Remove paint from synthetic clothing. How to get stains out of colored clothes without ruining them

The world is full of colors and you can get dirty anywhere: on a walk, when dyeing your hair at home, repairing your home or office, on the playground. Even children's creativity with watercolor or gouache can ruin the look of clothing.

Is there a chance to wash things

It is easy to remove gouache-based paint from clothes - wash the thing with soapy water. But with paints on an oil or water-based basis, you will have to tinker.

There is a chance to save clothes if little time has passed since the contamination. If weeks or months have passed, then the paint has already connected with the fibers of the fabric and it is too late to correct the situation. Pay attention to the area of ​​damage, because it is easier to reduce small spots than to cope with a large amount of work. If the paint damage is old and large, it is better not to suffer and send the clothes to the trash can.

To save clothes from paint stains, remember the rules for working with solvents:

  1. Paint stains are easier to remove when fresh. Immediate action increases the chances of keeping clothes in tidy condition.
  2. Try to immediately determine the type and composition of the paint, the type of fabric, so as not to make a mistake in choosing how to remove the paint.
  3. Be sure to wear rubber gloves when working with solvents. Work in a ventilated area to avoid skin irritation and respiratory tract injury.
  4. Test the solvent on an inconspicuous area on the wrong side of the fabric before use.

Removing dried paint

You can also remove the paint if you did not immediately notice the stain. Take your time and follow the instructions:

  1. Before removing the stain from clothing, scrape off the top layer with a knife or razor. Go over with a stiff brush to remove old paint.
  2. Soften the residue with an oil solution or ointment: petroleum jelly or vegetable fat.
  3. Use solvents to remove paint from clothes at home.

The choice of thinner depends on the type of paint and type of fabric, so read the recommendations before use:

  • Mixture of oil and powder. To remove old paint from colored clothes, a mixture of 1 tbsp will help. butter or vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. washing powder. Apply the finished gruel to the stain and wash it after a few minutes. The color will remain the same, and the untidiness will disappear.
  • Vinegar-ammonia mixture. Combine 2 tbsp. vinegar, ammonia and 1 tbsp. salt. Stir and apply with a toothbrush on the stain. Wait 10-12 minutes and wash items as usual. The mixture is easy to remove acrylic paint.
  • Solvents. Solvents - gasoline, acetone, turpentine - will cope with a dried stain. Treat with the product on the wrong side with gentle movements from the edge to the center so as not to smear the paint and prevent it from being absorbed deeper.
  • Solvent mixture. The paint will come off if you use a mixture of turpentine, gasoline and alcohol, in a ratio of 1:1:1. It is enough to moisten the paint stain and it will disappear.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide will help remove old dried hair dye. Treat the stain with the solution and soak the clothing in water with hydrogen peroxide added, then rinse out the reagent and launder as usual.
  • Glycerol. Glycerin will save colored things from hair dye. Treat the stain with soapy water, then apply glycerin to the stain with a cotton swab and leave for a few minutes, and before washing, treat with a salt solution with a drop of ammonia.

Removing fresh paint

Removing a fresh paint stain is easier than a dried one, but this will also require you to know the wisdom.

  • Hair dye can be removed from clothing by treating the stain with hairspray: it contains solvents that will get rid of contamination.
  • It is not difficult to wash off oil paint at home, the main thing is not to rub it with a solvent and do not wash it with powder. When working with such paint, treat the stain with dishwashing detergent for the first half hour, and when the stain gets wet, remove it from your clothes.
  • Gasoline will deal with a fresh stain. Such a solvent can be found in the store, it is used to refuel lighters. Moisten a cotton swab with solvent and apply to the stain.
  • Acetone will help to effectively get rid of fresh stains. The product effectively removes pigments and allows you to remove paint from clothes. Apply the solution to the stain and wait 10-12 minutes.

When using acetone, be careful:

  1. It can discolor colored fabric.
  2. Do not use acetone to remove stains on synthetics, it dissolves such fabric.

Any alcohol-containing product will help to remove water-based building paint. Treat the stain with a cotton swab with an alcohol solution, sprinkle with salt, leave for 10-15 minutes, wash. The dirt will come off the clothes.

Not only the composition and type of paint should determine cleaning assistants. Pay attention to the composition of the fabric so as not to spoil things.


When removing paint stains on white cotton clothes, use a mixture of gasoline and white clay, after 3-4 hours the clay will push the pigment out of the fabric and the dirt will be washed off.

Cotton fabric will become clean if it is boiled for 10 minutes in a solution of soda and crushed soap, based on 1 liter. water, 1 tsp soda and a bar of soap.


The silk will help save the alcohol. Rub the cloth with soap, and over it with a swab or sponge, apply an alcohol-based product. Rinse the fabric and it will be like new.


If your synthetic fabric is damaged, solvents will burn through it. Ammonia solution and salt will help you. Treat the stain and soak in salt water.


A mixture of heated alcohol and laundry soap will help restore the wool to its normal appearance and remove the oil paint. Spread the mixture on your coat or sweater with a sponge, wipe it off and you're done.

There are many ways to stain clothes in paint. Most often, children encounter spots. Walking on playgrounds, you can stumble upon painted benches or swings. The highest chance of getting dirty with paint during repairs or painting. But do not put an end to contaminated things. In most cases, everything can be fixed, you just need to know how to wipe the paint from clothes.

Before removing paint from clothes, you need to find out its type. Further cleaning will depend on this. In addition to the dye itself, the type of fabric and the age of the stain will also affect the method.

  1. The fresher the stain, the easier it is to deal with.
  2. Before you treat the stain with your chosen product, lay a few napkins under the stain for safety.
  3. To make sure the product is safe, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric.
  4. To localize dirt, rub the stain from the edges to the center.
  5. When washing, stain remover helps well, but before that, use the methods below.
  6. After finishing, rinse the item and dry it in the fresh air.

We will try to clean clothes from paint:

  • stamp;
  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • water emulsion;
  • oil;
  • watercolor;
  • gouache;
  • tempera;
  • printer ink;
  • hair dye;

How to remove coloring compositions

To begin with, we will find out how to remove paint from clothes and what needs to be done for this. First of all, turn the item inside out and place a paper towel under the front side. Regarding what you can wash stains with, we use the following tools:

  1. Laundry soap. Partially forgotten legacy of the Soviet Union. For complex contamination, toothpaste is applied before using soap. Only after that they are treated with soap and cleaned with a brush.
  2. Solvent may not be used on all types of fabrics. But at the same time an effective tool that allows you to get rid of most stains. You can use refined gasoline or white spirit.
  3. The nail polish remover has enough power to get through most dyes.
  4. A solution of ammonia and gasoline will help remove paint stains at home.
  5. Vegetable oil is used to remove fresh stains, after finishing the thing is washed in order to remove the remaining oil.

There are many more means to wash off the paint from the fabric, but these are used most often.

How to remove dried paint from clothes

The most difficult thing is to wipe dried paint from clothes. Before this, it is better not to allow it, but sometimes you can not see the pollution in time. In such cases, the most serious and aggressive means are used. First remove the dried paint mechanically using a non-sharp object. Be careful not to damage the fabric while doing this. Buy refined gasoline, use a cotton pad, treat the stain. The procedure should dissolve the main volume of the dye. In the process, replace the contaminated cotton wool with a new one. At the end, develop a soda solution and use a sponge to treat the surface. To remove the residue and the smell of gasoline - wash the item.

How to remove oil paint

Removing oil paint from clothes is a tricky business. Mechanical cleaning will not help here. This type of dye lends itself to solvents. You can use acetone, or a liquid for decorative varnish containing it. The method is not suitable for colored items. It is enough to treat the contaminated surface, after 10 minutes remove the residue and wash.

How else can you wash oil paint from clothes? Take refined gasoline and lightly treat the stain. There shouldn't be a lot of money. After a few minutes, rinse and send the item to the washing machine.

You can clean oil paint from clothes using turpentine. The principle of use and action is the same as with gasoline. After the end, the thing is also washed. If there are stains from the product itself, they are treated with ammonia before washing.

For delicate fabrics, it is better to use more gentle methods. Use the following recipe: melt the butter at room temperature, add the same amount of washing powder and mix until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Apply the resulting paste to the stain and gently brush with a toothbrush. After removing the main part of the paint, apply a little more mixture and leave for two hours. Now wash by hand using laundry soap and send to the washing machine.

How to get rid of water-based and acrylic paint

Often there is a need to wash acrylic or water-based paint from clothes. It is she who is used to paint benches and other items in public places. Everyone can find it on clothes. Alcohol will help get rid of this type of paint. Stretch the cloth and rub with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.

Sometimes washing with a washing powder helps to wash water-based paint. In this case, first with cold, and then with hot water. Consider the maximum allowable temperatures for your fabric type.

There is another way to remove acrylic paint from trousers and other clothing. Use the following recipe: mix vinegar, ammonia and salt in a ratio of 2:2:1. Mix thoroughly and apply to dirt, brush off after a few minutes. The remains are washed by hand with powder or laundry soap.

Clean clothes from hair dye

Due to poor financial condition, women often resort to dyeing their hair at home. Less and less people turn to hairdressers and masters. During the dyeing process, unexpected stains can occur that make you wonder how to remove hair dye from clothes. This type is particularly resistant, as it must remain on the hair even when washed with shampoo or other detergents. You need to act as quickly as possible. You can get rid of fresh stains with regular hairspray or washing.

The most difficult thing is to remove an old stain on clothes. Try using hydrogen peroxide, but it can discolour the fabric, so it's only suitable for whites. Treat the stain and leave for half an hour. Rinse off the residue and send the item to the laundry.

Synthetics and wool are best cleaned with vinegar. If a thing contains henna, it needs a special approach. You will need a solution of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and water. Mix thoroughly, treat the stain and leave for a few minutes. It remains to wipe off the remnants and wash.

How to remove ink from a printer

Having a printer at home, sooner or later there is ink pollution from it. This may be at a gas station, home repair, or the device simply did not work properly and produced too much ink on the paper. In any case, action is urgently needed. It is advisable to immediately soak in cold water, but it is better to wash in it. Ideally, hand wash in cold water using laundry soap. To remove old paint, treat with hydrogen peroxide for 10 minutes before washing.

Removing other stains

Not infrequently there is a need to clean other types of paints. It is worth considering separately for children: gouache and watercolor. They are water-based, so fresh stains can be removed with regular washing. Large stains may not be completely washed off, leaving their mark on the entire surface of the clothing. Such contaminants are first washed by hand under wastewater, after which they are also sent to the washing machine.

Enamel agents are susceptible to solvents. Soak a cotton pad in it, squeeze out the excess and start scrubbing the dye. As the color changes to cotton wool, replace it with a new one.

The easiest way to deal with stains on leather products. Very fresh marks can be wiped off with regular wet wipes. More complex - vegetable oil or laundry soap. Rub the stain with the selected product, wipe with a dry soft cloth and remove the residue with a damp, clean cloth.

Delicate fabrics require a unique approach. Heat ammonia to a temperature of 40-50 degrees, slightly moisten a cotton swab and gently wipe. Change the swab as needed and continue brushing until completely clean. At the end, pour warm water into the basin, add enough salt to form a weak saline solution. Rinse the thing in it.

If it is difficult to determine the type of paint, use a universal remedy - laundry soap. Rub the contaminated surface well and leave for 1-2 hours. Wipe with cotton and rinse.

What to do after cleaning

You have successfully removed paint from clothes. First of all, you need to dry them in the fresh air. After some products, there could be a smell that disappears after washing or during airing.

Sometimes old dye stains cannot be removed. If it still doesn't work, try taking it to the dry cleaners. If nothing works out there, the thing can no longer be saved.

When it comes to manually removing paint from clothes, the first thing to think about is the degree of skin protection. These are rubber gloves. Thus, you protect your hands from chemicals, and when washing - from dryness.

Before using any drug, test its effect on an invisible tissue area. If there are no negative consequences, you can continue cleaning.

Perfectly copes with this kind of stains stain remover. If pollution is an everyday thing for you, it is advisable to buy and use the product on an ongoing basis.

How can paint be removed? Many people get very upset when they find paint stains on their clothes, especially if the thing is new. However, there are a sufficient number of ways that allow you to get rid of such troubles. How and how to remove paint from clothes at home, how to wash and then care for the painted floor will be discussed in the article.

Tip: Before painting, put on the oldest and most unnecessary things. Even if a few colored droplets get on them, it will take a long time to get rid of them.

However, paint can get on clothes and not during repairs.

This can happen due to colored:

  • Shops.
  • Entrance wall.
  • Stair railings and in many other cases.

Even experienced housewives do not always know how to get rid of paint stains with their own hands, they give up. Before you start removing stains from clothes, you must first determine whether it is worth it or is it cheaper to leave everything as it is?


  • Removing fresh dirt is much easier than old. A stain that has just appeared should be removed immediately!
  • Faster "surrender" small specks, take longer to clean large ones.

Tip: If the clothes are completely soiled, you should save your energy for other purposes, and just throw things away.

  • A thick cloth is easier to clean than a thin one. At home, it is much easier to remove stains from denim than from your favorite print sundress.
  • Water based paint is easier to remove than oil based paint.. Any washing powder can remove watercolors or gouache. But it is necessary to wash such things separately from other things. Washes well with plenty of running water.

How to get rid of fresh stains

Fresh paint stains are relatively easy to remove; you can start with laundry soap. But at the same time, you can not use a brush, but rub the fabric only with your hands.

So you can remove:

  • Gouache.
  • Water emulsion.
  • Watercolor.

To combat oil paint, you can use the most common vegetable oil.

For this:

  • The composition is applied to the fabric.
  • Gently rub the stain with a cotton pad or a piece of soft rag until it softens, as in the photo.

  • Vegetable oil dissolves fresh paint, and the fabric gets rid of stains.
  • Clothes are well washed from oil stains.

Fresh oil paint is easily washed off with refined gasoline used to fuel lighters.

For this:

  • The solution is applied to a cotton swab or piece of cloth.
  • The contaminated area of ​​​​the material is wiped. At the same time, rub from the center of the stain to the edges.

Tip: You can not use regular gasoline, even the 95th brand. It may remove pollution, but the impurities present in its composition can ruin the thing.

On whites, acetone, turpentine, or thinner can be used to remove oil paint stains. At the same time, small spots are removed quickly and absolutely without traces. But first you need to check the effect of these substances on the fabric in an inconspicuous place of clothing.

In addition, you can purchase a special tool to remove paint from clothes. Instructions are attached to each, and only after studying it, you can start removing stains, after checking the effect of the composition on the inside of the seam.

Such products are quite effective, but they can leave an unpleasant odor, which is removed after washing things with a good washing powder and then drying them in the fresh air.

How to get rid of old, dried paint on clothes

Old stains that have dried out are very difficult to get rid of. For example, paints such as acrylics or hair dyes are very easy to wash fresh, but they cannot be removed when they have dried.

Tip: When working with acrylic paint, you should carefully check the clothes after painting is completed. Only in this case, you can count on the removal of fresh stains.

  • Water-based paint is removed from clothes and fabrics with the most ordinary alcohol. The composition is applied to the contamination and gently rubbed with a piece of cloth. In this case, the paint is most often washed off completely, without any traces.

Due to the problems of acquiring pure alcohol, dried stains of water-based paint can be removed with a soap solution or ordinary washing powder: the clothes are placed in the solution, they remain in it for a while, after which hand washing is carried out. You can increase the efficiency by adding hot water to the solution.

  • Watercolor or gouache dissolves easily in water. They are removed by normal washing in the washing machine. If there are large stains, clothing should be soaked using soapy water.
  • To wash off fresh acrylic paint, you need to prepare a special solution:
  1. ammonia - 2 tablespoons;
  2. vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  3. salt - one tablespoon.

The resulting semi-liquid mixture is applied to the stain and left for several minutes. A special brush or an old toothbrush rubs the contaminated area. The fabric is rinsed and the presence of stain residues is controlled. If they are, then the thing is washed again with powder or laundry soap.

How to remove old oil paint

Some useful tips on how best to remove such stains:

  • Solvent. It is best to use white spirit. Its price is small, but the quality is good. It effectively and easily helps to remove paint from clothes.
  • Oil. If you rub the stain with a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil, you can easily clean the jacket from the paint.

Tip: When performing this procedure, you should put a clean cloth under the bottom, for example, a towel, so as not to accidentally touch other parts of the fabric.

  • Gasoline. For this, special purified gasoline is purchased.
  • Laundry soap. This method is ideal for white cotton fabrics. Wherein:
  1. a liter of water is poured into an enameled pan;
  2. a spoonful of soda is added;
  3. a bar of soap, finely ground;
  4. the composition is brought to a boil;
  5. the polluted place is lowered for 10 seconds.

This will help to remove paint from clothes without difficulty. If the first time it was not possible to wash off the stain, the procedure is repeated.

  • Soap and alcohol. Spots are removed from delicate silk fabrics using a gentle method:
  1. the stain is rubbed with laundry soap;
  2. pollution is treated with heated alcohol;
  3. The item is washed in hot water.
  • Alcohol and salt. In this way, a paint stain can be removed on a nylon or nylon fabric:
  1. from the wrong side, the stain is wiped with warm alcohol;
  2. alcohol and paint is washed off with saline.

If the paint got on the fabric just a couple of minutes ago, it is removed without delay. If for a long time, you need to make an attempt to remove the stain. If all else fails, a universal method is used - dry cleaning, where old and stubborn stains can be removed.

The video shows in detail about all methods of cleaning paint.

How to care for the floor after painting

Before washing the floor after painting with paint, you must make sure that the coating is completely dry. The instructions for the paintwork indicate when the floor can be washed after painting, which depends on the type of material. But in any case, not earlier than five days after applying even a quick-drying composition.

The technology for washing the floor after painting is quite simple:

  • Warm, almost hot water is poured into a clean container.
  • Two tablespoons of vinegar are added.
  • The floor is washed with a clean soft cloth dampened with water and vinegar.
  • The procedure is repeated twice.
  • For the next seven days, the floors are wiped down with a slightly damp cloth, while removing the oil marks that show through the paint during this time.

Tip: Do not wash the painted floor with water with the addition of soda or soap - from these components, the coating will quickly lose its luster and even peel off.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that a paint that can be washed must be used for the floor, a washing procedure is often very necessary. This can significantly improve the performance of the coating and increase its service life.

Spring came, the trees bloomed, the benches in the parks sparkled with fresh green paint, and someone unsuccessfully sat down on such a bench. The kids “tried” and returned home after an unknown battle, smeared with “war paint”. The planned chic nail design left an acrylic mark on the sleeve.

Things happen. How to fix this and how to remove paint from clothes, returning your favorite dress to its original purity, is an interesting question. Below are a few tips for cleaning fabrics from paint.

It should be noted that some substances that can remove a paint stain can “corrode” the thing itself. Therefore, when choosing cleaning methods, it is important to take into account the type of paint, the type of fabric, and the "freshness" of pollution. Otherwise, you can "bring out" not only the paint, but also the original color of the product.

How to get paint out of clothes at home

Many fresh stains from coloring agents are removed with laundry soap, powder and a number of special detergents such as Vanish. It is convenient to use an old toothbrush and rub the dirty place with a soft bristle. Water-based paints (for example, gouache or watercolor) are easily erased. You can safely “throw them in the wash” and not worry.

Rub a mixture of washing powder and butter in equal proportions into a trace of dye moistened with water. Then wash as usual. If there is any doubt about grease stains, then sprinkle this place with salt after the paint leaves. Although without salt, oil and powder erase both the stain and the unpleasant memory of it.

In order to remove dried paint from clothes, you should use a solvent (gasoline, kerosene, turpentine, alcohol - which is currently available). Soak a cotton swab in a flammable liquid and wipe the dirty spot with it. Change the swab regularly so that the removal of the paint does not turn into its “shading”. Of the solvents, white spirit, sold in hardware stores, is especially praised. If there is no solvent on hand, nail polish remover can replace it.

To prevent stains on clothes before cleaning, it is better to put the contaminated part on a board wrapped in white paper or a rag. Moisten the cloth around the stain with water (gasoline) or sprinkle with talc.

How to get hair dye out of clothes

  • If plain white clothes are soiled, you can use a warm (up to about 60 degrees) solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Wipe the stain with a cotton pad soaked in this composition. After washing clothes with powder or soap.
  • Colored clothes can be saved with vinegar diluted with warm water.

How to remove acrylic paint from clothes

2 tbsp ammonia + 2 tbsp. table vinegar + 1 tbsp. salt. This mixture should be rubbed into the stain. Dilute the rest in 3 tbsp. water. Leave the item in the mixture overnight. If necessary, repeat the entire procedure.

How to remove aniline stain

Rub the stain first with alcohol, then with a 10% solution of potassium permanganate, then with a 2% solution of oxalic acid. After such a “conveyor”, rinse the clothes in running water.

How to clean cotton fabric

1l. water + 1 tsp. soda + 1 bar of laundry soap. Bring the mixture to a boil in an enamel bowl. Immerse the soiled cotton in this for 10 seconds. Repeat the procedure several times.

How to clean artificial fabric from paint stains

If a thing made of nylon or nylon, as well as colored silk, has suffered from a dye, then alcohol is an effective way to fix it. By the way, instead of pure alcohol, any alcohol-containing chemistry, like hairspray, is suitable.

Sooner or later, every housewife is puzzled by how to remove paint from clothes. Stains may appear after gatherings on a freshly painted bench, visiting an apartment or cottage during repairs. Mothers of young children even more often think about how to remove bright traces from new jeans or a light-colored T-shirt after riding on a painted swing. Not only oil paint is a danger. Even the usual gouache or watercolor, which is used in the circles of young creativity, can ruin a thing forever.

Before removing paint from clothes, you need to determine how fresh the contamination is. The second stage is figuring out what kind of paint you need to get rid of. The easiest way to wash water-based paint or gouache. Fighting oil-based paint is much more difficult, especially if the stain has dried up for a long time.

Basic Rules

There is no pollution that cannot be cleaned. However, the result of this procedure depends on many factors: the freshness of the contamination, the type of paint, the density and color of the clothes. Before washing, you need to remember 4 laws:

  • The sooner you find the stain, the easier it is to remove the dye from the clothes. If during a walk in the park you immediately notice that you touched a painted bench or a pole, go home. Immediate action is needed to save the item.
  • The smaller the area of ​​pollution, the easier it will be to clean it.
  • The most insidious enemy of clothing is oil-based substances. It is easier to deal with children's pollution from gouache or watercolor and water-based paints rather than oil-based ones.
  • The coarser and denser the matter, the greater the chance of its salvation. It is easier to remove a stain from denim shorts than from a satin dress.

fresh spots

To remove a fresh mark from ordinary oil paint, use any vegetable oil. With a moistened cotton pad, treat the stain from the contours to the center to prevent further spread. .

Another way is to use a solvent. Gasoline or acetone (nail polish remover) will do. A cotton pad soaked in solvent should be treated with contamination. Follow the rule: all movements should be directed from the edges to the center. Before using gasoline or acetone, make sure the fabric is natural and not synthetic. Otherwise, you risk wiping a hole in your favorite thing.

The easiest way to get rid of harmless watercolors and gouache. Simply run the cloth under cold running water. Then lather the stains with laundry soap. Throw the item in the washing machine after 15 minutes. For white things, it is better to use Antipyatin. Laundry soap - "first aid" for water-based stains and acrylic paint.

old stains

Washing fresh blots of paint is not difficult. But if the stain is completely dry, then you will have to work hard so that there is no trace left on the thing. Read labels before wiping paint off clothes. Choose the most suitable and safe stain remover.

Remove dried paint in two steps:

  • Tear off the "crust". With a non-sharp flat object, you need to remove the top layer of the dried material. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the fabric. Do not use a knife, scissors or blade.
  • Soften the substance remaining in the fibers of the tissue for further excretion.

To soften paintwork materials use:

  • solvent;
  • powder and butter;
  • alcohol;
  • glycerol;
  • vinegar and ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • salt and alcohol.


As solvents, you can use gasoline, kerosene, white spirit, acetone and turpentine. They will help remove the trace of oil paint. Use an acetone-based nail polish remover instead of acetone. Before using any of the proposed liquids, conduct a trial test on a small, inconspicuous piece of the product.

The use of gasoline and other solvents on synthetic fabrics is strictly prohibited (they corrode rayon and other acetate fabrics).

Drop the solvent on the contaminated area and leave the item for 15 minutes. After the stain becomes mild, lather it with laundry or laundry soap and send it to the wash.

An additional measure can be an oxygen-containing stain remover. It can only be used for white items (cotton T-shirts, for example).

To save a white thing, use acetone. Moisten a piece of cotton wool and process the mark from the edges to the middle. If acetone is powerless, mix grated white chalk with gasoline.

Rub the resulting gruel into the stain and leave for half an hour. Then wash the product in the machine or by hand.

Turpentine perfectly removes old stains on white things. After applying it, it leaves a greasy stain. It should be washed with dishwashing detergent.

Powder and butter

Cut off a piece of butter and leave it on the counter until softened. Mix the oil with a tablespoon of washing powder (stain remover can be added). Rub the "cream" into the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric and leave for 15 minutes. Wash the item by hand or in the washing machine. It is a safe product to help remove dye from delicate and acetate fabrics.


The alcohol helps to remove the water-based ink from the fabric. To do this, wipe the stain with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol. The colorful trace should dissolve before our eyes. If this method does not help, sprinkle a teaspoon of salt on the stain, and pour alcohol on top. After an hour, send the item to the washing machine.


A vial of glycerin can be purchased at any pharmacy. It will help remove stains of oil paint or drying oil based substances. The product is safe, can be used to clean colored and delicate fabrics. The contaminated area should be filled with glycerin for half an hour. After that, send the clothes to the laundry.

Vinegar and ammonia

Acrylic paint can be removed with a mixture of vinegar and ammonia. An auxiliary component of the solution is table salt. Mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar and ammonia with one tablespoon of salt. A liquid slurry should come out. Apply it to the paint mark. Take an old toothbrush or any soft brush and work on the fabric. Pollution should disappear before our eyes. The final step is a regular wash.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hair dye is very dangerous if stained on clothing. You can get it out of jeans, plain T-shirts and pants with hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to pour the substance on a trace of paint and leave for 5 minutes. Fresh stains are easy to remove, and old paint is very difficult to remove.

soap solution

A strong soapy solution will help remove gouache and watercolor paints. The water must be cold. Hot water can "fix" the gouache in the fibers of the fabric. Half an hour soaking before washing guarantees almost 100% result.

Washing at home is a process that requires certain prior knowledge. A washing machine is an indispensable helper in everyday life, however, more complex pollution will have to be removed independently.