Perfect lips: how to achieve sexy and sensual lips on your own? How to make lips smooth like silk

Women's lips, like eyes, are the most expressive part a face on which representatives of the strong half of our humanity especially stop their eyes. Hydrated, smooth and velvety lips reflect the beauty and sensuality of a woman at any age. Therefore, it is important not to forget that in addition to caring for the skin of the face, it is necessary to carry out daily and thorough lip care to this part of the face long years remained young and attractive.

Home lip care

The structure of the surface layer of the lips has a very thin and delicate structure, under which there are almost no sebaceous glands. This factor makes the lips an extremely sensitive and vulnerable part of the facial zone, instantly reacting to adverse environmental conditions (frost, wind, sun, temperature changes, etc.). Lips are especially susceptible to manifestations of inflammation, peeling, irritation, cracks. In addition, with age, in the skin tissues of the lips, all intracellular processes slow down, namely, the water balance is disturbed and the natural production elastin and collagen fibers, which accordingly leads to the appearance of wrinkles and a violation of their shape and clear contours. Based on these factors, the conclusion is clear: systematic lip care It has importance in general facial skin care activities and is a guarantee that soft and clear lips will not betray your true age, even at the peak of maturity.

Home lip care is based on three principles: cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing, protection, which is an absolute analogy with daily facial skin care in general.

  • Cleansing.

This is the first and most milestone in lip care. It includes daily cleansing of the lips from impurities and residues. decorative cosmetics. To carry it out, it is enough to have a regular cleansing milk or emulsion (this can be the same cleanser that you use to cleanse your face) and cotton pads, with which you should thoroughly wipe your lips before applying a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Also, in addition to daily cleansing lips, it is necessary to carry out a soft exfoliating peeling every 7-10 days. As soft peeling for lips, candied honey or sugar is perfect in combination with olive oil in a 1: 1 ratio.

Consider! Cleansing of the lips should be carried out with light circular movements, without stretching their thin upper layer - otherwise you can provoke the premature appearance of wrinkles with your own hands.

  • Hydration and nutrition.

Home lip care at this stage involves the use natural masks, creams and gels, which should be selected according to the season. For example, in summer and spring, it is recommended to use moisturizing gel-like formulations with a high UV protection factor, and in winter and autumn, it is recommended to give preference to nutritious oily creams, protecting against negative impact frost and wind.

It is important to know! as a moisturizer and nutrient eye cream is perfect for lips (skin tissue in these facial areas similar in structure and sensitivity). Also excellent nourishing and moisturizing lip masks can be prepared at home from improvised products.

  • Protection.

Except permanent hydration and nutrition, the skin of the lips needs careful protection from external aggressive factors. Therefore, during the day, be sure to use a high-quality moisturizing decorative lipstick or lip balm, which will prevent the lips from drying out and cracking. Picking up daytime protective agent for lips, pay attention to the fact that it included: natural oils And beeswax, vitamins A, C, E, F, proteins, extracts medicinal herbs and sunscreens with a high index (at least 25). These ingredients can provide your lips with intense and long-lasting hydration, promote the healing of cracks and wounds, prevent drying out and the appearance of inflammatory processes, as well as create a protective barrier against the adverse effects of the sun, wind and frost.

Also lip care should include regular massage, which should be carried out to increase blood supply to the skin tissues, which will favorably affect the healthy color and beautiful shape of the lips. In order to carry out such a procedure, you do not need to have special skills and techniques. Just while applying a nourishing or moisturizing cream to your lips, pat them with your fingertips for several minutes, starting from the center of the lips and ending at the corners.

Beautician advice: daily home care behind the lips can be finished with a massage with a clean toothbrush with ultra-soft bristles, on which you need to apply required amount nourishing cream and massage her lips in different directions for 2-3 minutes.

Lip masks - recipes for all occasions

As mentioned above, lip care, in addition to daily moisturizing, should include procedures intensive nutrition skin tissues. Great help with this lip masks, which will not only support and replenish the level nutrients in the dermis of the skin of the lips, but will also be a salvation for those whose lips need emergency restoration.

You can use the following proven and effective recipes mask compositions that have high nutritional, softening and restorative properties:

  • 1 teaspoon grind fat cottage cheese with the same amount of cream. Apply the resulting mixture in a dense layer on the lips, and to enhance the nourishing and softening effect, cover cotton pad dipped in warm milk. After 20 minutes after application, the mask should be washed off with warm filtered or boiled water.
  • Grind ½ baked apple through a sieve and combine with 10 g of melted butter. This mask can be applied both as a nourishing and remedy when there are small cracks on the lips.
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream combine with 5 ml of olive or peach oil add a few drops to the resulting mixture lemon juice and apply on lips. This mask will help prevent dryness and flaking of the lips and ensure their softness and velvety.
  • A decoction of flax seed will also help prevent peeling of the lips. You can prepare it like this: pour 20 g of flax seed into 0.5 liters of water and boil over a fire until a viscous slurry is formed. She is the salvation of the lips from flaky red spots.

In conclusion, it should be noted that lip masks, as well as for the face, have a pronounced effect only when regular use. Pamper your lips with fruit or oil formulations at least once a week, before going outside, lubricate them with a softening balm, hygienic or decorative lipstick and then all sorts of troubles (cracks, inflammation, peeling) are guaranteed to bypass you.

From time immemorial, women of any age have been worried about preserving their beauty, making a lot of efforts for this. Hair, nails, skin - everything should be well-groomed and blooming. Lips are no exception. Women desire to keep their softness and tenderness, beautiful healthy color, youth and smoothness for as long as possible. And for this, the methods listed below are suitable.

The softness of the lips from the use of store products

Manufacturers of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products for female beauty regularly offer creams, balms, masks, scrubs, glitters, special lipsticks that have a softening effect on the lips. And the result is usually achieved quickly. Your lips soften but lose their natural color. Therefore, you become attached to cosmetics and can no longer afford to do without it every day.

And yet, sometimes Vaseline applied to dry, chapped lips at night can save you.

Folk recipes to make lips soft

Knowing the properties of food products, you can easily take care of your lips on your own, prepare creams, scrubs, balms, oil mixtures for them and enrich your cosmetics with the latest.

  • For example, in pure form Apply olive oil, sesame oil to your lips. It is better to do this at night, but without excessive zeal - the oil layer should not capture the skin around the lips and be too thick. It is permissible to enrich glosses and balms with ready-made oil mixtures. So you achieve the effect of soft and healthy lips even faster.
  • Cut seasonal vegetables and fruits into slices and massage your lips for 5-10 minutes. Suitable apples without peel, watermelons, bananas, kiwi, cucumbers, gooseberries, strawberries, carrots, lemon. Also mix them together, after grinding, and apply as a mask on the lips.
  • Honey is a natural sweet moisturizer and emollient. Its linden type is especially useful for lips.
  • Melted butter or gruel from fatty cottage cheese with any of the components - with sour cream, cream, honey in equal proportions quickly return softness to dry chapped lips.
  • If you practice making cosmetics for yourself, then mix lanolin or melted lard with rose essential oil and apply on your lips. thin layer for the night. ready mix store in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Soften lips with a toothbrush

Choose a brush with soft bristles and very gentle massaging in a circular motion on the lips.

For amplification therapeutic effect Moisten your brush with honey, oil, or whatever you like.

It is enough to perform these lip manipulations 1-2 times a day for 4-5 minutes to restore and maintain their softness and beauty.

Healthy eating is the key to soft lips

External masking of the problems of female beauty is extremely unsteady. If you regularly use moisturizing lipstick, then after removing it, your lips no longer look attractive. And that means you won’t show yourself to people with them without special “armor”. However, think about it - if you eat fast food, junk food, ignoring fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables, then what external health can talk? Not a single beauty magazine will write that in order to restore softness to the lips, they need to be smeared with ketchup or mayonnaise.

Therefore, love fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits and eat them regularly!

Almost every woman dreams of natural beauty your lips. To achieve this effect, you should carefully care for them, especially in winter time. But that doesn't mean you have to spend a lot Money on your lips in the cosmetologist's office, it is enough to learn a few beauty recipes and follow them regular care. This article will tell you all the secrets on how to make lips attractive, soft and sensual, as if from the cover of a fashion magazine.

Why do lips dry

Before you start caring for your lips, you should identify and get rid of the causes that could cause dryness.

  1. Various diseases. For example: gastrointestinal diseases, anemia, hypovitaminosis, dehydration, allergies and others. In this case, without eliminating the cause, lip care will be ineffective.
  2. Impact of adverse factors: dry air, windy weather, poor diet.
  3. Bad habits. This item includes not only alcohol and smoking, but also excessive consumption, as well as the habit of biting and constantly licking your lips.

To make your lips more attractive, you should first, if possible, eliminate the cause of their dryness. In the case of severely chapped lips, it is recommended to apply Vaseline before going to bed. It will help soften the skin and contribute to the speedy healing of microcracks.

Use lipstick with moisturizing effect. It should include coconut or any other moisturizing oil.

In addition to using lip balm, you need to regularly care for them. The skin on the lips should be cleaned and various nourishing, caring masks and creams should be applied.

Scrubs, lip masks, and balms can be made independently. Such funds will be the most useful, because they will include only natural ingredients. It should be remembered that some products may give an individual allergic reaction, therefore, before using home recipes, you should test the remedy for small area skin.

In the absence of itching, rash and other signs of allergy, home recipe beauty can be safely used on your lips.


Before using lip masks, dead skin should be removed from them. A scrub will help every woman with this.

It should be remembered that the procedure is forbidden to be carried out in the presence of cracks, wounds and herpetic eruptions. It is recommended to use a scrub no more than 1-2 times in 7 days.

Consider a few popular recipes.

  • Honey and sugar. Thanks to honey, the skin will be renewed, irritation and small cracks will disappear. Sugar will help exfoliate dead cells. To prepare a scrub, 7-10 g of sugar is mixed with 30 g of honey. It is also recommended to add half a tablespoon of olive oil to this mixture, after which everything must be thoroughly mixed. Scrub should be applied to the lips and massage them a little. After that, the agent is washed off.
  • flour. To prepare the product, mix half a tablespoon oat flour with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 30 g of liquid honey. All ingredients are mixed well, after which the product is applied to the lips. Further, it is recommended to massage the skin on the lips with fingertips for 1 minute. After that, the scrub is recommended to leave for another 5 minutes, then rinse.
  • Salt, sugar and Vaseline scrub. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, after which they are applied to the lips with massaging movements. After that, the scrub is washed off.

Rules for using scrubs:

  1. Preparation. Lips are recommended to warm up well in advance. Thanks to this, the tool will work much more efficiently. To prepare the skin, you need to take a clean cloth and dip it in hot water. After that, the cloth is squeezed out and applied to the lips for 5 minutes.
  2. Scrub is applied only to dry lips.
  3. After the procedure, the product is washed off with warm water.
  4. The skin after the scrub becomes too sensitive, so it is forbidden to rub the lips with a towel. You can dry the skin of the lips after the procedure with the help of soaking movements with a napkin.
  5. After cleansing such cleansing, it is recommended to apply a cream or mask to the lips, the recipes of which will be described below.

To make lips smoother and eliminate peeling, a cream of 90 g of lanolin, 2 teaspoons of castor oil and 3 drops of rose oil will help.

Lanolin should be melted in a water bath. Then, in the liquid mass is added Castor oil and everything is mixed. After mixing the ingredients, the cream is removed from the heat, poured into a glass vial and cooled. The final step in the preparation of the cream is the addition of rose oil to the cosmetic product.

This cream is used in the morning and evening.

Consider the most popular mask recipes:

  • Honey mask with lard. To prepare it, melt 60 g of honey and 30 g of lard. After that, the ingredients are well mixed and applied to the lips. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then remove with a paper towel.
  • Pumpkin - curd mask used to soften the skin of the lips, as well as their nutrition. For its preparation, 30 g of cottage cheese are added to 90 mg of pumpkin juice. Apply the product for 5-7 minutes, then rinse. This mask can be used up to 2 times a day.
  • To heal small cracks, a mask of butter in the amount of 10 g and the same amount of grated kiwi pulp will help. For cooking cosmetic product the butter is melted in a water bath, after which it is mixed with kiwi. The mask should be applied for 15 minutes.

With regular use of masks, after a few days, the lips will become more tender and attractive.

Terms of use:

  1. It is best to use freshly prepared homemade cosmetics.
  2. Do not keep the product on the lips for more than 20 minutes.
  3. Vitamins A and E can be added to any mask. From such ingredients, the composition of the cosmetic product will only get better.
  4. Remove the agent with a paper towel. If the mask has already dried, then it is washed off with warm water.
  5. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a lip balm on the lips.

Lip balm

To make a homemade balm, you should take 2 capsules of vitamin E (tocopherol), 2 parts cocoa bean oil and almond seeds, and add 1 part beeswax to this mixture.

Cooking steps:

  1. All components are placed in one small saucepan or cup and heated in a water bath. When heating, do not forget about constant stirring. But it is not recommended to interfere with an ordinary spoon. The mixing process is best done with a wooden spatula or stick.
  2. If the mixture turned out to be liquid, then beeswax should be added for density. In case of too thick mass, add.
  3. After the ingredients are mixed and become a homogeneous mass, the pan is removed from the heat.
  4. The resulting balm is poured into a small glass jar.


To give the lips a special softness and tenderness, it is recommended to massage in the morning and in the evening.

It can be done using terry towel, a toothbrush with soft bristles as well as fingers.

An excellent rejuvenating effect has a massage with a piece of ice. Massaging movements should be performed both on the lips themselves and the area around them. All movements should be light and gentle.

Massage with small pieces of fruit or cucumber is also considered useful. With the help of them make circular motions on the skin of the lips for 5-10 minutes.

All of the above tips will help make lips soft and beautiful. The main thing is to carry out the correct lips daily care, and do not use cheap and dubious cosmetics.

This scrub is not as viscous, and if you are in a hurry, better do it. The combination of honey and lemon is very good not only for cosmetic purposes) Here you are served with honey antioxidants and lemon vitamins, enjoy!

- 1 tsp honey
- 1 tsp white sugar
- 1 tsp lemon juice

Thoroughly mix sugar and honey, then add lemon juice. Apply the mixture on your lips and massage gently. wash away warm water. In addition to exfoliating, this scrub also moisturizes your lips.

I love making lip scrubs at home. This great gift for girlfriends, and besides, it's so great to know that you can do something good yourself with almost no effort. And you? Do you prefer buying lip scrubs or do you make your own? If you have other recipes, please share with us!

To keep lips always soft, smooth and beautiful, make lip scrubs at home. We offer you 6 recipes of the most effective and simple scrubs for lips.

Homemade sugar lip scrub

Sugar is in the house of every housewife, so making an excellent homemade lip scrub from it is not difficult. It perfectly exfoliates the keratinized surface, moisturizes and nourishes delicate skin lips. For its preparation, either ordinary granulated sugar, or, if the skin of the lips is badly damaged, brown sugar. It must either be ground in a mortar or ground in a coffee grinder into fine "flour". Then use according to the recipe.

  • Mix a pinch of sugar with 0.5 tsp. honey, apply on the lips and scrub for 1-2 minutes, remove the remaining scrub paper napkin and apply lip balm.
  • 1 pinch of sugar, 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil and 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Mix all ingredients, apply on lips, massage for 2-3 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply lip balm.

Baking Soda Lip Scrub

Lip scrub from baking soda perfectly exfoliates lips, relieves inflammation and heals wounds. For a homemade scrub, take 1 tsp. baking soda and add some cold water to make a paste. Apply the prepared soda paste on the lips, massage a little and leave for 5 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water and moisturize with a balm.

Oatmeal Lip Scrub

Oatmeal as a lip scrub perfectly exfoliates dead skin particles, moisturizes and gives elasticity to the skin of the lips. If you don't have oatmeal, grind cereals in a coffee grinder, combine 0.5 tsp. oatmeal powder, lemon juice and natural yogurt or sour cream. Apply the finished scrub on the lips and leave for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water and follow the procedure with a balm.

Homemade Aloe Vera Lip Scrub

Aloe Vera is often used at home as base element lip scrub- it softens, moisturizes the skin of the lips, heals wounds. To prepare a scrub, you will need either plant leaves, or aloe juice extract, or aloe gel (you can buy them at a pharmacy). If you use leaves, then they need to be grated. For scrub 1 tbsp. l. grind rice in a coffee grinder and mix with 1 tsp. aloe vera. Gently rub the scrub into the skin of the lips for 5 minutes and remove with a paper towel.

Kiwi Lip Scrub

Excellent reviews has a homemade kiwi lip scrub- this product contains a huge amount of vitamins, thanks to which the lips become even tone become soft, smooth and hydrated. And due to the presence of ascorbic and other fruit acids The scrub is great for exfoliating. You need a teaspoon of kiwi pulp, a pinch of sugar and 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil. Apply the resulting composition to the lips, leave for 5 minutes, then remove with a paper towel.

Homemade coffee grounds lip crab

Coffee is an excellent tool for removing dead skin particles, plus it has a pleasant invigorating aroma, which makes this lip scrub especially popular. Composition - 1 tsp. coffee grounds, 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil and honey (you can leave one of the ingredients). Apply to the skin of the lips, rub the scrub with massaging movements and leave for 5 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and apply lip balm.

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How to take care of your lips. If you are interested in homemade lip scrubs, you will surely enjoy the material on what masks, wraps, cosmetics, massages and other home treatments will help your lips look even healthier and more attractive.

And for this you need a lip scrub, which you can easily prepare yourself at home. It will gently cleanse the most delicate skin, making lips amazingly alluring, tender and soft. It should also be noted that home-cooked, such a scrub will be completely natural and healthy, and not stuffed chemical composition which ages the lips. So, today we will talk about how to make a lip scrub at home.

  1. What is this miracle remedy - lip scrub;
  2. secrets correct use scrub;
  3. How to make a lip scrub at home;
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of homemade lip scrub;

What is this miracle remedy - lip scrub?

For the first time, beauties from the distant past, who lived back in Ancient Rome. Then crushed seeds of various fruits were used as peeling particles. Lips after such procedures became very bright, smooth and beautiful.

Nothing has changed in our time. Modern beauties still use these exfoliating products for the same purpose. And achieve the same effect! We can say that in our time, the relevance of using lip care procedures is even more relevant than in ancient times. So, we are affected daily by the environment, weather, stress and other negative factors that only bring the signs of aging of the skin of the face closer.

In general, translated from English word scrub means "scrape", which literally happens when using this tool. It is necessary to cleanse the skin of dead cells, dirt, all kinds of roughness, peeling, etc. As a result, after the peeling procedure, the dermis acquires new life becomes soft, supple and smooth.

The scrub has two main ingredients: softening base And abrasive who does the cleansing.

Often peels are purchased at a store or pharmacy. But when choosing, you need to be extremely careful. After all, it is known that the skin on the lips is the thinnest and defenseless, and it is very easy to damage it. We must be interested in the composition so that it is not strongly chemical, but in the composition Special attention just cleansing particles. Because often there are a lot of them in the remedy, and then they become a damaging factor.

It is still better to prepare peeling at home from the available natural products. Such a scrub will be effective, useful, and even tasty! And also inexpensive!

Secrets of the correct use of the scrub

It's not just like that: applied, massaged, washed off. To obtain desired result You have to follow certain very simple rules.

  • Preparation. First, you should prepare the skin of the lips for the peeling procedure. To do this, you must first steam out the area that will be processed. This is done with cotton dipped in hot water. It is repeatedly applied until it cools down until the desired result is obtained. When the skin is in a steamed state, it is easier to clean it of dead cells. And besides, it will be easier for her to absorb everything. useful material from scrub.
  • Application. With fingertips, massage the scrub on the lips, as well as on the skin around the mouth. When applying peeling cream, you do not need to rub it and stretch your lips. This will contribute to the appearance of wrinkles and blurring of the contour of the lips with frequent use of this procedure. Touches should be light, gentle and accurate. The procedure can be carried out using toothbrush with soft bristles.
  • A little patience. After a light massage, the scrub should be left on the lips for a while so that they thoroughly absorb all the vitamins and other healing substances of the scrub components. The waiting time is no more than 5 minutes.
  • Withdrawal. The peeling mixture is washed off very gently with warm water. Then the skin should be blotted with a napkin (especially if the scrub is oil-based) and applied to the lips with a nourishing hygienic lipstick or cream.

The mask applied after the scrub, also prepared with your own hands, will increase the positive effect. The exposure time is from 15 to 20 minutes. And in the end - a cream, lipstick or lip balm. By the way, this is a very important point! If the lips are not lubricated after all the “executions”, then they will very quickly become dry and crack.

Remember! It is better to choose a lip balm with SPF protection above 15. This way you will keep your lips from premature aging and the formation of a perilabial reticulum and wrinkles.

And another very important advice: for any serious damage to the skin of the lips (bites, cracks, herpes) better peeling not to do. He's not going anywhere, he'll wait. After the problem is fixed, you can safely proceed to the procedure. Best time for this - evening. Just not everyone. Once a week, for starters, will be enough. Doing a scrub every day is bad for the skin, and instead of soft seductive lips you can get damaged dermis.

Important! Scrubbing lips in warm time years can be done 1 time in 8-10 days. And in cold weather (autumn, winter, early spring) 2 times a week.

How to make a lip scrub at home?

The main thing to remember is that the skin in this area is the thinnest, so the peeling should be very delicate so as not to damage the delicate lips. For getting best result it is necessary that the base of the scrub be light and soft, and the peeling particles dissolve along the way.

Suitable Scrub Base:

  • oil - both vegetable and olive (preferably!), And animal are suitable.

Abrasive grains can be:

  • sugar;
  • crushed oatmeal;
  • ground coffee or coffee grounds.

Can be cooked at home a large number of scrubs from improvised products. And if you add various additional ingredients to the mixture of oil and sugar, then each resulting peeling product will have its own function. It depends on the component added to the homemade cleansing cream. For example, when cottage cheese is added to the mixture, a nutritious scrub is obtained, and aspirin is healing, etc.

All the recipes for making homemade lip scrub below are very simple, making such scrubs is easy and simple. Products are freely available and often you don’t even need to go to buy something, because everything is at hand. By the way, olive oil replace sunflower. It definitely exists in every home. And besides, no less useful.

Each procedure can be done with a new scrub. Thankfully there are a lot of recipes.

Most simple recipes homemade lip scrub

  1. Balm. The easiest recipe is to mix your usual lip balm with sugar. Gently massage your lips for a couple of minutes. Remove leftovers wet wipe and moisturize your lips with a balm, now without sugar.
  2. Strawberry. The second recipe is nice to make in the season of ripe strawberries, because it will be the main ingredient. next scrub. Chop 3 strawberries with a fork. Add 1 tsp. lemon juice and half a teaspoon of honey. The resulting paste is applied to the lips for 8 minutes. Remember to moisturize your lips after cleansing. With this scrub, you start the regeneration of skin cells.
  3. Kiwi. If the first recipe is universal, the second is more suitable for the summer season, then the next recipe is a find in winter period. So, mash 1 kiwi with a fork (with the skin) and add half a tsp to the gruel. melted butter in a water bath. In winter, there is often a lack of tone not only for our skin, but also for our lips. Changes in temperature dry out the delicate skin of the lips. This scrub not only tones, but also nourishes the dry skin of the lips.

Bubblegum Lip Scrub

An interesting recipe that we found behind a western site. This scrub is very similar to the ones you can buy in fresh beauty stores. How to use it is the same, but the ingredients are as follows:

  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon olive oil;
  • 2 drops Bubblegum Flavoring - chewing gum flavor;
  • 3 drops food coloring(optional) in this case used pink dye;

Rose petals for scrub

In general, Western women of fashion are very advanced girls in matters of beauty and hoopoe behind them. Here is a scrub recipe offered by girls from England:

  • 6 tablespoons powdered sugar;
  • A handful of dried rose petals, any color (in this case, red ones were used);
  • 1.5 tsp jojoba oil (or more, depending on preference);
  • 3 drops of peppermint oil;

Rose petals need to be crushed in a blender. Instead of jojoba oil, you can use any other oil you like. The advantage of jojoba is that it does not clog the skin, by the way, yes, you can use this scrub on your face too.

Sugar + honey + mint = anti-aging lip scrub

  • 2 tsp brown or white sugar (small heaped spoon)
  • 1 tsp without a slide, honey;
  • and one drop of mint oil or 1 tbsp. organic coconut oil.

Such a scrub will make the lips young, supple and seductive.

Remember! Do not lick your lips, especially outdoors, in winter and on windy or hot days. This will only increase the dryness and irritation of the delicate skin of the lips, and will also lead to cracking and the formation of stretch marks.

Sugar lip scrub - cleansing

The recipe is very simple:

  • 5 grams of sugar;
  • the same amount of olive oil;

Mix everything and enjoy. If we take as a basis almond oil, then such a scrub will have a regenerating effect, because this product is able to heal cracks on the lips.

On a note! Some use reverse side shells brought from the sea to massage the lips with a scrub. This is convenient when there are few granules in the scrub.

Honey lip scrub - caring

Mix a small spoonful of honey and soda with three drops of olive oil. At the end, to consolidate the effect, hold the mixture for another 5 minutes, and after washing the lips, grease with the same oil.

In general, honey is an excellent basis for a scrub. So, for example, do not rush to throw away candied honey. Mix:

  • a teaspoon of such honey;
  • with 1 tsp crushed oatmeal or 1 tsp semolina.

Optionally you can add essential oil orange or grapefruit. And then follow the same pattern. After such a scrub, your lips will be simply unrealistically beautiful. And the amount of nutrients they will receive is uncountable.

Scrub with cottage cheese - nourishing

Take in equal proportions honey, chopped oatmeal and cottage cheese. Do not forget to hold the mass after the procedure a little more on your lips.

Instead of cereal, you can grind rice in a coffee grinder. Mix the resulting rice flour with the same cottage cheese (not fatty) and half a teaspoon of olive oil. Voila!

On a note! Olive and Coconut oil can be used to moisturize lips, instead of balm or hygienic lipstick.

Coffee + sour cream

Mix the rest of the coffee (thickness) with sour cream or kefir. Apply to lips, massage and hold for a couple of minutes. Rinse off the scrub and don't forget to apply lip balm.

Important! Best for scrub glassware so that no oxidation is transferred to the final product.

Peeling cream with aspirin - therapeutic

This cream can cure chapped lips. Have to take:

  • 5 grams of sugar
  • aspirin - one tablet,
  • 10 drops of vegetable oil
  • and the same amount of glycerin.

This scrub is very effective in tidying up the lips.

Healing scrub for chapped lips

Mix in equal proportions:

  • lemon juice;
  • Castor oil;
  • + 1-2 drops of glycerin.

Apply the resulting consistency to the lips and leave overnight. In the morning, you will notice exfoliated cells on your lips that need to be removed. During the day, your lips will be fresh, bright and soft.

Firming coffee powder scrub

  • 7 grams of coffee (this is one heaping teaspoon) mixed 1:1 with vegetable oil.

It's so simple and effective! After the massage, another 5 minutes to absorb!

Exfoliating peeling with Vaseline

  • Mix equal parts of vaseline, salt and sugar, massage your lips and hold for 3 minutes after the procedure. The result is simply amazing.
  • Vaseline + honey + linseed oil and your lips will receive an amazing set of vitamins.
  • Vaseline + sugar + honey + olive oil. As shown in the figure below. Long-term hydration is provided to you.

Scrub "Sensual lips"

Composed of:

  • half a teaspoon (2.5 grams) of grape seed oil (available at the pharmacy);
  • 2.5 grams raw cane sugar(or ordinary);
  • 3 drops of essential cinnamon oil;
  • cinnamon powder on the tip of a teaspoon.

It is prepared as follows: mix sugar and cinnamon, then add slightly warmed grape oil(you can warm the bottle in a glass of hot water) and cinnamon. Cinnamon oil is sometimes replaced with pharmaceutical pepper tincture. Only in this case you need to be careful and not drip too much. This scrub only needs one drop.

Keep the composition on the lips for no more than 20 seconds, especially if it was prepared with tincture instead of oil. Lips after such a peeling become amazingly bright, and even increase in volume. Still, it doesn't hurt to be careful. It happens that cinnamon has a bad effect on the skin, that is, it irritates it.

On a note! Cinnamon added to any of the above recipes makes lips more puffy and voluminous. But be careful not to harm the delicate skin on your lips.

If your lips are chapped

This problem must be addressed. And, of course, peeling will help here. You need to make a mixture like this:

  • the same amount of castor oil and lemon juice
  • a few drops of glycerin

Gently apply the composition on the lips before going to bed, and wash off only in the morning. Do not even rinse, but remove its remnants with a damp cloth. The result will not keep you waiting, after the first application the condition of the lips will improve. Repeat better after 2 days.

Any lip scrub can be prepared in reserve. Just increase the number of components in the recipe of the peeling you like. The prepared mass should be transferred to a jar and stored in the cold for no more than a week. It should be noted that no more than two, well, a maximum of three exfoliating procedures are allowed per week, so the number of ingredients should be calculated only 2-3 times.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade lip scrub

It is worth noting separately the pros and cons of this wonderful tool.

A self-made scrub has a lot of advantages, they have already been mentioned more than once in the article. But it is worth collecting them in one place.

Benefits of homemade lip peel

  • Main positive property- naturalness of the product. What can not be said about store counterparts. Although in some purchased funds and it is said about naturalness, but there is no 100% guarantee of this. It is difficult to come up with such a cream without chemical additives and fragrances, made entirely of natural ingredients, which would have a shelf life of 3 years. home scrub does not contain chemical fragrances, parabens and stabilizers.
  • Low cost.
  • Availability. Often all the necessary products are at hand.
  • Ability to use every time miscellaneous remedy lip care.
  • You can adjust and control the amount of ingredients in the composition, change them at your discretion.
  • Such scrubs are usually very tasty, and the cooking process itself can easily be called creative. After all, you can safely experiment with the compositions and even come up with your favorite scrub composition.
  • Make a set of homemade scrubs, decorate them beautifully and give them to your friend for a bachelorette party or birthday. A natural product + a gift made with your own hands will be appreciated by every girl.

Disadvantages of home scrubs

He is only one. A cleansing peeling agent made from natural products cannot be stored for a long time, only a week in a cold place.

What is the result?

The result is not just a peeling product, but a masterpiece, thanks to which the lips will become the most attractive part. female face. Sensual, bright, beautiful, they will drive the opposite sex crazy.

And besides, regular procedures will remove dryness, heal small cracks and wrinkles (including age ones), eliminate unpleasant peeling and prevent the appearance of unnecessary wrinkles.

Regular scrubbing improves blood circulation and blood flow to the lips. As a result, the sponges are filled bright color become attractive, tender, smooth and simply beautiful.

If you have already understood the principle of preparing a scrub, then you can finally watch this wonderful video. The girl talks very cheerfully and funny about 4 lip scrub recipes that are not in our article.

Here are the results!

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We always look forward to your comments and advice from personal experience, which will help other girls to remain attractive and keep youth for a long time.

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Our lips are very beautiful, but so defenseless. No lips sebaceous glands that would adapt them to weather changes. Everyone wants lips to be always well-groomed and young, so it is necessary to take care of them daily.

No need to be angry at the wind and frost if your lips are chapped. Take a simple chapstick. This magical remedy helps even men who do not hesitate to use it.

Even ordinary lipstick has special properties. Be sure that, having made up your lips, nothing will happen to them, neither in frost nor in the wind. If you suffer from dry lips, soft lipstick will help, it contains a lot of fats and oils. Pearly lipstick contains a large amount of lanolin and mica, which is good for susceptible and tender lips. For pale lips should buy matte lipsticks, since they contain a large percentage of all kinds of dyes. Long-lasting lipsticks should be used rarely, they dry out and discolor the lips.

You need to wash off lipstick not with water, but cosmetic milk. In large quantities, you need to drink water, several liters per day. It must be remembered that water cannot be replaced with drinks, tea, milk, cocoa or kefir - it is water that lips need. Even at night, lips should be saturated with moisture. Therefore, do not deny your lips this pleasure.

Try to talk less bad weather, do not lick your lips and do not get carried away with chewing gum. Licking lips is not an easy habit, often it is done without noticing, as if “automatically”. But it is necessary to fight such habits. If you want to talk a lot, you need to do it where there is little wind and a lot of heat. For example, in a cafe, where you will warm up and save your lips from “withering”.

If you don’t know which lip gloss to choose, then you should stop at those that contain: cocoa butter, vitamins A and E, almond oil. Spending time at the counter is not to be regretted if you are looking for the right ingredients, because you are doing better for yourself and your lips.

Lips, like the whole body, also need sports. Try this exercise. Imagine that you have a beautiful but burning candle in front of you. Blow on the candle and stretch your lips to "extinguish" it. If it worked out, then great. Now relax your lips and let them rest. This simple exercise should be repeated about twenty times.

And now let's move on to lip massage at home. You need to take a toothbrush and carefully moisten it with mineral water. Then gently massage your lips. At first, there will be an unusual sensation, but then your lips will get used to such treatment. There is another way to massage the lips, but it is harder, although it is done easily. You need to put vegetable or almond oil on your lips. Let the oil seep into your lips. But the massage procedure takes place before lubricating the lips with oil. And the massage itself takes place by analogy with a toothbrush, the difference is only in the objects of application. Massage your lips with a towel instead of a brush.