Special detention center for difficult teenagers. Special boarding schools for difficult teenagers: features, program, reviews. Reasons to send a teenager to a boarding school for difficult children

Special schools are not only educational institutions with in-depth study of mathematics or French. It is also essentially a prison boarding school for teenagers under 14 years old. Although legally, of course, special schools do not belong to the penitentiary system, but to the Ministry of Education.

The fact is that teenagers under the age of 14, according to the law, cannot be sent to places of deprivation of liberty. Therefore, for children who have committed crimes, special schools are a kind of colony.

I remember we had a hooligan boy in the 5th grade. He robbed youngsters, often fought, teachers said about him: he would end up in jail. Once in a fight he knocked out another kid's eye. After that, we all heard this harsh word - "special school". That's where our bully was sent.

What is a special school? Officially, this institution is called so - an educational institution of a closed type. That is, in fact, a boarding school. Teenagers of 11-14 years old who have committed criminal acts get there.

Children under the age of 14 in Russia are not subject to criminal prosecution, although legislators have been cherishing the idea of ​​lowering this age for many years, which, in principle, is logical. Crime is getting younger. Now there are both ten-year-old killers and twelve-year-old sexual maniacs. There are many who, after the crimes committed
do not bear any criminal responsibility. Childhood and teenage crime is quite natural - in Russia there are a huge number of homeless children.

Special schools for all juvenile delinquents are sorely lacking. Although it also happens that the special school is filled to half its limit: there are too many escapes. It is not difficult to make a "jerk" from there. I spoke with a convict who was serving a sentence in a juvenile colony, and before that he spent a year and a half in a special school. He said that it was easy to escape from this place and the guys gave a tear every week.

According to the teachers of these closed institutions, many of their "guests" do not know how to read and write at all. Therefore, it is almost impossible to build an educational process with them. According to statistics, 88% of graduates of special schools subsequently end up in prison. I spoke with one of these, Anton V., when he was already in the pre-trial detention center. He landed in a special school at the age of thirteen for domestic murder. Coming out of it, he held out for a year, and then for robbery he landed in the “juvenile” zone. Well, now and at all on the "adult". This is the career ladder. And it all started with a special school. These are really teenage "universities" in front of the zone. And the orders there are appropriate.

In principle, a special school, although it is not an institution related to the prison system, according to a veil, it certainly is. Already there, children receive basic behind-the-barrel knowledge: there is also a common fund, there are their own authorities and “offended”. When at such a tender age something is laid in the head, then this is for life. If everything is fine with the “concepts” in special schools, then everything is very bad with the protection of such institutions. Almost only women work as teachers, and they are not particularly upset about running away - anyway, there are not enough funds for all the children.

Concern about a large number of juvenile delinquents walking free, resulted in the authorities not so long ago in the idea of ​​increasing the number of special schools. Of course, on the one hand, this is correct. But in their current form, special schools and orphanages can injure a child's psyche even more than the street with its cruel laws of survival. In addition to the fact that children from a very early age live according to the laws of the zone, their teachers, “guardians”, sometimes do such atrocities!

Probably, every six months there is this or that scandal around a sadistic teacher who regularly beats, rapes, and tortures children. And in principle, teachers do not show much zeal for their work for ridiculous money. And this work is extremely difficult: difficult children are not sugar. In many correctional colonies, it has now been possible to establish both living conditions and the educational process. Therefore, in the case of special schools, it is worth starting with this. And a simple increase in the number of schools will only establish conveyor deliveries to the zones of young, but already literate in all criminal bells and whistles, criminals.

It may be worth lowering the age of criminal responsibility for juvenile delinquents. After all, the special school gives them a sense of impunity: no matter what you do, even murder, nothing will happen to you. After all, such a feeling of permissiveness remains for life, that's what's scary. In this case, it is appropriate to recall the famous case. It thundered throughout the Soviet Union.

The only case in history when a juvenile murderer was sentenced to death and carried out. This teenager smoked from the age of 4, from the age of 7 he was registered in the children's room of the police, stole, drank. On the day of his fifteenth birthday, Neiland brutally murdered a woman and her two-year-old son. The purpose of the murders is a raid on a wealthy apartment. I got the idea from the Izvestia newspaper, where the adventures of Vladimir Ionesyan, a well-known mugger named Mosgaz, were published in those days. On the corpse of a woman, 17 chopped wounds, 32 bruises and 33 abrasions were later found. To the question of the investigator: why did Neiland need to kill also a two-year-old boy, the killer shrugged: “When the woman screamed, the child woke up and began to cry loudly. I got angry with him and first stunned him, and then hit him on the head with an ax until he stopped talking.

After the murder, Neiland calmly climbed into the refrigerator and had a delicious lunch. And the proceeds from the robbery amounted to only 57 rubles. Arkashka was detained on orientation in Sukhumi. He, despite his minority, was sentenced to death. The world community was indignant: how is it, what kind of morals are in the USSR when psdrostkov are executed ?! But Secretary General Nikita Khrushchev confirmed the verdict by his order.

What are the benefits of homeschooling our children? Does it make sense to transfer a child to family education? Why do high school students choose home schools? Let's analyze all the subtleties of family education. Essence of family education A form of family (or home) education is provided to schoolchildren who, due to various circumstances, are unable to go to an ordinary institution. This preference is stipulated by the educational legislation of our state. Readers should be reminded of the difference between homeschooling and homeschooling. Home-based services are provided to schoolchildren with poor health and the disabled. Home schooling is provided to healthy gifted children who are busy outside of school during the time allotted for lessons. These young people made themselves known in other areas of activity: theater, chess, music and sports. Foreign School Obtaining home education should be of interest to those parents whose children plan to receive a Russian certificate while staying outside our country. Such a school institution can serve as an education center or a school institution within Russia. It can also be a school at the embassy of the Russian Federation in the country of residence abroad. When enrolling children in family schools, parents must provide a variety of certificates: a residence permit, a license to work abroad, and others. Both home and family education are carried out as part of the mandatory certification. Her schedule is discussed with the training center on an individual basis. According to Russian laws, children have the right to study in any form. […]

Studying abroad has many advantages. This is a high level of training of specialists, the use of the latest methods and developments, comfortable learning conditions, internships in the best companies in the world. A diploma from a well-known foreign university is highly rated around the world. However, it is necessary to prepare for admission to foreign universities long before receiving a certificate and passing the exam. Despite the fact that the Russian educational program is very strong, graduates studying only according to it experience difficulties with admission. This is the lack of knowledge of the English language at the proper level, and the fundamental differences in the schemes of education. International private schools in Russia allow you to get a quality education and enter the best universities in the world without any problems. As a rule, training is conducted in them under two programs at once, Russian and foreign. As a result, graduates receive 2 certificates at once, successfully enter the most prestigious universities. We are talking about schools that have licenses and certificates from international and English examination boards. Depending on the specific type of certificate, an international school can only teach English and help prepare for exams, or has the right to conduct tests and administer exams. Some schools use the Russian curriculum, supplemented by subjects from the programs of the University of Cambridge or the International Baccalaureate. Please note that international private schools may use either the English National Curriculum or the International Baccalaureate Curriculum. In the first case, a certificate is issued [...]

If you want your child to grow up as a strong and comprehensively developed personality, with a good upbringing and tempered character, without bad habits, take a closer look at cadet schools. The goal of cadet education is to educate a patriotic, disciplined person. Education in the cadet corps differs significantly from the usual general education. In addition to compulsory subjects, children study military history, the basics of military affairs, and undergo enhanced physical training. The school day here lasts longer, and the teachers do not make any concessions to the children. Another significant difference is the strictest discipline. Pupils wear a special uniform, often walk in formation, salute their seniors in rank. During the holidays, the guys participate in competitions, cultural and sightseeing events. Varieties of cadet schools Cadet corps can supervise the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Security Service and organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In such institutions, military discipline: permanent residence, dismissals strictly on weekends and holidays. The daily routine is carefully planned, the pupils practically do not have free time. It's hard to get here, and it's not easy to study! Therefore, most often here you can meet children who plan to enter the internal affairs bodies or military service in the future. There are also cadet schools established by the Moscow Department of Education. Only children with a Moscow residence permit can enter them. Many of these schools also operate as a boarding school, but it is much easier to get a dismissal here. Terms of admission In […]

The word “school” can evoke a wide variety of associations and feelings in every person. For example, for a parent who will soon be registering a child for first grade, this may be confusion and uncertainty. And for someone who has already raised a teenager whose interest in learning has long subsided, the feeling is even worse. It is not easy for each of these people to find the optimal solution that both the baby will like and satisfy their personal views. But, despite these difficulties, there is a solution - a boarding school. These boarding houses are very popular these days. And among the most diverse parents. And all for what? For the reason that the boarding school embodies those "dreams" that cannot be realized in any public school. Boarding school Among the most obvious advantages of such institutions is the following. First of all, it is the constant control over the children by the school staff, taking an active part in their school life, the absence of the risk of falling into a “bad company”, which can often happen in a regular school. Secondly, the boarding school will take serious care of the child and his leisure. This includes a lot of various excursions, trips, trips to cultural institutions like theaters, as well as sections of music, martial arts, swimming, etc. And the last. In boarding schools, they rely only on the best features that were inherent in educational institutions of pre-revolutionary times. They […]

In the modern world, fluency in English is not a useful addition, but a necessity. This is an opportunity to continue studying at prestigious foreign universities, get a well-paid job, establish business contacts with foreign partners, expand information boundaries and travel around the world without an interpreter. Moreover, it is best to learn foreign languages ​​from an early age. That is why more and more parents are looking at linguistic schools. School with in-depth study of English: features of the curriculum Educational programs of special schools include the study of specialized subjects: the history of Britain, English literature, technical translation, preparation for exams to obtain the Cambridge ESOL certificate. Classes are conducted according to specialized teaching aids. It is obligatory in modern linguistic schools to have a language laboratory - a specially equipped room in which children learn the correct pronunciation. Classes are conducted by qualified teachers who have completed an internship in Britain. Some institutions invite foreign teachers who are native English speakers. Extracurricular activities aimed at deepening in a foreign language is a very important aspect of the curriculum. It is implemented by participating in competitions held in English, visiting English-speaking theater groups and vocal studios. In the summer and between studies, children visit the countries whose language they are learning. What are the schools with in-depth study of English in Moscow At present, there are 111 state gymnasiums and 51 private language schools in Moscow. Most private schools […]

In modern conditions, a person who speaks one language is initially placed in worse conditions than a bilingual, and even more so, a polyglot. Ceteris paribus, his chances of landing a high-paying job are much lower, especially if we are talking about a company that is active in international activities. In general, it is better to keep silent about career prospects: knowledge of languages ​​is, as a rule, necessary for promotion to a high position. List of all bilingual kindergartens in Moscow Bilingual kindergartens initially prepare children for living in a multilingual space. At a tender age, children learn active vocabulary and commonly used grammatical constructions much better than schoolchildren, and even more so adults. In the future, a graduate of an English kindergarten is far ahead of classmates in terms of linguistic achievements. In addition, early learning of foreign languages ​​has a positive effect on the overall development of the child. The Best Bilingual Kindergartens: Their Difference from Ordinary Kindergartens Almost every kindergarten in Moscow, municipal or private, offers foreign language classes to pupils, but this does not make them bilingual. True bilingualism occurs when a child is able to communicate in two languages ​​almost equally, for example, moves from Russian to English fluently, depending on the speech of the interlocutor. A foreign language circle is necessary and useful, but it does not solve the problem of acquiring communication skills in full. Signs of bilingual kindergartens are: the presence of native teachers […]

Yaroslavl investigators continue to work on the case of bullying a schoolgirl. The girl was tortured by 16 people. Two have already received punishments - for a year they will go to special closed schools. The one who is 16 years old will go to court. The rest are still waiting for their fate. But the investigators are determined: they want to get a fair punishment for the rest of the participants in the case and send all those responsible to special institutions.

And what are these closed special schools? Is this a juvenile prison, a rehab facility? Or maybe even a boarding house, where naughty kids learn their wits and several times a day tell psychologists about their problems? And does the specifics of education in special schools differ from ordinary educational institutions?

Can't go over the fence

– The difference is that children in special institutions are limited in their movements. That is, they can go out into the school yard, but outside the territory - no longer. The guys get there by court order. They live and study there. These two guys will go there for a year. Then a special commission, after observing them and talking with teachers, will decide whether the children can go back to their schools,” said Svetlana Morozova, head of the juvenile affairs department in the Yaroslavl region.

Visiting room with parents

The Department of Education clarifies: even for parents, they allocate special days when it will be possible to come to see their child. To do this, allocate a special meeting room. Well, why not a prison? Not yet a prison, but the last step before the educational colony.

Study and work

- Children study according to special curricula with an emphasis on labor education. Each child is looking for an individual approach. There is also an intensive work of educational psychologists. After studying in such places, children, if everything is fine, return to their schools, graduate from them, and can enter universities. That is, there are no barriers to further education. And it seems to be impossible to say that this stain is for life. But, of course, since it is the court that sends children to special schools, there is a record about this in the personal file, the department of education explained.

Memories of former pupils

By the way, there are no closed special schools in the Yaroslavl region. Previously, such a school was in the Tutaevsky district. At first, only girls studied there, since 1994 - boys. Interestingly, pupils and graduates of the school speak very warmly about her.

- In the summer, the school was just a pioneer camp. We went to the fire with the whole school, baked potatoes, sang songs. It was great,” recalls Natalya Chistyakova, a pupil of the school.

- No matter how you look at it, those were good times. Because it was childhood. And because we have never seen anything sweeter than carrots ... - says another former student of the Krasnoborsk school, Olga Vinogradova.

- Then it seemed that we were deprived of freedom, childhood. In fact, they gave it to us. I remember when I was leaving, they couldn’t tear me away from the fence, it was so scary to go home into the unknown,” recalls Natalya Mikhailova.

Yaroslavl schoolgirls will go to other regions

At the end of 2011, the school was completely closed and became a haven for migrants awaiting deportation to their homeland. And this means that two Yaroslavl schoolgirls will go to other regions for a year.

Recall that on August 16, a terrible video appeared on the Web in which schoolchildren mock their peers: they force them to eat dirt and dance naked. Yaroslavl investigators, juvenile affairs officers and the Commissioner for Children's Rights are investigating this case. Yaroslavl residents did not stay away from this story. It became known that several dozen people committed reprisals against one of the schoolgirls who beat the girl. And two other students

If at the word “special school” or “closed schools” you associate exclusively with an educational institution where, say, a foreign language is studied in depth, then you are very lucky. This means that you are not aware that there are others closed schools for difficult teenagers. But even if you managed to raise worthy and trouble-free children, you should be aware of such schools, because those who study in them (or are kept, as they say there), need help. Difficult children and teenagers are not to blame either for being born in marginalized families, or for the fact that they did not want to mess with them in a regular school. Most of these children are victims of the indifference of well-to-do adults who have passed by, pretending that the problem does not concern them.

Who are difficult teenagers and how they become

Difficult children and teenagers are children with deviant behavior. Simply put, difficult - children who commit acts that do not fit into generally accepted ideas about morality and morality. They do not go to school, defiantly ignore the comments of teachers and parents, among them a large percentage of alcoholics, drug addicts and substance abusers, as well as delinquents.

It has been noted that the less stable the economy, the more serious the shocks that the state is experiencing, the more urgent the problem of the so-called difficult teenagers. Everything is explained very simply - the more problems adults have, the less time they spend with children, pay less attention to them. Most pupils of closed schools for difficult teenagers complain about the fact that their parents did not give a damn about them. And you think in vain that only marginal children get into this educational institution with iron bolts and a high fence. There are also those whose parents are well-to-do, respected people. But in the pursuit of well-being, they spent so much energy that they no longer had any opportunity to just talk with their own child. Yes, and what to say to him - well-fed, shod, dressed, everything is there, what is not, then we will buy it. It turned out that not everything can be bought, no matter how trite it sounds. For example, a trusting relationship with a son or daughter is not sold or bought, but carefully built over the years, and at the cost of great mental effort.

Whose problems does the special school solve?

They don’t bring their mothers to these schools by the hand - they bring them here in cars with barred windows. They come here by court order. Well, and other sad signs: a checkpoint, movement around the perimeter, iron discipline.

Of course, there are exemplary-glossy establishments. So, according to the media, a special school for teenagers has opened in Moscow, which, apparently, will become the best in Russia. It is built on a special project. “There will be a pool, greenhouses, greenhouses, gyms, workshops, a stadium and much more. The school will have its own piece of land, surrounded by a fence. In general, bars are not supposed to be installed in the new institution, and even the number of guards will be reduced to the very minimum so that teenagers do not feel like they are in prison. However, none of them will be able to arbitrarily leave the school thanks to modern technical means of security.” Creepy, isn't it?

Of course, in special schools these children are seriously taken care of - they teach general education subjects, try to instill at least some craft skills, socially adapt. Here, as a rule, random people do not work. The teachers of such closed schools for difficult teenagers are high professionals who thoroughly know the methods of working with difficult children. Teaching difficult children is always associated with great difficulties - after all, most of them either did not go to school at all, or got there extremely rarely. It happens that overage students are engaged in the program of elementary grades of ordinary comprehensive schools.

Does such a closed school for difficult teenagers solve their problems? Employees of special schools believe that it is more likely no than yes. After leaving such an institution, children behave decently and do not commit any illegal actions for a month, at most two. And then they again contact the same (or another) company, and again alcohol, drugs, theft. After all, in fact, nothing has changed - the same parents, the same friends. It turns out that, by isolating a teenager, society first of all takes care of itself - out of sight, out of mind. You can’t see them behind high fences - well, okay.

Is there a way out?

How to help a troubled teenager What should society, you and me, do to make such unfortunate children as few as possible? Prevention, and again prevention. Start with yourself. Remember how long ago you had a heart-to-heart talk with your child? They didn’t get into his soul, they didn’t pressure him with moral teachings, but they talked - as with an adult, an equal.

Puberty is the most difficult. But it is difficult, believe me, not only for you and your child, but also for him with himself. Changes that occur at the physical, hormonal levels are inevitably accompanied by changes in character. Try to follow the advice of psychologists. Do not beat around the bush, do not look for tricky "approaches", do not complain that you are not familiar with the methods of working with difficult children. Having chosen a convenient moment, directly say that, they say, you perfectly understand what is happening to him now, that you yourself went through it. And most importantly, let him know that you are not angry with him, but they do not intend to let everyone down, because he is an adult and, therefore, must be responsible for his words and actions. And one more advice of psychologists. Find something for your child to enjoy, download it to the maximum. By the way, teachers and educators of schools for difficult teenagers follow the same path.

Or maybe a cadet?

Recently, in order to help a troubled teenager, open schools for children with deviant behavior have appeared, that is, teenagers go there not by a court decision, but by the direction of the commission on juvenile affairs or at the request of their parents. Education of difficult children here, just like in closed special schools, takes place in parallel with social adaptation, classes with a psychologist.

Well, for parents who do not feel the strength to cope with their children, today there is another opportunity to solve the problem - to entrust their education to teachers of cadet boarding schools.

A cadet school is not a special school at all, and certainly not a prison. Difficult teenagers are not necessarily taught here, although for the most part they are still children from incomplete, socially unprotected or dysfunctional families. In other words, at risk. In cadet schools, the same preventive measures that we spoke about are carried out. Iron discipline reigns here, and the teachers of these schools see the upbringing of real men as their task. But here they do not suppress the personality, but direct the violent energy of adolescents into the right, useful channel for them.

Today in the capital, for example, it is not easy to enter the cadet corps - the competition reaches seven people per place, that is, as it has been from time immemorial, cadet education is becoming an elite one. Of course, children from socially unprotected families have benefits.

Well, discipline, a clear distribution of time, attentive teachers, methods of working with difficult children and adolescents that have been developed over the years - perhaps all this will save a teenager from the street, will not let him turn onto a crooked path. But no teacher can replace mom and dad.

It is known that a society is judged by how children and the elderly live in it. Take a walk in the late afternoon through any sleeping area - if you are not afraid, of course. These and cans of cheap alcohol leading to - someone's children. No matter how they live, it means that not everything is in order with all of us.

It is not customary to talk about this out loud, and boarding schools for difficult teenagers in Moscow usually huddle on the outskirts. These are gloomy gray buildings, more like a prison than a school. Such schools are bypassed, they scare naughty children, and, in general, there is something.

Almost 88% of teenagers, after graduating from boarding school, soon end up in prison. An unhappy prospect?

Many mistakenly believe that difficult teenagers are the children of alcoholics, drug addicts, and other marginals. Separately, there are children from prosperous families, whose parents "missed" their children in pursuit of financial well-being. Few people know that the cause of deviant behavior of adolescents can be hereditary anomalies, birth trauma, intrauterine infection, and many other reasons for which the parents are not guilty or it is too indirect.

Often, a teenager entering puberty exhausts his parents so much that they are ready for anything, even for special. school, just to save the child or take a break from this hell just a little bit. But try to find such an institution. Immediately, accusations of improper upbringing and looking for an easy solution will fall on you. This decision is not simple and sometimes it is the only one for both parents and the child.

Where to send a difficult child?

How can you tell if a child is "difficult"? Problems do not begin at once, but parents try hard not to notice that the child has gone the wrong way. At first, this is a lie, petty theft, school absenteeism and conflict with classmates. Someone says: well, it's okay, we all went through it, and now we grew up as normal people. Maybe so, but if the child does not outgrow, and runaways from home, alcohol, drugs and aggressive behavior begin? The child needs to be saved, and preferably before he is registered as a “difficult child” or sent to a closed boarding school, which looks more like a prison than a school.

Unfortunately, there are not many places where you can send your child for re-education today. First of all, these are cadet schools. As a rule, in such schools there is iron discipline, order, and sometimes, children do improve. But is it really that easy to get into a cadet school? Only healthy children are taken there, without mental problems and behavioral disorders. There is no warden, and it is an open school with regular daytime attendance. Will the child go there or will he again have to be led by the hand and fight with him?

Under what conditions can a child be sent to a boarding school?

If the child is already completely out of control, the parents no longer have a question of how to enroll a child in a boarding school in Moscow.

Children are sent to a boarding school for difficult teenagers by a court decision, and nothing depends on the will of the parents. In such institutions, children get in the event of a crime, and they serve their sentences there, graduating from school along the way.

The only school in Moscow for difficult teenagers is the Chance school. Children who have been convicted, including for murders, study at this school, but, apparently, correction does not happen this way. Orders are built in the school, as in an adult zone with its hierarchy, and no one wants to change anything. Parents are afraid for their children, the Department of Education does not want to wash dirty linen in public, and within the walls of the school, children are forced to survive, as in prison. By default, in Russia there is no problem with children, and parents are to blame for everything.
There are no other boarding schools for troubled teenagers in Moscow.

What kind of children are taken to the boarding school?

To save the child, parents have a long and shameful path, which not many people dare to take. Not everyone can admit that you have not taken place as a parent, and many give up, but the system is built that way. You can't just walk into a boarding school and ask them to take your child for re-education. First you need to go to a psychologist to get his opinion.

The second step is to visit the district education department, which will most likely refer the parents to the juvenile commission. Having endured a lecture from all officials and their contemptuous and condemning views, parents will receive a referral to study at an open or closed boarding school, depending on the behavior of the child.

In fact, there are not so many municipal boarding schools for difficult teenagers in Moscow with accommodation. There are correctional schools, which are of eight types. They bring up children with various physical disabilities, from the visually impaired to the mentally retarded. It's just that a difficult teenager will not be taken to boarding school for children with delayed speech development, or cerebral palsy.

Often parents have to knock on all doors, but receive only fines for dishonest upbringing of a child and condemnation of society.

The only option is to get a referral to a cadet boarding school or sports boarding school. In most cases, boarding schools have a narrow focus. A school with in-depth study of mathematics, Chinese, dancing, sports, but it needs motivated children with certain talents. No one will deal with the child and no one will correct him if he himself does not want it. Even if, by some miracle, a child is placed there, he can always be expelled for violating school rules.

Is it possible to send a child to a boarding school for a while?

It is a difficult decision to send a child to a boarding school temporarily, but it may be the only one. The child needs to be shown what “not a family” is, and during this time the parents can restore their nerves and take a break. Sometimes, after 2–3 weeks, children correct themselves and ask to go home, and they really improve. Having lived for some time without parents, and having learned that no one cares about his tantrums and wishes, like himself, the child begins to appreciate the care and love of his parents. You can also send your child to a boarding school in case of a difficult life situation, when parents cannot take care of him for health reasons or for other reasons.

A child can be placed in a boarding school for a period of 3 months to a year, with permanent residence in a boarding school. Parents can visit the child on weekends, and with good behavior, the pupil can be allowed to go home for holidays or on weekends.

To register a child in a boarding school, without deprivation of parental rights, you should contact the local guardianship and guardianship authorities (CLO) with a written application. A kind of agreement is concluded between the PLO and the parents regarding the visits of the child, the duration of his stay, and other conditions are negotiated. This agreement must be observed in order to be able to pick up your child, without unnecessary paperwork.

Despite the fact that there are practically no municipal boarding schools for difficult teenagers in Moscow with accommodation, there are plenty of private rehabilitation centers. They offer treatment for drug addiction, alcoholism, classes with a psychologist and motivating the child for a normal life. Prices in such centers are different, and not for every wallet.

Of the state institutions, GKU SRC "Altufievo" and GBU SRC "Vozrozhdeniye" can be noted. This is an emergency assistance in case of frequent escapes of the child or his rehabilitation, due to falling into a "bad company" and acquiring bad habits. I’ll make a reservation right away that contacting this center automatically registers the family as “socially disadvantaged”, which does not happen when contacting a private center.

Children are our everything, and excessive parental love sometimes makes it difficult to look at the behavior of your child with a sober look. You can only ignore the misdeeds of your children until a certain time, but during this time, impunity, permissiveness are formed in him, and bad habits are fixed. The sooner the child is pulled out of this state, the easier his rehabilitation will be.

Take care of yourself and your children and do not be afraid of the condemnation of society. Everyone has the right to make a mistake, but you need to correct it in time.