Recipes for simple scrubs for your hands. Hand scrubs homemade recipes - what is a scrub? Coffee scrub with soap

Women are increasingly mastering a variety of professions where they have to do quite dirty work. This negative affects the skin.

The skin needs extra care . In this article we will consider such a cosmetic product as a scrub.

The task of the scrub is to remove all dead skin particles. The main component of this cosmetic product is scrubbing agent.

This is such a “grater” that erases all dead skin particles. Needed for skin exfoliation. There is also nourishing scrub, often honey or other nutrients for the skin of the hands are taken as the basis for such a scrub. Such a scrub is needed in order to nourish the skin of the hands.

The technique of making a scrub at home is quite simple. If needed peeling scrub, then you need to take two components: the base and the abrasive substance.

For the basis you can take water, yogurt, sour cream, vegetable oil, liquid soap. The main thing is that the abrasive substance in the base does not crumble before you apply it to your hands.

abrasive coffee grounds, sugar, salt can serve.

Dairy bases such as yogurt and sour cream are not retained for a long time , respectively, the hand scrub must be prepared in the amount that you use right now.

For cooking nourishing scrub you will need a foundation, a peeling component and a component necessary to nourish the skin.

Homemade Hand Scrubs Recipes

Hand scrub can be easily prepared at home using simple components.

Sour cream and sand scrub

You will need:

  • 4-5 drops of olive oil;
  • fat sour cream;
  • fine sea sand;
  • lemon juice.

While stirring the sour cream, pour sand into it. It turns out pasty mixture. Add to the mixture olive oil and mix until smooth. At the end, you can add 5 drops of lemon juice.

Lemon juice lightly brightens the skin hands The mixture should be applied to the skin of the hands with massaging movements. Then rub your hands together. Wait a few minutes and rinse with warm water.

Hand scrub with coffee grounds and liquid soap

You will need:

  • coffee grounds;
  • liquid soap.

For cooking, you need to use fresh coffee grounds. It must be mixed with liquid soap. You need to massage your hands with such a scrub. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. After this procedure, any moisturizing hand cream can be applied to the hands.

Moisturizing sugar and honey hand scrub

You will need:

  • sugar;
  • ampoule of vitamin E.

Necessary mix sugar and honey in a 1:1 ratio, you also need to add an ampoule of vitamin E to the scrub. You need to mix the scrub quickly enough. After all, it is necessary that the sugar does not have time to dissolve in honey before the scrub is used.

You can’t store a scrub made of sugar and honey for a long time.. Therefore, you need to cook it in an amount that can be used at a time.

Hand scrub made of sugar and honey should be rubbed well on your hands and held 5 minutes.After that, it must be washed off with warm water. Such a scrub will provide the skin of the hands with a complex of vitamins and useful elements.

Apricot kernel and cream scrub

You will need:

Necessary chop the bones. Crushed bones must be mixed with cream. Apply the scrub to your hands carefully, because the fragments can be sharp. Massage your hands also gently. Wash your hands with warm water.

Oatmeal scrub

You will need:

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Grinding should be large enough, because oatmeal should perform its function - cleanse the skin. Add olive oil and honey to ground oatmeal in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Mix thoroughly. Scrub must be applied with massaging movements. You need to massage your hands for about 5 minutes. After the procedure, wash your hands with cool water

Before applying this or that scrub for the first time, you need to make sure that you do not have allergies on the components. To do this, you can conduct a test. For a test, prepare a small amount of scrub and apply to the skin behind the ear, rinse off after 5 minutes.

If an allergic reaction is not observed during the day, then everything is fine, such a scrub can be used. Don't use hand scrub if the skin has open wounds or ulcers.

If you suffer from dermatological diseases that appear on the hands, before you start using any scrub, consult with dermatologist. After all, it may happen that you can not use a scrub.

In the arsenal of every woman there is a means for peeling the face, since impure, rough skin under cosmetics does not look good. in the best way. However, when it comes to the skin of the hands, which is subjected to more stress than other parts of the body, cosmetics are limited to a tube of nourishing cream. We forget that aging is the process of cell death. And before you start the process back with the help of creams, masks or wraps, you need to remove this layer of the epidermis that prevents renewal. That's what a hand scrub is for. How to make this extremely useful cosmetic preparation And how not to harm yourself by using it? Let's analyze in detail.

The effectiveness of hand scrubs

Scrubs for the skin of the hands are designed to provide the same result as a similar line for the skin of the face. First of all, this is the exfoliation of the upper layers of keratinized epidermal scales, which prevent natural moisture exchange and oxygen access. Then - the restoration of normal blood flow, due to which natural collagen - the substance of youth responsible for skin elasticity - is produced faster.

Let's make a reservation right away - a scrub for the face or the whole body is not suitable for the hands. Abrasive mixed into the backing cosmetics for delicate skin, it has a very fine granularity and often has a mainly massage effect, as is the case with newfangled formulations containing tiny plastic balls as scrubbing particles. Peeling for the skin of the hands, especially during the first procedures, when the mechanical action should be as effective as possible, must use large particles. In home belongings, sea or table salt, sugar, coffee grounds, sometimes sand or crushed apricot, plum, peach pits act as such.

Subsequently, when your skin gets the desired softness and smoothness, you can move on to a softer, home-made hand scrub. There are many recipes for such remedies and you don’t have to choose any one at all.

Scrub classification

In addition to a simple division into do-it-yourself recipes for hand scrubs and those that can be bought in a store, the classification of peeling products is divided into two types:

  • Scrubs for hands with oil.
  • Water-based hand scrubs.

In the first variant, the abrasive is natural ingredients, and oils are taken mainly peach, almond, apricot, grape, sesame. In the second case, oils play a complementary role, and ordinary water is taken as a binding element.

Moreover, despite the fact that store funds you will never see a scrub assigned by skin type (they are considered universal), when making a hand scrub at home, this aspect can be taken into account. White, blue, yellow or black clay is used in peeling procedures when the skin of the hands is oily and additional cuticle care is required. Creams or fixed oils are added to scrubs when a gentle effect on overdried skin, prone to the formation of microcracks, is required.

How often can you use a scrub

Hand scrub recipes (you can make them yourself or buy them) for daily use does not exist in nature. Even the most careful composition, performing its main function - exfoliating dead skin flakes, thereby thins and injures the skin, provoking it to emergency regeneration processes.

To restore dense oily skin hands need about five days. Dry, vulnerable skin will build up the removed top layer for about ten days. Therefore, it is so important to observe the necessary pause, during which pollution will have time to accumulate in the pores.

We must not forget about allergic reactions that may occur during the manufacture of a multi-component hand scrub. At home, honey, essential oils and various extracts are often used, which it is advisable to avoid if you have a food allergy to these types of ingredients.

How to use a hand scrub

Before applying the scrub, you need to prepare your hands - wash them well and steam them. To better open pores and improve blood circulation, do hot tub with soda (based on - 1 teaspoon per liter of water) and a small amount liquid soap. Wipe your hands after water treatment no need - just shake off excess moisture and you can immediately start scrubbing.

The scrub is applied in small portions - each subsequent one is taken after the previous one is completely distributed over the hands. The abrasive mass is rubbed with smooth, massaging movements with the obligatory capture of the areas of the wrists, between the fingers and near the nail plates.

Ideally, if after 2-3 minutes of massaging there is a feeling of slight numbness of the skin. When this happens, you can stop rubbing the mass and sit quietly for 5-10 minutes, putting relaxed hands in front of you and allowing the useful microelements of the composition to penetrate into the epidermis. Then the agent is washed off under warm running water.

In order to keep your hands youthful longer, make it a habit not to wipe them with a towel, but to blot them. At the same time, the skin does not stretch, and therefore, the causes of wrinkles become less. Also learn to apply a nourishing cream with unusual, smearing in a circular motion, but with light pats on the back of the hand. The excess cream is then distributed between the fingers and soft tissues palms also without sharp intensive rubbing.

IN summer time nutritious cream for hands must necessarily contain a UV filter, since peeling partially destroys the protective bonds of the epidermis, negative impact sunlight doubles.

Scrubs based on coffee grounds

Scrub out coffee grounds at home is prepared as with the inclusion additional elements, and without them - and the effect, respectively, varies depending on the influencing elements. The easiest recipe is to mix coffee grounds with a little body milk. Some women use liquid soap for this purpose, but this option is only suitable for oily hands.

The second recipe is more difficult, but much more effective. After 3-5 applications of this scrub, even the most tired and stretched skin. Moisten 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coffee grounds with two tbsp. spoons hot water, add 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and a few drops almond oil and an oily solution of vitamin E.

At home, a coffee grounds scrub can be used no more than once a week for dry skin, and once every 3-4 days for oily skin.

Sugar Scrubs

Choosing for peeling sugar scrub, it should be remembered that sugar particles on wet hands dissolve quickly, which means phased application such a tool is a prerequisite for the procedure. For this reason, the proportions of such a scrub are always given in a larger percentage relative to other formulations.

  • Take 3 teaspoons of sugar, unsweetened cream 33%, mix everything and rub it well into the skin, working out the rough skin of the phalanges with special care.
  • Combine liquid honey, 2 teaspoons granulated sugar 5 drops of vitamin A oil solution.
  • Grind oatmeal to large particles, and 1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of this soft abrasive with 1 teaspoon of cane sugar, 0.5 teaspoon of liquid honey and 1 teaspoon of any base oil.

The sugar scrub is kept on the hands for about 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool running water.

Scrubs based on salt and soda

Peeling agents containing salt or soda particles are definitely not suitable for epidermis that has scratches or inflammatory foci (for example, painful hangnails). However, if there are no such problems, and the skin is different excessive sweating, It has dark spots or old scars, then you just need salt scrub recipes for hands. You can make dozens of composition options with your own hands, and the only unifying point in them will be salt of medium grain size and preferably high purification.

  • 1 teaspoon sea ​​salt, 3-4 drops of sesame or grape oil, 1 teaspoon of cream 33%. Combine all components and massage into the skin of the hands.
  • 1 st. spoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of cocoa without additives, 1 teaspoon of almond butter, 1 teaspoon of heavy cream. Mix the ingredients and spread over the skin of the hands, like a mask, rubbing lightly. Hold the composition for about three minutes, then pour 1 teaspoon of olive oil into the palm of your hand and, well, with massage movements, work through the entire surface of the brushes. Then wash off with warm water.

After salt peels, it is useful to rub into the skin not ready-made creams, but vitamin oil solutions or cosmetic oils that suit your skin type.

How to make scrub soap

If you are not ready to take the time to mix the right ingredients every time, prepare a few bars in reserve homemade soap, which includes all beneficial features traditional scrub. Make soap own production quite easy:

  • Grate 2 white sticks on a fine grater baby soap, transfer the chips to a microwave-safe glass dish.
  • Pour 0.5 cups of water into the chips and put the mixture in the microwave. Every 30 seconds, take out the container, mix the mass and put it back - until the chips are completely melted.
  • Now add to the mass 7 teaspoons of dry coffee grounds, 40 g of sea salt, 40 ml of any cosmetic oil according to your skin type. Distribute ingredients carefully soap base and immediately divide the mixture into molds.

Use this soap carefully, gently massaging the brushes (especially back side hands) with a ready-made bar and not forgetting to constantly moisturize the skin.

Peeling is one of the important components of skin care. Most often for this cosmetic procedure various scrubs are used. And if you don’t surprise anyone with a face or body scrub, then hand scrub so far is a rarity. Why are scrubs needed?

Devoting a lot of time and attention to face and body skin care, many women completely neglect hand care, limiting it to the use of cream and occasional manicures. But the skin of the hands in the same way suffers from the effects of negative factors. environment and is subjected age-related changes. Very often, it is the hands that give out the true age of a woman.

Rough skin on hands- a fairly common problem, but not all women know how to deal with it. Faced with roughness, they simply start using moisturizers more intensively and wonder why they do not help. But the thing is that the top layer of rough skin is dead cells, on which moisturizing and softening components simply do not work. From this layer dead cells need to get rid of. This is where it comes into play.

Scrubs for hands are fundamentally no different from scrubs for the face and body: they also consist of cream or gel base containing exfoliating particles. Particles are responsible for peeling, and the base is responsible for softening, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Why, with all this similarity, was it necessary to invent special scrubs for caring for hands? Why is it impossible to peel the skin of the hands with a body or face scrub?

The fact is that different kinds scrubs differ in the size of the exfoliating particles. In body scrubs, these particles are larger, in facial scrubs, they are smaller. Most body scrubs will be too rough on your hands, and most facial scrubs will be too gentle and therefore ineffective. In the hand scrub, the size and shape of the particles are selected in such a way that they effectively exfoliate the skin of the hands, but do not injure it.

The second difference between special scrubs for hands is the composition of their base. Do you have any questions about the existence of separate creams for the face, hands and body? With scrubs - exactly the same situation. The basis of the scrub, in fact, is hand cream, the composition of which is selected with the scientist of the characteristics of the skin of this particular part of the body.

Since increased dryness is a typical problem for the skin of the hands, in the manufacture of scrubs for peeling hands, they include intensely moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, primarily cosmetic vegetable oils: olive, peach, almond, avocado oil, shea, cocoa, jojoba - you can’t list everything.

Hand scrub is very easy to use.. First you need to wash your hands and dry them, but not dry: the skin should remain slightly damp. Apply the scrub to your hands and massage them for two to three minutes. By the way, such a massage is useful not only for the skin of the hands, but also for general condition body, because there are many biologically active points on the palms.

After the massage, the scrub can be washed off immediately, or you can leave it on your hands for some time. better nutrition and skin hydration. Rinse off the scrub with warm water, do not forget apply a nourishing cream to the skin of the hands.

Hand scrub should not be used daily: optimal frequency of use is once or twice a week, and at very dry and sensitive skin hands can even be limited to once every two weeks. Regular use Scrub will make the skin of your hands flawlessly smooth and tender.

You can purchase scrubs and other cosmetics for hand care in our online store "Organic store". We offer a wide range of cosmetics for hand skin based on natural vegetable oils from leading manufacturers of natural and organic cosmetics.

Hand cosmetics in our store

Planeta Organica


Organic Kitchen

The article presents folk recipes for making hand scrubs at home, as well as useful advice and advice on the use of these peels.

Causes of rapid skin aging

For hand care, you can use special home-made baths and scrubs. Better like this cosmetic preparations cook it yourself, because it is not only cheap, but also much more effective and healthier, because the ingredients in the composition will be only natural, without chemicals and other additives, the latter can only negatively affect the skin of the hands and make.

All scrub ingredients can be divided into two categories:

1. Abrasives (for peeling):

  • crushed egg shell
  • ground coffee (or coffee grounds)
  • baking soda
  • sea ​​salt
  • beach (fine) sand
  • cosmetic clay
  • sugar, etc.
2. Base (nutritional thick):
  • hand cream (any)
  • sour cream
  • vegetable oil (any)
  • liquid soap
  • honey, etc.

Hand scrub: homemade recipes

1. Sour cream sand scrub

To prepare this scrub, we need: 4-5 drops of olive oil, fatty sour cream and sea sand. While stirring the sour cream, gradually pour in the sand until a pasty mixture is formed, add the oil and mix again until a homogeneous consistency.

Apply the mixture on the handles and rub them together with massaging movements. Then hold for another 5 minutes and rinse with warm water. This procedure will remove peeling and soften keratinized skin, while olive oil and fat sour cream will relieve dryness and existing redness. The procedure can be done initially twice a week for a month, then reduced to once a week.

Add five drops of lemon juice to this mixture, then a positive effect on the nails will be made, and the skin will become whiter, more saturated.

2. A mixture of coffee grounds and liquid soap

If you like to brew real ground coffee in the morning (or it’s better to refuse such a pleasure if you want to always look light and young), then you can make a scrub from the remaining coffee grounds. To do this, add liquid soap to it and mix well. Massage your hands with this scrub and then rinse with lukewarm water, after which you can apply any moisturizer. Such hand care can be done daily in the morning, it will serve as an excellent protection for the whole day from adverse weather conditions.

3. With the use of sea salt

Mix 1:1 fine sea salt with fat sour cream and add 4 drops peach oil. Mix well and make peeling with massaging movements, then wait another 4-5 minutes, rinse with warm water and once again good glycerin soap wash your wrists. This procedure will return healthy look your skin.

4. Folk oatmeal recipe

For this recipe, you need to grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender, but not into flour, but so that there is coarse grinding oatmeal, because it must perform main function- peeling of the skin of the hands. In received oatmeal scrub add 1/2 tsp. olive oil and honey. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the scrub on your hands with massaging movements. Scrub your hands for 5 minutes and then rinse with cool water, then apply a moisturizer. The procedure can be repeated after one week.

5. Scrub of fresh plums and apricot pits

Crush the pulp of the plum (remove the skin if possible), and grind the apricot pits in a coffee grinder. Mix the ingredients well in a ratio of 1: 2 (pits, plums). Lubricate your hands gently and slowly massage them for about 5 minutes so as not to get hurt by sharp bones. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer. Do the procedure once every 2 weeks, and it is better to switch to a more gentle scrub recipe after one time. Very well removes the upper charm of dead skin, restores youth.

6. Sugar and honey hand scrub

Take in a 1: 1 ratio - honey and sugar, plus add one ampoule of vitamin E (also read). Mix everything well and quickly so that the sugar does not melt all. This homemade scrub recipe must be prepared in proportion at a time and immediately applied, do not keep it for a long time.

Rub the resulting product well on your hands and hold for 5-6 minutes, then rinse as always in warm water. Honey and sugar scrub will give your skin a set of vitamins and beneficial trace elements. This peeling is recommended to be done no more than twice a week.

In general, I can warn you that it is impossible to do peelings very often, strictly adhere to the recommendations and do not get carried away, because such frequent procedures can only do harm, the skin will be too tender and after any house cleaning without rubber gloves or dishwashing, you'll get another problem.

It is recommended to make a scrub at home from natural ingredients no more than 2 times a week, and sometimes once a week or more will be enough. Only in this way will the hands have a beautiful, well-groomed and healthy appearance. The frequency of use of scrubs depends on the sensitivity of the skin: rough - more often (but not more than 2 times a week), sensitive (1 time per week or every 10-14 days). Alternate procedures with hand baths and masks, only then a stunning effect will not keep you waiting long.

Peeling is done only to remove dead cells. Carry out the procedure with massaging movements in one slow rhythm for at least 2-3 minutes, but not more than 10-12.

Let your hands look younger than your years!

Hands require special care. After all, working with tools, chemicals, detergents at work and at home, it often leaves its marks on them - scratches, burns, skin irritation. Therefore, caring for your hands at home is, first of all, to protect them. Convenient hand protection - gloves. Gloves can be used to wash dishes, do laundry, clean vegetables and much more.

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Hands, like the face, need care. That is why the same procedures are relevant for them, namely: scrubbing, body wraps, masks, massage.

Hand scrubs homemade recipes - WHAT IS A SCRUB?

Surely you already use a facial scrub, so you know what it is. For those who are new to the world of cosmetology, you need to explain a little. designed to cleanse the skin: remove dead cells, scales and dirt. In addition, the peeling procedure ("scrub") improves blood circulation and enriches the skin. useful substances. The scrub consists of a base and abrasive particles, the latter, by the way, are the main weapon.

You can find a wide variety of hand scrubs on sale today, which differ in both their composition and cost. If you want to put your hands in order, then it is not at all necessary to buy a scrub in a store; you can cook it at home without much difficulty.

Scrubs are used for deep cleaning skin. They contain small particles that exfoliate dead epithelium. Depending on the purpose, these particles can be different sizes. As a result of care, the skin is cleansed and polished, it becomes soft and acquires a healthy look. salt and seaweed, White clay and plant phytoextracts, natural coffee grains and flower seeds, rice bran, fruit acids, essential oils and other polishing ingredients provide healthy and radiant skin. It is recommended to use a scrub no more than once a week, after thoroughly cleaning the skin from impurities.

Hand scrubs homemade recipes - ADVANTAGES OF HOME SCRUBS

Still, whatever one may say, a hand scrub that was prepared at home is much more effective and useful. First, you yourself choose the products that will be included in it. Secondly, a wide variety of products can be used to prepare a scrub without resorting to chemical additives, etc. Third, home scrub for hands is a storehouse beneficial vitamins And nutrients, which will not only improve the condition of the skin, but also help to remove brittleness and delamination of nails. So, if you decide to make a hand scrub yourself, then pay attention to how to do it right.

Hand scrubs homemade recipes - HOW TO PREPARE A HAND SCRUB

As mentioned above, the scrub consists of a base and abrasive particles. Actually, based on this, you need to push off. As a base, you can use sour cream, honey, cream, in last resort, regular nourishing cream or liquid soap. If we talk about abrasive particles, then there is also plenty to choose from. So, you can add sugar, semolina, crushed blueberry, apricot seeds, fine sand from the beach and much more to the base of the hand scrub. You can use whatever you like best as a base and abrasive particles, or whatever is at hand. Preparing a hand scrub is easy: you just need to thoroughly mix the base and abrasive particles to get a uniform mixture.

Hand scrubs homemade recipes - HOW OFTEN IS THE SCRUB USED

In fact, no matter how good a hand scrub you make or buy is, you don’t need to use it often. Nevertheless, its action is mechanical, and if you apply a scrub every day, then the skin can only be harmed. In order for your hands to be well-groomed and beautiful, it is enough to use a scrub 1-2 times a week. But if the skin of your hands is very sensitive, the procedure should be carried out even less frequently.

Hand scrubs homemade recipes - HOW TO APPLY A SCRUB ON YOUR HANDS CORRECTLY

In order for abrasive particles to remove dead cells and scales, hand scrub should be applied to wet skin with massaging movements. Within 2-3 minutes, you need to continue massaging, after which it remains to wash off the scrub with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.



Mix 3 teaspoons ground coffee, 1 teaspoon cream, 1 teaspoon honey. Apply to hands and for several minutes do an active massage, not forgetting to pay attention to each finger. Then leave the mixture for another 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.


Mix the above coffee grounds with a small amount of liquid soap. The simplest hand scrub at home is ready! Apply the coffee grounds scrub to your hands and massage for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water. Such unpretentious manipulations with daily conduct will quickly put in order rough skin.


Sugar and honey scrub. Drop a small amount of honey into your palm, sprinkle sugar on top. If the honey is sufficiently candied, then you can do without sugar at all. Add vitamin E squeezed from the capsule.


Returning home from your summer vacation, in addition to photographs and pleasant memories, grab some sea sand. You can also make an excellent peeling out of it by mixing it with sour cream and a few drops of olive oil. And if you add a little lemon juice, then this composition will help whiten the skin and have a strengthening effect on the nails.


Apricot kernels need to be crushed, and then mixed with any base. For example, with sour cream or cream.

oatmeal scrub

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, just do not overdo it so that flour does not turn out. Add half a teaspoon of olive oil and honey to it. Massage your skin with this mixture. The duration of the manipulation is 5 minutes, then rinse the mixture from the skin with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.


Sea salt for the preparation of the scrub need fine. Mix it with sour cream in equal quantities. You can also add 2-3 drops here. essential oil of your choice. Scrub is applied to cleansed, damp skin and rubbed for several minutes, then hands are washed with glycerin soap and cream is applied.


For this recipe, we need: liquid honey for the base, a couple of drops of vitamin E oil extract (sold in pharmacies) and sugar (1/2 tsp). Mix the ingredients in the palm of your hand and gently rub over the skin.


Combine the butter (2 tbsp) and brown sugar (1/4 cup) in a convenient container. Gently rub the mass on the skin of the hands in a circular motion and leave for 5 minutes, then wash your hands with water.


Take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil, one capsule of vitamin E and a quarter cup of any cereal. Grind the groats until coarse. Add vitamin E and linseed oil. Mix well. Apply to the skin and for several minutes do self-massage of the hands. This will help to exfoliate the dry epidermis more effectively and nourish the skin with useful elements. Then wash your hands with soap and apply a nourishing cream.


Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a quarter cup of brown sugar until a viscous mass forms. Rub your hands with a scrub and leave on the skin for 5 minutes so that it is sufficiently nourished with useful moisturizing elements. After the time has elapsed, wash your hands with plain water.


Grind a quarter cup of almond seeds in a blender into small pieces. Mix with a little fat mayonnaise. Gently rub your hands with the resulting mixture and leave it for 10 minutes. Rinse your hands warm.


Take a tablespoon of oats, a tablespoon of milk and a teaspoon of honey. Oats pre-brew and insist until swelling. Add milk and honey. Mix everything well. Wash your hands with soap before applying the scrub. Apply the mixture to the skin with light massaging movements and leave on the hands for 10 minutes. Wash off the scrub and apply a nourishing cream. This excellent tool for hand and nail care.


To prepare this scrub, we need: 4-5 drops of olive oil, fatty sour cream and sea sand. While stirring the sour cream, gradually pour in the sand until a pasty mixture is formed, add the oil and mix again until a homogeneous consistency.

Apply the mixture on the handles and rub them together with massaging movements. Then hold for another 5 minutes and rinse with warm water. This procedure will remove peeling and soften keratinized skin, while olive oil and fat sour cream will relieve dryness and existing redness. The procedure can be done initially twice a week for a month, then reduced to once a week.

Add five drops of lemon juice to this mixture, then a positive effect on the nails will be made, and the skin will become whiter, more saturated.


Crush the pulp of the plum (remove the skin if possible), and grind the apricot pits in a coffee grinder. Mix the ingredients well in a ratio of 1: 2 (pits, plums). Lubricate your hands gently and slowly massage them for about 5 minutes so as not to get hurt by sharp bones. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer. Do the procedure once every 2 weeks, and it is better to switch to a more gentle scrub recipe after one time. Very well removes the upper charm of dead skin, restores youth.


Compound : one tablespoon of sugar, one tablespoon of cocoa, one tablespoon of olive oil, one tablespoon of heavy cream, one teaspoon of sea salt, it is advisable to choose a fine grind. Mix all ingredients.

Gently apply the resulting scrub on the skin of the hands, massage with light movements, do not lose your hands much. The duration of the cosmetic procedure for the hands should be at least 3 minutes. Next, rinse the scrub with water and spread the handles with a nourishing night cream.

Scrub from cocoa with salt will cleanse the skin of the hands from the dead top layer. After frequent use you will notice - your hands have become smooth and tender, the skin has become pink.


This scrub is much more aggressive, but the effect of it is much more noticeable not only after the first application, but even in the very process of application.

Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fine sea or ordinary table salt with 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice or 2 tbsp. spoons chopped in a blender along with a lemon peel. Rub the scrub into your hands with the same “washing” movement, giving Special attention fingertips. Also places with very rough skin you can massage with an old toothbrush. This scrub is much more aggressive, but the effect of it is much more noticeable not only after the first application, but even in the very process of application.

Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fine sea or ordinary table salt with 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice or 2 tbsp. spoons chopped in a blender along with a lemon peel. Rub the scrub into your hands in the same “washing” motion, paying special attention to your fingertips. Also, places with very rough skin can be massaged with an old toothbrush.


Fresh orange juice - a quarter cup, lemon juice - two tablespoons, honey (preferably light) - two tablespoons, olive oil - half a spoon, granulated sugar (brown if possible) - half a glass. Cooking: It is necessary to mix lemon and orange juice. Add honey and olive oil to the mixture of these juices. Mix everything thoroughly - the basis of our scrub is ready. Sugar is added as an absorbent.

Rub the scrub prepared in this way into the skin of the hands with circular gentle movements for about 5 minutes, then rinse off the residue with warm water.


3 art. l. rice, 120 ml of almond oil, 1 capsule of Aevita, vitamin D.
Grind rice into powder using a coffee grinder, mix with almond oil and the contents of the capsules. Apply the mixture on your hands for 10 minutes, then massage them, and at the end wash off the remaining scrub with warm water.


3 art. l. rice, 120 ml almond oil, 10 drops of pine oil.
Rice grind into powder, mix with oils. Apply the mixture on the palms for 10 minutes, massage, then rinse with warm water.