How real ladies act. Real lady: code of manners and style

Any girl, if asked, dreams of a prince on a white horse or. Well, do you yourself, in fact, deserve a prince? If you want men to respect you and treat you like a real lady, start with stare into the mirror. Be realistic.

Any woman can become a real lady who will like the prince if she wants to. But, it is likely that young people will treat you like a beautiful lady, it is worth making small changes in your image.

  1. Stop drinking, smoking and cursing. The maximum amount of alcohol allowed by a lady is 1 glass of champagne, dry (unsweetened) wine or 1 cocktail. It is best to limit yourself to non-alcoholic cocktails, mineral water or juice when meeting and first meeting. This will allow you to maintain control over yourself and the situation.
  2. Do not wear provocative clothes and do not act provocatively. Don't create problems for the people around you. A real lady is always dressed according to the situation, elegant and simple. She won't wear a super mini with cleavage on romantic dinner or first date. If you don’t have knee-length dresses and simple stiletto pumps in your wardrobe, it’s time to get them.
  3. Do not coquettish, do not flirt and do not be capricious. You - adult woman and not small. Talk to a man in the same tone as you would talk to your boss or a job seeker who came to an interview at your company. Emotional immaturity is unattractive to smart men.
  4. Call a spade a spade. Don't talk and don't pretend. If you really like a guy, tell him about it as soon as you are sure that he is. If he bad person- stop talking. Bad people will bring bad events into your life. If he is not very attractive to you physically, also tell him about it as soon as possible: you do not think that you are suitable for each other. If he asks for more specifics about why, say you don't feel "chemistry" or "sparkle". You only make life difficult for yourself if you hide your feelings or pretend. A man is looking for a woman to whom he can entrust his heart. He will not trust a pretender and a deceiver. A real lady does not deceive, but she does not cut the truth in the eyes; she is diplomatic.
  5. Treat everything a man says as the truth- even if you doubt it. People who are constantly suspicious of others usually lie a lot themselves. Until you know for certain that this is a lie, consider it the complete truth. But if you caught a man in a lie once, let him know that one more lie - and your relationship will cease to exist. This is the only way to build trust in a relationship.
  6. If a man has done something for you, do not forget to thank him.. Even if he just passed you a napkin or opened the door. Gratitude for the smallest services is a sign of a real lady. Not necessarily words - a kind look and a smile more precious than words. It is important for a man to know that you do not take his concern for you for granted, that you notice and appreciate her. Then he will take care of you even more.
  7. Treat service personnel with respect- be sure to thank for the services rendered, at least with a nod of the head and a smile. Stop the conversation if the waiter comes up: he is at work, he has a lot to do, let him do his job. It shows respectful attitude to those around you.
  8. Know how to control your emotions. Do not get angry, do not raise your voice or yell, but speak in a calm and controlled tone. Even if the interlocutor raises his voice, real lady will be able to put him in his place and return the conversation to a positive direction. Use the smallest degree of this emotion. If you are shocked, express mild surprise. A real lady is always in a good mood.
  9. Do not allow even the smallest violations of your. If you notice any disrespect or neglect, respond immediately. Sometimes it’s enough just to stop and look at a person like a teacher at school, and if he doesn’t notice this and doesn’t correct, step back a little and go cold and say what exactly you didn’t like and what you would prefer instead. For example, if a man raised his voice: why are you talking to me in that tone? Whatever he says (for example, because you do not understand), just notice, looking into his eyes: if you speak in a raised voice, I will not understand it better. A real lady will never tolerate even the slightest disrespect - she's not used to that.
  10. Do not gossip or judge, do not give unsolicited advice or direction. If you can do something better, do it, don't criticize. If asked for your opinion, be restrained, gentle and fair. Follow the rule: if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything. Trying to be like everyone else is the most big mistake. Be yourself - all other people already exist!
  11. Never rush or be late. Leave 15 minutes early. If you arrive early, go to the toilet, clean yourself up. If this is a first date, text the man that you'll be 5 minutes late, then be exactly 5 minutes late after that. In this case, you don't try too hard, but you still arrive on time and show respect for your partner. If a man is late for more than 5 minutes, call him and find out what's wrong. If he does not answer, send a message that you are in such and such a cafe, have a cup of coffee and then send a message that you are leaving, because you do not know where he is. Sometimes there are circumstances that a young man can forget about a date or mix up the time. This does not mean that he does not care about you and your relationship. But next time, don't forget to tell him jokingly that you owe him - and see how he tries. If he doesn't try hard, he may not really be very interested in a relationship.
  12. Look the interlocutor in the eyes when talking to him- even if it's just a cashier in a supermarket. Treat service personnel as individuals, not service functions. Each of them has a family, friends and acquaintances, dreams and goals in life. We all love our parents and children. The student cashier who serves you can become in a couple of years the manager of the bank where you apply for a loan or even take a major position in the company where you come to work.
  13. Represent yourself as something other than a figure and a pretty face in terms of human and professional qualities . Fat girls tend to be more affable in nature because they have to compensate good character appearance flaws. But you can be (or become) both slim and pleasant. Decide what you want, and start doing it and improve professionally. After 3-5 years, you will be able to make a good career in what you really like to do. If you're doing what you love, you won't have to work anymore in life! It will be a hobby for which you are paid. Start working 1-2 days a week for a charity helping those less fortunate in life. A real lady always tries to really improve the lives of other people.
  14. Look after yourself- personal hygiene, weight, natural-looking hair and make-up, athletic uniform, posture, neat and stylish clothes, which does not have to be expensive, but should fit you well. A real lady is always fit and smiling, it's nice to look at her. Beauty to a large extent is grooming, and not at all genetic data. Elegance is a lifestyle.
  15. Learn how to communicate. Communication is a skill that will come in handy throughout your life. Start talking to female cashiers, waitresses, and other employees. Ask where they are from, if they have a family and children, and when you see them again, take an interest in the affairs of the family and children, how they spent the weekend. If you know how to communicate, you will be able to find friends and respect always and everywhere, and not only among men.

Becoming a real lady is easy. To do this, you just need to be a good man. A real lady is not a shy modest, she is sociable and open, but she knows what she is worth, and she does not need to advertise herself with defiant behavior and clothes.

Aristocratic manners from an early age were instilled in girls from noble families in special schools and gymnasiums, such as the "Institute for Noble Maidens". But even the most impeccable etiquette of a woman does not automatically make her a "lady." worthy woman its appearance inspires respect. And it doesn't matter if blue blood flows in it. A true lady is distinguished among all women by grooming, restraint, observance of moral and ethical standards, and at the same time openness to communication, goodwill and charm, which in no way depend on noble origin or external attractiveness. To become a real lady, you need not only to instill good manners in yourself, but also to adhere to certain guidelines in life.


We are often met by clothes. Acquaintance begins with an assessment of the appearance, a first impression is formed, and then a stable opinion. Clothing and shoes should always be clean, tidy, and appropriate for the occasion. Excessively open neckline or too Short skirt border on vulgarity and accessibility. But the appearance of a woman is not limited to things, even if they are the best brands.

Body culture plays a decisive role in whether others, and above all ourselves, will like us. Well-groomed hair, teeth, nails can tell more about a woman than a demonstration of outfits. Healthy toned body, relaxed calm face without tense folds between the eyebrows, smooth graceful movements look incredibly attractive.

Go in for sports, fully relax, eat right, do not abuse bad habits- the basic postulates of a real lady.

Good health is the most best brand, which not only paints a woman at any age, but also makes it possible to fully enjoy life. healthy well-groomed woman at any age, it will take a minimum of effort to emphasize your best features with the help of neat makeup close to natural appearance. Self-confident, with a friendly smile on her face, she will look elegant in any clothes. A drop of unobtrusive fragrance and discreet accessories will only emphasize the sophistication of nature, give the image a mysterious charm.

The ability to say hello

Every meeting starts with . The first word spoken can set the tone for the entire conversation, and sometimes start a chain of further life events. That is why self-control is so valued both in high society and in business. Words can destroy everything or, conversely, revive. No less important in communication are non-verbal manifestations: intonation, facial expression, body position.

Courtesy is calling card real lady. A friendly intonation and a friendly half-smile are an integral part of the rules of etiquette for women. Greetings must be pronounced clearly, looking openly into the face of the interlocutor. Reciprocal trust relationship causes an appeal to the interlocutor by name or by name patronymic.

There are common rules of behavior that need to be worked out to automatism. A real woman will never think about who greets you first. She clearly knows:

  • the man is the first to greet the woman or women;
  • the youngest in age or rank is the first to greet the elder;
  • a latecomer greets those waiting;
  • entering the room greets those present;
  • walking along the street or along the corridor greets those who stand in his way;
  • who joined the feast greets everyone at once, and then separately with the neighbors on the table.

In the business world, a greeting is always accompanied by a handshake. But a woman who knows her own worth knows perfectly well that the right handshake will only confirm her in the status of a lady. She will not fawn and become like men. According to etiquette, the woman is the first to extend her hand and decide for herself who to give it to. In this case, you can not remove the glove, an exception here is made only for very elderly men. If a man is the first to extend his hand to a woman, this indicates extreme tactlessness. In all cases, a woman can simply nod her head. And only the closest people will kiss when meeting a real lady.

Ability to be decent

Impeccable manners, grace in movements and gestures, facial expressions emphasize self-confidence and mastery of the rules of etiquette. A decent woman always remains on top, even when no one sees her. To learn such self-control, psychologists advise you to play an actress and imagine that the video camera is constantly on. Or the queen, who is always looked at and admired.

Very often we find ourselves in unpredictable situations when we risk humiliating ourselves with an ill-considered reaction. Slippery jokes, obscene gestures, looks - the environment is not for a lady. Therefore, you need to clearly define for yourself the boundaries of what is permitted and strictly adhere to the line of behavior inherent in a worthy woman.

This does not mean being a hypocrite and a bore. You need to be able to beautifully besiege the boor and demonstrate rejection of indecent behavior, but at the same time be open and sincere yourself. Good feeling humor is a win-win weapon in any situation. And the ability to listen and yield are invaluable qualities of a woman, for the sake of which any man will be ready to grab the sword.

Correct posture

A straight back, neck and head held high indicate openness and self-esteem. Similarly, and vice versa, just by straightening your back, you can give self-confidence. If you're unlucky with your posture, it's time to do the simplest exercises: a stand against a wall, squats with a book on your head, or magic Japanese gymnastics with a towel. And more often imagine the crown on your head - the more evenly it stays there, the more attractive we look. A true lady never loses her posture, because a straight back is a sign of aristocracy.

Correctly stand

It is not good for a real lady to prop up a wall or shift from foot to foot. Good manners also forbid crossing legs or arms. It is allowed in a standing position to keep the legs in the third position, putting one foot slightly forward. A woman is categorically not advised to imitate a man and keep her hands in her pockets. Even a teenage girl in this position will look like a tomboy. You should also not wave your arms and gesticulate strenuously. The closer the arms and elbows are to the body, the more graceful the woman's posture looks.

walk correctly

Gait real woman exudes confidence. Sometimes they say: "it goes like a swan swims." This is the secret of attraction. The head should be kept straight, the chin slightly raised, you should not look at your feet. Etiquette true lady orders to go slowly, not bouncing at every step. You can imagine a straight line in front of you and put your foot closer to it.

Although there is a cult in society model appearance, you should not imitate their gait, which looks deliberately artificial. Good manners prescribe not to shuffle or tap your heels too loudly. The leg should be carried forward from the hip, stepping with the whole foot, without wagging the hips too much. Movements while walking should look graceful and give the impression of lightness, soaring.

Correctly sit

To sit beautifully according to etiquette is a real art, which is acquired by hard work on oneself. After all, we often forget and do not control all our movements and postures when we are busy or carried away by a conversation. Therefore, the ability to sit correctly and change posture must be brought into habit. Then elegance will become a natural behavior and will avoid funny or unpleasant moments.

Women's etiquette categorically rejects the cross-legged pose. Most women find it very comfortable, and yet it is in bad taste. male habit cross-legging arose, in all likelihood, when women began to wear trousers en masse. But a real lady sits with her legs brought together, her knees tilted slightly to the side. Both feet are on the floor. The most you can do to change your posture is to cross your legs at the ankles. Hands lie freely and relaxed on your knees, shoulders slightly lowered, back straight.

Calmness and balance

Women have a natural emotionality, which, among other qualities, attracts men so much. But emotions must be manifested correctly and dosed. Too violent manifestation of joyful feelings looks like a cheap performance. Such a woman may well be considered stupid. In the same way, in the heat of anger, a woman should not rush into battle with others, sinking to the level of a market trader.

A decent woman will behave with restraint in any situation. She is tolerant of other people's mistakes and does not interfere in conflicts, leaving the natural course of events to resolve the problem. A true lady will never complain about life. If she has any difficulties, she can only tell her closest friend about it. And she herself has the most valuable gift - the ability to listen.

Restraint in expressing emotions, minimal gestures, modesty and tact are the main distinctive features real woman.

Grammatically correct speech

A woman who knows her worth does not limit her interests to watching primitive serials or reading women's novels. She has rich inner world, she is well-read, has a fairly wide vocabulary and can easily keep up a conversation on any topic. She is watching breaking news, but will not get involved in a debate on politics or religion, even if she has her own opinion on these issues. She will try to keep the conversation positive and will never gossip about anyone behind his back.

The intellectual level of a person is seen by his vocabulary. A variety of adjectives makes speech rich and boring. Thanks to her education and sense of tact, a true lady will be able to maintain a secular conversation “about nothing”, answer a joke with a joke, bypass ambiguous phrases, politely transferring the conversation to another plane, show interest or interest the interlocutor herself. Art is one of the basic skills that a modern independent woman should have.

Punctuality and courtesy

Punctuality is an integral part of the rules of etiquette for a woman. At home, in front of her loved ones, a woman can still show off and allow herself some weaknesses. In the business and cultural sphere, it is unacceptable to be late, showing disrespect for partners, colleagues, friends. Politeness is highly valued both in the work team and in other areas of life. A self-respecting woman will also respect others. If you happen to be late, she will definitely warn you by phone and apologize in advance for being late. The organization of a woman, the ability to complete tasks on time, increases her rating in the business sphere and contributes to career growth.

They say that to change your life, you just need to start doing something new. To become a real lady, you need to analyze your habits, manners, skills and abilities, and determine what you like or dislike in your own life. It is never too late to start changing something, the main thing is to take the first step in the right direction.

Why not well-mannered person different from the well-bred? Audrey Hepburn, movie legend and model lady, argued that a well-mannered person would never cause inconvenience to others. The ability to restrain oneself and not be led by one's desires and instincts is the main difference between a Neanderthal and an aristocrat, the actress claimed.

In aristocratic circles, etiquette was taught from childhood, but the development of the market has made the elite much more diverse than centuries ago, and the rules of etiquette have ceased to be the prerogative of the elite. Today, many of the ancient rules have been abolished as unnecessary, and new ones that are relevant to our reality have taken their place. For example, do you know what to put mobile phone next to you in a restaurant - is this officially recognized bad manners? (Which, what is already there, almost all of us have).

“By whom is this officially recognized?” the persevering reader will ask. London School of EtiquetteLondon School of Etiquette), last bastion and guardian good manners in our chaotic world.

Do you want to know what other rules of etiquette should be observed in a decent society? Here's a list from the LSE.

1. Never start eating until everyone at the table has been served.

Well, or until the hostess puts the last portion and sits down at the table. Leaning on your portion without waiting for the rest is a sign of bad education. In exceptional cases, you can start eating if the hostess or someone who is waiting for their dish asks you to do so (sometimes different dishes require different cooking times, and while your neighbor is waiting for his order, your dish will already cool down).

2. There should not be anything on the table that is not related to food.

Sunglasses, phone, keys, handbags, etc. must be cleared from the table at the moment when plates of food are placed in front of you.

3. Sending messages or checking your phone at the table is not accepted.

If you are waiting for an important call, or have to send a message, then excuse yourself, go to another room, to the veranda or to the toilet, and only then take your phone out of your purse or pocket.

4. Instead of “I don’t drink,” say “thank you, not today.”

A very nice rule of etiquette - it turns out that people who categorically state that they are against alcohol can offend or injure those who are even very much in favor of it. It turns out it seems like opposing oneself to those who are not averse to drinking a glass of wine and have already tuned in to it, and you spoil their whole mood with your manifesto. However, according to LSE experts, if you slightly change the wording, then your refusal will be taken quite calmly. You never know why today you refuse a glass of wine? In a decent society, no one will focus on this.

5. Always warn the interlocutor that you turn on the speakerphone

If you make a call and want to turn on the speakerphone, be sure to warn your interlocutor about this so that he does not end up in a stupid situation by accidentally saying something that is intended only for your ears.

6. The door is opened by the one who is closer to it

Hooray, women won the right to independently open the door in front of them, without waiting for a man to arrive in time. If a couple approaches the door together, then it is no longer necessary to wait for the man to open the door and hold it; this rule of etiquette has gone along with the era of stiff gentlemen and helpless ladies, tied with corsets.

7. In the office, it is indecent to heat up or eat food that smells strongly.

Especially if you eat at your desk. In spaces and common areas, etiquette forbids the use of strong fragrances or the presence of anything whose smell might disturb others. If you've ever sat at your desk and annoyed trying to figure out who was reheating fish in the office microwave again, then you know what I'm talking about.

8. They always leave the elevator and the room first, and only then they enter

In other words, there is no need to break into a store, an elevator, a subway car, or another room until those who want to get out get out of it. If it were possible to instill this rule of etiquette in the school of compulsory injections ...

9. Do not send empty messages and letters

No need to fill the mailbox with letters that contain one word “thank you” or a smiley - it’s better to write “thank you in advance” in the first letter of appeal, and not take time from your interlocutor (and do not litter his mailbox) with meaningless messages, this is required modern rules etiquette.

10. Don't Send Work Emails and Messages During Non-Working Hours

In 99 cases out of 100 things can wait until tomorrow, pulling a colleague, partner or employee out of his personal or family affairs is a sign of your bad parenting.

11. Blot Your Lipstick Before Drinking

Lipstick marks on a glass of wine or glass were considered bad manners in the days of Audrey Hepburn, and continue to be so today. If you have made up lips, then blot them with a napkin before drinking, put the napkin in your purse, and after dinner, apply lipstick again.

12. Don't reach across the table

If a dish of bread or salad is out of the distance outstretched hand, then ask the one who sits closest to you to pass it. Before putting food in for yourself, ask the person sitting to your right and left if they want to too. And if so, then serve them first, and only then put the food on your plate.

13. Shared dishes are always passed counterclockwise.

If a side dish or salad is served on a large dish, and everyone puts it on their own plate, then you should take this dish from the neighbor on the left, and then pass it on to the neighbor on the right. However, LSE experts note that if one of the guests does not know this rule and initially sets the wrong direction (clockwise, not counterclockwise), then you should not draw attention to this so as not to put him in an awkward position.

14. When you introduce someone, the older person is always introduced first.

If you introduce a friend to dad, then it would be correct like this: “get acquainted, Ivan Ivanovich, my father, and this is Sergey, my friend.” In the case of a business acquaintance, the one who is higher in status is introduced first, this is required by the rules of etiquette.

15. In the office, hospital, or institutions, always set your phone to vibrate.

And if you need to talk, then go outside the common room so as not to disturb others. In a theater or cinema, the phone must be put in airplane mode, so as not only not to disturb other viewers with vibration and ringing, but also not to distract the artists with the light of the active screen.

16. If you are sick, stay at home.

Coming to work with an active cold and infecting other colleagues is very bad manners.

17. Don't let your guests drive drunk

Unofficial rules of etiquette say that you, as the hostess, are responsible for the state in which guests leave your house. If you see that one of the guests is not quite adequate, call a taxi and make sure that he does not drive.

18. If you invite guests to your place, always ask if they can take someone else with them.

To avoid later an ugly situation when one of the invitees comes with a couple that you did not expect, or with children that you are not ready to accept, and all emotions about this will be reflected on your face.

19. When you talk to someone, take off your sunglasses and headphones.

IN sunglasses you can stay if your interlocutor does not take them off, although this is not very beautiful (but acceptable in some situations). If your interlocutor is not wearing glasses, then it would be correct to take off your glasses during a conversation in order to look into each other's eyes.

20. Don't forget to thank your hosts the day after the party.

Be sure to send a message or letter of thanks for the evening you spent visiting friends or acquaintances. In exceptional cases (for example, if the party was something outstanding), flowers with a thank you card or chocolate can be sent, the LSE clarifies.

21. Never come to visit empty-handed.

Even if the hosts answered “nothing” to the question “what to bring”, bring flowers or a bottle of wine. If the hosts have children, then bring something to them (it is better to check with the hosts in advance whether it is possible to bring sweets to the children, and if not, then do beautiful balls or trinkets).

22. Always check if your interlocutor can talk to you at the moment

It doesn’t matter if you are calling for work or for a personal reason, before starting a conversation, be sure to ask if your interlocutor has time for it.

23. Follow the dress code

Make the difference between how you dress for a party with friends and your workspace. Even if you work in the creative industry, and you don’t have a strict dress code, a bare stomach, an overly open neckline, or translucent fabrics in the workspace are strictly inappropriate.

24. Neatness and attention to one's appearance is a sign of a good upbringing

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on clothes, but attention to your appearance It is a form of courtesy towards others.

25. Breastfeeding and changing diapers - intimate procedures

The LSE puts an end to discussions about what is natural and what is not, and whether a breastfeeding mother has the right to breastfeed her baby anywhere. LSE experts say that breastfeeding in public place it is possible if the mother at the same time covers the child and does not publicly expose her breasts, covering it with a diaper and not embarrassing those around her with the physiological nature of the process, for which not everyone is ready.

The rules of etiquette require changing diapers in rest rooms, and not in front of interlocutors or in the middle of a restaurant. If you are visiting, then you need to ask the hosts where this can be done so as not to disturb others.

26. Always call back the one who initiated the conversation

If during the call the connection was interrupted, then the one who called should call back, and not you - your task is to wait and try not to occupy the line.

27. If you hear an accent from the interlocutor, then do not ask the question “where are you from?”

If you are talking to a foreigner, and this question is acceptable in the context (for example, you are at an international party and everyone is interested in each other where who came from), then this question can be asked. If you are talking to a person in your own language, and you hear that he is a visitor, then do not focus on this, this is a bad form.

28. Don't clutter up your friends' social media feeds with meaningless posts and messages.

These rules of etiquette are very clear. LSE specifically recommends creating two accounts - professional and personal, and making a difference between the content that you post in them. If you use the same profile, and among your friends and subscribers there are both colleagues and close friends, then do not post too personal photos (for example, from the beach) or frankly personal information that your colleagues do not want to know about you .

29. Don't be more late than is allowed

Being late for dates, business meetings or meetings in a restaurant is a bad form. But if you go to visit someone's house, then on the contrary, you should be late for 15 minutes (no more) to give the owners time to finish all the preparations. If you are 15 minutes late for a business meeting, be sure to let us know. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your visit, be sure to notify your hosts of your exact arrival time.

The next time you are going to famously open the door with your foot, uncork a beer bottle with your left eye and swear in colors, think about it: would Carla Bruni do this? Or the Duchess of Cambridge? About what is not yet to face real girl, read below.

Use sex to manipulate a man

Today he was guilty - he took you to McDonald's, and not to Matisse, did not honor your new "bow" with a compliment, accidentally mentioned the name of his ex in a conversation. And in the evening you will punish him severely by refusing to share a bed with him. But after all, sex is not a prize or encouragement, but mutual pleasure. If it’s not so with you, we sympathize - it means that the wrong man is next to you.

be proud that you can't cook

Your culinary incompetence may indicate either that your mother still cooks for you, or that you eat exclusively in restaurants. The second option is no more attractive than the first, believe me.

Take a picture of yourself with your iPhone in the mirror of the toilet

It seems that this has already been written and said hundreds of thousands of times, and toilet photos still continue to flood the open spaces social networks with the power of Niagara Falls.

Hours on social media

Of course, of course, you are on Vkontakte and on Facebook, but you are there - you are only listed, but in general you do not abuse the Internet. But for some reason, constantly online and for some reason your likes are displayed in the news feed of friends with the pulse rate of a patient suffering from severe tachycardia.

Call your loved one a hundred times a day

You're not in control - you're just bored. You're not jealous - you just want to know how he's doing. Twenty times in the last three hours. Save your boyfriend's nerves so that one day they don't burst like the strings of an old guitar.

Read glossy magazines instead of fiction

You can spend the time freed up from many hours of calling your boyfriend to good use - for example, read something that enriches the mind and soul. We are not talking about Cosmopolitan.

Get involved in esotericism

Do you still think that posing as a sorceress is mystically attractive and demonically sexy? We hasten to dissuade you: demonstrating your love for Tarot cards and intoxicating teas from witch hazel and toad legs, you are more like a hereditary witch Tamara from the Poltava outback.

Getting too caught up in fashion brands

If you love Louis Vuitton and Dolce & Gabbana so much, love yourself quietly, but you should not buy whole batches of T-shirts with the name of the adored brand on the chest. It's not fashion at all and it's not trendy at all. Well, how much to learn, well.

abuse cosmetics

Natural beauty has been sung by more than one poet and more than one beauty expert. But you stubbornly spend at least 30 minutes every morning on the artistic drawing of curly arrows and creating rainbow patterns on your eyelids. Remember: what is good for Halloween celebrations is not suitable as a make-up solution for every day. Don't you want to take a nap for half an hour longer than usual?

Abuse causeless tears

You're tired and want to handle. You don't want to decide anything - you want a dress. And in general, you are so sudden and contradictory, you can cry whenever you want. Maybe a couple of times your beloved will press you to his heart and so affectionately drawl say “well, don’t cry, bead.” But sooner or later, these sobs of yours will start to annoy him wildly. You will not have time to come to your senses, as the object of passion hastily self-destructs, leaving you alone to splash in a small puddle of crocodile tears.

Having a sense of style. As a rule, this quality is innate, but it can be brought up. If from childhood you try to give the girl a deep aesthetic education and show an example of real elegance, it is possible to raise a real lady out of it. At the same time, do not forget that style is not only the ability to dress well, but also the ability to surround yourself. beautiful things, radiate a special charm and attract the admiring glances of others.

Second Rule: Great Manners

The lady always carries herself with her usual grace and knows how to behave in any situation. She does not allow herself to relax, even being alone. The easiest way to recognize her is by the way she speaks. Not without reason, in George Bernard Shaw's famous play "Pygmalion", the professor of phonetics Higgins, having decided to make a real lady out of the street flower girl Eliza Doolittle, first of all teaches her impeccable pronunciation.

Third Rule: Education

A lady must be fluent in several foreign languages. It will not be difficult for her to maintain a conversation on any topic. However, she will never stop on the path of self-improvement.

Fourth Rule: Creative Giftedness

Music accompanies a true lady from childhood. She should be able to move beautifully and gracefully, play on musical instrument and not be afraid to sing for your guests. Mandatory for a lady is the ability to dance. It should be rhythmic and graceful, confidently hold during any dance. Once upon a time, a lady had to adequately present herself in society during balls.

Fifth rule: etiquette

And this applies not only to the rules of behavior at the table, but also the ability to behave in society. A lady should be able to adequately receive guests, know what to say and to whom, when to smile, and when to show equanimity.

Sixth rule: diligence

Although today there is an idea of ​​aristocrats as bored loafers, a real lady at all times is a wonderful hostess. She should have the ability to perfectly cook, set the table, manage the household. At modern lady cleanliness and order always reign in the house.

Seventh rule: feeling beautiful

A true lady should be able to grow flowers and make beautiful and exquisite bouquets from them. Flowers accompany her throughout her life, she decorates her house with them. At the same time, it is impossible to see a single wilted bouquet in her house.

Rule Eight: Sewing Skills

Even if a lady buys her outfits from the best stores, she still needs to know how to sew. Such skills will allow her to tastefully compose her wardrobe and always keep it in perfect order.

Ninth rule: physical health

Once upon a time in English high society, a lady had to be able to ride, because she had to participate in the hunt and attend the races. Today, many girls are also fond of equestrian sports, but this skill is no longer required. However, a lady can ride an "iron horse" by learning to drive a car.

Tenth rule: work on yourself

Being a true lady is not an easy art, however, if desired, it can be mastered. For the sake of this, it is worth working hard, because a real lady cannot but arouse universal admiration.

Complexes and internal problems often hinder to reveal their talents and feminine qualities. What to do with it? Exercise with a psychologist, watch a video lesson!