What is model appearance. Model appearance of a girl

Many girls in childhood dream of becoming professional models, wearing chic outfits, participating in shows, working with famous designers. All this colorful and eventful life will not leave anyone indifferent, who wants to be in the know fashion trends and directly participate in their creation. But, despite the beautiful attractive appearance, not every girl meets all the necessary model parameters. Commercial appearance is the main requirement for models. To become a model, you need to understand what parameters a professional model should have.

Photogenic appearance

First of all, the face of the model should be suitable for any make-up, because this profession involves frequent reincarnation. A very striking example is the appearance of Natalia Vodianova. By itself, she does not have sufficient beauty, but regardless of the type of makeup applied, she looks great. The model must have excellent photogenicity and look great in the frame, be relaxed and behave naturally.

model figure

Everyone knows about the famous model parameters. But there are several specializations of models, each of which puts forward its own specific requirements for the figure. For example, some models have devoted their lives to the podium, while others love to sparkle on the covers of magazines. In the first case, height and gait are of great importance in the modeling business, and in the second they are practically not taken into account.

The dream of any girl is to reach the cherished 90x60x90. But if your figure is still spoiled by a couple of extra centimeters in the hips and waist, this is not a weighty argument so that the doors of the modeling business close tightly in front of you. Growth, of course, does not play a big role, but it must be at least 175 centimeters. This requirement for models is put forward on the basis that the entire line designer clothes It has standard sizes, and each time adjusting outfits to the height of the models is not advisable.

And specifically, a professional top model should be quite slim, with an attractive appearance, photogenic. The model must be at least 17 years old and not older than 25. It often happens that many modeling agencies refuse to cooperate with girls who have repeatedly dyed their hair. The height of the top model should not be less than 174 centimeters.

One day, on a romantic autumn day, someone came up to you on the street and asked: “Girl, you are so beautiful, are you a model by any chance?” and you know what? You liked the idea and you thought: “why not?”, presented yourself in spotlights, but ... Not everything is so simple and once it has already reached the point that you seriously thought about whether you really are a model, climbed to look for advice on the Internet and now you see this article, then let's figure out how to understand if you are a model?

So, I'll start with the bad. Unfortunately, in 90% of cases, a model should not become, but be born. This means getting the necessary natural data with the genes, that is, height, parameters and a cute pug. I will not reveal any secret to you - the most important thing for a model is to be high, generally accepted standards are 173-181. Ok, there is still a piece of the Asian market where you can jump into the last trailer, because today the requirements of the model market have grown, they have become stricter in terms of height and work as a model with a height of 168, there were no models lower in my practice, today it is enough difficult. And for such growth, you just need an angelic face and ideal body proportions.

As for volumes, 90-60-90 in the past, now the grid looks more like this: 85-59-88, the fifth point and 90 are allowed, but 88 is considered right. Again, reference to height, if a girl with a height of 179 and hips of 90 can really look slim and fit, then a girl with a height of 168 and hips of 90 looks like a Kardashian fan.

Before declaring yourself to the agency, put yourself in order and reach the working parameters, if there is a difference of 1-2 cm from the required ones, then no matter what, in principle, you can seem, but still they will tell you to lose weight, pull once again only the manager will be, which is not good. That's the point of asking: “Am I a good fit?” If, judging by the parameters, it really doesn’t. Lose weight, get a working shape and you will have a serious score for your modeling.

First of all, first of all, we measure our parameters. Height, bust, waist and hips. Nobody needs your weight, you can put your scales back under the sofa. On centimeter marks, you should see growth figures from 173 (if it doesn’t bother you to be a Chinese copy of the model more often) or from 175 if your plans are more ambitious. I will say right away that no one gives out a “credit” for growth, if your height is less than the given marks, then you either need to grow up (suitable for those who are still very young), or look for other implementation options. Measured? Are you within the limits? OK, you have model parameters, but you are not yet a model in general, because Next up is face control.

We also evaluate the appearance itself, everything is simple in essence - they tell you that you are a model, someone else, except for your mother and grandmother, yyy. Okay, seriously, look at the websites of European modeling agencies and look for girls who look like you there. As usual, someone will say, but what about individuality? In the ass individuality. You do not have to be someone's copy, but you must fall into the standards of appearance and you can only compare them with professional working models whose appearance you can navigate. Let's say everything went well.

Now, for 100% clarity, you already need the opinion of people who work in the modeling industry, like scouts or agents. How to find out that you are a real model with their help? Write a letter to three agents and wait for THREE answers, if two are positive, one is negative - everything is OK, you can hope for something, if 3 are “no” - buy ice cream, listen to sad music and let go, if three are yes, well, cool!

Ok, let's check. There is growth, there are working parameters, there are positive answers. Congratulations, you have a model appearance by all standards. Does it mean that you can already work as a model and model? Not yet.

In addition to numbers and a cute appearance, there should be a mysterious photogenicity and plasticity, experienced agents see this moment immediately, I personally see it in a few seconds, in other matters, like all professionals in our field, or I literally feel the stiffness of the girl in the photo with the muscles of the body, and it shouldn't be. Therefore, despite the fact that you are tall and pretty, but in front of the camera you turn into Ash, modeling can only be a dream for you. Good news, you can get rid of this with practice, the bad news is that not everyone wants to make an effort. Again, if managers “dunk” you, then you have photogenicity, or at least some of its prospects.

Further, modeling needs not only beautiful and tall girls, and girls are ready to work, move a lot around countries and cities, which takes a lot of time and it’s clear that if you don’t have it for modeling, then either reorganize your life and find it, or finish your business, school, study and try Then. Most best months work is spring, autumn and part of winter, your career will develop when you will be able to work during these periods, work once a year for summer holidays- this is not a modeling career, rather update the instagram. Yes, school, study and so on - everything is decided, a lot can be done for a long time di-s-ta-n-qi-o-nn-o. According to statistics, the summer months are the least profitable for both models and agencies. Therefore, the time factor is added to the appearance factor. If you are, in general, sweetie, but at the same time you do not have the opportunity to fly and work, then you are not a model, you are just thin and beautiful.

Very important factor- This is a resolved issue with the parents. You seem to have already decided everything for yourself, but mom and dad decided everything for you, even before your birth and that's it. This factor, if left unresolved, can undermine all your modeling intentions, leaving you as beautiful as ever, but completely useless for modeling.

And yes, your chances are much higher if you speak English, at least a little higher than the level of “I shook your pipe”, you have experience in filming and showing, even if only at the local level. You are a media person, for example, you have a promoted instagram about yourself, where there are a lot of subscribers, yes, yes, such a time and it affects. I already know cases, agencies sign a contract with a girl, take some pictures of her, she is not of model parameters, and in fact she may never fly under a contract to work, but she has 100,500 subscribers on Instagram, where she often tags her agency. Do you understand what I mean? Not a model, but a model… Only damn it if you don’t have a signature on your profile.” faithful wife, caring mother, actress and model”.

And so what we have in the end. YOU ARE REALLY A MODEL IF:
1. you have the necessary height
2. your parameters are within the requirements
3. you have confirmation from the agent
4. you have the desire and time to fly for contracts
5. resolved the issue with relatives who will not stand in the way of your modeling career

If something of the above is not there, as I said, either find an opportunity to add it to your list, or you are not a model for a model market, although you can be just so skinny and beautiful. If all the points are there or you understand that they can be resolved when you are confirmed for work, then with a high degree of probability you are the one, 100% model. It remains to find and choose the right agency.

Canons, rules, division of markets. Kind of intimidating, isn't it? But what does this mean? In this article, I want to tell you about model types and the differences between them.

Some models, being in European cities, sit without work, but at the same time, having flown to Asia, they earn good money. Most likely, the point here is precisely in the type, which each model should know for itself. Do not amuse yourself once again with illusions. Earn money and experience, and you can see Paris, and even "die" there at any time free time, and with all the amenities.

In China, cute faces are accepted with porcelain skin. In Japan - children's round. In Turkey, they want hips of 93 cm. Still, the modeling business remains a business, there is no escape from supply and demand.

strong face

Wild look, sharp cheekbones and very expressive features, long legs and enviable thinness. According to many - the most "cool" type. Beginning models, and not only, strive to look like this, drawing in their cheeks until bruises appear, and even manage to do this on snaps. Looks ridiculous. Girls, owners of this type do not need to cast wild glances and somehow deform their faces, as mother nature has created them.


I heard many times that now this is the most popular type of face in modeling. Usually large expressive eyes, neat nose, small, inflated lips, round face. Such dolls. Looking 15-16 years old, even if you are already in your second decade, is a common thing for them.

Strange look

The pursuit of this face type never stops. If you hear from friends: “Which one of you is a model? You have a strange face! ”, - quickly run to the agency. Scouts strive to grab a model with this type. These girls can be ugly, and not have strict facial features, and be, at first glance, not commercially in demand. But there is something exciting about them. I will give examples, and you will immediately understand what I mean.

commercial face

The very word "commerce" speaks for itself. This is advertising and making money. Such faces are considered beautiful according to the laws of society, both in modeling and in life. You can hear this version from those who didn’t eat carrots and didn’t work out in childhood, in short, they didn’t grow up: “Well, there are models and photo models, the latter are owners of commercial entities.” They err, there is no such division. It’s just that this particular type has an ideal, precise face that radiates feminine beauty and charm. You see them in advertisements of perfumery, cosmetics and different brands. They attract attention, which means they sell the product they advertise well.

Take a close look at yourself in the mirror, evaluate your chances, determine your type and the country in which you can really make money. Better yet, my advice to you is to find yourself a good parent agency that will do everything much more professionally. How I did it when I got into The Personal Model Management. I always thought that I had a baby-face, but here it turned out - commerce with a touch of the classics. Yes, and it happens, we are all so different and unique. We can combine many types, which allows us to work in many markets and in many countries.

P.S. I wanted to apologize. For what? I think many, based on my promise in the previous article, expected the topic of Asia's cooperation with the Big Four countries. But do not worry, we will definitely consider all the nuances of this issue.

Classics implies eternal values. Classical beauty was described by Leonardo Da Vinci as early as the 15th century. Symmetrical medium size almond eyes, straight lips, chiseled nose, medium cheekbones, even oval face.

According to such canons, today the jury chooses Miss World and Miss Universe.

2. COMMERCIAL - commercial type

Models of the Commercial type are individuals who successfully sell a product. Girls in advertising radiate happiness and subconsciously attract the attention of buyers. With their charm and charm, they fascinate and attract the eye.

The main features of this type are wide-open and widely spaced eyes, a neat nose, Hollywood smile And luxurious hair. These girls have a healthy, beautiful body and sexual forms, such as Jennifer Loppes or Victoria's Secret Angels.

3. BABY FACE - the face of a child

What makes a child's face? Chubby cheeks, large expressive eyes, a small neat nose and pouting lips like a bow. Such a girl looks with a naive childish look, and curiosity and defenselessness are read in her eyes.

Most good example- Natalya Vodyanova.

Scouts of the international model market come to us in Russia to find models of this type, because even with short stature(170 - 172 cm) such girls are the most demanded in the Asian market.

4. STRONG FACE - strong face

Such a frighteningly unapproachable cold appearance creates a feeling of inaccessibility of the product. This product is very expensive - only for the elite of society.

strong face models work for high fashion and filmed in a fashion-story for fashion magazines. These are very thin (hips up to 90 cm) and very tall (height 176 - 181 cm) girls.

5. ASIAN LOOK - Asian appearance

The vast majority of the world's population has Asian type appearance: narrow slit eyes, hanging upper eyelid, yellowish skin tone, short and sparse eyelashes, pronounced cheekbones and brown eyes.

Asian models, in Lately are becoming more and more popular. They successfully conquer the world's catwalks, glossy publications, many designers like to work with this type.

6. STRANGE LOOK - a strange face

There are models whose faces do not fit into the classical canons of beauty, but nevertheless they are inexplicably attractive. Such a face is remembered, you want to look at it.

What does it do with a special appearance? Atypically shaped lips or eyebrows, strongly protruding ears, eyes that are too large and disproportionate to the face, unusual shape forehead ... It is difficult for such models to start working in the modeling market.

A girl must have natural magnetism in order to break the classic canons of beauty to which the fashion world is attached.

7. ANDROGIN LOOK - androgynous appearance

Over the past 50 years, everyone has become accustomed to what girls wear. short haircuts and guys grow their hair out. The population of our planet prefers unisex clothing.

Today, stylists and designers of the fashion world of tolerant Europe are increasingly showing men's clothes on girls, making the girl more masculine, and women's clothes on guys, making the guys more feminine. So the concept of "androgynous appearance" has firmly entered the lexicon of the global fashion market and the film industry.

The faces of Androgin look models combine both feminine and masculine principles. A striking example of modernity is the actress and model - Mila Jvovich.

If you have not attributed yourself to any of the listed types of appearance - do not despair, most often a person's face combines several types of faces.

If you belong to one of these types, fill in and we will be glad to see you among our international models.

All the girls in the photos - Elite models Star model management.

Text: Alena Belaya

In the modern celebrity institute, models occupy the top lines, personifying the image of a luxurious and easy life: it seems that it is enough to be born beautiful and get into Right place- and now they start pouring into your account six figures, and you just walk along the catwalk in expensive clothes and take pictures. Firstly, this is not so (see "eating disorders", "terrible competition", "exhausting fashion weeks", "poverty"), and secondly, the position of models in the hierarchy fashion industry was not always perfect. At the beginning of the 20th century, girls who demonstrated fashion collections, were equated with a marginal class: this profession was considered inappropriate for “decent” women, so girls from the poor went to fashion models dysfunctional families. They were called "mannequin" ("the model" was the exhibition samples of the collection), which obviously dehumanized the woman and reduced her perception and role to a clothes stand. It is this connotation "empty doll with perfect proportions faces and bodies” will continue in the industry until the 1970s, and in society for much longer: this is where the habit of dismissively calling models “hangers” comes from.

London fashion designer Lucy Duff Gordon is believed to be the first designer to decide to use runway shows instead of static presentations. She herself raised fashion models for her fashion house, giving them stage names, which also evoked associations with priestesses of love. By 1910, almost all Parisian couturiers kept their own fashion models on staff, and two categories: some showed collections at a show, others - to private clients in the atelier. This is where their differences ended. Everyone had the right features and a harmonious physique, in other words, they were beauties by the standards of the time - girls who dreamed of becoming actresses, but were screened out by Hollywood, often went to fashion models.

There was no such thing as rigid model parameters expressed in centimeters at all. On the contrary, designers used fashion models of different builds to show the variability of their models. At that time, fashion models did not serve as the personification of an unattainable ideal of beauty - on the contrary, they were supposed to imitate the proportions of average couture clients, whether they were Parisian aristocrats or the wives of American nouveaux riches. Some couturiers, including Jean Patou, even ordered fashion models from America, as it was believed that French women with their type of figure would not be able to “sell” outfits to American clients.


In the 1920s, the concept of clothing designed to sculpt the body and emphasize its curves, driving a woman into the rigid fetters of a corset, was replaced by the idea of ​​liberation and relaxation. Thanks to the mass passion for sports, a slender fit figure is coming into fashion, and the straight silhouette of the dresses hints at the fact that beautiful woman- a woman without roundness. Moreover, Madeleine Vionnet at this time says that a new corset for a woman is her own body. Fashion designers understand that new styles of dresses look best on very young, not always formed girls, and so the profession of fashion models is noticeably younger. However, femininity was important. In the second half of the 1920s, girls with a resolute appearance, Marion Morehouse and Lee Miller, the future muse of Man Ray and a military special correspondent, became the faces of the emancipated generation. They differed from the frivolous and liberated flapper girl popular in the 20s with their noble-mature appearance and manners.


We know the golden era of Hollywood in the 1930s as the era that gave birth to the concept of glamor with a cult of women who were luxurious from snow-white fur coats to the tips of their nails. Hollywood has proposed a new, very tenacious ideal of beauty - unattainable divas, as if without change descending from the screen into reality and back. At this time, fashion is classic beauty, emphasized by dramatic make-up: high cheekbones, expressive arched eyebrows and deep-set eyes. However, for models, this decade was not the most profitable time - for filming in magazines, they were increasingly preferred Hollywood stars. In favor were the models that broadcast the same Hollywood chic: Helen Bennett, Russian beauty Lyudmila Fedoseeva and Swedish Lisa Fonssagrives, who is called the first supermodel in history.


The world of glamor crashed against World War II like a crystal vase, and silks and diamonds were replaced by discreet outfits, as if from the shoulder of Ingrid Bergman from Casablanca. The post-war era inevitably dictated a different course: fashion photographers are getting rid of Hollywood aplomb in their work, and healthy and sporty lifestyles are becoming the dominant trend. Models still embody elegance and impeccable femininity, but look much more earthly creatures compared to the standards of the previous decade. Exemplary beauties of the second half of the 1940s and the embodiment of the ideal natural beauty were Betty Tret and Liz Benn.

It is at this time that one of key points in the modeling industry: the division into podium, that is, high fashion, and commercial models - those who, even with great demand and fees, could not count on the cover of Vogue or Harper's Bazaar. Post 1947 standards female beauty form into a well-defined canon: high chest, thinnest waist, prominent hips. And here, of course, it was not without Christian Dior and his New Look concept. The silhouette proposed by Dior brought girls with parameters of 96-63-94 cm to the leaders of the modeling industry, which by today's standards is on the verge of professional suitability - today girls with such volumes are only expected at the Victoria's Secret casting. But in the 50s, models Dorian Ley, Dovima, Susie Parker, Jean Patchett, Sunny Harnett became the personification of Dior's refined femininity and new ideals of noble beauty.


However, the standard of beauty "according to Dior" was fixed for a short time - exactly before the beginning of the new decade. The sixties were a turning point that forever changed the perception of fashion. If before that the main clients of fashion couturiers were adult women of high origin and income, then the 1960s, with their craze for youth subcultures, put designers before the fact: from now on, music is ordered by the young. All these fundamentally new A-silhouettes and extreme short length skirts, coupled with the general infantilism of fashion, required new faces and bodies. They become skinny girls with doll faces: Twiggy, Jean Shrimpton, Penelope Tree, Patty Boyd and Linda Keith. Their puberty image and boyish figure was a fresh breath after the absolute dominance of mature female beauty in the spirit of femme fatale. The fashion industry of the 60s also had another small revolution, abolishing the border between fashion models and photo models.


It will take another ten years before the profession of a model will be considered a truly prestigious business. It was the 1970s that we owe the phenomenon of supermodels, with the advent of which the fashion industry will never be the same. With the advent of the 70s, models become one of the symbols of pop culture, being on the same board of honor with famous actresses and singers. In the girls who became the main faces of the fashion industry in the 70s and the 80s that followed, there was not a trace of the teenage infantilism of their predecessors. These were strong, spectacular women with a pronounced sexuality and no less pronounced sexual characteristics. The era of glamor is back. His ambassadors were Vogue darling and the first model to sign with cosmetics giant Revlon, Lauren Hutton, as well as Jerry Hall, Yves Saint Laurent's black muse and future wife. David Bowie Iman, Marisa Berenson, granddaughter of Elsa Schiaparelli, whom Saint Laurent called "the girl of the 70s", Sports Illustrated star Christie Brinkley, and Dale Haddon and Janice Dickinson.


The decade of aerobics, perm and leggings was led by sports Americans Jane Fonda and Cindy Crawford. According to the video lessons of the Foundation (and later Crawford), all the women of the planet, and even some men, were engaged. The cult of the body defined new ideals, and hence the standards of model appearance. The main thing was feminine forms, honed by classes in the fitness room. Models finally formed the subdivision of heroines modern culture rather make a brand out of own name became new tradition. From now on, models have become not an appendix to luxurious designer collections, but leaders of public opinion, to whom fashion designers were ready to pay incredible money for their work: it was their faces and figures that launched the mechanism of mass sales of anything.


The formed rules naturally gave rise to the golden era of supermodels, whose names were not just self-explanatory and self-sufficient, but almost common nouns: Naomi, Linda, Christie, Cindy. It is believed that behind their fame was not so much unearthly beauty or the ability to pose in front of the camera (although this, of course, too), but the strength of personality and charisma - a combination of charm, dignity, self-confidence and some elusive qualities that does not leave others a chance doubt your exclusivity.

The cult of personality in the industry, where 90% of the participants remained unknown, was accompanied by multimillion-dollar fees (the famous “We don’t get out of bed for less than $ 10,000 a day” by Linda Evangelista entered the story) and fame, the train from which stretches to this day. Soon they were joined by Kate Moss, who at first glance absolutely fell out of the standard and seemed to be much inferior to her colleagues with her 170 cm height and androgynous appearance. Such a sharp contrast (although, of course, not only he) “shot”, and Kate kicked open the door to “heroin chic” - the new glamor of the era of grunge and Britpop, when luxury became pale skin, sleepy look and touchingly protruding collarbones.


It is believed that the decline of the era of supermodels was caused, firstly, by the unwillingness of designers to pay the very conditional $ 10,000 for shooting or going to the show. Therefore, modeling agencies increasingly began to offer brands new faces from South America and Eastern Europe - these girls asked much less, and against the background of familiar figures, they looked fresh and new. Secondly, by the early 2000s, fashion swung towards the intellectual, without fireworks in the spirit of Versace, and it demanded new faces that would not overshadow the collection.

Therefore, on the one hand, the trend for painfully thin, anorexic-looking girls with strange alien faces gained momentum on the catwalks - we owe this in part to one of the key designers of the early 2000s, Alexander McQueen, with whose filing everything strange became trendy. On the other hand, a trend for a new sexuality begins to develop, led by the Victoria's Secret "angels". Gisele Bundchen, Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio gradually returned classical femininity to the catwalks, however, it is still most in demand in the “lingerie” segment, where the sexuality of things was traditionally presented through the sexuality of their wearer.

In general, the 2000s turned out to be a decade extremely prolific for the most different types model appearance (and hence female beauty in general). Non-commercial model trends like "angels" coexisted with atypical beauty in the person of Daria Verbova and Coco Roshi, and the "dolls of Tutti's heir" Gemma Ward and Lily Collins got along well with androgynous Agnes Deyn and Freya Bekha Eriksen. It is the boom in androgynous models of the late 2000s that can be called a harbinger of what we see on the catwalks today: the blurring of gender differentiation, neo-feminism and the revival of the popular nineteenth unisex idea - this time, a new creative director Gucci.

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