Cream is applied under the makeup base. What is the base for makeup and how to replace it? Makeup bases for different areas

If earlier the foundation for makeup was used mainly by professional makeup artists, then today it is bought by ordinary women.

Manufacturers offer us a wide range of such products, so there should be no problems with the choice.

But you need to understand what such a basis is and how to use it correctly.

You can learn about what not to do after biorevitalization of the face from ours.


What is the basis for makeup and what is it?

Makeup base (also called makeup base or primer) – base tool, which is applied before all other cosmetics, and it is intended for the following:

  • smoothing skin irregularities;
  • perfect alignment of its surface;
  • defect masking;
  • makeup durability. With a good foundation, it will last all day long.

A good base will cope with these tasks without any problems. She like a canvas primer, which artists use before painting a picture.

With the base, cosmetics perfectly lays on the skin and keeps very firmly. The foundation will cope with skin porosity, redness, peeling, pimples and many other problems.

Application instructions

How to apply makeup foundation? There are two options for using the base. Simplest- first moisturize the skin with a day cream, then apply the base, spread it and let it absorb, and then use the foundation.

There are also another variant. Mix foundation and foundation and apply to skin.

With this option, you will not receive mask effect, but you can successfully hide all the defects.

Blending can help prevent a common problem such as differences in complexion and neck. To apply the base with this method correctly, consider these tips:

  1. Before applying the base blot the leftovers day cream, even if it seems to have absorbed enough.
  2. Apply the product moderately spread it over the skin carefully. It is better to apply several layers in small parts, rather than smearing a lot of base at once, and then getting rid of the remnants.
  3. Need to blend well transitions between the neck and the hairline.
  4. For application, you can use your fingers, sponge, brush, beauty blender. Main- so that the foundation is completely distributed over the face.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Main mistakes when using

To base well laid down on the skin, consider the following factors and follow them:

What can be replaced?

What can be used instead of makeup base? A simple transparent base can be replaced with a light day cream with nourishing functions. He is sure should be well absorbed.

If the base is opaque, you can use foundation or BB cream for it. To add shine, you can apply powder with particles that reflect light.

To make the result of makeup please you, follow these tips from makeup artists and cosmetologists:

  1. Remember about personal hygiene. To prevent infection, do not let anyone else use your product.
  2. Cotton pads and sponges need to be changed at least once a month. Clean your brushes and sponges regularly with soapy water.
  3. When choosing a primer consider your skin type. If it is oily, do not buy an oil-based product.
  4. If you are prone to allergic reactions, pay attention that there are no flavorings in the base.
  5. Before using the product, carry out allergy test. Apply a little base on the inside of the wrist. After three minutes, look at the reaction. You can safely use the remedy if there is no irritation, itching, peeling and other negative reactions.
  6. It is better to choose a base that has the ability sun protection.
  7. To prevent pathogenic microorganisms from getting on your face, use for application special brush.
  8. If it is more convenient for you to apply it with your fingertips, be sure to sanitize your hands first using an antiseptic.

  9. Apply to skin before foundation moisturizing cream especially if the skin is dry.

Choice of remedy

It is also important to carefully approach the issue of choosing the basis.

She must match skin type.

The texture and appearance of the tool may vary, but in any case, it should cope with its tasks.

Texture characteristics will depend on the amount of pigments. Each base has additional functions, but they all even out the tone and oval of the face. When choosing, consider the characteristics of your skin. The types of bases are as follows:

  • base in the form of an emulsion, which is available in tubes and is divided by skin type. Copes well with minor imperfections;
  • creams in jars as a base. They are mainly advised to use for dry skin, as they are rich in moisturizing oils;
  • It is better not to apply such a remedy on oily skin, otherwise the skin may look wet.

  • liquid foundation suitable for any skin type. It fits well, hides flaws and is invisible;
  • base can be produced like a gel. In this case, a slight effect of naturalness is created, but you cannot hide imperfections much, so this is a suitable option only for normal skin.

Depending on the presence of color pigments, the bases are colored. On the skin, their shades are not noticeable in any way, but they can deal with additional problems:

If you want to add radiance to your skin, choose a glossy base.

When choosing a base, one must take into account natural skin tone. It is also worth buying a good quality product from a trusted manufacturer, with which your skin will shine.

Then you will forget about the problems of applying makeup and all sorts of imperfections for a long time.

You can learn how to properly apply makeup base from the video:

Many women have heard that, ideally, in a cosmetic bag, each of them should have a makeup base, also called a base. But in practice, it is in demand only by professionals and those who are engaged in makeup, albeit amateurishly, but masterfully. The rest are limited to applying a day cream, and foundation, and powder, and blush, and other masking and decorative cosmetics are already laid on top of it.

In fact, if everyone realized how useful this product is for the skin, it would hardly be so ignored. Therefore, today we reveal its essence and explain what it is, in the hope that from now on, many of the fair sex will start using it.


To begin with, it’s a good idea to find out what a makeup base is for, because not everyone understands its purpose. Why put on an extra layer of makeup on the skin, which will surely enhance the impression of a make-up mask?

In fact, this is an erroneous opinion, because the problems that this foundation solves usually make life very difficult for all the fair sex who love to bring beauty with the help of decorative cosmetics.

Judge for yourself:

  • masking imperfections and uneven skin: scars, enlarged pores, swelling, inflammation, spider veins, pimples, bruises, etc.;
  • tone equalization;
  • stability of further make-up;
  • filling, visual smoothing of small wrinkles;
  • giving the skin a well-groomed, smooth, silky;
  • correction of complexion;
  • ideal preparation of the skin for further full make-up;
  • regulation of the sebaceous glands (matting effect);
  • providing comfort during the day;
  • additional hydration for dry, dehydrated, sensitive, thin skin;
  • an attractive glow effect if the base contains a small shimmer;
  • protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation (in the presence of SPF in the base).

After such an impressive list of functions, it is unlikely that anyone will have a question why a make-up base is needed. Everyone knows how heavily foundation and powder clog pores and dry the skin.

In order to at least soften their effect a little, makeup artists advise everyone to use the basics, which today there are a huge number in the modern beauty industry. So before successfully acquiring such a necessary tool, it would be nice to understand their varieties.


Naturally, choosing for yourself, your beloved, you need the best makeup bases, which will 100% fulfill the functions listed above. And for this you need to imagine what they are like and what surprises their clients with modern manufacturers of masking cosmetics. After all, each type of base has its own unique features.

By color

  1. Beige - neutral tonal base for make-up to even out the relief, replaces foundation.
  2. White - creates the effect of porcelain.
  3. Blue - eliminates the effect of sunburn.
  4. Yellow - removes.
  5. Green base - from redness.
  6. Pink - relieves pallor, improves color.
  7. Violet / lilac - against yellowness.

By functionality

  • Mattifying

They have an absorbent and antibacterial effect, i.e. they regulate the work of the sebaceous glands. Able to eliminate oily sheen on the surface for 24 hours, especially in combination with tinting powder.

  • Moisturizers

For different areas of the face

  • All over face

This base is needed to prepare for applying foundation. Smooths out irregularities so that decorative cosmetics lie evenly. Fills fine wrinkles, hides dimples after acne.

  • On the lips

Moisturizes the skin on the lips, makes it more silky and smooth. Lipstick and gloss applied over such a base do not roll off. May contain plumpers for a temporary visual increase in volume. May be anti-aging. Available in jars or in the form of a pencil.

  • For eyelids

Ensure the durability of shadows that do not crumble during the day, lie evenly, will look brighter and richer.

  • For eyelashes

Allows you to achieve maximum volume of eyelashes. Get rid of lumps, mascara does not crumble. They can be transparent and white, often come with mascara. Includes beneficial ingredients. Doesn't weigh down lashes.

Having plunged into this variety of assortment for the first time, it is difficult to understand which of all this is the best makeup base to choose something for your make-up. A few useful tips from makeup artists will help you sort out this issue.

Criterias of choice

If you decide to find out which makeup base is best, you will have to select it according to your skin type. For example, a silicone-free foundation will be ideal for enlarged pores so that they do not get clogged with this component. Matting agents are useless to the withered epidermis. And reflective particles will lose all their charm.

How to choose the right base for makeup, so as not to be disappointed in the future with the purchase? A few tips to help you:

  • mattifying dry, solid and gel-like bases are designed specifically for oily skin to hide its unpleasant greasy shine and keep makeup on the face for as long as possible;
  • for problematic skin, choose a pudding primer that not only perfectly masks all imperfections, but also cares for the epidermis;
  • an ideal make-up base for dry skin - a liquid fluid marked "velvety" (velvet);
  • study the ratings of the most popular products to find out the best brands, and read reviews about them;
  • in the store, be sure to ask for a sampler, apply it on the back of your hand, evaluate the result after 5 minutes;
  • check the expiration date of the product.

Only if you take into account all these criteria, you can choose, if not the best, then at least a very good, high-quality foundation that will allow you to create the perfect make-up.

Now you can not be afraid that cosmetics will fall off during the day or will leak if you get caught in the rain. Discover this truly extraordinary tool and enjoy its functionality.


For a good product that won't disappoint you, check out the top branded products in that niche. The modern beauty industry offers a lot of interesting options that you will surely like.

Here you will find their names, company, country of origin and approximate cost. The latter can vary up to $1-2. It depends on intermediaries, transport services, etc. The main thing is that you determine for yourself which price segment will suit you.

  1. Elixir Eclat is a transparent makeup base. Embryolisse. France. $90.
  2. Meteorites Perles Light-Diffusing Perfecting Primer is a soft pink primer with pearlescent beads and multi-coloured glitter microparticles. Guerlain (Guerlain). France. Can be found in L'Etoile stores. $80.
  3. Lisse Minute - leveling primer. Clarins (Clarence). France. $33.
  4. HD Studio Photogenic Primer is a primer for fixing makeup and brightening the face. Nyx. USA. $20.
  5. Beauty Base Matifying Primer - mattifying primer for oily skin. Lumene (Lumene). Finland. $15.
  6. Facefinity All Day Primer with SPF 20 is a milky white primer perfect for light skin. Max Factor (the famous and well-known Max Factor). Ireland. Can be found in L'Etoile. $10.
  7. Lumi Magique Primer Light (Light Concentrate) - a primer with mother-of-pearl particles. L'Oreal Paris (Loreal). France. $9.
  8. Amore is a sheer, smoothing, breathable makeup primer. Ideal for dry skin. Belita-Vitex. Belarus. $3.5.
  9. Baby Skin Pore Eraser (Skin of a newborn) - transparent silicone primer. Maybelline New York (Maybelline). USA. $3.
  10. The perfect look is a mattifying makeup base. Avon Color Trend (Avon). USA. $2.8

The price range of the presented products is quite wide, so you can choose both premium and more budget options.

If you are looking for the best inexpensive makeup base, then give preference to Maybelline, whose products collect a lot of positive reviews. As for the matting base from Avon, which closes this rating, many are dissatisfied with its quality and functionality, but the choice is still yours.

So study the market, select, study, experiment. And remember that the result will also depend on how competently you will be able to apply this interesting base texture to the skin.

Application rules

If you set out to even out skin tone and texture in order to extend the life of your make-up, you will have to master the art of how to use a makeup base so that it lives up to expectations.

If you treat it like foundation or any other decorative cosmetics, you are unlikely to get a good effect from it. So take the course by watching dedicated videos or by carefully reading the application guidelines below.


Makeup base is designed to improve the appearance of the face, but it is better to pre-prepare the skin for its application. This will make her color as radiant and truly healthy as possible, and any make-up will look fresh and natural.

  • Exfoliation

Twice a week, be sure to go deep, using quality branded or well-established exfoliants. If you regularly undergo such procedures in the salon, you have nothing to worry about: your skin is ideally prepared for primer application.

  • cleansing

When washing your face, use a mild foaming cleanser to remove dirt from your face. This will cleanse the pores and at least for a short time, but normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. After that, you can blot the skin with a paper towel, but do not wipe it dry with terry towels to avoid injury and redness.

  • Toning

Tonic is applied to the skin with a cotton pad. It closes enlarged pores and enhances metabolic processes at the cellular level of the epidermis, activates the absorption of nutrients to prepare the skin for applying the cream.

You can use a little trick: wipe your face with a tonic immediately after washing, do not wait for it to dry completely. This will allow moisture to "seal" into the skin, which will give it a special tenderness and velvety.

  • Intensive nutrition

After that, you can irrigate your face with water - micellar, thermal or flower. Twice a week, after scrubs, apply in a thick layer. After them, you can again use the services of a tonic.

  • Moisturizing

Finally, a day cream is applied to the face with patting movements, always along the massage lines (how to do it correctly, by). When using serums, the face is first exposed to their effects and only then - creams.

If you want to learn how to properly apply a foundation and make sure that this is the perfect cosmetic product, prepare your skin for this process as carefully as possible.


Do not confuse makeup base with - these are two completely different products that differ not only in their functionality, but also in the application technique.

To achieve the desired coverage, the base can lie on the skin in different ways:

  1. With fingertips. They provide light to medium coverage.
  2. Special wet sponge (or beauty blender). The result is a very light and airy finish.
  3. Brush. It is used when you need a sufficiently dense application of the base for makeup.

If you are used to working with your fingers, try this application method. However, for oily facial skin, the only right option would be a special brush that allows you to hide enlarged pores and eliminate greasy shine that can ruin all makeup.

As a nice bonus, we give you a couple of tricks that professional makeup artists use in practice. After all, only they manage to give the skin such natural and uniform shades with the help of the most common primer.

  • Moisturizer combined with base

In the presence of too dry and flaky skin, it is worth trying to combine the usual with a primer. You just need to warm the resulting mixture on your fingers, and then apply it on your face with circular rubbing, but extremely gentle movements. Pay special attention to peeling.

  • Make-up base combined with foundation

Surely, many have encountered a problem when the primer does not cope with skin imperfections, and the toner does not help out, because it is too noticeable on the face. In this case, you will have to mix them. As a result, you will get a fairly dense texture that can smooth out irregularities and look quite natural.

  • Thermal water secret

Are you afraid that several layers of makeup will create the effect of a theatrical make-up and an inanimate mask? In this case, after applying the foundation, use a spray and sprinkle your face with thermal pharmacy water. Wait for it to dry and only after that take on the foundation. You will kill two birds with one stone: moisturize the epidermis and mix heterogeneous layers.

  • Alternatives

Many people ask how to replace the base for makeup when it is simply not at hand. In general, there are alternative options, but they will not be as functional. The most optimal effect will give the usual nutritional.

If you still doubt whether you need a makeup base, just get it (even the most inexpensive one) and try to make your everyday make-up with it.

You will immediately feel the difference: there will be no feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin, foundation and powder will not crumble during the day, and the visage itself will not at all look like a theater make-up mask. Those who have ever experienced the action of the foundation, are unlikely to be able to do without it. Yes, it will take you more time to restore beauty, but believe me: it's worth it!

The basis for makeup has several names: base, tone corrector and others. This tool appeared in cosmetology only 10 years ago. Many women often wonder why they need a makeup base at all, what does it give and is it possible to do without it? We will study in detail all aspects related to this stage of makeup.

Cosmetologists say that it is necessary to start makeup with the application of a foundation or base. It is important not to skip this stage, because thanks to the right foundation, the skin looks healthy and even. The use of a tone corrector is especially necessary for girls with problematic facial skin (enlarged pores, comedones, redness).

Decorative cosmetics, which are applied on top of the base, lay down more evenly, blend better and last longer. The tone corrector should be applied over a day cream that matches the skin type.

How to choose the right makeup base?

Makeup base is similar to the actions of a plastic surgeon: when used correctly, you can slightly change the contour of the face, making it round or lengthen. Professional makeup artists always use a tone corrector when applying makeup. Today, ordinary consumers of decorative cosmetics have the opportunity to “conjure” their image. On the shelves of stores you can find various foundations and tone correctors, which have their own color scheme and can be used both under foundation and on their own.

It is very important to choose skin care products that correspond to its type and in no case save on this. With improper skin care, various cosmetic defects begin to appear on the face in the form of peeling, pustular rashes and the like, which even the most expensive and popular makeup base cannot completely hide. Remember that you need to apply the tone corrector only on previously cleansed and moisturized facial skin.

Makeup base should match your skin type

Most of all, the owner of oily and porous skin needs to use the foundation for makeup. After a morning exercise for skin care, it is necessary to apply a tone corrector, and if the skin of the face is not problematic and does not have rashes and redness, then you can do without using foundation. It is better to apply the base with a professional cosmetic sponge or a special brush. In the cold season, under adverse weather conditions, the makeup base should be denser in consistency.

Important: The foundation should match the natural tone of the face as much as possible. It is better to choose a suitable tone in the daytime, while applying various shades to the neck and face. Properly selected makeup base should fully match the natural skin tone - not lighter and not darker!

It is necessary to carefully correct the natural tone of the skin of the face with the corrector. Remember the main points:

    yellow shade corrector - helps mask cyanosis and dark circles under the eyes;

    purple tint - eliminates the yellowness of the skin;

    pink - visually improves skin tone;

    green - masks redness and imperfections on the surface of the skin.

Makeup base texture

There are many makeup bases that differ from each other in their consistency and density. Consider the most common of them.

Base - fluid

Fluid is a light and transparent makeup base with a liquid consistency. It is ideal for young facial skin, on which there are no visible defects, rashes and redness. The corrector of such a texture contains a small amount of pigments, therefore it is not able to hide significant flaws. It is used to even out the tone of the face, making the skin dull and velvety. The fluid base does not need to be applied to the temple area, since the skin in these areas does not need matting. Owners of dry skin should choose a makeup base marked “velvety”, which means velvety.

You can choose a base with a suitable texture for yourself

Cream base contains a large amount of powder and pigment, which allows you to perfectly mask visible skin imperfections, age spots and blood streaks.

Gel base under makeup is perfect for owners of oily and porous skin. When applying such a foundation to the skin, the pores can breathe, and the foundation lies more evenly.

solid base under makeup is recommended for use by owners of problematic facial skin with visible scars and post-acne spots. Such a foundation lies tightly on the skin, thereby hiding all the imperfections. As a rule, on the packaging of such a base there is a mark "MATTE".

Makeup base with shimmering effect gives the skin a radiant look. This effect of applying the foundation is obtained due to the optical dispersion of flickering particles.

Other basics

In addition to the basics for the face, there are bases for eye makeup, lips and eyelashes. The eye makeup base is applied to the eyelid, which allows you to hide dark circles and keep the shadows longer. This foundation is available in the form of a light cream or soft pencil.

The lip base helps to visually increase the volume and allows the lipstick to last longer.

Proper application of makeup base

In order for the makeup base to produce the expected effect, it must be applied correctly. Before applying the foundation, the skin of the face must be thoroughly cleansed, wiped with a tonic and moisturized with a cream that matches your type. The foundation should be applied a few seconds after the moisturizing cream is absorbed, preferably with a professional sponge or brush. At the same time, it is important to shade the product along the massage lines in order to prevent skin stretching and the subsequent formation of wrinkles.

If you are the owner of oily skin, then it will be enough to apply loose powder or foundation with a matting effect on top of the foundation. To touch up makeup during the day, you need to blot your face with a napkin and powder with loose powder. If there are rashes on the skin, then it is better to choose a makeup base with medicinal components. On sale there are special proofreaders with an antiseptic effect.

If the skin on the face is very dry and flaky at the same time, then before applying the foundation, it is necessary to lubricate the face well with a nourishing cream, then apply a moisturizer, and only after that, the makeup base.

Today, 3in1 make-up products are widely used, which moisturize the skin, tone it up, protect it from direct sunlight and hide imperfections. It is optimal if an experienced cosmetologist selects the basis for makeup, who will first determine the type of facial skin.

Probably, any woman will agree that a thick layer of foundation on her face will look more like a mask than makeup, and, conversely, a thin layer goes on evenly and looks neat and natural. Consider the basics of applying a makeup base:

    To apply the foundation, you can use a sponge, a brush, as well as the pads of your fingers;

    Perform movements along the massage lines, heading from the forehead to the chin. The movements should be patting;

    No need to rub the foundation like a moisturizer, distribute it evenly over the skin;

    If you chose a sponge to apply the foundation, then moisten it a little before starting makeup, so the base will lie on your face more evenly, and the consumption of the product will be half as much;

    Don't skimp on sponges and sponges. Professional material for applying makeup is not cheap, but it can significantly reduce the consumption of cosmetics;

    Keep track of how much foundation you apply. If, after applying the product, wrinkles or dashes appeared on the skin, then this means that you took a lot of foundation. To remove excess, use a sponge that absorbs excess product and does not ruin the makeup.

The main mistakes when applying the foundation

All professional makeup artists are well aware of how to properly apply makeup foundation in order to only emphasize the dignity of the skin, but if you are not an expert in this field, you should know the main mistakes in using a tone corrector. We offer a short overview of the most common mistakes.

Often a woman applies foundation to her face in the same way as a regular moisturizer. He squeezes the product out of the package onto his fingers and begins to vigorously rub it all over his face. This is absolutely impossible to do! If not applied correctly, the foundation will lie on the face with spots and instead of healthy and even skin, you will get a painful image.

Do not apply foundation immediately after moisturizer! If you apply your makeup base before the day cream has had time to absorb, you risk getting a dirty oily sheen instead of a matte and even tone.

The fear of applying too much base can backfire - not enough base. With a small amount of funds, it is difficult to blend it on the face. Again, you run the risk of getting spotty instead of an even tone.

When trying to correct the complexion, a woman applies the foundation to the skin in several layers. To give the skin a tan tone, you can use special products, since excessive application of the base for makeup will only lead to sloppiness.

No need to apply foundation around the eye area. The skin in this area is very thin and delicate, it is better to use a special concealer pencil to correct dark circles under the eyes.

Do not use expired products if you do not want to get an allergic skin reaction. Remember that almost any makeup base is stored after opening the package for no more than a year, and then in a cool place.

When using makeup base, women often make mistakes.

The most popular makeup bases

Makeup base by Max Factor

The basis of the Max Factor brand is more often used by professional makeup artists, since it is this tool that can give the skin a perfect look. The Max Factor foundation is created using a special technology that instantly blends with the skin tone and lies smoothly on the face.

Makeup base by Maybelline

The basis of this brand has a gel formula, thanks to which you can achieve perfect smoothing, hide visible imperfections and enlarged pores. Maybelline foundation gives skin an even, matte finish in no time. Can be used as a make-up base and as a standalone product.

Youth series Very Me

The basis of this series is more suitable for young girls. It has a light transparent texture, gives the skin a matte finish and slightly reduces enlarged pores. This remedy is not suitable for owners of problem skin, since the base contains a small amount of powder and pigment and is not able to hide significant flaws.

Mary Kay Makeup Foundation

Almost everyone who has used a Mary Kay foundation considers this product to be the best of all. The base of this brand has a gel-like formula, thanks to which the foundation lays down more evenly, and skin imperfections become invisible. The foundation of this brand instantly evens out skin tone, making it matte. Special components of the base, which is part of it, make enlarged pores smaller. The tool can be used both separately and as a base for make-up.

Makeup base by Givenchy

Givenchy make-up base has a moisturizing effect. The tool is ideal for any type of skin and has sunscreens. The liquid foundation of this company is available in various shades, specially designed to combat skin imperfections - redness, age spots, rashes, enlarged pores and others.

Makeup base by Vichy

Vichy presents the Oligo 25 makeup base. The product is available in the form of an emulsion, which is great for all skin types, including sensitive ones. The base from Vichy is transparent, which allows you not to weigh down makeup, while making the skin smooth and radiant. Thanks to the thermal water included in the product, the skin after applying the foundation looks well moisturized and velvety to the touch.

The base also contains light-diffusing components that give shimmer to the skin. Thanks to this, the foundation from Vichy can be safely attributed to the make-up bases with a shimmering effect. The manufacturers of this foundation have conducted many tests and studies during which they have proved that the product is perfect for people with hypersensitive skin and does not cause allergic reactions.

Makeup base by Bourjois

Makeup base from the brand Bourgeois is able to instantly hide visible skin imperfections. The green pigments included in the product neutralize redness and small rashes on the skin. Thanks to the light-scattering small particles that make up the foundation, the product corrects the tone of the face, making it even and smooth.

Depending on the desired effect, the base must be applied to the entire surface of the face or to certain areas of the skin, as a corrector or brightener for problem areas. After that, you can apply powder or foundation, and if you wish, you can not apply anything else at all.

You can't rely on makeup foundation

Professional makeup artists generally love to experiment with skin. Sometimes, to achieve the perfect skin tone, professionals mix several bases at once. Of course, today you can choose a foundation that will not only correct skin tone, but also deal with its shortcomings - dry, moisturize, matte. However, lovers of using make-up bases should remember that not a single base, even the most expensive and professional one, can replace full-fledged facial skin care.

Disadvantages of foundation

The advantages of using a base for makeup are undoubtedly great, but there are also disadvantages. When applying make-up, it is important to understand that the base can make make-up very heavy, especially if it is applied according to all the rules of make-up - foundation + foundation + powder. Such makeup can “float” within a few hours after application.

In addition, the base alone cannot perfectly mask such skin imperfections as pustular rashes, deep scars and bruises from blows. To do this, you need to use additional tools - concealers and special proofreaders.

Silicone, which is part of some foundations, can prevent the physiological evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, as a result of which irritation, rashes and allergic reactions may occur on the face. When using a makeup base, which includes silicone, in frosty weather, the product can even provoke frostbite!

Base makeup. Can it be used every day?

Makeup base is suitable for almost all women. The abundance and variety of tones and textures can satisfy the needs of owners of any skin type, but for girls whose face is perfect, there is no need to use this product daily.

You can resort to using the base only in special cases, when you want the skin to look flawless. If your skin has imperfections such as redness, rashes, small pimples, age spots and other defects, then a properly selected tone corrector can make your image as natural and perfect as possible.

In this article, you will learn what the base for makeup is intended for, its variety, how to choose the base and the secrets of applying this product to the skin of the face.

Types of makeup bases

The makeup base is multifunctional, it allows you to avoid smudges when blending eyeshadow, blush or bronzer, facilitates the process of applying cosmetics, and also significantly improves the overall look of makeup.

There are several types of bases:

  • Liquid transparent base gives a light coverage, making the skin of the face more matte and even. Designed for the fair sex with minor skin defects.
  • The gel-like base is a salvation for oily and porous skin, as it does not allow powder and foundation to accumulate in enlarged pores.
  • The creamy product is marked by the presence of a large amount of pigments and powder. This base allows you to hide age spots, rosacea, bruises under the eyes, etc.
  • The shimmering emulsion makes the skin look more radiant and fresh due to the content of mother-of-pearl and shimmering particles.
  • The firm base gives full coverage and helps cover blemishes and scars.

Mattifying base

The mattifying base is designed to give the skin a well-groomed look. This product is not so easy to pick up, since when choosing it, the color type of the face, the desired effect, the presence of skin defects and other nuances are taken into account.

There are several options for matting bases, among them:

  1. liquid base. This tool is sold in many cosmetic stores and is suitable for all women and girls with healthy skin. The base stays on the face well throughout the day, is easy to apply and may contain moisturizing ingredients or those that are designed to absorb excess skin oil.
  2. Compact base. Helps to mask fine wrinkles, spider veins, freckles and other minor skin imperfections. Some manufacturers produce such a makeup base in the form of a corrective pencil. The compact foundation is suitable for dry to normal skin and has good staying power.
  3. Concealer. It is considered a universal remedy, as it combines the properties of decorative cosmetics and cream. Especially suitable for dry skin, because it contains natural oils that are able to care for the skin, protecting it from the negative effects of the environment. The foundation, being the base for make-up, allows you to hide skin defects as much as possible.

Silicone makeup base

The silicone base is multifunctional, it can be used as an independent makeup product, and as an additive to foundation. In the second option, the tonal will be easier to apply to the skin. Silicones look good on the lips too.

If you see a small tube of a silicone leveling makeup base for a relatively large amount of money, don't be put off by the price, it will actually last a long time. Even a small pea of ​​elastic structure is able to stretch evenly over the face, hiding unevenness.

Silicone bases often contain cyclomethicone and dimethicone. The first component gives a smooth surface, and also creates the effect of a slight glow from the inside. The second ingredient prevents moisture loss. To achieve the desired effect of smoothing the skin, you can apply one layer to another.

Moisturizing base

The main task of any make-up base is to visually smooth out wrinkles, make pores less noticeable, and make the skin surface smoother and more even. There is also a moisturizing base, which actively fights dryness and flaking of the skin, protects the face from the negative effects of the environment. Such a remedy is often made with the addition of vitamins A and E, mineral salts, green tea extract, silk.

Although a moisturizing base contains many ingredients that aim to soften the stratum corneum, it cannot completely replace the use of a regular daytime moisturizer. It is also worth noting that the make-up base still will not lie down beautifully on groomed skin, so exfoliation, cleansing, toning are mandatory steps in facial care.

The best makeup base

A good make-up base makes the face more well-groomed, and make-up lasts. Among the great abundance of funds presented in stores, the following products can be distinguished:
  1. Base with reflective particles NEGLIGE- the base of a gel-like texture of a wide range of colors, visually hiding uneven skin, mimic wrinkles, and redness, giving the skin a natural tone with an unobtrusive illuminating effect. Foundation can be used on its own or with foundation. Volume - 20 ml, price - 524 rubles.
  2. GIVENCHY Actimine Make-up base that gives the skin smoothness, radiance and even surface. The tool is presented in several color palettes. If it is necessary to hide redness, the shade of the Kiwi product is suitable, the yellowness is Plum. The Peach product has a neutral shade, Milk will help whiten the skin a little, Strawberry will give the skin a slight blush, for tanned skin a base with a hint of Mango is intended. Volume - 30 ml, price - 1656 rubles.
  3. GIVENCHY MISTER MAT- A mattifying make-up base containing minerals, vitamins and plant extracts. The tool gives the face a slight glow, and also evens out skin tone and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Volume - 25 ml, cost - 1626 rubles.
  4. ARTDECO Skin Perfecting Make-up Base- a leveling make-up base that gives the skin a smooth surface, tightens pores, improves skin color, visually reducing mimic wrinkles. The product includes vitamin E and a complex of minerals. Volume - 15 ml, cost - 580 rubles.
  5. Maybelline New York Baby Skin Foundation- A creamy base that masks pores. The foundation can be used on its own or under make-up. Volume - 22 ml, price - 455 rubles.

How to choose the right foundation

In order to choose the foundation and not make a mistake in choosing, the purchased product must match the type of skin, complexion, and also lie evenly on the skin. For dry skin, a creamy structure enriched with various vegetable oils and vitamins is suitable, which is very beneficial for the skin. As for the foundations with a matting effect, they will be more needed for representatives of a greasy face.

If your skin seems healthy to you, you can purchase a liquid texture base, special gels or mousses that will slightly refresh your face, while still looking completely natural on the skin.

There is an eye makeup base that is aimed at absorbing the oil secreted by the skin. With such a tool, the shadows will not roll, thereby maintaining the overall look of the makeup. Some foundations are able to mask dark circles under the eyes.

Do not rush to buy a base if in doubt whether it is right for you. The best option is to apply a sample of the product available in the cosmetic store to your face and throughout the day check how well the applied product looks on the skin. Give the base time to react to the sebum. Her tone should match the tone of your face.

The corrective base allows you to mask red pimples, pronounced rosacea, allergies in the form of red spots, freckles, age spots, bruises and other skin defects. The main thing is to choose the right not only a high-quality cosmetic product, but also its shade. Purple makeup base helps to cope with yellowness, green helps to hide redness of the skin, yellow masks areas with a bluish tint, as for the peach base, it is perfect for dark skin. Pale-faced women can choose a pink shade to give the skin a blush. For those who overdid it with self-tanning, it’s worth considering buying a blue foundation. There is also a brightening version of the product, in which the skin can be compared to porcelain, and a reflective one.

Using a make-up base

If you managed to choose a good foundation, this does not mean that your makeup will look perfect. It is necessary to learn how to properly apply the base under decorative cosmetics, only then it will be possible to talk about any changes for the better. Not only that, the overall look of makeup largely depends on your skills, tastes, and how regularly you take care of your skin.

Makeup base rules

A tool that visually smoothes the surface of the skin can be applied in two ways. Some of the fair sex mix the base with foundation in equal parts, thereby avoiding the mask effect, in which a line is visible between the face covered with foundation and the neck. But most often the base is used as an independent tool.

Before applying the “litter” under makeup, it is necessary to cleanse the skin and apply a moisturizing day cream. Start taking the foundation only 20 minutes after applying the cream. You should not take too much base to achieve your goals, one or two "peas" are enough. A large amount of applied product can make makeup heavier, making it sloppy, clog pores, cause acne and blackheads.

The base is applied with a special brush or fingertips, which saves money. Evenly distribute the cosmetic product and wait literally 10 minutes for the emulsion to be well fixed on the skin, otherwise the makeup will “float”. Keep in mind that products of different composition and consistency, when mixed, can result in adverse effects. With enlarged pores, the base is not rubbed, but applied with light patting movements. Decided to use a sponge as a tool for applying the foundation? Then it is better to give preference to a sponge made of silicone rubber. Be sure to moisten the sponge a little before using the base, otherwise a lot of the product will be absorbed into it.

If you have any inflammation in the form of red spots, use a green corrector and wait until it dries. After applying the base, you can proceed to the application of foundation, powder, blush or other decorative cosmetics.

It is not recommended to use the foundations every day, as such products can clog pores. And even if the base contains vitamin complexes, it does not replace facial care.

What is the function of the make-up base?

The make-up base fills in the unevenness of the skin, visually smoothes wrinkles and makes the skin more well-groomed and silky. The base corrects the complexion, masking inflammation, pimples, spider veins, acne, freckles, age spots, bruises and other imperfections. Makeup bases can refresh and illuminate the face, especially if they contain shining mother-of-pearl particles in their composition.

Make-up base is suitable for women and girls who want their skin to look smoother in texture, as well as fresh and healthy. This tool perfectly hides enlarged pores.

Video tips on how to choose and apply makeup base:

Every girl strives to look beautiful and well-groomed. During pregnancy, women think about these issues, perhaps even more often than usual, because the hormonal changes that accompany the body during this period can provoke problems such as dry or oily skin, changes in structure, the appearance of rashes or age spots. And quite rightly, during pregnancy, many fear the excessive use of cosmetics, as well as its negative effects on the skin.

why makeup base can become an important part of the daily look, because it can not only even out complexion and improve skin structure, but also protect it from adverse environmental influences. Do not be afraid to use such products, because in the modern world they are becoming better, more natural and safer.

An important factor is also the special desire of women to capture this wonderful period of life at a photo shoot, in which case the make-up must be perfect. A makeup base will help achieve the effect of flawless skin. Of course, pregnant women should pay special attention to the composition of cosmetics and check the skin for allergies. In case of irritation, you can always use a hypoallergenic makeup base.

It is the foundation that is the ideal make-up tool for expectant mothers, because it will allow you not to overload your face with a lot of cosmetics - foundation, correctors, powders and various modeling tools, because it solves many problems with just one layer.

Basic makeup products

What is a makeup base? This is a cosmetic product that visually gives the skin smoothness, a matte effect, evens out the skin, fills in irregularities, eliminates, and in some cases can correct the complexion. Foundations applied over a thin layer of base are more evenly distributed and last much longer.

There are various names for such products: foundation, base, primer, concealer. They can vary in composition, density, pigment concentration, pigment color, degree of sun protection, as well as in the problems they solve and in the field of application. Some foundations contain reflective particles that create an additional leveling effect. There are even bases with particles of gold and pearls.

Each skin type has its own foundation for Mayikzh

It is necessary to decide which base you should choose for yourself, based on the characteristics of the skin, because each base has its pros and cons, which must be taken into account when making a choice.

If the foundation has a tinting effect, then it should be combined in color with the natural shade of your skin. It is necessary to pick it up in daylight, applying the product to the neck, and letting it dry a little.

It is also worth choosing a foundation based on the situation: during a photo session, preference should be given to more persistent, dense and saturated products, while in everyday life you should still choose lighter textures.

The modern beauty industry offers a fairly wide selection of such products. Let's consider each type in more detail.

∗ Makeup base cream. The most versatile tool, provides a stable reliable masking of imperfections, applied with a layer of medium density. Produced separately for each skin type, which is usually indicated on the package. Cream bases are also tinted. They contain powder particles and due to this they can even out skin tone, which transparent bases cannot do.

∗ Make-up base in the form of mousse. It is denser, gives maximum effect, eliminates most imperfections, and is also very easy to apply. An ideal tool for working with problematic and bumpy skin. It is not recommended to use such a foundation daily, as it gives a significant load on the skin. But in situations where you need a 100% effect, it will help you look stunning.

* Liquid emulsions and fluids. Their advantage is that they have a light texture, fit perfectly and are almost invisible, while nourishing and moisturizing the skin. Best suited for skin with minor imperfections, as a liquid remedy is not able to solve serious problems.

* Gel base. Good for oily skin with large pores. Such bases are very light, airy, have a good matting effect and eliminate oiliness for a long time. Such a base does not interfere with oxygen exchange and does not clog pores.

∗ Pressed and loose powder bases. Provides natural, invisible coverage, does not clog pores, corrects problems such as rashes and breakouts. The advantage of such a makeup base is easy application and weightless coverage. But it should be noted that such a tool dries the skin and can emphasize peeling, so it should not be used by owners of dry skin.

* Moisturizing cream with a slight tinting effect. It contains a small amount of pigments. Such a cream is used in the summer, as it is the easiest option for a make-up base. On the face, it is completely invisible, but at the same time it allows you to slightly even out skin color. In addition, the cream can be used as an additional source of moisture for dry skin at any time of the year.

∗ Shimmer effect foundation should be used with extreme caution. If applied incorrectly, it can significantly spoil the appearance, giving the skin not radiance and freshness, but a sloppy look of a dirty face. In addition, such a base is too noticeable in natural light. It is necessary to use it in a minimum amount, carefully distributing it on the skin.

* Solid make-up base. Not recommended for use in everyday life, as its application requires precision and accuracy. More suitable for the work of professionals in the field of makeup. True, such a foundation perfectly masks all skin irregularities, and even scars.

How to apply makeup foundation

Do not forget about preparing the skin for applying makeup, including the foundation. With proper use, any tool will only benefit, and makeup will look natural and last all day.

  • First, cleanse the face and tone the skin.
  • We apply the usual day cream, and let it absorb well, for this, wait about 20 minutes, and if there is no time, then be sure to blot the skin with a paper towel. It is worth recalling that the cream should be selected according to your skin type.
  • If the base contains shining particles, then before applying it should be shaken so that the particles are evenly distributed.
  • Apply the foundation in a thin layer, carefully spreading over the skin. This can be done with special sponges, a synthetic brush or fingertips. To get the best result, you do not need to spare time - let the product soak well, apply an additional layer if necessary.
  • Distribute the make-up base along the massage lines, starting from the forehead, while not touching the skin around the eyes. If the pores are enlarged, then you should not rub the product into them, but apply with patting movements.
  • In those places where there are wrinkles, it is necessary to apply the foundation especially carefully. Surplus funds can only emphasize this shortcoming. You can remove excess with a damp sponge.
  • Do not apply the foundation beyond the border of the chin and on the neck. Better carefully blend the transitions along the hairline and on the border of the oval of the face in a circular motion.
  • After the foundation, use any foundation or regular powder as desired. If the imperfections are minor and well enough eliminated by the base, you can use only light transparent powder, this will be quite enough. And if the base has a tinting effect, then you can do without additional funds.

  1. An important indicator of product quality is the degree of sun protection, which should be at least 15 SPF, which will help resist the negative effects of the sun and prevent the appearance of age spots.
  2. You should not save on such an important product as a makeup base, use only high-quality and most natural cosmetics.
  3. If your foundation is causing an allergic reaction, try switching to a hypoallergenic one.
  4. You should not experiment with a brand of cosmetics during pregnancy. It is best to continue to use the familiar products of a familiar manufacturer.
  5. You can purchase several different foundations and use them depending on the situation: for example, for a natural daytime or more thorough evening makeup, going out or for a photo shoot.
  6. It is not recommended to use makeup base at extremely low or high temperatures.
  7. Choosing a makeup base that suits your skin type is usually not a big deal. The main thing is to decide what kind of effect you need and what kind of shortcomings you want to correct, and then it will become much easier to decide. And if up to this point you have not resorted to the help of such means, be sure to try it, and the result will not leave you indifferent, since the foundation will easily help you look perfect. During pregnancy, this will be especially appropriate, because the beauty of a pregnant woman lies in naturalness and simplicity, and the main feature of makeup for a pregnant woman is delicacy.

Each problem has its own color

Cosmetics manufacturers offer makeup bases in various colors. They look very unusual, but on the face you, of course, will not see the same color as in the bottle. The tool adapts to the color of the skin, eliminating one or another drawback:

Pink base- improves overall skin condition, gives a healthy tone to dull skin, refreshes the complexion.

peach base- gives the same effect as pink, but at the same time it is more suitable for owners of swarthy skin, perfectly emphasizes the tan, gives radiance.

purple base- fights yellowness of the skin, gives the face a healthier look.

yellow base- neutralizes the blue tint, which means it will help in the fight against bruises under the eyes and on the eyelids.

Green base- masks redness. Use it for spider veins, pimples, allergies and various rashes.

white base- a universal remedy for smoothing the complexion, delicately masks all the main skin imperfections.