How to dress for a date with a guy in winter. How to dress for a date night in winter? Short striped dress

A date should be easy and relaxed, and for this it is important not only to dress beautifully, but also to be comfortable. No need to exhaust yourself with fashionable high-heeled shoes and uncomfortable items of clothing. Today we will tell you what to wear on a date to look stylish and at the same time feel comfortable.

What to wear on a date?

1. Don't wear high heels.

Of course, the stiletto heel always looks very beautiful on the leg, but it is better to put this version of the shoe aside. Choose more comfortable shoes, but at the same time stylish.

2. Don't go overboard with accessories.

We all like chandelier earrings, glamorous necklaces, but try to keep moderation when choosing jewelry. A smile has always been the most appropriate decoration for any woman.

3. Don't be afraid to wear jeans on a date.

There's nothing wrong with wearing jeans on a date. Just pair them with a trendy silk top, sandals, monochrome patent leather shoes or suede ankle boots.

4. No need to wear trendy items of clothing.

A date is not a fashion show or showing off the latest clothes, just put on your favorite dress. Wearing which you always received a lot of compliments

5. Choose the color of clothes that best suits your color type.

Leave a lasting impression in the mind of a young man, choose the most suitable dress color for your skin tone.

6. Don't be afraid to experiment with your look.

You can easily wear a lace skirt, sandals for a date and finish the look with a cashmere sweater and clutch.

7. Hide flaws and highlight your strengths.

If you are shy about some part of your body, then it is better to hide it under clothes, but it is better to emphasize flattering curves.

Video materials: What to wear on a first date.

We recommend watching the video recommendations from the guest of the fashionable sentence of the psychologist Anetta Orlova: “What to wear on a first date.” After watching this video, it will not be difficult to properly build your date and impress a guy or a man so much that your chosen one will rave about you.

How to behave? Conquer his heart.

Skirts, blouses, trousers, shoes ... - everything flies up. You froze in front of the closet in search of the right thing. Meeting in an hour. And no outfit! Short-long, loose-fitting, frank-modest... What to wear for the first meeting? So you want a serious relationship, not a one-night stand.Are you familiar with this? Sure! Well, let me make it easy for you. I'll tell you what and how it affects us.

According to statistics, only 32% of first dates lead to repeat meetings. The first impression of a woman in a man is formed in a few seconds. Her clothes tell him who she is, what style and character she has. Manners and behavior further confirm the visual image. By the end of the evening, he knows everything about the woman.

What the clothes say
The image for the first meeting is a double-edged sword. The woman dressed sexy - she is more wanted and less considered as a future wife. Hid everything that is possible - it seems inaccessible. The second option is perceived by men as a sign of fidelity. That is what they are looking for in a woman in the first place. Therefore, if you want a relationship for more than one night, "turn the stick" towards innocence.

For most business men, a woman is a calling card. And you need to make sure that after the first date he proudly wants to show you to friends, partners, parents. Therefore, it is better to choose not a defiant outfit, but one that will emphasize your advantages and hide your flaws. And you will have a second meeting.

Shifting focus towards femininity
When choosing an outfit for a date, focus on femininity. Forget about unisex clothes and masculine style: jeans, shirts, sweatshirts. Say yes to sophistication and charm.

Determine which part of your body is the most attractive: legs, chest, buttocks. Focus on one thing. Only in moderation, otherwise a man will see your roundness instead of you, and dream of touching them sooner.

The dress is perfect!
The dress decorates the figure, or disfigures. Find a style and fabric that will accentuate your beautiful roundness and hide imperfections. And most importantly, they will allow a man to appreciate your “magic proportion” of hips and waist.

Do not wear a red dress or a dress with a very deep neckline on your first date. Otherwise, the man's gaze will be directed only there, and your behavior will be perceived as "bait fishing." Calm colors, not too deep neckline, neat makeup and loose hair will evoke confidence and a sense of harmony. A man will consider such a girl as a serious option.

Trousers. We emphasize the ass
The fifth point is your second "passport". Decided to wear pants? Choose ones that don't add "ears" to the hips. Lightweight fabric, lack of coarse seams and patch pockets - ideal. Let the pants flow down your beautiful legs and create the effect of a light wave, not a flattened potato. In tight trousers you will not become slimmer, but sexuality will be reduced to zero.

Keep in mind: men look at a woman's butt from the side and from behind. Do it and you! Look at yourself through the eyes of a man. And only then decide whether to leave you in this from the house or urgently change clothes.

Weapons on stilettos
Women, your shoes are a powerful weapon, like a gun for a hunter! They make the legs slim, the figure - fragile and seductive. And if you can gracefully adjust the strap on your shoes or beautifully put your knees ... Mmm. It will pleasantly tickle men's nerves!

What heel to choose for a first date? Thin! Leave thick massive heels for work and trips to girlfriends. Don't want to give up a flat sole because it's comfortable? So, do not take into account the opinion of men. And they feel it. Don't be surprised later that you are ignored.

Be in fashion?
Men don't know much about fashion trends! But they laugh when you walk in the same things "in the latest fashion" as teenagers. Therefore, do not try to wear all the most fashionable on a date. Better find your own style. Then even in the simplest skirt you will look like a queen.

Do not try to dress more expensively than you can really afford. It's like a man taking a boss's car for a date and passing it off as his own.

And most importantly...
Be in a feminine state, be confident, natural, radiate energy. Grooming, health, spontaneity, youth, literate speech - these are the qualities that successful men love in women, regardless of her clothes.

You will learn more about what to wear, say and do to a woman in order to act on men like a powerful magnetic field in my online course. "The power of female attraction."

It will be useful to any woman - and married, and single, and divorced, and the one who is in a relationship. What every man expects (even from ordinary communication), what women he remembers for a lifetime, whom they want to help and compliment, what you need to do - you will learn about this and much more from the course.

Every girl dreams of meeting the one and only, who will love her more than anyone in the world and decorate her life with bright colors. When you receive an invitation from a young man for a date, you should not hesitate, hesitate and think for a long time, because the handsome prince can invite another girl he likes at any moment. In order not to torment yourself and the young man, you should know how to dress for a first date. This will be discussed in our article.

They say that the first impression is the most correct, therefore, on the first date with a man, you cannot “screw up”, because it is possible that he can become your destiny and the person with whom you will be able to live for many happy years. For you, we have prepared a few elementary rules that should be observed when forming an image for a first date.

  • Clothing should be comfortable. Nothing should hamper your movements, otherwise you will look awkward and feel awkward, and in the eyes of a man, such a woman looks unsure of herself. If you are invited for a romantic walk, you need to give up heels. If the date takes place in the winter season, and the weather is snowy or frosty, you need to dress warmly and be sure to wear a hat. Comfortable clothes and shoes will prolong the date and allow you to get to know each other better.
  • Clothing should be appropriate for the season. We have already started talking about this in the previous paragraph. We add that the fabric of the outfits should be matched to the weather. It is not appropriate to wear light summer dresses in winter, just like fur vests and capes in summer. If it is spring or autumn outside, then the jackets should be demi-season, but not too light or heavy. If no one wears fur anymore, and you should not stand out from the crowd.
  • The outfit should be intriguing. You should not open all the spicy places in order to draw attention to these areas, because a young man on a first date should appreciate not only your stunning forms, but also your eyes, gait, manner of speaking and ability to keep up the conversation. This means that the neckline should be moderately open, but not completely show off the shoulders and chest, the fabrics should not be transparent, and the silhouette should be too tight. Your goal is to arouse interest in the guy, to become a mystery for him, which it will be difficult for him to solve for a long time.
  • Accuracy and courtesy. Your outfit should be clean to the smallest detail, clothes ironed, hair, makeup and manicure are flawless.
  • Jewelry and accessories. They must be present in the outfit to create a complete image. Accessories should be color-matched, and jewelry should not cause you discomfort. For example, you should not wear heavy massive earrings in which your hair gets tangled or your ears become hard.
  • Maintain a sense of proportion. These words should be taken literally. This applies to absolutely all aspects of the image - and clothes, and accessories, and jewelry, and conversations. You should not look like a vulgar woman, but at the same time not be a simpleton.

When composing an image for a first date with a man, do not forget that men perceive a woman completely, unlike women, whose image is formed from details. In a woman, everything must be in harmony in order to capture the heart of a man. To make your first date a success, arm yourself with the following recommendations:

  • Makeup. Most men prefer natural makeup, which involves not too thick coloring of the eyelashes and applying a transparent gloss or lipstick of a delicate color on the lips. The presence of arrows is acceptable, but they must be neat and even so that the eyes really seem larger and beckon into their arms. If you feel the need to even out your complexion, use foundation or powder, but in no case apply it in several layers. Understand correctly, a man should want to kiss you and he will not experience pleasure if he licks several layers of powder and cream from his skin.
  • Perfume. They serve as a continuation of the outfit, and therefore should not have a sharp aroma and "eat" into the sense of your interlocutor. Light classic fragrances are preferred, which should be applied to sensitive areas - elbows, wrists, earlobes.
  • Hairstyle. Men just go crazy with the owners of luxurious long hair. They want to run their hands through their hair, so don't wear your hair too much and put it in a cocoon-like hairstyle. Owners of short hair should be well trimmed. Dyed hair, if necessary, should be tinted at the roots.
  • Cloth. No need to create trendy layered images. Coquetry and lightness should dominate in bows, the average length of a dress or skirt (slightly above or below the knee) is relevant, trousers should emphasize the figure favorably, the waist line is pronounced. Black tights are not allowed, which will allow you to be described as an accessible woman, as they are a sign of vulgarity and "corrupt love." If you prefer stockings, they should not be visible from under your clothes. Actual little black dress and outfits in pastel colors. Of course, if we are talking about a themed date, for example, horseback riding or quad biking, clothing should be appropriate.
  • Shoes. Heeled shoes are preferred, which will make the female leg graceful and elegant. If you are the owner of a short stature, wear high heels - these can be sandals, shoes, ankle boots or boots.
  • Manicure. Men are afraid of women with long sharp claws, and they can not stand girls with unkempt hands. In order not to frighten off the man of your dreams, do a classic French manicure or paint neat, even nails with transparent gel or pastel-colored varnish.

Men like feminine outfits and they dream of seeing them not only on the first date, but also on subsequent meetings. We will tell you about what clothes they might like.

  • Skirts. The optimal length is just above or below the knees. You don't need to wear a mini on a first date. Let it be better after several meetings, the man himself will ask you to put on a seductive skirt. Midi skirts intrigue members of the opposite sex, making them think about which legs are hiding under this skirt.
  • Dresses. For summer, light chiffon flowing outfits are suitable. For the cooler season, simple tight-fitting dresses decorated with a bright belt are relevant. Simple outfits, floral prints, simple silhouettes are welcome. A little black dress should be considered a universal option, but a dress with a leopard print is not recommended for a first date, so as not to seem vulgar.
  • Lace blouses. It can be a white blouse decorated with lace or pastel-colored blouses.
  • Light colored shirts. They should not contain defiant inscriptions and drawings. A simple t-shirt can be complemented with classic denim trousers that would fit perfectly. As an accessory to such a bow, you should choose a strap to match a T-shirt or shoes.
  • A coat of medium length. A coat can be considered a universal solution for cool weather. A summer coat will help you keep warm on a cool evening, and winter and demi-season options will look more profitable than natural or artificial furs. Agree, it is much more pleasant if a man himself wants to give you a beautiful fur coat.
  • Medium heel shoes. Of course, high heels look sexy and seductive, but these shoes are not very comfortable to walk on, and besides, not every girl knows how to wear high-heeled shoes. A man may not like you toddling next to him, but even if you keep perfectly at such a height, he may have the assumption that you will inadvertently twist your leg.
  • Single style. You can not wear a sports jacket, high heels and jeans in one look. The ensemble should be sustained in a single style, and things should complement each other and harmonize perfectly.

What is wrong to wear on a first date?

We will announce a list of things and images that can push a man away from you.

  • Huge earrings. We have already said that massive gypsy-style jewelry is not appropriate. Even if such decorations are matched to the outfit and complement it, you should still get rid of heaviness.
  • Shoes on a high platform. Along with high stilettos and heels, the platform is not appropriate either. Moreover, the platform should be abandoned altogether, since feminine shoes require at least a small heel.
  • Fur collars, boas, boas and other attributes of a vamp woman. Such women are self-confident, have a strong character and have their own beliefs. Therefore, men are afraid of them and only a few are able to become interested in such ladies who look very defiant and vulgar. Men prefer to carry girls in their arms, protect them, take care of them. A vamp woman is so strong that she doesn't need it.
  • Miniskirt and high boots. Such a bow is often complemented by bright makeup, red lipstick, arrows on the eyes, complemented by false eyelashes. Such an image is effective and good in its own way, but it is absolutely not suitable for making a positive impression on a man. Even when he first saw you, you were dressed in a similar way, you should choose a more modest look, such as a dark pencil dress, ankle boots and a light coat.
  • Pink and bright outfits. You shouldn't be a glamor girl copying the cover of a fashion magazine if you aren't. Men appreciate natural beauty combined with natural intelligence, and pink dresses, white boots, bleached hair and pouting lips are the image of a doll with which there is nothing to even talk about.
  • Colored stockings, tights, bows, etc. Of course, if you are in your teens and your chosen one adheres to a similar style, then such childish things in the image are acceptable. If you are planning to find a man for a serious relationship that will last for many years, infantile images should be abandoned. Such a bow will only tell you that you are not serious about life and are still in the clouds.
  • Expensive jewelry, clothes, accessories. If you go to a meeting with an influential man who prefers expensive women in expensive clothes, then your bow cannot be cheap, but even branded clothes should be tasteful and have a simple style without any shocking. Hanging yourself with all the gold that you have, putting on an expensive necklace, even if you can afford it, is not worth it. Firstly, such outfits and decorations are suitable for evening celebrations, ceremonies, etc. Secondly, the image of a “Christmas tree” can scare away a man who will think that you are ready for anything just to become his chosen one. A gold chain with a pendant, a bracelet peeking out from under the cuff of a blouse, a ring on a finger - this will be enough.

Summing up all of the above, we note that on the first date you need to be feminine, natural and choose simple, non-provocative outfits. Perhaps, once you give up the best and most spectacular things from your wardrobe, you can find the best man in the world!

winter coat

long coat

New is not always good

red coat

All in anticipation, the heart is pounding furiously in the chest, thoughts are confused, and everything is literally pouring out of the hands ... What are we talking about? Dating, of course.

Everything should be on top: mood, hairstyle, outfit. The option: “what a village, then dressed” - will not work, a completely different approach is needed. Who knows, maybe this date will be the beginning of a long-term serious relationship, and therefore you need to prepare for it very carefully.

A romantic image, or rather its components, depends on many factors: the place and theme of the meeting, weather conditions, season, etc. It's one thing when summer is in the yard. A beautiful dress or sundress, curled curls with a rim, comfortable, elegant sandals with heels or wedges, a small shoulder bag - and voila, the outfit for a date is ready!

And if the calendar is far from the month of May. How to choose a “bow” that will allow you to demonstrate all your charm and unearthly beauty, and at the same time, emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide the flaws, if any? This is what we propose to talk about. When going on an evening date in the winter, you need to remember some important nuances.

Men are captivated by femininity

Unisex is great, but a chiselled silhouette is better. If you like to wear dresses, then choose a model made of dense fabric for a romantic evening, unobtrusively emphasizing the curves of the body. These can be dresses with guipure inserts, with a moderate amount of sheen, with a floral pattern, pastel, light colors.

In order not to freeze in such an elegant outfit on the way to a cafe or restaurant, you need to complete the look with a beautiful winter coat. It can be classic, youthful, straight, fitted, with or without original decorative trim - in a word, any that looks good on you.

Sexuality should be moderate

Imagine how tempting a girl looks, dressed in a beautiful long coat, under which it is not at all clear what is being worn. Men, by nature, are dreamers, and while the girl keeps the intrigue, their mind draws the most unexpected pictures for themselves. And so, you went into a cafe, the coat is removed, and under it is an overly revealing outfit. Well, a normal man / guy is not ready for such a sexual attack, especially if the relationship is at the development stage. Conclusions about a girl can change dramatically, or even become extremely negative.

It is possible to avoid such a situation. To do this, you do not need to overdo it in an effort to demonstrate feminine charms. If you really want to look sexy, then open shoulders will be more than enough.

New is not always good

You can often watch girls who come to the store for the most beautiful, most fashionable and stylish outfits that should help conquer the gentleman. In the fitting room, everything seems to be good, but in reality the date turns into torture. New shoes are terribly tight, the dress is crushing, the skirt is treacherously creeping up, and the blouse is restricting movement.

From such inconveniences, the mood deteriorates, and the face changes, and the young man concludes that he did not make a proper impression on his passion. To prevent such misfires from happening, pick up proven outfits for a date that will not let you down at a crucial moment.

Clothing style should be appropriate for the weather and the nature of the date.

If evening walks are planned along the picturesque alleys, in the park or just along the streets of the city, followed by a visit to a cozy cafe, then it is better to refuse boots with high heels right away. In addition, given the air temperature, it is worth choosing the right outerwear in which you will not freeze immediately after leaving the house.

In this case, the best solution would be to choose comfortable shoes with a small heel, youth trousers, a soft sweater and a coat. Shortened or elongated - you decide, the main thing is that it is comfortable and warm in it.

Don't go overboard with chic

Dressed in furs and holding a handbag made of crocodile skin, the girl looks undeniably luxurious. But, the guy, having seen all this splendor, may simply decide that he will not be able to satisfy the needs of such a beauty in full, and therefore it is better to save such outfits for later.

Overexpression can be off-putting

The desire to look bright and catchy can scare even the most daring young man. It's one thing if the brightness is dosed, it's another when it's clearly overkill. And therefore, we summarize - the desire to stand out from the crowd is encouraging, but there should be a measure for everything. You can dilute the image with a bright accent - color, for example, a red coat, handbag, boots, but the base should still be harmonious and restrained.

In order not to spoil a significant event in life with just your appearance, you need to remember one “golden” rule - a girl on a date should be natural and dressed with taste. That, in fact, is the whole science. We hope that now you will be able to prepare for the long-awaited meeting correctly, and will be wise and far-sighted in your decisions.

So, you have already waited for the much-desired call, the place and time of the meeting have been agreed, the cries of “Hurray!”, Or “Yuhhuu!” sounded. After the unbridled joy that you still made an appointment, as a rule, panic begins to overcome, the name of which is “Oh, God! I have nothing to wear!” First of all, calm down, believe me, the question of what to wear on a first date becomes almost every girl. After all, we all strive to create the best opinion about ourselves, turning this meeting into a long and happy relationship. That is why the subtleties of the dress code for the first date are so important. We will get to know them now.

Bow selection

It's best to start by understanding the purpose of your meeting. If for you it is to seduce and seduce, then there are not the slightest restrictions at all, you can wear whatever your heart desires. But if it seems to you that you are on the threshold of great love, then you will have to work hard to create your own image.

Let's start with what obviously needs to be excluded. Of course, these will be overtly vulgar and overly sexual things, since your potential boyfriend should have an exciting conversation with you, and not stare at your cleavage all the time. Because the first rule of choosing what to wear on a first date with a man , is moderation. Even if you have something to brag about, believe me, this is not the time to brag about it. You need to subtly feel the line between “you can” and “it’s not worth it yet” and balance on it. So, say a categorical "no" to the length of the mini and frank cutouts, and the combination of all this in one outfit is a definite taboo. Judge for yourself, because your man, when calling you, hardly thought about meeting a girl of easy virtue, and putting on all this, you will look exactly like that. The same applies to tights / fishnet stockings, save them for the future, they will certainly come in handy, at home, of course.

How to dress for a first date for a girl? Feminine. If it is a dress or a skirt, then their length should be closer to the knee, you can even wear a maxi, making a man think about the beauty of your legs. There is no need to choose too elaborate outfits, since they will only be appropriate in a restaurant or theater, and in a cafe or park, an evening dress will look, to put it mildly, not in the most profitable way. Therefore, before choosing a bow for yourself, take the trouble to find out what your young man has plans for the upcoming meeting, and only then give preference to any outfit. From this we can formulate the second rule - relevance. If you remember him, you will never appear in a fur vest in the heat just because it is very beautiful. Of course, this is an exaggerated example, but those guided by this principle are not so rare.

When you choose how to dress for a first date , Give preference to outfits in pastel colors or muted tones, as they perfectly focus on the tenderness and femininity of the image. However, you should not try to look perfect, you should try to be yourself. Therefore, put on those things that you usually wear, because it is in them that you will be very comfortable, which means there will be one less reason to worry. New untested outfits are best put aside for another occasion, since you cannot predict how things will behave when worn, it is not uncommon for them to rub or reap.

Pay special attention to the compatibility of things, since a chiffon blouse is unlikely to look elegant with sneakers, but if such a duet is not so common, then a sports jacket with ballet flats is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor so that all things and shoes are selected in the same style, since “fusion” is not understandable to everyone. It is also undesirable to dress up in sagging T-shirts or T-shirts with inscriptions like "Metallic", "King and Jester" and similar statements. The only exception is a planned trip to a rock party, where you will not stand out from the crowd. In other cases, it is better to put such things away, preferring more restrained options. You know, no matter how much we suffer thinking about what to wear on a date with a man, sociological polls tell us that they prefer to see us wearing the most ordinary jeans and a top / t-shirt / pullover, and they think of everything else themselves.


The main thing when choosing shoes for a meeting is not even its relevance in the image, the main thing is that it should be comfortable. As a rule, most first dates either end with a walk, or they consist in it, so you need to be ready to walk for a long time. Therefore, do not put on new unworn shoes, no matter how much you would like it, because there is not the slightest guarantee that they will not rub you in the first five minutes. And gluing a plaster on a pounded leg in front of an unfamiliar person is not very aesthetically pleasing.

The same rule applies to heel height. Pick it up according to the situation, since a high hairpin will be spectacular in a restaurant or club, and it will be completely inappropriate for a walk in a park or river bank. Do not forget about the height of your potential boyfriend, because wearing a hairpin, you can be much taller than him, and this is unlikely to please any man.


With their help, you can complete any image. However, having lost a sense of proportion, you can turn from a stylish lady into a decorated Christmas tree. Therefore, if you have already decided what to wear on a first date with a guy , try to complement the bow with a moderate amount of accessories, putting aside the most expensive jewelry, large earrings and a dozen chains around the neck - all this is superfluous. Firstly, the guy may decide that you will be "too dear" to him, and secondly, it's just tasteless. It is enough to put on one ring, a chain with a pendant and neat earrings, then your image will be elegant and modest at the same time, and this is what men appreciate in us.