Hair dye made from natural ingredients. Hair coloring with natural means - you will be surprised

The desire of the fair sex to always look attractive often pushes them to a variety of experiments with their appearance. In addition to wardrobe and makeup, women pay a lot of attention to their hair: care products, styling, haircuts and, of course, coloring, which allows you to hide some of the flaws in your hair and refresh your image without making drastic changes to it.

Many people believe that it is possible to qualitatively change the color of curls only with the help of persistent synthetic dyes, and, on the one hand, this opinion can be considered correct. Permanent paints do have certain advantages: they have a wide palette of shades, easily paint over gray hair and give a lasting effect. But in other way, chemicals, especially when frequent use, can cause significant damage to the hair: disrupt their structure and provoke hair loss. What to do in this case? Come to terms with your natural color of curls. Or use natural dyes for dyeing hair, as was done in the old days, when oxidative dyes did not yet exist. These can be both factory-made products based on plant extracts, and self-prepared compositions that can safely change the shade of the hair and at the same time care for them.

Pros and cons of natural hair dyes

Natural hair dyes are called, consisting of components natural origin, which, unlike synthetic ones, affect the curls only superficially, without entering into chemical reaction with natural pigments. To the main benefits natural colors can be attributed:

  • no destructive effect on the scalp and the structure of curls;
  • the ability to experiment with compositions to obtain interesting shades;
  • low likelihood of allergic reactions;
  • supply hair follicles moisture and nutrients;
  • Availability therapeutic effect: restoration and strengthening of hair, normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • a minimum of contraindications (natural paints, subject to good tolerance, can be used even during pregnancy and breastfeeding);
  • availability and relatively low cost.

With all its merits natural dyes They also have several significant disadvantages, which include:

  • short duration of the effect (in some cases, the acquired shade is kept on the hair only until the first shampoo);
  • the complexity of the process of preparing coloring compositions and long time excerpts;
  • high probability of obtaining unexpected results (especially in cases where the procedures are performed on previously dyed hair);
  • the inability to qualitatively paint over gray hair ( White hair devoid of natural pigment, so they are difficult to stain).

Another disadvantage of natural paints is that with their help it is impossible to radically change the color of the curls. But natural remedies make it possible to give natural color deeper and richer shade. But keep in mind that the final result largely depends not only on the original hair color, but also on their susceptibility to coloring pigments, as well as on the proportions of the components and even on the temperature of the composition. Therefore, if you want to avoid disappointment, first test the prepared mixture on a small strand, and if the effect you are satisfied with, you can safely dye the entire hair.

Hair coloring with natural dyes: general rules

In order to reach desired result when dyeing hair with natural means, you must first familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • Do not use natural dyes if you have recently changed your hair color with synthetic products or have undergone hairdressing procedures that involve the use of chemical compositions (permanent waving, lamination, etc.). Otherwise, the result can be very unpredictable. Coloring curls before curling is also not recommended.
  • Before you start coloring, wash your hair with shampoo. Natural paints should only be applied to clean hair otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.
  • Be sure to check the selected mixture for tolerance. Although natural dyes are considered safe, they can cause unwanted reactions in people prone to allergies. If you have any lesions on the scalp or dermatological diseases, refrain from coloring until you are completely healed.
  • Before applying paint, it is recommended to treat the skin of the face along the hairline fat cream so that it (skin) does not accidentally stain. You can distribute liquid mixtures on your hair with a foam sponge for dishes, and thick ones are more convenient to apply with a wide brush.
  • If you use henna or basma to color curls, you can add to ready mix a small amount of kefir or yogurt. Thanks to this, the resulting shade will be more saturated, and the hair will become shiny and silky.
  • It is better to start dyeing from the back of the head, since the hair in this area is stiffer and less susceptible to the dye. Try to distribute the composition evenly, carefully treating the roots so that they do not stand out later from the total mass of hair.
  • After all the strands have been processed with dye, put a shower cap on your head, and on top of it make a turban from a towel. Natural colors work better in heat.
  • After the lapse of required amount time (it should be indicated in the instructions or recipe) rinse coloring composition warm water. Rinse your hair until the running water runs clear. If paint particles remain on the curls, the shade may turn out to be uneven.
  • It should be borne in mind that the effect of staining natural remedies does not always appear immediately, so you may need to carry out several procedures.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the fact that some natural paints may react to the effects of various external factors, for example, on contact with chlorinated or sea water, in which colored curls become green tint. Therefore, if you plan to visit the pool or the beach in the near future, refrain from experimenting with hair.

By following these simple rules, you can get the desired shade without the slightest harm to your hair. Just keep in mind that some natural remedies are long-lasting, that is, you will not be able to completely wash them off your hair soon. And until the shade becomes less pronounced, you will not be able to color the curls in a different color. Therefore, if you like to change your image often, think carefully before resorting to this method of staining.


There are many ways to change the natural shade of hair without using synthetic paints. Consider the most common natural products that can be used to prepare coloring compositions.


Henna is one of the most commonly used natural dyes. IN pure form this remedy dyes hair in red shades, the intensity of which depends on their original color. Naturally light curls acquire carrot color, fair-haired - copper or bright red, and on black the effect is not noticeable at all. To give curls light chestnut color, henna can be diluted not with water, but with strong black tea. To get dark chestnut tone natural dye can be mixed with gruel from fresh rhubarb leaves (in a ratio of 1: 3). A rich copper hue with a reddish tint will be obtained if cranberry juice or hot red wine is added to vegetable powder. So, how to dye your hair with henna?

You will need:

Carrying out the procedure:

  • pour henna hot water and mix thoroughly (water should be poured in small portions).
  • The finished mixture should resemble liquid sour cream in consistency.
  • When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, apply it on your hair and cover your head with polyethylene.
  • Soak the dye on the curls for the prescribed amount of time (depending on the desired shade), and then carefully wash your hair with running water and shampoo.


Basma is another popular natural dye that is used to produce dark shades (from dark chestnut to black). Home distinctive feature basma is that in its pure form it dyes hair blue or green color, so it must be used in combination with henna and other natural dyes. How to change the color of curls with basma?

You will need:

  • 25 g of henna;
  • 25 g of basma;
  • 150–200 ml hot water.

Preparation and application:

  • Mix both dyes and dilute them with water to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • Apply ready composition first on the occipital region, then on the crown, whiskey and bangs (try to do this as quickly as possible so that the paint does not have time to oxidize).
  • Wrap your head with a film and a thick towel and soak for about 1.5 hours.
  • Rinse off the basma with shampoo and conditioner. You can change the concentration of the composition, resulting in a lighter or, conversely, dark shade. To do this, you need to mix basma with henna not in equal proportions, but in a ratio of 1: 2 (1 part of basma to 2 parts of henna - to get a light chestnut or bronze color) or 2: 1 (2 parts of basma to 1 part of henna - for dark brown or black).


Linden is not able to radically change the color of curls and paint over gray hair, but with its help you can give fair hair a pleasant golden hue and a great shine. How to dye your hair with linden?

You will need:

  • 50 g dried linden flowers;
  • 500 ml of water.

Preparation and application:

  • Fill the lime blossom with water and put the container on a slow fire.
  • Boil the raw materials until the volume of liquid in the pan is halved.
  • Cool the broth and strain it through cheesecloth.
  • Apply linden decoction to your hair with a brush, insulate your head and leave for an hour and a half.
  • Rinse your hair with water without shampoo.

pharmaceutical camomile

Staining with pharmacy chamomile is effective and safe way lighten the curls by 1-3 tones (depending on the concentration of the broth). In addition, chamomile helps strengthen roots, reduce hair fall and eliminate dandruff. How to dye hair with chamomile tea?

You will need:

  • 50 g dried chamomile flowers;
  • 500 ml of boiling water.

Preparation and application:

  • Pour boiling water over the chamomile and let the broth brew for about 40 minutes.
  • Strain the resulting solution and treat your hair with it from roots to ends.
  • Warm your head and wait 2-3 hours. It is not necessary to wash off the dye.

onion peel

A decoction of onion skins suitable for owners dark hair, since the effect of them will be practically not noticeable. But for blondes and brown-haired women, this remedy will help to acquire a luxurious golden hue and beautiful shine. How to color curls with onion peel?

You will need:

  • 100-150 g of onion peel;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 30 g of glycerin.

Preparation and application:

  • Fill the husk with water and put the container on low heat.
  • Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and cook for another 30-40 minutes (the broth should acquire a rich brown color).
  • Cool the broth, strain it through cheesecloth and add glycerin.
  • Apply the prepared solution to your hair, warm your head and wait 40 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with water without shampoo. Procedures should be carried out after each shampooing.


Cinnamon coloring is recommended for light brown or brown hair, because dark strands this spice can give an unpleasant yellow tint. Thanks to cinnamon, you can not only lighten curls by several tones, but also restore their natural shine, softness and silkiness. How to dye your hair with cinnamon?

You will need:

  • 30 g ground cinnamon;
  • 80 g of honey;
  • 50 ml of water.

Preparation and application:

  • Heat honey in a water bath and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Distribute the finished composition on the hair and soak under insulation for about 40 minutes.
  • Wash off the cinnamon mixture with warm water and shampoo.

Black tea

Black tea contains tannin, antioxidants and other useful material which have a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair. Only light blond and chestnut curls can be dyed with tea, which after the procedure will acquire a beautiful dark chestnut shade. How to dye your hair with tea?

You will need:

  • 100 g of black tea;
  • 300 ml of water.

Preparation and application:

  • Pour the tea leaves with water and boil over low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Strain the finished broth and apply on curls.
  • Warm your head and wait 30-40 minutes.
  • Rinse the strands with water without additional funds.


Coloring with natural coffee is great for owners of dark blond and brown hair. Thanks to fragrant grains, they can not only give their hair deep shade, but also to make the curls stronger, voluminous and shiny. Blondes, however, are not recommended to carry out such experiments, since coffee dye can lie unevenly on blond hair. How to dye coffee hair?

You will need:

  • 50 g of natural ground coffee;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 25 g of colorless henna.

Preparation and application:

  • Brew coffee in a Turk and cool the finished drink to room temperature.
  • Mix cooled coffee with henna, apply to wet strands and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with warm water and conditioner. If you want to get a more saturated shade, extend the dye exposure time to 60 minutes.

Lemon juice

With the help of lemon, you can lighten blond or brown hair by several tones, giving them a beautiful golden hue and an attractive shine. How to dye curls with lemon juice?

You will need:

  • 50 ml lemon juice;
  • 50 ml of vodka.

Preparation and application:

  • Mix both components and apply the finished composition to wet strands.
  • Dry the dye-treated curls in the sun, and then wash them in the usual way.

Thanks to natural dyes, you can dye curls not only without the slightest harm, but also with benefit. natural remedies will make your hair attractive and well-groomed, and the results will surely inspire you to new experiments.

Women always strive to have beautiful hair experimenting with color from time to time. In youth, hair is saturated natural color and health, and with age, hair loses its stamina, strength and color, gray hair appears.

To get rid of gray hair, hair coloring in natural color, many professional cosmetics manufacturers offer hair dyes that successfully and permanently paint over gray hair.

Professional products for coloring gray hair

There are several high-quality and proven by many manufacturers of paints with the most harmless composition for hair.

"Kapous Professional"

It's persistent professional tool with a small amount of ammonia. Country of production - Russia.

Cocoa butter is included in this product, it supplies nutrition to the scalp from the inside, and also adds softness and color to it.

Multifaceted color scheme - 100 colors, as well as 6 of their amplifiers.

Gives a rich and even shine. But among negative sides, just a quick loss of this very brilliance.

"Loreal Proftssionnel Color Supreme"

Expensive product, but well worth the price.

This paint is very effective - it covers more than 80% of gray hair.

It contains Densillium-R, a substance that hair follicles, gives density to the strands and restores the structure of the hair.


This professional paint for gray hair. Created in Holland.

It is divided into 3 types:

  • permanent;
  • sparing;
  • paint for SPA-staining.

The paint has a diverse palette, which consists of 107 shades.



Very popular brand professional hair coloring products.

Covers gray hair very well, has a unique "color protection" complex, gives a lasting color for about 2 months.

The palette consists of 32 tones.

This paint contains components for three types result:


  • badly affects the condition of the hair (becomes brittle and dry);
  • balm is not provided;
  • has a strong odor;
  • one tube may not be enough for the entire length of hair.

"Preference Recital L'Oreal"

The paint is very good quality, the price of which, on average, is only 250 rubles.

Gives multifaceted care in the process of use. The result is vibrant and shiny hair.

Estel De Luxe

This natural hair color that covers gray hair is gentle on hair. It is a Russian product with many fans. After its application, the hair becomes bright, shiny and healthy.

It is based on a creamy texture that prevents the paint from spreading and promotes uniform distribution over the entire length.

Interesting fact! It has a rare composition: a shimmering pigment and a nourishing emulsion based on chestnut extract, chitosan and a complex of vitamins.

Cons - it smells of ammonia and dries out hair, moreover, quite strongly. It is not recommended for women whose hair is already dry by nature.


Paint of the French brand, belongs to the line of sparing dyes. A unique formula - a minimum of chemistry, a maximum of natural products.

The palette is rich in 66 shades, from natural to the most fashionable.

Inexpensive products for coloring gray hair

Of course, you always want to get all the best, but not every girl can afford it because of the high prices. In this case, you should look at cheaper paints, but also of good quality.


This is a permanent paint that has an extract from mountain ash in its composition.

The approximate cost of the goods is 100 rubles, but the result exceeds expectations - the hair is bright and saturated color The shade is very durable.

There are 30 colors in the line.

Minus one - sharp ammonia smell, holding during the entire hair transformation procedure.

"Matrix Color"

Resistant cream-color for gray hair. Manufacturer - USA. Feature - a patented technology called "ColorGrip".

The paint is widely popular due to the fact that it lays down easily, absorbs evenly, gives brightness to the hair and retains it for a long time, and can also adapt to the original color of the strands, which gives a very good result eventually.

The paint is rich in nourishing ingredients in its composition, which restore damaged hair.

Cons: it contains ammonia, dries the ends of the hair.

Faberlic Krasa

Russian-French product. It has a good prolongation, does not fade for a long time, is not washed off quickly, paints over gray hair very well. Contains amla oil and arginine, which gives softness to the hair.

Interesting fact! This natural gray hair dye is free from PDD, a toxic substance that causes allergies.

Cons: uncomfortable tube and pungent smell.

Garnier Color Naturals

This cream paint, which has olive, avocado and shea butter in its composition. These components provide nutrition to the hairline during the procedure.

The result of natural dye is a lasting color and 100% coverage of gray hair.

Note! The package of this paint includes a milk developer, bleaching cream and powder.

Bleach products are not necessary for all gray hair and this issue it is better to use the advice of a specialist trichologist and a hairdresser.

"Londa Color"

Cream paint for the most "stubborn" gray hair. Perfectly stains, while giving the hair softness and rich shine.


Attention! This product should be used on unwashed hair.

"3D Holographic"

Compound cosmetic product developed on the basis new formula with predominantly natural ingredients, thanks to which the coloring effect is 25% higher than the previous formulations.

The components of the composition have a more effective effect on the formation of water balance, due to which the hair is strengthened from the inside. After dyeing, the hair acquires a mirror shine.

"Color & Shine"

Care paint with argan oil and cranberry extract.

Lasts up to 28 weeks with shampoo. Without ammonia.

Tips for a successful choice of natural hair dye that covers gray hair

For the result to be successful, professionals advise:

How to choose a dye

How to get desired color on gray hair and how to choose the right dye, you can find out by looking at the table below.

Percentage of gray hair Gray hair dye
90-100% Dye of the desired level.
70-90% Two parts of the dye of the desired level and one part of the dye of a lighter level.
50-70% Equal shares of desired and lighter levels.
30-50% Two parts of the lighter level and one part of the desired level.
10-30% The dye is one level lighter than the desired shade.

The percentage of peroxide for painting gray hair and its exposure time, see this table:

Peroxide Result Time in minutes
3,00% Gray hair coloring (tone-on-tone coloring)25-35
6,00% Gray hair coverage (lightening by 1 level)35-40
9,00% Gray hair coverage (lightening by 2 levels)40-45
12,00% Gray hair coverage (lightening by 3 levels)45-50
12,00% Yellow Color +000 (lightening by 4 levels)45-50
12,00% Energy Series+00S (lightening by 5 levels)50-55

What folk remedies can paint over gray hair

If you don’t want to experiment or there is a fear of ruining your hair with paint, you can use folk remedies for dyeing.

Henna and basma

These dyes must be used together, since individually the shades will be quite radical.

You can mix them like this:

  • for golden chestnut color- 1 serving of henna and 2 servings of basma;
  • copper color- 2 portions of henna and 1 portion of basma;
  • golden brown color- mix both dyes in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Note! To make the staining process faster and the result more stable, it is necessary to brew them not with hot water, but with hot green tea.

To achieve a chocolate brown result, brew dyes and add black tea or coffee.

Rosemary and sage

This tincture can paint over only slightly gray hair.

Using every day an infusion from this collection on clean wet hair for 10 minutes, it is possible to achieve a darkening of gray hair.


peel decoction recipe walnuts next: 30-50 g of green peel are boiled in a liter of water. This decoction is necessary to rinse the gray hair, they will become the color of light chestnut.

To consolidate the result, the procedure must be repeated regularly.

onion peel

Decoction recipe: boil 1 cup of onion peel in 1 liter of water, leave to cool, then strain and mix with glycerin.

Soak the hair with the resulting mass, cover with cellophane, put on top terry towel. Keep for about 2 hours, and then rinse with warm water.

For durability this recipe apply 1 time per week.


Decoction recipe: pour 20 gr. chamomile 200 ml. boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Strain the decoction and apply to clean hair. Do not rinse the head, but allow it to dry freely.

To achieve the desired intensity, do the procedure every other day.


Decoction recipe: in 500 ml. water, pour 5 bags of linden flowers, cook for an hour over low heat.

Cool the resulting solution, then strain and mix with 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Apply to clean hair and hold for 1 hour, then rinse with warm water.

This method is suitable for those who natural hair light and dark brown, will lighten a couple of tones and paint over gray hair nice honey color.

If this is your first time coloring, it is best to start with paints that are easy to apply. If the shade needs to be slightly adjusted without radically changing the color, you can get by with folk remedies.

All natural hair dyes from professional manufacturers that cover gray hair have both advantages and disadvantages.

Even an experienced specialist will not be able to be absolutely sure how this or that dye will behave on the hair, coloring gray curls with it for the first time.

From this video you will learn what natural hair dyes are that paint over gray hair:

This video will introduce you to the methods of coloring gray hair using folk remedies:

The pursuit of style and beauty entails both positive and negative effect. Giving hair freshness with dyes does not add health to them. To solve problems with damage to the hair structure, manufacturers began to produce a line based on herbs and. Ease of use and affordable prices only attract the attention of the fair sex to these products. Who doesn't want to look beautiful and well-groomed, while having healthy hair?

Natural hair dyes

Dyes on natural basis a true find for those who want not only, but also to change the tone or shade. Natural hair dyes include:

  • ammonia-free compositions of finished paints;

  • henna and basma;

  • coffee, cinnamon, honey, lemon, kefir;

  • decoctions of various herbs.

envelops the structure of the hair shaft and gives it color from the outside, and does not penetrate inside like chemical dyes. The structure remains intact and the surface coating acts as a protective film against environment. In addition, plant compounds give elasticity and shine to the hair, heal the split ends and activate the metabolism in the cells of the scalp.

Folk recipes

The basic recipe for almost all home paints is 2 tbsp. boil spoons of raw materials over low heat in 0.5 liters of water. Strain and apply warm decoction to hair. Depending on the tone, keep under a towel from 30 minutes to several hours. The best natural dyes are coffee, chamomile, rose hips, onion and walnut husks, rhubarb and linden, tea, honey and lemon.

Good old henna and basma

This extra food hair, their strengthening. In combination with basma, you can give different shades:

  • on blond hair - mix henna and basma in proportions 2: 1, brew with boiling water until gruel, apply for 20 minutes, wrap, rinse with warm water;

  • on a light brown color - proportions of 1: 5: 1 (time 30 minutes) give saturation to the color or a bright red tint;

  • for brown-haired women - the shade will be dark red, chestnut or burgundy, proportions 1:1 or 1:5:1 (time from 45 minutes to 2 hours);

  • on gray hair - you get a black or chestnut shade, proportions 1: 1, time 2.5 hours.

Attention! A full-fledged shade appears within 48 hours, during which time henna is saturated, fits on the surface of the hair shaft.

Plant based hair dyes:

  • Natural hair dye Chandi - These are paints that contain Iranian henna. Inside the package is one hundred grams of powder, instructions are attached on how to dilute it. The color palette is represented by shades from light colors, chestnut, dark and reddish. Dries hair a little. The average cost is from 250 rubles;

  • Natural hair dyes Logona — also from the organic series, according to the consistency of cream-paste. The cost of paint is from 800 rubles. The composition is diverse: glycerin, henna and oak extracts, montmorillonite (clay mineral for treatment), erythrulose (intended for color grip). When used, the hair gains volume, shine and elasticity. The names of the shades are unusual and bright. For example, Indian summer, brown nougat, teak, titian, copper blond. Covers all tones (from light to black);

  • Natural hair dye Aasha (Aasha) - completely herbal paint. It is considered more medicinal, but the shade of the hair changes depending on the declared color - from black to light tones. Contains a complex of Ayurvedic herbs and Indian henna that enhance each other's actions. Active ingredients paints - henna, Walnut, aloe vera, sesame and coffee, rhubarb, lemon and many more (for coloring). Saturated coloring, strengthens the structure of the hair shaft, nourishes the scalp, gives elasticity and shine, adds strength, is directed against baldness. The average cost is within 300 rubles;

  • Khadi Natural Organic Hair Color - organic paint. Palette for light, blond, dark and gray hair. The colors mix well with each other for a unique shade. The composition contains henna and indigo, shikakai, amla, neem, sandalwood. The color is stable, and the hair is perfectly strengthened, lifted at the roots, the product perfectly nourishes the scalp. The average cost is within 650 rubles.

Attention! When using natural hair dyes, you should make sure that you are not allergic to herbal ingredients. To do this, we apply paint on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, hold the time it will be painted on the hair and wash it off. If no negative reactions occur in two days, then the remedy is suitable.

Choosing natural dyes for gray hair

  • natural hair dye for gray hair: dark hair coloring for brunettes in blonde hair to brighten dark hair can be used special masks for hair. Chamomile 1.5 tbsp. pour 2 tbsp. boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Infuse for an hour, then add 50 ml. 3% hydrogen peroxide and apply on a clean and dry surface, a spoonful of honey and juice of 0.5 lemon, apply a mask for several hours, wrap with a towel, rinse with warm water. Both methods are repeated several times;

  • natural dye for gray hair: how to dye blond hair dark - to darken, you can use rinsing with strong brewed tea (3 tablespoons of tea leaves pour one glass of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, cool, filter, apply for half an hour and rinse). Also, during the walnut season, you can brew a glass of green husk (1 tablespoon per liter of water, boil for 30 minutes), apply the decoction to clean hair, wrap for 40 minutes, rinse with warm water;

  • natural dye for gray hair: dyeing red hair - for broth take 200 gr. onion peel and a liter of water, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. The amount of husk or water varies (you have to experiment). Rinse your head with a decoction, wrap for half an hour. It is good to paint a rosehip broth - for 1/4 cup of rosehip juice, the same amount of beet and carrot juice, add three cups of boiled, but chilled water. Apply for an hour and sit under the sun. Rinse off with shampoo;

  • natural dye for gray hair: with rhubarb root - 30 gr is taken for the remedy. rhubarb root and leaves, pour 0.5 l. white wine, soar on fire for 30 minutes, apply the decoction for 45 minutes, rinse with warm water, it will turn out light brown shade;

  • natural dye for gray hair: with rosemary and sage - tincture of rosemary and sage will help to remove the emerging gray hair. Brew 2 tbsp. spoons with a glass of boiling water, filter and apply the decoction on the washed head for ten minutes, rinse. Do every time after shampooing;

  • natural dye for gray hair: how to dye gray hair with cocoa powder - if there is half a bottle of shampoo left, then add cocoa powder to it. Mix everything well and wash your hair with a homemade cream-shampoo. Gradually the gray hair will go away.

Tips for a successful choice of natural hair dye that covers gray hair

  • choose the shade of the coloring matter is closer to your own;

  • if the hair is completely gray, then it will dye them more effectively tint balm or rinse with decoctions every day;

  • if brown hair turns gray, then reddish and chocolate colors are suitable for them;

  • yellowness on gray hair is well stained with decoctions of chamomile, sage and black tea;

  • when working with henna, it is better to dilute it with basma or other herbs to avoid emerald color and vice versa. breed basma. not to get blue;

  • when staining various herbs. need to be aware of availability allergic reaction on the components.

Top 10 natural hair dyes that cover gray hair. Characteristics, properties

  • Biocar - consists of a large number herbal ingredients and oils. Not only paints over gray hair, but also strengthens and nourishes hair shafts that have lost their color.

Every woman wants to change something in her appearance. The easiest way to do this is hair coloring. Due to unfavorable environmental conditions, unhealthy image life and other harmful factors, a rare woman can boast of perfect hair. Paints, which contain harmful substances. This applies even to ammonia-free dyes, in which alkalis are used as a substitute, spoiling the hair no less than ammonia. Therefore, curls that are constantly being painted are unlikely to look beautiful.

The ideal solution would be natural hair dyes. There are 2 types of natural remedies in retail chains - henna and basma. But this does not mean that there are no other natural colors.


The dye is obtained from a plant called indigofera - this is a natural black hair dye. Its use allows you to achieve different shades. Basma contains substances that improve blood circulation in the scalp, get rid of dandruff, strengthen roots, make hair smooth, strong, shiny and elastic. The tool is considered safe, it does not destroy the natural pigment and hair structure.

As an independent dye, it is undesirable to use basma, it must be combined with others, for example, henna or coffee, otherwise it will give the curls a blue or green tint. When mixed with henna in different proportions, you can create different shades- from warm light brown to rich black. The end result will depend on the condition and original color of the hair. For example, henna and basma, mixed in equal amounts, will give a light brown tint on blond hair. To become a burning brunette, you need to soak henna on your hair for about an hour, and then, after washing off, apply basma for a couple of hours.


Since ancient times, henna has been used not only as natural paint for hair and how remedy. It is obtained from the dried leaves of lavsonia. With the help of the product, hair can be dyed in many natural colors. bright colors ranging from gold to black. Henna does not penetrate into the middle of the hair, but envelops it with a thin protective film, smoothing the scales. It makes curls thick, elastic, shiny, healthy, strengthens and stimulates growth.

To give your hair a light chestnut shade, you can add strong black tea to henna - 3 tsp. for 200 ml. water. To obtain a dark chestnut tone, you can add 3 gr. crushed rhubarb leaves. Mahogany color will come out if you add cranberry juice to henna and lubricate your hair before dyeing. The same color can be achieved if henna is mixed with heated Cahors. If you pour this remedy with a decoction of walnut leaves, a chocolate shade will come out.

Having decided to use henna or basma, it is worth remembering that after dyeing the hair it will be impossible perm or the use of ammonia or alkaline paints - they will not "take".


The tool is suitable for owners of blond hair - it allows you to give curls a slight golden hue. The desired effect can be achieved by rinsing the hair with infusion of chamomile after washing. Using the tool for blond hair will give them the appearance of sun-bleached hair. In addition to a pleasant shade, chamomile will make the hair obedient, silky and shiny.


Helps color hair blonde or ashy color. Blond hair will take on a light brown hue with a copper sheen if it is rinsed with a decoction of rhubarb roots. They need to be crushed, mixed with 2 tbsp. masses with 200 ml. water and boil for 20 minutes. If you add to such a decoction 100 gr. dry white wine, then blond hair will turn blond.


For coloring, only the shell of green nuts is used, it can be fresh or dried. The tool makes the hair brown. It is necessary to grind the peel in a blender or meat grinder and mix it with water so that the mass resembles sour cream in consistency. Then apply the composition to the hair and hold for 20 minutes. Care must be taken with the composition and mixed with liquid, since the shells contain a lot of iodine, which can leave a burn on the skin.

How to change hair color at home with natural dyes. Recipes for vegetable dyes.

Vegetable natural paints do not harm the hair at all and do not cause allergies. With the help of chamomile, henna, rhubarb and other plants, you can not only strengthen and improve hair, but also give it a pleasant shade. In addition, vegetable paints, with repeated use, help to improve the structure of the hair and eliminate dandruff.

Despite the obvious benefits of vegetable dyes, she has one minor "disadvantage" - you will never know what shade of hair you will end up with. The final result is influenced by the thickness, structure, individual susceptibility of the hair, the proportions of plant components, the temperature of the coloring composition. If you do not want to take risks, then first color a small strand, and if the result pleases you, proceed to dye the entire mass of hair.

For hair coloring at home, chamomile flowers, henna, basma, rhubarb, onion peel, black tea, coffee, and walnut shells are most often used. As additional components use various base and essential oils.

Natural dye recipes at home


Chamomile () colors hair in a pleasant yellowish-golden hue. Boil water, pour 1 cup of dried flowers from it chamomile, let the broth brew for 30 minutes, strain it and let it cool completely. After each wash, rinse your hair with the resulting decoction and let it dry. For amplification golden hue saffron or turmeric can be added to the decoction. This recipe is suitable for fair-haired girls, and those who have gray hair.

onion peel

Onion peel () gives the hair a golden-reddish tint. For cooking natural dye take 50 g of husk and boil it in 200 ml of water for 15.20 minutes. Seize the decoction, strain it, and then rinse your hair and do not rinse. This decoction colors the hair, strengthens it and accelerates growth. onion paint suitable for girls with brown and light brown hair.


Rhubarb () dyes hair in light brown and straw shades. It can be used on its own or added to henna to tone down reddish tones. Boil 30 g of chopped rhubarb roots and let the broth cool completely. Strain it and rub it into clean hair.


Henna () gives a rich scope for creativity. Henna can dye your hair golden, red, chestnut, and even red. Henna with chamomile gives honey-gold tones to hair. Henna with black tea or coffee will color your hair saturated brown shades. Henna with a decoction of onion peel will help you become "colors fire truck". The classic recipe for henna staining: dilute the powder with boiling water to a consistency that is convenient for you, apply the slurry along the partings to cleanly washed hair. Wrap your hair cling film and walk like this from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The longer you keep the henna paint, the more saturated the shade will be. You can even leave henna on your hair overnight.

Black tea

Black tea () gives the hair red-brown and bronze shades. Mix 2 tablespoons of granulated black tea with 2 cups cold water. Put the mixture on the fire and cook for at least 30 minutes. Apply a warm infusion to clean hair, then wrap your head with cling film and walk like this for several hours. The longer you walk, the more saturated shade you will get as a result. Vegetable dye from black tea is excellent suitable for brunettes and girls with brown hair.

Plant components can be safely mixed with each other, change the proportions and exposure time on the hair and enjoy the result every time. Even if for some reason the color did not suit you, you can almost do the dyeing procedure again on this day without the risk of damaging your hair.

Natural hair dyes good because they do not harm the hair and allow you to achieve amazing results.