What is nice for a man. How to determine the sympathy of a man

Facial expression, gestures, voice, all this is filled with signals from our subconscious, which play a significant role in the relationship between a man and a woman. Often looking closely at a person, you can see his thoughts, feelings and attitude towards you. Want to know how to tell if a man likes you just by looking at him? Next, I will tell you what to look for and what aregestures of sympathy of a man for a woman.

First, let's understand how everything works. The body language of men is very similar to that of women. You probably know that many functions of the human body are unconscious and controlled by the subconscious. For example, heartbeat or breathing. Want a better example? Imagine an erotic scene with you and the desired man in the lead role. Feel: the heart beats faster, it is harder to breathe. You probably feel a lot of other things too. The body is just reacting to your thoughts. Similarly, we feel fear, admiration…and sympathy.

Read about the body language of women in this.

And when men feel something, think about something, their body reacts, every time without exception. This is the body language of a man in love. This, of course, is not only about the functions of the body, there are also unconscious psychological impulses, for example, the desire to look good in the presence of an object of sympathy, as a result of which men straighten their clothes, hair, and generally preen themselves. There can be many such reactions and gestures, we will consider the most important and often found in practice signs of a guy's sympathy for a girl.


When a man is interested in you, his look will tell you very eloquently about it. He will be fast and attentive. Usually such a look is accompanied by a parted mouth, flared nostrils and a movement of the eyebrows. Often everything happens involuntarily, which should give you a hint about the feelings of a man. And after a cursory glance, you can expect a careful examination of the object of sympathy. Sometimes a guy tries to do it so that the girl notices.


How to understand that a man likes you? Look into his eyes! Because in addition to the look itself, there are also pupils that can tell a lot. If he is excited around you or sexually aroused, his pupils will dilate. However, it should be understood that in the case when the interlocutor has poor eyesight, the pupils dilate in order to receive more light and excitement has nothing to do with it.

facial expressions

To begin with, pay attention to a smile, which, although not always indicating sympathy, is often an important signal. If a guy smiles at you during a conversation, this may be a sign of a good mood, sympathy, or just a normal attitude towards you. Your chance is 33.3%. However, a smile can be different, a sincere one is accompanied by wrinkles around the eyes, if there are none, this is an attempt to portray politeness.

Go ahead. Men are more physically attracted than women. So, in addition to dilated pupils, other signs of sexual arousal in men play a role. Biting and licking dry lips speaks of arousal and thoughts corresponding to this feeling. Of course, you need to clearly understand why a man is experiencing them, so try to look at everything in a complex.


The body language and gestures of a man are based on subconscious signals. That is, the body tries to satisfy the wishes of the mind, while not loading the mind with unnecessary thoughts. And when a guy likes a girl, the subconscious mind tries to make the owner like him in return.

That is why almost all men, in the presence of a lady they like, try to look attractive, and therefore straighten their hair, tie, shirt. These are subconscious gestures that are an important sign of sympathy for a woman. Often during a conversation, a man touches his cheek or chin. Such gestures of sympathy for men signal nervous excitement in the presence of a caring woman.


When analyzing non-verbal gestures of sympathy for men, it is worth paying special attention to touch. Do not forget that men value carnal relationships more. Therefore, the desire to touch, take by the hand, hug, cuddle, even if it's just a friendly walk - this is an iron sign of sympathy.

An important sign that betrays the sympathy of men is his voice. When a guy is nervous, his voice trembles. This option can signal sympathy if the excitement is due to the presence of a girl who likes. The second option - while communicating with a woman he likes, the man's voice becomes low and velvety. Here the cause is a surge of testosterone in the body.

Here we figured outhow to understand that a man likes you. Of course, the sympathy of the guys can be easily discerned in their actions, but then it is already obvious and there is nothing to write about. One thing is worth saying - do not confuse the guy's persistent sympathy and temporary, situational. A man may be attracted to you if he saw you for the first time in his life and five minutes after leaving the room (transport) forget about your existence. However, we will talk about this in separate articles.

Can't figure out what feelings a man has for you? Throw away unnecessary guesses and carefully look at his behavior. If a man is really interested, you will certainly see it. It is enough to know the main signs of sympathy on the part of a man.

It is generally accepted that it is men who are the initiators of romantic relationships. However, according to the behavior of some representatives of the stronger sex, it can be difficult to understand whether he sympathizes with you, or whether he shows signs of attention out of politeness. Due to their natural low emotionality, sometimes men cannot openly express their feelings, preferring to let the situation take its course. But, fortunately, there are signals that literally "scream" about his interest. We are talking about gestures, words and deeds that are manifested in the behavior of guys in love.

Signs of sympathy from a man

Here are 7 signs of sympathy that say a man is interested in a woman.

Sign #1 - Gestures of sympathy

Facial expressions and gestures are the non-verbal "language" of our body, which is almost impossible to control. Being in the company of a woman who arouses sympathy in a man, his body literally “rushes” towards her. This is expressed in copying your gestures, open eye contact, a smile, gentle touches, etc. If a man wants to please the object of his passion, he unconsciously uses "preening gestures", namely, straightening his collar or tie, smoothing his hair, etc. In addition, the guy's sympathy is expressed in a piercing and attentive look. It has been proven that if a man is in love, then when talking, most of the time he looks into the eyes and on the face of his interlocutor.

Sign #2 - He initiates communication

In every man in love, the instinct of a hunter wakes up. In modern representatives of the stronger sex, this instinct is expressed in the fact that they unobtrusively "seep" into the life of their beloved, becoming an integral part of it. A man who is truly interested in a woman will do his best to spend time with her more often. If the relationship has not yet entered the category of friendly-romantic, he will initiate communication even on the most insignificant occasions. If you are already in the candy-bouquet period, a man in love will try to spend as much time with you as possible, even to the detriment of his personal affairs, relaxation and meetings with friends.

Sign #3 - He's joking with you

"If you want to make a woman fall in love with you, make her laugh." This is exactly what folk wisdom says, which is perfectly manifested in the behavior of interested representatives of the stronger sex. A man in love will not “burden” you with his problems and mental trauma, because he subconsciously understands that it is possible to evoke sympathy in return only with the help of positive emotions. That is why, at the beginning of a relationship, many guys play the role of “merry fellows” and “starter”, who sprinkle jokes and funny stories from their childhood.

Sign #4 - He is caring and considerate

Falling in love is the best way to develop caring and attentiveness in men. When a man is genuinely interested in a woman, he puts her interests and needs ahead of his own. That is why he always makes appointments where it is convenient for you, remembers your plans, tries to please your tastes and interests. When the interest is deep, the guy is not only interested in your affairs and well-being, but also tries to make your life better. He meets you from work, invites you to cozy cafeterias, helps with the housework, and also does many other pleasant little things.

Those we truly love become the most important people in our lives. This means that their opinion is very important to us. You can understand that a man’s sympathy develops into sincere interest by a very simple sign - he begins to consult with you and be interested in your opinion on a particular issue. It can be anything from work problems to buying a new suit. By consulting with you, a man wants to involve you in his life so that you become even closer.

Sign #6 - He pleases you with gifts and surprises

By making gifts, a man not only increases his importance in your eyes, but also tries to give you pleasant emotions. In the male language of love, gifts and surprises for no reason are the highest degree of care and attention. With the help of your favorite sweets, cute bouquets and funny souvenirs, a man expresses his sympathy and interest. If you received an unexpected gift from a man, you can be sure that he really likes you. And here it is not the gift itself that is important, but the fact that the man spent time and effort choosing it.

Sign #7 - He introduces you to his friends and family

If a man invites you to vacation with his friends or relatives, it means that he already sees you as his girlfriend. For the most part, the representatives of the stronger sex are very dependent on the opinions of others, so they will not introduce into their “own” circle those with whom they do not intend to build a serious relationship. In addition, getting to know your loved ones can mean a desire to “boast” about you. In any case, this signal only says that you are really very interested in him.

Despite the fact that we are all different and endowed with different characters and behaviors, being in love makes people similar to each other. If a man is really interested in you, certain signs of sympathy will definitely appear in his behavior.

Sometimes we really want to know if we are interested in the man we like. There is an opinion that most men "take it in a hurry" - this is far from the case. All people are different, regardless of gender, and where one person expresses his sympathy with a word, the second may fall into a stupor at the sight of his beloved.

Is it worth saying that many of them simply cannot express their sympathy verbally, due to certain circumstances?

There are also non-verbal manifestations of sympathy and interest on the part of a person, which are easy to “read”, knowing what exactly they mean. Gestures of sympathy from men to a woman are varied, by the end of the article you will be able to easily determine who is showing interest in you!

It is generally accepted that manifestations of female sympathy are easy to determine - the girl literally “blooms”, a slight blush appears on her cheeks, and her eyes burn. Some enthusiastic women even begin to lose a lot of weight during the period of falling in love.

How can male sympathy look by outward signs?

In fact, male passion can also be determined by external signs, and quite clearly and specifically, if you carefully observe his behavior. If you have a suspicion that someone has fallen in love with you, or you want to determine this from the side of a particular man, we will be happy to tell you about the non-verbal signs of a man's sympathy for a woman!


It is quite difficult for a man in love to hide his emotions, and this is no secret to anyone. When we feel that we like someone a lot, we experience something like euphoria, spiritual uplift and inner harmony. Undoubtedly, all this is difficult to "hide" from prying eyes. Men behave in much the same way as we do. Therefore, there are many signs of sympathy on the part of a man, which are easily recognized by the “naked eye”.

And so what can betray a man interested in your attention:

  • Sight. A man in love always looks at his newfound passion in a special way. Whether there is a whole crowd of pretty girls among him, he singles out exactly her. Often his gaze becomes especially intent, even, so to speak, "obsessed". When you respond in kind, the man tends to look away. When a man in love looks at you, his eyes seem to “shine”, they show the very “sparks” that are written about in women's novels;
  • Gait. Another change happens with the gait. She becomes light, as if flying, or even dancing. Often men begin to hum melodies and whistle. Which, you see, is completely uncharacteristic for typical representatives of the stronger sex in everyday life;
  • Attitude and outlook. A guy in love changes radically in front of others. A guy in love changes radically in front of others. He becomes more cheerful, agile, and ready to help everyone. He is dominated by high spirits and cheerful disposition. It is believed that in this state he is able to "move mountains", and this statement is fully justified. By the way, it is during the period of falling in love that men often commit adventurous and reckless acts that are completely unexpected for them. They can go on specific feats, causing great surprise and bewilderment on the part of the people around them;
  • Gestures. At an early age, we all read in "encyclopedias for girls" that boys point their toes in the direction of the girl he likes - and in most cases this is really true. Another gesture that happens in an uncontrollable way is the thumbs in front of the pants belt, as if to take off the jeans.
  • Excessive care of their appearance. Faced with you, he tries to preen - touches his hair, straightens his tie, shakes "invisible dust" from his clothes. He can change his style, buy new fashionable shirts, sign up for a gym, he smells nice of a new expensive perfume, his hair is always carefully styled.
  • A man in love is always happy to help. He tries to protect you from all troubles, protects you from colleagues if someone is dissatisfied with your work, for example, seeks to please you by any means. He is generous with affectionate words and gifts, he does not feel sorry for anything for his beloved, the main thing is that she always feel good. You know, if anything - he will protect you from everyone who dares to encroach on you. In his company you feel good and calm.
  • Posture. If a man is in love with you, he always tries to show all his strength that he has. He stands straight, straightens his shoulders, as if trying to show the width of his back and say with this - "You can always hide behind it." He often keeps his hands on his hips and spreads his legs wide, as if showing his physique. When talking, he turns to his beloved with his whole body and listens very carefully to what she says.

Unlike female signs of sympathy for a man, the second expresses his interest more " carefully". If a woman in the presence of her lover often begins to stutter, speak out of place and just carry something incomprehensibly, but a man, on the contrary, tries to seem more balanced, strong and smart to her. After all, by nature he is a male, which means that such things are not inherent in him!


It happens that a new lonely young man appears in the team, and besides, he is very handsome, who immediately becomes “ target» for unmarried women. It all ends quite often office romance", if a certain girl sees the attention in her direction in time.

Male colleague: what are his signs of sympathy for you:

  • It makes you stand out from the rest of the girls. Moreover, he can do it openly, for example, praise you for a brilliantly done work, set an example for others, admire your skills and knowledge. He always tries to be closer to you, and will not miss the moment to chat with you for an extra minute. He can often come across to you in those places where he was not seen before and calling it "fate", although your meetings can hardly be called "accidental";
  • Gaze- it is always a sign of interest or passion. However, it can be directed not only into your eyes, it may also be interested in where you yourself are looking and it looks in the same direction - as if checking what could interest you there. If a man stares at your lips, it signals sexual interest. In psychology, one often speaks of “devouring with the eyes”, i.e. detailed examination of your entire body in order to memorize the details of the image;
  • How without attracting attention from a man. He may begin to undress, for example, take off his vest or jacket, begin to straighten or loosen his tie, unfasten his watch strap;
  • He invades your personal space, and in the truest sense of the word. Each person has a so-called intimate zone, located no further than arm's length. In it, we usually admit only well-known people or relatives. If a man wants to be in her, this is a great sign that he wants to get close and start a relationship with you;
  • Your colleague is constantly trying to touch you, put your arm around your waist, take your hand, put your hand on a chair or armchair, where are you sitting? — to create tactile contact, so to speak. Such behavior may indicate that he is interested in you not only as just a colleague;
  • He tries get as much attention as possible, constantly demonstrating their sense of humor or sharp mind. Nevertheless, this signal must be regarded in conjunction with the above, since it may be intended for another girl!

Also, if the signals were not enough, then we recommend that you read the article "How men of different zodiac signs show their sympathy" - this will help you get a more complete picture!

All the sea of ​​love and positive!

Nature is arranged in such a way that in almost any situation, every person subconsciously wants to please another like himself. This manifestation is often mutual. In particular, this is reflected in the interaction of the sexes. Every girl should know signs of sympathy from a man.

First impression upon meeting

In most cases, at the first glance at a person, you can understand how pleasant he is to you. The more discerning of us can boast that the signs of sympathy from a guy are always the same, and any girl can understand them. However, in reality, not everything is so simple.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to understand at the very first meeting whether a person is a soul mate, but you can find out about his habits. From the first meeting, for example, it will be seen how a man dresses, whether he is neat whether has bad habits. Moreover, having an idea about the language of gestures and facial expressions, one can recognize true feelings, a truthful attitude towards the interlocutor.

The ability to understand lies based on the actions of the hands, finger gestures, facial expressions, body position will help not to fall into the trap of gigolos, not to become a victim of a swindler. This is especially true for girls who have little relationship experience.

Scientists conducted a study and it turned out that at the first meeting, the main role is played not by what flies off the lips, but by how they look and what your body says.

So, the first impression depends on:

  • Body position and spectacular appearance (by 55%).
  • Habits, good manners, girl's voice (by 38%).
  • From the information flow (what the woman says).

The ability to identify signs of a guy's sympathy is akin to understanding a foreign language. It must not only be learned, but also understood. A person is not always able to hide his intentions, some trifle will definitely give him away. And the girl is obliged to notice her already at the first meeting.

Does a man feel sympathy

Psychologists say that it does not matter whether the meeting is the very first, or whether the couple communicates for some time. In any of these cases the guy will try to appear in front of his companion in the best light, he in every possible way, even sometimes not on purpose, will attract her attention.

General signs of sympathy

You can judge the interest and desire to get closer by the frequent touches of a man. He tries to take his companion by the hand, to hug him, if the level of their relationship allows it. A man will gradually reduce the distance when communicating. It may even seem to some ladies that he is invading their intimate zone. But for a man in love, this is only an innocent step towards.

The guy will want to seem taller, more confident. He will involuntarily straighten his shoulders, straighten his back, straighten his hair. Now it is important for him to show his solidity. That is why a woman can notice that such the interlocutor will often put his hands on his belt, draw in the stomach. So, the man will be sure that he looks beautiful and attractive.

Sometimes a man involuntarily raises his eyebrows in a conversation with an attractive interlocutor. He rubs his chin, fingering a pen, buttons, etc. A man in love wants to be more open when communicating with his passion, so he most likely will not cross his legs, fence himself off from you. You can often notice how, when communicating, the hands rest on their knees, palms up.

And also it is worth paying attention to whether a man is looking for something to rely on. If such help serves, for example, a set aside leg, a woman can be convinced of his sympathy, because her chosen one is overwhelmed with feelings, which causes slight dizziness.

If a man is sexually interested in a girl, which in most cases happens at the same time as falling in love, he can keep his hands in the belt area. This happens instinctively, symbolizes the desire and readiness for action.

The gaze of a man in love

You can definitely determine hidden sympathy if you meet the eyes of the guy you like. It is here that it is certainly impossible to simulate the situation and lie about hidden feelings.

How to determine love in the eyes:

It is important to understand that all guys are different: someone is shy, and someone can directly declare their desires with a long piercing look. However, a man will definitely try to look at you, even if he is in a large group of friends.

Men's actions

Whether it's a guy or an imposing mature man, in both cases there will be a desire to protect your passion, come to her aid, and also devote maximum free time - such is male psychology.

Guys especially strive to save their beautiful passions, because this elevates them to the rank of heroes, which is nice for any girl. And also a man, having previously learned about your interests, will definitely show attention to them and try to please.

How a man in love behaves:

In addition, to show their feelings, or, in some cases, out of hopelessness, guys can provoke conflict situations with representatives of the stronger sex. In their opinion, this makes them more courageous.

Signs of sympathy from a colleague

Of course, in this case, all of the above methods for determining sympathy are acceptable, but a man in love working with a woman he likes can manifest himself in a special way.

Signs of sympathy for a male colleague cannot be seen on a date; in this situation, it is the girl who will have to try to see the spark and hope for the continuation of the relationship.

Explicit signs of attention

Indirect signs

If a colleague often looks at you, looks at your clothes, arms, legs, whole body, and lips for no reason, this is a clear sign of strong sympathy and desire. You may not notice this immediately, however, repeated episodes will definitely catch your eye.

Often you have to work in the same office. If a man is in the presence of a woman tries to take off his extra clothes, most likely, there is sympathy. It can be a jacket, a vest, a cardigan, or a simple loose tie. Thus, the stronger sex tries to attract attention.

Despite the fact that modern offices do not have a lot of space, a man in love will try to reduce the distance between you even more. He will definitely use the intimate zone for this, while trying to touch the woman.

Finally, it is worth noting that any guy who wants to attract the attention of a girl he is interested in will try to prove himself in society from the best side. This is a demonstration of a sharp mind, intellect, skills and abilities.

You have probably heard this famous quote more than once: “Today, politeness is so rare that it is often mistaken for flirting.” But in fact, this is actually so ... For us, unfortunately, the most ordinary gesture of politeness becomes a real surprise. How do you know if you really like him or not? Manners, postures, facial expressions and gestures of a person are considered the main defining criteria. Often, representatives of the stronger sex show such signs unconsciously, since nature itself laid everything in them a long time ago.

Does he often say your name? Listen to his speech. A man who regularly uses your name in a conversation probably feels sympathy for you, because when he pronounces it, he thus equates you with his beloved woman. In addition, in your presence, he will restrain himself, try not to be rude and not swear. After all, otherwise he will not be able to win your favor, right?

Pay attention to his behavior in your presence. If with you he behaves not quite naturally, for example, he laughs very loudly or, on the contrary, is constantly silent, worries a lot or boasts too much, be sure that he likes you very much.

Watch his posture. Maybe he looks at you very often, even if his phrases refer to other people? Or does his gaze brighten up a lot when he asks you about something? You can probably guess why he does this!