Origami paper butterflies. Origami butterfly, a simple diagram for beginners. Using Origami Butterflies

If you want to make a simple origami butterfly, then our craft is just for you. This is a very easy craft to do. With such colorful origami butterflies, you can decorate a greeting card, a stand in a kindergarten or school, or just a wall in a children's room. To complete the craft, you do not need to understand complex patterns or learn the basics of origami.

Tools for making origami butterflies:

  • colored paper,
  • scissors,
  • safety pins.

How to make colorful origami butterflies

If you want to make a lot of origami butterflies at once, then prepare colored paper in different shades. Cut paper into squares. A flock of butterflies of different sizes looks good. If you are doing this craft with children in the garden, then cut the squares in advance.

Fold the square diagonally. You have a big triangle.

Fold the workpiece again. Rotate the triangle so that the opening edges are at the top. Carefully make a semicircular cutout in the resulting triangle with scissors - these are carved butterfly wings.

At the bottom of the figure, make an incision and bend the butterfly wings to the sides. Lightly spread the upper wings of the butterfly with your fingers. Here is the origami craft and ready. Really easy!

Together with the children, you can color the wings of a butterfly - draw patterns with paints or felt-tip pens.

If you want to secure a few butterflies on a stand or on the wall of a room, simply glue them or pin them with safety pins.

If you haven’t figured out how to make a simple origami butterfly from the pictures, watch our video tutorial and you will definitely succeed.

Origami is a type of Japanese art that originated in antiquity. It is noteworthy that origami originated in China, where they began to make paper, and continued to develop in Japan. Origami came to Europe only after World War II.

Today, origami is a visiting card of the world of the East. This restrained and measured art attracts more and more people. To create origami figures, you only need a sheet of paper, and then all the magic is in the bending of the lines. Traditionally, origami does not use glue and scissors.

The function of origami is not only in decoration, but also paper figures endow with the functions of amulets. Many people know the belief that a thousand paper cranes will fulfill wishes and make the one who created them happy. For a long time in Japan, origami was the art of the initiates, because it was endowed with magical properties.

Origami is practiced by both adults and children. Symbols for writing the scheme of the product were invented by the master Akira Yoshizyawa. Thanks to him, everyone can join the oriental culture of paper crafts. In addition, he came up with the idea of ​​using wet paper to create smooth lines in non-symmetrical products, such as flowers. There are several varieties of origami:

  • Simple origami. A special kind of origami where only certain types of folds are used. Useful for beginners, as it allows you to understand the technique of origami and is suitable for people with limited fine motor skills.
  • Modular origami. Most often, these are volumetric figures from the same parts (for example, huge balls, stars). The elements of the product are held together by nesting. Volumetric origami balls are called kusudama.
  • Sweep origami. These are special marked sheets of paper from which the product can be folded. It is considered a complex type of origami, but at the same time it allows you to understand how the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe figures was created.

    Work materials

  • Sheet of paper or colored paper (A4)
  • Perseverance and patience 🙂

It is easy to make various figures of plants, animals, stars out of paper. We offer you to try to create a fluttering origami butterfly with your own hands. It will be a nice decoration for your home or a gift for a loved one.

Let's get to work!

You will need a square sheet of paper of the desired color. Such a square can be made from a regular A4 sheet by folding one edge to the other and cutting off an excess strip of paper.

The next step is to fold the square in half in two directions. The sheet is divided by lines into 4 triangles (diagonally) and 4 squares.

Place the sheet in front of you. We begin to fold in the direction from top to bottom into a triangle. Visually select a large triangle at the bottom of the work and, holding the small side triangles, “fold” the work. From the element that remained not bent, we also make a triangle along the lines. If you bend the lines correctly, the figure itself will tell you the direction. The result is a kind of three-dimensional double triangle.

Place the triangle upside down. Bend the bottom corners up and get a rhombus.

We turn the work over with the other side towards us, put it with the top down. Gently bend the top up, with the tip going beyond the side of the triangle. We bend this tip over the side, fixing it on it. Now the figure resembles a boat. We place it vertically and bend it in half along the line of the rhombus inward.

The fluttering origami butterfly is ready.

After sufficient practice, figures in the origami technique will turn out more accurately. Over time, you can learn how to make complex three-dimensional figures or even come up with your own. In addition to the pleasure of creativity, origami develops fine motor skills and ingenuity, which will be useful for children.

Master class “Origami Butterfly”

I present a step-by-step instruction on how to create an origami butterfly with your own hands. These paper butterflies are so attractive that you want to make more and more of them, experimenting with colors and sizes.

Craft materials:

  • Colored paper of any shades;
  • Scissors.

How to make an origami butterfly?

To work, you need a piece of square-shaped paper. Choose the size yourself, depending on what size you need a butterfly.

On this square, you need to make 4 folds, from the corners, and from the sides. To do this, fold the paper in half, to begin with, side to side, smooth the fold well.

Straighten the paper, the fold is clearly visible.

Fold in half again, but already folding the other two sides together. You will get two cross folds.

Direct the two side folds inward, as shown in the photo.

Press down on the paper. It looks like a triangle.

Now fold the corner of the triangle up on one side, aligning it with the middle fold line and bringing it to the top corner.

Then fold the second corner.

Turn the part over to the other side, for convenience, place the wide side up.

Point one bottom corner up.

Moreover, in such a way that it is higher than the upper wide side of the triangle. How to pull it up. As a result of these actions, the corner will slightly pull the bottom side along with it, which is what we need.

Bend the corner over the top side and press well.

The butterfly is already ready, only it needs to be given the desired bend. To do this, in the place where the corner is tucked into the straight side, squeeze the fold with your fingers, directing it a little inward. Do not be afraid to squeeze well in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fold of the corner, and at the same time the entire fold. This will only strengthen the butterfly, lift its wings.

Turn over, and the DIY origami butterfly is completely ready.

These can be butterflies from different colors of paper. From them you can make a garland, beautiful wall compositions, decorate any items.

Everyone wants simple and not complicated schemes for making origami butterflies. We found an excellent manual on the Internet that will help you assemble a beautiful butterfly that you can stick on a monitor or your favorite book.

And so I present to you an amazing lesson on how to make an origami butterfly. Choose a nice paper color to start with, but practice on the standard white first so you don't ruin your work.

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper and fold it in half along the dotted line.
  2. Lift up the bottom of the sheet.
  3. Flip your work.
  4. Bend, combining the indicated points.
  5. Bend the craft in half.
  6. Bend, grabbing the first part.
  7. Bend the second part away from you.
  8. Bend the corner.
  9. Bend the corner, repeating steps eight and nine on the other side of the work.
  10. Open the figurine.
  11. Bend the corners.
  12. Concave corners separate the wings from the body of a butterfly.

Butterfly Origami Video:

Video tutorial on making a small butterfly from square yellow paper. Perfect for decorating a diary or a chandelier. A wonderful craft will give you a great mood for the whole day.

A beautiful origami paper butterfly that you can assemble in a few minutes. The video shows in detail how to make a butterfly out of colored papers.

By creating beautiful, original and miniature origami butterflies with your own hands, using paper, it is quite possible to brightly and unusually decorate the interior, making it attractive and unique. Photos of origami butterflies can be found on the Internet, actually having an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat should happen in the end.

Step-by-step instructions for origami butterflies will allow you not to miss a single detail, creating a stunning decoration with your own hands. Such decor is famous for the fact that it allows you to incomparably, originally ennoble one or another room, for example, a bedroom, a living room, or a nursery.

It is important to add that paper butterflies can also act as a good gift, while replacing a banal, traditional bow.

Create a miniature paper origami butterfly. What do you need to know?

First of all, you will need to prepare the necessary materials, tools. For example, this includes scissors, a ruler, you will also need colored paper of the shade that you wish, a pencil with an eraser. As you can see, all the necessary tools are at hand.

Now you can cut out a square-shaped base from colored paper. The schemes for correct folding, which you will learn about, will help you to complete such stages of work without any problems, because you will need to fold the leaf into a triangle, which is done without any problems.

The resulting line must be carefully ironed, after which the workpiece can be laid out, straightening the fold line.

You can see detailed instructions on how to make a butterfly on the net by watching videos to understand how to perform this and other stages of work. The first fold line is mandatory, it must always be in the center of the structure.

At the moment when you need to fold the top corners up, remember that they must close. After these steps, the design is turned over and the fold line is marked, you can bend the corner.

At the moment when you actually begin to turn the butterfly over, you can see how ready-made wings appeared. This is the origami butterfly with a description for beginners, in order to understand the essence of the work, you can also watch videos that will clearly demonstrate the creation of such a composition.

By completing all of the above steps, you can enjoy the fact that your butterfly is almost ready, it remains to perform only minor manipulations, after which you can enjoy the original butterfly, which will decorate the interior design of any room and a gift.

At this stage, it is necessary to carefully twist the tips of the butterfly's wings, try to perform such actions carefully so as not to spoil the composition as a whole.

It may surprise you, but the paper butterfly is ready. As you yourself could see, there is nothing complicated in its creation, which means that with a little effort, you can always make it without unnecessary problems and difficulties. A master class on how to make an origami butterfly will definitely help you realize such ideas.

One cannot but add that in reality the steps for creating a butterfly are simple, they are easy to remember, which means that a second butterfly, if desired, can be created without instructions at all. This will lead to the fact that you can create the number of crafts that will interest you, thereby beautifully, originally decorating your interior with them.

If you turn on the fantasy, then you will find out that such butterflies look incomparable on the branches of a tree, which means that you can create an even more original and unique design.

As soon as you have prepared the branches, you should place them in the original decorative vase, after which you can attach your tiny and attractive butterflies to them. The resulting composition is really spectacular, which means that with its help it is always possible to decorate one or another corner of the house.

You can always experiment, for example, by painting plain butterfly wings with acrylic paints, naturally their appearance will be even brighter, richer and more attractive.

Observing all these rules, creating a butterfly is not difficult.

Photo of origami butterflies