How to reduce the nose with makeup: little tricks to achieve results. How to visually reduce the nose: all methods of visual correction

Many women are meticulous about their appearance, and most of all they are not satisfied with their own nose.

If we are talking about objective shortcomings, you can try to hide them. How to reduce the nose with makeup and is it possible to do it yourself, at home, without resorting to the help of a beautician?

What means and tools to use?

There are laws of optics, according to which the location of a light object seems closer to a person, the object itself is larger than it actually is, but a dark one, on the contrary, seems to be located further and is smaller, although this is not so.

Makeup artists know this and use this knowledge to their advantage. With the help of light shades, they visually change the lines of the face, make them more refined, while dark shades allow you to darken and hide unwanted areas.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve the desired effect without the use of suitable creams, other cosmetics and, of course, tools. The most basic, perhaps, is a sponge or brush, highlighter and corrector. Depending on what type of correction you choose, the optimal products are also selected.

When starting makeup, they start with oily correction, using cosmetics that have an oily, softer structure. For example, a bold corrector is suitable.

It is most convenient to apply such products with dense brushes with artificial bristles or with an ordinary sponge made of foam rubber. However, application with fingertips is also allowed. The bold type of correction is considered persistent, but for a hot summer it is better not to choose it.

After applying the foundation and powder, at any time, you can perform a dry correction. For this type of correction, highlighters or shades of light shades are suitable, in some cases blush, etc. They should be applied with soft brushes of suitable diameter.

As for the dry type, such a correction is often used to complete the makeup, but you need to carefully blend everything, otherwise the makeup will be very noticeable.

If you've ever seen theater performers, you know how unnatural the make-up looks on their faces. From a distance, it gives a perfect look to the face, although close up it is clear that such a make-up consists of their too hard spots and lines.

It is important to remember this when trying to mask and reduce your own nose, try to shade each stroke well, smoothly move from one tone to another.

In order for the makeup to look natural, it is better to apply cosmetics while in a well-lit room (preferably natural lighting).

Reducing the nose with makeup

The rules described below are valid for both types of correction. You can even combine them if you like. How to visually reduce the nose?

Now you know how to make your nose smaller without resorting to surgery, but just with the help of makeup.

A small and, at the same time, the most noticeable part of the face that grows throughout life is the nose.

Women are usually unhappy with its shape or size, trying to fix them by any available means.

The best correction option is rhinoplasty, but if it is not possible to do it, you can try several ways to reduce your nose at home. When choosing a technology, it is important to soberly assess the situation and not become a victim of fraud.

Is it possible to significantly reduce the nose at home?

Only 2 methods are known, the use of which should help in correcting the size and shape of the nose - the use of a corrector (Rinocorrect, NoseUp) and the implementation of special exercises (face-building).

The first option is to attach a plastic clip to the nose and wear it daily for only 2-3 hours. Sellers of such devices promise women an effect commensurate with the results of plastic surgery. It includes reducing the length and width of the nose, even getting rid of its curvature and hump.

In fact, the clamps described are completely useless. The nose is a bone-cartilaginous structure, it cannot be changed by short-term pressure. Correction requires a long and constant impact. For example, to correct the spinal column, it is necessary to wear a special corset for several months in a row without removing it.

Also, do not naively trust the numerous rave reviews about plastic proofreaders, including the opinions of "honest specialists", and "before and after" photos. These images are simply copied from the websites of advanced plastic surgery clinics and are confirmation of the effect of rhinoplasty, and not wearing a plastic "clothespin".

Facebook building, in fact, is the only way to fix the nose without surgery. Exercises are aimed at strengthening the small muscles located near the nostrils.

It is important to remember that gymnastics is also not a magical technique, it helps to correct only some defects:

  • a long nose;
  • overhanging tip;
  • wide nose;
  • large nostrils.

The curvature and the presence of a hump cannot be eliminated; only a qualified surgeon will help with this.

Performing exercises will make imperfections less noticeable, and the nose will become visually more accurate. However, do not forget that Facebook building should be done regularly and constantly. As soon as the gymnastics stops, all defects will gradually return.
How can I reduce and lift the tip of the nose at home?

The best exercises that promote quick and correct correction of the length of the nose are developed by Carol Maggio. This facebuilding helps to slightly raise the tip and improve its appearance, make it neater and shorter.

Here is how you can reduce an overly long nose at home:

1. Grasp the nostrils with two fingers of the right hand (thumb and forefinger) and pinch them well. Place the pad of the index finger of the left hand on the tip of the nose and lift it up. As a result, the upper lip will also rise.

2. Keeping the fingers in the described position, tighten the upper lip and lower it, resisting the muscles of the nose.

The exercise should be repeated 40 times every day.

How to reduce large wings of the nose at home?

To make the nostrils more accurate, and the entire nose - graceful and less wide, a special massage from Carol Maggio's Facebook building course helps. It must be done daily, preferably in a relaxed state, for example, in the evening.

Here is how to reduce the width of the nose at home:

1. Place the thumb and index finger on the nose in the same way as in the previous exercise.

2. Without opening your fingers, drive them along the nose, as if slowly rubbing it.

Repeat 45 times up and down.

Expressed results will appear after 2-3 months of regular Facebook building.

You rarely meet a person who would be absolutely satisfied with the shape of his nose. Every second wants to change their own appearance, and especially - to correct the nose. So rhinoplasty (surgical modification) is one of the most popular surgeries in the world.

How to make the nose smaller?

There are several ways to correct the shape of the nose. It all depends on which one you choose. You can change the nose visually with the help of makeup or by non-surgical and surgical correction. If you do not know whether you need to decide on an operation, you can first ask how much a nose job costs, what are the indications for it, and what is the duration of the rehabilitation period.

How necessary and is it necessary to perform surgery or can you do without it? With such a question, it is best to contact a specialist surgeon who will tell you all the pros and cons of plastic surgery and help with useful tips. For example, if nose correction is necessary to eliminate the consequences of injuries and burns, you will probably have to resort to surgical intervention. But in any case, you can always use makeup: although it is not for long, it will still help you make your nose the way you want it to be.

How to make your nose smaller with contouring

One of the greatest female tricks is makeup. With it, you can hide the flaws of the face and emphasize the dignity. So, if you have a wide nose, a wide face, then makeup will easily help you fix it.

So, in order to reduce the nose with a make-up, we need three shades of tonal foundation:

  • one - matches your complexion,
  • the other is darker in tone,
  • the third is a tone lighter than your tone.

Concealers are often used instead of foundation. They are denser in nature, and they are much more convenient to use due to the higher efficiency of masking properties. Would you like to learn how to correct a wide or hooked nose? We will tell you about it.

How to fix a wide nose

If you have a nose of this shape, know that this is far from a sentence. A wide nose in girls is quite common, and you can fix it with makeup in one go. We draw a thin line from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose with the lightest foundation, and darken the wings of the nose with the darkest shade.

How to fix a long nose

Do you think your nose is too long? Apply a foundation that matches your tone on its surface, a little light on the bridge of the nose, and a dark one on the tip of the nose. So you visually shorten it.

How to visually make the nose smaller

If the nose looks big, then how to make the nose smaller? Apply a darker tone all over your nose. It is very important that there is no visible line of transition from a dark shade to your natural tone. This can be done with a damp washcloth by removing excess foundation.

Instead of foundation, you can use blush bronze or orange shades, but not pink. With blush, the main thing is not to overdo it: they need to be applied in a small amount, blending well. Otherwise, a large, wide nose can only be visually enlarged.

Rules for nose correction from makeup artists

When the brush is in the hands of an experienced makeup artist, it can work wonders. All that is required to visually reduce the nose is a palette with correctors and a highlighter. The main rule of the makeup artist: dark powder should be on those places that you want to reduce, and highlighter on those that you want to make a little convex (most often this is the area above the cheekbones, upper lip).

Don't ignore other details: the shape of the eyebrows also helps to significantly correct the shape of the nose and switch attention. This does not mean that you need to make up your eyebrows so much that only they will attract attention. Indeed, wide eyebrows are very popular now, but they must be neat, then all the accents on the face will be placed correctly.

If you are worried about a wide nose, visually enlarge all other parts of the face, for example, use eyeliner to make the eyes bigger. An important detail in the correction of the shape of the nose is the hairstyle. So, the absence of bangs makes facial features neater, while even bangs do give the face some roughness.

Nose correction without surgery

Sometimes there is a great desire to change the shape of the nose, but do not want to go under the operating knife. Then non-surgical intervention will come to your aid - a method that is popular all over the world.

What is the essence of the method? You are injected with fillers, their volume depends on the location and severity of the case. With the help of an injection, asymmetry is corrected, the corners of the bridge of the nose are smoothed out and the shape of the nose is changed. You should not rely heavily on this method if you need serious intervention, but it is quite possible to fix small flaws. The drug does not dissolve over time, and the result is stored for a long time. Usually, after 2 procedures, a stable change can be observed.

  1. Painlessness.
  2. Instant result.
  3. Absence of scars and traces like edema.
  4. Short rehabilitation period.

For such an operation, it is not necessary to be an adult, it can be performed at any age.

For fillers, a different base can be used: collagen, hyaluronic acid. It is possible to use preparations based on synthetic acids, polycaprolactone and calcium hydroxyapatite or adipose tissue of the patient himself.

The duration of the procedure takes from 15 to 20 minutes. For non-surgical rhinoplasty, only absorbable agents are used, which retain the effect for a relatively long period. Most often, the result is observed within two years.


The shape of the nose can also be changed using a more laborious process, and therefore the cost is corresponding. Fortunately, modern medicine has stepped far ahead: operations are carried out almost without scars, the rehabilitation period is relatively short.

There are two types of rhinoplasty: open and closed. It is the closed one that leaves no traces, since it is performed through the mucous membranes of the nose. After an open type of intervention, at first there is a small visible scar, which gradually completely resolves. Open rhinoplasty is used in cases where surgery is indispensable (for example, after a serious nose injury). An incision is made on the skin part of the nasal septum (the area under the nose). Therefore, even if a scar remains, it is absolutely invisible to others.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, the rehabilitation period is a week or a little more, depending on the degree of complexity. Of course, rhinoplasty has certain contraindications.

  1. Rhinoplasty is performed only from the age of 18.
  2. The optimal age for the operation is 18-40 years.
  3. Operations are not performed for poor blood clotting, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular and systemic diseases (for example, rheumatism), and bronchial asthma.

Cost of rhinoplasty

Surely, everyone who would like to reduce their nose or remove the hump, wondered how much it costs. The cost of this procedure depends on the degree of complexity and can range from 50,000 to 150,000 rubles. We are talking about the correction of the nasal septum. Remove the hump or correct the tip of the nose - from 150,000 rubles, a larger operation (for example, after an injury) can cost you 220,000 rubles or more.

Non-surgical intervention is cheaper (about 40-50 thousand rubles), but again, it all depends on the quality of the fillers, the amount of the drug used and the clinic you go to for services of this nature.

The nose is the most prominent and therefore the most visible part of the face. And since not everyone has it straight and has ideal proportions, every year thousands of women resort to rhinoplasty (plastic surgery) in order to achieve ideal contours and sizes.

But why such sacrifices, when it is quite possible to make a beautiful nose even without surgical intervention? It is enough just to pick up cosmetics and learn how to use them correctly. Agree, makeup for a big nose is a much more preferable solution for both the wallet and health. Yes, and making changes (in case of an unforeseen error) is easier.

Therefore, today let's talk about how to reduce the nose with makeup, and give it the desired shape. For convenience, we will consider each "problem" separately. So…

We correct the form and remove the "defects"

In this part, we will talk about how to mask the hump on the nose with makeup, make it less snub-nosed, etc. As you know, its shape is determined by bone and cartilage tissue, the formation of which begins when a person is still in the womb. And therefore, if there is a fracture or congenital excessive curvature, only doctors can really help.

In other cases, the right makeup should be enough. Therefore, before changing the shape of the nose, let's look at what it is. Visually, the prism is closest to the desired contours, the faces of which we will adjust to achieve various effects.

For a better understanding of what has been said, consider how to hide the nose with potatoes using a make-up. This “defect” is expressed in an overly rounded tip and wide wings, which give the image an excessive rusticity and good nature. Therefore, to eliminate it, we need:

  1. Highlight the front with a highlighter.
  2. Darken the sides and wings with a shade that is a couple of shades darker than your natural skin tone.
  3. Carefully blend the transitions, trying to shade the new, even, light line as naturally as possible.

Please note. If your image involves the abundant use of blush, powder or similar products, then (so that the potato nose makeup does not attract undue attention), the choice of corrector must be made based on their color.

If the zone under consideration has the shape of a clearly defined triangle (in which the wings are too wide, and the bridge of the nose, on the contrary, is narrowed), it can also be balanced using a combination of highlights and contours.

To reduce the nose with make-up, its wings are shaded with dark shades. At the same time, a highlight is applied on both sides of the bridge of the nose, allowing for visual expansion. With the help of such simple manipulations, the top and bottom visually reach the required ratio and more harmoniously combine with each other.

But the makeup of the nose with a hump will be performed exactly the opposite. It will be necessary to apply a darker cosmetic product (corrector / dark powder / concealer / shadows) on the front part, and model the wings with a light one. Also, processing other parts of the face will help visually straighten the nose, which will be discussed in more detail in the final part of the article.

Straight and snub noses

If the desire of girls to learn how to make their nose thinner with makeup is understandable, then their other requests are often baffled. So, many owners of the "Greek" nose, which is characterized by directness and a clearly defined bridge of the nose, strive to make it as inconspicuous as possible, and snub-nosed ones - to hide their natural charm under a layer of makeup.

In the first case, the problem is solved quite simply: the correction is made using an ordinary corrective agent (corrector or concealer) of dark shades. It is applied at the base of the nose and carefully shaded. If there is some flattening in the contours, it will be enough to apply a light base along the entire length of the bridge of the nose, and, on the contrary, darken the side faces.

As for the owners of overly snub noses, their make-up will be even simpler than the make-up for a hooked nose. To mask this defect, it will be enough:

  1. Apply a light shade to the front face (to the “knoll”).
  2. Lightly shade the lower part of the front face with blush or dark powder.
  3. At the very edge of the overly upturned tip, put a light dot (using a corrector, light powder or similar cosmetics).

Another option is to apply dark tones to the tip of the nose (in the center) and carefully blend all the borders and transitions. After that, the make-up for the snub nose can also be considered complete.

Good to know! If you are thinking about how to correct the nose with makeup, first of all, you should decide on the type of make-up. For the evening version, the best solution would be to work with two shades, for the daytime - only with highlights. At the same time, all transitions should be as smooth as possible, with which careful shading will do an excellent job.


Today, every fifth girl dreams of learning how to hide a big nose with makeup. Just as in the case of being overweight, dissatisfaction is often caused even by quite normal and, importantly, sizes that are in harmony with other face shapes.

Technically, narrowing the nose with makeup is not difficult. As in most of the described examples, for this you only need tonal means of dark and light shades, as well as a brush with which the final shading will be done.

The makeup itself for a wide nose (or rather, the order of its application) is as follows:

  1. On the side faces and wings of the nose, using a brush with a bevelled edge, a couple of lines of a dark base (be it powder, concealer or something else) are applied.
  2. With a highlighter or other light tool, a highlight is laid on the front face strictly in the center, the width of which should match the width of the desired result. This is what will visually reduce the nose to the desired size.
  3. At the end, you need to make a few light vertical strokes with the brush, which will help to blend the highlight and blur the borders between it and the dark base.

However, not everyone is interested in reducing the nose with makeup. Some ladies, on the contrary, suffer because of its excessive subtlety.

In order to virtually “build up” additional millimeters on the wings and bridge of the nose, a lot of effort will not be required. While makeup for a wide nose involves a combination of two bases, to achieve the opposite effect, only a light powder or corrector is enough. Apply highlights with the selected cosmetic product to the area that you want to expand, and blend. That's all, the desired length is reached.

Good to know! If you want the nose makeup to look as natural as possible, when choosing cosmetics for correction, give up products with glitter, pearlescent and similar effects. The best solution would be powder or foundation with a matte effect.

Adjusting the length

Want to make your nose look shorter? There is nothing easier. As in other cases, you will need no more than three steps:

  1. First, apply the highlighter in a straight line strictly in the center. Its length should correspond to the length of the desired result.
  2. Next, using dark-colored cosmetics, we process the wings and the tip to reduce the long nose.
  3. The last stage is shading.

If you are interested in how to reduce the tip of the nose (and only it), then first try just powdering it. In most cases, getting rid of oily sheen is enough to get the desired result.

However, if this does not help, any dark tinting agent will help, which, as already noted, must be applied to the wings and tip, and then shaded. In this way, you will make the problem area less prominent and noticeable, and the shadow, enhanced by dark tones, will visually eliminate extra millimeters.

But what if you do not need to shorten the nose, but on the contrary, lengthen it? Judging by the popularity of Internet queries, quite a lot of the fair sex is concerned about this issue, and therefore let's consider it. Moreover, there are no secrets or difficulties here.

To achieve a similar effect, the techniques described above must be done in reverse. Where it is written to use a highlight, apply a contour, and where a contour is mentioned, apply a highlight. With such a simple technique, you can achieve the length that suits you without the intervention of doctors and third parties.

I would like to note that makeup for a long nose does not always justify its use. In an effort to reduce the most prominent part of the face, you can introduce severe disharmony into the overall image. For example, to make the already narrow lips thinner or the lower part of the face more massive (compared to the upper one). Therefore, if you still have little experience, applying makeup to reduce the nose for the first time should be under the supervision of an experienced makeup artist.

Good to know! Correction of the nose with makeup should always be done in conjunction with the application of cosmetics of similar shades to other areas of the face. If this is not the case, you risk giving it even more expressiveness, focusing all your attention on the only treated area.

It often happens that disharmony in the overall image is brought not by the nose itself of an “irregular” shape or size, but by the disproportion of individual parts of the face relative to each other.

Photos before and after nose correction with makeup

So, a small chin and a thin upper lip give the lower part of the face excessive refinement (against which the rest of the areas look unreasonably large). And in such a situation it is better to think not about how to make the nose smaller with makeup, but about how to correct this “problem” area. About makeup for different types of faces, as well as how to hide flaws and highlight advantages, we wrote earlier in one of.

We conducted a survey among makeup artists, and this is what we got:

  • Owners of narrow lips can change the nose (or rather its length) by adjusting the shape of the mouth. Add volume to the lips, and the nose will visually become smaller.
  • The thicker and closer to the bridge of the eyebrows will be, the longer the nose will appear. If you need to add / hide a couple of millimeters, this knowledge will be especially useful.
  • For those who want to learn how to make a nose already with makeup, it makes sense to focus on the cheeks and lower eyelids. Make them lighter than the side walls and wings of the nose, and the result will not be long in coming.
  • The bangs do a good job with the visual correction of the hump. Unfortunately, there is no single styling scheme here (because the shape of the face and type are different for all people), so do not be afraid to experiment.
  • But for owners of an overly wide nose, bangs are strictly contraindicated. The more open your face is, the less bulky and massive your nose will look on it.

As you can see, nose correction with makeup is not difficult (and much safer than surgery). With proper skill, it is quite possible to cope with it without outside help. However, before making radical changes, think twice, do you need it? Each of the described “defects” (with the exception of extreme forms) with the right make-up can become a virtue, adding individuality and charm to the image.

So, the hump on the nose in ancient Rome was considered a feature of the goddess, and the snub nose is a great help for those who want to look younger. Moreover, according to surveys, people are much more likely to remember not the shape of the eyes or the color of the lips of the interlocutor, but the shape of his nose. Therefore, is it worth depriving yourself of individuality, adjusting your appearance to the stereotyped frames of beauty (which, in addition, change from year to year).

However, the decision here is up to you. We will only be glad if our advice helped you. Comments on your own achievements are also welcome.

Makeup: how to straighten your nose at home

How to straighten your nose without surgery: exercises

Years leave their mark on the shape of the nose. It becomes longer, wider, the muscles relax, the tip drops. Timely strengthening of facial muscles can slow down this process. These changes can and should be dealt with with the help of simple and effective exercises:

  1. For a long, rounded nose with an inconspicuous hump, the following exercise is useful, which will help shorten the nose a little and hide its uneven line. Squeeze the bridge of the nose with the index and thumb of the right hand. Place the index finger of the left hand on the tip of the nose. Tighten the lower lip and lower it towards the chin. With this movement, the tip of the nose will also spontaneously tighten and fall down.
  2. Hold your nose in this position for a second, then relax. Repeat 40-50 times once a day. The nose, the tip of which deviates, can be aligned using the previous exercise. The only difference is that with the index finger you need to press in the direction opposite to the curvature.

But nothing can be achieved without perseverance.

How to straighten your nose: is it worth going for surgery

Only those people whose nose is severely crooked, interferes with normal breathing, or disfigures the face should go for the operation. In all other cases, this disadvantage can be reconciled.

  • If others think that you have a normal nose, but it does not suit you, this is not a reason to seek surgical intervention.

Sometimes it is enough to turn to a good psychologist to forget about your little flaw. Moreover, maybe this shortcoming is your highlight and feature.

How to straighten your nose with makeup: simple strokes

Facial lines can be corrected with makeup. This will require skill and certain knowledge:

  1. A crooked nose can be made straight by using straight light stripes of shadow on both sides of the nose.
  2. A drop of dark tone on the tip, wings and on the partition between the nostrils will help to shorten the uneven long nose.

All you need for this: powder, shadows, foundation (optional) and two brushes. Lines are drawn with a thin one, shaded with a thick one. The shade of shadows, cream or powder should be a tone or two lighter or darker than your skin, you should not overdo it either. Everything is shown in the video. Dare!