Games and exercises for the little ones. Gymnastics for the little ones. A set of exercises for the little ones. What rules should be followed when doing "exercises" with the baby


The smaller the child, the more important for him is the quantity and quality of time he spends with his parents.

Glen Doman

My whole world is in my palms

The behavior of a three-month-old child can be characterized by the words: learn and answer. It is from this age that the baby keeps the impressions received in memory. Therefore, the expectation of repeatedly repeated events appeared in the behavior of the baby: feeding, swaddling, physical education, bathing. The behavior of the baby also became purposeful. For example, a child persistently tries to reach out to an object of interest to him or to attract the attention of adults.

What is "know"? This means to recognize the familiar, dear - mom, dad, grandmother, familiar toy, favorite music. And to understand that the new is “alien” - a new person, new music, a toy, a nursery rhyme. Most of the waking time, the baby seeks and learns everything that is familiar to him, and when he finds something unfamiliar (faces, toys, sounds), he first freezes, looks with interest and is surprised, then most often smiles.

What is "answer"? This means responding with facial expressions and general body movements at two months, and the first gestures at three.

Main Skill:

plays with his hands. Own pens are a special interest, they are always there. At three months, a baby begins to hold hands in front of his eyes, to play with his fingers. He can follow his movements hypnotized for a long time, bringing his hands closer to his face.

Pose lying on the stomach:

leans on the forearms bent at an acute angle, confidently, high and well holds the head at an angle of 45º for one minute, freely turns it to the right and left, slightly rises.

Pose lying on the back:

raises the hands up, above the face, brings them together, examines, pulls into the mouth. He raises his head, looking at the toys hanging above his chest ...

Preverbal development:

reacts by cooing in response to the appeal of an adult. Produces the vowel sounds “aah”, “eeh”, “ooh”. At three months, it is speech that causes the baby to focus attention. The child looks into the eyes, first silently moves his lips, then begins to vocalize himself.

The kid also learns to control intonation. Depending on the reason, he cries in different ways, making pauses. The cry becomes more expressive, and the mother can usually find out the reason for the crying of the child by intonation. A capricious whimpering appears, which cannot be succumbed to and must be prevented by your calmness, attention, love.

social development

: studies himself (examines himself and his reflection in the mirror, feels himself) and begins to distinguish himself from others. Continuing to study the surrounding objects and people, he begins to recognize them when they meet again.

At three months, the baby learns to attract attention to himself - with a smile, crying, gestures and body movements. These are the first attempts to communicate, attempts to influence others.

Care Tips

The child sleeps less and looks-looks-looks at the world around him. The organs of perception are actively involved in the work. The child is filled with impressions and expresses them.

The period of wakefulness is 1.5-4 hours. An adult has the opportunity to devote more time to communicating with the child, the formation of the most important skills and abilities that allow the child to be calm and play independently. Take him out of the crib more often by setting up a “play corner” for him on the floor close to you. A “play corner” is a blanket laid out on the floor with toys laid out on it.

Sleep in total per day for about 14-15 hours.

Physical training

Remember that harmonious development does not come by itself, you need to constantly deal with the baby. Give 5-10 minutes a day to gymnastics, and the same amount of time to developing games.


I.p .: the baby lies on his back, head to the adult. First stroke his cheek, ears. Rub your chin with both hands, tap from below, then on the upper lip, then symmetrically on the cheeks. It is believed that if the child's mouth is predominantly open, the movements should be from the center of the lips to the cheeks. Also, movements can be from the cheeks to the lips. At the same time, say: “Boo!” or “Moo-oo-oo!”.

Exercise contributes to speech development.


I.p .: the child lies on his back, with his feet towards the adult. Stroke his shoulders, his arms should be free. Place your palms on the sides of his chest, lightly grabbing his armpits. Singing a nursery rhyme, try to make the baby exhale at the end of the line:

Lyuli-lyulenki, yeah!

Ghoul-ghoul-whether agu-y!

Simultaneously with the exhalation, lightly press on the chest on the sides, tilting your face towards the child.

In the second part of the exercise, the child lies on the right side. Place your right hand on the left side of your chest, turned up. While reading the nursery rhyme, slightly vibrate with your palm, feel the baby's ribs when he exhales.

The exercise is carried out 2-3 times. It develops respiratory muscles and forms proper breathing.


... The exercise trains the depth and rhythm of breathing (important for the development of speech).


... Exercise develops the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Forms proper breathing.


... Exercise helps to relax the hand and the whole arm. The brush is preparing for the game of “patties”.

... the exercise not only develops the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, but also the respiratory muscles.


I.p .: the child lies on his back. Take his brushes in your hands and rub them together. Now, with your right brush, draw on the right cheek, then with the left brush on the left cheek. Now, with his right brush, rub his nose, stroke his forehead, scratch his ear. Praise the baby.

Show the child his pen, moving it to a distance of about 20-30 cm from the eyes. You can also sing:


Normalization of the tone of the legs is an important task for the motor development of a three-month-old child. The baby is already taking pens in his mouth. Now is the time to teach your baby to hold his own leg and put it in his mouth. The flexibility of the spine develops and he knows his body.

I.p .: the baby lies on his back, with his feet towards the adult. With your right hand take hold of his left hand, and then, with your left hand, take hold of his left ankle with your right hand as well. On a count or a rhyme, bring the joined left foot and pen to his mouth. Change hands.

In the second step, put his leg into his left arm so that he holds it a little. Then bring them to your mouth. Change hands. You can touch the baby's nose with your toes, tickle the ears, stroke the cheeks. The main thing is that the knees should be as far apart as possible, do not be afraid, this only contributes to the proper development of the hip joints.

Knock-knock, knock-knock,

Forty flies arrived.

Arrived, looked

Knock knock, knock knock.

Make sure that the child does not tilt his head when he raises his legs or during other movements. If this happens, see a doctor immediately (photo 29).



The exercise is performed in the absence of resistance of the baby.

I.p: the child lies on his back, with his feet towards the adult. Take his legs by the ankles with your hands and alternately bend them at the knees together, pressing against his stomach. The child will be more fun if you accompany this exercise with a song. It can be sung to any tune you like.


I kick, kick my legs.

Antoshka's legs

They go along the path

The path is curved

No end, no end

Knee-deep mud

The horse was lame.


We've arrived!

The exercise strengthens the muscles of the legs and abdomen, further forms the correct walking (photo 30).



Doctors have a term: shoulder traction. The correctness of the muscular reaction at the same time indicates the readiness of the child to sit down and sit.

I.p .: the child lies on his back, with his feet towards the adult. An adult puts both hands under the child’s shoulders so that the thumbs lie on the shoulder joint from above, and the middle fingers slightly support the head from behind

Pull the child's shoulder girdle towards you so that the baby bends his head forward as much as possible, reaching his chest with his chin. The shoulders also go forward, and the child holds the head and pulls it further and further. We do this exercise once if the neck muscles are weak, and up to six times if the baby likes it, and he responds with pleasure by tensing the corresponding muscles.


The development of skills in changing the position of the body is an important task for the motor development of a three-month-old child ... With the help of this exercise, the child unloads the muscles of the upper limbs and deepens breathing.


(photo 31) ... It is very useful, as all the muscles of the body work ...


... So the baby will learn to lie on his stomach and lean on his forearms ...


The palmar surface of the hands should know different surfaces - warm, cold, smooth, prickly, soft, fluffy.

I.p .: the child lies on his stomach. Place a hot straw in front of it. Take his brushes in yours and stroke the base with them. Then tap them on it to the music or to the rhythm of the nursery rhyme.

The cockerel loved the cat.

The cockerel taught the cat:

“You are always before meals

Paws are clean with my soap.

Also offer a piece of fur, a metal disc, a woolen blanket, a rubber mat, a plastic “hedgehog”, a wooden cutting board for stroking. Teach your baby to tap their palms to the beat.

Exercise develops tactile sensitivity and musical ear.


... This exercise encourages support on the palms of straightened arms (photo 32)

Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

Go home!


Take a large inflatable ring, thread the baby into it head first to the armpits. The plane of the circle is located vertically on the table surface or at an angle of 70-80 degrees. Now shake the circle back and forth, encouraging the baby to lean on one or the other handle. Praise, sing a song.

Oh okay, okay, okay.

Oh, the gardens are not watered.

Our baby will go

And plant and water.

This exercise normalizes the tone of the hands, develops the vestibular apparatus (photo 33).


... exercise helps to balance muscle tone, that is, to weaken the increased tone and, if necessary, strengthen the reduced one (photo 34).

... the extensor muscles of the back, neck and all leg muscles are strengthened.


Take the undressed baby under the armpits and, without letting go at all, place it on a rubber mat or plastic hedgehog, on a mat or carpet. See if this changes his foothold. Now sprinkle peas on the surface of the table. Take the baby under the armpits and put on the peas. Praise him.

Grandma sowed peas

Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

Educational games

After the child is three months old, the first type of game is “switched on” - the so-called sensorimotor game. This is an independent study of objects and people. The child performs the same actions with different objects: he takes it in his pen, feels it, shakes it, puts it in his mouth, later throws it, knocks it and shifts it from hand to hand.

In communication, the baby almost constantly tries to establish emotional contact with an adult, using visual and voice communication, a smile. These efforts must be constantly encouraged. Try to understand his protest when you leave the room or move away from the crib: the baby strives for the constancy of persons, objects, events.

For this age, an important feature is the development of hand movements. It is on the formation of hand movements that most of the developing games are aimed at the age of three months.

The best toy at three months is a Khokhloma spoon. If the child does not hold it well, we try to take it away, reaching muscle tension. Then we suggest holding less convenient objects - rings (large ones first), then squares, cubes, cones.

First, give the child light, soft objects that will not hurt him if he swings the handle hard.

The child is interested in everything that surrounds him, he touches and feels various objects, and sometimes overturns or tears them to pieces. Everything that the baby does with his hands - collects or scatters toys, tears paper, etc. - develops his intellect and creative inclinations.

Starts putting toys in his mouth. Daily treat them with boiling water.

Mobiles need to be removed, because, firstly, the baby must lie more and more on his stomach, and, secondly, he has already learned to touch objects and cause them to move in space. Now the baby must master grasping, tapping, and then throwing objects. The wakefulness of the child can continue in the arena and on the floor. Lying on your back - just sleep and eat!

While awake, pay close attention to your child's reactions. They must be positive. If the child cries, is naughty, then he is tired. Rest is needed. Be sure to consider him.

Look, look, look!

Take two toys, one favorite, the other excellent in shape, color and texture. For example, a small fluffy mouse and a bright roly-poly Masha.

Put them in front of the baby on the couch at a distance of about a meter. Now move the mouse and say in a thin voice: “I am the Mouse, wee-wee.” Wait for the child's reaction. Let him play with it a little. Then move the roly-poly and say, “Hi! My name is Masha". Let the child play. Repeat the names of the toys a few more times.

After a while, take and put these two toys on the bookshelf. Having swaddled the baby, bring it to them and say: “Look, Masha is here! Ma-sha! Let's take her with us?" Let the baby play with the tumbler again. Then bring it to the mouse and say: “Oh! It's a mouse, pip! Shall we play with her?

So talk to the child - you introduce him to the names of objects, and give him the opportunity to choose. Probably, he will not react to any toy at all, but he will like a colander, a rustling newspaper or an alarm clock. It's his choice. Everything is possible that is not harmful to health.

The rhythms of your heart

Before you teach your baby to speak, you need to teach him to listen - a variety of sounds. Spare him from loud noises, but do not keep him in complete silence. He must hear the radio, the doorbell or the phone ringing, the noise of cars, etc.

My little son

A little more boots...

You can imitate his babble, talk to him at his level. You can change the intonation of your voice, the volume and pitch of the sounds, you can sing both sad and funny songs, you can clap your hands rhythmically, blow on a foil roll, knock a rattle against the side of the crib or lids against each other. The kid distinguishes not only the intonation of the voice, but also the rhythm.


That's what girls we are!

Ladle Spoon…

... The game develops conscious grasping of an object from the hands of an adult.

…It will stimulate the “animation complex”, babble syllables, emotional development, anticipation. The game encourages general movement.

All touch...

... The game develops hand movements and stimulates fine motor skills.

Quietly watching...

... The game develops vision, hand movements and fine motor skills.

What rings and what rustles

... The game not only develops hearing, but also strengthens the muscles of the neck and arms.

Swing, swing, let's rattle ...

... The game is designed specifically for this age, while the baby does not know how to unscrew the covers ... The game stimulates motor activity, develops vision and hearing.


... The game teaches you to play independently, strengthens the muscles of the arms and back, develops vision and hearing.

Face to face with an adult

The most common sounds that a three-month-old baby makes are “Aah, uhh, and uuh.” By four months, most babies say “Gaaa”, “Gee-s-s”, “Goo-oo”.

Sit on the floor with support on your back. Lay the child on your knees facing you, bend your knees. You are face to face with the child, his legs are bent in Turkish. Take his brushes in yours, run your fingers over your lips. Now say “Aaaah! Oh-oh-oh!” Usually in response, the baby begins to move his lips. He seems to be trying to answer you.

In the next step, say "Ga-a-a", or "Goo-oo". In this case, the child's fingers touch your mouth. This gesture, as it were, indicates where the baby should look.

Take his right hand in your hand, run your fingers along your nose. Say: "Mom's nose, nose." Then run the same fingers along the baby's nose. Say singsongly and expressively: "Vasin's nose, Va-a-asin's nose, nose."

Touch your child's fingers to the nearest ear. Say: "Vasino's ear." Bring the pen to your ear and say, "Mom's oooh." Do the same with the child's other hand.

A little later, you will ask the child: “Is this a nose? Is that mom's nose? And where is your nose? So gradually the baby will learn to walk in response to your appeal and recognize parts of the face. Repeat exactly those syllables that your baby reacts to. (photo 35)

Oh you my son

Wheat spike!

Oh you my girl

golden squirrel,

sweet candy,

Purple branch!

Here they are dressed, they rang ...

... The game contributes to the development of coordinated hand movements.

This is our house

When the baby is not in a very good mood, you can distract him by showing household items and their uses.

The child is in your arms with his back to you. The back rests on your chest, the legs are folded in Turkish. One of your hands supports the legs, the other - the breast and arms.

Walking around the apartment, tell the child:

Hanging towel.

Curtains opened.

The door was opened.

The lamp was turned on.

If the baby during such an “excursion” wants to do something himself, do not interfere with him, if it is not life-threatening. And be reasonable, do not interest him in a kettle that can contain boiling water, sockets in which you can stick a fork, boxes where medicines are stored, etc.

The game encourages the child's interest in objects. He will be able to play on his own longer and longer (Pic 36).

Together with mom (dad, grandma, grandpa)

... The game inspires confidence in the baby in an adult, develops the vestibular apparatus.

I will turn myself...

The game stimulates the active movements of the child. Trunk twists are preparation for crawling.

Save our ears...

...gradually the child begins to understand that his actions can have consequences...

Boo - in the hole!

Many babies love to get on your lap. Use it in game.

Supporting the child under the armpits, let him stand on your lap. Now prove to him that this is a fragile swinging leg support, shake your knees left and right. Then spread your legs out to the sides, saying "Pow!" - at the same time, do not let the child be afraid, hug him tightly so that he does not feel fear.

Change of position requires the child to maintain balance. So the baby will prepare for the next game:

Place the baby on your lap with your back to you, hold him tightly by the arms. Rock it while saying

"On a young horse -

Thump, thump, thump!”

Spread your legs with the words:

“And on the old yes on the nag -

If the child likes this game, repeat it again. This game helps the baby to control his body. The child develops foresight. By about nine months, the baby begins to enthusiastically expect when it will be “boom!”.

The rhythm and repetition of phrases accompanying the game are useful for the child to develop speech.

Over time, when the baby's sense of fear disappears, you can jump with him, squat, lean forward, dance.

One, two, three, fly!

Lie down on a large bed, put the baby on his stomach on himself. Your head is on the pillow, so you can clearly see the expression on the baby's face.

Ask the kid: “Will we fly?” Take him firmly under the armpits and, saying: “One, two, three, fly!” - slowly lift it up, lower it down, shake it to the sides. The duration of the game and the nature of the movements depend on the reaction of your child specifically. If he likes it, make the game more often and longer. If he is still a little afraid, try to keep your movements smooth and unsharp. Hug and praise your child.

So the baby will learn to trust you.

First wheelchair book

Take a large round jar - suitable for infant formula or cereal. Cut out two or three bright pictures of one animal, such as a hare; balls, and toys (“lyali”). Pictures should depict objects familiar to the baby.

The child lies on his stomach, legs towards the adult. Place the wheelchair in front of him on one side. Say: “This is a bunny. Bunny. Let the child play. Then turn, saying: “And this is the ball. Ball". Let the baby play again.

After a while, ask singsongly: “Where is our bunny? Where?" After twisting the jar and showing the corresponding picture, say: “Here it is! Here's a bunny!"

The game stimulates speech development.

Nothing needs to be followed exactly and meticulously. Everything should be joyful. The process of learning the world for a baby lasts for years, and it is necessary that it bring joy not only to the baby, but also to the mother, father, and everyone who cares for the child.

Children are always a reflection of the amount of Love that is inside of us. By educating them, we educate ourselves. We test ourselves. To Love. For strength and weakness. To Vera. Our children will raise their children and communicate with them - just as we communicate with them.

And that's great. So good luck?!

Tatiana Strobykina

Games and exercises for the little ones

baby calendar

Childhood years (up to 12 years) play a crucial role in intellectual development and constitute a critical period on which the whole future of a person depends. How an adult will perceive and know the world, reason, evaluate or express himself, is largely determined by how his mental structures are formed in childhood. Parents should know that the role of an adult in the mental development of a child during the first three years of life is unique.

A child cannot develop well on his own, without the active and competent intervention of an adult. Even a relatively healthy child will eventually either lag behind in development, or it will be inharmonious if care is not taken properly. Each child needs individual communication - only with him, love and affection, simple physical exercises and educational games.

The development of general movements and fine motor skills of the child form his attitude to life and place among his peers. The sociability and positive attitude of the child towards other children is mainly determined by its development. An awkward and slow child will find it more difficult to coordinate his movements with the movements of other children. He begins to understand that he is not like everyone else, cannot do what others can. So the baby becomes an unwanted partner in games, and sometimes a source of ridicule. The formation of complexes begins. And the lag in speech development can cause anger and irascibility, since the child cannot express his feelings and desires in a different way.

I want this book to help a mother learn to understand her baby - his desires, thoughts, impulses and whims. What is more important for him now - my smile, my gentle voice or my hugs? It turns out that at each age stage he has different needs and opportunities. Would I have guessed myself that after six months the baby is just beginning to understand: these are my arms, my legs.

And if at four months the child takes everything in his mouth - this will not always be the case, but only until the true sensitivity of the fingertips and the ability to control them develop.

It should be emphasized that the information given on the physical and neuropsychic development of infants is significantly averaged. Each child is an individual, a personality, and each can and should have its own characteristics of growth, its own pace of maturation. Some children crawl for a long time and do not get up, while others, on the contrary, get up quickly and hardly crawl. Nevertheless, it is important to monitor whether your baby fits into the average norms and terms of physical and psychomotor development. This material will not replace monthly visits to the pediatrician, the office of a healthy child and examinations by specialists.

Below you will find tips on how to help your child develop. Nothing needs to be followed exactly and meticulously. Everything should be joyful. You can compose various exercises yourself, come up with your own games. This book is a guide to the proper development and upbringing of the baby. Plus or minus a month. If parents have not been involved with the baby since birth, it is advisable to conduct lighter activities and games with him and give him the opportunity to act independently. You can apply games for a three-month-old child when the baby is six months old or a year old. However, if you want your child to be easy to learn in the future, interesting to live, so that he can easily communicate and be self-confident, you must master a certain degree of literacy in relation to raising children from birth and even before him.


The first thing that a child who has just been born should meet is the mother's love - boundless, unconditional, love for him as he is.

Focus period

The neonatal period is the first critical period in a child's life. This is the period of time when he is physically separated from his mother, but connected with her physiologically. Psychoanalysts say that this is the first psychic trauma that a child experiences, and its significance is so great that the whole subsequent life passes under the sign of this trauma.

Psychologists call the first hour after childbirth the phase of perception, a period of mutual understanding and mutual research. Lying helplessly on his mother's stomach, the newborn raises his head and, opening his eyes, looks at her. For a mother, these are unforgettable moments of happiness. She not only sees her baby, but also feels him with her skin, hears his grunting, smacking, feels the touch of his lips with her nipples. The most important connection "skin to skin", "eye to eye" is established.

Imprinting is a special phenomenon inherent in some species of higher animals and birds. This is a hereditarily programmed and irreversible formation in the first hours of life of a newborn's deep attachment to the first moving object. At the moment of this first perception in life, a special permanent trace is formed in the brain cells. In brood birds, the critical period for imprinting corresponds to the first hours after hatching from the egg.

In the first thirty minutes immediately after birth, the child sees his mother, and this impression remains for life.

Imprinting in relation to a newborn child is imprinting in memory the movements of the body, the eyes of the mother, and especially her smile. With the participation of touch, sight and hearing, in the first thirty minutes of life, a mutual attachment is formed, which is necessary for the harmonious development of the personality.

The first thing that a child who has just been born should meet is the mother's love - boundless, unconditional, love for him as he is. Only her calmness and caress, easy breathing, the familiar rhythm of her heart, breast milk at the first desire, the smell and such a familiar voice - only they will give him a sense of security and help him overcome the stress of birth.

Pose lying on the back: approximately the same position as in the womb of the mother, that is, he lies with arms and legs bent and pressed to the body.

Pose lying on the stomach: reminiscent of the "on all fours" position.

General movements are inhibited. Primitive leg stop reaction. Walking and crawling reflexes. As a result of active care and emotionally affectionate communication, the baby is able to move in time with the mother's speech. In response to an appeal from an adult, he waves his arms, sticks out his tongue, opens his eyes and mouth.

Tatiana Strobykina

Games and exercises for the little ones

baby calendar

Childhood years (up to 12 years) play a crucial role in intellectual development and constitute a critical period on which the whole future of a person depends. How an adult will perceive and know the world, reason, evaluate or express himself, is largely determined by how his mental structures are formed in childhood. Parents should know that the role of an adult in the mental development of a child during the first three years of life is unique.

A child cannot develop well on his own, without the active and competent intervention of an adult. Even a relatively healthy child will eventually either lag behind in development, or it will be inharmonious if care is not taken properly. Each child needs individual communication - only with him, love and affection, simple physical exercises and educational games.

The development of general movements and fine motor skills of the child form his attitude to life and place among his peers. The sociability and positive attitude of the child towards other children is mainly determined by its development. An awkward and slow child will find it more difficult to coordinate his movements with the movements of other children. He begins to understand that he is not like everyone else, cannot do what others can. So the baby becomes an unwanted partner in games, and sometimes a source of ridicule. The formation of complexes begins. A lag in speech development can cause anger and irascibility, since the child cannot express his feelings and desires in a different way.

I want this book to help a mother learn to understand her baby - his desires, thoughts, impulses and whims. What is more important for him now - my smile, my gentle voice or my hugs? It turns out that at each age stage he has different needs and opportunities. Would I have guessed myself that after six months the baby is just beginning to understand: these are my arms, my legs.

And if at four months the child takes everything in his mouth - this will not always be the case, but only until the true sensitivity of the fingertips and the ability to control them develop.

It should be emphasized that the information given on the physical and neuropsychic development of infants is significantly averaged. Each child is an individual, a personality, and each can and should have its own characteristics of growth, its own pace of maturation. Some children crawl for a long time and do not get up, while others, on the contrary, get up quickly and hardly crawl. Nevertheless, it is important to monitor whether your baby fits into the average norms and terms of physical and psychomotor development. This material will not replace monthly visits to the pediatrician, the office of a healthy child and examinations by specialists.

Below you will find tips on how to help your child develop. Nothing needs to be followed exactly and meticulously. Everything should be joyful. You can compose various exercises yourself, come up with your own games. This book is a guide to the proper development and upbringing of the baby. Plus or minus a month. If parents have not been involved with the baby since birth, it is advisable to conduct lighter activities and games with him and give him the opportunity to act independently. You can apply games for a three-month-old child when the baby is six months old or a year old. However, if you want your child to be easy to learn in the future, interesting to live, so that he can easily communicate and be self-confident, you must master a certain degree of literacy in relation to raising children from birth and even before him.


The first thing that a child who has just been born should meet is the mother's love - boundless, unconditional, love for him as he is.

Focus period

The neonatal period is the first critical period in a child's life. This is the period of time when he is physically separated from his mother, but connected with her physiologically. Psychoanalysts say that this is the first psychic trauma that a child experiences, and its significance is so great that the whole subsequent life passes under the sign of this trauma.

Psychologists call the first hour after childbirth the phase of perception, a period of mutual understanding and mutual research. Lying helplessly on his mother's stomach, the newborn raises his head and, opening his eyes, looks at her. For a mother, these are unforgettable moments of happiness. She not only sees her baby, but also feels him with her skin, hears his grunting, smacking, feels the touch of his lips with her nipples. The most important connection "skin to skin", "eye to eye" is established.

Imprinting is a special phenomenon inherent in some species of higher animals and birds. This is a hereditarily programmed and irreversible formation in the first hours of life of a newborn's deep attachment to the first moving object. At the moment of this first perception in life, a special permanent trace is formed in the brain cells. In brood birds, the critical period for imprinting corresponds to the first hours after hatching from the egg.

In the first thirty minutes immediately after birth, the child sees his mother, and this impression remains for life.

Imprinting in relation to a newborn child is imprinting in memory the movements of the body, the eyes of the mother, and especially her smile. With the participation of touch, sight and hearing, in the first thirty minutes of life, a mutual attachment is formed, which is necessary for the harmonious development of the personality.

The first thing that a child who has just been born should meet is the mother's love - boundless, unconditional, love for him as he is. Only her calmness and caress, easy breathing, the familiar rhythm of her heart, breast milk at the first desire, the smell and such a familiar voice - only they will give him a sense of security and help him overcome the stress of birth.

Pose lying on the back: approximately the same position as in the womb of the mother, that is, he lies with arms and legs bent and pressed to the body.

Pose lying on the stomach: reminiscent of the "on all fours" position.

General movements are inhibited. Primitive leg stop reaction. Walking and crawling reflexes. As a result of active care and emotionally affectionate communication, the baby is able to move in time with the mother's speech. In response to an appeal from an adult, he waves his arms, sticks out his tongue, opens his eyes and mouth.

Hand movements: the handles are mostly clenched into a fist, he opens them

Tatiana Strobykina

Games and exercises for the little ones

baby calendar

Childhood years (up to 12 years) play a crucial role in intellectual development and constitute a critical period on which the whole future of a person depends. How an adult will perceive and know the world, reason, evaluate or express himself, is largely determined by how his mental structures are formed in childhood. Parents should know that the role of an adult in the mental development of a child during the first three years of life is unique.

A child cannot develop well on his own, without the active and competent intervention of an adult. Even a relatively healthy child will eventually either lag behind in development, or it will be inharmonious if care is not taken properly. Each child needs individual communication - only with him, love and affection, simple physical exercises and educational games.

The development of general movements and fine motor skills of the child form his attitude to life and place among his peers. The sociability and positive attitude of the child towards other children is mainly determined by its development. An awkward and slow child will find it more difficult to coordinate his movements with the movements of other children. He begins to understand that he is not like everyone else, cannot do what others can. So the baby becomes an unwanted partner in games, and sometimes a source of ridicule. The formation of complexes begins. And the lag in speech development can cause anger and irascibility, since the child cannot express his feelings and desires in a different way.

I want this book to help a mother learn to understand her baby - his desires, thoughts, impulses and whims. What is more important for him now - my smile, my gentle voice or my hugs? It turns out that at each age stage he has different needs and opportunities. Would I have guessed myself that after six months the baby is just beginning to understand: these are my arms, my legs.

And if at four months the child takes everything in his mouth - this will not always be the case, but only until the true sensitivity of the fingertips and the ability to control them develop.

It should be emphasized that the information given on the physical and neuropsychic development of infants is significantly averaged. Each child is an individual, a personality, and each can and should have its own characteristics of growth, its own pace of maturation. Some children crawl for a long time and do not get up, while others, on the contrary, get up quickly and hardly crawl. Nevertheless, it is important to monitor whether your baby fits into the average norms and terms of physical and psychomotor development. This material will not replace monthly visits to the pediatrician, the office of a healthy child and examinations by specialists.

Below you will find tips on how to help your child develop. Nothing needs to be followed exactly and meticulously. Everything should be joyful. You can compose various exercises yourself, come up with your own games. This book is a guide to the proper development and upbringing of the baby. Plus or minus a month. If parents have not been involved with the baby since birth, it is advisable to conduct lighter activities and games with him and give him the opportunity to act independently. You can apply games for a three-month-old child when the baby is six months old or a year old. However, if you want your child to be easy to learn in the future, interesting to live, so that he can easily communicate and be self-confident, you must master a certain degree of literacy in relation to raising children from birth and even before him.


The first thing that a child who has just been born should meet is the mother's love - boundless, unconditional, love for him as he is.

Focus period

The neonatal period is the first critical period in a child's life. This is the period of time when he is physically separated from his mother, but connected with her physiologically. Psychoanalysts say that this is the first psychic trauma that a child experiences, and its significance is so great that the whole subsequent life passes under the sign of this trauma.

Psychologists call the first hour after childbirth the phase of perception, a period of mutual understanding and mutual research. Lying helplessly on his mother's stomach, the newborn raises his head and, opening his eyes, looks at her. For a mother, these are unforgettable moments of happiness. She not only sees her baby, but also feels him with her skin, hears his grunting, smacking, feels the touch of his lips with her nipples. The most important connection "skin to skin", "eye to eye" is established.

Imprinting is a special phenomenon inherent in some species of higher animals and birds. This is a hereditarily programmed and irreversible formation in the first hours of life of a newborn's deep attachment to the first moving object. At the moment of this first perception in life, a special permanent trace is formed in the brain cells. In brood birds, the critical period for imprinting corresponds to the first hours after hatching from the egg.

In the first thirty minutes immediately after birth, the child sees his mother, and this impression remains for life.

Imprinting in relation to a newborn child is imprinting in memory the movements of the body, the eyes of the mother, and especially her smile. With the participation of touch, sight and hearing, in the first thirty minutes of life, a mutual attachment is formed, which is necessary for the harmonious development of the personality.

The first thing that a child who has just been born should meet is the mother's love - boundless, unconditional, love for him as he is. Only her calmness and caress, easy breathing, the familiar rhythm of her heart, breast milk at the first desire, the smell and such a familiar voice - only they will give him a sense of security and help him overcome the stress of birth.

Pose lying on the back: approximately the same position as in the womb of the mother, that is, he lies with arms and legs bent and pressed to the body.

Pose lying on the stomach: reminiscent of the "on all fours" position.

General movements are inhibited. Primitive leg stop reaction. Walking and crawling reflexes. As a result of active care and emotionally affectionate communication, the baby is able to move in time with the mother's speech. In response to an appeal from an adult, he waves his arms, sticks out his tongue, opens his eyes and mouth.

Hand movements: the handles are mostly clenched into a fist, he unclenches them gradually. The grasping reflex is expressed differently. Most babies cannot "find" their hands until they open them, although some of them suck their fingers from the first days.

Until the age of six weeks, the baby does not instinctively know where his hands are, he finds them first with the help of touch, then with the help of sight. At the same time, at first, he treats his hand, as with any other object of grasping.

Vision: up to two months, the development of the first form of communication - visual. By the end of this period, the child fixes his gaze well on the face of an adult, follows his movements. The visual acuity of an infant reaches the level of an adult only by the end of the first year of life.

In the first week of life, the child squints and worries in bright light. There should be a constriction of the pupil when illuminated. It is believed that the visual acuity of a newborn is designed to fix and recognize the mother's face during breastfeeding: he perceives best objects located 19 cm from his face. Everything that is closer or further than this distance seems blurry to him.

At the age of about 18–20 days, a newborn child fixes a motionless object (adult's face) with a glance at a distance of 40–50 cm for 5–10 seconds.

Hearing: the first reactions to sounds are primitive: shuddering, blinking, crying, less often - fading. Distinguishes the mother's voice from other voices pronouncing his name. The development of this ability begins even in the period of intrauterine life (hearing, as well as vision, already functions in a seven-month-old fetus). The familiar voice of a mother is tantamount to safety. At the age of three weeks, the baby listens to sounds. Calms down with strong sound.

Speech development: it is believed that it begins with a cry, when the baby, in response to what is happening inside him (hunger, discomfort, comfort, pain) and outside (light, loud sounds, touch), signals with various voice modulations. However, a cry from hunger or a smile in a dream is not addressed to anyone.

A little later, 18–20 days after birth, the child in a calm state pronounces the sound “a”.

Some parents are sometimes afraid even once again to take their child in their arms. This is dictated by an unconscious fear of hurting your child and the attitude that he is very fragile.

But believe me, if your baby survived childbirth with their compression and pressure, then gymnastics will not become an exorbitant burden for him.

On the contrary, physical exercises will only help the newborn to rehabilitate himself after this difficult test. So let's say it again: gymnastics is very, very useful for kids ...

What are the benefits of gymnastics for a newborn?

Being in the mother's womb, the baby constantly aligned the position of his body relative to the position of the mother's body. And in the conditions of gravity, controlling his body is an unusual activity for him, and at first glance it may seem that the baby has impaired coordination of movements. Although even an astronaut, after three months in space, has to re-learn how to walk on the ground and hit a spoon in his mouth. And this despite the fact that his brain has long been formed. In a newborn, only 30% of the brain has formed, and even after reaching the age of one, this figure does not reach one hundred, amounting to only 70%. In other words, the period from conception to a year, by the end of which a small person is already ready to walk and talk, is the most intense in the process of brain growth. At this time, the baby is actively developing those parts of the brain that are responsible for movement and perception. And only then, after the maturation of these so-called ancient parts of the brain, the development of the cerebral cortex and, accordingly, the intellect begins.

That is why in infancy, movement is of paramount importance for the development of the child. It is not for nothing that breastfeeding African natives, who freely flounder in a home-made fabric device for carrying a child for up to nine months, are significantly ahead in the development of their European peers, who lie passively in their beds most of the time. During gymnastics, the baby receives temperature and tactile signals, the necessary muscle load, his vestibular apparatus develops, coordination of movements improves, the work of internal organs, joints become stronger.

Who is better to entrust gymnastics with a baby?

Of course, the ideal option is an instructor who will teach parents the rules of static and dynamic gymnastics, and the baby - the skill of staying on the water and swimming. Indeed, with the help of gymnastics, a competent specialist is even able to correct a number of deviations: various asymmetries, clubfoot, umbilical hernia, etc. In addition, no doubt, when mastering some exercises, the parents of the baby cannot do without the help of an instructor. But young mom and dad are quite able to master many useful skills on their own.

➢ I. p. baby - lying on his back. Bending the right and left legs of the baby in turn at the knee, bring them to the chest and with a little effort press his knees and hips on the tummy, thus massaging him.

➢ I. p. - the same. Bring both knees of the baby to the chest and spread them apart, holding them in the extreme position for a short time. I. p. - the same. With one hand, taking the straightened legs of the baby by the shins, lift them vertically, then lower them to the side, while holding the shoulder opposite to the movement with your free hand.

➢ I. p. - the same. With both hands, take the baby by the straight legs, lift them vertically, and then lower them to his head.

➢ I. p. - the same. Holding the straightened legs of the baby in a vertical position with one hand, with the other, take him by the right handle and pull it slightly towards you and towards the center of the body, while lowering the legs over the shoulder of the same name. Do the same with the left handle.

➢ I. p. - the same. Take the baby's leg, bent at the knee, with one hand, the handle opposite to it with the other, connect them so that the knee touches the baby's elbow. Repeat the same with the other leg and handle.

➢ I. p. - the same. Take the baby by the straight arms and spread them apart until they touch the surface on which he lies. Then bring the arms together so that the baby hugs himself tightly.

➢ I. p. - the same, arms along the body. Alternately lift the baby's arms up, applying a slight stretching force. If the baby strongly clamps his arms at the elbows, it is not necessary to straighten them.

➢ I. p. - the same. Pull the baby by the raised handle up and the extended leg of the same name down. Another option is a diagonal stretch.

➢ I. p. - the same. Bend the baby's legs at the knees, placing the feet at the buttocks shoulder-width apart. Alternately lay each lower leg on a plane, lowering the knee to the opposite foot. The second leg is stationary.

➢ I.p - lying on the stomach. Bend your right leg at the knee so that the heel touches the buttocks. The thigh is slightly retracted to the side perpendicular to the body. With your free hand, hold the baby by the shoulders.

➢ I. p. - the same. Bend the baby's arms at the elbows and spread them apart so that they are perpendicular to the body. The hands lie in the neck. Raise your upper body while holding your baby under your arms.

➢ I. p. - the baby is pressed against your chest with his back. The child's legs are folded foot to foot, pressed to the body and pointed with toes up. With one palm support the buttocks and legs of the baby, and with the other palm hold him under the chest, leaving his arms free. This is for him a pose of rest and tranquility, close to the intrauterine state. It helps to calm the baby and therefore should be the final stage of classes. The given complex is suitable for most healthy infants, but it is still better to consult a pediatrician first.

What rules should be followed when doing "exercises" with the baby?

❧ Classes should be held with sufficient air access, in a pre-ventilated room, and in the hot season - in the morning, when it is still cool and the baby does not risk overheating.

❧ If the baby is sick, cancel classes until he recovers. The same is recommended if the baby is upset or crying. Classes in this state will not bring any joy or benefit.

❧ Gymnastics should not be done when the baby is hungry or has just eaten, wants to sleep, or just recently woke up.