Lady manners. Real lady rules

Any woman, if you ask her, dreams of a prince on a white horse or Captain Gray on a yacht with scarlet sails. Well, do you yourself, in fact, deserve a prince? If you want men to respect you and treat you like a real lady, start by taking a long look in the mirror. Be realistic.

Any woman can become a real lady who will like the prince if she wants to. But, it is likely that men treat you like a beautiful lady, it is worth making small changes in your image and behavior.

Stop drinking, smoking and cursing

The maximum amount of alcohol allowed by a lady is 1 glass of champagne, dry (unsweetened) wine or 1 cocktail. It is best to limit yourself to non-alcoholic cocktails, mineral water or juice when meeting and first meeting. This will allow you to maintain control over yourself and the situation.

Do not wear provocative clothes and do not act provocatively

Don't create problems for the people around you. A real lady is always dressed according to the situation, elegant and simple. She won't wear a super mini with a plunging neckline for a romantic dinner or a first date. If you don’t have knee-length dresses and simple stiletto pumps in your wardrobe, it’s time to get them.

Do not coquettish, do not flirt and do not be capricious

You are a grown woman, not a stupid little girl. Talk to a man in the same tone as you would talk to your boss or a job seeker who came to an interview at your company. Emotional immaturity is unattractive to smart men.

Call a spade a spade

Don't talk and don't pretend. If you really like a guy, tell him about it as soon as you are sure that he is a good person. If he is a bad person, stop talking. Bad people will bring bad events into your life. If he is not very attractive to you physically, also tell him about it as soon as possible: you do not think that you are suitable for each other. If he asks for more specifics about why, say you don't feel "chemistry" or "sparkle". You only make life difficult for yourself if you hide your feelings or pretend. A man is looking for a woman to whom he can entrust his heart. He will not trust a pretender and a deceiver. A real lady does not deceive, but she does not cut the truth in the eyes; she is diplomatic.

Treat everything a man says as the truth

Even if you doubt it. People who are constantly suspicious of others usually lie a lot themselves. Until you know for certain that this is a lie, consider it the complete truth. But if you caught a man in a lie once, let him know that one more lie - and your relationship will cease to exist. This is the only way to build trust in a relationship.

If a man has done something for you, do not forget to thank him.

Even if he just passed you a napkin or opened the door. Gratitude for the smallest services is a sign of a real lady. Not necessarily words - a kind look and a smile are more precious than words. It is important for a man to know that you do not take his concern for you for granted, that you notice and appreciate her. Then he will take care of you even more.

Treat service personnel with respect

Be sure to thank for the services rendered, at least with a nod of the head and a smile. Stop the conversation if the waiter comes up: he is at work, he has a lot to do, let him do his job. This shows respect for others.

Know how to control your emotions

Do not get angry, do not raise your voice or yell, but speak in a calm and controlled tone. Even if the interlocutor raises his voice, a real lady will be able to put him in his place and return the conversation to a positive direction. Use the smallest degree of this emotion. If you are shocked, express mild surprise. A real lady is always in a good mood.

Do not allow even the smallest violations of your personal boundaries

If you notice any disrespect or neglect, respond immediately. Sometimes it’s enough just to stop and look at a person like a teacher at school, and if he doesn’t notice this and doesn’t correct, step back a little and go cold and say what exactly you didn’t like and what you would prefer instead. For example, if a man raised his voice: why are you talking to me in that tone? Whatever he says (for example, because you do not understand), just notice, looking into his eyes: if you speak in a raised voice, I will not understand it better. A real lady will never tolerate even the slightest disrespect - she's not used to that.

Do not gossip or judge, do not give unsolicited advice or direction

If you can do something better, do it, don't criticize. If asked for your opinion, be restrained, gentle and fair. Follow the rule: if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything. Trying to be like everyone else is the biggest mistake. Be yourself - all other people already exist!

Never rush or be late

Leave 15 minutes early. If you arrive early, go to the toilet, clean yourself up. If this is a first date, text the man that you'll be 5 minutes late, then be exactly 5 minutes late after that. In this case, you don't try too hard, but you still arrive on time and show respect for your partner. If a man is late for more than 5 minutes, call him and find out what's wrong. If he does not answer, send a message that you are in such and such a cafe, have a cup of coffee and then send a message that you are leaving, because you do not know where he is. Sometimes there are circumstances that a young man can forget about a date or mix up the time. This does not mean that he does not care about you and your relationship. But next time, don't forget to tell him jokingly that you owe him - and see how he tries. If he doesn't try hard, he may not really be very interested in a relationship.

Even if it's just a cashier at a supermarket. Treat service personnel as individuals, not service functions. Each of them has a family, friends and acquaintances, dreams and goals in life. We all love our parents and children. The student cashier who serves you can become in a couple of years the manager of the bank where you apply for a loan or even take a major position in the company where you come to work.

Be something other than a figure and a pretty face in terms of human and professional qualities

Fat girls usually have a more friendly character, because they have to compensate for the shortcomings of their appearance with a good character. But you can be (or become) both slim and pleasant. Decide what you like to do most in life, and start doing it and improve professionally. After 3-5 years, you will be able to make a good career in what you really like to do. If you're doing what you love, you won't have to work anymore in life! It will be a hobby for which you are paid. Start working 1-2 days a week for a charity helping those less fortunate in life. A real lady always tries to really improve the lives of other people.

Look after yourself

Personal hygiene, weight, natural-looking hair and make-up, athletic uniforms, posture, neat and stylish clothing that doesn't have to be expensive but should fit you well. A real lady is always fit and smiling, it's nice to look at her. Beauty to a large extent is grooming, and not at all genetic data. Elegance is a lifestyle.

Learn to communicate

Communication is a skill that will come in handy throughout your life. Start talking to female cashiers, waitresses, and other employees. Ask where they are from, if they have a family and children, and when you see them again, take an interest in the affairs of the family and children, how they spent the weekend. If you know how to communicate, you will be able to find friends and respect always and everywhere, and not only among men.

Becoming a real lady is easy. To do this, you just need to be a good person. A real lady is not a shy modest, she is sociable and open, but she knows what she is worth, and she does not need to advertise herself with defiant behavior and clothes.

Every girl, at one time or another in her life, discovers in herself a desire, how to become a lady. After all, it is femininity and sophistication that attracts representatives of the strong half of humanity, and not rudeness, impudence and childishness. A girl can remain a real tomboy in her soul, but on the surface a real lady should show perfection, an ephemeral pattern, orderliness and decency. So, here are some ways to turn into a real lady.

1. Dress like a lady

For those who seek to master science, how to become a lady, you must remember the main rule: you need to look like a lady. As you know, they are greeted by clothes, which means that a lady should be dressed according to her created image. Of course, it's not just skirts and dresses. A lady may well wear jeans, trousers, and shorts. However, all this should look very neat and elegant. And, of course, according to the situation. Wrinkled, dirty, sloppy and overly colorful outfits are not an option for a lady. In no case should you wear stretchy sweaters with kangaroo pockets and a hood on the back in public. Femininity here and does not smell.

2. Move like a lady

Has anyone ever seen a princess or a queen or the first lady of a country in a too relaxed pose: with her legs apart, hunched over or stomping like an elephant? Probably not. Ladies always behave with dignity and style. So the second rule how to become a lady is to walk and sit like a lady. The gait should be light and crouching. You should sit with your ankles crossed.

3. Talk like a lady

The female voice is an incredible instrument. It can be used to create or destroy. With the help of the voice, you can speak words of wisdom or weave gossip and intrigue. A woman's voice can be harsh and critical or soft, kind and warm. How to become a lady? Learn to speak correctly. The female voice of a true lady should always be sweet, gentle, and she never screams in public.

4. Check like a lady

Before going outside, a real lady must make sure that she really looks stunning. Therefore, leaving the house is the last time. Not a single hair should stand out from the hairstyle, all clothes should be carefully selected and not stick out where they should not. And then you should put on your most open and sincere smile on your face and - go ahead!

5. Act like a lady

Everyone knows the saying that actions speak louder than words. And it's so true." And, of course, this phrase is directly related to the lady and her behavior. If a lady says one thing and does something completely different, then she is unlikely to be considered a person of honor. Behavior should correspond to words and in no case differ from them.

6. Think like a lady

Of course, everyone knows these girls who dress like real ladies, talk, walk as such, but in the circle of loved ones, and even more so alone, they again turn from princesses into frogs, forgetting about manners and the necessary feminine behavior. Therefore, one should not only work for the public, but also for oneself in the first place. A girl who wants to be a lady must want it with every fiber of her being. Therefore, she should learn to think so.

7. Manners like a lady

Good manners never hurt! And even more so for those who decided to try on the "fate" of the lady. The whole image can be destroyed with just one catastrophic gesture, an indecent anecdote or chewing with an open mouth. This will immediately betray an ill-mannered person.

8. Humble as a lady

The modern world is rapidly transforming, and the times of knights and ladies are graduallygo into oblivion. However, a person is his own master, and therefore he decides his future fate: is it worth it to indulge in all serious, indulging in carnal pleasures, or move away from this in search of true feelings and joys.

9. Smart as a lady

Many people think that a girl who looks elegant, behaves beautifully, actually turns out to be a dummy. And in order to avoid such an erroneous opinion, you need to constantly develop your intellect and be aware of the latest events, forming your own point of view on them.

A true lady is kind. She is attentive to others, thinks about the feelings of other people. Such a woman will never scream, will not quarrel over trifles. She will not be sarcastic and spoil someone's mood. It's comfortable to be around her, it's nice to talk to her.

The lady will not get involved in any intrigues and gossip. Her eyes radiate warmth and kindness. Such from the bottom of her heart seeks to please others. She is equally polite to everyone. A true lady is especially kind to children and animals, she loves to take care of them.

Often such girls are involved in charity work.


A real lady tries to stay optimistic. She believes in the best and is happy with what she has. The lady will not complain, whine and criticize someone. She is mostly in a good mood. If such a woman is not in a good mood, she will not show it to others.

The lady tries to control her own negative emotions and does not break down on others. By this, she proves her respectful attitude towards herself and towards other people.

Self confidence

A lady never doubts her own attractiveness. She loves herself, and the fact that she always looks good is proof of that. This girl appreciates her own dignity and knows how to take compliments properly. Such a woman will not fearfully make excuses in response to praise. She will thank the interlocutor with dignity and a smile.

Thanks to adequate self-esteem, a lady is not afraid to be alone. She is not inclined to suffer from jealousy and torment her partner with suspicions.


Tantrums or stupid whims are not about the lady. She is calm and carries herself with dignity. This lady will not wind herself up, be tormented by doubts or worry about minor things.

The lady will not rush, panic and fuss in vain. There is no nervousness in her actions, she considers her actions.

A real lady is smart and intelligent. She seeks to get a good education or improve her professional level. Such a woman has a lively mind and is interested in what is happening around.

Lady does not stop in self-improvement. She understands that a woman who is not engaged in personal growth does not just stay in place in her development, but takes a step back.

Such a girl is selective in her leisure. It will not be traded for low-grade reading and third-rate talk shows. Lady prefers high-quality literature and intellectual cinema.

The main quality of a lady is that she remains herself. Her behavior and character are not components of some invented image. This is part of her personality, which testifies to the true beauty of her soul.

Who is this lady? In fact, this word means the wife of the lord, that is, the lady is a privileged aristocrat.

In our time, this word refers to women with a certain set of qualities, regardless of whether she is blue-blooded or not. But this is exactly how the rules by which the true lady was determined look like, and which it is absolutely necessary to know the lady of the present time.

1. Style

Style is more than just being good at dressing. It means to have a special taste for life. This is the ability to surround yourself with only elegant things and selected people, the ability to radiate a special charm and attract others to you. And not always being stylish means being fashionable. Today, being stylish means being yourself and not losing your dignity under any circumstances.

2. Manners

Most likely, you are unlikely to call a lady a woman who swears relish and behaves defiantly. A lady is able to show with all her appearance that she appreciates herself and, thus, makes others respect herself. She is graceful, her posture is always straight, never lost in any situation. And because the lady is always on top.

3. Education

A real lady speaks several languages. She is up to date with all the news and will easily support a conversation on any topic. It is not true that a lady's lot is housekeeping. The modern lady is an educated and intellectually developed woman.

She may not have scientific degrees, but be up to date with the latest advances in science. And she never stops on the path of her improvement.

4. Music

Music and dance should accompany the life of a true lady. Since childhood, the future lady has been taught music. She should be able to play musical instruments well and not be afraid to sing a couple of romances to her guests.

If you think that her lack of hearing relieves her of this responsibility, you are mistaken. Hearing develops over time. And even if an elephant stepped on the girl's ear, as she learns, she can begin to hear and feel the music.

5. The ability to dance

A lady should be confident while dancing, be graceful and rhythmic. Ballroom dancing is included in the mandatory program for future ladies.

6. Knowledge of etiquette

This is not only the ability to eat with a knife and fork, but also the knowledge of all the subtleties of behavior at the table and in society.

7. home economics

Cooking, beautifully setting the table, managing the household - all this the lady does to perfection. Cooking is an obligatory part of the educational program for ladies.

8. Floriculture

The ability to grow flowers and arrange bouquets is one of the most important components of the aesthetic development of a lady. This is the ability to see and feel the beautiful, unsurpassed taste and subtlety of perception.

9. The ability to sew

And even if a lady dresses in the best stores and sews at the most famous tailors, she must be able to sew and understand all the intricacies of styles, stitches and fabrics.

10. Horseback riding

The ability to ride, participate in hunting, knowledge of all the intricacies of horse racing allow the lady to feel confident in high society.

As Margaret Thatcher said,

If you have to prove to others that you are a lady, then this is not so.

What separates a real lady from a woman who is just trying to be a lady? Is it possible to be a lady in the modern world in an age of fashion for all-round "freedom"?

To begin with, I would like to assure you that the woman-lady is outside of time and outside of laws and trends. A lady is a woman who will always be in fashion and will always be respected. Proof of this - the French. Most of them know how to behave and present themselves with dignity. And they will rightfully always be considered one of the most beautiful, most refined women in the world.

How to become a lady: the hallmarks of true ladies

So how to become a lady?

A real lady, of course, is distinguished by certain external attributes, such as a presentable appearance and impeccable manners. I also propose to consider the inner qualities of the lady, their views on life and themselves, because this is the basis of their behavior, the basis on which everything external is “strung”, the basis thanks to which the lady is respected, admired and idolized.

So, what do true ladies look like and what is so special about?

Lady always:

  1. Take care of the presentability of their appearance.

No matter where you go, be presentable:

  • dress in decent clean and ironed clothes, put on clean shoes;
  • pay attention to the hairstyle;
  • watch your nails.

Throw away all things with holes (or sew), hooks, arrows, specks. Such things have no place in the wardrobe of a self-respecting woman.

  1. Create a modest elegant image of yourself.

No real lady exposes her body excessively.

  1. They have other attributes of femininity.
  1. Don't leave the best for later.

When thinking about how to become a lady, you must understand that ladies never leave the best wardrobe items, the best accessories, the best cosmetics, etc. lying in their closet in anticipation of special occasions or dates. If you have made a decision to be a lady, to be a worthy woman, then you should treat yourself accordingly. Put on all the best today, and just get rid of everything that does not please and does not make you beautiful.

  1. They choose the best they can afford.

Make daily choices for a better life. It is clear that each of us has certain financial capabilities. Being a lady does not mean having all the most precious things. The most expensive is not always the best. Being a lady means choosing the best within your own limits.

  1. They don't have bad habits.

It's hard to imagine a real lady with a bottle of beer in her hand and cursing, etc.

  1. Show moderation in everything.

In food, in drink. They never impose their society on others, they always feel when it is time to stop the conversation, leave.

  1. Appreciate themselves, know how to outline their own boundaries.

Real ladies are distinguished by a respectful attitude towards themselves. They love themselves, know how to take care of themselves. They know that a woman is by nature divine, and therefore beautiful, which is why ladies know how to accept compliments without hesitation. They know their desires and inner values ​​and are not afraid to say no.

  1. They have feminine traits.

Reflecting on how to become a lady, a woman must certainly pay attention to her inner qualities. A true lady is characterized by measured actions, inner calmness and tranquility, gentleness. Watching women-ladies, you can find that they are almost always satisfied with life. Looking to the future, they know how to be grateful for what they already have today.

  1. They know how to love and care.

A real lady is a woman to the core, which means she knows how to show love and take care of others. As you consider becoming a lady, learn the art of relationship building. Ladies know how to listen to the interlocutor (whether it be a husband, a child or an unfamiliar person), they have the skills of diplomacy.

  1. They do not expose the details of their personal lives to the public.

True ladies do not tell everyone in a row about the difficulties of their family life, about the shortcomings of their husband, problems with children, health, etc. They talk about art, current interesting events, and share positive information.

  1. Polite, have a sense of tact.

They know how and are not afraid to say “Thank you”, “Please”, “Excuse me”, etc. They know when to remain silent.

  1. They don't gossip.

If they talk about someone, then only in a positive way. Even if they think about a person not very well, they do not spread about it.

  1. They have an outlook.

Every lady needs to evolve. Therefore, if you want to become one, read, study art, go to interesting events, travel, etc.


When we talk about a woman-lady, before our eyes there is a picture of a lady dressed to the nines with a good posture and a beautiful walk. However, remember, dear girls, that no external attributes can be more important than our internal content. That is why, wanting to be a lady, develop comprehensively - take care of both your appearance and your inner world.

With warmth in my heart, Polina.