How to make a perm at home: step by step instructions. Spectacular perm hair Large curls (50 photos) - Pros and cons of styling

If you have naturally straight curls, it is quite difficult to curl them with simple methods, and the effect of such a hairstyle will be very short (from 1-2 days).

An excellent solution to this issue is perm, which is performed on long and medium curls.

Types of perms

There are several types of perm. Let's consider each of them in more detail:

We can say with confidence that with the help of an acid perm you will achieve the most effective and long-lasting result. However, the hair after this will be very dry. You just can't do without nourishing masks! This type of perm is more suitable for thick and coarse hair. Soft and thin curls will quickly lose their shape and stretch out at the roots.

  1. alkaline

This is the most common and inexpensive type of perm. Compared to acid, alkaline is more gentle, but the effect will last no more than 3 months. Curls will look natural and gentle! Recommended for thin and light hair! Straight and coarse hair will straighten in just a month.

  1. Neutral

The neutral composition of the perm is suitable for any type of hair, even severely damaged. The result obtained does not depend on the quality of the hair. The neutral perm owes all its advantages to allotin (a special solution included in the composition). Curls become not very elastic, due to which they look as natural as possible. The result is stored for 3-4 months.

Due to the proteins that make up the product, this type of curl is gentle. Suitable exclusively for thin and light hair of short or medium length. The result will last no more than 1 month.

  1. silk

Ideal for medium or slightly below medium length hair. It is distinguished by the presence of silk proteins in the curling mixture, which will help soften the curls and restore the damaged structure. The disadvantages include the short duration of the effect - no more than 2 months.

Japanese perm can be done in one day along with dyeing, highlighting, toning. The perm mixture contains a lipid-protein complex, thanks to which the hair becomes strong and healthy. The effect of the Japanese perm is enough for 3-5 months, after which the hair returns to its original state.

Large perm technology

Perm in a certain way affects the structure of the hair, so the quality of the perm mixture plays a significant role. The fact is that during chemical exposure, the hair scales open, losing elasticity. It is this factor that allows the curl to become large, lush and beautiful. To fix the effect, it is necessary to apply a special solution that helps to close and restore the connection inside the hair.

Features of perm large curls

A large perm, unlike a small one, has a lot of advantages, the main of which is the natural effect! But before deciding on such a transformation, it is very important to know some of the nuances.

Rule #1

Never perm large curls on sparse hair! Curls, of course, turn out to be voluminous, but the bald patch at the parting site against the background of curls will be visible.

Rule #2

Large curls are suitable only for long and medium hair. Having made a perm on short hair, you will get only the effect of splendor.

Rule #3

Before proceeding with the procedure, make sure that you are not allergic to the curling composition chosen by you or the specialist.

Rule #4

Rule #5

You should wait at least 2 weeks from dyeing your hair to waving.

How to prepare your hair for a perm "Large curls"

The final result of the curling significantly depends on the correct assessment of the quality and condition of the hair, as well as individual characteristics. This plays a decisive role in the duration of the curling process and the choice of mixture. After all, dyed thin hair is more susceptible to chemical composition than thick and coarse.

The next important factor is shampooing. Before curling, it is recommended to use shampoos, which include natural oils. In no case should you massage or rub the scalp. The slightest scratch or redness will cause discomfort during the process.

Also pay attention to the length of your hair. The thinner the hair, the shorter it should be. Curling long and thin hair is almost impossible. In this case, you can immediately say that the perm will be ineffective. Thick and long hair will also be difficult to curl. Therefore, if you have decided to change your image by perming large curls, take care in advance of the length at which the best result will be obtained.

Chemical perm at home

At home, large curls can be permed using the old and traditional Curl chemical composition.

To do this, prepare:

  • bowl;
  • Brush;
  • Towels
  • Gloves;
  • comb;
  • Vinegar;
  • Cream;
  • Large bobbins;
  • Fixer.

The technique of perm at home is actually quite simple. First of all, lubricate the skin of the face and ears with any oily cream. Next, divide your hair into a front and two side sections. Wind the curls on large bobbins. Please note that the width of the strand should not exceed the width of the bobbin, otherwise the curls will take on an ugly shape.

Based on the length of your hair, choose the appropriate winding method:

  • Short hair is first moistened with a perm mixture, then twisted;
  • Hair of medium length is first twisted, then moistened abundantly;
  • Long hair is curled using a mixed method - initially the ends are wetted, then twisted, then the composition is applied to each bobbin.

Wrap your head with polyethylene and insulate with a towel. The duration of the process depends on the quality and condition of the hair (from 20-40 minutes). After standing for 20 minutes, you can deploy a pair of bobbins and evaluate the curl.

When the degree of curling satisfies you, without removing the bobbins, rinse your hair thoroughly. Dry with a towel and apply a fixer (comes with a curling kit). After holding for 5 minutes, remove the curlers and apply the fixative again, holding for another 5 minutes. Rinse your hair with warm water, adding a little vinegar. Dry your hair with a towel and let it dry naturally.

On this page you can see the types of perms in the photo, which illustrate the various options. All the proposed types of hair curling in the photo are simple and affordable to implement at home. Almost all types of hair curlers are considered in a short version, their pros and cons are proposed. From the article you can find out what types of hair curls are, why you should give preference to one or another method. What types of perms are dangerous and not recommended for use - this question is also answered on this page.

With the help of a curl, you can create elastic curls or light waves, add extra volume to your hair. To achieve a short-term effect, you can use curlers or hot tongs, to make your hair curly for a long time, permanent waving using chemicals will help.

What are hair curls: weaving braids and curlers

To begin with, let's look at the easiest way and talk about what hair curls are by weaving braids. Dry clean hair with a towel and wait until it is half dry. Divide them into equal strands, gently comb each one, while distributing styling agent (gel or mousse) along the entire length of the hair, and then braid a tight pigtail. Fix its end with a tape or curl it with curlers. Leave your hair in a braided state until morning. Then undo the braids, give the hair the desired shape with your fingers and a hair dryer with cold air. Fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Every woman has tried curling her hair with curlers at least once in her life. This is one of the easiest and most common ways to create a stylish styling, give hair volume and change the image. The answer to the question of what kind of hair curls exist depends only on the arsenal of curlers that a fashionista has in her arsenal.

If the hair is thin, do not use large diameter curlers for curling. The effect of curlers of small and medium size will be more noticeable on such hair.

On a note

Thermal and electric curlers do not differ from conventional ones in principle, but they allow you to achieve the desired effect faster due to the additional thermal effect on the hair.

Hair, washed and balm, must be dried with a towel and wait until it is half dry. Then divide them into equal strands, gently comb each one, while distributing the styling agent (gel or mousse) along the entire length, and then wind each strand onto curlers. After a few hours (to achieve the greatest effect, the curlers should be left overnight), remove them and gently comb the hair, while styling with your fingers. Fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Curling with hot tongs (curling irons). Before curling hair on hot tongs (curling iron), it is necessary to wash them with shampoo and conditioner, dry them without using a hair dryer and comb them gently. Apply styling gel or wax with protective properties to them, distribute the product along the entire length of the strands with a thin comb.

Strands 1-2 cm thick should be curled. Carefully wind each one onto a hot curling iron, starting from the ends of the hair, evenly distributing them over the entire surface of the tongs at a slight angle. Hold for 20 seconds, then carefully remove the strand from the curling iron, if possible without unwinding it.

After curling, style the hair in the desired way, fix the hairstyle with varnish.

You can lay curls only after they have completely cooled, otherwise the durability of the curl is significantly reduced.

Hot tongs can also be used to add volume to short strands. To do this, each must be lifted at the roots with a thin wooden comb, wound onto a curling iron, held for 5-10 seconds, then removed from it.

Finally shape the hairstyle with your hands, highlighting and fixing the strands with a styling gel or wax.

What are the types of perm hair (with photo)

Types of perm hair are well-deservedly popular. After all, depending on what kind of perm hair is, the result can last for several months. Further, you can read about what types of perm are and what their proposed methods are best to choose.

It is also proposed to see the types of perm hair in the photo, which illustrate the result:

Permanent waving. Permanent waving of hair is carried out with the help of chemicals, the composition of which determines how effective and gentle the procedure will be.

Acid perm. The acid base of the curling compound provides it with durability, but damages the hair quite badly.

Alkaline curl. The alkaline base has a milder effect on the hair, but is less resistant (lasts no more than 3 months) and is not suitable for all hair types.

Neutral curl. The neutral base is suitable for any type of hair and does not harm the hair, but does not provide a long-term effect.

Depending on the additional devices that are used to create curls, the following types of permanent waving are distinguished:

Curling on horizontal curlers. Using curlers of various lengths and diameters for perming, you can create the effect of naturally curly hair.

Spiral curl. The result of such a curl is small elastic curls. Best suited for long hair.

Curling by weaving braids. With this method of curling, the hair is braided into thin tight braids, and their ends are wound on curlers of small diameter, after which the hair is treated with a chemical composition.

To avoid contact of the chemical composition with the scalp in some salons, the so-called safe perm is carried out. In this procedure, a plastic cap is put on the head, the strands are pulled out through the holes in it, and only after that they are treated with a special chemical composition for curling.

Curling with pins. As a result of such a curl, randomly curly hair is obtained, forming a voluminous hairstyle. The effect is achieved by winding thin strands on non-metallic hairpins.

Curl at the roots. It is used to give volume to the hair from the roots, as well as in cases where the hair, previously subjected to permanent waving, has grown back. After a perm, the hair becomes more sensitive to the effects of various negative factors, so they need special care. So, to wash them, you should choose a special shampoo for hair with a permanent wave or a mild detergent for weakened and damaged hair. After each shampooing, it is necessary to use a nourishing balm, apply restorative masks at least 2 times a week. Additional attention should be paid to the prevention of split ends.

In order to look beautiful, original and spectacular, perm was invented in the last century. Thanks to beautiful large or small curls, it was possible to do without styling. Therefore, many of the fair sex with great pleasure chose a similar hairstyle. Owners of straight hair often dream of having long and large curls. However, most often straight hair is sparse and thin. Therefore, during the procedure, both for long and short curls, one has to face certain difficulties.

Perming strands is an opportunity to facilitate daily styling. To make a hairstyle with curls for a long period of time, you need to carefully read the article, where all the details will be considered. Back in 1908, German hairdresser Ludwig Nesser first demonstrated the perm technique. After that, all experts applied this technique and to this day create large and luxurious curls for both long and short hair.

However, many girls and women often wonder how long curls can last. It is worth noting that how long the perm lasts depends directly on the use of hair cosmetics, as well as on the selection of all the necessary accessories. For example, many specialists still use curlers in order not to damage the structure of the hair. As practice shows, large strands for long and short hair can last from several weeks to six months.

What are the types of perms?

Today, in many beauty salons, experienced hairdressers offer various services. It's no secret that carrying out a whole range of complex procedures will really cost a lot. Therefore, not all ladies can afford to go to the best beauty salon. But if you still decide on a perm, then you need to deal with the main types of this hairstyle.

So, based on chemical reagents, a perm for long and short hair can be:

  • acid (mostly short-lived, done only for a few weeks),
  • alkaline (such a perm is considered resistant, however, it damages the structure of the hair),
  • neutral (considered more stable than, for example, acid),
  • amino acid, or otherwise called "bio-wave" (amino acids are present in the solution, they, in turn, restore damaged hair roots and ends)

If you use curlers, then they are:

  • bobbins,
  • papillots,
  • wellaformers,
  • spiral bobbins,
  • large.

Bobbins, in turn, by location are: horizontal, vertical, circular and with double winding. If you do highlighting, coloring or using another coloring technique, you can choose hundreds of types of perms that you will most like.

Safe perm

Carving is considered the safest perm for long or even short curls. This method is best used if the curls are not dyed a different color or straightened with an iron or other hot device. In this way, damage to the hair structure can be avoided. Many professional hairdressers unanimously claim that biowave is not at all harmful to hair. However, some believe that modern perm is also safe. But this belief is wrong, since the structure of the hair is really damaged after the procedure.

According to hairdressers, after a gentle perm is done, the strands should not be straightened, as you can get burned or other injuries. Therefore, before deciding on a perm, you need to think about everything well. It is better to consult with a professional hairdresser in advance, who will carefully explain all the details.

With a light biochemical perm, if the curls are too dry and brittle, they become porous, hard and lifeless. After combing, the strands are fluffy. However, owners of fatty strands can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Before agreeing to a perm, first you need to take into account the shape of the face, the color type, as well as your style, since even a gentle perm is not suitable for all the fair sex.

Light waves of curls look great both in everyday life and at special occasions. Many Hollywood stars often go out in public with curly large curls that complement the image as a whole. It is worth noting that on medium-length hair, curly strands look very feminine, gentle and elegant.

Curling at home

Of course, in order to determine whether a perm suits your hair type, you need to conduct some experimentation. First of all, you need to take cooled boiled water, cut off a strand and place it in a glass. If the strand rises up, this means that the hair is too damaged, and it is better to abandon the chemical procedure.

But if the hair is in the middle of the glass, then you can freely get down to business. In this case, the hair is considered moderately weak. But if the strand is at the bottom of the glass, then this means that your hair is absolutely healthy and you can do any kind of perm without fear of serious consequences.

What tips to consider during the procedure

  1. If the curls are thicker, then, accordingly, large strands will last for a long time. Before deciding on the procedure, it is advisable to moisturize the hair with various masks. Home lamination is also suitable for hair. If long or short curls are too thin, then the perm will last no longer than three months.
  2. In order not to cause intense hair loss, it is advisable to use professional hair cosmetics with a predominance of natural extracts.
  3. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are not recommended to do a perm.

If you are not confident in your abilities and do not know where to start, then it is better to trust experienced professionals. They will select all the necessary masks and preparations so as not to spoil the structure of the hair as much as possible.

The main technology for curling curls in a hairdresser

To date, many beauty salons carry out perms. Depending on the selected composition and preparations, the master will set a certain price and at the same time advise the client in what form to appear for the procedure. In some cases, you will have to wash your hair, while in others you will have to come with a dirty head.

First of all, you will have to decide on the length of the strands, since during the procedure the length of the hair can decrease from two to six centimeters. The larger the curls, the more the length of the hair will decrease. Therefore, you need to take into account the length of the curls and, of course, the shape of the face. This season, it is important to make large curls for long and short hair. This is a real salvation for the fair sex with thin strands.

Who is a perm suitable for?

The technique of the procedure is determined individually based on the shape of the face, style and character. For example, vertical curls are suitable for owners of an oval face. But the horizontal one is suitable for chubby beauties. Before proceeding with the creation of a new hairstyle, the hairdresser will ask you to remove all accessories. First of all, the stylist must apply the first layer of chemistry. It is worth noting that the products that are used for curling have an unpleasant specific odor. The perm process lasts from forty minutes to an hour and a half - depending on the complexity of the work.

After the perm is done, you need to sit in the hairdresser's for at least forty minutes. In this case, special curlers will be fixed on the hair. Then the hairdresser must unwind short or long curls with curlers and fix the hairstyle with a fixative or a special compound. As a result, the strands will have to be wound again. Then you need to wait another two hours for the process to complete. After removing the curlers, the hairstyle needs to be straightened with your hands and shaped.

Perm hair (large curls) is done in different ways, depending on the wishes of the client and, accordingly, the structure of the hair. Therefore, each process is carried out with the utmost care. In fact, an individual composition and preparation for curly strands are selected. Some women prefer to do the procedure at home. But if you do not have certain skills, then it is better to abandon the procedure so as not to damage the structure of the hair.

It is important to consider that with careful care, hair can become soft, light and silky. After the perm is done, you should choose a special shampoo and conditioner that will moisturize the roots and ends of the hair. Thus, the hair can be protected from the negative effects of chemicals and at the same time from the environment.

What is biowave? EXPERT speaks

As the well-known joke says, for women with wishes about hairstyles, everything is simple: straight hair should be curled, curly hair should be straightened, long ones should be cut, and short ones should be extended. It is the eternal desire for new horizons of beauty that allows girls to look unique. And chemistry for hair, as perm is called in the common people, is one of the ways of transformation.

What is hair chemistry?

Depending on the composition that the masters use for curling curls, chemistry is divided into several types that affect the hair in different ways and give a different effect. So, what is the chemistry for hair?

Acid perm. It was she who was made by fashionistas of the 1970-1990s of the last century. Today, the industry has risen to a new level, and now such a perm no longer burns hair, but acts much more gently, but the same reagent is used - glyceryl monothioglycolate (pH 6.9 - 7.2). Modern acid chemistry allows you to create curls of any shape that do not fall apart and hold the wrap well. The reagent penetrates deep into the hair and fixes the shape there, partially destroying the core of the hair, but leaving it smooth and shiny on the outside. Such a perm should not be done by owners of weak thin hair, but girls with a rigid structure can safely experiment!

Alkaline curl. This type of long-term styling is available in different versions: clean to create bouncy curls, diluted to simulate a light wave, and with the addition of plant extracts to compensate for the damage from chemical exposure. In all cases, the active ingredient is ammonium thioglycolate (pH 8 to 9.5). Alkaline chemistry is less aggressive and does not damage the hair as much, because it does not require temperature exposure to fix the effect. However, you should make sure that your hairstylist has dealt with this type of styling before, because improperly following the instructions is fraught with scalp burns and damaged hair. The price of this perm is an order of magnitude lower than other options, but it is not suitable for everyone: it keeps well on thin hair, but will not cope with coarse hair.

Neutral curl. This method is for those who want a long-term effect, but do not dare to do a full-fledged chemistry that lasts until you cut it off. A composition with a neutral pH will help curl curls into curls or a wave for several months without damaging, and even restoring the hair structure due to the keratin contained in it. Gradually, the effect will decrease until after about 4-6 months the hair is completely straightened. This is how the root curl is done for volume, which does not twist the curls, but only lifts the hair on the roots from the head, creating amazing volume. It is important to understand that after a neutral perm, you should use only special hair products with a neutral pH, otherwise the effect will not be enough for several weeks.

Bio perm. This prefix not only suggests the usefulness of the procedure, but literally determines the composition. There are no usual alkalis and acids, ammonia or hydrogen peroxide are not found. The active substance is a cysteine ​​​​protein related to natural hair proteins, which, thickening, fixes the curls in the desired shape for 6-9 months. Hair after such a procedure is alive and shiny. The main disadvantage is that the manufacturers have not found a way to get rid of the unpleasant smell that eats into the hair and does not leave the owner of the new hairstyle for a couple of days. Almost all manufacturers recommend not washing or combing your hair for three days after biowave, because after washing off the composition, it still continues to be gentle on the hair and reaches the final result only on the third day.

Amino acid curl. Manufacturers claim that regular use of the composition will not only not harm, but restore thin, dull and brittle hair due to the amino acids and proteins contained in the composition. Such chemistry will not be taken on heavy and coarse hair, because it is designed exclusively for weakened thin curls, and even here it is used only on medium or short hair. Large long curls will unwind within a few days under their own weight, and short and light ones will keep their shape for up to two months.

Carving- a new word in a perm. This is a modern long-term styling that does not damage the hair and lasts up to two months. At the same time, the composition is designed so that the hair under its influence acquires strength and extra shine. The main disadvantage of such chemistry is the amount that will have to be left in the cabin. On the other hand, you have to pay well for everything good, so the price is natural.

In addition to the differences in curling according to the principle of the main active substance, there are other signs.

Large chemistry on medium hair photo

A large perm is the dream of many girls. It is these curls that look as natural as possible, as if the hair is curly from nature. Usually, large curlers or three large bobbins are used for it, because the standard ones give too small curls.

At the same time, the hair “bounces”, creating a large volume and significantly decreasing in length (see photo).

Light chemicals for medium hair

A light curl looks even more natural and natural, which does not create curls, but only imitates a light natural wave. They don’t do it for long hair, because such an unobtrusive hairstyle will simply fall apart under the weight of the hair, but on curls of medium length, the vertical wave looks elegant.

Wet chemistry for medium hair: before and after photos

Wet perming requires styling with products that create the effect of wet hair. Having become fashionable at the end of the last century, such women's hairstyles are still popular today. Curls after such chemistry are still wet treated with mousse or gel, applying the composition to the tips and distributing to the middle of the length. The roots dry out, creating volume, and the ends of the hair look like they were caught in a summer rain.

Perm spiral

In contrast to all the aspirations for naturalness that pursue previous types of curls, the spiral one focuses on artificiality. Elastic like puppet curls in nature can only be found among individual African peoples. The flawless geometric spiral is very popular, as the reviews say.

If you do not trust the salon masters, you can take the risk of doing a perm at home using the instructions on the video.

Perm hair is perfect for girls with a perky character: large curls reflect the inner positive and romantic mood.

What are we dealing with?

The procedure involves the destruction of the chemical bonds of hair keratin with the help of aggressive substances, and then the restoration of the wavy structure with a fixative and curlers

Among the contraindications to the procedure are the period of pregnancy and lactation. An individual tolerance test will determine the presence of an allergic reaction to chemical reagents. Before the procedure, it is necessary to apply the composition on the wrist or ear area and monitor the skin reaction for 15 minutes. If itching or redness does not appear, then everything is in order and you can continue to do a perm.

After curling, it is not recommended to blow dry your hair, comb and style it. It is also worth refraining from washing your hair for several days. Fulfillment of the conditions will extend the life of the curls by several months.

Types of perm hair

Every girl dreams of becoming a happy owner of airy light curls at least once in her life. However, previous coloring or improper hair care leads to hair loss, dull color and other troubles. The beauty industry has taken a step forward and offers fashionistas several types of permsso that you can choose the most suitable for a particular type:

  • carving or chemical safe perm;
  • permanent waving;
  • waving with gentle bio-extracts;
  • radical neutral.

Of all the listed types, carving, with the help of specially designed preparations, is better than others on the hair. Provided that they were not subjected to other chemical procedures for six months. If you apply aggressive products, with which the curls remain elastic for a long time, on weakened strands, they can damage the structure. Until full recovery sometimes takes a long time. Often damaged hair needs to be cut. Therefore, it is better to beware of chemicals after staining or bleaching.

If we distinguish the types of perm by the chemical reagents used, there are such:

  • amino acid biowave, which restores the hair structure;
  • neutral: gently affects the hair, resistant;
  • alkaline - the most harmful and durable;
  • acid has a mild effect on the hair, not persistent;
  • "silk wave", which includes silk proteins that do not harm the hair and have a beneficial effect on them;
  • Japanese perm regulates the level of moisture due to the protein complex that is part of the reagents;
  • biowave does not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, so it does not injure the hair.

For perming, masters use different types of curlers: bobbins, hairpins, wellformers, large curlers. Depending on the shape that the client wants to get, the master independently chooses which bobbins to use: vertical, horizontal, circular or double winding models.

There are types of perm that are designed specifically for previously dyed curls. Some masters use a hat, curl only the tail. In expensive salons, they offer a baby waving service.

Advice!After a perm, it is strongly not recommended to straighten your hair so as not to spoil the strands and not get a skin burn.

Curling for short hair: pros and cons

Doing a perm on short hair is risky, because dry curls will sooner or later create a dandelion effect. If the structure of the hair is in good condition, well-groomed curls look provocatively and coquettishly. This is especially good when there is no time for morning styling. All you have to do is wet your hands and brush your hair.

It is important to remember that after a perm, the strands jump by 2-6 centimeters. Therefore, if you do not want bright experiments with appearance, it is better to refuse the idea. It is not necessary to perform the procedure on your own, as there can be disastrous consequences.

To get a memorable spectacular image, it is important to choose the right type of wave. If exciting forms are needed, the intensity and thickness of the curls is performed, tentatively for a haircut:

  • for a bob or bob haircut, small-shaped curls are great, better spiral-shaped or created only at the tips;
  • large curls are ideal for cascading haircuts - they give naturalness and allow you to experiment with styling.

Advice!To prevent the hair from being in a deplorable state, you need to contact a proven master. High cost does not guarantee success.

Curls of medium length: styling methods

The most popular type of loose hairstyle for medium length hair is large curls. They not only add a touch of tenderness, but also help to create an elegant look that is suitable for special occasions, everyday life, office work and outings with friends.

When choosing a perm, girls rely on the correct shape of curls and long-term hairstyles.

Advantages of large curls:

  • versatility (the hairstyle is suitable for any life situations);
  • on medium-length hair, you can use different types of curls (curls can be zigzag, smooth, light, and others);
  • on medium hair, curls retain their appearance longer;
  • defects in the skin of the face and head are visually hidden with the help of a spectacular hairstyle with large curls.

Such curls always look feminine, stylish and sexy.

There are several types of styling large curls. Light waves, like the heroine from the movie "Pretty Woman", are easily reproduced if the master has done a perm starting from the roots. You need to use vertical curlers.

Corkscrew strands look amazing. Perfectly complement the romantic evening look. Curlers should also be vertical. You don't need to brush hard.

To get "Quick curls", you need to make a minimum of effort. Just during the morning toilet, the hair is raised randomly up. Tousledness will add charm and sexuality to the image.

Zigzag strands are obtained if, during a perm, their master wraps them with an “accordion”. Hairstyle is great for evening events, trips to the club. However, during the day in the office, the appearance remains charming and spectacular.

Advice! To minimize hair loss and save hair after an aggressive procedure, you can use professional cosmetics based on natural extracts.

Curls for long hair

Large curls for long hair is a universal hairstyle that beckons with its lightness, airiness and originality. This styling is even often chosen by brides on the main day of life. In order for the curls to last all day and not change their shape, stylists recommend doing a perm. It gives the hair a pleasant look for 3-5 months with proper care.

The advantage of curling on long hair is that even when the roots grow, the haircut does not deteriorate, but, on the contrary, takes on a new character. Therefore, the most resistant perm is considered in this case.

Also, the advantage of long hair is that you can use curls of different shapes. Both horizontal and vertical curlers are suitable here, depending on the desired effect.

Best of all, large curls look on a haircut cascade or ladder. Several layers of curls give volume to the mop even during high humidity.

Large curls - this is a ready-made hairstyle. However, it can be modified if you want to surprise your friends with new images. The easiest to perform styling: "ponytail", "Greek with a rim" and "slight negligence". From straight hair for the duration of the perm should be discarded.

Advice! On thick hair, the perm lasts longer, so it is advisable to do homemade masks and lamination before the procedure in order to achieve the effect for longer than three months.

How to take care of your hair

Girls with big curls always look amazing in the photo. They give the image of enthusiasm, sensuality and romance. The effect depends not only on the condition of the hair, but also on the length. Short, permed haircuts create a daring, bold style. And long twisted strands are suitable for romantic gentle owners.

To understand whether it is possible to do a perm on the hair without spoiling it, you need to lower the strand into cooled boiled water. If it floats and does not sink, it is better to postpone the procedure for a while. A sunken hair or hanging in the middle of the glass will endure the effects of aggressive drugs calmly.

The most rigid and thick hair are natural red and black. Therefore, they are more difficult to curl. This can also include Asian strands, which are famous for their directness.

In order for the perm to please the owner not only at the moments of the photo shoot, but also in everyday life, you need to follow the rules of care:

  • Choose a mild shampoo that restores the structure.
  • Styling is best done with fingers or a comb that has sparse teeth.
  • Leave curls slightly damp while drying. Overdrying is detrimental to hair.

Hair perm: reviews

Any procedure for the creation of beauty in an artificial way causes a lot of discussion, which may reflect the real situation or prejudice. There are many opinions about perm, but it cannot be argued that large curls refresh the face, make it younger and more beautiful. So is beauty worth the sacrifice?

Styling is best done with fingers or a comb that has sparse teeth.

The benefits of perm include:

  • there is no need for everyday styling, so time is saved and the hair is not treated with fixatives;
  • the shape of the curls is preserved even during strong moisture and light rain;
  • excess fat from the hair is eliminated;
  • thin hair becomes voluminous and lush.

Among the negative factors, girls distinguish:

  • fragility and dryness of hair after the procedure;
  • hair color becomes lighter;
  • if you break the curling technique, a burn may remain on the scalp;
  • An allergic reaction sometimes occurs to certain components.

Irina, 35 years old: The hair after the procedure became brittle and dull, which led to a short haircut to update the hair.

Alina, 24 years old: I have been perming for four years in a row, while regularly dyeing my hair red. The masters scare me that I will leave the salon bald, but every time I return home with amazing curls. At home, I nourish my hair with masks in order to strengthen curls, because hairdressers strongly insist.

Angela, 28 years old: Not every hairdresser can make perfect curls, and even voluminous ones. We need experience and the ability to find an individual approach to the client.