Hair care product after perm. Styling and combing. What unfortunate consequences can await hair after curling

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Not all girls have obedient curls that can easily be wound on curlers and stop there. For ladies with straight hair that is difficult to style, a perm has been developed. It allows you to keep curls until they grow back. However, this option is possible only with proper care, which we will talk about today.

Basic rules of care

  1. After a perm, even the healthiest hair will begin to split. For these purposes, purchase a serum or spray from split ends, spray it several times daily. Give preference to the professional series.
  2. In the summer, hide your hair under a cap or buy a wide-brimmed hat. During this period, you also need to use products with a high UV filter to avoid dry hair. When visiting the solarium, wear a special hat.
  3. It is possible to use coloring pigments (persistent, semi-permanent, tonics, henna, basma) only after a month after the procedure. Otherwise, the hair will not have time to recover, which will lead them to a deplorable state. In addition, the paint will be less adherent due to the content of chemicals in the rod, since the stratum corneum has not yet formed.
  4. Wear loose hair more often, ponytail, braid, bun and other collected hairstyles weaken curls and make them uneven. It is not recommended to make bouffants, such a procedure disrupts styling.
  5. It is forbidden to wash your hair for the first three days. This time is allotted for fixing the new form of curls, the top layer of the hair is strengthened, which does not allow chemicals to be washed out of the core. Yes, the smell of ammonia is unbearable, and the curls look unnatural, but you need to be patient.
  6. 5 hours after visiting the salon, make a solution that is allowed to rinse the hair to start the formation of the stratum corneum. Dilute 60 ml. vinegar in 1.5 liters of warm water, rinse the strands, but do not apply shampoo.
  7. It is not recommended to use a hair dryer or curlers in the first week. The curls are not yet fully formed, by such actions you will break their structure. As for curling and ironing, they are banned forever.
  8. Go to bed with dry hair only. Do not touch wet curls, do not comb them even with a flat comb. Gently absorb moisture with a warm terry towel and wait until it dries completely.
  9. You can not comb your hair during the day, after this time, use only a comb with wide and sparse teeth. Give up brushing and massage combs. While combing, squeeze the curls with your hands to collect the curls into their original shape.
  10. Once every 1.5 months, visit a hairdresser to cut off split ends. Permed hair begins to split 60% faster. Look at the condition of the hair, if necessary, contact the master earlier.
  11. If you often visit a sauna or bath, wear hats designed for this purpose. Every time rinse your hair with clean running water after swimming in the sea, river, pool.
  12. Shop for shampoos, conditioners, serums, and permed hair sprays. They keep the curls in shape and prevent the curls from falling apart. After washing your hair, dry your hair with a hairdryer with a diffuser, while setting the minimum temperature or using a cold setting.
  13. Discard metal clips that severely injure the hair. Give preference to soft plastic crabs or magnetic hairpins. Also, iron accessories have very sharp edges at the junction of the plates, which is doubly bad.
  14. Curly curls do not get dirty so quickly even in owners of oily hair, so give up daily washing. The optimal frequency of the procedure is 1 time in 3 days.
  15. If you have the opportunity, wash and dry your hair in the salon. Hairdressing salons are equipped with a special infrared lamp that retains its shape and does not dissolve curls into separate small strands.

Folk remedies are in no way inferior to professional cosmetics. Preparing decoctions will not cost you a pretty penny, and the ingredients can be purchased at any pharmacy or supermarket.

This care option is suitable for residents of both large cities and small settlements, where it is not always possible to find high-quality hairdressing products. Prepare herbal infusions several times a week. Store them in a dark cabinet with a tightly closed lid. For ease of use, it is better to pour the decoctions into a glass or plastic container. Rinse the strands every time after shampooing.

A decoction of immortelle

  • birch sap - 60 ml.
  • immortelle - 50 gr.
  • oak bark - 100 gr.
  • nettle leaves - 30 gr.
  • dope - 30 gr.
  • chamomile flowers - 40 gr.
  • lavender ether - 12 drops.
  • ginseng ether - 8 drops.
  • lemon balm ether - 7 drops.
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Grind the lemon in a meat grinder along with the zest, place the mixture in a saucepan and pour over 400 ml. boiling water. Pour 1.7 liters of hot water into a separate container and place the herbs there, let the composition brew for 6 days. After that, mix the two solutions, strain through a colander. Measure out the esters with a syringe and drop them into the infusion.

A decoction of rowan

  • thyme - 45 gr.
  • rosemary flowers - 25 gr.
  • rhubarb - 45 gr.
  • rowan - 90 gr.
  • calendula - 15 gr.
  • chamomile ether - 2 ml.
  • tea tree ether - 9 ml.
  • grapefruit - 1 pc.

Pour boiling water over the plants, wait a day. After the expiration of the time, heat the infusion, cut the grapefruit into thin slices and place it on the plants. Wait 5 hours, strain, drip esters.

Onion and garlic decoction

  • white onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • burdock - 45 gr.
  • mint - 25 gr.
  • linden - 45 gr.
  • coltsfoot - 20 gr.
  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • geranium ether - 4 ml.
  • orange ether - 4 ml.
  • grapefruit ether - 4 ml.
  • sage ether - 7 ml.

Squeeze the garlic in a crusher, chop the onion and lemons (with zest) in a meat grinder. Pour the plants with 2.2 liters of hot water, add the crushed components. Infuse the mixture for 5 days, strain and drip the esters. Do not worry about the garlic smell, the lemon neutralizes it.

  • rosemary - 45 gr.
  • mullein flowers - 45 gr.
  • burdock - 90 gr.
  • mint - 55 gr.
  • linden flowers - 45 gr.
  • juniper ether - 10 ml.
  • clove ether - 4 ml.
  • ether of pine or fir - 7 ml.
  • ether ylang-ylang - 9 ml.

Pour the plants with cold water, put on a slow fire, cook for 3 hours. Strain, add essential oils and rinse hair immediately.

A decoction of a string

  • hops - 45 gr.
  • plantain - 65 gr.
  • horsetail - 40 gr.
  • string - 110 gr.
  • sage - 15 gr.
  • rosewood ether - 8 ml.
  • oregano ether - 4 ml.
  • patchouli ether - 4 ml.
  • lavender ether - 4 ml.

Pour boiling water over the herbs, wait 1 hour, strain. Drop the ethers, then rinse your hair.

Decoction of nasturtium

  • oregano - 25 gr.
  • nasturtium leaves - 75 gr.
  • bedstraw grass - 55 gr.
  • parsley leaves - 25 gr.
  • parsley seeds - 25 gr.
  • butterbur - 35 gr.
  • sandalwood ether - 9 ml.
  • cinnamon ether - 4 ml.
  • geranium ether - 8 ml.

All plants, including parsley, must be dry. Soak them in 2.3 liters of boiled water, send them to the closet for 5 days. After the expiration date, strain well, add esters. Optionally, 35 ml can be dropped into the composition. lemon juice.

Decoction-mask of cucumber

  • calamus root - 15 gr.
  • aloe stalks - 3 pcs.
  • St. John's wort - 35 gr.
  • nettle - 15 gr.
  • basil - 10 gr.
  • lemon balm ether - 10 ml.
  • gelatin - 35 gr.
  • egg yolk - 4 pcs.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.

Grind the cucumber in a blender without removing the peel and seeds, mix it with the yolks. Soak the plants in 400 ml. water, let it brew for 45 minutes, cool and add gelatin. Combine both compositions, apply the mixture to the curls, rubbing thoroughly. Wait 3 hours. Try not to collect hair, they should lie freely. For these purposes, cover your shoulders with a bag or towel.

Did you get a perm, but your hair began to split and get tangled? For the first three days, do not wash your hair, dry your curls only with a hairdryer with a diffuser. Refuse to use a massage brush so as not to turn into a dandelion. Buy a comb with large and wide teeth. Rinse your hair with a decoction of medicinal plants, now more than ever you need natural remedies. Completely give up ironing and curling irons, touch up curls with thermal curlers.

Video: hair care after a perm

Many women who have naturally straight hair are often unhappy with this state of affairs. They certainly want to acquire elegant curls or flirty curls. Of course, you can wind the strands on curlers or use electric tongs or a curling iron, and then fix the finished hairstyle with hairspray. But, unfortunately, none of the above methods gives a lasting effect: several hours pass, and the styling created with such difficulty loses its shape. That is why ladies who did not get curly hair from birth resort to such a hairdressing procedure as perm hair.

When deciding to do "chemistry", most of the fair sex are guided by the fact that it will relieve them of the need to perform daily hair styling and greatly simplify their care. And indeed it is. And perm allows you to increase the volume of hair and visually hide some of the imperfections of the face. However, in addition to the advantages, this procedure has one significant drawback, which is that it uses rather aggressive agents that do not have the best effect on the hair structure. They lift the cuticle scales, contributing to the formation of voids inside the hair shafts, due to which the latter become brittle and brittle. In this case, there is often a violation of the water-fat balance in the cells of the scalp, and, as a result, dry or wet dandruff appears. To reduce the likelihood of certain problems, after a perm, you need to provide your hair with high-quality home care, which we will talk about today.

Recommendations for hair care after a perm

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely protect hair from stress when performing a perm, but it is quite possible to minimize its negative consequences. To do this, it is enough to follow simple recommendations for caring for curls at home:

  • After a perm, you can’t wash your hair for 3 days (it’s even undesirable to even just wet it with water), because at this time the composition still continues to act, and the moisture that gets on the hair can adversely affect the final result.
  • Try to refrain from combing your hair on the first day, and in the future use only a wooden or silicone comb with sparse wide teeth for these purposes. Give up massage brushes and brushing. Comb the curls very smoothly so that the curls do not lose their shape.
  • In the first week after the “chemistry”, do not use a hair dryer, as exposure to hot air can disrupt styling. Leave your hair to dry naturally after washing. Just don't wrap your hair in a towel until it's practically dry, but just gently dry it to remove excess moisture. In no case do not comb wet curls, as they are very vulnerable to mechanical stress. In the future, the use of a hair dryer is allowed, but it is desirable to turn it on at the lowest air flow rate. If you prefer to wash your hair before bed, be sure to dry your hair. You can’t sleep with wet hair, otherwise the curls will deform and lose their shape.
  • Try to walk with loose hair as often as possible, and when creating hairstyles, use extremely soft wide elastic bands and hairpins that do not have sharp teeth. Do not pull your curls and do not bouffant, otherwise the curls may become uneven.
  • Do not use high-temperature appliances for styling (ironing irons, curling irons, tongs), otherwise you will worsen the condition of your hair and lose beautiful curls. In extreme cases, you can use soft curlers, but you should not abuse them either.
  • Wash your hair only with a special shampoo that does not contain silicones (they weigh down the hair and help wash out the natural keratin). You will also need to purchase a conditioner designed to care for curls after “chemistry”, and a product for hair ends (serum or cosmetic oil). It is advisable to buy all products from the same series with a perm product. In order for the curls to keep their shape for as long as possible and not fall apart, it is recommended to additionally use special sprays (they can be purchased at any store selling hair cosmetics).
  • When washing your hair, apply shampoo only to the root zone, beat it into foam, and only then distribute it along the entire length of the strands. This will help you keep your curls from drying out and thinning. During washing, do not rub or twist the hair, so as not to injure them.
  • It is recommended to carry out water procedures no more than 2 times a week. Usually this is enough to keep the hair fresh and well-groomed (after a perm, the curls, as a rule, are less greasy than before). The last rinse of the hair is preferably done not with ordinary water, but with herbal decoctions (from nettle, sage or pharmacy chamomile). They give curls softness, silkiness and natural shine.
  • Chemically permed hair is not recommended to be treated with varnish. To fix the hairstyle, it is better to use special products (foams or mousses) designed for curly hair, and wax is perfect for modeling curls. As an alternative to factory cosmetics, you can use folk remedies, such as beer or lemon juice. They perfectly fix curls and allow them to keep their shape for several hours.
  • After the “chemistry”, the ends of the hair often begin to exfoliate, as a result of which the hairstyle takes on an untidy and unkempt appearance. And since damaged curls cannot be restored, they need to be cut periodically to healthy areas (this is best done with hot scissors). It is also necessary to prevent the appearance of split ends through the use of special products (cosmetic oils or serums).
  • If you have permed your hair with a chemical composition, refrain from dyeing your hair for at least 1–1.5 months (this applies not only to the use of permanent dyes, but also to semi-permanent dyes, as well as tonics and natural remedies). Otherwise, the curls will not have time to recover and will begin to break and fall out.
  • Perm, even the most gentle, weakens the hair and makes it more susceptible to various adverse factors. Therefore, after carrying out this hairdressing manipulation, it is necessary to provide protection to the curls. To do this, in the summer and spring, use products containing UV filters, wear hats (both in the warm season and in the cold), avoid contact of curled strands with chlorinated water, and monitor the humidity of the air in the room where you spend most of your time. time.

To minimize the risk of hair problems after a perm, it is recommended to take a course of restorative masks. For these purposes, you can use both factory-made products and self-prepared cosmetic formulations based on natural products. As for efficiency, homemade cosmetics are in no way inferior to store-bought ones, and to some extent even surpass them. Therefore, if you have free time, the first option can be a real lifesaver for you.

In order for home masks to be effective enough, they must be applied to clean and slightly damp hair. To enhance the effect, curls treated with a cosmetic mixture should be insulated with a plastic film. The duration of such funds can vary from 20 to 60 minutes (depending on the structural features and condition of the curls). To remove masks, it is better to use warm filtered or settled water or herbal decoction (for example, from nettle or sage). It is recommended to carry out recovery procedures twice a week for one and a half to two months.

Masks for hair restoration after perm: recipes

Recipe #1

Effect: strengthens and smoothes the structure of the hair shafts, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, gives the hair a beautiful shine and silkiness.


  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 30 g;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • cognac - 30 ml.

How to do:

  • Beat the yolk with a whisk together with olive oil.
  • Add cognac and honey and apply to hair.
  • After half an hour, I wash my hair with shampoo.

Recipe number 2

Effect: smoothes cuticle scales, evens out the structure of curls, nourishes and moisturizes them along the entire length.


  • baker's yeast - 20 g;
  • cream - 50 ml;
  • raw yolk - 1 pc.;
  • castor oil (warm) - 50 ml.

How to do:

  • We heat the cream and mix with yeast.
  • We put the mixture in a warm place for 20-30 minutes.
  • Beat the yolk thoroughly with butter.
  • We combine both mixtures and distribute the finished mask on curls.
  • We wait 40 minutes, wash our hair and rinse it with water with the addition of a small amount of apple cider vinegar.

Recipe number 3

Effect: softens and moisturizes curled strands, prevents their thinning and drying, restores a healthy shine to the hair.


  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • jojoba oil - 30 ml;
  • grape oil - 10 ml;
  • sandalwood essential oil - 3 drops;
  • ylang-ylang essential oil - 3 drops.

How to do:

  • We mix vegetable oils (jojoba, olive and grape seed) and heat in a steam bath.
  • Add esters and apply on curls for 50-60 minutes.
  • Rinse hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Recipe number 4

Effect: perfectly softens and refreshes curls, smoothes and strengthens their structure, prevents brittleness.


  • rye bread - 1/4 loaf;
  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 20 g.

How to do:

  • We crumble bread and fill it with kefir.
  • After 20–30 minutes, knead the bread into a gruel and mix it with the yolk and honey.
  • We distribute the mask on the hair, wait about 40 minutes, then wash the hair with plenty of water (you can without shampoo).

Recipe number 5

Effect: restores hair that has been exposed to "chemistry", smoothes cuticle scales, eliminates brittleness and protects the ends from delamination.


  • nettle decoction - 100 ml;
  • aloe juice - 10 ml;
  • liquid honey - 30 g;
  • almond oil - 30 ml.

How to do:

  • Beat all the ingredients with a mixer.
  • We apply a small amount of the mask on the scalp and perform a light massage.
  • We impregnate the curls with the rest of the product, warm them and wait 45 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with running water and a mild shampoo.

The recommendations and folk recipes listed above will help you not only preserve the curls obtained as a result of chemical perm for a long time, but also prevent the appearance of all kinds of problems with your hair. However, it must be borne in mind that curl care is not a one-time event, but painstaking work, the results of which will become noticeable only if it is regular.

Perm has long ceased to be a favorite hairstyle for older ladies. Modern masters have learned to twist curls so deftly that even young girls began to resort to the help of chemistry. When signing up for the procedure, it is very important to understand that after a perm, special care will be required for the hair. A few simple rules and tips will help keep curls longer, while minimally injuring curls.

Features of hair care after perming

Do not wash your hair immediately after chemotherapy. Moreover, some experts do not even recommend combing for two to three days after a perm. The fact is that for several days the composition applied to the hair continues to act. Washing it off prematurely can ruin your hair.

After the hairstyle is formed, it is very important to treat it carefully. Hair is already stressed, therefore, having done chemistry, it is better not to use irons, curling irons, strong fixation varnishes and other means that harm weakened hair.

Among other things, hair care after a perm involves regular styling. It is better to make them with a comb with rare teeth, with the help of a hair dryer. At the same time, it is impossible to dry curls with hot air. The best option is to dry with warm or cold air.

Balms after perm based on liquid proteins favorably affect the hair structure. Similar funds today can be found in the assortment of almost all brands.

In sunny weather, it is very desirable to cover your hair with caps, hats and panamas.

Hair care after curling using folk methods

Traditional medicine also knows many secrets that contribute to the restoration of hair after chemistry:

  1. A very effective mask of honey with cognac. Mix these ingredients by a teaspoon. Add a tablespoon and an egg yolk to the mask. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair for three hours and wrapped with a film, after which it is washed off.
  2. A good hair balm after a perm is obtained from the yolk, a spoonful of lemon juice, aloe and vodka. For half an hour, the mixture is applied to the hair roots and rinsed.
  3. After chemistry, hair can also be restored with yeast and castor oil.

Any curling procedure that uses chemical compounds inevitably spoils the hair. Their structure changes to one degree or another, the harm can be insignificant or pronounced. The reaction depends on the initial state of the hair and the effect of the drugs used. Home hair care after a perm involves a careful attitude to them and the systematic use of all kinds of restorative agents.

Types of perms

Conventional acid technique

Healthy hair with a strong structure, without pathologies, satisfactorily withstands the classic chemical procedure. There is a treatment with a special acid agent, such impregnation ensures the creation of strong and securely holding curls. A side effect of such a rigid fixation is damage to the structure of each hair. This is because aggressive ingredients are present in all acid formulations. Only thorough gentle care helps maintain hair in good condition.

Gentle alkaline technique

A more gentle effect on the hair has a chemical alkaline procedure. The sparing method is slightly less dangerous than the previous one, but also, without constant care, it can lead to a deplorable state of hair. The advantage of the alkaline technique is a slight damage to the hair; the disadvantage is the short operational period - a maximum of 3 months; and an integral feature can be called its non-universality, which consists in the uselessness of using curls on thick hair with a dense structure - as practice shows, in this case, the curls do not hold their shape.

Curling Carving

The term "carving" means a lightweight curl, during which the root zone of the hair effectively rises. This professional styling suits well on different types of hair, with the exception of thick with a dense texture. Good light chemistry can last 1-2 months, the service life of carving may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the hair. The master applies a special composition that protects the hair from significant damage, and as a result forms soft curly curls that perfectly imitate natural curls. Any kind of carving - spiral curls, broken strands or large waves - look beautiful and natural. A characteristic feature of carved hair is loyalty to styling manipulations. For example, if necessary, you can do straightening with an iron, hairdryer, serum or spray.

Hair care: after a perm, it is necessary to carry out effective restorative measures

Hair care instructions

Basics of home care

So that the consequences of perm are not negative, you should follow the recommendations of specialists. A good master will certainly give a number of useful tips. Here are the generally accepted postulates. Washing and styling should be avoided for a few days. The combing process should be careful, it is better to use the highest quality tools for this purpose. You will have to add purchased and home-made masks, high-quality regenerating balms and natural oils to your arsenal of care products - it is better to use both herbal and essential preparations. On sale there are special shampoos and a whole range of products that provide complete hair care after a perm and give them the necessary moisture.

In addition to using a neutral shampoo, finish each wash with a balm, spray or conditioner. All styling products - spray or foam - should also be enriched with therapeutic components. Do not use cheap cosmetics to create hairstyles. It is optimal to use caring and restoring products from one reputable manufacturer. Organically complementing each other, different drugs from a single brand act as efficiently as possible.

Curled hair will have a healthy and attractive appearance if it maintains elasticity and elasticity, as well as excellent condition of the ends. It is advisable to make a haircut in advance and after chemistry not to allow the ends to be cut.

The best recipes for hair after a perm

Revitalizing mask ingredients:

  • cream;
  • yeast;
  • raw yolks;
  • Castor oil;
  • medicinal herbs (burdock roots, chamomile flowers);
  • onion juice;
  • garlic juice;
  • shampoo;
  • glycerol;
  • Burr oil;
  • salt;
  • olive oil;
  • Rye bread;
  • kefir.

A mixture of cream, yeast, yolk and natural castor oil - heat and apply for half an hour. Final rinse with herbal decoction.

Combine onion-garlic juice with fresh honey, yolk and shampoo - after a 15-minute mask, wash your hair and rinse with water with the addition of glycerin.

Apply warm burdock oil, hold for several hours under the film and rinse, finally rinsing with salted water.

After boiling the crushed burdock roots in olive oil for a quarter of an hour, distribute the finished filtered product over the scalp and soak the hair, leave for several hours.

Soak rye bread in kefir overnight, add raw yolks and honey in the morning - massage for 20 minutes, wash your hair and pour chamomile decoction over your hair.

Proper hair care after a perm will protect against disappointment in the long-term styling done and help achieve a noticeable improvement. You can not neglect the elementary rules and take risks. If the master forbade staining, then you will have to refrain from it for a certain time. The main thing is to organize comprehensive care. Ideally, therapeutic external agents should be selected on an individual basis, depending on the degree of damage to the hair.