How to starch things: three recipes for different types of fabric. How to starch a thing at home

For many housewives, the starching procedure, despite its obvious advantages, has sunk into oblivion, and some of them will not be able to explain at all what starch is good for, in addition to making the fabric stiffer.

In fact, starch not only fixes the shape and gives the material a characteristic “crunchiness”: it forms an invisible film on the surface of the fabric that prevents dirt from penetrating deep into the fibers, which facilitates washing. The appearance of the product will also benefit, it begins to hold its shape and becomes more voluminous.

For processing things, it is best to take potato starch, but corn or rice are fine.


The most delicate and simple option that is suitable for any fabric is starch in a spray. It should be used during ironing, such a "factory" starch improves the sliding of the iron on the fabric, gives freshness and a smooth shape to linen and clothes, making them more resistant to contamination. By and large, the thing is optional, but it has a number of undeniable advantages.



This is the traditional way of starching. First you need to determine the optimal concentration of starch, depending on the type of your tissue.

For things made of light fabrics, for example, cambric, muslin, chiffon, a soft method is used to starch children's underwear. Proportions: dilute a teaspoon of starch powder in 1 liter of water.

For starching shirts, napkins, tablecloths, the concentration is increased to medium: a full tablespoon of starch per liter of water.

For cuffs, puffy petticoats, collars, the maximum concentration is used - you need to dilute 2-3 tablespoons of starch powder in a liter.


If the material you are going to starch is colored or patterned, the solution must have a temperature not higher than room temperature - otherwise the product will shed.
To make things easier to iron after starching, ordinary milk is added to the starch solution - 2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water. For white things, there is also a little trick: a drop of blue added to starch will return its former whiteness.


  • underwear, since starch makes things practically airtight and non-hygroscopic. Doctors go a little further and recommend never starch and bed linen.
  • things in dark shades, otherwise whitish starch stains will ruin them.
  • synthetic fiber items

If your material is on the "banned" list, but it still needs to be hardened, there are several ways to help achieve the goal, but you will not call them sparing.


Boil the sugar syrup, remembering to stir constantly. The product is lowered into the syrup, allowed to lie down for a while, after which it is squeezed and given the desired shape. If water hits, the effect will disappear.


We take one part of the glue to one or two parts of water, depending on the density of the PVA. The product is dipped in a solution or coated with it, given the desired shape and allowed to dry completely.


Soak one tablespoon of gelatin in cold water. After swelling, bring the volume of water to 200-250 grams and heat. When the gelatin is completely dissolved, the solution is ready for use.

Today, not every woman knows how to starch a fabric and why to do it. But a couple of decades ago, a hand-knitted napkin processed in a similar way served as the pride of every housewife. At the present time, the fashion for knitted things is returning, and more and more often girls are looking on the Internet for how to starch clothes or super fashionable colored crocheted boots at home.

How to starch different types of fabrics

Each type of product has its own method of starching. Let's consider them in more detail.

How to starch napkins?

A crocheted napkin, after being treated with a starch solution, has an ideal shape, it brings a touch of perfection to the interior of a room, and can hide any furniture defect.

Our grandmothers knew many ways to starch a napkin with starch. In order for the thing to have the most beautiful appearance after starching, work should be carried out taking into account the thickness of the threads from which it was created. The higher this indicator, the longer it is necessary to keep such a napkin in the solution - a snowflake (maximum 15 minutes).

To starch fabric, you need to know how to brew starch:

  1. A spoonful of this powder should be put in a container and add 150 grams of cold.
  2. Dilute to a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Put 700 grams of water on the fire, bring to a boil.
  4. Add starch solution and brew, stirring, so that there are no lumps.
  5. You get a cloudy mixture, similar to a paste, you need to lower a napkin into it - a snowflake for 10 - 15 minutes.
  6. Then it should be taken out, leveled and laid on a flat surface until completely dry.

The video shows how to properly starch a crocheted napkin.

The dry product will become dense, take on a clear shape. But it is necessary not only to know how to starch a knitted napkin - a snowflake, but also how to give it a perfect look. And for this, you just need to iron it with an iron.

How to starch a bandage?

Why soak the dressing in the solution, not many people know. Starched bandages cannot be found on sale; in the hospital, this is done by a medical worker. The material treated with such a solution allows more accurate and reliable dressing. Therefore, how to starch a bandage or gauze, every person needs to know.

This procedure is not difficult, you will need:

  • bandage;
  • half a liter of water;
  • a tablespoon of potato flour;
  • iron;
  • capacity.

To starch gauze or bandage at home, the solution is brewed as usual. The powder must be diluted in a small amount of cold water to a homogeneous mass and poured in a small stream into boiled water (there should be no lumps). After the composition begins to resemble jelly, the fire should be removed, the mixture should be left to cool (this method can be used if you do not know how to starch the tulle).

The bandage should be dipped in a warm mixture for a few minutes, squeezed out and ironed. It's simple, starched bandages are ready!

How to starch things?

There are several answers to the question of how and why to starch things. Starching the fabric is not difficult. The processing process itself consists in the fact that clean (both colored and white) things are rinsed in water, with pre-certified starch. After the material is well saturated with such a composition, a kind of film will remain on it, which, after drying, will make the product “crispy”. Such things do not wrinkle and dirt does not stick to them much.

There are several methods for starching fabric at home. They are used depending on the type of material and how it is used.

  1. Soft. This method is best used if thin clothing needs to be treated. It is suitable for those who are looking for how to starch underwear, a blouse. The solution, in this case, is prepared with the calculation of a teaspoon of starch per liter of water.
  2. Semi-rigid. Suitable for processing tablecloths, napkins, shirts, ribbons for rhythmic gymnastics. In this case, the mixture is prepared from a tablespoon of starch and a liter of water. In the same way, you can starch the medical gown and work clothes of the cook.
  3. Hard. This is the best solution for girls who do not know how to starch a petticoat, detachable collar, lace. To starch hard, the composition is made from two tablespoons of potato flour and a liter of water. This method is also suitable if you are looking for how to starch a knitted product.

A few secrets of proper starching

It is important to know not only how to properly starch clothes, but also how to dry and care for such materials. For example, thin lace that does not need to be washed can not be soaked in a starch solution, but simply laid out on a flat surface and blotted well with a sponge soaked in the mixture, put gauze on it and iron it. The same method is suitable for those who are looking for how to starch a skirt, a children's tulle dress. But you can only iron such a product with steam.

If there are colored embroidered elements on things, after starching, it is recommended to iron from the wrong side, with a not very hot iron.

When you want to starch a crown or colored crocheted boots, use the hard way. But before you wet the boots, they must be well cleaned. To hard starch boots or a crown, they are immersed in the solution for 15 minutes, pulled out, squeezed lightly and set to dry (crown on a jar). While the boots are wet, they should be shaped. In addition to potato flour, in order to starch knitted boots, you can use gelatin or a special spray.

Particular attention should be paid to how to starch a shirt at home. Such processing can be subjected to products only from natural materials. Such fabrics (unlike synthetic ones) have a special weave of fibers, a starch solution, filling the structure of the material, makes it denser, wear-resistant, and less susceptible to contamination.

When deciding how to starch a shirt, it should be noted that the main part is processed semi-rigidly, and the collar is rigid. To do this, after rinsing the clothes in the solution, you should increase the concentration of starch and process the cuffs and collars.

A girl who does not know how to starch a hat with a large brim should use a hard processing method. It's not scary if she takes a little. It can be straightened out later. Drying such a crocheted headdress is recommended on a regular jar, but a flat, even thing should be fitted under the brim. The same method can solve the problem of how to starch a medic's or cook's hat hard.

After starching things turned out, they are dried on a flat, clean surface. Some housewives come up with small tricks: to keep the napkins even after drying, they pull them on the hoop.

You can also starch things in the washing machine. For this, an ordinary starch solution is prepared and poured into the compartment of the washing machine intended for the air conditioner. After the procedure is completed, things are dried as usual, and the container in the washing machine is wiped with a damp and then dry cloth.

In order to starch any thing, you can use corn and rice starch. But our grandmothers mainly used potato. It not only makes things dense, but also gives them whiteness.

How to starch things with PVA glue

It is very convenient to starch tulle, lace, guipure and other items of clothing with PVA glue. For a hard solution, the glue must be diluted in water, in a ratio of 1: 1, and the fabric soaked in the product so that all the fibers are saturated. So that during drying, the fabric does not stick together, the product is shaped in a wet state, after which the product is ironed.

How to starch a hat with PVA glue

To shape a hat with fields using PVA, it is necessary to dilute the required amount of glue in water and soak the product for several minutes. Then, if the fields are located at right angles to the crown, put the hat on a blank or jar of the desired shape, and place it on a flat surface. Since the glue solution is quite liquid, it should not stick to the blank. But just in case, give it the desired shape when wet, and steam it with an iron. A hat with a wide brim, no need to starch with a hard method, dilute the glue with water in a ratio of 1: 2.

How to starch a napkin with PVA glue

For starching interior items with PVA glue, it is enough to prepare a paste of medium hardness. Dilute the glue in a ratio of 1:2, and soak the product for 15 minutes. Then, gently squeezing and drying the napkin, straighten it on the paper with pins. Iron the napkin through a clean cloth. Even dark-colored napkins can be starched with this solution, but if you are embarrassed by the possible appearance of color fading, treat the product with a special starch agent for dark things.

How to starch a knitted thing

In order for the knitted thing not to be constantly straightened, you can starch the product a little. Dip the garment in a mild to medium-hard starch solution and let the fibers soak completely. Then, lightly squeezing the product, lay it out on a flat surface and dry it, straightening out all the wrinkles. Now the knitted product will have the desired shape and neat appearance. Also, you can starch knitted things by spraying them from a spray bottle with a solution of the desired stiffness.

How to starch clothes with sugar

All wardrobe items, as well as linen, napkins and tulle, can be starched with products specially purchased in stores, potato starch and sugar. To prepare a soft solution with sugar, you need to brew the syrup on three tablespoons of sugar and one glass of water, lower the thing into it and wait 7-10 minutes. You need to dry the products on a flat surface, carefully straightening all the folds.

In this article you will find all the answers to questions on how to starch things, knitted and embroidered, how to starch a dress at home, and even how to starch gauze.

Starch is a natural component, as a result of which it is rightfully considered hypoallergenic. Today, not everyone knows how to properly starch things in folk ways. Housewives use newfangled products that are so crammed with chemicals that there is a risk of developing allergies. The formulation of folk remedies has gone far ahead. It is not difficult to prepare the composition for the procedure, besides, you will save hard-earned money.

Why starch things

To give the image elegance and completeness, it is enough to pay due attention to the little things. Starched rims at the skirt, the belt of tall Bermuda shorts, cuffs and, of course, the collar of the shirt - all these details cannot be imagined without the use of starch. The general appearance looks expensive and neat, which greatly increases the respect of others.

As for tablecloths, cotton towels and placemats, they look clean and stylish. Due to the specific glossy sheen, the table acquires a solemn look even in everyday life.

An important reason for using starch on things is practicality. After the procedure, a thin invisible film is formed on the surface of the product, which prevents dirt from penetrating into the structure of the fabric and simplifies the washing process. Also, starched things practically do not wrinkle.

If the procedure takes place on bed linen, it becomes fresh and crispy. The scope is quite wide, starch is used to smooth lace and knitted things.

How to starch things at home

Before preparing a solution of starch, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the product. Make sure that there are no yellow or greasy stains on the clothes, otherwise you will need to remove them.

  1. If you decide to starch a shirt that has turned gray or yellow for some reason, you can pre-bleach it. For these purposes, use a 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Soak in the composition of the product, wait 10 minutes, then wash in the machine using a bleaching powder.
  2. To remove wine stains or the remnants of fruit juice, use a mixture of vodka and glycerin. Mix in a container of 50 gr. vodka and 35 ml. glycerin, let it brew for 10 minutes, then apply locally to the spots. Wait 15 minutes, then send the product to the washing machine.
  3. Perfectly removes ingrained dirt and eliminates the characteristic shade of "old" things soap marked "Antipyatin". You can also treat the product with laundry or tar soap with the maximum amount of the active ingredient (60-72%). Such products have proven themselves well, because in a short time they remove stains of any complexity (fat, wine, wax, mold, rust, etc.).

After you have cleaned the clothes, you can safely proceed to the procedure.

There are several cycles of starching things: soft, medium and hard.

The soft cycle should be selected if you need to starch chiffon, fine knitwear or cambric.

Medium intensity is suitable for bed linen, cotton towels, napkins, tablecloths, shirts, blouses and other similar categories of things.

The hard cycle is preferred for garments whose individual parts require stiffening (cuffs, collar, skirt/short hem, cutlery napkins). It is also used to process handmade items.

Regardless of the type chosen, to start the procedure, you need to take care of the presence of starch. It doesn't matter what type it is: corn, potato, wheat.

soft cycle

  1. Pour 1 liter of water at room temperature into a saucepan or other heat-resistant dish, start slowly pouring 40 gr. starch while stirring. For convenience, you can pre-pass dry starch through a sieve to prevent the formation of lumps.
  2. Add a little boiling water to the prepared solution to get a completely transparent liquid. If you notice that the turbidity does not disappear, put the pan on the stove and wait for it to boil (4-8 minutes).
  3. If the liquid turns out to be viscous, pour a little water at room temperature into the solution. Pass the resulting solution through several layers of gauze, completely eliminating lumps.
  4. Pour the composition into a basin, place the product and stir a little so that the thing is soaked. Wrap the container with polyethylene, leave for half an hour.
  5. After the expiration date, remove the product, wring it out a little, but do not twist it into a bundle so as not to damage the fabric structure.
  6. Hang clothes on hangers and leave to dry at room temperature. Do not hang the product in the sun or leave to dry near heating devices, otherwise the clothes will not be able to be smoothed out in the future.

Average cycle
The number of ingredients is calculated on a women's blouse of medium size. If necessary, you need to increase the number of components, observing the proportions.

  1. Sift starch through a fine sieve or use 5 layers of gauze / bandage.
  2. Take a small saucepan and pour boiling water over it to make the dishes hot. Now pour in 1.2 liters of water at room temperature, add 60 gr. starch. Make sure there are no lumps. Stir the solution while adding.
  3. Add to the pot with 500-800 ml mixture. hot filtered water until a translucent mixture is formed. In cases where the solution is too cloudy, boil it, stirring thoroughly.
  4. Remove the composition from the stove, slowly pour in another 300 ml. filtered water. Strain the solution with gauze or a bandage to remove any lumps.
  5. Take a tall basin or other container, then pour the solution into it. Lower the product and stir a little.
  6. Wrap the bowl with cling film, wait 30-60 minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove the garment, wring it out lightly and hang it to dry at room temperature.

As a rule, the need to use a gloss solution appears when processing bed linen or tablecloths. The invisible film formed as a result of the use of the composition takes shape. The fabric begins to shine, and the product does not stick to the iron during ironing.

There are several ways to prepare a gloss, consider each of them.

  1. Mix 25 gr. ground salt with 5 gr. gelatin, wait for swelling, pour the composition into the solution.
  2. Prepare the borax solution. Dilute 35 gr. powder in 350 ml. boiling water, stir, wait until it cools completely to room temperature, add to the mixture.
  3. Buy talc without fragrances at the pharmacy, mix 50 gr. powders with 80 gr. starch, then pour 20 gr. borax powder. Add to existing solution, wait for dissolution.

hard cycle
The main difference between the hard cycle procedure is the use of a large amount of starch. As mentioned earlier, the composition is used to process individual parts of the product.

  1. Dilute in 800 ml. cool water 50 gr. starch, stir the composition with a fork or knife (not a spoon!).
  2. Dilute the solution with boiling water to make a translucent mixture. Otherwise, heat the composition in a water bath for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Strain the product through 4 layers of cheesecloth, making sure there are no lumps.
  4. Pour the solution into a wide container to fit the individual parts of the product.
  5. Soak the collar, cuffs, skirt hem, etc. in the resulting solution, leave for half an hour.
  6. Lay out a white cloth on a flat surface (a sheet will do). Place the product in such a way that no wrinkles form on the treated area.
  7. Cover the top with a piece of cotton cloth, wait 1 hour, then hang on a coat hanger and leave to dry.

You can starch things at home, you just need to follow the sequence and choose the optimal cycle for the procedure. Use the solution on clothes made from completely natural fibers, starch is not suitable for processing synthetic and semi-synthetic products.

Video: how to starch napkins

Today, many housewives do not know how to starch a thing correctly. But even some 10 years ago it was impossible to imagine a formal suit without a shirt with a starched collar. Modern women in their arsenal use special chemicals that help give clothes the right rigidity. However, many people forget that starch is a natural substance that does not harm health. Plus, it can save you a lot of money.

Why starch things at all?

Clothes, bedding or lace are dipped in water in which starch has previously been diluted. When the fabric dries, an imperceptible film remains on its surface, giving rigidity. Clothes look better and in addition, starched things are much easier to wash. After all, the film does not allow dirt to be absorbed into the fibers of the fabric.

There is also a disadvantage. Before you starch things at home, you should think about how they will be used. The fact is that starch does not allow air to pass through. Therefore, summer wardrobe items cannot be fully processed. You can stiffen the collar or cuffs. Bed linen may be completely starched.

Basic principles

Every housewife should know how to starch things correctly. The main thing is to be able to properly prepare the solution, which consists of only two ingredients: water and powder. There are many varieties of starch on the market. Most often you can find a powder that is extracted from potatoes, rice or corn. Starch from different products has some differences. They are essential for cooks and cooks. But for those who do not know how to starch a thing, it does not matter which powder to choose.

Most housewives most often use this powder. This powder has a slight bluish tint and quickly thickens when diluted with water. Corn starch can also be used. But it thickens much worse, which means that it gives less rigidity to things.

Before starching a thing, it should be washed thoroughly. use is undesirable. They will only repel starch. In order for the solution to saturate the matter, it is worth lowering a dry or slightly damp thing into it.

soft starching

This option is suitable for underwear and snow-white blouses. These things should not be too rigid, otherwise they will simply be uncomfortable to use. Before you starch a thing, you need to prepare a weak solution. One teaspoon of powder will be enough for a liter of water. The solution can be prepared using cold water. The powder is stirred until all lumps disappear. Next, a small part of the water is heated to a boiling state. In a bowl with a hot liquid, they begin to pour a starch solution, stirring constantly.

You must wait until the mixture cools down. As soon as it becomes room temperature, you can lower the thing into it. You should get a cloudy liquid, the density of which will be slightly greater than that of plain water. The clothes are rinsed in the resulting liquid or soaked for several minutes. This time will be quite enough for all the fibers to be well saturated with starch. You don't need to squeeze the clothes too hard. Starch gives the fabric stiffness. In order to iron it, you will have to make more efforts.

Medium starching

This method is used to stiffen men's shirts, tablecloths, furniture covers, and lace. How to starch things correctly? Will have to use a little more powder. It will be enough two teaspoons of starch per liter of water. The method of preparing the mixture is the same. First, the powder is diluted with cold water, and then hot liquid is added.

The mixture is considered correct if it turned out to be translucent and has the consistency of liquid sour cream. Dry or slightly damp things are lowered into the solution for five minutes. It is better not to wring out clothes. To avoid ugly creases, you need to let the solution drain itself.

hard starching

This option is most often used for various decorative elements, as well as petticoats for wedding dresses. This treatment option is used least often for cuffs and collars. How to starch a thing with potato starch? Additionally, you will have to use borax. A teaspoon of this substance is diluted in a glass of hot boiled water. Two tablespoons of starch are diluted to a homogeneous consistency in a liter of cold water. Additionally, another liter of water is heated to a boiling point and poured into the starch solution. Lastly, borax is added to the mixture. All ingredients are mixed and left for two hours.

The solution for hard starching should have a thick consistency. If it is necessary to give rigidity to overall things, the amount of ingredients increases proportionally. There should be just enough liquid to completely cover your eyes. The fabric is soaked in the solution for 20-30 minutes. Next, the thing is taken out, and the mixture is allowed to drain.

Features of the procedure with some tissues

How to starch things from tulle? This material is often used for wedding dresses, and the skirt will be fuller if stiffened. The material is starched in a weak or medium solution. It all depends on the result that the hostess wants to get. The material is soaked in liquid for several minutes, then squeezed out. Tulle can be ironed only when wet at medium temperature. We must not forget that this material melts quickly.

Be careful when starching knitted items. The problem is that such products can be deformed during processing. You can starch in a weak solution. There is no need to press the material. Hats can be dried on a jar, which in size corresponds to the volume of the head. It is worth remembering that during the drying process, the thing may stretch or lose its shape.

Summer ones are popular today. After each wash, they also have to be starched. In order for the shoes to keep their shape well, a medium solution of starch is suitable. Boots are lowered into a container with liquid for several minutes. Next, the shoes are hung upside down.

Summing up

Starch gives things a well-groomed appearance. There is no need to purchase expensive new items that increase the rigidity of things. A powder of natural origin will cope with a simple task. Therefore, every girl should know how to properly starch things!

Experienced housewives know several types of starch processing.

Do you like crisp underwear and stand-up collars? But starching is not only beautiful, but also practical.

Let's remember how to starch fabric at home, and also see if it is possible to starch colored things, and if so, how to do it right.

Why starch things?

Do you think that things are starched only for aesthetics and form? It turns out that this procedure also has a practical application: starched things are less wrinkled and dirty, and then they are easier to wash. When ironing, a breathable film is formed on the surface, which does not allow dirt to penetrate deep into the fiber. The film dissolves during soaking, and with it, under the influence of detergents, pollution is eliminated.

And now about how to starch things at home.

. . .

How much starch to take?

Traditionally, potato starch is used. There are four degrees of starch treatment of tissues - very soft, soft, medium, hard.

What stiffness is needed?

Starch concentration per 1 liter of water

For what things and fabrics

___ ___

Very soft

0.25 teaspoon

Underwear, pajamas, nightgowns.

1 teaspoon without top

Light fabrics - chiffon, gauze, cambric. Blouses, men's shirts, dresses, bathrobes, cotton fiber tulle, bedding

1.5 teaspoons

Napkins, tulle, tablecloths, furniture covers, light denim boots

5 heaping tablespoons

Collars, cuffs, gauze petticoats, tutus that need firm fixation, lace, knitted boots

Turbidity can be removed by boiling the solution for 5 minutes.

If you need more funds, then the portion is increased proportionally. That is, for a very mild treatment, you need a full teaspoon of starch in four liters of water.

How to dilute starch for starching? To prepare washing starch, the entire portion of the powder is diluted in a small amount of water, and then combined with water, stirring constantly. If you immediately pour the starch into boiling water, then lumps form, which cannot be dissolved.

The mixture is poured into boiling water, the substance is allowed to thicken over low heat. The concentrations indicated in the table are final. Therefore, the paste is first boiled in a smaller amount of water, and then brought to full volume. The thing is left in the solution for 10 minutes, turned over several times. Then the product is pulled out, slightly squeezed out, without twisting, straightened, left to dry.

You can get rid of lumps in the paste by filtering the mass through a sieve.

Watch the video on how to brew starch.

How to starch different fabrics

Usually, cotton and linen products are starched in the manner described above. But there are doubts about other fabrics. Is it possible to process other fabrics, if so, how?

It is not necessary to starch things every time - this can be done after 3-5 washes.

What not to starch

Such processing is not subject to:

    underwear, since hygroscopicity is lost;

    dark things due to the appearance of divorces;

    products made of fabric with synthetic fiber (curtains, nylon tulle, curtains), since the effect will not be achieved.

For the latter case, alternative methods of fabric processing have been devised that allow achieving the desired hardness. They are usually used by needlewomen.


Soak the veil for a short time, then rinse several times.

A veil that has lost its shape or did not have the necessary rigidity initially is also allowed to starch, although it is undesirable to do this: it is sewn from artificial fibers.

To prepare a solution, take one teaspoon of potato starch, dilute it in water and prepare a paste, which is then poured into water for soaking. The final concentration of the solution is 1 teaspoon of dry powder per 1 liter of water.

After mixing the solution with water, the temperature should not exceed 30 °C. Then the veil is carefully squeezed out, straightened, left to dry. Petticoats are also starchy, but for them you can take a stronger solution.

White lace, guipure products

For starching, not water is used, but low-fat milk, instead of potato starch, rice is used.

Chiffon, organza

If the fabrics are made of natural silk, then they are starched as usual. Use a light soft solution of starch (0.5 tsp per 1 liter of water).

What else to starch?

Stores sell potato, corn, rice starch. The first has a higher viscosity, thickens better, has a snow-white, blue-ish tint.

You can also purchase ready-made preparations. For example, spray Domol, Luxus, Sano Ironing Starch. The convenience of the preparations is that it is enough to spray the agent on the fabric before ironing. This method is suitable to stiffen the veil.

Liquid starches, which are also sold ready-made, are simply diluted with water, do not boil.

To give a rigid shape - for example, knitted coasters for cups, PVA glue is also used. To do this, 100 ml of glue is diluted in 200 ml of water, the product is dipped in the adhesive solution.

Alternative Processing Methods

Unlike starch, gelatin does not crumble and holds its shape perfectly.

Synthetic fiber fabrics do not lend themselves well to such processing. How to starch things at home if they are made from such fabrics?

To stiffen, gelatin is used to strengthen the brim of hats, to create the desired shape for vases, baskets. To do this, 1 tablespoon of the product is soaked in water, which will require 100 ml, left to swell. Then add the same amount of water and heat the mixture until the gelatin dissolves. Tool is ready!

Gelatin is also suitable for satin, which loses its luster from the traditional processing method.

A similar effect is produced by sugar syrup. For 1 cup of sugar, take 1.5 cups of water, stir, bring to a boil. Make sure that the product does not turn yellow. Textiles are dipped into hot syrup to be starched. This method, for example, is used to process knitted boots, after which they are sent to dry in a straightened form.

These are three alternative methods that you can try on colored items without fear of getting white streaks.

little secrets

These are the secrets on how to properly starch things.

    Iron the linen semi-dry, first the wrong side, then the face. The iron is heated to the maximum temperature that the fabric can withstand.

    To prevent the iron from sticking to the fabric, a pinch of salt is added to the paste.

    Add shine to linen borax and talc. To 5 parts of starch add 3 parts of white talc and 1 part of borax. The mixture is diluted with cold water and a textile napkin is dipped in it, and textiles are processed. This is more like rice starch.

Adding 5-7 drops of turpentine makes ironing easier.

    Ultramarine blue is added to the paste if white things are to be washed.

    Before ironing a thing, it is first sprayed with water and allowed to rest. If the iron has a steam function, then this is not done.

    Yellow spots from a starch collar are removed with hydrogen peroxide, which is diluted in water (ratio 1 to 10).

    Starch with a yellow or gray tint is pre-washed - first they are poured with water, stirred, allowed to settle, the water is drained.

Do you starch things? Which? Leave comments.