Lipstick cut character. How to determine the character of a girl by a cut of lipstick. Flat and concave lipstick shape

One day, doing another make-up, we notice that the lipstick is far from the shape when we bought it. Lipstick becomes skewed or rounded or some other shape. But no one could have imagined that the form that this beauty product acquires directly depends on our character! And that's what psychologists have found out.

Look at the picture above:

1. Is the top of your lipstick evenly rounded? About the mistress of this lipstick, we can say that she is cold-blooded, quickly goes to her goal, knows how to stand up for herself. Negligence is alien to her, this woman plans everything in advance. And first of all, she owes her success to diligence and accuracy. The only thing is she really lacks a sense of humor. The owner of the rounded lipstick does not like carelessness. She has an even, balanced character, she does not like conflicts. Psychologists say that such women are romantic, friendly, generous.

2. If your lipstick keeps a slightly pointed shape for a long time, this is a sign that her mistress is a practical person, self-confident, but a little conservative. She always knows what she wants, what she lacks. It’s not in her rules to trade on trifles. The owner of such lipstick is cheerful, slightly sarcastic and quite secretive. She notices a lot, analyzes, but is in no hurry to share it with others.image

3. The end of a lipstick column, which is pointed like a pencil, often indicates selfishness, as well as a tendency to introspection. Such a woman is distinguished by arrogance, disrespect for the opinions of other people. It is difficult for her to converge with people, although she herself needs communication. She considers herself the perfect wife. But on the other hand, such women are considered good wives, because they are collected and economic, they always have order in their house. Sometimes they are stubborn, but in general they are harmonious and self-sufficient.

4. If the top of the lipstick you use is indefinitely shaped, you can say that you are not unbalanced enough, any trifle can cause you anxiety, which you are ready to hide under the mask of energy and self-confidence. Such women are distrustful of all people. You love beautiful things, evening walks, have a weakness for sentimental romances.

5. Is your column erased on one side? You can be attributed to women with a rich imagination. You are businesslike, responsible, able to express your thoughts easily and gracefully. Enterprising, but not always practical, loyal to the shortcomings of others. Whims are alien to you, you can always count on you. Such a woman forgives a lot of close friends, but prefers male to female society, as she loves to be in the spotlight. In friends, self-confident and picky. Loves experiments.

6. The form of a sharpened pencil without a lead in lipstick is quite rare. The character of its owner is also unusual and original. This is a man of mood, unbalanced, impulsive, easily coming both to delight and despair, in a word, a man of contradictions. In general, she is cheerful and funny, always in the center of attention in the company. But, unfortunately, as a friend, she is unreliable and capable of failing.

7. If the end of your lipstick is absolutely flat, congratulations, you are an optimist who does not know what blues and despondency are. Straightforwardness, immediacy in relations with people, sociability - these are your main qualities. You do not pay attention to everyday trifles, but with your directness, you can inadvertently offend a person. Such women are distinguished by purposefulness, reliability and speed of reaction.

8. If your lipstick has the shape of a truncated cone, you are the owner of a calm, cheerful character, happy with your fate. You are good with people. Your only serious flaw is your tendency to envy other people's luck. You walk through life on your own, overcome all difficulties. Don't like to be the center of attention.

We have described 8 common types of lipstick cuts. Now you can easily determine what type of woman you are.

If you are an observant person, then you probably paid attention to the fact that every girl or lady has a different lipstick, which they regularly use. This is not about color or brand, but about what shape the lipstick rod takes in the process of use. We, of course, are not Hercule Poirot, but there is a certain theory that proposes to determine character traits by the shape and appearance of the lipstick used. Shall we try?

1 - The shape of the lipstick rod has a slightly pointed shape similar to the original appearance of the newly purchased lipstick. The owner of such a lipstick is a neat woman, leads an orderly life, calculates everything one step ahead, but at the same time she is quite conservative and not prone to romantic experiments. It can be picky about everyday trifles, but at the same time, in big cases, it is not exchanged for small details.

2 - The shape of the lipstick rod has a uniform rounded crown. Despite the softness of this form, the owner of such lipstick is a purposeful and responsible lady. She can achieve success, while not letting herself be offended. Good worker, tidy. However, she is not only not funny, but generally not very friendly with a sense of humor, her look is often strict. I wish she smiled more sincerely.

3 - The shape of the lipstick rod is uneven, has blurry contours, the rim of the case is often stained with lipstick. Before you is a rather nervous person who does not control emotions well. Even with external self-confidence, one can notice a restless look and trembling in the fingers, an exaggerated reaction to seemingly trifles. Her actions are not always predictable, she is touchy and not very pragmatic. But at the same time, she can be artistically gifted and even talented in creating images. He gravitates towards beautiful clothes, household items, but not towards great art. Always wants attention.

4 - The shape of the lipstick rod is “worn off” evenly on both sides, pointed, the top looks like a thin line. The mistress of such lipstick is categorical and proud. Her arrogance, combined with selfishness, wins over softness, femininity, a pleasant image that suits the fair sex so well. In communication, a note of neglect or superiority is always heard, practically does not enter into a trusting relationship. Canny. In marriage, she is practical, commands her husband, considering herself an irreplaceable wife.

5 - The shape of the lipstick rod looks like a horizontal plane. Such an almost even circle, like a cross section of lipstick, is obtained if it is placed perpendicular to the lips. The owner of such lipstick considers herself eternally youthful. She is easy-going, optimistic, does not know how to be offended and mope for a long time. In communication, she is easy and even windy, she does not climb into her pocket for a word. It can often be superficial in judgments, and its spontaneity and directness can unintentionally offend a person.

6 - The shape of the lipstick rod has a pointed tip, but the top itself is smeared (like a pencil with a broken lead). You don't see this shape very often. The image of the owner of a cosmetic bag with such a non-standard way to paint her lips can be very extravagant and changeable. She draws attention to herself without trying to achieve it on purpose. A man of moods, up to extreme states. Contradictory, including in friendship and family life. It can be interesting in communication, a ringleader in a team, but is not capable of deep reciprocity and responsibility to obligations.

7 - The shape of the lipstick rod has a pointed appearance, like the leg of a right triangle. Using lipstick, its owner always uses only one side. This is a lady with an artistic taste, very energetic and organized, without any special claims to everyone. True, she is not always practical and far-sighted, but she is also tolerant of the shortcomings of others.

8 - The shape of the lipstick rod is cone-shaped with a slightly smoothed top. Such a form may belong to a balanced person who succeeds in almost everything in life. She knows how to assess the situation, knows about human strengths and weaknesses, knows how to find an approach. Accustomed to a certain amount of luck, she can envy someone else's success. It is worth learning to control this feature.

All these are the observations of psychologists. They don't have to match reality. However, for introspection or observation of the fair sex, it can play a role.

Did you know that determining the character of a girl by lipstick is quite simple. Each representative of the weaker sex “sharpenes” her cut in her own way, prefers a certain color scheme, which allows you to find out about her temper.

Character by lipstick: what does the color say

The craving for a certain color scheme lies in the subconscious of a woman and indicates her character. For example, love for red lipstick speaks of a strong and purposeful nature, who has a career and communication with the opposite sex in the foreground.

Brown shades of lipstick indicate leadership qualities in character. You can rely on such a woman, she is able to withstand any adversity. In addition, chocolate lipstick is liked by all sexy girls who seek to attract the attention of men.

Lovers of pink colors are romantic and slightly windy. Such women prefer not to shoulder the burden of problems, remain away from any responsibility. Many mature men are quite satisfied with this feature of the female character.

A colorless hygienic lipstick on a woman's lips indicates that her owner is 100% sure of her attractiveness

If there are lipsticks of different shapes in the cosmetic bag, then this indicates changes in the girl's life that significantly influenced her character.

The character of the girl by the cut of lipstick

There are several basic forms of lipstick that can be used to judge the character of a girl.

  • The cut, pointed on one side, indicates an organized and practical nature. Such a woman maintains order in everything, always plans her day. If something does not go according to plan, she will be very upset. Surprises and surprises do not like.
  • The tip of the lipstick, rounded on all sides, speaks of a balanced character. The girl is attractive, sociable, kind and punctual, you can rely on her in any situation. Does not tolerate carelessness and carelessness in people.
  • The indefinite tip of the lipstick characterizes the eccentric nature. A woman is distinguished by an unbalanced character, spoiled, unrestrained, any trifle unbalances her. This girl has everything and nothing.
  • The cut, pointed on all sides, resembling a pencil, indicates a selfish and arrogant nature. Such a woman is difficult to communicate, someone else's opinion is not authority for her. However, for the sake of her family, she is ready for a lot.
  • A flat cut of lipstick gives out an optimist, with whom it is always light and fun. Such a woman will not let others get bored. Its disadvantages include straightforwardness, excessive honesty.

However, if the cut of lipstick practically does not change after use, then the girl is distinguished by her imagination and enterprise. She loves attention to her person from her friends, but she avoids male companies.

1. Tapered tip

You are either adored or hated: you do not leave anyone indifferent! You are characterized by sharp mood swings, radical judgments, your picture of the world is extremely clear: this is good, and this is bad, and your attitudes are not subject to any changes. At the same time, you will be the first to rush to help the victim, collect money for those in need and sign up as a volunteer in the children's hospital. Because your mission is to make this world better, cleaner and brighter. You are the leader, you are the one who will close the embrasure with your body, you will raise the troops from the trenches with a cry of "follow me!", and everyone will obey. Because Joan of Arc try not to listen.

2. Flat horizontal tip

How in this case to describe the character of lipstick? You are the most witty person in the company, an incorrigible optimist and a merry fellow, a generator of ideas and exactly the person who will find a way out of the most hopeless situation. Without you, a party is not a party, and a meeting is not a meeting. You are like a ray of light for people: at one glance at you, they smile. Therefore, you get the most difficult projects, the most obstinate clients and the most hopeless reports. And you manage, because you know for sure: the impossible is possible. You just have to smile and get down to business.


3. Rounded tip

You are a born keeper of the hearth. In your house there is always comfort, order, delicious food and children's laughter (well, or it will sound soon). You are a very creative and versatile person, you read a lot, you are fond of needlework, you often go to exhibitions and concerts, but the most important thing for you will always be your family. You are her center, a binding force and care, people run to you for support and advice, and you always find the right words. You are the embodiment of wisdom and tranquility, love and devotion, a real Mom. This is how the rounded tip defines the character of a woman by lipstick.

4. "Untouched" tip

The tip of your lipstick seems to be the same as when you bought it? Let us guess your character by the shape of your lipstick: you are a man of rules. The most honest. You are a perfectionist: the plates should be in height, the book should lie parallel to the edge of the table, and the towels in the closet should be in a strictly defined order. And toilet paper, by the way, in your house always hangs with the free end outward, and where it hangs incorrectly, you outweigh it. Because silence should be in the library. At work, you have not missed a single deadline, your bosses are praying for you, and your relatives admire the organization that you bring to their lives. And remember how to properly place the plates. Because otherwise ... it's better not to imagine.

5. Flat beveled tip

As a child, you climbed trees, looked for pirate treasures in the yard, and never thought about whether it was worth climbing into this puddle, or whether it was too deep. You are an adventurer and a great experimenter, it was from such people that great discoverers and Nobel laureates were made. “Gascony does not know the word “coward” - this is about you. You boldly take on any undertakings, boldly try everything new, explore the possibilities with curiosity and never, never lose interest in this crazy, crazy world.

6. Pointed tip

You are smart and sexy, and you know it very well. You act like a magnet on men, but you never abuse it. Your life is built according to a clear plan, in which career and financial well-being are not at all the last places. But with close people you are sincere, open and not averse to having fun, because being a cold fatal beauty is so tiring! Getting into the circle of close associates is not easy: you don’t really trust people. But behind the ice armor is a hot and ardent heart, which only the Most Worthy can win. You will not be deceived.

7. Asymmetrical tip

I want to protect and protect you, because disasters constantly happen around you. The car stalls, the phone refuses to charge, the coffee machine starts pouring kefir for everyone, and the work mail sends messages to Mars, because no one ever sees them again. You can get lost on the street next to the house, because you always turned right after the red kiosk, and it was demolished. At the same time, you are incredibly creative, full of ideas and grandiose plans. You just live in such a wonderful world of your fantasies and ideas that the earthly is a little alien to you. It's kind of gray here. And no unicorns.

8. Sharp beveled tip

You are charismatic like no other. You find yourself in the center of attention, even if you tried your best to wrap yourself in your grandmother's shawl, sit in a corner and be silent. You, like perfumer Suskind, exude something that makes people look at you with obsequious adoration. They are always ready to help you: to sit with the child, change the wheel, take and bring, find a rare thing or organize a party. If you have not yet headed a small company, then it is simply not in your interests yet. Because once you set a goal for yourself, you achieve it in the shortest possible time.

Hey everyone!

Today I have prepared for you a very interesting test "Character by lipstick". So, we take out our favorite lipstick from the cosmetic bag, look at the picture and read the answer.

1. Round lipstick.

If your lipstick has just such a shape, then this speaks of your charm and attractiveness for men. You are distinguished by generosity, although sometimes you are too principled.

And you are also a good hostess and a girl with excellent taste, who prefers bright colors in clothes and knows how to combine them. You never care what they say behind your back, because you prefer not to pay attention to public opinion.

2. Pointed lipstick

The pointed shape of the lipstick indicates that you are sometimes obstinate and like to argue. In addition, you do not like when you are limited in something or something is forbidden. Stubbornness is also not the best trait of your character. Maybe that's why you don't get along well with other people.

But you are open and honest, as well as an active fighter for justice. You have excellent organizational skills and you know how to take responsibility.

3. Lipstick spiky on both sides

This form of lipstick indicates that you know what you want from life, and successfully achieve your goals. You have adequate self-esteem, despite the fact that you love yourself.

Excellent taste and the ability to spend money on yourself make you an attractive and desirable girl for many. And you also have a great memory.

4. Lipstick with a concave top

The owner of lipstick with a concave top is observant and loves to stick her nose into other people's business (especially if there is intrigue). You easily get carried away (both people and activities), but just as easily cool down. And you also love your family very much.

Of the shortcomings, one can name your habit of embellishing reality a little (in other words, you like to lie;)). Although, this is not surprising, because you are a very good storyteller.

5. Lipstick with a smooth slope

You are an amorous and generous nature, very energetic and hospitable. You always plan more than you manage to do. You are easy to offend, but forgiveness is just as easy to earn.

Your only drawbacks are buying unnecessary things and not keeping promises (you just forget about them).

6. Lipstick is rounded but with a sharp top

This form of lipstick is for a girl who surprisingly knows how to combine work (study) and family. You know how to lead others and always keep your promises. True, sometimes you are prone to exaggeration and can be stubborn over trifles.

7. Lipstick with a flat top

Smooth top lipstick speaks for a restless and energetic girl who knows how to be a good friend. Despite the fact that you can give the impression of an irresponsible and uncollected girl, you are a very purposeful person.

You adore male attention and are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of relationships. Among the shortcomings can be called your dependence on mood.

8. Lipstick retains its original shape

You are a neat, punctual, independent and prudent girl who knows how to calculate her strengths and abilities. You are very afraid of emotional experiences, so for others you seem secretive, because you do not open your soul to everyone you meet.