DIY papier mache for beginners. Recipes and step by step photo of papier mache from toilet paper and newspaper. How to make a paper plate in different ways

Papier-mâché is the most unique way to get the chosen shape, thanks to scraps of unnecessary paper. In this instruction, you can learn how such a papier-mâché plate is made. A master class on its manufacture is attached.

Required Components

To make this craft, you need a plate as a base, a newspaper and white thin paper. For work, you need wallpaper glue, flour paste is also suitable. And directly how to make a papier-mâché plate, see the instructions below.

Manufacturing instructions

  • Take a newspaper and make blanks, that is, you need to cut pieces of paper no more than 2x2 cm. You will need a lot of such pieces. It is permissible to make blanks of a smaller size, and it is better not to cut them, but to tear them, so that the edges turn out with fibers. In this case, when pasting the next fragment on the form, the borders will not be so noticeable. The same pieces need to be prepared from tracing paper or white thin paper, but they will need a little less. To make a papier-mâché craft, you need to choose a plate as the basis, because we need to get the shape of the plate. So, take this plate, and put on it a thin layer of any cream or petroleum jelly. This is necessary so that the resulting paper form then easily peels off from the base, that is, the plate.
  • Start gluing the pieces on the plate so that each subsequent piece slightly covers the previous one. All even layers are best pasted over with colored newspaper, and odd layers with white or black paper. Otherwise, due to the diversity of the newspaper, you will not see whether you are gluing a new layer or an old one. According to the rules, you need to apply glue to pieces of paper with a brush, but in practice it is better to pour glue into a saucer, and dip each piece of paper on one side, and glue it to the base, that is, a plate, and be sure to smooth the saucer with your fingers. In exactly the same way, make 8-10 layers and leave it all to dry for about a day. Then continue to work, only with pieces of white paper. Depending on the type of paper used, there may be from 4 to 8 layers of white. If you have concerns that subsequently the plate may break, then in the middle of work we advise you to lay a layer of gauze, it will give the product an additional strength. Next, leave the form to dry also for a day.
  • After all layers of paper are completely dry, carefully remove the form that has turned out from the plate. The side that was adjacent to the plate consists entirely of pieces of newspaper. It should be “hidden”, preferably under white blanks. Now paint the plate to your taste and the craft is ready.

So do-it-yourself papier-mâché is ready. Plate for a long time will please your eyes. Such a papier-mâché plate can decorate absolutely any room.

Maria Savenkova

Photo by Maria Savenkova

Papier-mache is a relatively uncomplicated and affordable technology for making objects of a wide variety of complex and simple shapes. The main effort will have to be expended in order to shred the newspaper, since the pieces should be small in size. And you will also need patience when gluing the prepared pieces, because. there should be no wrinkles or creases.

Papier mache is the perfect option for making crafts or gifts with the kids. You can start with simple objects, such as a plate.

The finished plate can be pasted over with pieces of colored paper in the form of a bright mosaic or decorated in decoupage style.

You can paint the plate with paint. When using ordinary gouache and PVA glue (1: 1), the paint and patterns will not be smeared if further varnishing follows or moisture gets on the product.

We will need:

  • tassel
  • plate


  • toilet paper
  • PVA glue
  • newspapers

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a papier-mâché plate:

Prepare a base plate, the simplest and cheapest toilet paper, water, PVA glue, various types of newspapers, or hygroscopic thin wrapping paper.

Tear toilet paper into small pieces. Moisten the pieces with water and "stick" on a plate on either side.

It is enough to apply 2-3 layers of paper.

Layers of toilet paper should dry completely.

Layers of the newspaper must be applied at least 6-7, the more newspapers are pasted in layers, the thicker the final product will be. So that the layers can be glued evenly, alternate newspapers of different types or use a different type of thin paper. The resulting layers must be properly dried.

Papier-mâché "Plate"

We propose to make a papier-mâché plate at home with the children. It is necessary to paste paper over a plate on one side, which simplifies the manufacture of papier-mâché than in the case of an apple.

To make papier-mâché, you will need a plate, thin paper, water, glue, brushes and paints. The paper must be torn into pieces and lowered into water.

We put layers of pieces of wet paper on a plate. We make several layers. Then glue the pieces of paper layer by layer.

My child and I liked to apply white napkins after thin paper. True, they are more tender and torn. But the surface is more even.

Let the plate dry overnight. When the paper dries, carefully separate our paper plate from the real one and turn it over. It is necessary to strengthen the reverse side of the plate. We apply glue and glue pieces of paper. We glued pieces of napkin. Let the plate dry out.

Choose the color of the paint to taste and paint on one side. Let's dry the plate again.

This master class is dedicated to making a papier-mâché plate with its further decoration with natural materials that can be collected during walks.

What is papier mache? Papier-mâché (French papier m?ch?), Literally - chewed paper), an easily shaped mass obtained from fibrous materials (paper, cardboard, etc.), usually with the addition of adhesives, starch, gypsum, etc. You can make toys, dummies, boxes, vases, etc. from papier-mâché. This work is quite voluminous, since the paper used in the manufacture of the plate requires thorough drying, which can take 2-3 days, but it is quite simple and interesting. And although children from 6 years old can easily cope with this work, they will certainly need the help of their parents.

For work we need:
1. Newspapers;
2. Flat plate;
3. PVA glue;
4. Thick painting brush and ordinary painting brush;
5. Water-based white paint;
6. Gouache paints;
7. Seashells, glass pieces;
8. Semolina;
9. Pumpkin seeds;
10. Simple pencil;
11. Transparent varnish for coating products (optional);
12. Scissors.

We will do the work on making the plate and decorating it in 2 stages.

At the first stage, we will make a papier-mâché plate. To do this, take ordinary newspapers and tear them into small pieces. In a separate bowl, mix PVA glue with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

On the prepared flat plate, first we apply a small layer of water, and then glue the newspaper pieces around the entire perimeter of the plate.

Next, we apply a layer of PVA glue, which is mixed with water, and again glue newspaper pieces on it, smearing them well with a brush with an adhesive mixture so that there are no unnecessary notches and irregularities.

We try to stick paper without going beyond the plate.

We make about 7-9 such layers to make the plate strong.

After finishing work, let our plate dry well, it is better to leave it to dry for a day. When drying the product, in no case do not use a hair dryer and other heating devices, as it can be deformed!

When the plate is completely dry, carefully, using a sharp knife or scissors, separate the resulting newspaper plate from the mold.

If the lower part of the plate turned out to be a little rough when removed, it doesn’t matter, we glue the remaining newspaper pieces in the right places again with the help of a water-adhesive mixture and level them well with a brush. If the sides of the paper plate came out not quite even, then carefully cut them with scissors.

The plate should look like in the photo.

We finish the first stage of work by painting the plate with white water-based paint. Water-based paint is good because it is very thick and paints the product the first time. Gouache paint will also work for this purpose, but it will have to be applied in several layers. We cover the plate with paint first from above and let it dry well, then we cover its lower part.

At the second stage of work, we produce the actual decoration and decoration of the plate. Since we chose a marine theme for decorating the plate, we cover the top of the plate with blue gouache paint.

To make the paint lay more evenly, it is better to paint the plate twice.

As soon as the plate dries out, we take pumpkin seeds and begin to spread the fish out of them in the center. When the fish is laid out, glue each seed to the plate with PVA glue.

After the fish is glued, we decorate it with colored gouache paints, and do not forget to draw an eye with a black felt-tip pen.

The "bottom" of the composition - decorate the bottom of the plate with sand and small shells. To simulate sand at the bottom on a plate, glue semolina: coat the bottom with PVA glue and sprinkle semolina on naked. We are waiting for the glue to dry, and shake off the remnants of the semolina.

Glue shells on the sand.

Seaweeds are carefully drawn with green paint.

With white paint we draw bubbles from the mouth of the fish, and on the sides of the plate we glue the glass pieces collected from the sea. These glasses are good because they are practically safe to work with: the edges of such glasses become smooth and not sharp at all due to the fact that they have been in contact with water for a long time.

Well, the main work on the manufacture of the "Sea Plate" is completed. You can stop there. But, if you want the plate and elements of its decor to get a lacquer shine, then they must be varnished. For this purpose, it is best to use spray varnish, which can be purchased at stores or markets where repair products are sold. Varnishing and drying of the plate must be done in a well-ventilated area, for example, on a balcony, and it is best to entrust this matter to adult family members.

What an elegant plate we got!

I think that it will look very nice in the interior of the kitchen. If you want to hang it on the wall, then there is nothing easier: glue a loop of thick thread or ribbon to the back of the plate so that you can hook the plate on it.

Good luck and creative success!

Irina Demchenko

Papier-mâché is an original technique that is now widely used in schools and kindergartens as a way of needlework. The name comes from French and translates as "crumpled paper". Learning how to create crafts is not at all difficult, since papier-mâché is not a difficult technique. In addition, this method is interesting to many because it does not require spending a lot of money on materials. After all, to make a beautiful piece of furniture, a toy will only need an old newspaper, or toilet paper, glue, paints and fantasy. It is enough to watch the master class once to be convinced of this.

Initially, the papier-mâché technique was used when making dolls with their own hands.

Now this method is widely used for the manufacture:

  • teaching aids;
  • dummies;
  • masks;
  • toys;
  • Theatrical props;
  • Caskets.

Professional craftsmen even make furniture accessories and lighting fixtures from papier-mâché.

For beginners to create crafts, there is one simple rule - show maximum imagination and be patient.

Products are created in three ways. First - the paper is soaked in water, thawed for 1 hour, squeezed out. Any glue is added to it - PVA, carpentry, paste. All ingredients are mixed until smooth. It should have the consistency of sour cream. In some cases, a mixer is used for mixing. From this composition, you can sculpt crafts, create voluminous products, see which, you can, by looking, a master class.

The second method is to stick small pieces of newsprint in several layers to a certain base.

After creating the craft, decoration is carried out with paints, beads, beads, colored paper, varnish.

As a basis for products, you can use everything that comes to hand - balloons, balls, vases, bottles, plates, wire frames.

Papier-mâché: animals

A master class on creating animal figures is offered by many papier-mâché professionals. But, it is not necessary to have an art education. After all, you can conduct a master class at home with a child. Making animals with your own hands using papier-mache technique is not at all difficult.

Giraffe: master class

The frame of the future crafts in the form of a giraffe is made from a rigid wire. Soak toilet paper in warm water. Some even use paper egg cells. After mixing paper with glue, you can start creating a masterpiece with your own hands. An adhesive mixture is applied to the frame, the body of the animal is formed. The technique is similar to modeling with plasticine.

After one part is applied to the wire, you need to let the layer harden. Then apply another layer, forming the tail, ears and muzzle of the giraffe. Let dry. Be sure each layer must be dry, otherwise nothing will work. When the body is ready, you can proceed to decorating. Using gouache, paint the body in yellow, make spots in brown. Eyes and mouth with black marker. After the paint has dried, varnish.

Do-it-yourself sheep

To create a sheep, you will need plastic frames from chocolate eggs, cotton wool, paper, paints, PVA glue. The surface of the frame should be treated with vegetable oil before starting work. This will then help to remove the plastic base without obstacles. The adhesive composition prepared in advance is applied to the halves of the frame, with a layer of about 3-4 mm. After solidification, the base is removed, and the halves are glued together. Accordingly, you need to prepare two blanks: for the body and head.

The legs are made either from paper, by twisting it into a tube, or from a wire, which later needs to be attached to the body and adhesive material applied to each of them. After drying, coat the figure with PVA glue and apply cotton balls on it. The more balls - the more voluminous the sheep will be. Eyes are cut out of paper, ears are formed from cotton wool and glued. You can visually see the process by looking at the master class.

Papier-mâché plate

With the help of papier-mâché, you can make original interior items with your own hands. The master class shows that professionals create plates, paintings, exquisite lamps for the kitchen. Making a plate with your own hands is easy.

This will require:

  1. shallow dish;
  2. Newspapers;
  3. PVA glue;
  4. Food film or adhesive tape;
  5. Paints;
  6. White acrylic paint;
  7. Brushes.

The newspaper should be torn into small pieces, moistened with water. The plate is wrapped with cling film. The first layer of newspaper pieces is applied to the base plate without glue. Subsequent layers must be coated with PVA or paste. The more layers, the craft will be stronger and more durable.

You need to know that every 5-6 layers it is necessary to let the paper dry, while removing air bubbles.

Acrylic paint covers the surface of the plate. In the future, it can be decorated with any color - brown, red, green. Some take napkins with various images as the basis for drawing and glue them to the plate after acrylic coating. When the base color is applied, the edges of the napkin will not be visible.

Papier-mâché: box

A master class from the best craftsmen proves that even a child can make beautiful crafts with his own hands.

To make a box, you need to prepare:

  • Cylinders from scotch cardboard;
  • Scotch tape (can be replaced with masking tape);
  • Glue;
  • Sheets of thick and thin cardboard;
  • Newspaper;
  • Scissors, pencil;
  • Priming material;
  • Lace or braid;
  • Beads, beads, artificial stones;
  • Gouache, brush;
  • Transparent nail polish.

The basis of the box will be cylinders from adhesive tape, respectively used. They can be replaced with cardboard, dense cylinders from photographic paper. Some use ordinary cardboard, smeared with glue and dried.

Depending on the size, you will need 1, 2 or 3 blanks. The more of them, the higher the box will be. The bases of honey must be glued together with glue or masking tape.

An obligatory stage is the manufacture of the bottom for the box. To do this, put the base on a cardboard sheet and circle a circle from the inside with a pencil, which is then cut out and glued to the base with glue. The lid is made in the same way, only the circumference is encircled from the outside + 2-3 mm. The box must have a rim. You can make it out of cardboard. To do this, cut a strip 15 mm wide. Using glue, the side is glued to the base.

Having kneaded the newspapers well, you should tear them into small pieces. Now you can start gluing the base of the box. It is necessary to apply newspaper pieces in such a way that a base without gaps is obtained. The number of layers is 8-9. After every 3 layers, you need to let the craft dry. Rough edges are trimmed with scissors.

The box does not have to have even contours. With the help of an adhesive, it is possible to add flowers, make the box a house, decorating it with a window, bricks and a door, here, as fantasy tells.

Toilet paper is soaked in water, wrung out. PVA glue is also added here. It is better to mix the composition with a mixer until the consistency of sour cream. From this mixture, you can mold any decorative element for a jewelry box from plasticine.

The master class shows that specialists make patterns, ornaments, drawings. Natural elements look very beautiful in the design - spruce twigs, shells, coffee beans and much more. On the lid of the box, you can make a beautiful large flower or pattern from the adhesive mixture. After hardening of all elements, the surface of the box is covered with a primer. In the event that there are roughness or irregularities on the surface or patterns, all flaws are easily removed with sandpaper or a thin file. After priming, white acrylic paint is applied to the entire surface of the box. As soon as it dries, you can pick up the paints and paint the craft. If decor is planned with beads, braid, velvet, all these elements are glued to the box with glue. The final stage is surface treatment with a transparent nail coating. This is done in order to fix the elements of the box and the paint.

Papier-mâché allows you to make crafts on your own, which will become not only excellent decorative elements for different rooms, but also wonderful, memorable gifts.

Papier-mache: vegetables and fruits

After looking once, a master class on making crafts using papier-mâché technique, you can be sure that the procedure, although lengthy, is not at all complicated.

An excellent decor element for the kitchen is a papier-mâché plate with artificial fruits, which are also made using this technique. Optionally, you can create not only fruits, but also vegetables.

Any of the real fruits or vegetables is pasted over with cling film and an adhesive composition (toilet paper, glue) is applied to the surface. After drying, the layer is cut into two parts, the base is removed, and the halves of the craft are glued together with glue. Then the fruit or vegetable is primed, painted with gouache in the appropriate color. After the surface is covered with a fixative - transparent nail polish.

Do-it-yourself papier-mâché for beginners (video)

Thus, it is possible to create artificial vegetables and fruits, animal figurines and other decor as close as possible in form and appearance to natural ones.

Do-it-yourself papier-mâché for beginners (photo)