Can newborn girls wear kangaroos. Features and functions. Carrier Baby Bjorn Active

Instructions for using the kangaroo backpack "Joy"

How to put on a kangaroo backpack

There are two ways to put on the “Joy” kangaroo backpack. Try both options and choose the most convenient:

First option.

  1. Unzip the backpack and lay it on the couch or table (whichever is more convenient)
  2. Put on the child's unbuttoned backpack
  3. Fasten the belt around you, tightly fixing the waist. Fasten the fastenings above the legs and fastenings at chest level. Fasten the shoulder straps.
  4. Climb carefully
  5. Check the correctness and tightness of the fasteners fastened, correct if necessary.

Second option.

  1. Grab the kangaroo by the shoulder straps. Unfasten the buckle at the waist
  2. Put on the backpack and fasten the belt, fixing it tightly around the waist with the belt adjuster. The straps behind the back should be crossed. The front attachment straps remain free for now.
  3. Take the child with one hand or hold him under the arms. Put the baby in the backpack, threading his legs through the leg openings.
  4. Tighten the fasteners of the straps in front so that the child fits snugly against you, does not sag forward
  5. Tighten the fasteners above the legs and at the level of the child's chest.
  6. Adjust the straps

Now you are ready to move!

Options for carrying a child in a kangaroo backpack

Kengurushka "Joy" involves 4 ways to carry a child:

In the “lying” position in the backpack, the baby is at the level of the adult’s chest. At the same time, one hand of an adult supports the headrest from below, and the other slightly holds the legs of the child.

The baby's legs can be in stirrups or be lowered into the armholes for the legs. It depends on the height of the child.

  • To dress the kangaroo in the prone position, hold the backpack in front of you (as usual) and rotate it 90 degrees clockwise, placing it horizontally.
  • Put on the straps, forming a cross behind your back. When worn lying down, the belt does not fasten
  • Put your child in the backpack.
  • Adjust the length of the straps to a comfortable position for you. It is more convenient and easier to carry the baby when the straps are fastened as tightly as possible.

- make sure that the child's legs are in special footrests - stirrups. Stirrups reduce the load on the child's spine.

- the legs of the child should be half-bent and rest against the sides of the adult ("frog pose")

This position helps to train the hip muscles of the baby.

  1. The positions of the baby facing the parent of the legs are threaded into the leg openings. Used from 4 months.
  • Put on the backpack as described above in the How to put on a baby carrier section.
  • Check if your baby is seated correctly:

- the child's legs are threaded into the leg openings

- the baby sits facing you, leaning as much as possible on your chest. It is advisable to move the fasteners of the straps in front until they stop so that the soft part of the straps touches the back of the backpack.

rice. 3. Click to enlarge

  1. The position of the baby facing the outside world (Fig. 3). Used from 4-5 months.
  • Unfasten the headrest from the main part of the kangaroo, attach the bib.
  • Put on the backpack as instructed above in How to put on a baby carrier, option two.
  • Make sure the baby is snug against you and not "hanging" forward. With a loose fit of the child, the load on your and his spines increases and it becomes harder to carry the baby.

You can start carrying a baby facing away from you (facing the world) at the age of 4-5 months, when the baby holds his head well and shows great interest in what is happening. In the “facing the world” position, the baby sees a lot, can take something with his hands, touch an object of interest to him. There is a process of rapid accumulation and processing of information, and the development of the child.

We remind you that the baby must fit snugly against the body of a carrying adult!

Golden Rules for Carrying a Baby in a Baby Carrier

When wearing a baby carrier, be sure to follow these Golden Rules:

  • correct straight posture of an adult carrying a child;
  • tightly fastened backpack bindings, i. Tightly fastened fastenings are a guarantee of safety and comfortable carrying of the child in a kangaroo backpack. The completeness of the fasteners is very important, as it significantly reduces the load on the spine of the baby and the parent;
  • the baby fits snugly to you, and does not “sag” forward;
  • comfortable position of the child in the kangaroo;
  • Your calm, joyful mood, transmitted to the child

As you can see, everything is very simple. But that's enough to get desired result- health, vivacity and joy.

If you have any questions about using the Joy kangaroo backpack, we will be happy to give you free consultation in our showroom (Esenina St., 19) or at your home upon delivery of the backpack.

The modern market of goods for pregnant women and young mothers is replete with variety. A lot of newfangled devices are designed to make life easier for the baby and his mother, to make it as comfortable as possible. happy Days childhood.

One of these must-haves is the kangaroo. If you are not familiar with this invention, you can find a lot of photos of kangaroos on the Internet to carry a baby.

This versatile newborn baby carrier fits comfortably over the parent's shoulders and has additional belt loops. The child is placed in a recumbent or sitting position Depending on age, it is securely fixed with a special belt.

There are no special contraindications and prohibitions on the use of kangaroos. If you and your baby are so comfortable, then the use of this invention will bring you great relief, as you can easily see.

Older people, grandmothers often become opponents of everything new and unusual, convincing that they did fine without it in their youth. Young mothers may also have questions, one of which is at what age can you carry a baby in a kangaroo?

Acceptable child age for use

When asked how many months you can carry a baby in a kangaroo, doctors answer: at least from birth. The main thing you need to understand is correct selection models. For the smallest (up to 5-6 months) there are designs in which the child is placed horizontally.

When the spine and muscles of the child have strengthened, and he is ready to sit down, then he can be moved to the "sitting" kangaroo.

Carrier benefits

Carrying a kangaroo in many ways makes life easier for a young mother, who has fallen on many new responsibilities at once, for which she is often not ready. This device frees your hands, that is, it becomes possible to do household chores around the house.

At the same time, the child is always in sight, with her, which makes it unnecessary to constantly run to the nursery. Yes, and the baby himself at his mother's chest is calmer.

Let's highlight the main advantages of kangaroo backpacks:

  • the child is constantly with his mother, under supervision,
  • a woman has the opportunity to easily do household chores, her hands are not busy,
  • the use of a kangaroo during walks eliminates the need to carry a stroller with you,
  • the baby feels comfortable, he is warm, he quickly falls asleep, rocked by the movements and voice of his mother,
  • kangaroo securely fixes the child,
  • the ability to carry children in a kangaroo from birth,
  • small cost.

Rules for selection and use

To make the use of the kangaroo carrier as comfortable as possible, we have determined the basic requirements for choosing a purchase:

Pay attention to the quality of the material and tailoring. Of course, the weight of the baby is not yet so large, however, the materials and seams must be strong, without defects, protruding threads and loose lines.

Fasteners, straps and locks must be good stuff, securely hold the weight without loosening the tension. Check out their work before you buy.

One of the priorities when choosing a baby carrier should be the comfort of both you and your baby. It is very important for a mother to have the correct distribution of weight on the shoulders and back, which is facilitated by adjustable shoulder straps and a belt.

For a child, it is important that he has enough space, nothing pinches him. Also important is the presence of a rigid back and headrest, which provides a comfortable sleep.

Be sure to read the instructions for use and the manufacturer's recommendations for what age the bag is designed for. It is not always possible to determine this by eye.

Specify and check whether it is possible to adjust the size, because the child is growing rapidly, and a correction will be necessary.

It is advisable to make such a purchase together with the baby in order to immediately try on the kangaroo for yourself and correctly try out all the possible functions.

Precautionary measures

The constant position of the baby in one position is not desirable, so do not use the "kenguryatnik" for longer than 1-2 hours. Take the child out periodically, give him the opportunity to warm up.

Make sure that the arms and legs are not pinched. Pay attention to the child's skin so that the straps and hard edges do not irritate the body.

Also, do not forget that your presence at the stove during cooking can harm the baby in front of you.

Sling as a kind of kangaroo

Many doctors are skeptical about this device on early dates(up to six months), because they believe that the position of the spine and limbs of the child should be as free as possible.

Obviously, this is no less convenient device that you can even make yourself.

In any case, from how many months to wear a baby in a kangaroo, and when - in a sling, or even refuse to use such new products - it's up to you.

Photo of a baby in a kangaroo

These days, moms prefer to simplify baby care with innovative devices. One of the most sought after last years accessories - kangaroo for newborns. Nevertheless, still not everyone knows what it is and what are its advantages.


Kangaroo is a special device for comfortable carrying of babies. It is fixed on the belt and shoulders by means of fastenings of increased reliability. The child is placed inside the carrier sitting or lying - it depends on the age of the baby. Then it is securely fixed with a belt.

Kangaroo is an indispensable accessory because:

  • in a kangaroo for newborns, the baby is always there;
  • mother can go about her business while in contact with the child, because her hands are free;
  • walks become much easier, because you do not need to lower a heavy stroller up the stairs and push it on the street;
  • the baby is always calm, because the mother is near. In addition, when moving, he will fall asleep faster;
  • in comparison with the prices of strollers, a kangaroo is a fairly economical device.

Minimum age to start using

Almost from the moment the baby is born, young parents can use a kangaroo. A backpack for newborns should be chosen taking into account the age of the child. After all, there are many models of various configurations, including those that allow you to carry the smallest children. In such backpacks, the kids are lying down, are in front, turned to face their mother. Such carriers are used only up to 5-7 months, since it is no longer convenient for an older baby to be constantly in a horizontal position. As soon as the child learns to sit on his own and his spine is strong enough for this, you can purchase a kangaroo for an upright landing of the baby.

Most of the models are made for a maximum weight of 10-12 kg - this is the average weight one year old baby. It is at this age that babies begin to actively move independently, so kangaroos for newborns are needed less and less.

Bags for carrying babies are quite simple, the mechanism of their use is quite clear. But you need to remember that before each use you need to make sure that the fixing straps and fasteners are reliable and intact.


When choosing a kangaroo, you need to keep in mind some details:

  1. When choosing a material for a kangaroo, one should not forget that young children have very sensitive skin. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that the material from which the kangaroo for newborns is made is of the highest quality, passes sanitary control and other necessary tests.
  2. With special care, you need to check the locks of the fasteners, the seams of the product and the width of the straps, because the safety of the baby depends on this.
  3. Kangaroo should be as convenient as possible for both participants in its use.

The convenience of the accessory for mom is in the speed and ease of putting on, easy use bags. It is important to have shoulder straps and a lumbar belt for correct distribution load, which makes it possible to wear for a long time.

The comfort of the baby should be a priority when choosing a kangaroo. A backpack for newborns should be comfortable so that the child likes to spend time in it. Parents need to remember that there should be enough space in the kangaroo so that the baby is not squeezed and his movements are not constrained. The back of the carrier must be rigid, the headrest must be high. This allows the baby to sleep quite comfortably. Transforming models are considered the most convenient, which allow you to carry your baby not only in a horizontal, but also in a vertical position.

It is important to pay attention to the ability to change the dimensions of the carrier and the age for which this model is recommended.

The best solution would be to come shopping with the baby in order to be able to make sure that the accessory is convenient for your child. In addition, additional pockets and a hood for protection will be a nice bonus.

Precautionary measures

Long-term sitting of a baby in a kangaroo for newborns, photos of which are attached to the article, and restriction of movement lead to rapid fatigue and blood stasis. Therefore, when carrying a child in a kangaroo, it is necessary to take breaks approximately every 2 hours. Play with your child for about 30 minutes - this will give both mom and baby a chance to relax.

The limbs of the child should not be rigidly fixed. The wider the seat, the more effective prevention dysplasia.

Care must be taken to ensure that the clips or other parts of the bag do not rub the child's skin. The head restraint should properly fix the head.

When cooking, being near heated objects, eating, it is strictly forbidden to use a kangaroo.

A particularly attentive mother needs to be on the street, carefully monitor the surrounding situation, as the bag blocks the view. For the view, the least obstacle will be a newborn located horizontally in a backpack. Kangaroos, photos of which can be seen on websites with children's products, are very convenient and comfortable to use in the first year of a baby's life.

Expert opinions

Orthopedists, pediatricians and other specialists believe that babies under 6 months old can be harmful for a long stay in a kangaroo, they only allow a free position that avoids stress on the child's skeleton. However, experts do not see contraindications for carrying children who have already begun to sit on their own in a bag.

Mobility and free hands are what any young mother with a newborn baby lacks. From the first days of life, a baby needs close tactile contact with my mother, but constantly carrying it in my arms can be physically difficult. To facilitate the carrying of a child, there are several types of carriers, which are divided into three groups:

  • Physiological - different kinds slings, ergo backpack and hipsit;
  • Non-physiological - kangaroo.
  • Life-threatening crumbs - pseudoslings.

Many of these types of carriers look very similar to each other. This external similarity and laudatory description of each manufacturer of their product puts inexperienced young mothers in a rather difficult position. How to choose the right and comfortable carrier for your baby? To answer this question, let's take a closer look at each type.

Pseudosling is a carrying bag manufactured by Premaxx and Infantino. The design of these devices does not allow the baby to be in a natural position, strongly pressing his chin to chest and making it hard to breathe.

The thick sides and lacing of the bag do not at all provide the ability to adjust the tension of the fabric on the back of the child. The use of pseudo slings in the United States led to the death of several babies, after which they were banned from sale.


Kangaroo for newborns is a non-physiological analogue of an ergo backpack or fast sling. The design feature of the kangaroo is the presence of a rigid back, turning into an insufficiently wide seat for the child, as well as the lack of waist support, narrow shoulder straps and the presence of such a position for carrying the baby as “facing the world”.

Manufacturers recommend wearing a baby in a kangaroo, starting from 3-4 months. But there are also models with the ability to adjust the position of the child, designed to be worn from the neonatal period onwards. In the kit for such models, manufacturers attach instructions with a complete and clear description of how to use one or another position.

Why is a kangaroo an unphysiological carrier? There are many reasons:

A rigid insert for carrying a newborn in the prone position does not allow you to properly pull the child to the mother’s stomach - the baby “hangs” in the carrier, risking falling out when the mother leans or turns sharply. A narrow seating area creates a huge load on the pelvic area and the baby’s fragile spine - as a result, it simply “hangs” on the perineum. The hard back of the kangaroo puts pressure on the spine and makes it impossible to properly support the child’s back. Thin shoulder straps and the absence or visibility of waist support incorrectly distribute the load on the shoulders and lower back of the mother - the back gets tired very quickly and it becomes painful to carry the baby in a kangaroo. The presence of fabric and belts between mother and child makes it impossible for such a natural process as breastfeeding a baby. Position small child in the position “facing the world” is not approved by child psychologists and entails the possibility of nervous overexcitation of the baby from the abundance of information coming from outside.

Slings, ergo backpack and hipsit

A sling is a tissue physiological carrier for a child that fixes the baby in a natural position. from birth to infinity:

Sling with rings and sling scarf more favorable for carrying a newborn. Natural breathable fabrics of a special diagonal weave comfortably hug the baby, leaving completely free mother's hands. A newborn baby maintains a natural position in both horizontal and vertical positions. The entire weight of the baby in the sling is distributed evenly and is practically not felt by the mother.

A ring sling, unlike a scarf sling, puts pressure on only one shoulder, and mom needs to change her shoulders from time to time. Double rings create a reliable "lock" that firmly fixes the sling fabric stretched through them. The resulting pocket allows you to carry a newborn in a lying and sitting position, while it is easy to breastfeed, hiding from prying eyes long tail sling.

May-sling and fast-sling usually begin to use from the age of the baby from 4-5 months. May-sling additionally has the option of carrying a child from the neonatal period, using the "cradle" position.

The fast sling is very similar to the lightweight version of the ergo backpack, it is very convenient for mom and dads love it. Like all slings, the fast sling is physiological for right position legs of the baby, but its design feature provides for wearing the baby only while sitting - in front or behind the back.

A wide “smile” belt and wide straps crossed behind the back perfectly distribute the weight of even a very heavy baby, allowing the mother to move around calmly and lead an active lifestyle.

Ergo backpack, unlike the fast sling, it has a slightly wider, dense and adjustable back, a special insert for newborns, the possibility of different positions of the shoulder straps - straight and crosswise, the position of the child "on the hip".

Of all the types of carriers, dads prefer the ergo backpack the most for its sporty and “masculine” look.

hipsit is a special shelf-seat on a wide and dense belt. Often in the kit there is a fastened adjustable back and a handbag for various little things.

They use hipsit to wear grown-up and toddlers who start walking when the baby is still cannot walk for a long time, but no longer wants to sit on his hands for a long time.

Hipsit is worn in the “front” or “on the hip” position, wrapped very tightly wide belt at the waist and fixing it with Velcro and a fastener. If you do not use the backrest for carrying, then the seated child must be lightly supported with one hand.

All the main types of physiological carriers provide the necessary tactile contact for the baby and parents, a sense of closeness and security for the baby, and also do not harm the development of the child's spine and hip joints at all. Many podiatrists recommend the use of a sling as a preventive measure or during the treatment of a common condition in newborns, such as hip dysplasia.

Or a kangaroo - each mommy has to decide for herself. Modern reviews of doctors (pediatricians, orthopedists and surgeons) about slings or kangaroos tend to favor the need to use only physiological carriers to carry a child.

Mothers are completely absorbed in caring for a newborn baby and sometimes forget to pay attention to themselves. How to combine a pleasant pastime with a child with the absence of back pain and a fitness walk? All this is possible thanks to a kangaroo backpack. Such a device will help to be everywhere together and not get tired. How to choose a kangaroo or sling? What are the terms of use to be aware of?

Baby carrier helps mom and baby stay together all the time

We carry in a kangaroo: when is it already possible?

At what age can babies be carried in a baby carrier? What kind are they and how do they differ?

The age recommended by doctors to start using a kangaroo is 7 months. By this time, the child should sit confidently on his own and weigh at least 7.5 kg. Six months of age or a little older is more suitable for the correct distribution of the load when moving. The spinal muscles have become stronger and can fix the spine in the desired position.

Until the baby sits on his own, you should not put him in a kangaroo. From a physiological point of view, the child's body is not yet able to withstand such loads. The spine when sitting in such a backpack is not supported, its bends are not repeated, which means that the risk that the child will have problems with the hip joints and spine is very high. Incorrect loading can lead to displacement of the vertebrae.

When planning to use a kangaroo from birth, choose only recumbent wearing methods. There are models that allow you to combine both use cases - vertical and horizontal.

Types of kangaroo

Carrying bags for children are very different. Some of them are intended for newly born babies, others for older toddlers:

  • Kangaroos for newborns are fabric carriers designed in such a way that the baby lies in them. For newly born babies, this position is optimal and as comfortable as possible. Usually, children moving in such a bag are calmer. First, the mother should put on a recumbent backpack, fasten it in the manner of an apron, and then put the baby in it. Everything is securely fixed, and the end of the matter is attached to the hook.
A sling or kangaroo for newborns should allow the baby to take a horizontal position
  • Kangaroos for children over 6 months of age suggest an already upright wearing posture. The device is fixed in the mother's breast area with the help of fasteners, straps and carabiners. There are models designed to be worn facing the mother or facing the world, as well as options for carrying on the back.
  • A separate type of kangaroo implies the possibility of fixing the bag on its side. Such carriers allow you to carry the baby lying or reclining, which is especially convenient when breastfeeding. Often, bags of this kind allow you to change the position of the baby (from lying to sitting and vice versa) without taking the baby out of the bag. This is made possible thanks to the multifunctional mounts.
  • Transformer kangaroos are worth buying with the expectation of the future. These options usually come with a mattress for newborns.

Features of choice

In no case do not buy carriers for growth - it can be dangerous. At intensive growth the child changes completely: body weight, back width and shape of the spine - everything undergoes changes. The kangaroo backpack is unable to adapt to these updated parameters. The backpack can only adjust the straps to the increased volumes of the baby's body, but it cannot change its back. The backrest is not designed to maintain the natural physiological curvature of the spine. Remember about important rules choice:

  • For the smallest, it is better to buy an orthopedic kangaroo for newborns, a photo of which you can easily find on the Internet. These bags have a rigid back, support for the head and are equipped with additional seat belts.

Orthopedic backpack confidently supports the baby's head
  • Before you buy a backpack in the store, carefully check all the straps and fasteners. Since the weight of the child will increase over time, make sure that the shoulder straps are wide enough and soft.
  • The fabric for the backpack should be natural. Foam pads and synthetic materials will not allow the skin to breathe in the hot season and create a greenhouse effect.
  • The fabric in the area of ​​​​fixation of the legs should be as soft as possible so as not to damage or rub the delicate skin.
  • All seams should be neatly stitched and not protruding. Special attention focus on the groin area.
  • The presence of a waist belt guarantees the removal of tension from the spine and protection against overloads.
  • A bib that can be attached to a backpack will come in handy. The baby may burp or salivate. The bib is also the protection of the baby from your clothes.

Are Kangaroos Harmful?

Doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, express a categorical ban on transferring children to kangaroos until they learn to sit on their own. This, of course, applies to seated forms of carrying. In this position, the entire weight of the child presses on the perineum and the entire load goes to the spine. This puts the spine in danger, and can also lead to the development of dysplasia in absolutely healthy babies (we recommend reading:). In other words, such a way of moving with a little man will be very harmful.

The kangaroo bag does not have wide shoulder straps, a waist belt, or drawstring straps. This design does not allow you to press the child to the mother as tightly as possible. The center of gravity is shifted forward, which provokes the need for an adult to bend, and this is fraught with back pain.

A kangaroo backpack cannot give a physiological shape to the spine. The baby's legs dangle, and this can provoke improper formation of the hip joints.

The correct fit for a 4-month-old baby in a backpack should resemble the letter "M". A little later, when the baby masters independent sitting, the pose should resemble the letter "P".

Such positions are possible only when using an ergonomic backpack or otherwise a sling backpack. How to put the baby in a backpack, you can watch the video on the Internet.

The angle of breeding legs should be 90-110 degrees relative to vertical position body. This angle guarantees proper fit, which means it will protect hip joints from improper development and will not allow the displacement of the vertebrae to occur. Not a single model of kangaroo bags is able to provide a physiological fit for the baby. Until the baby sits by itself, it is very early to think about buying a kangaroo bag.

Proper leg angulation protects the hip joints


Baby carrier Cybex first.GO

The kangaroo for newborns is called Cybex first.GO. It is designed to carry babies from the moment of birth weighing more than 3.5 kg and up to the age of three years, with a body weight of not more than 18 kg. Cybex Fest Go allows you to carry babies in 4 positions:

  • lying down (0-4 months, weighing no more than 6 kg);
  • vertically facing mother (over 4 months old);
  • on the thigh facing an adult (from three months);
  • "facing the world" (after six months) and behind the back (also after six months).

The basic set includes a special tab for a newborn, equipped with a 5-point safety harness. It is possible to adjust the backpack according to the height of the child (5 positions). Average cost: 5700 rubles.

Baby Bjorn Miracle Organic Kangaroo Backpack

Next in the ranking is the Swiss Baby Bjorn Miracle Organic backpack. It is intended for babies from birth weighing more than 3.5 kg and up to one and a half years of age with a weight of no more than 12 kg. Material - 100% cotton. High quality products are supported by the ability to adjust the slings. The backpack will be convenient and easy to use, you do not have to buy extra pillows or tabs. Average cost: 7800 rubles.

BabyBjorn Original Mesh Baby Carrier (Air)

From the moment of birth, children can be carried in the BabyBjorn Original Swiss mesh backpack (Air) (we recommend reading:). The weight of the baby must be at least 3.5 kg. Such a breathing backpack is designed for children of the first year of life. Mom will appreciate the opportunity to use it at home and during walks in the hot season. The backpack is made of mesh, which is particularly durable and easily breathable. The manufacturer claims positive reviews confirm that the special quality of the material allows you to adjust the backpack to the day after day of a growing child. Angle of breeding legs - 45 degrees. Can be used in 2 positions:

  • facing mother;
  • facing the world.

Average cost: 6000 rubles.

Carrier Baby Bjorn Active

A special baby carrier specially designed by experts for active parents who want to walk and travel with their child for a very long time. Crumbs older than 1 week can already use the services of this backpack. The weight for which the backpack is designed is 3.5-12 kg, i.e. it is intended for babies of the first year of life. The manufacturer warrants that physiological features newborn in this model are fully taken into account. The child's head is securely fixed with additional straps. There are two provisions for use:

  • facing mother;
  • facing the world.

Angle of breeding legs - 45 degrees. Average cost: 7500 rubles.

Chicco Soft& Dream Baby Carrier

The Italian backpack Chicco Soft & Dream is designed for children from birth and the first year of life with a maximum weight of 9 kg. It is possible to wear the baby in three positions:

  • lying down (up to 4 months);
  • facing mother;
  • facing the world.

The set comes with a special mattress for babies from birth. It is possible to adjust the side fasteners, based on the growth of the baby. Average cost: 3500 rubles.

Chicco YOU ​​& ME Carrier Bag

IN Italian bag Chicco YOU ​​& ME can be worn by newborn babies and babies up to 9 months old. Weight Limit- 11 kg. Dual strap adjustment system allows you to adjust the backpack both in width and height. The shoulder straps are made of breathable material, which guarantees no excessive sweating adult during use. Thanks to the ergonomic design of the straps, mom or dad will not have an excessive load on the spine. You can wear babies in two positions:

  • facing mother;
  • facing the world.

The kit does not come with an additional mattress for a newborn to carry the baby in a horizontal position. Average cost: 4700 rubles.

Chicco Go Baby Kangaroo Backpack

The next representative of Chicco is the Chicco Go Baby backpack. The material for the device is 100% cotton. The maximum weight of a child is 9 kg. This model does not have a special insert for carrying newborns in a horizontal position. It is possible to wear the baby in two positions:

  • face to face;
  • facing the world.

Thanks to the waist fasteners and comfortable shoulder straps, the load on the back is evenly distributed, which means that back pain will not accompany an adult. The kangaroo has a hard back. Additionally, two bibs are included in the kit. You will find photos of the model and reviews about it on the Internet. Average cost: 1500 rubles.