Permanent hair waving: before and after photos, reviews. Hair perm

The art of a woman to transform can be the envy of any secret agent: today she is platinum blonde with carefully straightened hair, a month later - makes eyes handsome man in a cafe, straightening her shiny chestnut curls, and six months later turns into an exotic beauty with African braids up to the waist… The desire to change is inside us, and in no case should it be restrained!

Masters of the beauty salon "Magenta" advise how to bring to life the most desired and pleasant reincarnations. The spring-summer season is a time of carelessness, light dresses and air curls. Therefore, today we will talk about perm or, as professionals call it, permanent waving, texturing. Tatyana Iskhakova, a fashion designer at the Magenta hair salon, an international teacher, will tell you how to achieve persistent curls while maintaining the health of your hair.

- Surely every owner of straight hair deep down dreams of having a cascade of curls, and a woman with curly hair wants to fix them. Finally, we can offer our customers a perm procedure based on new generation preparations and technologies, thus satisfying the desire of the most demanding women. In our salon, we use compositions developed by the Shiseido laboratory (Japan) and produced by the American corporation Zotos.

- Please tell us more about these funds for permanent waving. How are they different from traditional ones?

- Texturizing preparations ISO is a complete complex of products that allow you to change the shape of the hair without damaging it. It contains isoamine, a positively charged component. Hair has a negative charge, so isoamine easily penetrates into their structure. The result is elastic, healthy and natural curls.
ISO introduces four perms, two texturizers and a straightener for curly hair. We offer our clients big choice types of curls and levels of styling fixation. We can do it permanent waving even on dyed or highlighted hair. Modern compositions do not change pigmentation, as it happened before. If your hair has grown back after a perm, with our new products we can make "chemistry for chemistry". My clients have been perming for several years and their curls look great. Others do not even realize that by nature they have straight hair.

- It is known that perm can provoke allergies ...

- Yes, I know about it. But the compositions we use do not cause allergic reactions either in clients or in masters. I can say to myself that I am allergic and before coming to the Magenta salon I refused to perform perms, because after each procedure I had to take pills. With ISO products, I work without gloves, sometimes I even do a few perms a day - and no allergies!

What advice would you give to those whose unruly hair do not allow permanent waving?

Even if you already have a bad experience - do not despair. Now, by applying special means, Can tame the most shrew hair and make a beautiful curl along the entire length. For very long hair we offer a composition that includes a thermal activator, thanks to which uniform curls are obtained from roots to ends.

- Which additional features does this line open for permanent waving?

- If you just want add volume to hair artistic mess (broken curls), we can offer you long-term styling which lasts 4 to 6 weeks.

Finally, you have decided to get a perm! We invite you to free consultation to our salon "Magenta", where the master will assess the condition of your hair and give you professional recommendations.

- Is it possible to do texturing on dry, brittle or recolored hair?

If your hair is not ready for a perm, we have a procedure in the salon - thermotreatment (we talked about it in the last issue), which restores hair "from the inside to the surface." Immediately before curling, you can do a special hair cleansing procedure from ISO, as a result of which residues will be removed. styling products, salt, chlorine, mineral deposits, leading to uneven formation of curls and deterioration of the hair.

- What form of curls are obtained as a result of the texturing procedure?

- Thanks to a variety of winding technologies that allow you to create curls different shapes and size, as well as various means for styling, you can choose the image that will most harmoniously match your mood: romantic or sexy, frivolous or energetic.

- How to care for hair after changing its texture?

- For hair care with permanent waving, we can offer you Shiseido products - these are shampoos and conditioners for curls, styling products from the ISO and Multiplisity lines. You can buy them directly in the salon "Magenta".

Let yourself be happy and enjoy your own appearance!

What is a permanent worries those who have heard about fashion trends in the field of cosmetology and hairdressing. Interest is also shown by those who are already ready to change their appearance, but are little familiar with the principle of operation of this method. The article tells about what these methods are and how they work.

What it is

Not only cosmetology answers the question of what a permanent is. The word has several meanings, represented even in mathematics. But in this case I'm talking about the techniques of working with appearance.

In the broadest sense, a permanent is a method that lasts a very long time, compared to other methods of influencing hair. The effect lasts up to six months. The essence of the procedure is to use special chemical compounds to change the structure of the hair (more specifically, the arrangement of protein molecules in the hair) so as to give them desired shape. IN specific case- from straight hair to make curly.

If the hot effect on the hair with a curling iron or a thermal curler creates a short-term effect, then the permanent gives shape to long time.

What is a permanent, cosmetology also knows. IN Lately the so-called permanent makeup has become popular - long-term coloring the right parts face (eyebrows, lip contour) to give them the necessary shape.

Eyebrow permanent

Not everyone naturally has eyebrows of sufficient density. perfect shape. When a girl is knocked down in search of a master to help create them different ways(building, coloring) or tired of constant corrections and everyday care, she stops for more radical way. It's about O permanent makeup eyebrows.

Eyebrow permanent is a technique that combines cosmetology and tattooing. It involves the introduction of a special agent into the skin - a dermopigmentator, which leaves a "pattern". In this way, the desired shape of the eyebrows is drawn, which lasts a very long time (even several years, depending on the quality of the dye).

Eyebrow is different from classic makeup that allows you to create more natural color and in general. Depending on the color of the skin and hair, an individual color is selected: shades of black, gray, chestnut or red.

The permanent involves the use of several techniques to create the perfect shape and thickness of the eyebrows:

  • shading, in which the desired eyebrow contour is painted in a gradient, without clear lines and borders; this creates the effect of eyebrows tinted with a pencil or mascara;
  • hair technique involves drawing individual hairs along the desired "trajectory"; this method allows you to further increase the volume of hairs by using a dye of different shades;
  • the combination of the two previous techniques gives the third - 3D makeup; it gives a more saturated result in the form of a clear contour and thorough shading.

The first two methods are more in demand recently, because they give the most natural result.

hair perm

To create persistent curls, hair is treated with various compounds: alkaline, acidic or exothermic. Each one is designed for different hair and it works in its own way. The first is used for curling healthy, dense hair, the second - for the weakened and damaged, the third acts as a strong heater.

Now you can choose any degree of curling. A large permanent involves winding hair on large curlers, which ultimately gives large curls. Permanent from the roots creates additional volume to the hair. The spiral look is suitable for curling long hair because it uses long curlers. The result is small long curls along the entire length, which looks especially advantageous on thin hair. A merging permanent involves twisting individual strands, the main part of the hair remains intact. This is the most natural way, which gives light effect negligence.

At proper care(using special shampoos and masks, avoiding a hair dryer, regular haircuts) the hairstyle will last even more than six months.

Pros and cons

What is a permanent? In all cases, this is the use of chemical compounds that affect the structure of the hair or the condition of the skin. Therefore, such measures are highly not recommended for those who have a predisposition to allergies. In any case, you will have to consult with your doctor first.

In addition, such a desired long-term effect may be a disadvantage. This is in cases where the result of the work turned out to be far from ideal. This happens, and very often. Unfortunately, an insufficiently careful choice of a master, the use of low-quality compositions, handicraft devices (in the case of eyebrow makeup) is capable of best case leave an unwanted result. At worst - significantly harm health.

Therefore, if the decision is made, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the place of work of the master for hygiene, find out how the tools are processed, familiarize yourself with the portfolio (work performed) and not trust those specialists who do not give any recommendations. In addition, it is important to make sure that your own idea of ​​​​the final result of the work coincides with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe master - the canons of beauty are different for everyone.

Taking these precautions will prevent negative consequences and will give a long, good result.

Which makes the hair more voluminous for a long time. Today, this procedure still has its fans, although the classic "chemistry" has been replaced by its new forms. So, more about permanent hair waving, its features.

Permanent waving technology

The main advantage of a permanent is the duration of the effect. After all, the hairstyle lasts for a long time until the hair completely grows back. In the process of such a procedure, potent substances of chemical origin are used. For this reason, the perm is popularly referred to simply as “chemistry”. It consists of several steps.

First, the master checks the product that will be used for curling, for allergic reaction. To this end chemical drug applied behind the ear or on the wrist for 15-20 minutes. Lack of irritation is a signal that chemical styling it is possible to do.

To better soften the hair cuticles, they are washed before the procedure, but not dried. Then curlers or bobbins are wound onto the strands and this process begins from the back of the head. Curlers must be securely fixed, but the scalp should not stretch and feel discomfort. When all the strands are wound, they are treated with a curling compound. How long to keep chemical composition on the hair, depends on him and the type of future hairstyle.

After a certain time, the composition is washed off without removing the curlers. Then the strands are fixed with a special fixative.

The last stage is the neutralization of the remnants of the influencing substances. It is applied to untwisted hair. After that, the curls are treated with a moisturizer and allowed to dry naturally.

Permanent waving at home is difficult to do. If the technology is violated, it is possible to harm the hair, and the result will be far from expected.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Permanent waving is the longest of all types of chemistry. Therefore, when deciding to do it, you need to take into account all the factors influencing the hair. The main argument "for" - stable and eternal curls. With proper care, they look great. This also saves time on hair care: you do not need to style them every morning, wind them up, use means to fix them. Curls retain their shape even after rain and wet weather. Permanent waving - perfect option for oily and thin hair. After chemistry, they are dried, become obedient and voluminous. Among the main disadvantages of such styling is the harmfulness of chemicals, their negative impact on the structure of the hair, their weakening. After using these substances, the hair must be restored. It often becomes dry after the permanent, if before that it was normal. Sometimes hairs can fall out if aggressive chemicals damage the hair follicles.

Hair care after permanent waving

Since the effect of chemicals on the hair during such a curl is stressful for the hair, they need to be restored. Three to four days after the procedure itself, you do not need to wash your hair to avoid changing the shape of the curls. They also need to be hidden from the sun, combed with a brush with soft bristles. You should purchase a special shampoo and conditioner enriched with restorative substances. Moisturizing and nourishing masks - required element care for such hair. It is not recommended to overload them with drying with a hair dryer, styling products, trying to change the shape of the hairstyle.

Contraindications to permanent

Permanent waving should not be done immediately after dyeing, highlighting and lightening. Then the structure of the hair will deteriorate. After colored henna and some natural dyes the active ingredients of the composition used during the procedure may simply “not grab” the hair.

It is impossible to carry out a permanent during pregnancy and lactation, critical days and in postoperative period, infectious and other diseases, taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs. Chemotherapy is also a contraindication to perming hair. cardiovascular diseases, allergy or sensitivity to individual components of the composition.

Perm hairspecial procedure that allows you to get curly hair for a long time.

If earlier perm was an extremely risky event that affects the health of the hair is far from better side, then at present modern technologies allow you to neutralize the negative effects on the hair, thanks to the use of gentle products.

Permanent perm allows you to get the desired appearance, add shine, elasticity and health to hair.

Who needs a perm? Firstly, for those women whose hair lacks volume due to thinness, secondly, for those whose hair loses its purity very quickly, thirdly, perm saves time (from 30 to 40 minutes), which is spent daily for hair styling. In addition, permanent waving allows you to keep your hair even in wet, humid and windy weather.

Perm base- curlers and special products of different pH levels (depending on the structure and type of hair). The result depends, of course, on the duration of exposure, and on the concentration of the curling agent, and on the size of the curler. As a rule, thin hair is wound on small curlers in order to better hold the shape. It should be remembered: the smaller the curlers, the smaller the curls will be.

To get curls that look like a corkscrew, strands of hair are wound onto thin curlers vertically located on the sides of the parting. Natural appearance the hair is also attached by the use of curlers different sizes.Curling on corrugated curlers looks good only in one case, when it is used not on the whole head, but on individual strands of hair.

Types of perms

Currently available types of perm:

  • Acid based - for better fixation. Used for all types of hair. It should be borne in mind that this type of perm has the strongest effect on the hair;
  • Alkaline perm has a milder effect compared to acid perm, but lasts for less time and is not suitable for every type of hair;
  • Japanese perm (gentle perm) also has a fairly gentle effect on the hair due to the neutrality of the pH of this method and is suitable for all types of hair, including the most vulnerable dry damaged hair;
  • Amino acid perm it is usually used in cases where it is necessary to allow the hair to recover after the procedure as soon as possible;
  • Acid based using thioglucolic acid. Not recommended for use on straight lines smooth hair, since the curls obtained with its help do not differ in strength.

Types of perms

Exist the following types perm:

  • on papillottes that contribute to the creation natural look soft curly hair;
  • spiral curl (vertical curl) looks great on long straight hair, creating neat spiral curls arranged vertically.
  • "on a pigtail"- a perm used for medium and great length when the processed strands are braided, and the ends are twisted into special bobbins;
  • "on a pin"- type of perm, usually applied on enough short hair when individual strands are wound onto hairpins (non-metallic);
  • with spinning bobbin when another part of the strand wound on one bobbin is twisted, which makes it possible to obtain curls of different sizes as a result;
  • "nursery", When chemical exposure limited to hair only, not affecting skin covering heads; put on the head special cap with small holes through which individual strands of hair are pulled out;
  • "twin"- perm used for hair of medium and long lengths, when part of the curls curl vertically, and part horizontally;
  • root perm used to create volume at the roots of the hair or to correct the hairstyle after a previous perm.

Perm technology

Precautionary measures

Perming requires that the hair be clean. Perm is not performed on hair dyed with metal-containing dyes such as urzol, fuchsin and others.

Contraindications for perm:

  • disease;
  • stress;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • period of menstruation;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • taking hormonal drugs.

Execution sequence

  • Checking for allergic reactions.
  • The choice of the type of curl (the technology depends to a greater extent on it).
  • Separation of the hairline into strands, depending on the type of curl chosen.
  • Winding strands on curlers (first, the back of the head, then the side, then the temples and the parietal zone).
  • Saturation of the strands with a solution chemical agent used for curling.
  • Wrapping the head with a towel over a plastic cap for the duration of the effect of the curling agent.
  • Applying a fixative.
  • Washing the head with applying various hair balms.

Perm Care

In order for the hair not to lose the qualities acquired during the perm, it is required to use high-quality mild shampoos and conditioners for washing, suitable for hair that has undergone permanent waving.

Hair must be protected from direct UV rays.

Combing hair should be entrusted to a comb with rare teeth, in order to avoid injury to the hair. Do not fall asleep with dry hair.

After a perm, do not use hairspray, and do not comb the hair, as this can lead to tangles.

You can not dye your hair, you can apply tinted shampoos and balms, preferably on a natural basis.

Hair restoration after perm

Weakened perm hair will benefit from hair masks containing panthenol, keratin, collagens, and silk proteins.

A good effect is given by hot hair masks containing various oils.

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Permanent hair waving has been known for many years, but today this procedure affects the health of the hair in a completely different way, unlike what our mothers and grandmothers did, although the name and principle remained the same. Modern masters of hairdressing use gentle compositions that can change the shape of your strands without damaging them. Let's find out more about what it is - a modern permanent perm of hair, about its disadvantages and advantages.

What is permanent hair waving?

Permanent is a procedure based on chemical reaction. During this reaction, the sulfur bridges in the hair structure, which are responsible for its shape, are destroyed. Then the strands are wound on curlers or curlers of the selected diameter and shape and processed with a special fixative.

After that, the sulfur bridges take a new position. At the end, the curlers are removed and you become the owner spectacular curls the desired shape and severity of the curl. Gradually, the sulfur bridges are oxidized under the influence of oxygen and the strands acquire their original shape.

Benefits of permanent waving

Permanent hair waving has the following advantages:

  • Modern formulations for chemistry can even be applied to dyed and highlighted strands, they do not affect hair pigmentation.
  • Curling agents can be used again as the strands grow, that is, “chemistry for chemistry” can be performed. This will allow you to maintain the beauty of your hair and wear curls for as long as you want.
  • Chemistry dries curls, but for girls with oily hair, this will solve the problem. frequent washing heads.
  • Unlike curls wound on stylers, chemistry in wet weather only looks more spectacular.
  • The cost of the service is affordable. Estimated price from 2000 rubles, depending on the length of the strands, region, salon level and type of curl.

And of course, permanent waving provides your hair with amazing volume and long-lasting results.

Disadvantages of permanent waving

If looking at the photo of curls you were inspired and decided to sign up for a salon as soon as possible, do not rush, but check out negative aspects procedures. These include:

  • Contrary to popular belief that curling will make styling easier, this is not always the case. In some cases, it will be even more difficult to collect curls in a hairstyle than before permanent waving.
  • Hair care after the procedure should be even better, since no matter how gentle the composition would be used, damage to the hair is still caused.
  • The success of the result primarily depends on the professionalism of the master you have chosen, and this explains the numerous negative feedback women using the service. Deciding to own beautiful curls, remember that permanent hair waving at home should not be carried out, although you can buy such compositions in almost any cosmetics store. The process is quite laborious and has many subtleties that not even every master knows.

Types of permanent hair waving

If 20 years ago women could only do classical chemistry, today beauties can choose from more than 20 types of this procedure. The most popular are:

  • American. This is one of the most popular types of currently. At the peak of popularity are large curls, just such and gives American chemistry. During the procedure, special curlers Olivia Garden are used. The technique of winding strands on curlers can be different, depending on desired result. This type of chemistry is suitable for long and medium strands.
  • Acid. This chemistry is the most aggressive in relation to the hair. It is not recommended for girls thin hair And sensitive skin heads. Its advantage is a more stable fixation, but the curl is tough.
  • Alkaline. This look is not suitable for girls with even and heavy strands, curls on them will last only a month instead of a possible 3.
  • Antichemistry. If you are the owner curly curls and vice versa, if you want to straighten them, this type of curl will suit you.
  • Vertical. For wrapping, spiral curlers are used, which are located in vertical position. As a result, you will get elastic and tight spiral curls.
  • or semi-permanent hair waving. The curling composition does not include thioglycolic acid, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, which have a destructive effect on the structure of the strands. Instead, sulfur bridges are affected by substances similar in structure to hair molecules. There are a lot of such curling compounds today, for example, Niagara Bio or Mossa.

The essence of the procedure is the same everywhere - the effect on the sulfur bridges of the hair. But the curling composition, curlers, exposure time and winding method may differ, causing such a variety of species.

Video: How classic permanent waving is done