Which backpack to choose for a first grader orthopedic. How to choose a satchel

Hello, friends! In September of this year, my youngest son Artemka will go to first grade. In the meantime, March is on the calendar! But we were already going to go for a backpack. Why so early? So after all, prices for backpacks are now much lower than in August. Who is with us? And before you cross the threshold of the store, I suggest remembering everything! And figure out how to choose a school backpack for a first grader?

Lesson plan:

Backpack, satchel or briefcase?

And as soon as they don’t call a bag for textbooks and notebooks. Backpack, knapsack, briefcase. But in essence, they are different things.

A briefcase is a narrow rectangular bag with a handle.

Our mothers and fathers, and grandparents, went to school with briefcases. Now it is almost impossible to find a school bag for sale. And this is good. Since carrying a briefcase in your hand will certainly lead to a curvature of the spine.

A knapsack is the same briefcase, but only with straps.

When I went to first grade, I just had a knapsack. Good, blue one, with the image of the penguin Lo-lo from the cartoon.

A backpack is also a shoulder bag for carrying different loads. Only in a backpack, unlike a knapsack, the straps are oblique, not straight. Another difference is the presence of additional elements (pockets, for example).

The tourist has a backpack. The soldier also has a backpack. And the geologist. And a school shoulder bag is also called a backpack.

Although it seems to me that this is a cross between a satchel and a backpack. Kind of a hybrid. That's about them, we'll talk about hybrids. For convenience, I propose to still use the words backpack or knapsack, as it suits you.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a backpack for school, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • material;
  • accessories;
  • design;
  • equipment;
  • size;
  • manufacturer;
  • price;
  • appearance.

And now about everything in order.

What is it made of?

The material must meet the following requirements:

  1. Strength. A backpack is needed not only to carry books. Sometimes children, especially boys, find other uses for it. They can play football and slide down the hill on it. My eldest son, for example, wore a cat to school in a knapsack.
  2. Resistant to sub-zero temperatures. So that it does not become completely oak in the cold.
  3. Ease of maintenance. Do not expect that the backpack by the end, and maybe even by the middle of the school year, will be as clean as the first of September. Immediately check with the seller whether it can be washed.
  4. Waterproof. It happens that backpacks with a child get caught in the rain or fall into puddles. Or, quite by accident, juice is spilled on it. At the same time, textbooks and notebooks should remain dry. The manufacturer should take good care of the waterproof impregnation of the material.
  5. Safety. Open and smell the satchel. Do you smell a strong chemical smell? Put it on the shelf and don't touch it again. There is clearly something wrong with the material from which it is made. Don't expect the smell to dissipate.

Most often backpacks are made of polyester, denim, nylon, vinyl.


Carefully check all buttons, zippers, buttons, clasps, carabiners. Hold on to everything you can. If something sticks somewhere, gets stuck, scratches, falls off, then you should refuse to buy.

Pay attention to the seams. They must be even and strong. And no loose threads.

A couple more words about Velcro fasteners. Convenient at first. But after some time, the Velcro will become clogged, ragged and will cease to perform its functions. Not the best option for a school bag.


I saw a backpack in the store. It seems that you can fly into space on it if you wish. Even the wings are attached to the sides. Well, so much twisted, so much heaped up! The designer was clearly on a roll!

What are the design features of the backpack you should pay attention to:

  • form;
  • density;
  • back;
  • straps;
  • compartments and additional pockets.

The shape of the backpacks are similar to each other. But I would single out backpacks-boxes. They really look like boxes. Dense on all sides and closed with a lid on top. Maybe someone likes it, but it seems to me that they are too bulky, huge. There, if desired, a child will fit, not like a cat.

More often there are specimens in which only the back and bottom are dense. The bottom is sometimes made of plastic to give stability and protect against contamination. Be sure to try on such a backpack and see if the plastic cuts into the child’s lower back.

Tight back - that's right! It will not allow the child's back to feel the corners of textbooks or pens with pencils. The back material should be breathable, covered with a special mesh. This is necessary so that the child's back does not sweat.

And maybe a back. This is when special soft pads are built into the design, repeating the shape of the back. Orthopedic backpack reduces the load on the back of the child and prevents the development of scoliosis.

And now attention to the straps. Too narrow? We don't need those. They will press and rub your shoulders. The width of the straps from 4 to 6 cm suits us. Well, if the straps are supplemented with soft stripes, the child will be more comfortable. The straps must be adjustable in length.

Now open the satchel and look inside. What do you see there? A couple of large compartments for textbooks and another smaller one for notebooks? Well, good! This is quite enough.

And now in each product there is a place for a mobile phone. Only from experience I know that the phone will lie anywhere: in a pocket, along with textbooks, in a bag along with a change, but not in this pocket.

I consider the presence of additional compartments and pockets on the side and front sides of the satchel to be a plus. There you can put all sorts of little things, keys, for example.


The backpack can be sold together with a change bag, wallet, notebook folder, etc. This increases the cost of the purchase. Which backpack to choose: with filling or without it is up to you. We prefer to buy everything separately. That's more interesting.


Here, dear parents, little depends on you. Here the child chooses. This is his thing, which means that he should like it first of all. There are a lot of colors for both boys and girls.

Colors should be bright and noticeable. In the dark, the backpack is made visible by fluorescent and reflective inserts. They should be on the front of the backpack, on the sides and on the straps.

If there is a pattern on the backpack, then it is worth checking it for abrasion. Swipe over the pattern with a damp cloth, it should remain clean.

Backpack weight

The weight of a backpack for first-graders is determined by SanPiN 2.4.7./1.1.1286-03.

2.8.1. The weight of briefcases, school bags and similar items for primary school students should be no more than 600-700 grams.

I saw this document with my own eyes. Something is somehow not enough. Don't you think? But I think that we are unlikely to find such a light backpack. Although, of course, I could be wrong. In general, we will strive for the ideal of 700 grams, but realistically focus on a weight of 1 kg or a little more. The weight of the product must be indicated on the label.

Backpack size

The size of the backpack should be such that its top edge does not rest against the back of the child's head, the bottom edge does not fall below the waist, and the sides do not stick out from behind the shoulders. In order to determine whether the product is suitable in size, you need to try it on a child. For greater reliability of the check, ask the seller to put something in the satchel.

It is not necessary to take a bag that is too small or too large (for growth). The child will be uncomfortable.


The manufacturer's information must be on the tag. Also, do not hesitate to ask the seller for a quality certificate. Look for the following line

The product complies with the requirements of TR TS 007/2001 "On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents."

TR CU is the technical regulation of the customs union.

Ready to go shopping for a backpack! We're leaving soon. Let's choose! I'll be sure to post the results on the blog. Do not miss!

And here's another video on the topic! With E. Malysheva, as always, everything is very clear.

The main thing for taking care of the "first-class" uniforms of the child is not to forget about his preparation for school. What needs to be done? Find out in this free webinar " How to prepare a child for school without problems in 20-30 minutes a day?"

Dear readers, if you can also give some advice about purchasing a school backpack, then please write about it in the comments.

Sincerely, Evgenia Klimkovich.

We all remember very well that touching moment when, at a very tiny age, we went with flowers to our first line. Our main treasure was, without a doubt, our portfolio. In those blessed and distant times, we did not have much choice - the shops did not have a special variety of assortment. Therefore, almost everyone had the same knapsacks. Another feature of our childhood was not so high loads in the form of books in our portfolio.

Today the situation is changing dramatically. First-graders are forced to carry a set of textbooks and sportswear with them every day. The weight of these educational accessories in most cases balances on the verge of the physical capabilities of a small student. That is why, in order to maintain the correct posture and reduce the load on the back of the child, it is very important to choose a quality backpack.

Article plan:

Choosing a backpack for a first grader

What are the requirements for a backpack for young schoolchildren? These include:
  1. The presence of an orthopedic back. This allows you to keep the baby's posture in a normal state, protects his growing spine from excessive pressure.

  2. The dimensions of the backpack should not be excessively large. The child should move easily even with a loaded bag. Dangling below the waist, clapping on the legs with every step, the backpack will not add comfort to the child.

  3. When choosing backpack, the presence of the future proud backpack owner is mandatory so that you can coordinate the appearance of the acquisition with it, and also try it on right there.

  4. The backpack must have hard and flat bottom, which will not hang and put pressure on the weak lower back of a first-grader when walking.

  5. Strap width should be sufficient not to crash into the shoulders of the unfortunate child and not to injure his psyche, already exhausted by the school. The optimal width is about four centimeters. Also, the material from which the straps are made must be mesh in order to freely pass air without causing perspiration and diaper rash.

  6. Backpack material. It is important that the material is durable and hydrophobic (water-repellent). This is necessary to extend the life of the bag in extreme conditions. Children hit each other on the head with backpacks, throw them on cabinets, trees and other hard-to-reach objects. Therefore, if you do not have the desire to buy backpacks with a regularity of once every two weeks, purchase products made using a metal thread that reinforces (reinforces) the fabric of the backpack. In this case, he has a chance to hold out for a couple of months. The water-repellent fabric will keep the textbooks dry in case your little one gets caught in the rain. This can be facilitated by a rubberized layer of fabric. Most often, the most suitable material for sewing backpacks is polyester. It is durable, wear-resistant and waterproof. Backpacks made of this material are easy to clean and easy to wash, dry quickly.

  7. Lightning. This element is also important for the normal operation of the backpack. For the convenience of the child, the zipper should be wide with a “dog” that is easy to grip. Also, it must be strong enough to withstand the massive attacks of children's fingers, their impatient twitches and maintain functionality. It is better if there are two "dogs" on the zipper. This will save time on opening the backpack in conditions of lack of time (the child is late for the lesson or is in a hurry to go home).

  8. Top handle. Usually performed in the form of a handle with a leather or rubber patch for convenience, or in the form of a loop. In any case, it is strictly not recommended for children to carry a backpack holding this handle. Therefore, you should immediately inform the child about this.

  9. Availability nets on the surface of the backpack, adjacent to the back, provides reliable grip and no slip, causing discomfort to the child when walking.

  10. Also, when buying a backpack for a first grader, pay attention to the presence reflective elements sewn on it. These elements are extremely important even in a well-lit metropolis, as they significantly reduce the risk of being unnoticed by drivers of vehicles.

  11. Execution quality. Do not chase cheapness and buy inexpensive low-quality backpacks. They can be made with toxic materials and have a strong and repulsive odor that can cause health problems for the student. It is better to overpay, but buy a product produced in compliance with all norms and standards.

  12. Don't buy a backpack "for growth" or too small. This will adversely affect the health of the student.

  13. Backpack weight. In the "equipped" state, a satchel with an orthopedic base and comfortable wide straps should not weigh more than ten percent of the child's weight. If this condition is violated, pain in the lumbar region and back may occur. Therefore, the weight of the backpack should be minimal. According to hygiene standards, the weight of a first-grader backpack should not exceed one and a half kilograms. The backpack itself should not weigh more than eight hundred grams.

Selection of an orthopedic backpack for a student

The solid-sounding word "orthopedic" implies that the backpack will meet certain standards that protect the child's body from excessive stress. In most cases, this is a banal backpack with an anatomically made back and a rigid frame. This type of backpack does not correct the posture of the child in its absence. But it helps to evenly distribute the load over the entire back, avoiding pressure on one section of the spine, overloads. To have the title of "anatomical", the backpack must have:
  • A rigid back that protects the child's back from the pressure of the books lying in the backpack, preventing the child from hunching over.

  • Wide straps measuring from four to eight centimeters, equipped with a mesh.

  • Hard bottom to protect the child's lower back from the pressure of books.

The disadvantages of this type of backpacks are:
  • High price.

  • Relatively large weight.

  • "Dimensional" appearance.

Manufacturers and models of the best quality backpacks

In order not to get confused with definitions, let's start with definitions. Bags for carrying textbooks and other school items are divided into three types:
  1. . This model bag is made in the form of a bag with soft walls and a closing valve on top. The neck of the backpack is tightened with a cord or has a zipper. The valve closes with carabiners. The backpack traditionally has two or three large compartments and many small ones. This type of bag has one or two straps that allow you to carry it on your back. Traditionally, manufacturers make them in "boy" and "girl" versions. The only difference is the color and decor. The boys are cars and "transformers", the girls are pink ponies and Barbie. The backpack is very light and comfortable to wear.

  2. knapsack. This is a modified version of the backpack. It has rigid ribs that give strength to the structure, two straps that allow you to carry it over your shoulders. The knapsack perfectly retains its shape and protects its contents from deformation. A significant disadvantage of this model is a significant weight due to the severity of the materials that give strength to the satchel. The minimum weight of an empty backpack is one kilogram. You can imagine the weight of this "accessory" in running order. The child simply bends from such a load.

  3. Briefcase. It is a bag with a single shoulder strap and a flat shape for easy carrying on the side. Its walls are quite soft, but at the same time allow you to keep the contents intact. This type of bag is not recommended for use due to the one-sided load on the student's shoulders when carrying a briefcase on a single strap.

As for backpack manufacturers, the most popular among first-graders are:
  • Erich Krause. The backpacks of this world famous German company are made of high quality material, have an orthopedic back and wide shoulder straps. Their weight complies with international health standards. For first-graders, the company offers a comfortable backpack with an optimal number of compartments and conveniently located small pockets. Backpacks are durable, made in moderate colors, fastened with a latch.

  • Hummingbird. The backpacks of this manufacturer have a zipper, have bright and emotional colors, and are covered with images of common cartoon and comic book characters. They are roomy, comfortable, orthopedic and light in weight.

  • Belmil. This brand is represented by high-quality products made of durable and lightweight material, unobtrusive colors. Comfortable to wear, with several optimally thought out compartments. And yet, they are relatively inexpensive.

  • Hama. This manufacturer offers, complete with a backpack, an additional bag for a "shift", a pencil case for a student's stationery, and a wallet. However, at the same time, he is overweight, burdensome for a first grader. These backpacks are the most expensive in their field.

  • Der Die Das. The products of this company are equipped with reflective elements, an ergonomic back, have a low weight and attractive colors.

  • Backpacks are also presented by McNeill, Sigikid, Lassig, Step by Step, and others.

When choosing a backpack for your child, the main factor is the dimension. Consider his opinion and preferences, do not let him get carried away with decorative elements to the detriment of health.

When it comes time to collect the child for school, parents are faced with the problem of choosing a backpack. The modern market offers the consumer a wide selection of different models from many manufacturers.

How to choose a backpack for a first grader? What do you need to pay attention to? Who to consult? What requirements to take into account? We will try to talk about all this in detail in this material.

Choosing a school bag is a must with your child.

First, let's highlight the differences between a backpack, satchel and briefcase.

Backpack is a soft, voluminous bag that has several compartments (usually 2-3). Often it is light and comfortable, always with two straps and worn on the back. Today, backpacks are made for both boys and girls. The difference is that they are different in color and pattern, which is done on the outside.

Knapsack It is considered to be an improved backpack. It has a rigid construction and two straps. This makes it possible to wear it on the shoulders. It keeps its shape well, but has one compartment. The main disadvantage will be a lot of weight. An ordinary empty backpack weighs about a kilogram, and a more expensive model is about 2 kg. Not every kid will be able to go to school every day with so many kilograms on his back.

Worth knowing! Especially popular now are large satchels-boxes. However, these models do not all comply with sanitary standards, so they can harm the health of the baby.

Briefcase it has only one strap. For this reason, it has to be worn on one shoulder. This threatens with curvature of the spine. Doctors categorically do not recommend carrying briefcases to school, especially for first-graders, because at this age the spine is still growing and forming, and the load on only one shoulder can lead to scoliosis, kyphosis or other diseases of the spine.

The main accents when choosing

The orthopedic back of the backpack will help reduce pressure on the spine.

The main requirement is orthopedic back. Another important rule for parents is that the backpack should not be wider and higher than the shoulders of your first grader. Make sure it is no lower than the student's waist.

The best option would be a trip to the store with your child. He himself must choose a school bag, measure it, evaluate the convenience. And then the parent will check its quality, price and compliance with sanitary requirements.

One of the important characteristics are the straps of the backpack. They should be wide and should not put pressure on the shoulders.

The school bag should have a hard bottom so that it does not sag under the weight of textbooks and does not put pressure on the lower back.

Don't buy too big either. At first, schoolchildren will not have to carry a lot of textbooks, so a large and uncomfortable backpack will only bring discomfort to the baby.

The main difference between an orthopedic backpack and ordinary backpacks is the presence of the following structural elements:

  1. A dense back wall of an anatomical shape, repeating the curves of the human body, with elastic linings and ventilated openings.
  2. Wide, length-adjustable shoulder straps with soft inserts that reduce pressure on the shoulders.
  3. A solid frame that prevents deformation and distortion of the product when worn. Thanks to the base, the satchel is evenly fixed behind the back and does not move to one side or the other. The frame provides an even distribution of the load over the entire back.
  4. Hard bottom, increasing the stability of the bag on the surface.
  5. A special uncomfortable handle (or its absence at all), so that the first grader would not carry the backpack in his hand, but always put it on behind his back.

Material quality

What to look for:

  1. Most children's school backpacks are made from polyester. This is a very durable material, it is difficult to tear, it is resistant to abrasion and does not fade when exposed to sunlight. Cleaning these bags is very easy. To do this, you can use a damp cloth or cloth, or you can wash it.
  2. Choose a bag that has two wide zipper pulls on the main compartment.
  3. Top handle options available. It can be both in the form of a loop, and in the form of a regular handle.
  4. One of the important nuances is water resistance. You can be calm about the cleanliness of textbooks and notebooks inside the bag only if a thin layer similar to rubber is applied on its inside.
  5. The mesh on the back and straps of the school bag is sewn on so that it does not slip on the back and shoulders of the child, because otherwise it will create discomfort and inconvenience for the baby.


In a high-quality school bag that meets sanitary standards, doctors do not advise carrying a load of more than 10% of the weight of a first grader. Otherwise, it can lead to pain in the back, shoulders, lower back. For this reason, the backpack itself should be as light as possible. According to hygiene standards, his weight with textbooks for a first grader should not exceed 1.5 kg, and he himself should not weigh more than 800 grams.

Size and shape

The size of the backpack plays an important role for the comfort and health of the first grader. Therefore, when buying, you need to remember the following:

  1. You can’t choose a backpack for a first grader to grow up. The large size directly increases the weight of the product.
  2. The width of the backpack should not be wider than the shoulders of the child.
  3. The height of the backpack should not exceed 30-40 centimeters.

Trying on a backpack for a child, you should pay attention to its location. The backpack must be placed no lower than the hip line and no higher than the shoulder line.

If the height of the first-grader is less than 120 cm, then the best option would be a horizontal shape. With growth from 130 cm, vertical models are suitable.

How to choose a portfolio for a first grader among a huge range of products, you can learn from the video.

Choose a manufacturer

On the modern Russian market of school goods, school bags, satchels and backpacks of both foreign and domestic manufacturers are widely represented. The most famous manufacturers of school bags are Herlitz, Garfield, Lycsac, Hama, Schneiders, LEGO, Tiger Family, Samsonite, Derby, Busquets. A variety of shapes and designs, colorful colors attract the attention of young buyers. Especially popular and respected by parents are knapsacks from such manufacturers:

Schoolbag Garfield

Backpacks from this manufacturer meet all the requirements that apply to school bags. They have colorful colors and a large number of different compartments and pockets, lesson schedule. These backpacks are made of modern EVA material, which has a waterproof PU coating. This fabric has a high level of wear resistance, UV resistance, water resistance.

The shoulder straps are specially designed to reduce back strain and ensure even weight distribution. The back is made taking into account the anatomical features of the child's spine and is perfectly ventilated.

The weight of such a backpack is about 900 grams. The cost of such a satchel, depending on the model on the market, is about 1700 - 2500 rubles.

Lycsac school bag

The Lycsac school bag is a well-known school bag in a modern design. The big advantage of this backpack is its orthopedic back, excellent internal structure, light weight, about 800 grams. It is made of durable wear-resistant material, has comfortable wide straps, a metal lock.

The hard back in the backpacks of this manufacturer is made of environmentally friendly and lightweight material - special cardboard. The corners of the briefcases are protected from abrasion by special plastic pads with legs.

The cost of a Lycsac school backpack, depending on the model and configuration, can vary from 2800 to 3500 rubles.

Herlitz school bag

Herlitz backpacks are made of modern safe breathable material. It has a practical and stylish design. The backpack has an orthopedic effect, which helps to maintain the correct posture of the child. The load is distributed evenly over the entire back. Adjustable shoulder straps make it easy to carry. The backpack has many compartments and pockets for a variety of school supplies and other personal items.

The weight of the Herlitz satchel is about 950 grams. The cost of such a satchel, depending on the model and configuration, ranges from 2300 to 7000 rubles.

Hama school bag

School bags of this brand have an orthopedic back with paths for the passage of air, adjustable wide straps, front and side LED lights. Also, the space is well organized in the backpack, there are compartments for books and notebooks, as well as many pockets for other school supplies. Some models have a special thermo-pocket on the front to keep the student's breakfast warm.

The weight of Hama backpacks is about 1150 grams. Depending on the configuration and content, the prices for backpacks of this brand range from 3,900 to 10,500 rubles.

Scout school bag

All backpacks of this brand are certified in Germany. They are water-repellent, eco-friendly and dermatologically tested. 20% of the side and front surfaces are made of luminescent material to protect the movement of your child on the street. The backpacks have an orthopedic back, which evenly distributes the load and prevents the development of scoliosis.

Depending on the configuration, the prices for backpacks of this brand vary from 5,000 to 11,000 rubles.

Schneiders school bag

This Austrian manufacturer pays a lot of attention to ergonomic design. The Schneiders school bag has an orthopedic back, soft wide straps, with the help of which the load is evenly distributed on the back.

The weight of such a satchel is about 800 grams. Depending on the configuration, prices for Schneiders backpacks range from 3,400 to 10,500 rubles.

When choosing a backpack, parents also pay important attention to the issue of price. Of all the listed manufacturers, Hama products are the most expensive.

Advice! In specialized stores you can find a huge number of school backpacks, knapsacks or briefcases. You will be offered a variety of models that will have their own advantages and difference in price. Therefore, making a choice will not be so difficult. In addition, a specialist will help you.

You need to pay attention to additional features, such as:

  1. Top handle. There is on almost every backpack or knapsack. But it shouldn't be too comfortable. This will prevent the student from carrying the backpack in his hand for a long time. Also, for this handle you can attach a satchel to a school desk.
  2. Legs below. They are a big plus. They will protect the backpack from dirt and getting wet. Textbooks and notebooks in such a backpack will be securely protected.
  3. Locks. They are different: on buttons, Velcro, laces and zippers. It is better to choose a backpack with zippered pockets with two dogs. Other locks seem easier to use, but zippers are stronger and more durable. Before choosing a school backpack for a first grader, check the slide of the dog on the lock.
  4. Reflectors. Responsible for the safe movement of the child on the road. In the evening, reflectors make it visible to drivers and other road users.
  5. Material. It is better to choose waterproof, it is easy to clean with a damp cloth. In addition, the material must be durable and breathable. Polyester or polypropylene is better. Before choosing a backpack for a first grader, check how it smells inside. If a backpack emits a sharp and unpleasant chemical smell, then it is better not to buy it.
  6. Drawing. An element that interests children more than their parents. Before choosing a portfolio for a first grader, you should ask what kind of pattern he likes. Boys choose colors of cold shades: blue, green, black. Future schoolchildren like drawings with cars, robots, transformers, and their favorite superheroes.

A school bag evokes special emotions in a first grader. A source of pride and one of the first in the list of necessary school things. Before choosing this necessary attribute, parents should prepare as much as possible so as not to spoil the child's first impressions of the school.

For parents in addition to comfort An equally important point in choosing a portfolio is practicality, weight, dimensions, and, of course, the absence of negative effects on the health of a first-grader.

Backpack for a first grader

The range of school bags attracts with variety.

Among the numerous assortment, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Backpack. Most often, this is a rather soft and light-weight bag that does not have a frame; it looks like a bag. It can have several compartments, and it is designed to be worn on the back.
  • Knapsack. Outwardly, it is similar to a backpack, its design is more rigid, which helps to give a certain shape to the knapsack and keep the items inside from external damage.
    Because of this feature, a satchel, unlike a backpack, adds a little weight, which is undesirable for a child.
  • Briefcase has the form of a bag of a flat shape with a strap, which is worn by throwing it over the shoulder.
    The briefcase also provides several compartments that are securely closed with a lid using a latch. A negative feature of this type of school bag is the uneven distribution of the load on the student's back, which can result in serious problems with the spine.

There is an opinion that the smaller the weight of the school bag, the better it is for the health of the child. The baby's weight must not exceed 10% of its own weight.

Outwardly, it is very similar to an ordinary satchel, but in addition it has a soft back that follows the contour of the spine. We are talking about an orthopedic knapsack.

The back of such a satchel consists of two side pillows, and a special roller to the bottom, which provides a fairly snug fit to the student's back. The features of this backrest contribute to an even distribution of the load directly on the child's spine, and prevents the development of scoliosis.

Such a backpack is provided with straps 35 cm wide, sometimes with special seat belts, which are fixed with buckles on the belt, warning against excessive load.

Ideally, such satchels have significantly more than usual weight, and at the same time, significantly lighter models are available for sale, especially for first graders. The weight of such school bags ranges up to 700 g.

The unique composition of the cream is a source of important building blocks for the joints. Effective in the fight against many diseases of the joints.

Ideal for both prevention and treatment at home. Has antiseptic properties. Relieves swelling and pain, prevents the deposition of salts.

How to choose the right orthopedic backpack for a first grader?

Going shopping for a school bag a first-grader, it is imperative to take a child with him, because the purchase is intended for him, and this psychological moment is very important for the future student.

It should immediately be remembered that the child will focus solely on the appearance of the product, its functionality does not bother the baby much, which cannot be said about his parents.

To choose the right orthopedic backpack for a first grader, you should pay attention to the following details:

  • Size. The height and width of the backpack should correspond to the height of the child's back and shoulder width.
  • Back design. The orthopedic back will allow you to protect the child from excessive load and its uneven distribution, on the insufficiently formed spine of the baby, and will limit the possible stoop.
  • Strength and hardness of the bottom. The flat and hard bottom of the backpack will limit the pressure on the child's lower back while walking, fixing the bottom of all objects in one stable position.
  • Strap size. The straps should not press or dangle excessively. An excellent additional item of equipment for them can be the adjustment of the length and the presence of inserts that will prevent the load from slipping.
  • Product weight should proceed from the general rule that the lighter the weight of the backpack, the better.
  • The material from which the school bag is made, must be sufficiently strong and durable. The water resistance of such a material is one of the most important parameters.
    The density of the firmware, as well as reliable latches, will be an additional advantage. Material such as plastic is allowed only in mounts, bottom base and handles. A combination of ventilated mesh and at least 70% fabric will be the best option.
  • Functionality provided due to at least two compartments, for the convenience of distributing items inside the backpack. Side pockets will be an additional advantage, and will make the backpack more practical, because you can separate a water bottle or a tray or a pencil case from common school things.
  • Reliability. This parameter is achieved due to fittings convenient for children's hands, sufficiently reliable and wide lightning.
  • Safety. Providing light reflectors to safely move the child on the roadway would be an added benefit.

Complete set of a backpack for a first grader not a mandatory attribute, but no less pleasant. In addition, the backpack can be completed with a pencil case with various stationery, a thermos, for which an external pocket is provided.

A folder for notebooks, for which a special compartment is provided, will exactly fit the size of a satchel, and will help to avoid a situation where an overly spacious folder does not fit in a school backpack, and the child has to carry it simply in his hands, or even worse, in a separate bag.

Manufacturers and models of the highest quality backpacks have proven themselves in the market on the positive side and have the appropriate certificates confirming the high quality of the products sold:

  1. Herlitz. This manufacturer is an example of the best value for money. The product complies with modern health protection standards. Available lightweight models for first graders.
  2. Hama. This manufacturer uses breathable materials in its products.
    It also offers a fairly wide range of additional accessories, including a pencil case, a bag for shoes, a chest wallet. Among the negative features is the excess weight of products per child 6-7 years old.
  3. Hummingbird. The rigid body and the orthopedic back of the backpack are an integral attribute of the school bags of this manufacturer. In addition to sufficiently high strength and versatility, a relatively small weight of the satchel is provided, within the normal range for a first-grader.
  4. Grizzly. It is possible to reduce the size of the backpack due to special regulators on the back. The domestic manufacturer is absolutely not inferior to imported goods, but is more acceptable in terms of pricing.
  5. ErichKrause. The German manufacturer manufactures products from high quality materials, orthopedic backrests and comfortable shoulder straps are an invariable attribute of these products.

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Is it worth buying an orthopedic backpack for a first grader?

An orthopedic backpack allows you to limit the maximum load on the spine of a future student, and significantly reduces the risk of spinal complications.

Despite the prevailing opinion that the baby does not attend school on his own, parents not only take the baby home, but also take it home, moving the school bag on their own.

Being directly in an educational institution, the child will not be able to comply with the rule of "inviolability of the knapsack", so his orthopedic back will be an additional positive moment for him, and for parents, getting rid of unnecessary worries for their child

Mandatory in the list of expert advice will be not just the choice of goods with the child, but also a direct fitting directly on the future student.

Having studied all the necessary features, which a first-grader’s backpack should have, the most correct solution would not be to imagine how it all will look like in the educational process, but to try to adjust the length of the straps, invite the child to open it on his own, evaluating it for strength.

In case of doubt you should not make hasty decisions, you should evaluate all the advantages and possible negative aspects of the purchase. Full confidence in the quality of products will really bring satisfaction to caring parents and will not harm the baby.

It is best to buy a satchel, not a briefcase or bag. The backpack evenly distributes the load on the back, so that the posture is not disturbed. The traffic police recommends that the color of the backpack is bright, and there are reflective elements along its edges - then it will be easier for drivers to notice your child when he is about to cross the road.

The weight of the satchel with contents must not exceed 2 kg.

Backpack weight

American doctors who conducted research in primary and secondary schools came to the conclusion that the weight of the briefcase should not exceed 10% of the child's body weight.

The weight of a first grader's backpack with all contents should not exceed 1.5-2 kilograms. An empty satchel should weigh 500-800 grams.

If you assume that the final weight will be more than 2 kilograms, pay attention to HAMA, Schneiders, Garfield, Herlitz, MIKE&MAR backpacks. These backpacks take into account all orthopedic features.

If the child has to carry a lot of textbooks with him, companies such as Disney, Garfield, MIKE & MAR are suitable for you.
The higher the weight of the satchel, the more devices it has for carrying heavy things.

Knapsack shape

If the child's height is up to 120 cm, it is worth purchasing a horizontal type satchel.

If the child is taller than 130 cm, pay attention to vertical models.

The back of the backpack

The rigid back of the satchel prevents pressure of the contents of the satchel on the student's back. Modern manufacturers indicate on their portfolios that it is orthopedic.

Remember, that:

- in that part of the knapsack that is in contact with the back, there should be hard books;

- on the back there should be a soft padding made of mesh fabric so that the child's back does not sweat.

Backpack material

The material for a school bag should be light and durable, water-repellent and frost-resistant. It is very good if the satchel is easy to clean and wash.

Backpack straps

They must have an adjustable buckle that allows you to change their length. The straps of the backpack should be hemmed with an additional layer of soft material so that they do not cut into the shoulders.

The straps should be strong, stitched with several lines. The width of the belts must be at least 4 cm.

The thicker the straps, the more comfortable it is to carry a lot of weight. But at the same time it is inconvenient to take off and put on a satchel.

If the straps are stretchy, then it is convenient to take off and put on the satchel, but if the satchel has a lot of weight, it will not be comfortable to wear it.

Knapsack locks

The most reliable locks are iron, but paint peels off after a while. Plastic locks will last less.

Bottom and legs of the bag

It is desirable that the bottom of the knapsack be with a rubberized base, with plastic legs at the corners.

Backpack size

Requirements for the size of a first grader's satchel have been developed:

  • length: 300-360 mm;
  • front wall height: 220-260 mm;
  • width: 60-100 mm;
  • shoulder straps length: 60-70 cm.

Satchel colors

You should not choose a backpack for a first grader according to a drawing - children's movie and cartoon characters change very often, and therefore such things quickly go out of fashion.

Satchel compartments

Inside the satchel there should be compartments for notebooks and a pencil case, and outside there should be pockets for small items and water bottles.

A future student should definitely try on a satchel with books.

Ask the seller to fill the satchel. This is the best way to see its flaws (skewed seams, incorrect redistribution).

You have to choose with a child! He must like the backpack!

American Academy of Pediatrics advice:

First, decide on the size - you should not buy a backpack "for growth", which holds twice as much as you need.

Be sure to tell your child how to properly pack and wear a satchel.

Heavy objects should be placed in the backpack so that they are at the bottom and as close as possible to the back of the child - then the weight of the backpack will be evenly distributed over its straps.

You can not wear a satchel on one belt.

The straps must be equal in length.

Ask the child on the evening of the first of September if it is convenient for him to walk with a satchel.