Are there sexual abuses in women's prisons in Russia? The whole truth about the harsh rules in the colonies. How life works in the women's colony (22 photos)

About it. In the women's prison.

To the colony to meet his wife Sergei is preparing to meet his wife Galina in the colony. He has already purchased everything needed for the 30-kilogram transmission. It remains to buy some sweets for the three-day date - berries, fruits, ice cream.

Sergey has been going to meetings in the colony for the third year already. Three years later, the term of punishment will also end. The sentence that Galina received was nine years in prison. The same amount was received by her first husband, with whom they went through the same case. To date, Galina has served six years. Her first marriage cracked even before her arrest. A couple of years later, when the spouses were already distributed according to different zones, it became clear that they even had nothing to write to each other about.

Sergei is Galinin's second husband. Managed to somehow get to know each other at the stage. The young man then received two years in prison. We started to correspond. If letters go from zone to zone, this is always problematic. But they established a connection through the will. After his release, Sergei came to Galina for short date. Soon signed. The husband tries his best to support his wife, both morally and financially. “When our loved ones behind bars feel that they are needed in freedom, then time in captivity flies much faster,” he says. In turn, Galina writes in almost every letter to her husband how happy she is, because, at last, she understood what it means to live.

For those who are far from prison realities, this short story- allegedly from the series "Santa Barbara". However, everyone who has been in prison will tell you that not so happens in prisons. Although rarely.

As a rule, their mothers come to visit convicted women, less often their fathers. More rarely - spouses, especially with children. According to statistics published a few years ago, the rate of visits by relatives of female prisoners is a maximum of 7-8%, while in male colonies it is 10 times higher.

“Why do they need dates, why?” “If spouses most often wait for their husbands, then men are much less patient,” Sergey says sincerely. “The longer the period, the significantly less chance save the relationship." He explains this by the fact that men cannot live without sex for a long time, and therefore, when a wife is behind bars, most often they get themselves new life partners.

Sergei is convinced that lengthy prison visits should still be much more frequent than once every six months. He also believes that the so-called bachelors should also have the right to a long meeting with loved ones.

Human rights activists refer to the experience of the Swedish penitentiary system, where prisoners, whether married or not, can meet with their loved ones every week in prison. “If we talk about our long dates of up to three days (one, two, three times a year), this is absolutely not enough. There is also the opportunity to meet with their families weekly. To put it bluntly, there is the possibility of some kind of physiological discharge, which is also important. Thus, a person constantly feels a connection with his relatives. In addition, relatives should not think about how and for what to collect another parcel for the inmate. Here in Sweden, where the prisoners are provided with literally everything, there is simply no such problem.” Such a restriction on dating, as well as a forced refusal to have sex at a fertile age, leads to hormonal cycle disorders, affects mental state creates an atmosphere of considerable sexual tension in prisons.

More than half of seated women are seized with lesbian love According to research by psychologists at the Moscow Research Center mental health conducted in the institutions of the Russian prison system, a woman is in prison due to the lack of necessary tactile contacts with close and emotional ties "breaks" even much faster than a man. The psyche of women does not withstand after 2 years of forced separation from home, relatives, family, while for a man this happens after 3-5 years. Often in such conditions, instead of a real feeling, a woman who needs it begins to look for some kind of surrogate for feelings.

According to researchers, forced lesbian love in Russia covers more than half of the women in prison. A similar picture is typical for most women's correctional institutions, explains former convict Maria, who spent two years in a colony.

Maria: “Many people have this kind of connection. Especially among those who repeatedly sit for a long time. Those who have short time, can only slightly taste this kind of love. Some do without sex at all. However, among those seated long terms more than half have such connections. All such relationships arise absolutely voluntarily. Nobody is raping anyone." As Maria says, women's prisons 2 types of such partnerships are common. Maria: “1 are the so-called “halves”, they identify themselves as women and look accordingly feminine. 2nd type of connection - when women perform already masculine and female role. The first of them are very similar to men. When I first saw such a woman in a pre-trial detention center, I thought that some guy was put in the cell by mistake. Such women are called "kobles" or "pickers". Their faces are scarred, their hair is short, their voice is rough. I don't know how it turns out that a woman changes completely. "Kobly" show signs of attention to a certain girl. They have it like a real real married couple. The so-called man will protect his mistress, be jealous of her. Moreover, there are concrete scenes of jealousy, fights and disputes are not uncommon. After being released from prison, the "kobls" sometimes did everything to return back. After all, the so-called wife remained there. So strong love was. If both women are free, then very often they continue to live together in the wild. Sometimes a couple brings up the child of one of them together. It happens that even born in prison.

“Where do children come from?” According to Maria, the demographic problems characteristic of society have not been touched at all. women's zones. Zechki give birth quite often. But where do children come from in the colony, from whom? As Maria says, women get pregnant while still free, just before the pre-trial detention center. Some become pregnant while still in the colony after long visits with their spouses. There are other options. Maria: “Sexual relationships with men also happened in our zone. For example, with civilian workers. When there was construction going on. But it's true similar cases more often thwarted. As a result, those workers were fired, women received various penalties. The very last moment: when a polyclinic was being built under my supervision, the girls were forbidden to even come close to those workers, to put on short skirts and thus provoke men. As far as I know from the girls themselves, they are trying to make contact at the factory with the so-called "chemists". Trying to arrange a call to meet in some back rooms. But in Lately very young and frightened were recruited to the factory, who literally run away from these girls. Previously, as veteran convicts told me, in a separate cell you could meet a male prisoner of $50. Now it is almost impossible - everything is under video surveillance.

Remembering breastfeeding women in prison, Maria says that not all of them are familiar with maternal feelings. The girl believes that most of these convicts give birth to a child for opportunistic reasons, for the sake of various privileges. These are walks without limits on fresh air, improved nutrition - dairy products, more fresh fruits, vegetables. Plus regular health care. This, however, can be said about the zone. It is much more difficult for pregnant women in a pre-trial detention center - they live like everyone else.

Maria: “Besides, some women, like mothers of babies, may even expect to get parole. They receive upon release a certain financial assistance- money, toys, things. Themselves, when they get out of prison, they often just take and leave their children ... More often at railway stations. This happens in the first hours after liberation.”

As Russian experts-psychologists note in their studies, very rare stories prison motherhood have a happy ending. The system itself in the former Soviet republics is built in such a way that there are no conditions for a person who has been released from prison to find at least some place in life. Therefore, usually former convicts, who have developed maternal feelings and who are not going to give their child born in prison to anyone, recall with nostalgia the time they spent with the baby in the colony. Let it be lack of freedom, but in their small family there was everything necessary for existence. There are also houses for the children of convicted mothers in the Russian penitentiary system. They are designed for kids from zero to three years. How expedient is it to keep children from their very birth in a prison "baby house", isn't it better to do it in the same institution at large until the mother comes out of prison?

A well-known journalist who visited female colony a few years ago on the day open doors, noted that the prison house resembles a private kindergarten. The walls of the rooms are painted fairy tale characters, in the rooms - wooden cribs. Eat music hall and playrooms, a children's patio with gazebos, flower beds, a playground with swings. All problem children who have inherited certain diseases from their mothers, and most of them, are under close attention neurologist, pediatrician, nurse, educator. Their health status is slowly recovering. Then the journalist managed to talk with some mothers. One of them, convicted Alla, in a conversation with a colleague, was very worried about how painful it was for her to see her child behind the “thorn”. Alla became pregnant in the colony during a meeting with her husband. At first, he encouraged her very much, wrote, came. And then he disappeared. They say he has a new passion. Not a day, Alla said, she did not leave the thought that her daughter's life begins with the zone. The woman, however, was sure that she would still put her daughter on her feet, give her both upbringing and education. She hoped that she would never have such an experience again in her life. However, she would not hide it from her daughter, she said. I wonder how the fate of this mother and her daughter? And are they together now?

Maria: “Of course, it happens in different ways. There are cases when women in the colony tremble over their children, and then go out and drink all the children's things. After all, if a mother with a child is released from a colony, then they provide the child with a stroller, clothes, and food for the first weeks. There are mothers who drink it right away. However, in general, I emphasize this word, mothers love their children very much. The child is very stimulating to become responsible for his fate, because they don’t have another good one like this baby.”

However, let us return to the research of psychologists at the Center for Mental Health. According to their conclusions, after two or three years of imprisonment, many women, including mothers, undergo certain metamorphoses in their consciousness. Contrary to common sense and the innate thirst for freedom, the feeling of punishment disappears, fades - and already it seems to them that prison is the only house acceptable for their existence, from which they are afraid and there is no need to go out into this world where no one is waiting for you. Someone, realizing this, reconciles and begins to take root in this habitual ugly environment, adapts, dissembles, and someone falls into indifference, despair, longing, anger at everything and everyone ...

2 December 2016

Love in prison. The secret of the old convict

... But now he had a goal - Sanya fell in love.

In the Kaliningrad prison, as I already said, everyone could communicate with each other. The prison is a quadrangular well, where all the cells face the courtyard. At night, there was such a wild rumble and screaming in the prison that it is difficult to imagine. About 160 huts, each one goes on the air at least several times a night. And sometimes the dialogue can last up to an hour - hardly more - you won’t shout for a long time. Moreover, the pupkari, at least nominally, were awake (in order to get a report, it was necessary to get bored of them thoroughly during the night).

Sanya's voice figured out an old girlfriend from prison communication, who during his last stay in prison, managed to free herself and sit down again. We chatted, he threw them a couple of times tea, cigarettes, lard. Then she left - probably for a stage - and She got in touch.

Sanya, hearing the voice, was fascinated. We started to correspond. I suspect he never wrote as much paper in his entire life as during this period. During the night 4 - 5 relatively small letters, then all day he wrote - once he wrote a whole school notebook - in the evening, as soon as the roads improved, he sent this opus and again ... She also reciprocated and wrote no less.

The women often entered into correspondence for the sake of entertainment, deriving material benefits from this for themselves - the gentlemen courted in full, sending them everything that was available in the hut. And on the Kaliningrad roads it was possible to overtake a wild boar if desired.

“Seksovki” were often practiced - erotic children, which the girls wrote to order for tea, cigarettes, sweets. I kept several of these for a long time - as masterpieces of prison prose. Somewhere at the stages they were then scammed. I had several dozen of them - prison boys, sex, announcements, requests for help with kureha, etc. - with a lot of innocent grammatical errors like "as it is heard, so it is written", and written, moreover, in such a colorful language that Babel is just a day off. I still regret not being able to save. I remember verbatim the beginning of one of these sex scenes:

“You twitch your curtains and fall for me. You unbutton your buttons and stroke my breasts. I will stand and put my hand in your pants ... ”- and so on.

One day, one of the guys had an affair, chatting with a women's camera. Passion Letters, love, pen pal. They fucked each other on paper three times a night. The kid ran to the push to masturbate, at least every night. But what is interesting in this case is that, of course, he does not see his beloved. From the voice, it seemed like nothing definite could be said.

After a while, the girls began to take a walk past our hut. There was a LAN nearby, i.e. a metal lattice door, in front of which they stopped while the escort opened the locks. A piece of the corridor can be seen in the slot of the feeder.

Here are female voices, then - “Darling, Tolichek (I don’t remember exactly what his name was), where are you?” The guy flies to the feeder - "I'm here !!!" We hear how the women are already bursting with laughter. Tolik starts cursing. Everyone in turn rushes to the crack and falls right there with laughter. I also kiss - right in front of the door there is a toothless aunt of at least 60 years old, and at least 120 kilograms, with the appearance of a recovered Baba Yaga and neighs like a mare, saying "where are you, my beautiful, come to me, let's kiss" and depicting a passionate kiss. Poor Tolyan didn't talk to anyone for two days. And he probably had reasons for jokes before the end of his term.

So, about Sanka. Everything was wrong with him. All for real. At first, he was also tormented by doubts ...

With most of the pimples, Sanya was in good relations and often at night spent time in conversation with one of them. They are not supposed to communicate with prisoners, but what can you do - the nights are long, boring ... Especially since it’s been three years since Sanya has been soaring here, and he remembers some of the previous walkers - willy-nilly you will get to know each other.

During a trip to the bathhouse, he rubs with the sergeant and arranges the next time that we will be led past the women's huts - and they are just at the end of the corridor, in front of the stairs that lead to the basement. You can go in several ways - first along the floor and then down, or first down, and then along the floor - the sergeant, in principle, does not care.

Informers knock not only on the prisoners, but also on the cops - so they behave cautiously and it is not always easy to agree with them about something. But, on the other hand, they also know who goes where and how he knocks.

And plus - not everything that is forbidden is really forbidden. In order to give the prisoner a certain sense of satisfaction from the fact that he allegedly "shoes" the cops, some things are overlooked. This is part of the game "I know that you know that I know ...", the purpose of which is the subtle and inconspicuous control of the masses. Which, in general, succeeds.

Thus, a prisoner who has nothing - no rights, no things, gets the illusion of owning something valuable to him - supposedly a piece of freedom - a small sense of superiority over the cops he hates. And he already has something to lose. This means that he can already be controlled, and now he won’t climb into the embrasure so easily.

This is done not only in prison ... The experience and consequences of the movement of those who in the 17th year had nothing to lose except their chains were taken into account.

Sanek, then, quietly agrees. All week until next bath for him it lasts longer than the previous term. She is also waiting. From all over the hut they collect a fashionable outfit for him, he washes on a long-distance trip even before the bath, smears himself with deodorants, shaves and shaves ... hot hand Vokha barely escapes to his corner...

Let's go. The sergeant fiddles with the local lock a little longer than usual. Several prisoners cover in front, several behind, blocking the view along the corridor in case someone from the authorities unexpectedly appears.

Sanya opens the feeder and sees his beloved. I stand by and see everything. The girls from the other side all lined up in a row and stand with their mouths open.

She is in a smart light dressing gown, her hair, her lips are made up - the whole arsenal that a woman in prison can manage to have. All excited. They are trying to say something to each other - everything is out of place ... There, the sergeant has already opened all the locks for a long time and begins to urge them on. A passionate kiss on the lips, hand in hand, and you have to go ... On the way back, another 30 seconds to meet - and again a week of expectations.

Sanya almost stopped sleeping and eating. If he does not write, then he simply lies on the shkonar and looks up. Once, during a night conversation, he told me that he had never had such a thing before ...

She comes from a decent wealthy family. only child. 28 years. Got caught for drug possession. She says she took over her husband's business, who later came to her only once on a date and disappeared. Parents hired good lawyers, paid where necessary - everything should have ended well - about a year in prison, then parole. The trial had just passed, she already practically knew exactly when she would be released - three months after Sanka.

She offered him to live and wait for her in her own one-room apartment in the center of Kaliningrad. Started a divorce case. Sanya is in complete shock - life began to take on a new color. You did not see these changes - the walls of the cell could no longer contain him. He was all somewhere in heaven ... All his life no one needed him, not even having his own corner ...

Her parents were shocked when she told them everything. They had not yet managed to get rid of one, and here was a criminal who had spent most of his conscious life in prisons. But she told them that this was her firm decision and it was not subject to discussion.

He often told me about all this, consulted ... and could not believe his luck.

For his birthday, just before we were scattered, I gave him my dear leather jacket. He was congratulated on the radio - to the whole city - it turned out to organize such a surprise for him. He listened and did not believe his ears - the DJ read: "The boys of Khata 105 congratulate Sanka on his 35th birthday and wish him a speedy release."

Another kid (I don't know how to describe - you won't believe me - 22 years old, weighed and kind beyond his years, just cool guy, about which you can never say that he has a corpse with cut off ears and a few more "pranks" in the total amount for the next 20 years on his "track record" - gave almost new fashion shoes. There were also several expensive, not even by prison standards, gifts - and we saw tears in his eyes ... Those whom he handed over fell in love with him. Even Vokha gave a branded shaving kit. It seems to me that something in him changed at that moment.

How it went on, I don't know. I was transferred to the collective farm (that's what the big huts are called there, in contrast to the small ones where we were then - kubriks). We corresponded a little more, then I went to the stages. I think they all turned out well. Maybe if I'm in Kaliningrad, I'll visit. There already, probably, and children grow up.

I felt sorry for Sanka - with outward bravado, he was deeply unhappy and lonely, not understanding why fate rewards him with such turns. But this love...

Sanek also shared with me his secret, which, as he said, helped him survive in prisons and at the same time maintain not only health, but also youth. Its main principle was "don't get used to anything".

Never live according to a schedule - eat, go to bed when you want or when you have to, but not according to a schedule, don't get used to comfort, people - nothing. If you have no attachments, there will be no suffering. He never read books on Buddhism - he didn't read anything at all, he didn't believe in anything, but, nevertheless, he repeated the basic Buddhist truth about the origin of suffering and the way to get rid of it.

In this I agree with him - and as a doctor, including. All tips modern medicine, psychology, nutritionists recommend a clear schedule of life, exercises, procedures, etc., as the basis of all their methods. This gives a good effect in tactical terms, but in strategic terms it is a bomb that explodes sooner or later. And the later, the worse. As soon as the system is disturbed - by circumstances, laziness - the body and emotions, sleepy and detrained by a clear, measured pace of life, get out of control with great destructive power.

But today it has become feature and life, and medicine - damage to the strategic interests of the soul for the sake of momentary tactical interests of the body. Therefore, my advice to you is to listen to less advice, keep fewer rules and live your own life. And in real life there are no schedules, principles, rules and repetitions at all - it is elusive.

How do women live in prison? Details of a difficult life

What is a women's prison and who are the women in prison, what do they do, and how do they live with it. We will talk about this and much more in this article.
It's hard to imagine a woman in prison. At first glance, these two words are incompatible. Society is more accustomed to the fact that the prison is for male prisoners.
Women's crimes are different from men's, because women are much more emotional, so most often the victims of their violence are their husbands' mistresses or even the husbands themselves.
Women during arrest During an arrest, women usually do not resist. They behave calmly while they are led to the place of trial. But, despite this, the police treat them cynically and rudely.
Women are humiliated, insulted, sometimes even pulled by the hair. Compared to men, women are not tortured.
If law enforcement officers take physical punishment, they are only trying to evoke emotions that make it impossible to lie.
In the temporary detention facility, women and men are placed separately. After the verdict, when a woman ends up in a pre-trial detention center, it turns out that she is not at all ready for prison conditions, although now enough films are being written and shown about women's prisons.
Naturally, when a person goes to prison for the first time, he experiences a lot of stress. Return to normal condition, surprisingly, her cellmates help the woman, because communication and stories about her fate and troubles calm her down.
Relationships between inmates develop in different ways, but mostly without conflict. After some time, women form groups in the form of families, within which they communicate or discuss some problems.
Women in prisons remain women. The women's prison is like a boutique, because of the natural passion for shopping for clothes. It sounds a little strange, because in prisons there is neither money nor goods.
But women constantly change their things for someone else's, thus imitating the acquisition of something new. Sometimes there are cases of exchanging a new thing for an old one, the goal is still the same - updating the wardrobe.
Foreign cosmetics, if transferred by relatives, are exchanged for domestic ones. Police officers are not against such barter relations, they themselves help to transfer things from one cell to another.
Women's prisons are not equipped with conditions psychological help and are notorious for their lack of sanitation. Sometimes there are not enough personal hygiene products, clothing. There is no designated area for washing in the cells.

It is terrible to imagine the conditions in which women live in prisons. If a woman has a child over four years old, then he lives with relatives or in an orphanage.
Even if the child is less than three years old, the mother must live in isolation, and spend only a couple of hours a day walking with the baby.
As a rule, women who are in prison for more than 3-4 years have a disturbed social perception, a change in psychology, all this is negatively reflected on later life, which may soon return the woman back to the prison cell.
But this does not mean that all women who have served time are spoiled and do not have any good future life. Among the prisoners there are also talented individuals who dance beautifully, sing, compose poetry, draw, and so on.
During the term, they usually continue to do what they love, developing skills, so they leave prison with powerful potential behind them.
Cells of the general settlement All people dream of solitude, unfortunately, in women's prisons this can be forgotten. Women do not manage to be alone if they are serving time in a cell in which there are 40-60 people.
For this reason, an irritated feeling often arises, which often leads to conflicts of a domestic nature.
All conflicts end peacefully, mostly no further than raising the voice. Fighting in women's prisons is almost non-existent.
If one of the inmates needs to report to the court case, then the chamber reigns festive mood. They try to dress a woman in the most best clothes, which is in the chamber, do beautiful hairstyle and makeup.
Even in prison, they do not lose their self-esteem: “How can you go out into the world without putting yourself in order?”. special treatment manifests itself to the prisoner who killed her child.
Basically, such women are ignored and considered plebeian, since the task of every woman on earth is to give birth to a child, not to kill him.
Sometimes there is a tradition when a woman who kills children is cut baldly with an ordinary razor while leaving cuts and scars on the head.
Basically, police officers punish participants in violence, although they perfectly understand the reason for such behavior. Concerning living conditions, then there is no women's prison, and there can be no warm water.
They heat water with boilers. Showers happen once a week, or even once every ten days. Administration takes care of comfortable conditions prisoners. Now every woman has her own bed.
The cells have been refurbished, and it is not uncommon to find wallpaper there. bright colors. Even if a pregnant woman ends up in prison, she remains in the common cell and eats food, like everyone else.
Childbirth in prison If a pregnant woman has her first contractions, she is immediately taken to the hospital under guard, and sometimes even in handcuffs.
She returns to work in the colony immediately after giving birth, and the child is returned to the mother in 5-6 days.
Already with a child, a woman is transferred to a separate specially designed cell.
It only houses breastfeeding mothers or pregnant women, due to detention laws.
The administration takes care of mothers who cannot feed their children and provides artificial nutrition for their babies.
In prisons female mother separates from his baby only when he is taken to the hospital for examination, in other cases he is constantly with his mother, so she sometimes even gets tired.
Only after the child is three years old is he separated from his mother. That is, in general, we can say that the conditions for children in places of deprivation of liberty are terrible.
For some reason, from the side of state defense, imprisoned mothers are shown a contemptuous attitude, they often claim that women give birth to make life easier for themselves in prison, and in fact they do not need children.
Motherhood in prison, and yet for such women there is certain conditions to raise a baby: walk twice a day, cook food right in the cell, get extra baby food and sometimes diapers.
When a mother and baby stay in a colony, a method of adaptation of the child is observed.
He is taken away, allegedly because of the quarantine, but in fact, in this way, the child is weaned from the mother.
Today in Russia there are approximately 700 mothers in women's prisons with their children younger than three years and pregnant women.
Of course, even with all the amenities provided, not a single mother feels comfortable, but all for the same reason - lack of will.
Motherhood in a Women's Prison Instead of being outside for a long time with a child, they sit in cells that are deprived of any light except daylight, although this is prohibited by law.
Therefore, one should not think that it is much easier for mothers in prisons to live than ordinary prisoners. Living conditions for women with children are not much different.
Now imagine that almost all women are in the same conditions, regardless of whether they have a child or not. Will it be easy for the mother for the first three years, until the child is taken away?
We invite you to watch a film about a women's prison, about how, sometimes foolishly smart and beautiful girls and women end up in prisons.

How do women live in prison? Details of a difficult life

What is a women's prison and who are the women in prison, what do they do, and how do they live with it. We will talk about this and much more in this article.
It's hard to imagine a woman in prison. At first glance, these two words are incompatible. Society is more accustomed to the fact that the prison is for male prisoners.
Women's crimes are different from men's, because women are much more emotional, so most often the victims of their violence are their husbands' mistresses or even the husbands themselves.
Women during arrest During an arrest, women usually do not resist. They behave calmly while they are led to the place of trial. But, despite this, the police treat them cynically and rudely.
Women are humiliated, insulted, sometimes even pulled by the hair. Compared to men, women are not tortured.
If law enforcement officers take physical punishment, they are only trying to evoke emotions that make it impossible to lie.
In the temporary detention facility, women and men are placed separately. After the verdict, when a woman ends up in a pre-trial detention center, it turns out that she is not at all ready for prison conditions, although now enough films are being written and shown about women's prisons.
Naturally, when a person goes to prison for the first time, he experiences a lot of stress. Surprisingly, her cellmates help the woman to return to her normal state, because communication and stories about her fate and troubles calm her down.
Relationships between inmates develop in different ways, but mostly without conflict. After some time, women form groups in the form of families, within which they communicate or discuss some problems.
Women in prisons remain women. The women's prison is like a boutique, because of the natural passion for shopping for clothes. It sounds a little strange, because in prisons there is neither money nor goods.
But women constantly change their things for someone else's, thus imitating the acquisition of something new. Sometimes there are cases of exchanging a new thing for an old one, the goal is still the same - updating the wardrobe.
Foreign cosmetics, if transferred by relatives, are exchanged for domestic ones. Police officers are not against such barter relations, they themselves help to transfer things from one cell to another.
Women's prisons are not equipped with psychological assistance facilities and are notorious for their lack of sanitary hygiene. Sometimes there are not enough personal hygiene products, clothing. There is no designated area for washing in the cells.

It is terrible to imagine the conditions in which women live in prisons. If a woman has a child over four years old, then he lives with relatives or in an orphanage.
Even if the child is less than three years old, the mother must live in isolation, and spend only a couple of hours a day walking with the baby.
As a rule, in women who are in prison for more than 3-4 years, social perception is disturbed, psychology changes, all this has a negative impact on later life, which may soon return the woman back to the prison cell.
But this does not mean that all women who have served time are spoiled and do not have any good future life. Among the prisoners there are also talented individuals who dance beautifully, sing, compose poetry, draw, and so on.
During the term, they usually continue to do what they love, developing skills, so they leave prison with powerful potential behind them.
Cells of the general settlement All people dream of solitude, unfortunately, in women's prisons this can be forgotten. Women do not manage to be alone if they are serving time in a cell in which there are 40-60 people.
For this reason, an irritated feeling often arises, which often leads to conflicts of a domestic nature.
All conflicts end peacefully, mostly no further than raising the voice. Fighting in women's prisons is almost non-existent.
If one of the inmates needs to appear soon at a court case, then a festive mood reigns in the cell. They try to dress the woman in the best clothes that are in the cell, to make a beautiful hairstyle and make-up.
Even in prison, they do not lose their self-esteem: “How can you go out into the world without putting yourself in order?”. A special attitude is shown to the prisoner who killed her child.
Basically, such women are ignored and considered plebeian, since the task of every woman on earth is to give birth to a child, not to kill him.
Sometimes there is a tradition when a woman who kills children is cut baldly with an ordinary razor, while leaving cuts and scars on her head.
Basically, police officers punish participants in violence, although they perfectly understand the reason for such behavior. As for living conditions, there is no women's prison in the prison, and there can be no warm water.
They heat water with boilers. Showers happen once a week, or even once every ten days. The administration takes care of the comfortable conditions of the prisoners. Now every woman has her own bed.
The cells have been refurbished, and it is not uncommon to find wallpaper in bright colors. Even if a pregnant woman ends up in prison, she remains in the common cell and eats food, like everyone else.
Childbirth in prison If a pregnant woman has her first contractions, she is immediately taken to the hospital under guard, and sometimes even in handcuffs.
She returns to work in the colony immediately after giving birth, and the child is returned to the mother in 5-6 days.
Already with a child, a woman is transferred to a separate specially designed cell.
It only houses breastfeeding mothers or pregnant women, due to detention laws.
The administration takes care of mothers who cannot feed their children and provides artificial nutrition for their babies.
In women's prisons, the mother is separated from her baby only when he is taken to the hospital for examination, in other cases he is constantly with the mother, so she sometimes even gets tired.
Only after the child is three years old is he separated from his mother. That is, in general, we can say that the conditions for children in places of deprivation of liberty are terrible.
For some reason, from the side of state defense, imprisoned mothers are shown a contemptuous attitude, they often claim that women give birth to make life easier for themselves in prison, and in fact they do not need children.
Motherhood in PrisonAnd yet for such women there are certain conditions to raise a baby: walk twice a day, cook food right in the cell, receive additional baby food and sometimes diapers.
When a mother and baby stay in a colony, a method of adaptation of the child is observed.
He is taken away, allegedly because of the quarantine, but in fact, in this way, the child is weaned from the mother.
Today in Russia there are approximately 700 mothers with their children under three years of age and pregnant women in women's prisons.
Of course, even with all the amenities provided, not a single mother feels comfortable, but all for the same reason - lack of will.
Motherhood in a Women's Prison Instead of being outside for a long time with a child, they sit in cells that are deprived of any light except daylight, although this is prohibited by law.
Therefore, one should not think that it is much easier for mothers in prisons to live than ordinary prisoners. Living conditions for women with children are not much different.
Now imagine that almost all women are in the same conditions, regardless of whether they have a child or not. Will it be easy for the mother for the first three years, until the child is taken away?
We invite you to watch a film about a women's prison, about how, sometimes foolishly smart and beautiful girls and women end up in prisons.

"From the bag, but from the prison do not renounce"
"The prison does not choose, into it and honest people fall"

/Russian proverbs/.

The majority of law-abiding citizens who have never been in a pre-trial detention center, colony or prison, nevertheless, have some idea of ​​the life of prisoners. It is formed under the influence of films, TV shows, newspaper articles and stories of acquaintances who have been "there".

But to what extent do the ideas of the townsfolk coincide with reality? In what conditions are convicted women? What classes are numerous days imprisonment?
Do you want to know? see photo report from penal colony No. 2 UFSIN of Russia in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.

IK-2 is a general regime colony for women. It is located in the Leningrad region, in the village of Ulyanovka, not far from the city of Tosno. This is the only female colony in St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions.

Women who have been convicted of any crimes (including serious ones) for the first time come here. Since there are no colonies for women strict regime like for men. Most of all convicted under article 228 - Illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, manufacture, processing of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues.

Since it is a general regime colony, women live here in dormitories. One of them is in the title photo. As you can see, there are no bars on the windows. Moreover, windows of a regular size with opening sashes: you need to ventilate - no problem!

All convicts, in the absence of contraindications, are required by law to work. There are several factories in IK-2. For example, a uniform for the Ministry of Internal Affairs is sewn at a garment factory. And sometimes commercial firms open production facilities on the territory of correctional institutions. They rent premises, import equipment, provide convicts with work, and pay salaries.

Expenses for accommodation, food, etc. are deducted from the accrued salary, the rest is transferred to personal accounts. Money from personal accounts can be transferred to relatives or spent in a prison store.

Working convicts are entitled to annual paid leave - 12 working days. Vacations are granted with or without travel outside the correctional facility. But vacations with departure are granted only with the permission of the head of the colony. It happens infrequently, only in exceptional cases. As a rule, women spend their vacation right in the colony - in the vacation center.

Those sentenced to deprivation of liberty are granted short visits lasting four hours and long visits lasting three days on the territory of the correctional institution. Maybe six a year short dates and six long ones.

Also, those sentenced to deprivation of liberty are granted the right to telephone conversations. The duration of each conversation should not exceed 15 minutes. Telephone conversations paid by convicts at their own expense or at the expense of their relatives.

1. A room in a hostel with lighter conditions of detention. There is even a TV on the wall.
Those convicts who follow the daily routine, do not violate the regime of detention, work, participate in amateur activities, can be transferred from normal conditions content on lite.

2. Many cats live in hostels. Moreover, all the cats we met looked quite well-fed and well-groomed.

3. In their free time, convicts may take part in various leisure activities.

4. This room is the "entrance hall" in one of the dormitories. Convicts are given the opportunity to decorate the interior to their taste.

5. Everything is made by the hands of the women who live here.

6. Another handsome man.

7. Cats are not the only representatives of the animal world in the hostel.

8. Prison store. Here you can buy food, drinks, household chemicals. The assortment is richer than in some rural and country stores.

9. Payment is made from a personal account, no cash, of course. Debit and credit are reduced in these cards - the store can function even without electricity!

10. And this is a room in the holiday center. Wooden beds, paintings on the walls. It looks like an inexpensive resort.

11. Here is the kitchen. Here you can cook your own food, using products bought in the store.

12. The highlight of the holiday center is the sauna. Quite small, but this does not bother anyone.

13. Since the colony is female, several creative workshops are organized here.
Here, for example, carnival masks are made.

14. Participation is voluntary, in free time.


16. In addition to making masks, women sew dolls here. The result of the work can be passed on to loved ones. Many have children left at large, and this a great opportunity give your child a gift.


18. Paintings are being painted in the next room. The environment is very creative.



21. And these dolls have gained popularity outside the walls of the colony. Some copies were taken to the exhibition in the Museum of Dolls of St. Petersburg to participate in the general competition.

22. The manufacturing process is quite simple. The blank is pasted over with papier mache and covered with paint. Real hair is used, as a rule, one's own, the face is drawn. The most important thing is fancy dress, here the whole fantasy of the author is manifested.



25. Hands are molded by hand (sorry for the pun). But what are they molded from?

26. Of course, from bread.

27. If you look closely, all the dolls have different faces.

28. In the interior of the gym, they decided to use the motives of Ancient Egypt.
And again the TV on the wall.

29. And this is the chapel, which can be seen in the title photo.
Batiushka comes once a week from Tosno, conducts a service. Those who wish can take communion and confess.

30. One of the industries where convicts work. The equipment is modern, all processes are under program control.

31. And this is what is obtained at the output. You will buy a bowl for a cat in a store, and it is made here.

32. In Correctional Colony No. 2, one can not only work, but also study.
Right on the territory of the colony is a vocational school.

33. The main profession that you can get here is a seamstress.

34. There are several classrooms in the school.

35. Women here not only study, but also work.
Main products - work clothes, a form for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, medical clothing and bed linen.

36. creative works.

37. Recently, training in new profession- painter-finisher.

This photo essay was prepared as part of a joint project spbblog and the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

To be honest, in IK-2 I saw absolutely not what I expected. Starting with the absence of bars on the windows and fairly good conditions of detention, and ending with a variety of options creative pursuits. In my non-professional opinion, there are all conditions for rethinking one's actions, obtaining new professional skills and starting a new life.

Facilities mass media Recently, much attention has been paid to the problem of women in prison. Television and newspaper reports, analytical articles, interviews with officials of the penitentiary service are devoted to this topic ...

However, journalistic research suffers from an obvious one-sidedness, they show only the "facade" side of the problem. It would be naive to think that a prisoner, to whom a journalist holds out a microphone in the presence of citizens of the chiefs, will be sincere and direct in her assessments of prison reality. One can hardly count on the frankness of an employee of the pre-trial detention center, who still has to serve and serve ... In this sense, the information received from professionals who have recently parted with the prison system, are well versed in its complex organization and at the same time are able to think freely and speak is valuable. without regard to the authorities. As said famous character film "The meeting place cannot be changed": "You, boss, ... write books."

Childbirth in prison

Published: 17/05/2010;
  • Women's prisons

If you happened to give birth in prison, then you got an exceptional opportunity to find out a lot of such details that other women did not even dream of: is it possible to give birth in handcuffs and is there security during childbirth; how long a woman in labor stays in the maternity hospital and how she is taken back to the isolation ward; whether a baby is searched when he goes to court with his mother; whether a pregnant woman is persuaded to have an abortion; whether a mother can raise her child if she was allowed to take him to a colony, and much, much more.

Pregnant women are kept in common cells - stuffy, smoky - they are fed the same food. A woman in labor is usually taken to the hospital at the first contractions, if the prisoners have time to inform the administration about this. They are transported in a paddy wagon or ambulance, but always under escort. In some cases, a woman giving birth can be delivered in handcuffs. After giving birth, a woman held in a labor colony must start work in two months. The child stays in the hospital for the prescribed time - 5-6 days, and then, if he is healthy, he is returned to his mother. From this moment, or a little earlier, the mother begins to live in a separate cell adapted for such cases, in which only pregnant or lactating women can stay. So it is written in the “Detention Act”. But, like many other things provided for by this act, most often it remains a simple declaration, a good intention, one of those with which the road ... to hell is paved.

motherhood in prison

Published: 17/05/2010;
  • Women's prisons

“Mommies” or “mothers” are the most odious part of the female prison population. They are spoken about with slight irony, or even completely disapprovingly. They are considered a heavy burden of the penitentiary system - after all, according to the law, they are not required to work in order to feed themselves; they cannot be placed in a punishment cell or punishment cell, even for serious offenses; they cannot be handcuffed when; they need special cells and special conditions.

Woman in prison - who is she?

Posted: 08/05/2010;
  • Women's prisons

Women's crime in nature is markedly different from men's. Women are much less likely to commit crimes for profit. Robberies, robberies, murders with the aim of taking possession of other people's property are not women's crimes. But grossly violent acts of a domestic nature: murders motivated by jealousy, revenge, grievous bodily harm - typically "women's share" in criminal statistics.