Women in the zone. Women's penal colony (63 photos)

In Kazakhstan, there are six women's colonies, the total number of women and girls serving sentences as of August 1 this year is 2901. Correctional Facility UG-157/11 of the city of Atyrau opened three years ago, in total there are 234 prisoners from four regions. Correspondents of Vox Populi visited the women's colony to tell and show readers how they live in a penal colony and who they are - the women whom the court deprived of their liberty.

1. All women's colonies in the country are of general regime, except for the colony in Karaganda, where “walkers” (prison jargon) are kept - repeatedly convicted women

2. Twice a day, convicts gather on the parade ground for inspection. Absence is considered a gross violation, for which they can be put in a punishment cell. Such a mark in personal file undesirable, as it affects parole (parole) and transfer to a colony-settlement

3. After checking, all women disperse to their jobs or squads. White scarves are a mandatory part of the uniform

4. The conditions of stay in UG-157/11 are as close as possible to a standard women's hostel. Five squads, in which approximately 50 women each, are placed in their own blocks. In each block, except for the bedrooms, there is a common teahouse, a storeroom, a guest room. There is a shared bath, laundry and ironing

5. Four women live in each room. According to the charter, they do not have the right to sit or lie down on the bed from nine in the morning until seven in the evening. It is austere and smells of bleach here.

6. Each detachment has its own foreman, an authoritative person who knows how to eliminate internal conflict situations and to maintain peaceful coexistence among several dozen women with a difficult fate and character. Brigadiers of detachments or, more simply, "bumps" are people with untouchable authority. The brigadier has a deputy, a santroika (sanitary troika), a foreman-orderly, assistants responsible for the supply room, for the kitchen, for the tea house and for the leisure and sports section (SDS)

7. In the relaxation room, convicts can be alone with themselves. Three psychologists constantly monitor the well-being of prisoners. For every convict individual approach. On the zone emotional condition women are extremely unstable

8. In the evenings, women gather in front of the TV. They watch news and TV shows, the most popular are Turkish. It should be noted that the well-established life of the colony largely depends on the attitude of the convicted women themselves. The paintings on the walls were made by the prisoners themselves.

9. Kapterka. One convict was released today. Employees escorted her to the station. The head of the zone contacted the Aktobe Center for Adaptation and Rehabilitation of Convicts and asked for help with accommodation and employment. Despite the loud laughter and joy, anxiety and notes of fear slip through the liberated woman: “how will everything turn out in the wild?”

10. The most demanded product in the zone is payphone cards. Prisoners may not see their loved ones for years, as the families of many women live in neighboring regions, and it is not always financial opportunity come for a long date. And so they keep in touch through the phone. But there is a limit to such conversations. Each convicted person is entitled to 15 minutes telephone conversation in a day

11. The convicts are fully supported by the state. In addition, they have transmissions from relatives. In the local shop once a month they can buy everything they need. Cigarettes are second in importance. Almost everyone smokes, regardless of age and position. They don't quit here, they start smoking here. There is no other way to calm down

12. Here, in the zone, there is a special atmosphere - sincerity or falsehood is immediately determined. Women are kept by "families", family members are not given offense. The head of the family is the queen, the rest are princesses

13. The bath unit works almost every day. The administration went to meet the prisoners and allowed them to equip a shower room with the detachments themselves

15. Laundry and ironing units are well equipped

16. Medical unit. Almost every second woman has serious illnesses

17. Hall of the quarantine block on the second floor. Now only one woman is undergoing adaptation. After arriving at the institution, the prisoner spends 15 days in the quarantine department. Psychologists, doctors, and the educational department immediately begin to work with her, after which she is transferred to one of the detachments on a regular regime, on which she stays for six months. It differs from the facilitated one in that dates take place every three months. There are more privileges in the light mode - permission for monthly transfers, a date of up to 3 days every two months, there are incentive meetings and transfers

18. Despite the spacious dining room, each squad enters at its own time

20. When we were filming in the dining room, one woman, leaving, shouted: “Come more often, they will feed us better,” and another added: “The food is normal, you can’t please everyone here and they bring us transfers, have you seen full refrigerators?”

21. Fresh bread smells far outside the bakery. In colony UG-157/11 they bake the best bread among all zones of the country

22. The head baker, Ira, also worked in the bakery outside. Baking bread is her calling.

23. According to the baker, the secret of delicious bread is in the good flour of the first grade of the Kostanay region and in the humane, conscientious attitude of the bakers

24. On a shift, Ira with six assistants hand over 1000 rolls, provide for their own and neighboring male colony

25. Baker is one of the most prestigious and paid jobs in the colony. The chief baker receives 23,000 tenge

26. Every second woman has a debt to the state - lawsuits, state fees, legal costs. Therefore, many people are interested in getting paid work. The administration is constantly working on the issue of employment among convicts, of all prisoners only 60 women work. Soon the colony plans to open a fish shop

27. There is a small sewing shop for 34 women, in which clothes are sewn for prisoners in male colonies. They do not refuse third-party orders here either: overalls for hospitals, for oil companies. In addition, there are detachments of household servants with a salary of 21,000 tenge - kitchen workers, janitors, foremen of detachments, workers of a bath and laundry plant, a librarian

28. At the correctional institution there is a college where they teach in such specialties as a seamstress, cutter, confectioner, cook, hairdresser. This year, diplomas were awarded to 87 convicts

29. The prison library is constantly updated, there is an agreement on this with the state library

30. Demand for books is high - almost everyone reads, mostly fiction

31. A few books on religious topics. This year, 60 women kept the orazu at first, but due to the hot summer (air conditioners and fans are not allowed), 30 fasting remained.

32. The colony has a Sports and Leisure Section (SSS), which includes a library, acrobatics courses and, of course, the organization of cultural events. This institution hosts the best and most costumed concerts of any zone.

33. The foreman of the first detachment, Bibigul, where the SDS belongs, admits that a lot of effort has been invested in order to achieve such a level of the show. The administration willingly meets halfway, gives the opportunity to train, allocates money, provides training videos

36. Prisoners make costumes and decorations with their own hands, they can sew ball gowns from ribbons and pieces

37. In the evenings they play the intellectual game "Field of Miracles"

38. There are several girls in the SDS whose sports and dance data meet the requirements of the section

39. Olga - fizorg (organizer of physical education) and dance director of the SDS, age - 32 years. Article 259 - drugs.

She served over seven years. Only 2 years and 10 months left before the call. He does not like to talk about his personal life. In another institution, she was a persistent violator, so she did not pass on parole. Here, in UG - 166/11 - she right person, master - golden hands: an electrician, a carpenter and a specialist in welding and installation work. I learned all this in the zone

40. In addition, Olga successfully leads the acrobatics section

41. Katya is engaged in acrobatics and dancing in the SSD. Age 32 years. Article 259 - drugs. Term - 11 years, served 4 years 4 months.

In Aktau, where she lived, she had her own small clothing store. She and her friend often flew to Turkey for goods. Then I decided to bring ecstasy tablets, not for sale, but for personal use. Now her two daughters are in the care of a 63-year-old retired mother. IN last time she saw them two and a half years ago, mom does not have the opportunity to bring her daughters for a long-term date. Now she only sees in the photo how her daughters grow up. Katya understood for sure that not a single pleasure in life is worth exchanging it for the opportunity to raise her own children. In three years, she hopes for parole. After the term ends, she wants to devote herself to her daughters. Correspondence with convicted men is not uncommon in the colony. But Katya no longer wants to start a relationship. There, in freedom, everything is easier. A man loved you, loved you, and then stopped loving you, but this disappointment is hard to bear even in the wild. And here, in the zone, even with a howl of a she-wolf, there is nothing to close the void. Therefore, she crushed all female feelings in herself and only dreams of seeing her children more often - at least once every six months.

42. The approximate age of the staff of the prison administration is from 20 to 30 years. 90% is women's team As a rule, the majority are not married. permanent employment at work, many do not allow to engage in personal life

43. Head of the detachment Botagoz Nurkhanova, 28 years old. Works since the opening of the colony.

“When I first came here to work, I thought: “What am I doing here?” It was really scary, says Botagoz. – The turning point happened when I had to morally support one prisoner. Then you realize that they ordinary women who just need understanding

44. Prisoners address Botagoz with the word "mother", so symbolically they call all the heads of the detachments. Of all the employees of the administration, the chiefs of the detachments are closest to the convicts. Together with the foreman, he coordinates and monitors compliance with the regime. Communications between "moms" and convicts in this zone are primarily human character. Broken women's fate some prisoners are sympathetic and understanding from their guards. Over time, you practically have to live with the problems of your wards, write their characteristics, represent them in court. "Moms" - a link between convicts and senior officers

45. The administration petitions, writes positive characteristics of convicts with exemplary behavior. But nonetheless, the last word always up to the judge. Many do not go through the courts, there are enough reasons for this: outstanding debts, absence, or vice versa, a large number of incentives, a short term of imprisonment, serious convictions. The most common court reply: “How is it different from other convicts?”

46. ​​The main articles for which women fall here are: 259 - sale, possession and distribution of drugs, 177 - fraud and 96 - domestic murder, and much less often, infanticide

47. The photo shows a copy of the SMS from the partner of one of the convicts, he sent these messages to her on the day of the trial. The girl took the blame of her boyfriend on herself, at first she went as an accomplice. As a result, he is serving 5 years for apartment fraud. The convict admits her guilt, but being within the walls of the colony she is trying to get the person who pushed her to commit fraud to jail

48. Prisoners have the right to visits: short visits of two, four hours and long-term visits of three days. There is also an opportunity to see the convicts on the open day

49. Inspector in the screening and visiting room (KDS) Gulim Kushenova accepts documents from a man who came for a long-term visit with his wife

- Most often they visit convicts - Kazakhs, - says Gulim. - They come with children, relatives. Bring food, clothes, detergents

50. At the entrance to the women's colony there is a stand with photographs of things prohibited for transfer.

51. Hall of the meeting place - a room without a hint of gloom. All furniture - cabinets, tables, is done right there, without leaving the zone. Those who have come and are convicted are provided with all conditions for long date: separate room, kitchen, living room, shower

52. Nina Petrovna, age 61. Article 259 - drugs. The term is 10 years. She served 1 year and 6 months.

Husband and granddaughter came to her for the first time in a year and a half. In the zone, she has proven herself exclusively from the good side. She underwent several heart surgeries. The living from the colony does not hope to get out. There have been suicide attempts

53. - My son is serving a sentence under the same article, - says Nina Petrovna. - After the UBN officers began to beat him during the investigation, I began to write numerous complaints-statements in order to stop the bullying. I was threatened that if I didn’t stop, I would soon find myself behind bars. I continued to write and soon the police "accidentally" found several grams of heroin on my bed ... So I ended up here. I tried to lay hands on myself, but they stopped me. No, you don’t think, the conditions here and the attitude of the administration are normal, but it’s psychologically difficult for me

54. Raima, age 40. Article 259 - drugs. Term 10 years, served 3 years and 2 months.

“My husband died nine years ago,” says Raima. - I was left with three small children, the youngest daughter was 8 months old, my parents are pensioners. I was the only breadwinner in the family. A few years later, she got involved with a man. He helped with money, with the housework - we had our own cattle. Then I decided to expand the grocery store. I sold the store and started construction, but did not receive the promised loan from the bank. So I was left without a business and income. She began to sell fruit in the yard, and in the meantime, her partner set up the sale of heroin. Roommate was given 10 years of strict regime, I was imprisoned for complicity

55. - I was able to visit my mother for the second time in three years, - says Alima, Raima's eldest daughter. - As soon as my contract with the company ended, I immediately brought the younger ones for a long-term date with my mother

56. Alima works as a marriage manager in a furniture store. With a salary of 60,000 tenge, Alima is now the family's sole breadwinner. She recently prepared younger brother and sister to school, bought clothes and stationery. She wants to return to Aktobe to be closer to her family and visit her mother more often. Alima is worried about her mother's health - her eyesight rapidly deteriorated in the zone - it became minus twenty, they also found tuberculosis. For questions about personal life answers evasively, decided not to be friends and not get married until mom is free

57. This year, the transfer to settlement colonies of those convicted of especially serious crimes was cancelled. Mothers of many children who have committed domestic murders or women who are forced to be involved in drug trafficking will serve their entire term away from their children, who are often in the care of elderly grandparents or in orphanages. So, they are most likely to be released on parole after serving 2/3 of the term

58. Vera, age 30. Article 96 - Murder. Term 6 years, served 2 years, 9 months.

She got married and had daughters. They lived happily and well, but soon her husband began to assault, for seven years she endured his difficult character. Daughters, seeing a drunken father, immediately went to bed, they were so afraid of him. The drunken husband was extremely cruel, he could grab his daughters or Vera and beat his head against the wall, hit him with any object that came to his hand. Threatened with an ax, kicked, kicked out of the house. He even beat his relatives - raised his hand to his mother. It all ended with a stab in the heart. Moreover, Vera does not remember how it happened, she wants to remember under hypnosis. The children were left in the care of a sick mother. The injured party has no claims. Faith wrote to Supreme Court, the Attorney General, filed a petition with the President - all to no avail so far

59. Hope, age 24. Article 96 - Murder. Term 11 years, served 3 years, 1 month.

She lived and worked as a nanny in Astana, studied to be an accountant. Then because of financial difficulties moved to a small village in the Aktobe region. Once we were walking with friends, decided to continue the fun and went home to a new acquaintance - a man retirement age. In the morning, when everyone fell asleep, he began to pester her and raped her. Being in the strongest drunkenness, she was very frightened, began to resist, grabbed a knife from the table and struck ten blows. She called the police herself. She frankly admitted her guilt. During the investigation, she found out that she was pregnant. She decided to leave, now her son is 2 years old. He was taken in and raised by an unemployed mother who has no way to come for a long-term date. On the phone, Nadezhda often talks with her son, he addresses her by name, thinks that she is his sister. She works as a seamstress in the zone. Having paid off all claims, he sends the earned money home. He repents and knows that he deserves punishment. Hopes for transfer to a colony-settlement at the place of residence

60. Mahabbat, age 22. Article 180 - accomplice in rape. The term of 6 years of strict regime, taking into account the age of the convict, she was transferred to general. She served three years.

Walked in the evening with a friend in a noisy company. After some time, in a strong alcoholic intoxication, she left, and the girlfriend remained - as a result of gang rape. In addition to her, 5 people are involved in the case. Mahabbat was accused of pandering, that she forcibly took the victim away from home. The victim then gave birth to a daughter, passed Orphanage. Mahabbat dreams of becoming a photographer

61. Marina. 41 years old Article 96 - domestic murder. Term - 6 years. She served 3 years, 3 months.

They gave a short time, because the injured party had no claims. She lived with her second husband for ten years. He constantly drank, did not work, beat her and the children. And during another scandal, Marina took two knives and stabbed him simultaneously in the heart and liver. Died on the spot. Marina's two children - a 17-year-old son and an 11-year-old daughter - live with her brother and daughter-in-law

62. Tamara, 32 years old. Article 96 - Murder. Term - 9 years, served 7 years.

Husband drank and abused for seven years. Once a drunk came, a quarrel broke out. She stood with her one-year-old son in her arms, he hit her and hit her son in the ear. The auricle burst, blood splattered on the wall. Then Tamara grabbed a knife and plunged it into her husband's heart. Her three children - daughters 12 and 5 years old, son 3 years old - were taken care of by her parents. I have not seen children for the last two years. Works as a dishwasher in the canteen for the sake of rewards, wants to get parole

63. Zarina acrobat SSD. Age 25 years. Article 96 - Murder. Term -8 years. She served 4 years.

Pupil of the Aktobe orphanage. For the first time "closed" at the age of 17. I wanted to earn money by transporting drugs to Russia. She stayed there for three years. Already on the outside, she fell in love with a guy, began to meet him. At his birthday party, he accidentally killed a neighbor while drunk in a fight. She left the bathroom, and in the room there was already a corpse in a pool of blood. The guy shouted to her to run away, but she did not do this, she decided to be with him to the end. Then the police arrived, an ambulance. She made a sincere confession. She took all the blame, her beloved asked - and told her so, women are given less time, and I will wait for you ... But the last time she saw him was in the courtroom. In the colony, she acquired the skills of a seamstress-mechanic and a fitter. Also dances in a local club, the best acrobat. Now she has one dream left - to visit Paris and look at the Eiffel Tower.

There is a special galaxy in the criminal universe - women's prisons. The "concepts" by which the world of criminals lives are absent in the women's colonies.

There are unspoken rules that everyone must follow. For example, in each cell there should be a “senior” who keeps order so that there are no prohibited items and that the cellmates keep order.

Hierarchy in the chamber

Women's crimes are different from men's. Women are less likely to commit acquisitive crimes, robberies, and robberies. They are more likely to commit murders, and cause serious harm to the health of a domestic nature. This is due to the fact that women are more emotional, and the mind does not always guide the behavior of a woman, especially in moments of rage.

Husbands, lovers, husband's mistresses become victims of female violence. When arrested, women do not resist and do not run away.

Mutual relations of convicts, as a rule, are neutral. This is not a male cell where there is a struggle for leadership. The hierarchy in the cell is like a beehive - there is a uterus - the "eldest", assistants to whom the eldest delegates her unspoken duties and the rest of the girls.

Most of the cells are designed for 40-60 people, in which there are beds in two rows, which are called "bunks". There is a bed that is at the end of the chamber, without a second shelf. It is called "glade" - the "older" sleeps on it. The cell also has a kitchen and a toilet with a shower. The kitchen, toilet can be used for an unlimited time, and clothes can be washed only in certain days. The chamber is cleaned daily, three times a day.

The cleaning schedule is drawn up in advance, and it is impossible to refuse duty - the only exception is those who “sit” for a long time. Bad vigilance is punished extra days cleaning. The duty can be "sold" for two packs of cigarettes or for groceries. Girls are not allowed to enter the kitchen if there is a “senior” and her assistants. To support the camera calm atmosphere, girls are forbidden to swear and use derivative words, so there is often absolute silence in the cell.

The eldest is responsible for "training" the newcomers. The process of getting used to a new life takes a week or two. The eldest in the cell allocates places, and the newcomers get places near the entrance, the so-called "brakes".

Hierarchy on the zone

After the verdict is passed, the woman is transferred to the pre-trial detention center. For the female psyche, this is a huge stress, because it is impossible to prepare for the prison environment. "Driving in prison", women lose their sense of reality.

The operational worker is engaged in the distribution of cells. Usually they try to “pick up” a camera for a newcomer, but this is done not for the sake of a woman, but for the sake of the employees’ peace of mind - there are fewer conflicts, which means that it is easier for the administration to work. Therefore, accountants and officials are in one cell, “collective farmers” are in another. This principle is violated only if accomplices are imprisoned - always in different cells.

In the zone, “who you are”, your position in society before prison is of great importance. For example, whether you are a Muscovite or not, how often you receive programs, how many letters they write to you, what you wear and what you eat - your own food or prison food. Thus, the attitude of the prison society is formed. Although the status is formed not only with the help of the "pre-prison" position, but also depends on the individual.

Conflicts end with raised voices, but there are practically no fights, and if they happen, then without serious damage. Murder is generally a rare case in the women's cell. If the prison administration finds out about the conflict, the guilty will be punished, and finding the instigator is easy. Therefore, they try not to conflict without a weighty reason.

47 thousand women behind barbed wire. The women's zone is a space sometimes much more terrible than the men's prison world.

Currently, about 60,000 women are kept in prisons and colonies in Russia, which is more than 5% of the prison population. In total, 78.6 million women live in Russia, which is 53.1% of the total population. Approximately 40 women are deprived of their liberty per 100,000 population.

Most of them come from incomplete or dysfunctional families or grew up without a family at all in orphanages; many experienced sexual and other types of violence in childhood and adolescence, many do not have a family, or, in any case, husbands; they are often deprived of the most necessary - housing, work, a normal social environment. After their release, many of them end up in prison again, since the high recidivism of crimes among women is largely due to the purely punitive orientation of the domestic penitentiary system, which “breaks” the remnants of social adaptation, mental and physical health a woman who does not take into account the extremely important features of applying imprisonment to a woman.

Women's Correctional Institutions

About 40,000 women are kept in the 35 women's correctional colonies that exist today in Russia. There are children's homes in 10 women's colonies: in the Vladimir and Kemerovo regions, in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Moscow Region, in Nizhny Novgorod, in Samara, in Sverdlovsk region, in the Khabarovsk Territory, in Chelyabinsk and in Mordovia.

There are about 21,000 minors in correctional institutions in Russia; 1,300 of them are girls (they are kept in three educational colonies), which is more than 6.2% of the total number of minors and about 2% of the female prison population. In addition, in Russia there are two strict regime colonies for dangerous recidivists. One of them is located in Bereznyaki (Perm region), the other - in the village. Shakhovo, Oryol region

About 20,000 women are kept in Russian pre-trial detention centers (SIZOs). It is known about the existence of three new women's pre-trial detention centers - in Yekaterinburg, Moscow and St. Petersburg. All other pre-trial detention centers are mixed: they contain mostly men, but there are also cells for women.

According to the Educational Directorate of the GUIN Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, about 12,000 foreigners are kept in correctional institutions, including approximately 500 people from far abroad. Of these, women make up about 4%. All of them are in the colony ZhKh-385/2 on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia.

As a rule, pre-trial detention centers are located in cities, often even in the city center. Most of them were built before 1917, and in tsarist Russia prisons and prisons were the most important public services cities.

Correctional institutions (IU), created in Stalin's time - camps (as they were officially called until the beginning of the 60s), were built in places remote from the main roads. Even now it is not easy to get to the PS, which exist on the site of the Stalinist camps, by public transport. But there are exceptions among modern PSs - for example, the Nizhny Novgorod women's colony, it is located in the city.

The female half

There are 26 women's colonies in Russia. The vast majority of convicted women serve their sentences far from home (unlike men, for whom there are colonies in almost every region).

Distance from home greatly reduces the already small number of permitted visits with a husband, children, relatives (not everyone is able and able to travel so far for a meeting), additionally breaks the already violated by arrest family ties. Deprivation of liberty is endured by women more painfully than by men. Sanitary and hygienic conditions do not take into account the features female physiology- everywhere there is a lack or lack of basic hygiene products, minimal amenities, a sufficient amount of clothes and linen, the impossibility of normal washing, etc.

Many requirements of the regime are psychologically difficult for women: a single uniform, the need to walk in formation, the absence of personal belongings (except for those recorded in the list, which for women almost coincides with men), etc. A woman is subject to the same regime requirements as a man - the same number of appointments, sendings, the same work in all (with rare exceptions) types of work, the same punishments, up to the ShIZO. Pregnant women and women with children. Pregnant women are kept in common cells - stuffy, smoky - they are fed the same food. After giving birth, a woman kept in a labor colony must start work in two months, and from that moment she sees the child only during breastfeeding, at the end of which she is allowed one - one hour long - daily visit with the child. Upon reaching the child two years of age he is separated from his mother. No ordinary at large social benefits And social security pregnant women and women with children are not imprisoned. On the whole, it can be said that the situation of women in SIZOs and labor colonies is in many respects worse than that of men. The consequence is the disintegration of the entire fabric of normal life, i.e., the disintegration of families, the inability to deal with a child, the disintegration of relationships with children, etc.

When we are talking about about places where they serve sentences for a crime, it seems that the conversation should go about a prison or a colony for men. However, one should not forget about another disaster for Russia. This is an ever-increasing female crime. It also requires punishment and restriction of freedom.

Women's zones Russia is 35 colonies in which 60 thousand people are serving their sentences. This quantity accounts for five percent of the total prison population in the country. Women's zones in Russia, the list of which is very small, are far from being in all districts. That is why most criminals have to serve their sentences far from their home.

What are women sitting for?

The conducted studies convincingly prove the fact that the fair sex is committing crimes that are more and more close to "male" in nature. In recent decades, there has been an increase in hooliganism, in which the fair sex took part.

Also, women are imprisoned for fraud, shoplifting, burglaries, selling and transporting drugs, buying and selling stolen goods, stealing cars,

The number of youth gangs, whose members are very young creatures aged 15 to 19, is also growing in the country. Such criminals in skirts are especially cruel, killing their victims without any reason. Many of these girls have drug problems that cost a lot of money to use.

It is worth saying that those who are serving sentences could be twice as many. However, women's zones, like men's, are regularly released thanks to amnesties. Reduces the number of those serving sentences and rather soft legislation. However, the problem of society does not become less urgent because of this. After all, thirty percent of convicts who are sent to women's zones are deprived of their liberty for especially serious crimes. As a rule, they are committed on a domestic basis, when a dispute develops into a fight with bloody consequences. The crimes of the rest of the mass of women are theft and distribution of drugs. And only a small percentage of convicts are ladies who have committed economic crimes.

Correctional institutions for the weak half of humanity

Where are women's zones in Russia? They are scattered throughout the regions of the country. Moreover, each of the colonies has its own characteristics. For example, there are women's zones in which children's homes are equipped. These are the following correctional institutions:

  • Kemerovo;
  • Moscow;
  • Sverdlovsk;
  • Vladimir regions;
  • Khabarovsk and Krasnodar Territories;
  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Samara;
  • Chelyabinsk;
  • Mordovia.

There are women's zones in which minors serve their sentences. This is 21 thousand girls. Almost one and a half thousand of them are placed in educational colonies. One of these correctional institutions is located in Bryansk (Komarov St., 30).

For dangerous recidivists, women's zones in Russia are also provided. Where are they located? One of these colonies is located in (Berezniki, Lenina Avenue, 81), and the second - in Orlovskaya (village Shakhovo).

Almost twenty thousand women are kept in the pre-trial detention center. Especially for women, pre-trial detention centers were opened in Moscow (Shosseinaya St., 82), St. Petersburg (Arsenalnaya St., 11) and Yekaterinburg. How are criminals kept in other regions? There is a zone for women in the prison. Such pre-trial detention centers are of a mixed type.

There is also a women's zone for foreign criminals on the territory of our country. It is located on the territory of Mordovia. 12,000 foreign citizens are serving sentences in this correctional facility, 500 of whom are residents of far abroad countries.

As for pre-trial detention centers, they are located in cities. Most often in the center of the village. This is explained by the fact that most of the pre-trial detention centers were built before 1917 in Tsarist Russia. And in those days, prisons and prisons were the most important city public services.

As for the PS, the women's zones in the regions of Russia were built, as a rule, in Stalin's times. Until the early 60s they were called camps. Such institutions were built away from the main roads. That is why today to get to many of them on public transport quite difficult.

Where exactly are women's zones in Russia? Addresses and locations are listed above.

Types of PS

What could be the women's zone? First of all, it should be said that penitentiaries belong to the criminal correctional system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. With the help of colonies, punishments are executed, which are expressed either for a certain period or for life. The penitentiary also contains those sentenced to death.

A zone for women can be a correctional or educational colony, a prison, as well as a medical correctional institution.

Types of IS by modes

As a rule, the Russian women's zone is It contains persons who have already reached the age of eighteen. The criminal correctional system of Russia includes four types of colonies. Their difference lies in the existing modes. Among them are the colonies:

  • settlements;
  • general regime;
  • strict regime;
  • special regime.

However, not all of these correctional facilities are for women. What is the regime on the women's zone? To serve their sentences, criminals are sent only to settlement colonies, where they can live on a common territory with men, as well as to penitentiaries of general regime. In the latter institutions, convicts are separated by gender. Is there a women's zone, a strict regime or a special one in which is applied to convicts? There are no similar correctional institutions for criminals.

Referral of convicts

In what colony will a criminal or a criminal serve his sentence? This is decided by the court. So, the general regime is intended for women who have committed serious and especially serious crimes in case of any relapse. In addition, the court, when considering the case, carefully examines the identity of the perpetrator. And taking into account the circumstances of the committed crime, a decision can be made to send a woman who has committed an illegal offense through negligence to a correctional colony. Here, those criminals who must be punished for an unintentional criminal offense, as well as for an act of medium and small gravity, can also serve their sentence. In this case, the crimes must be committed for the first time.

A women's prison (zone) for juveniles is an educational colony with the same general regime. In these institutions, light and ordinary, as well as strict and preferential terms of serving time are established. Juvenile delinquents have one single privilege. In case of conscientious performance of labor duties and the absence of penalties that must be confirmed within the first three months of imprisonment, the administration can transfer them to the usual mode of stay.

Criminals can be sent by the court to settlement colonies, as well as to medical institutions of the law enforcement system. In the territory of these PSs, there is no differentiation by gender. Here, men and women live in buildings located on the same territory. At the same time, separate rooms are provided for them.

A women's prison (zone) is a place where criminals with young children (up to 3 years old) can serve their sentences. The court sends such mothers to colonies where a children's home is opened. Not only women with children, but also pregnant women get into such institutions.

Internal distribution

Directly in the correctional facility, convicted women are settled by the administration. So, criminals who are serving their sentences for the first time are kept separately from those who have already been in the colony before. Women who have received their term for dangerous and especially dangerous criminal offenses are also kept isolated from others.

The administration of the penitentiary places these categories of convicts in separate areas. However, the fulfillment of such conditions becomes not always possible due to the lack of housing, as well as the lack of the necessary organizational and material and technical base.

The women's zone (see photo below) provides for the creation of ordinary, light and strict conditions for convicts. In 2003 in the federal law concerning these PS, some amendments have been made. They touched those ladies who are serving their sentences in facilitated conditions. Thus, since 2003, such women have been allowed to live outside the territory of the colony together with their families if there are six months left before the end of their sentence.

In general, the law does not regulate the conditions of detention in a general regime colony based on gender. Women are granted only minor privileges in the form of an increase in living space (3.5 square meters instead of 2).

In addition, convicted pregnant women and those who have reached the age of 55 can be involved in unpaid work only with their consent. These categories of convicts, as well as minors, must be credited to their personal account with at least fifty percent of their earnings.

According to the penitentiary rules, women can:

  • use cosmetics;
  • purchase necessary things, clothes, etc. in the store on the territory of the institution

In addition, a hairdresser and a photographer work in the correctional colony for convicted women. Women must pay for their services with their own money.

Places of residence

Cells for female convicts can be various sizes. However, most of them are designed for 40-60 people. Bunk beds are for sleeping. They are installed in two rows. In the people, such sleeping places are called "bunks". Only a few beds, which are set in the opposite corner from the cell doors, can be without a second shelf. This place has its own name - "glade". Here lives the eldest and women close to her, who have long been serving their term.

The cell also has its own kitchen, as well as a toilet with a shower. They are located separately from the main room. Despite the fact that the time for visiting the shower for women is not limited, they can wash their clothes only on certain days.

The camera is cleaned daily. And they do it in the morning and in the evening. On weekends required attribute is spring-cleaning living room, kitchen and toilet. This is done by duty officers who are appointed according to a specific schedule. Refusal to clean is not possible. The only exceptions are those convicted women who have been serving sentences for more than a year.

For poor cleaning, punishment is sure to follow. A guilty woman is assigned additional duty outside the schedule.

Motherhood behind bars

There are maternity wards in the women's zones where children's homes are open. They are created to provide medical care pregnant women serving a sentence in a colony. According to the legislation, the administration of such institutions must create all conditions for normal development and residence of the children there. A convicted mother can communicate with her child in her free time from work. However, they are allowed to live together.

After the baby is three years old, with the consent of the mother, he is transferred to the upbringing of relatives or other persons. Otherwise, the child will be sent to a public child care institution.

A woman is given a short leave to arrange her baby. Its duration is fifteen days, excluding travel. Subsequently, for the same period, the administration of the colony provides the mother with a child intended for a visit.

In the event that the convicted mother is left to serve the sentence less than a year, a three-year-old toddler can be left in the orphanage. Here he will wait for the release of his mother. However, such a right is granted only to those women who are distinguished by impeccable behavior.

Pregnant women and women with children under the age of three are entitled to all the rights and benefits provided Russian legislation. In addition, they can purchase basic necessities and foodstuffs, health equipment, special clothing and footwear without any restrictions. Payment in this case is made at the expense of funds stored on the personal account of the prisoner.


The administration of any penal colony has one very important responsibility. It should provide convicts with employment. This takes into account the age of the woman and, if possible, the specialty.

Working convicts are entitled to paid annual leave. Its duration is twelve days, excluding weekends.

Juvenile offenders who are in an educational institution are granted longer leave. It is eighteen business days. The same leave is due to those women who have reached the age of 55.

It is noted that convicted ladies work more diligently than men. Only a small percentage of women do not want to work or treat their duties in bad faith.

In order to diversify the monotonous work of convicts, who are usually employed in the clothing industry, the administration of the penitentiary often offers them new areas of employment. This is knitting and lace weaving, folk crafts, etc.


What do convicted women do in their free time? These are, as a rule, minor household chores, satisfying personal needs, writing letters, participating in amateur art activities, playing sports and reading literature. In addition, women take Active participation in religious activities. They help the ministers of the church to conduct the appropriate ceremonies.

Many of the convicts emphasize importance unlimited correspondence, as well as the possibility of using a computer network and telephone communications to communicate with close relatives.

What is the hardest part of being in prison?

A woman is given a certain social role in society, and other functions than men are destined. In addition, representatives of the weaker half of humanity are always distinguished by a way of life and a historically determined place in the system of human relations. And this is not to mention the biological and psychophysiological characteristics of women. What happens to them in places of detention?

Once in the temporary detention center, the violator of the law finds herself all alone. The fact is that women are rarely placed in temporary detention facilities, and those who end up there are placed separately from men. Such conditions from the first hours are perceived very painfully. The lack of communication with people has a depressing effect on the female psyche.

Further, when an arrest warrant is issued, the violator of the law is transferred to a pre-trial detention center. Prison reality becomes a complete surprise for women. Sometimes this makes the offenders lose their sense of reality. And this is not surprising. After all, every person who finds himself in prison for the first time experiences the strongest stress. And if in the temporary detention center it seems that this whole nightmare will soon end, then in prison it becomes clear that the imprisonment will last at least several months or even more than one year. On psychological condition women are also influenced by information hunger. It begins to seem to her that her relatives have forgotten her, and her friends have completely abandoned her. This greatly increases the suffering of the prisoner.

In such a situation, only conversations with cellmates have some psychotherapeutic effect. Feminine nature allows you to calm down a bit, sharing at least someone with a sudden misfortune. However, every person sometimes feels the need to be alone with himself. But it is not possible to do this in the chamber. The constant presence of strangers simply begins to annoy and cause anxiety. When such psycho-emotional state women reaches maximum level, inevitable conflicts arise. Fortunately, for ladies, they are limited to petty domestic issues and end with conversations in raised tones. Fights in the cells where the ladies who violated the law are located are extremely rare.

After the verdict is passed, the women's zone awaits the criminals. Photos taken in the colony convincingly confirm the fact that there is a lack of personal space here too. Whether it's a building site, a production facility, or a bedroom, prisoners are always in the crowd. In addition, the administration of the colony suppresses any attempts to decorate the bedside table or sleeping area any pictures or photographs. Even drying can end in punishment underwear on the back of the bed during the day.

For a person accustomed to a free life, it will also become difficult to comply with the general regime of lifting, hanging up and eating. It is not easy to spend in common places and free time from work.

Prison clothing negatively affects the psyche of a woman. It is usually blue or gray skirt or pants, as well as a blouse. For the street, a padded jacket and a scarf are issued, which should be on the woman all day until she returns to spend the night in the barracks. It is this accessory that irritates those serving sentences very much.

What is the meaning of restrictions? They make a woman understand that her usual actions are dangerous. And in order to avoid risk, it is necessary to adopt established rules. Through established discipline, the administration seeks to fit all prisoners into one pattern, forcing them to obedience and performance. A person deprived of his personal life begins to lose control over his actions. He is losing the habit of being independent. Often this leads to the fact that, once free, a woman cannot adapt to ordinary life society.

In a situation where the sorority is limited to only a saleswoman in a store, a nurse and a censor, you try to use every opportunity to communicate with the opposite sex.

Oh women!

When a global renovation of the dining room was going on in our zone, rather scary aunts, a couple of whom were young, were doing painting work there. So, these two had no end to the men who wanted to at least flirt with them. In the same way, the convicts flirted in one of the Belarusian pre-trial detention centers with the girls-guards, made eyes at them, gave them compliments.

In the "woman hungry" zone, prisoners, whoever they are on the loose, become gentlemen. How they in most cases speak about girls among themselves - I will not write, because it is rather indecent and unpleasant.

The lack of female warmth, duplicity with women and cynicism are the main factors that determine the attitude towards “correspondence students”.

"Zaohi", "absentee" - girls or women who met with a convict on the Internet, by phone or by correspondence. The relationship that begins at the same time can be called correspondence.

A little love in a small house

The first time I saw the attitude of a convict towards a “correspondent student” was back in the pre-trial detention center. In our "hut" (as the cell in the pre-trial detention center is called) there was a man of forty-five years old. This was far from his first term. The man (let's call him Sasha) had long ago learned all the prison lessons, and nothing could surprise or interest him - he knew everything. Sasha was an abomination. Although he also had flashes of conscience, but basically all his behavior was implicated in hard-to-disguise selfishness and greed.

Sasha, as an experienced prisoner, got himself a “correspondence student” while still in the pre-trial detention center. The woman was terrifying to the point of stupor, and Sasha understood this. When he received another photo from her, he laughed out loud, said: "Dear Mom!", showed the photo to us, then tore it up and threw it away. After that, he sat down to write an answer about his merciless love for this "correspondence student".

According to Sasha's stories, he had a young wife and children (I don't know if he was telling the truth; it is undesirable to believe prisoners, especially those who have already served several terms). True, he received letters only from the "correspondence student", but it is quite likely that, having gone through a harsh camp life, Sasha knew: the less personal you take into prison, the calmer you sit.

To my suggestion that such an attitude towards the "correspondence student" is somewhat uncomme il faut, he replied that after his release, he would probably call on her and thank her.

And there was something to say "thank you" for: in addition to letters filled with vibes and good mood, "zaokha" sent money to Sasha. This was a definite plus of the relationship, which Sasha really appreciated ...


Naturally, after the zone I had many acquaintances, some of whom are very decent people. Preparing for this material, in order to avoid a one-sided judgment, I asked them about the attitude of convicts to "correspondence students".

One of my close comrades, a very talented artist, managed to visit the zone twice for his indefatigable energy, receiving relatively short terms. The second time he was in a strict regime (there "wind time" people who got behind bars is not the first time).

I called the Artist to find out his opinion about correspondence students.

- ABOUT! In strict mode, this is generally solid dirt and darkness! he said to me. - Zek needs three things from the "correspondence student": firstly, her completely naked photo is good; secondly, for her to send money - that's even better, and, thirdly, which would be absolutely great - for the "correspondence" woman to sign with the convict and periodically take transfers and herself to him on dates.

“You see,” the Artist continued, “on the strict regime, unlike the colony where we were imprisoned, practically everyone had mobile phones. Convicts registered on all dating sites and social networks and looked for girls there. On the general mode, the search circle was limited to several dating newspapers, half of the ads in which ended with the phrase: "do not disturb from the MLS." On the Internet, the opportunities for prisoners were much wider.

As soon as the lights were turned off after lights out, the convicts took out their phones and talked to their girlfriends for half the night. They were worried that their girls went somewhere for the night, gave advice, just suffered. In general, their feelings were sincere and genuine. In this regard, convicts know how to lie to themselves. Some "persecuted" (worried, in prison slang) very strongly and seriously. At the same time, they could calmly show each other correspondence with "correspondence students" and their naked photos. At first, night vigils annoyed me greatly, not only did they interfere with sleep, it became sickening from the realization of all this lies. But then I got used to it, and this situation began to amuse me.

One semi-literate prisoner, who had already served several times, asked me to write a letter on his behalf to some aunt. Well, I "got" that he is a doctor who received a term for what he did. medical error. What happened to him with this woman, I don’t know. But I think it's all right. The convicts could tell such things that the women then froze for a long time, and some even married them.

Nothing good

“Not a single story of this kind ended in anything good,” the Artist says cheerfully. - I had a friend who was sitting with enviable constancy on the "strict" one. During the next term, he married an "external student" and made her a child. Freed. And, of course, they did not succeed, they quickly quarreled and divorced. Sat down again. Again he met on the Internet with some "correspondence student", one and a half times younger than him. Married. Released and divorced.

This man in the zone was like a pimp: he helped convicts register on dating sites, since he knew them all thoroughly, he told not very experienced how to attract girls - in general, he was a very necessary specialist. But at least this one was safe.

But in the neighboring detachment there was a man who received another term for the fact that, after his release, he tried to kill his "correspondence student", whom he met during his last term.

What I don’t understand is women: well, that’s what you hope for and where you climb - you see, you’re a convict! Moreover, to sign - in the zone, without even living with a person! Or do they do it out of hopelessness?.. - The artist sniffed thoughtfully into the phone, it was heard that he really did not understand women. Prisoners are easy to understand; apart from longing for opposite sex, there was a lot of free time that needs to be spent somehow.

“Out of everyone I knew,” the Artist continued, “only one, by the way, very intelligent guy, managed to sign in the zone and maintain a normal marriage after his release. But two factors may have played a role here: firstly, he himself was a good man, and secondly, he and his future wife met even before he landed ...

Share your "correspondence"

Listening to the stories of the Artist, I remembered how back in the pre-trial detention center I saw a sample of the first letter to the “correspondence student”, which should have been written in order to get to know a girl. Many young pioneers (those who got into the MLS for the first time) redrawn (I wouldn’t call it rewriting) it in their notebooks. In my opinion, the letter was weak, but for people who sometimes could not really connect two words, it suited perfectly. And, importantly, it was written almost without errors.

At the beginning of the letter, it was said about a common comrade who gave the prisoner the coordinates for correspondence. There is a good tradition in the zone - to ask each other for the address of some "zaokha". And many share the data of familiar girls. Basically, they give contacts of those whom they "do not feel sorry for" or who they want to annoy. It happened that several prisoners wrote to some girl at once. And there were cases when such girls managed to answer everyone.

"External students" were periodically "shared". Apparently, this was due to the fact that communication with them, as well as with themselves, was not taken seriously. And how can one take seriously something abstract, which one has never "felt" and is unlikely to ever "feel"? Of course, not all convicts did this, but many did.

“Have you seen at least one convict who would be serious about the “correspondence”?” I asked my second comrade, who spent eleven years in different zones.