cut the thread, fasten

Sleeves x2:
Connect (sew) the shoulder and side seams, leaving 5 rows for the armholes.
Attach the working thread to the edge of the armhole (to the sc of the 16th row) and knit in a spiral:
1. ch, 1sc at the junction, 8 sc, 1 sc in the seam, 8 sc (18)
2.-23. 18 sc
Cut the thread and tie around the edge with light yarn, fasten the threads.

Beginning - the middle of the back at the bottom, light yarn:
Ch, 1 sc at the point of attachment, knit sc to the corner of the right shelf, 2 sc in the corner loop, 7 sc, 6 ch, 3 sc, 6 ch, knit sc to the neck, 2 sc in the corner loop, 22 sc along the neck, 2 sb in the corner loop, knit sbn on the left shelf, 2 sbn in the corner loop, knit sbn to the middle of the back, complete the circle with one sl-st.
Cut and fasten the working thread, bend the upper corners of the shelves in the form of a collar, secure with blind stitches.
Sew on buttons.

knitted in a spiral crochet number 3
1. 8 sc in KA (8)
2. 8P (16)
3. (sc, p) x8 (24)
4. (2sc, P) x8 (32)
5. (3sc, P) x8 (40)
6. (4sc, P) x8 (48)
7. (5sc, P) x8 (56)
8. (6 sc, P) x8 (64)
9. (7 sc, P) x8 (72)
10. (8 sc, P) x8 (80)
11.-20. 80 sc (80)
21. [(3 ch, 2dc) in the first loop, 3 dc in the second st, connecting column in the third st] repeat (240)
22. ch, 240 sb
Cut the thread, fasten. Insert the elastic into the loops of the 20th row.


You will need: white and red yarn for hook number 3 - 50% acrylic, 50% cotton, hook 3, wool needle
Knitted in a spiral

First leg:
With red yarn: connect a chain of 15 ch into a ring
1. ch, 14 sc
2.-5. 14 sc
white yarn
6.-7. 14 sc
red yarn
8.-10. 14 sbn, cut the thread

Second leg:
knits like the first, do not cut the thread
red yarn
11. 5 sb on the second leg, 14 sb on the first, 5 ch, 9 sb on the second (33)
white yarn
12.-13. 33 sc
14.-34. 33 sc, alternating 5 rows in red and 2 rows in white
35. 9 sb, U, 19 sb, U, 10 sb
36. 7 sc, (ch 10, skip 4 sts), 14 sc, (ch 10, skip 4 sts), 7 sc
37. 5 sbn, U, 10 sbn, U, 10 sbn, U, 5 sbn
End conn. loop, cut the threads, sew the ends

Bucket (in red):
1. 8 sc in KA (8)
2. 8 P (16)
3. (1 sc, P) x8 (24)
4. 24 sc
5. P, 23 sc (25)
6.-17. (repeat 4th and 5th rows) x6 (31)
18. 31 sc for the back wall of the previous row (31)
19. 31 sc for the back wall of the 17th row (31)
Bucket handle (white) = chain of 25 ch
Assembly: sew the handle to the bucket with the ends of the threads.

air mattress

You will need blue yarn 30% acrylic, 30% polyamide, 40% wool, hook number 3, a flap of fabric 30x40 cm, filler, white sewing threads, a needle.
It is knitted in rotary rows - 48 rows of 60 sbn.
Measure the fabric according to the size of the knitted part + 1 cm for an increase in seams.
Iron the hem, sew the fabric on three sides so that the upper narrow side remains unsewn. Sew 3 strips in length, not reaching 10 rows to the edge. Stuff the mattress, stitch across (the head part), stuff and sew the rest of the side.


You will need: turquoise yarn for hook number 3 - 50% acrylic, 50% cotton, hook number 2, filler, long needle.

Edge x2:
knitted in turning rows
Get 127 bp.
1. starting from the 2nd loop 126 sc
2-12. ch, 126 sc
Sew the long side of each strip (2 separate tubes are obtained), stuff them and connect the ends (2 rings are obtained)

Pool bottom:
Knitted in a spiral
1. 8 sc in KA (8)
2. 8 P (16)
3. (1 sc, P) x 8 (24)
4. (2 sc, P) x 8 (32)
5. (3 sc, P) x 8 (40)
6. (4 sc, P) x 8 (48)
7. (5 sc, P) x 8 (56)
8. (6 sc, P) x 8 (64)
9. (7 sc, P) x 8 (72)
10. (8 sc, P) x 8 (80)
11. (9 sc, P) x 8 (88)
12. (10 sc, P) x 8 (96)
13. (11 sc, P) x 8 (104)
14. (12 sc, P) x 8 (112)
15. (13 sc, P) x 8 (120)
16. (14 sc, P) x 8 (128)
17. (15 sc, P) x 8 (136)
Cut the thread, sew the sides one on top of the other, then to the bottom of the pool with a long sewing needle.

Under rain

Yellow yarn for hook number 3 - 50% acrylic, 50% cotton
Crochet number 4 as the top of pajamas, only without the sides (see above).
Buttons sew in 2 rows along the left shelf, buttons: the lower part along the right shelf from the front side, the second part of the button along the buttons from the inside.

Hat (yellow yarn):
knit in a spiral
1. 8 sc in KA (8)
2. 8 P (16)
3. (1 sc, P) x 8 (24)
4. (2 sc, P) x 8 (32)
5. (3 sc, P) x 8 (40)
6. (4 sc, P) x 8 (48)
7. (5 sc, P) x 8 (56)
8.-16. 56 sc
17. 3 ch and dc behind the back wall in the first loop, (2 dc in each of the 2 next loops, 2 dc behind the back wall in one loop) x 18, 1 dc behind the back wall in the next. loop, sl-st in the 3rd ch of the previous row (75)
18.-19. 3 ch, skip 1 loop, dc in each next loop, sl-st
cut the thread, fasten
Attach dark blue yarn to the front wall of the column from the 7th row, ch, then knit sc in a circle to the end, sl-st.
Cut the thread, fasten the ends. On the wrong side of the hat, pull the elastic through the loops of the 16th row, form the fields.

Striped sweater:
You will need: white and red yarn for hook number 3 - 50% acrylic, 50% cotton, hook 2.5, wool needle,
Knitted in a spiral like a sweater from the main wardrobe (see above)
Knit the first three rows with red yarn, then alternate 2p. white, 2p. red, last 3 p. white. Sleeves are similar, at the end of 5 p. red yarn.

Blue yarn 20% alpaca, 80% wool for hook number 3.5.
Crochet number 3.5 as pajama pants (see above).

Blue / gray yarn for crochet number 3 - 30% acrylic, 30% polyamide, 40% wool
Crochet number 3 as socks (see above), the last row of cream-colored yarn.

blue and white yarn for hook number 3 - 50% acrylic, 50% cotton
Crochet number 3.5.
Dial 11 ch
1. starting from the 2nd loop 10 sc
2nd and 3rd rows (white) 10 sc
4. and 5. (blue) 10 sc
Repeat from the 2nd to the 5th rows 29 times, then only the 4th row, cut the threads, fasten.

In the village

dark brown, brown and blue yarn for hook number 3 -30% acrylic, 30% polyamide, 40% wool, 20 × 10 cm leather or felt, 2 buttons 8 mm.

Work overalls (brown yarn):
Crochet number 3 as pajama pants to the 39th row (see above).

knit in turning rows sbn average 14 loops = 12 rows in total.
At the back, attach the thread to the belt (39th row) in the center of the right leg and tie 24 ch, starting from the fifth loop, knit 20 sb along the chain from st.
The left strap is knit identically to the right. Sew the straps to the chest of the overalls and the buttons at the corners of the chest.

You will need: blue yarn for hook number 3 - 30% acrylic, 30% polyamide, 40% wool, hook 2.5, wool needle.
Works like a basic wardrobe sweater (see above)

knit like a rain hat (see above) from ivory yarn 48% acrylic, 48% cotton, 4% other fibers for hook number 3.5.

Dark brown yarn 30% acrylic, 30% polyamide, 40% wool.
Crochet number 3 as socks (see above), shaft 10 rows.
Cut soles from leather or felt and sew to the bottom of the boots.

knit in a spiral with ivory yarn 48% acrylic, 48% cotton, 4% other fibers for hook number 3.5.
1. 8 sc in KA (8)
2. 8 P (16)
3. (1 sc, P) x 8 (24)
4. (3 sc, P) x 6 (30)
5.-14. 30 sc (30)
Cut the thread, fasten the ends. Cut out leather handles measuring 13x0.6 cm and sew to the top of the basket.


Sundress dress:
Dark blue yarn for hook number 3 - 100% polyamide, hook number 4
knitted in a spiral.
Dial 32 vn, connect into a ring
1. ch, 8 sbn, P, 14 sbn, P, 8 sbn (34)
2. ch, 8 sbn, P, 16 sbn, P, 8 sbn (36)
3. ch, 8 sbn, P, 18 sbn, P, 8 sbn (38)
4. ch, 9 sbn, P, 18 sbn, P, 9 sbn (40)
5. ch, 9 sbn, P, 20 sbn, P, 9 sbn (42)
6. ch, 10 sc, P, 20 sc, P, 10 sc (44)
7. ch, 10 sbn, P, 22 sbn, P, 10 sbn (46)
8. ch, 11 sbn, P, 22 sbn, P, 11 sbn (48)
9.-16. 48 sbn, cut the thread and fasten.

Count 4 loops back from the connecting column of the previous row and attach the working thread.
1. ch, 1 sbn in place by attaching threads, 7 sbn (8)
2.-7. ch, 8 sc
do not cut the thread, dial 28 ch for the strap.
Sew a chain from the ch to the other corner of the breast, cut off the threads and fasten.

Blue yarn 50% acrylic, 50% cotton, hook 3
It knits like a sweater (see above).

White yarn 50% acrylic, 50% cotton, hook 2
Description in the main wardrobe (see above). Knit 16 rows.

Dark brown yarn 30% acrylic, 30% polyamide, 40% wool, hook 2.5.
Description in the main wardrobe (see above).

Remains of blue yarn from a blouse.

School bag:
Red yarn 30% acrylic, 30% polyamide, 40% wool, hook 3
30x10 cm checkered fabric
1x27cm leather or felt
2 fasteners 2.5 cm apart
Needle, thread for sewing
Knitted in turning rows.
Dial 19 ch
1. skip 1st p, 18 sc
2.-66. ch, 18 sc
cut the thread and fasten off.

Side parts (x2):
Dial 21 ch, knit 4 rows of 20 sc

Cut out the lining with an increase of 0.5 cm on all sides, iron the seams inside out. Knitted details and lining sew together.
Sew the side parts to the main part, attach the buckles, sew the belt on the sides using cross stitches.

Little Red Riding Hood

Yarn for hook 3.5: red 100% polyamide, beige 48% acrylic, 48% cotton, 4% other fibers, hooks 3 and 4
13x1.5 cm leather or felt
Needle, thread for sewing


Two parts knit in rotary rows:
Dial 15 ch
1. starting from the second loop 14 sc
2.-6. ch, 14 sc
Next, knit in a spiral:
1. 14 sb on the 1st part, 14 sb on the 2nd (28)
2. 28 sc
3. 12 sc, (3 sc in the next loop) x 4 times, 12 sc (36)
4.-19. 36 sc
20. (skip the 1st loop, sl-st, 3 ch and 2 dc in the next loop) x 2 times, sl-st
cut the thread and fasten

Sleeves x2:
knit in a spiral
Sew the extreme loops of the shoulder seams together (not the entire seam, only the edges). Attach a working thread to this stitch.
1. ch, 2 sc in the seam, 5 sc, 2 sc in the next. p., 6 sc (15)
2.-19. 15 sc
cut the thread and fasten
Pull the thread along the entire length of the neckline and pull it off slightly.

(red yarn, hook number 4)

Good afternoon

It's no secret that girls love to play with dolls.

Dolls are different. Now small dolls have appeared on the market, the size of which is only 10.5 cm. And the clothes for the dolls are not of very good quality. Therefore, they have to invent a wardrobe on their own. One option is to crochet the doll's dress yourself.

To knit a dress for a doll, we need:

  1. Cotton threads in white and yellow.
  2. Hook 1.5 mm thick.
  3. Thread and needle.
  4. Decorative button.

Explanation of abbreviations:

VP - air loops.

SS - connecting column.

CCH - double crochet.

RLS - single crochet.

We begin to knit a dress for a doll.

First we knit the top of the dress for the doll

1. We collect a chain, which will consist of 16 air loops (VP).

2. From the VP we make a ring. Let's make 2 VP for lifting.

3. We make a set of 31 double crochets (CCH) for a chain of VP.

4. We make a rise from 4 VP.

5. We collect from each top of the columns of the previously knitted row in turn 1 CCH + VP.

6. We connect the row with a connecting column (SS).

7. We cut the thread and thread it on the wrong side. The top of the dress is ready.

We knit the bottom of the dress for the doll

8. To do this, attach a yellow thread.

9. We collect 3 VP and under the same arch we make CCH. Then we make a set of 4 more CCHs (grab at the top of each CCH of the previously connected row and under each VP).

10. To make cutouts for the arms, you need to skip 9 CCH. We introduce the hook into the 10th column.

11. Starting from this column, we collect 16 CCH.

12. We skip 9 more CCHs. Starting from the 10th column, we collect 10 CCH. We close the row of SS.

13. Perform a set of 3 VPs to start the next row.

14. We collect columns without a crochet (RLS). In this case, it is necessary to skip 1 CCH in the previously knitted row. So we get arches from three VPs.

15. At the end of the series, we will perform 1 VP and together we will make CCH at the beginning of the series.

16. Again we make a rise from 3 VP.

17. We knit a row of arches on the wrong side. RLS we knit under the arches of the previous row.

18. We finish the row in the same way as the previous one.

19. We knit a row of arches on the front side. We finish the row in the same way as the two rows previously connected.

20. We dial 3 VP for the next row.

21. In the first arch we knit CCH.

22. In the next arch and in all the rest we knit 3 CCH.

23. We close the row with the help of the SS in the third VP of the beginning of the row.

24. We knit the next row. We're picking up the rise.

25. We knit CCH at the top of the column of the previously knitted row.

26. We carry out similar work to the end of the row.

27. We recruit VP, and then 3 CCH under the first arch.

28. Until the end of the row, we make a set of 4 CCH and VP for each of the arches.

29. We connect the beginning and end of the row.

30. We get a dress 5.5 cm long.We decorate the dress with a decorative button.

And we try on the dress we knitted for the doll.

Crocheted doll dress

Crocheted doll dress

So, you can crochet a dress for a doll. The knitting process itself did not take very much time. So why buy clothes for dolls if you can knit them yourself?

P.S. And of course, a dress for a doll can not only be knitted, but also sewn. Master class “Sew a dress for a Barbie doll” can be viewed