Review of children's cosmetics for newborns. Rating of the best manufacturers of children's cosmetics

The birth of a child is not only a great happiness, but a great responsibility. In the first months after the birth of a baby, a very important point is the choice of special products that are designed to cleanse and care for the baby's skin.

We offer you to get acquainted with important information about what exactly is extremely necessary for the baby, how to choose the right product.

What cosmetics does a newborn need?

Immediately after birth, the baby requires careful and permanent care, certain means can provide this. These include special children's cosmetics, which are available in stores in a wide variety. All products differ not only in packaging and price, but also in the components that are present in the composition. Many people have a question: “How to choose the right one from all the variety?”.

Types of cleansing products needed

At first, the baby needs products that can cleanse the skin without damage. An important point when choosing cosmetics is its expiration date, if it exceeds a year, it contains a lot of preservatives that can be harmful to a child.

Consider what cosmetics a baby needs:

  • baby soap. It is usually used for washing and bathing the baby. Doctors recommend starting to use soap only after reaching the age of two months. Liquid soap with a low content of substances is considered ideal for unprotected skin. When buying, you need to focus on the presence of useful components;
  • shampoo . Children's skin is very sensitive, and this remedy has a zero pH level, however, it is still better to try not to get it on the mucous membrane. It is better to use after reaching three weeks of age. You need to apply with light slow movements;
  • baby cream. It should solve several problems at once: relieve inflammation, remove peeling, moisturize and nourish the skin. To get rid of diaper rash after a diaper, it is better to use a special cream. It is better to moisturize the skin after bathing;
  • powder . Ideal for protection against diaper rash. The composition is very important, in the right product should be present: starch, talc, flour, aloe, zinc and chamomile. The presence of chemical elements can lead to clogged pores and subsequent allergies;
  • baby oil. This universal remedy used to moisturize the skin, as well as for massage. Everyone knows that in newborns a crust appears on the head, oil applied an hour before bathing easily helps to get rid of it. After bath procedures, everything is easily combed out, leaving the skin clean;
  • wet wipes. Used to cleanse the skin outside the walls of the house. If possible, wash your baby with soap and water. The smell should not be felt, herbal extracts can be additional components.

Protective cosmetics

Baby's skin needs protection from environmental influences.

These products can be divided into the following types:

  • sun protection . In summer sunlight causes burns. For protection, use means based on natural ingredients with level SPF protection from 15 to 50. It is recommended to apply preparations a few minutes before sun exposure;
  • winter . In the cold season strong wind can lead to irritation and redness of defenseless skin. For the face, it is recommended to use a cream with oily base, it creates a good protective film, which becomes a kind of barrier, preventing chapping or frostbite. The combination of components must be natural, without the presence of dyes or parabens;
  • healing. The mobility of the baby often ends with abrasions and bruises. For more fast healing It is recommended to use an anti-inflammatory cream. Its components lead to the reduction of bacteria and improve cell regeneration. They also do a good job with various skin irritations.

Acquaintance with the list of cosmetics for newborns is over, it remains to find out the requirements and ratings of popular brands.

Requirements for popular brands

When deciding which cosmetics to buy for baby hygiene, pay attention not only to the brand name, but also study the composition very carefully.

For all children's products, the same requirements apply, consider what information should be on the package and not only:

  • natural substances in the composition;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • the absence of various fragrances and dyes;
  • complete security;
  • an indication of all the components included in the composition;
  • absence of mineral oils and alcohol;
  • having a certificate.

Do not base your choice on the experience of other parents, because, as practice shows, a remedy can suit one child and cause severe allergies in another. After all, only personal experience will show what cosmetics a newborn needs.

Factors to consider when buying:

  1. So that the baby does not become a victim of bad sellers who erased the expiration date, and the components of the composition of the foreign manufacturer were translated completely and correctly, it is better to purchase baby cosmetics for newborns in pharmacies;
  2. The expiration date indicated on the packaging should not be too long. After all, everyone knows that the longer it is, the larger the list of different preservatives in the composition of the product;
  3. The smell and color of cosmetics should not be saturated, ideally when it is a colorless liquid with a slight aroma;
  4. The age of the baby indicated on the package is also important. Choose cosmetics for babies, on which the symbol "0+" is necessarily present.

Brand rating

Today, a huge number of children's cosmetics, both domestic and foreign, are presented on the market.

We offer you to get acquainted with the rating of cosmetics for newborns. Domestic manufacturers: "Eared nanny", "Our mother", "Little fairy", "My sun". Foreign manufacturers: "Sanosan", "Bubchen", "Johnson's Baby".

With the advent of a child, young parents have many new worries. One of these is the choice of baby cosmetics for newborns. The choice is huge: what to choose, which company to trust, what should be the composition? All these issues should be considered when buying care products.

What to look for when choosing children's funds for the first time? In order not to rack your brains, you should trust the reviews of experienced, experienced parents who have identified several worthy manufacturers of cosmetics for newborns. The presented rating includes both foreign and domestic names.

Cosmetics for newborns: what to buy?

But you need to understand what the little man needs first of all. After all, it is clear that it differs from that for older children, and, of course, from an adult.

So, what cosmetics for a newborn to choose?

  1. Cotton buds. This hygiene product should be in the arsenal of a young mother from the very first days of the birth of a child. With them, she will clean the ears, nose of the baby, and also treat the navel until it is completely healed. But ordinary cotton swabs will not work. Especially for newborns and children younger age sticks with a limiter have been created that will not allow you to penetrate too deep into the ear or nose, damaging the mucous membrane.
  2. Wet wipes are another care product that will come in handy for a child. You should buy special children's clothes, as they are characterized by increased softness, low odor, and the absence of alcohols, chlorine and other components that irritate delicate skin.
  3. Baby powder, which will prevent the appearance of diaper rash on the skin of a newborn. Small children in the first months of their lives spend a lot of time in diapers, which, despite the manufacturer's statement, do not allow delicate skin to fully breathe. As a result, diaper rash and redness occur. And baby powder will prevent this.
  4. A baby diaper cream that performs a similar action to a powder. But the cream also relieves inflammation, and is also better distributed between the folds.
  5. Shampoo is a remedy for a newborn, which will not only wash the first hairs of the baby, but also contribute to the gradual washing out of the crust from the head.
  6. Baby soap to wash the baby.
  7. for application to the body of a newborn after bathing and during massage.
  8. Moisturizing cream for baby skin.
  9. Additional accessories: a comb for combing out the crust from the hair, scissors for cutting nails.

Here is such a simple set of baby cosmetics for newborns that should be at hand at home, and something should also be in mom's bag.

What is the best cosmetics for newborns? How to define it? Everything is known to personal experience, but I don’t want to experiment on the skin of a child, although trial and error methods are not uncommon here.

On the shelves there are both domestic brands of children's care products, and foreign ones. But in any case, first of all, you need to carefully read the composition. It must exclude the presence of any aggressive chemical components. Soft skin the child requires the use of only natural substances.

That's why experienced parents already identified a few favorites among the care products. Their recommendations, reviews of cosmetics for newborns will be presented below.


The German company "Bübchen" has developed a series of cosmetics not only for newly born children, but also for older babies, as well as for pregnant women. But, as many mothers say, cosmetics have adequately proven themselves, that they themselves are not averse to using the products of this company.

The manufacturer has provided for all the nuances in the development of Bübchen cosmetics for newborns. The skin of a baby is tender, sensitive, several times thinner than the epidermis of an adult. Therefore, care products should not cause allergies, but should protect it from external factors, remove redness.

The company's products are represented by several lines, allowing you to choose the right one. careful care:

Why "Bübchen" is best cosmetics for newborns?

  1. She is completely hypoallergenic.
  2. The soft texture allows the products to be quickly absorbed without creating stickiness.
  3. Protects the skin of babies.
  4. Relieves redness and inflammation.
  5. Naturalness.

Reviews about this manufacturer are only positive, not revealing any negative impacts.

Jonhson's Baby

Cosmetics "Johnsons Baby" is ideal not only for children's skin, but also suitable for adults. The company is so famous that many moms and dads have already used its developments.

This is the best baby cosmetics for newborns, which is worth buying for your baby. The company took care of the release of a complete set of care products that a newborn needs:

  1. Shampoo
  2. Gel.
  3. Day foam, as well as foam with lavender for better sleep.
  4. Milk.
  5. Massage oil.
  6. Soap.
  7. Powder regular and night.
  8. Cotton buds.
  9. Wet wipes.
  10. Cream.

What is this cosmetics famous for? naturalness and the presence of vitamins. This is everything that children's skin needs. Johnson's products are completely safe. Therefore, in the question of which cosmetics is best for a newborn, the answer is obvious - "Johnsons".

However, when using such cosmetics, parents should be careful, as some means can cause allergies in the baby.


Parent reviews have identified another favorite among children's care products. We are talking about the French manufacturer - "Mustela". The company's products can be classified as medical. Its action is aimed at strengthening the protective functions of the epidermis, the rapid restoration of skin cells, as well as maintaining the water balance of the baby's dermis.

Cosmetics "Mustela" for newborns is represented by two series medicinal products:

  1. Mustela Baby is a cosmetic line designed for daily use. The funds are based on the avocado Perseos, the components of which are aimed at strengthening the cells of the epidermis.
  2. Mustela Dermo-Pediatrics is a series suitable for sensitive children's skin, which is often prone to inflammation, diaper rash and flaking.

Mustela products contain a high content of natural ingredients that are beneficial for the dermis. The products have a pleasant and unobtrusive smell, due to the presence of a small amount of fragrances.

Cosmetics for newborns from the French manufacturer is represented by several categories:

  • products used during bathing: bathing cream, gel, shampoo-gel, foam and foam-shampoo;
  • bathroom products: foam, oil;
  • cleansing cosmetics: water applied to the face and under the diaper, wet wipes;
  • means that protect against frost and winds: lip and face pencil, cold cream, protective milk;
  • funds used for sensitive skin: restorative, balm for body and face skin;
  • products for daily use: moisturizing creams, massage oil, diaper cream;
  • travel kit: gel, milk, diaper cream, protective balm.

Parents' reviews express a positive opinion about such products, revealing one unpleasant moment - the high cost, compared to other brands. The price of Mustela products starts from 500 rubles and reaches 1400-1500 rubles per bottle.


German cosmetics "Sanosan" found its customers on Russian market. Young mothers appreciated the quality of the presented product. It is perfect even for baby's sensitive skin, which often has problems such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, skin damage. They not only do not provoke their development, but also treat them.

The composition of the products is completely natural, some products do not even have a smell, since the presence of fragrances is completely excluded. Cosmetics "Sanosan" consists of the following components:

  • active substances that have a healing effect;
  • natural oils that soften and moisturize the skin;
  • vitamin E - keeps the skin smooth;
  • antiseptics - an extract of calendula and chamomile, which reduce inflammation;
  • preservatives that extend the shelf life of products;
  • lanolin derivatives.

Cosmetics for newborns "Sanosan" has a huge range of care products, but the most popular are:

  1. Bath and shampoo - 2 in 1, which will help to bathe the baby from head to toe.
  2. Cream-gel in the process of bathing is suitable for babies whose skin has inflammation or any kind of rash. After bathing with this product, you can additionally not use moisturizers.
  3. Gentle bath foam. The product is sold in a convenient bottle with a dispenser that makes it easy to squeeze out the foam and apply to the baby's wet skin.
  4. Cream for use during bad weather, protecting against chapping.
  5. Diaper rash cream with olive oil and milk protein.
  6. Sun protection cream.
  7. Powder under the diaper.

The baby is born defenseless and helpless. The task of parents is to help his little body go through a complex process of adaptation. Especially important is the care of children's skin, so delicate and thin, and therefore extremely sensitive. For newborns, special children's cosmetics are being developed to preserve the natural barrier of the skin and increase its protective forces.

Inexperienced mothers can get lost in a variety of products for babies and buy a lot of unnecessary, if not completely useless. Before you take care of buying baby cosmetics for newborns, you need to familiarize yourself with the selection criteria.

Making the right choice

What cosmetics to buy for a baby? The question is very important, because we are talking about the health of the little man. Therefore, do not point your finger at the sky, but study important points choice.

Enemies of quality cosmetics

  • dyes;
  • silicones;
  • animal fats;
  • vaseline, paraffin - refined products;
  • parabens (although their harmfulness has not yet been proven, it is better to choose products marked free paraben);
  • sulfates SLS and SLES ¬ - these surfactants should be avoided;
  • if cosmetics for newborns contain substances such as silicone (silicone), formaldehyde (formaldehyde), sulfate (sulfates) and various compounds with them, then you should not buy it.

Important requirements for children's cosmetics:

  • Components must be natural, hypoallergenic, non-toxic.
  • The packaging must be printed with the full composition of the components included in the cosmetic product.
  • The product must have a quality certificate.

Certification is a kind of “quality mark” of a product. Eco-labeled cosmetics of guaranteed quality.

Eco label

  • ECOCERT: products are 100% free of any harmful substances (dyes, silicones, emulsifiers, mineral oils, fragrances, fatty alcohols, propylene glycol, etc.).
  • BDIH: products with this quality mark are manufactured without GMOs, they do not contain petroleum products, fragrances, dyes, only animal ingredients can be found beeswax.
  • ICEA: products with this certificate are strictly standardized. All ingredients in cosmetics are environmentally friendly, to all certain requirements Contains no banned or harmful ingredients.
  • COSMOS (COSMetic Organic Standard) includes several other significant European certification schemes and combines them into a single standard, which, by the way, is the most stringent in terms of the quality of cosmetics. There are 2 levels of certification: ORGANIC and NATURAL. The packaging will have a primary certification label (eg BDIH or ICEA).
  • NATRUE: This mark on the packaging indicates that cosmetics are guaranteed to be natural.

Cosmetics for newborns

Now that we have figured out the quality and safety of cosmetics for babies, it's time to understand which cosmetics will suit newborns in the first place, and what can wait with the purchase.

So, the set of products for caring for a newborn includes:

Wet wipes

Many pediatricians teach parents that babies up to 3-4 weeks old do not need any cosmetics. Moreover, such small ones still cannot be bathed, and it is not particularly recommended to take them out into the street. Kids are washed away with clean running water from the tap, and this is enough. Soap, shampoo, creams and other products can be used a little later.

Wet wipes - required attribute for newborn care. They "rescue" not only on a walk or on a trip, but also at home, when the baby is slightly dirty.

But as regards wet wipes, then they are indispensable. The kid burped, got his hands dirty, you couldn’t wash him clean (very important for young parents) or you have nowhere to wash him (you are in the country, on the road, there is no water) - use a napkin. And of course, it is impossible to do without napkins on a walk.


  • You need to buy only wipes that do not contain alcohol. Alcohol can cause overdrying of the skin, which will lead to irritation.
  • Do not use wipes instead of water treatments. The child must be washed with water. No matter how high-quality napkins are, they can still cause irritation. Treat them as an improvised tool designed to make your life easier.

Cream or lotion for a diaper

Whether or not to buy this remedy depends on which diaper you are going to use. Some premium diapers already contain moisturizing body lotion (for example, Pampers active baby or Pampers Premium Care). Phyto-diapers Sun Herbal do not require a special cream. If your choice is more a budget option, then it is better to purchase a diaper cream to protect the baby's skin.

If your baby's skin turns red and breaks out under the diaper, you'll need a special diaper cream to reduce irritation.

As a rule, such a cream or lotion has a drying effect, so ordinary talc or can be its analogue.
Oil for the newborn

should be in the arsenal of cosmetics. It will be needed for massage, to soften dry and rough spots on the skin. It is good to wipe the ass and folds on the legs with oil after washing the baby.

Another remedy that a newborn will need from the very first days of life. It can be used for massage, and after bath procedures, wipe the wrinkles on the arms and legs. Oil is good to soften rough and rubbed places (folds between the legs). It is indispensable for dryness and flaking.


  • Buy with a gentle pleasant smell. A strong aroma indicates the presence of fragrance.
  • The texture should not be very oily.
  • Oils should not be abused, use them only when necessary, because the baby's skin "breathes" with pores, and the excess cosmetic product clogs them up.


Many mothers believe that the use of shampoo at such a tender age is not a necessity: “less chemistry - less allergies”, “there is nothing to wash there yet” - these are their main arguments.

However, do not rush to give up shampoo! Modern pediatricians and therapists are sure that caring for children's hair is the most early age is a guarantee of their beauty and health in the future.

While washing your hair, you not only wash off dirt, fat and dead cells, but also massage, heal and nourish your skin and hair (of course, provided that you use a quality shampoo).

Shampoo will be needed a little later - after 1 month. This important tool to care for the hairs of the crumbs, and do not look that he has a few more of them.


  • Shampoo should be used no earlier than 3 weeks of age of the baby, or even later. The skin on its head is very thin, it is easy to injure it.
  • Even high-quality shampoos are applied in a microscopic dose and no more than once a week.


Up to 5-6 months, the baby does not sweat yet, does not get dirty with food, does not crawl on the floor, where he can get into dust and dirt with his pen. During this period, you can do without soap.

You will begin to fully use soap from about six months. You should choose one that does not contain aggressive substances. You don't need an allergy! You can use ordinary soap (bar), liquid and cream soap.

The choice of soap should be very careful, as this is the product that the child will use much more often than others.

It is better if there are emollients in the soap (lanolin, glycerin, oils, etc.) and nutrients(wax, honey), as well as anti-inflammatory additives (eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, etc.).


  • It is very good if the whole family will use the selected soap. This will help to avoid allergic reactions when in contact with the baby.

Body milk

Moisturizes and protects baby's skin after bathing. The milk has a liquid consistency, so it is easily absorbed and quickly restores the water-fat balance of the skin.

Body milk (unlike cream) usually has a liquid consistency, absorbs well and quickly, does not make the skin greasy. If the baby's skin is not too dry and flaky, then it is better to choose milk.


  • Before buying, be sure to read for what age the remedy is (0+ or ​​6 months+).
  • For newborns, choose milk without a strong aroma: if it irritates the baby, the child will not be able to fall asleep and will be nervous.

Bathing gel

The gel differs from soap in that it is softer and more nutritious, it better moisturizes the skin due to the addition of various beneficial additives to its composition. It is made on the basis of vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, palm, etc.). Thus, the gel is less aggressive, but at the same time it washes away dirt just as well as soap.

When choosing how to bathe a baby - soap or gel - many mothers tend to gel. It is softer, enriched with beneficial additives that make the skin soft and velvety.


  • Up to 5 years, you can not wash a child with antibacterial gels - they dry the skin very much.
  • Before first use, the gel should be checked for allergic reaction, for which a small amount is applied to any area skin. If the skin does not turn red, does not begin to peel off, then the product is suitable for you.

This is not all cosmetics for children, which is offered in stores. However, this is the most necessary. Optionally, you can include in the list such products as body cream (for nutrition, removing redness and inflammation, eliminating peeling), bath foam, protective (from the sun), anti-inflammatory and wound-healing cosmetics.

Manufacturers you can trust

Brands that produce children's cosmetics, the sea. But good producers can be counted on the fingers. Let's count.

TOP 5 best brands

  1. Weleda (Germany) is the best you can choose for your baby: safe ingredients, high quality production. Certified by Natrue and BDIH and that says it all. Of the minuses - expensive.
  2. Little Siberica (Siberia) is a children's line of the Natura Siberica brand. This Siberian company managed to obtain European certification, which indicates high quality its products and absolutely harmless composition. Indeed, in the composition of the cosmetics of this series you will see only natural ingredients. And the price does not bite, although in order to keep its lower limit, the company had to save on packaging. It should be noted that not all Little Siberica products are certified (certification is not given to the entire line, but to each product separately). If the product is certified, there will be a mark on the bottle - COSMOS-Standard organic.
  3. Sanosan (Germany). The main advantage of the products of this company is that it is made on vegetable oils, and not on mineral ones. But there is a minus - it contains parabens.
  4. Bubchen (Germany). The cosmetics of this company is quite common, it combines good quality and an adequate price. It is worth noting here that Bübchen produces many lines, and not all of them are of high quality and safe. Without a doubt, you can only take funds from the "From the First Days" series. They do not contain any harmful ingredients.
  5. Pigeon (Japan). Japanese cosmetics is rapidly conquering the world. In Russia, it is also becoming more and more popular. Pigeon cosmetics are declared as high-quality and safe for children's skin. In general, this is true, but there is a minus: in the composition you will find TEA (triethanolamine can cause allergies, dry skin), parabens and compounds with sulfates. If you want to save money (Japanese cosmetics are quite expensive), then choose a product in soft packaging.

Look for your remedy

It is not always easy to answer the question of which cosmetics is the best, because everything is individual for everyone. The use of even the highest quality product cannot guarantee that any of its natural ingredients will not cause allergies. Therefore, advice: if this or that product suits you, use it further, do not change it. In this age of allergies, any experimentation with cosmetics can be costly. Take care of the health of your children!

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 22 minutes


Mom's worries about whether everything is ready for the baby to be born begin long before his birth. Bonnets, cribs, aspirators, bathing accessories - the list of necessary things is very long and requires special attention, given tender age peanut and the sensitivity of his skin. No less careful should be chosen and means for the skin, the need for which is not in doubt.

What cream is the safest for a baby, and what do you need to know about such products when choosing them?

We understand the issue!

What kind of baby creams are there for newborns and older children - moisturizing, nourishing, protective, universal, etc.

Traditionally, baby creams are divided into products designed to solve specific problems - moisturize, soothe, protect, and so on.

Conventionally, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • Moisturizing. It would seem, well, why does a baby need a moisturizer? Needed! The skin of newborns is extremely thin, sensitive and delicate, and the work of the glands in such young age not set up yet. When bathing, the protective lipid film, which provides the protective function, is washed off. The result is dry skin and flaking. Thanks to a moisturizing cream, the protective barrier is restored. Usually, this product contains oils, vitamin complex and glycerin.
  • Anti-inflammatory. The purpose of the remedy is to soothe the skin, relieve irritation, help in the healing of wounds and cracks. Often, mothers use this cream under a diaper. The effect is achieved due to plant extracts in the composition of the product - chamomile and celandine, calendula, string, etc. Also, the product may contain panthenol for skin repair, and zinc oxide with antimicrobial properties.
  • Protective. Infant skin is in dire need of protection from external factors - from wind, frost, and so on. Such a protective cream has a denser structure, retains the protection effect for a long time, forms a special film on the skin for prevention, cracks and other troubles.
  • Universal. These funds perform several functions at once: nourish and moisturize, eliminate irritation and soothe, protect. The texture is usually light and absorption is instantaneous. As for the effect, it is not pronounced, due to a wide range tasks.
  • Sun protection. An indispensable and indispensable tool for summer period. This cream contains special UV filters (it is important that the filters are safe for babies!) and protects the skin from aggressive impact sun. From receiving sunburn will save any cream with an SPF value of 20 or higher. Ideal Shape means - lotion, stick or cream. IN this cream should not be dangerous child health Oxybenzone filter , any dangerous preservatives, as well as vitamin A (its presence in sunscreen dangerous for health).
  • Soothing. These funds are needed to soothe the inflamed or irritated skin of the crumbs, protect it from diaper rash and possible rashes. The composition usually contains components with an antibacterial, soothing and wound-healing effect. For example, shea butter and panthenol, natural extracts, zinc oxide, etc.

Top 10 baby creams, according to moms - which one is best for newborns and older children?

Each toddler is individual. A cream that suits one baby may not be suitable at all for another due to an allergy to specific components. Therefore, the choice of means in any case is carried out by trial and error. The main thing is to know what to choose from! Your attention - the best creams for babies according to their mothers!

The undisputed leader in the ranking of the best baby creams is Mulsan cosmetic Baby Sensitive Cream 0+.

Baby Sensitive Cream 0+ is the most safe cream for babies from 0 years of age. Repeatedly recognized as the most effective cream for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases in children.

Basic properties

  • treats and is the prevention of diaper rash and dermatitis
  • eliminates irritation, redness, itching
  • establishes a stable protection of the baby's skin from negative external environmental factors
  • moisturizes and restores dehydrated and dry skin
  • softens the skin and nourishes it with moisture, helps to get rid of peeling
  • for daily use


  • fragrance-free
  • 100% natural hypoallergenic formula
  • complete absence of harmful components in the composition
  • light texture and easy application

Ingredients: d-panthenol, natural moisturizing sodium PCA complex, olive oil, organic sunflower oil, hydrolyzed wheat proteins, allantoin, organic shea butter.

Due to the limited validity of only 10 months, products can only be purchased in the official online store (

In addition to quality products, the company offers free shipping within Russia.

Bepantol Baby from Bayer, 100 g.

  • The average cost is about 850 rubles.
  • Manufacturer - Germany.
  • Age: 0+.
  • Ingredients: provitamin B5, vitamin B3, olive oil, jojoba oil, shea butter, niacinamide, meadowfoam oil, vitamin E, phospholepid oil, soybean oil, lanolin.

Basic properties:

  • Treatment of diaper rash and skin irritation, diaper dermatitis, skin cracks.
  • regenerating properties.
  • Dry protection.
  • Creation of a water-repellent film on the skin to protect against the harmful effects of urine and fecal enzymes.
  • Protecting the skin from friction and damage due to wearing a diaper.
  • Raise barrier functions skin.


  • Has a hypoallergenic composition.
  • Leaves a full breathability of the skin.
  • Light texture without stickiness and marks on the fabric.
  • No preservatives, mineral oils, fragrances, dyes.

WITHUdocrem, 125 g.

  • Purpose: protective, soothing, restoring.
  • The average cost is about 500 rubles.
  • Manufacturer: Ireland.
  • Age:
  • Ingredients: zinc oxide, paraffin and lanolin, lavender oil.

Basic properties:

  • Skin softening.
  • Intense calming effect.
  • Regenerating properties, disinfectant and antibacterial.
  • Anesthetic effect, pain relief.
  • Drying of weeping areas of the skin.
  • Application for eczema and dermatitis, bedsores and frostbite, wounds and burns, acne.


  • Proven effectiveness.
  • Quickly soothes the skin.
  • Copes even with complex forms of dermatitis.
  • Leaves no stickiness.

  • Appointment: protective, under a diaper.
  • Producer: Germany.
  • Age: 0+.
  • Ingredients: zinc oxide, panthenol, shea butter, heliotropin.

Basic properties:

  • Protection against inflammation and redness of the skin.
  • Prevention of diaper rash, dermatitis.
  • Elimination of skin irritation.
  • Care and nutrition.


  • No harmful ingredients. Completely safe product.

  • Purpose: soothing, moisturizing.
  • The average cost is about 90 rubles.
  • Manufacturer: Russia.
  • Age: 0+.
  • Ingredients: ectoine, panthenol, bisabolol, sugar beet extract, olive oil, chamomile extract.

Basic properties:

  • Calming and moisturizing effect.
  • Protection from external factors.
  • Elimination of skin irritation, treatment of dermatitis.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Skin softening.


  • Hypoallergenic formula: free of parabens and silicone/mineral oils.
  • Light texture.
  • Pleasant aroma.

  • Purpose: protective.
  • The average cost is 250 rubles.
  • Manufacturer - Russia.
  • Age: 0+.
  • Ingredients: yarrow extract, marshmallow extract, sunflower oil, beeswax, shea butter, Rhodiola rosea extract, juniper extract, vespers extract, vitamin E, glycerin, pine nut oil.

Basic properties:

  • Elimination of diaper rash and skin irritation.
  • Antiseptic and emollient properties.
  • Rapid healing of wounds, cracks.
  • Moisturizing and nourishing the skin.


  • No harmful ingredients.
  • COSMOS-Standard organic certification is an absolutely harmless product.

WeledaBaby&Kind WITH calendula, 75 G.

  • Purpose: protective, under the diaper, soothing.
  • The average cost is about 400 rubles.
  • Producer: Germany.
  • Age: 0+.
  • Ingredients: sesame oil, sweet almond oil, zinc oxide, natural lanolin, calendula extract, chamomile extract, beeswax, hectorite, mixture essential oils, fatty acid glyceride.

Basic properties:

  • Creates a water-repellent & protective barrier on skin.
  • Eliminates inflammation, redness, irritation.
  • Forms a natural protective layer of the skin, maintains moisture balance.
  • Calming and healing effect.


  • Natrue and BDIH certified: 100% safe formula.

Emulsion Mustela Stelatopia, 200 ml.

  • Purpose: moisturizing, restoring.
  • The average cost is about 1000 rubles.
  • Manufacturer - France.
  • Age: 0+.
  • Ingredients: lipids (fatty acids, ceramides and procholesterol), petroleum jelly, vegetable oil, sunflower seed oil, plum seed extract, candelilla wax, squalene, glucose, xanthan gum, Avocado Perseose.

Basic properties:

  • Intense skin hydration.
  • Restoration of the lipid layer and structure of the skin.
  • Stimulation of lipid biosynthesis.
  • Calming effect.
  • Restoration of skin elasticity.
  • Elimination of itching, redness.


  • For babies with dry skin, as well as prone to atopy.
  • Formula with 3 lipid components.
  • Relieves discomfort quickly.
  • Instant action.
  • The presence of the patented component Avocado Perseose.
  • Absence parabens, phenoxyethanol, phthalates, alcohol.

  • Purpose: moisturizing, softening.
  • The average cost is about 170 rubles.
  • Manufacturer - France.
  • Age: 0+.
  • Ingredients: aloe extract, soybean oil, sunflower oil, corn starch, polyglycerides, chamomile extract, olive extract,

Basic properties:

  • Softens, nourishes, intensively moisturizes.
  • Provides a protective layer.
  • Maintains moisture level in the skin.


  • Absence of fragrances.
  • Hypoallergenic composition.
  • Light structure and pleasant aroma.

Babo Botanicals Clear Zinc Sunscreen SPF 30, 89ml.

  • Purpose: sun protection.
  • The average cost is about 2600 rubles.
  • Manufacturer - USA.
  • Age: 0+.
  • Ingredients: zinc oxide 22.5%, grape juice, green tea extract, glycerin. Rosehip extract, triglycerides, jojoba oil, buriti fruit oil, olive oil, shea butter, apple extract.

Basic properties:

  • Protecting the skin from sunburn.
  • Dry protection - moisturizing and softening the skin.


  • SPF-30.
  • Child-safe solar filters: Zinc Oxide 22.5%.
  • Safe composition: natural mineral formula.
  • The brand is a leader in the production of safe cosmetics.
  • High level of UVB/UVA protection!
  • Can be used for body and face.

  • Appointment: protective, under a diaper.
  • The average cost is about 300 rubles.
  • Manufacturer - Germany.
  • Age: 0+.
  • Ingredients: zinc oxide, lanolin, almond oil, olive oil, panthenol, vitamin E, allantoin, avocado oil, milk proteins.

Basic properties:

  • Effective for eczema, dermatitis, skin lesions.
  • Calming and healing effect.
  • Moisturizing and softening.


  • The composition contains phenoxyethanol (not the safest component).
  • Without dyes and aggressive chemicals.

What to look for when choosing a baby cream - expert advice

Among the many products for infant skin on the modern market, it is extremely difficult to choose a cream for your baby. Bright packaging and "flashy" capital letters manufacturer's promises are present in each product.

In order not to be mistaken, one should be guided certain rules choice...

The most harmful components in children's cosmetics

  1. Surfactants. Namely - sodium lauryl sulfate / SLS) or sodium laureth sulfate (note - SLES) no less often used in cosmetics. In children's cosmetics, only mild surfactants, on a natural basis, can be present.
  2. mineral oils. That is, liquid paraffin and paraffin oil, a component of paraffinum liquidum, as well as petrolatum liquid and petroleum oil, or mineral oil. All these are harmful derivatives of petrochemistry. Choose herbal products.
  3. Animal fats. Means with such a component are not recommended due to clogging of pores.
  4. Parabens(note - propylparaben, methylparaben and butylparaben). There is evidence that these components are crustaceous. Naturally, they are useless in the cosmetics of a child.

And of course we avoid...

  • Sulfates, silicones and formaldehydes and all compounds with them.
  • Dyes.
  • Perfume.
  • preservatives.

ECO labels: looking for the safest cream!

  1. ECOCERT (French quality standard). In products with this marking, you will not find silicones, acids, or petrochemicals. Brands with such markings are Green Mama, SODASAN.
  2. BDIH (German standard). The ban on the use of harmful chemicals, GMOs, dyes. Brands: Logona, Weleda.
  3. Extremely stringent product quality requirements . Brands: Natura Siberica.
  4. COSMOS (note - COSMetic Organic Standard) - general European standard. Brands: Natura Siberica, Little Siberica.
  5. NATRUE (European standard) with 3 levels of certification. Brands: Weleda.

Selection rules - what to remember when buying a baby cream?

  • Best before date. Carefully check these numbers on the package. In addition to the fact that the period should not expire at the time of purchase of the cream, it should be as short as possible! The more long term storage of the product, the more "chemistry" in its composition.
  • Natural Ingredients(vitamins A and B are recommended, as well as vitamins C and E; extracts of calendula, chamomile and other natural plants; panthenol and allantoin; zinc oxide; vegetable oils; glycerin and natural lanolin.
  • List of ingredients on the package. Remember that the closer the component is to the top of the list, the higher its percentage in the composition of the cream. Accordingly, the components that are at the very end of the list are the least (in percentage terms) in the composition. For example, “cream with chamomile”, in which chamomile extract is at the end of the list, can be left in the store - there is practically no chamomile.
  • Neutral pH.
  • Purpose of funds. If your child has too dry skin, then a product with a drying effect is clearly not suitable for him.
  • Individual intolerance. It should also be taken into account (carefully read the composition!).
  • Smell and texture. Harsh fragrances are undesirable in children's products.
  • Age. Pay close attention to this limitation. Do not use cream labeled "3+" for baby skin.
  • Where can I buy? Only in pharmacies and special children's stores, where they comply with all the rules for storing such products.

And, of course, do not forget to test each remedy for yourself. Cream test can be carried out on any sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

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