How are short-term visits in the colony. long date

Each person has relatives and close, native people who worry about him. But sometimes life leads him to prison. During this period, he needs support and attention, which relatives are able to provide only by coming on a date to prison. Let's analyze this situation. How can you get to a loved one on a date in prison?

What is a visit with a convict?

This question does not need an answer, everything is clear.

Every year new laws are issued that supplement the rights of a prisoner to visit his relatives.

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Dating types?

There are 2 types of dates. They differ depending on the time spent on the date.

  • Long term dating. They last three days and take place in specially designated rooms. Or 5 days may be granted, but they will be held outside the prison. In such a date, a choice is given. It can take place on the territory of the prison, or in a hotel, which will be paid by a relative of the prisoner. It is allowed to bring food and drinks, but not in glassware and bottles. You are not allowed to leave the meeting room. Since this is a violation, it will entail a premature end to the date. But it is worth emphasizing the point. A long meeting is allowed only to people with a legal family and the head of household in the detachment. Meetings with the family, which is defined by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, are resolved without any problems. There is no reason for refusal. But cohabitants or best friends of the convicted person may be refused, having legal grounds for that. In this case, when meeting, you can use acceptable services, the payment for which is assumed by the relative.
  • Short term dates. The time of such meetings is limited to four hours. They are held in a specially designated cell or room on the territory of the prison. Such visits may be arranged only if the head of the institution gives his consent to this. In the room with the prisoner and his relative there will be a prison employee without fail. I can’t go on such dates without him, he must listen carefully to all conversations. Under no circumstances should anything tangible be placed into the hands of a prisoner during this visit. For this, there is another procedure designed specifically for this.

The time that a person can spend with his relatives is determined by the law of the Russian Federation. Namely, it is suitable from the side of the burden of punishment and the conditions of being. An important role is played by the head of the institution, without his consent not a single date can take place.

It's important to understand! At his own request, a convicted person can write an application to change one type of visit to another type, or even to a simple telephone conversation.

The imprisoned person may be provided with legal assistance in the form of a lawyer upon his application. In the course of an investigation or on any matter, a lawyer is allowed to assist a person. The lawyer and the convicted person have the right to demand that prison staff not be present in the room when they meet, and that the means of tapping the premises should not be used. Violation of these rules is an illegal act. Such meetings can last up to 4 hours, the law does not have the right to limit them. Visits with a lawyer can be held as long as required by both subjects. But, of course, they will be held according to the legal prison daily routine. There will be no appointments at night.

Phone conversation?

This point needs some attention.

A convicted person has the right to call and communicate on the phone with his relatives and close people up to 6 times a year. All conversations are tapped and monitored by the staff of the institution.

In order for the leader to give a conversation, you must write a statement. It contains all the information about the call up to the time of the call. It should not go longer than 15 minutes. The call can be paid by the convicted person from his own money, or the bill will be provided to his relatives.

A prisoner can only communicate with his relatives. That is, he has no reason to talk with another prisoner. This situation is possible only if this prisoner is a relative.

If a person is serving a sentence under a court order in strict conditions, then talking on the phone is prohibited. Exceptions are only made if the person has any urgent family conversations.

Number of dates?

But prisons are different. What dates are intended?

If a person is in a correctional colony of general regime in easier conditions, then 6 long-term visits and 6 short-term visits are intended for him. If a person is in the same institution under standard conditions, then 4 long-term visits and 6 short-term visits are given. For a person under strict conditions, the law gives 2 long visits and 2 short visits.

You also need to consider a high-security prison. The standard position provides for 3 long dates and 3 short dates. Under strict conditions - 1 long date and 2 short dates. In easier conditions - 4 long dates and 4 short dates.

It is important to know! Dates are not limited only in the colony in the form of settlements. The law in this case allows you to meet with relatives even outside the colony.

The first meeting with relatives of a prisoner may be given immediately after he has arrived at the prison. It doesn't matter how long ago he had dates while he was in jail. He independently chooses the type of first date. The rest of the views are given below. They are distributed evenly throughout the year. You can't merge or split appointments.

How are the dates going? What are the principles?

Before the meeting, each party goes through a preliminary check. Each person is checked for the presence of any weapons, drugs, wireless communication devices.

For each visit, you must bring documentation with you, namely, your passport and a paper that confirms the fact that you are related to the prisoner. Without this documentation, a date will be denied on legal grounds.

The law provides for a person's refusal to be examined by prison officers, but it would mean refusing a long visit. It will be replaced by a short meeting.

In the room where meetings with prisoners take place, there will be a telephone without fail. In the event of a conflict or any other problem, a relative can call him, and security will immediately come in.

At the end of the visit, a transport arrives for relatives, and the imprisoned person is sent back to the prison.

The main principle is the fact that a prisoner must come to a meeting in a clean state. He is allowed to wear clothes brought to him by his relatives. All subjects are to be screened before and after the date for prohibited items.

The head of the institution has the legal right to stop all visits from certain relatives if they have a bad effect on the prisoner.

People who come for a date are not allowed to enter the meeting room without handing over prohibited items. Even if they were not a thing for the convicted person. This is most often the case with mobile phones. All things are rented at the time of the meeting against receipt. After the visit is over, the prison staff returns them to the owner.

Premises for long dates?

Rooms designed for long meetings are slightly different in their appearance, so you need to put special emphasis on them.

In such a room, a landline telephone with one-way communication is also provided. There is a double bed that can be used as you wish. It should be noted that for safety reasons and premature elimination of shoots, there are no large windows. Some rooms have a very small skylight. A person cannot physically fit into it.

A prison officer is on duty outside the door of the room, who will provide assistance in case of an unforeseen situation.

What is allowed to bring on a date?

Bringing something material is allowed either at long meetings or at a special transfer process. Short meetings cannot be included in this council.

It is allowed to bring things, food, movies, drinks that do not contain alcohol.

It is important to know! It is strictly forbidden to bring drugs, means of communication, alcohol to the prisoner.

We strongly recommend that in no case should you resort to corruption. Do not try to bribe prison staff, this will not lead to a positive ending. It is worth following the laws, they are created to protect society. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a huge fine for giving a bribe.

An approximate list of products that you can bring on a date:

  1. Instant noodles.
  2. Dry broth for soup.
  3. Black tea.
  4. Instant porridge.
  5. Liquid or butter.
  6. Bread.
  7. Cigarettes.
  8. Sucking candies.

How to get permission to date?

In order for the visit to take place, the permission of the head of the institution in which the relative is serving his sentence is necessary. This permission can only be obtained by submitting an application for a visit.

The application can be made in writing or electronically. It is sent to the head of the institution where the prisoner in question is serving his sentence.

If there are no legal grounds for refusal, then a written permission to visit is issued. If it was refused, then it is better to demand this refusal with detailed reasons in writing.

If we are talking about a pre-trial detention center, then there are situations when there are no legal grounds for refusal, the investigator just wanted to refuse “because of harm”. Such problems are solved with the help of his manager or a lawyer. A lawyer can solve this problem. But if he understands that all the same grounds are legal, then you can forget about a date with a loved one.

Further, with permission, you must come to the institution where the person is serving his sentence. You must bring the documents listed above with you. It is best to take a second close relative with you so that, without wasting time, he handed over the parcel to the employee of the institution. Together with her, you can send a letter, get an answer on the same day.

An application must be made in the form prescribed by law.

In the upper right corner, the address of the institution and the name of its head are written. Further, the passport data and the place of residence of the relative who wants to arrange a meeting with the prisoner are also indicated there. At the basis of the application, you must indicate what kind of date the relative wants. If minor children arrive for a visit with relatives, it is necessary to indicate some of their data. Next, you need to specify a document that confirms the relationship of the prisoner and the relative. It is indicated that the relative is aware of all the laws of the principles of behavior during a date. The date when the application was written and the signature is put. Below all this, a note is made that it is strictly forbidden to bring food for a short date.

How to transfer things?

Products and things can be brought at a long meeting for temporary use.

Women and children in the colonies can receive materials in unlimited quantities. That is, transmission times do not have any legal framework.

As for men, they take into account the conditions, the institution of the severity of the crime.

Medicines and books for sick people and disabled people are not included in the amount limited by law.

The maximum size and weight of the parcel is set by the post office. All submissions will be carefully reviewed. Such an inspection is carried out by prison staff in the presence of a relative who handed over the parcel. They check for prohibited items that the prisoner can use to escape or commit a new crime.

A prisoner is also legally entitled to send parcels to his relatives. They may contain food, things that he bought in the prison store. The parcel will also be carefully examined in the presence of the convicted person.

Legislation of the Russian Federation on visits in prisons?

The law of the Russian Federation understands that a person in a prison needs support and attention from his relatives and close people. That is why visits with prisoners are allowed. However, it must be said that these dates are quite strict and have many restrictions. These restrictions govern many laws. Their violation is subject to legal liability. Let's take a look at them.

To begin with, it is necessary to note the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides the basis for other legally allowing visits to prisoners. The basis lies in Article 89. It defines the types and hours of visits in prison. In its paragraph 2.1, the law goes towards female representatives who have small children. They are allowed additional visits in excess of the norm. The article refers to the thirteenth chapter, which talks about the conditions for serving a sentence. This law has articles that control every condition that a correctional facility can provide. It is by these conditions in the law that one can track what the annual rate of meetings is.

All correctional institutions in Russia operate according to a single law - the Internal Rules of the Prison. The rules contain all aspects related to serving a sentence in a correctional institution. Chapter 14 talks about the date order. The articles talk about who has the right to come for a visit, where the visit takes place, at what time, what can and when to bring the convicted person. The procedure for examining the subjects of a meeting before conducting it is described. Chapter 15 goes on to deal with telephone conversations that, at the request of the convicted person, may be provided to him. Chapter 16 controls the process of sending and receiving parcels.

In 2000, an instruction was adopted on the supervision of people in correctional institutions. The document is quite large, has many articles. He controls the methods of screening and detention of people. At the moment, in Russia it is no longer valid for a long time, has lost its legal force.

Need to understand! It should be noted article 37 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. It is also related to the issue at hand. It defines the concept of relatives, that is, those people who can freely demand and come to visit a prisoner.

Article 19.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for legal liability in the form of an administrative fine for violating the law that controls the bringing of things on a date. You can't bring anything for a short date. If the relative disobeyed, then things will be confiscated during the inspection, followed by an administrative fine.

A person's privacy cannot be violated in prison. It is protected by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, namely, Article 23. Family private life cannot be controlled by the state.

The Family Protection Convention states that no one can interfere in family life.

The law protects convicted people. They have the same rights and obligations as everyone else, because they are also people. This should not be forgotten.

If you have any problems, you can contact a lawyer or a lawyer. They will help you solve dating problems and give you the right advice. This is pretty easy to do. You can order a free call back on the legal aid website. They will call you and explain the necessary things.

Important! For all questions about places of serving sentences and deprivation of liberty, if you do not know what to do and where to turn:

Call 8-800-777-32-63.

Or you can ask a question in any pop-up window, so that a lawyer on your issue can answer and advise you as quickly as possible.

Prison and convict lawyers, and lawyers who are registered on Russian Legal Portal, will try to help you from a practical point of view in the current issue and advise you on all issues of interest.

Somehow in the summer, either a camel on a hump, or a magpie on its tail, brought the news that in one colony one person was allowed to paint. That is, a short-term meeting with the convict.

A short-term date is a date for four or five hours with communication through bars. There are also long-term, for three days. The creator spared me from the latter, for those who have been there, they say the tin is still the same. They are locked in a room for three days, and all this time the prisoner and those who have come for a date sit within four walls. It may be nothing for a seater, but for those who have arrived, it is somewhat stressful. Okay, I wasn't there and that's fine. But for the short term I will tell you how the spirit.

Correctional Facility. Rough and not glamorous

In order not to go empty-handed, you need to buy food. The allowed norm is 20 kg. There is a lot that can be transferred, but there are limitations. For example, it is impossible in iron cans, so condensed milk was taken in plastic. If you are carrying a watermelon, then (depending on what shift) they can cut it, see what's inside. The same with large pieces of cheese, butter, whatever. The girls were behind me, so they brought five boxes of Borjomi in glass. I really don't know if they accepted it or not.

You can not bring food with you, but buy it at a local store. True, there is not much choice, but it is not necessary to drag anywhere. I paid, gave the saleswoman a piece of paper with permission to transfer and that's it. They then themselves will deliver everything to the inmate.

local shop

Each package, bag, packaging is carefully examined and then allowed or not. If “no”, then no one argues, they silently take it back.

The room, near the transmission window, is a tiny room filled with people, bags, packages, and boxes. There are few seats, so someone is standing, someone is sitting on his trunk.

While I was standing in line, I filled out the necessary paperwork for a date and a transfer. And, since the queue was barely moving, he quickly rushed into the building opposite to sign a permission to meet. I had to wait twenty minutes for the head of the colony, but everything was fine. Signed without question.

In general, one cannot say that everyone there is gloomy, but one cannot say that they are joyfully friendly either. Rather, so - exactly indifferent. Although the atmosphere of captivity is felt and crushed.

I returned to the transmission reception window and it was my turn. He laid out packages, bags, bags, the controller examined everything and accepted everything.

That's all, now on a date.

True, I had to hang around near the gate for about an hour, waiting to be invited. Invited. The system of admission to the inside is a lock. That is, until one door closes, another will not open. In the same place, behind the first door, along the right wall, behind bars, the first control. We signed up for the magazine, handed over our mobile phones and, accompanied by a security guard, walked on. A door slammed behind him and another opened. So there are four doors. The sound at the door slamming behind your back is as if a sledgehammer hammers the last nail into your freedom. Doors with electric locks, heavy and harsh. Made for the ages. Actually like everything else.

After the last door there was a long corridor with doors on the right side. Suddenly, a guard came out of one door, we (I was not alone, but I'm talking in the first person) slowed down and I was politely invited to go through that door. I go in, look around - the toilet! As there is a toilet. Strange, I think, why did he bring me here? But nothing bad, you do not think. This is called (probably) a personal search. He raised his hands, they felt me ​​only not very carefully, and led me back into the corridor. The fellow traveler was also searched in the next room.

Next is another door, though already wooden, but with a lock. I go in and here it is, the dating room. A long room, partitioned along with bars and plexiglass. Divided across into compartments. The size of the “compartment” is small, you can’t fit together, so I had to stand behind my back.

You can't take pictures, so your phones are taken away. But we had with us, and the temptation was very great

There are handsets for negotiations, but, to be honest, we didn’t use them much, because, as it is, everything is audible.

... Five minutes later they brought him, we will call him Misha. (special signs are smeared, because ..)

All the same, there is some kind of imprint on the faces of the inmates. It seems that it doesn’t look bad and the face is rounded and the wrinkles even seem to have smoothed out, but still ... Something is not right.

… Four hours of a date is a lot, because after two hours there is nothing to talk about. You sit and stare blankly through the bars. And from there they look at you. I only then guessed to knock on the closed door and ask if it was possible earlier?

There were two dates in the room, I and two other women talked with theirs. It turned out that the date can be stopped earlier, but someone alone cannot. That is, everyone who is currently on a date should leave the premises. I talked to the women and they agreed. Apparently, too, fed up.

Stepping outside the barbed wire, after the heavy spirit of specific premises, is an amazing pleasure. Immediately the air seems delicious and the greenery of summer becomes more attractive. But I'm just nothing, how much is there? Spent three hours. And not in the area itself. And people have been sitting there for years and years.

No, they are not sorry, the vast majority are there for the cause. It's just, as they say, "They don't renounce prison and the bag"

Here - shows what is written on paper that cannot be spoken out loud.

And in conclusion, a short video with movement around the colony. Nothing special, just to understand the atmosphere.

Good luck and freedom to all. Take care of yourself.

Hello Two types of visits are granted to a person sentenced to deprivation of liberty:

Short-term, lasting 4 hours;
long-term - up to 3 days on the territory of the PS with accommodation in a specially equipped room, as well as up to 5 days with accommodation outside the PS. In this case, the head of the correctional facility determines the procedure and place for the meeting (for example, a city hotel at the expense of the convict or his relatives).

Short-term visits are provided with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the prison administration. Long visits are granted with the right to live together with a spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and with the permission of the head of the correctional institution - with other persons.

No more than two adults can come to the convict at the same time for long or short-term visits, together with underage brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren of the convict.

Persons arriving on a date with the convict must have identification documents, as well as confirming their family ties with the convict: passport, military ID, identity card, birth certificate, marriage certificate, documents of guardianship and guardianship authorities. Persons arriving for a meeting, their clothes and belongings are examined. If a person who has arrived for a meeting refuses this procedure, he is not allowed to have a long meeting with the convict. In this case, instead of a long visit, he may be granted a short visit.

It is not allowed to bring any food or things by persons who have arrived for a short-term visit with a convict into the visiting room. On long dates it is allowed to bring food (with the exception of wine and vodka products and beer).

The number of short-term and long-term visits due to the convict per year depends on the type of penitentiary and the conditions in which he is.

If the convict is serving his sentence in a general regime colony and is in normal conditions, then he is allowed to have 6 short and 4 long visits during the year; in lighter conditions - 6 short-term and 6 long-term visits; under strict conditions - 2 short and 2 long dates.

If the convict is serving his sentence in a strict regime colony and is in normal conditions, then he is allowed to have 3 short and 3 long visits during the year; in facilitated conditions - 4 short-term and 4 long-term visits; under strict conditions - 2 short-term and 1 long-term dates.

If the convict is serving his sentence in a special regime colony and is in normal conditions, then he is allowed to have 2 short and 2 long visits during the year; in lighter conditions - 3 short-term and 3 long-term visits; under strict conditions - only 2 short dates.

If the convict is serving his sentence in a colony-settlement, then he can have visits without limiting their number.

If the convict is serving his sentence in prison on a general regime, then he is allowed to have 2 short-term and 2 long-term visits during the year.

In a maximum security prison, a convict is allowed only 2 short visits during the year.

During the year, convicts serving sentences in the VK are allowed to have: under normal conditions - 8 short-term and 4 long-term visits; in lighter conditions - 12 short-term and 4 long-term visits; on preferential terms - an unlimited number of short-term dates and 6 long-term dates; under strict conditions - only 6 short-term dates.

The first meeting can be granted to the convict immediately after his transfer from the quarantine department of the penitentiary (here the convict is kept from the first day of arrival in the penitentiary until 15 days) to the detachment. Subsequent visits are granted after a time equal to the number obtained by dividing 12 months by the number of visits (short-term and long-term) due to the convict per year.

Convicted persons, upon their written application, are allowed to replace a long meeting with a short, short-term or long-term meeting with a telephone conversation.

(Art. 89, 121, 123, 125, 131 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation; section XIV of the Rules of the PS)

The right of convicts to visits, the number of visits allowed to convicts serving sentences in various types of regimes, is determined by the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, in particular, articles: 89, 118, 121, 123, 125, 129, 131.

The general rules for conducting visits in correctional institutions are set out in paragraphs. 67-83 of the Internal Regulations for Correctional Institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 205 of November 3, 2005, and are as follows.

In the manner prescribed by Article 89 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, convicts are granted short-term visits with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the prison administration.

Long visits are granted with the right to cohabit with a spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, with the permission of the head of the correctional institution - with other persons.

Permission to visit is given by the head of the correctional institution or a person replacing him, at the request of the convicted person or the person who came to visit him. In case of refusal to grant a meeting, a note on the reasons for the refusal is made on the application of the person wishing to meet with the convict.

Documents proving the identity of the visitor, as well as their family ties with the convicts, are: a passport, a military ID, an identity card, a birth certificate, a marriage certificate, documents of guardianship and guardianship authorities. Convicts, as a rule, are released from work for a period of long visits with subsequent or previous working off.

The first visit may be granted to the convict immediately after the arrival of the convict from the quarantine department to the detachment, regardless of whether he had a previous visit in places of detention. If there is a right to short-term and long-term visits, the type of the first visit is determined by the convict. Follow-up visits are granted after a period equal to the division of twelve months by the number of visits of this type due to the convict per year.

The time during which visits were not granted to convicts in connection with the introduction of a regime of special conditions shall be included in the period after which visits may be granted to convicts. The duration of visits may be reduced by the administration at the insistence of the persons on the visit. Combining dates or separating one date into several is not allowed. Convicted persons must appear neatly on dates. For the period of long visits, they can use clothes, underwear and shoes brought by relatives.

Convicts are subjected to a full search before and after visits. The convict is allowed long or short-term visits at the same time with no more than two adults, with whom there may be minor brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren of the convict.

Long visits with other persons are provided only in cases where, in the opinion of the administration, such visits will not adversely affect the convict. Persons who have arrived for a meeting with convicts, after explaining to them by the administration of the penitentiary institution the procedure for holding a meeting, deposit prohibited items for storage until the end of the meeting to the junior inspector for meetings on receipt. Citizens who have arrived on dates, their clothes and belongings are examined.

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In case of detection of prohibited items hidden from inspection, the administration of the correctional facility takes measures in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules. If a person who has arrived for a meeting refuses to inspect things and clothes, he is not allowed to have a long meeting with the convicted person, but a short-term one may be granted.

If the arrivals violate the established procedure for conducting a meeting, it is immediately interrupted. It is not allowed to bring any food or things by persons who have arrived on a meeting with convicts into the rooms of short-term visits. On long dates it is allowed to bring food (with the exception of wine and vodka products and beer).

Additional services may be provided for long visits. Their payment is made at the expense of the convicts or persons who have arrived on a date. The replacement of the types of visits and visits with telephone conversations is carried out upon a written application of the convict. In order to receive legal assistance, convicts, upon their applications, are granted visits with lawyers or other persons entitled to legal assistance.

At the request of the convicted person, visits are provided in private, out of hearing of third parties and without the use of technical means of listening. In the number of visits established by law, such visits are not counted, their number is not limited, they are held for up to 4 hours during non-working hours for convicts and only during the hours from wake up to lights out.

The procedure for conducting visits in a correctional institution is regulated by paragraph 5.3 of the Instruction "On supervision of convicts held in correctional colonies." Supervision of convicts during long and short visits is carried out by a junior inspector, who is responsible for the implementation of the established criminal executive legislation and

Internal regulations for the procedure for conducting visits, issuing parcels, transfers, parcels to convicts and their accounting. The junior inspector for conducting visits, receiving and issuing parcels, transfers and parcels is obliged: before the start of the visit, accept applications from the arriving persons, clarify the status of the visits according to the credentials, obtain permission from the head of the colony and report this to the operational duty officer; ensure the arrival of convicts for a visit; order passes for relatives of convicts and other persons who have arrived on dates; to acquaint persons who have arrived on visits with the procedure for conducting them, and also to draw the attention of citizens who delivered packages to convicts to the inadmissibility of investing prohibited items in them.

If a person who has arrived for a meeting refuses to examine things and clothes, a long meeting with the convicted person is not allowed, however, a short-term one may be granted in accordance with the established procedure; accept from the relatives of convicts who have arrived on visits their money, valuables, register them against signature in a special journal, ensure safety and return at the end of the visit; to check the appearance of convicts who are granted a visit, if necessary, ensure that they change into underwear, clothes and shoes from the exchange fund; strictly observe the established sequence (order) of entry (exit) of persons who have arrived on a date. First of all, he introduces convicts into the short-term meeting room, and then accompanies there the persons who have arrived for a meeting.


Relatives are invited to the rooms for long visits first, and then convicts. At the end of a short meeting, relatives or other persons are the first to leave the room, and convicts are the first to leave the rooms of a long meeting; report to the operational duty officer or the inspector on duty for the residential area and allow, with their knowledge, the relatives of the convicts to leave the colony during a long visit, and after their return, carry out inspection of their belongings and food in the prescribed manner; constantly monitor the behavior of convicts, their relatives and other persons during short-term and long-term visits.

When conducting short-term visits, it is prohibited to leave convicts alone with persons who have arrived for a meeting. In case of violation of the rules of conduct, the meeting is interrupted. In this case, a long visit is terminated by an operational duty officer, a short-term visit is terminated by a junior inspector. The final decision to terminate the visits is made by the head of the EC.

The reason for terminating the visit is recorded on the application, in the registration card, and the persons who are on the visit are notified about this. If a conversation at a short meeting is conducted in a language that none of the representatives of the administration speaks, then an interpreter or another person (with the exception of convicts) who knows this language may be invited to control the content of the conversation; in addition, periodically (as a rule, before lights out and after getting up) check the presence of convicts who are in the rooms for a long meeting, and their compliance with the rules of conduct; ensure proper internal order in the meeting room, serviceability of equipment and inventory, compliance with fire safety rules

Additional Information:

Convicts have the right to visits. Visits with relatives are provided in order to maintain the socially useful ties of the convict. According to the data of the special census of convicts in 1999, 61.8% of convicts did not use their right to long visits, and 50.3% - their right to short-term visits.

The number of visits is established depending on the type of correctional institution, the type of regime and the type of conditions for serving the sentence. Dates can be short-term (4 hours) and long-term (3 days). Meetings take place on the territory of the correctional facility. Visits lasting five days with accommodation outside the colony may be provided in an educational colony. In this case, the head of the colony determines the place and procedure for the meeting.

2. Short-term visits are provided with relatives and other persons in the presence of representatives of the administration. Long visits are granted with the right to cohabit with close relatives (but not more than two adults), and in exceptional cases, with the permission of the head of the correctional institution, with other persons. The concept of a relative and a close relative is given in paragraphs 4 and 37 of Art. 5 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Convicts, as a rule, are released from work for a period of long visits with subsequent or previous working off. For the period of long visits, convicts can use clothes, underwear and shoes brought by relatives. If the arrivals violate the established procedure for conducting a meeting, it is immediately interrupted.

It is not allowed to bring any food or things by persons who have arrived on a meeting with convicts into the rooms of short-term visits. On long dates it is allowed to bring food (with the exception of wine and vodka products and beer). The convicts are subjected to a full search before and after the visit. Clothes and belongings of citizens who have arrived on a date may be searched.

A person who refuses to be searched is not allowed a long visit, but it can be replaced by a short one. In the event that prohibited items hidden from inspection are found, the perpetrators may be held administratively liable under Art. 19.12 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Permission to visit is given by the head of the correctional institution or a person replacing him, at the request of the convicted person or the person who came to visit him. Documents proving the identity of the visitor, as well as their family ties with the convicts, are: a passport, a military ID, an identity card, a birth certificate, a MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE, documents of guardianship and guardianship authorities.

The duration of visits may be reduced by the administration at the insistence of the persons on the visit. Combining dates or separating one date into several is not allowed.

The first visit may be granted to the convict immediately after the arrival of the convict from the quarantine room to the detachment, regardless of whether he had a previous visit in places of detention. If there is a right to short-term and long-term visits, the type of the first visit is determined by the convict.

Subsequent visits are granted after a period equal to the division of 12 months by the number of visits of this type, due to the convict per year. The time during which visits were not granted to convicts in connection with the introduction of a regime of special conditions shall be included in the period after which visits may be granted to convicts.

3. At the request of the convict, long and short visits may be replaced by a telephone conversation, and long visits - short-term; in an educational colony there is also a long-term visit with residence outside the correctional facility - a short-term one with going outside the colony. Long-term visits are not granted to those in medical institutions, they are replaced by short-term visits.

Long visits under strict regime in prison, under strict conditions in a colony of special regime and in an educational colony, as well as while serving urgent penalties provided for in paragraphs "c", "d", "e" and "e" h 1 tbsp. 115 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation.

The court challenged the ban on long visits under a strict regime in prison as violating the right of the convict to privacy (part 1 of article 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), to respect for personal and family life (part 1 of article 8 of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms). As the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation pointed out in Ruling No. 63-O of February 16, 2006, private life is not subject to control by the state, and this corresponds to both the interests of the individual and the interests of society.

But if a person has committed a crime, the state is obliged to protect the violated rights and legitimate interests of other persons, including by applying punishment, including by interfering in the private life of the guilty person. The Court, referring to the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, stated that such interference in private life is not arbitrary, but only implements the state function of protecting public interests. The main thing is that such state intervention meets the criteria of reasonableness and proportionality and is carried out in a constitutionally significant manner.

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Hello Julia.

What is a long date?

Article 89 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation regulates the rights of convicts sentenced to deprivation of liberty to grant long visits. Long visits mean three-day visits that take place on the territory of the correctional institution.

If the correctional institution is a colony-settlement, then for such prisoners the duration of visits (in cases provided for by the penal code of the Russian Federation) may be extended up to five days. These visits can take place with partial time spent or full residence outside the colony-settlement. In this case, only the head of the colony can determine the place and procedure for holding a long visit.

To date, the current legislation gives the head of the correctional institution the right to independently decide on the determination of permission or prohibition to visit non-close relatives. You, being a prisoner's girlfriend, cannot claim the role of a close relative, so there is no certainty that you will get a long date with your young man.

The guaranteed right to cohabitation is granted only to spouses, parents, children, adoptive parents and adopted children, brothers and sisters of the first line of kinship, grandparents, grandchildren. For other persons (in accordance with Article 89 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, you are just another person), as mentioned earlier, permission for a long visit is granted only by decision of the head of the correctional institution. It turns out that it depends only on the head of the prison whether to grant you the right to meet with a young man or refuse. Not a single norm of the current legislation stipulates the obligation of the administration of correctional institutions to provide opportunities for long visits to common-law wives.

What should a civil wife do?

I advise you to apply in a polite and correct manner to the head of the prison with a written request to meet with the young man. Since it depends only on the top management of the correctional institution whether you will meet with the prisoner for a long time, there can be no talk of any claims, demands and threats in circulation.

The practice of prison visits indicates that the heads of prisons do not really interfere with the meetings of common-law wives with prisoners. They are also people, and nothing human is alien to the administration of correctional facilities. Naturally, the behavior of your young man should be exemplary and exemplary, because no one is going to meet the prisoners who cause riots and violate the regime and conditions of serving time in correctional institutions.

It is not necessary at all, but sometimes the heads of prisons require documentary evidence of the de facto marital relationship between the prisoner and the guest. In fact, marital relations include cohabitation within the framework of a civil marriage. You do not indicate that you are the common-law wife of a prisoner. However, your chances of obtaining permission for a long visit will increase significantly if the Housing Office or the house management company agrees to issue a certificate confirming the fact of cohabitation. If you are familiar with the district police officer, you can contact him with a corresponding request, explaining the purpose and necessity of obtaining this certificate. If a prisoner is characterized positively at the place of residence, I don’t think they will refuse you.

Required documents

In addition to proof of actual marriage, you will have to collect a number of documents and certificates confirming the absence of diseases and infections. All applicants for a long visit, regardless of the degree of kinship with prisoners, are required to undergo a medical control procedure. Despite the fact that the list of mandatory certificates and analyzes may vary depending on the discretion of the administration of a particular colony, you will have to prepare:

  • Fluorography;
  • Conclusions from the therapist, dermatovenereologist, gynecologist;
  • Blood test for HIV, hepatitis C, RW.

Sincerely, Natalia.