What are the benefits for a father of many children? Termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer. Social benefits and benefits for single mothers

In connection with the updated legislation, a father of many children has the same rights as a mother of many children. Whereas earlier, the status of a large father legally almost did not exist.

Each region independently determines the criterion large family. Therefore, the benefits provided to fathers with many children in individual regions will also differ.

Who is considered a large family

According to the law Russian Federation, a father or mother of many children is a person who brings up three or more children who have not reached the age of majority.

In addition, a father or mother of many children is a person who has three adopted and adopted children, as well as adopted children under the age of 18 and children who for some reason live separately from their parents.

Please note that a large family does not include children under guardianship or guardianship, as well as those who are fully supported by the state.

After amendments were made to the "Law on the Protection of Childhood", a family with many children is also considered to be raising non-common children (stepdaughters and stepsons), whereas previously such a family could not receive such a status.

The status of parents with many children is automatically received by both mother and father living in legal marriage and raising three or more children.

To receive benefits, it is necessary that children be registered in the same living space with a father or mother with many children.

What are the benefits for fathers with many children?

In each constituent entity of the country, benefits for large families are assigned on the basis of a list of benefits that are defined in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 dated 05.05. social support large families."

At work, in the presence of this clause in the contract, fathers of large families are provided with benefits in the form of free vouchers for the rehabilitation of children in state institutions.

Fathers of many children are entitled to a payment allowance utilities in the amount of 50%. Previously, this benefit was provided only to mothers.

Fathers of many children are provided additionally (i.e., in addition to official leave) ten paid calendar days per year, excluding non-working days and holidays.

In addition, in 2019, fathers with many children have the right to:

  • Free travel for children in city and suburban transport;
  • Free medical preparations for children under six years of age;
  • Free school meals for children;
  • 50% discount for the use of school textbooks;
  • Registration of children in kindergarten without a queue;
  • Reimbursement for kindergarten expenses. For the first child, 20% of the monthly payment is compensated, for the second - 50%, for the third - 70% of the monthly kindergarten fee;
  • Vehicle tax relief. To use this privilege, you must contact the local tax authority with the appropriate application;
  • If a family brings up seven or more children, then you can receive government awards. In addition to the awards, 100,000 rubles are paid;
  • Preferential conditions for a loan for purchase or for construction;
  • If necessary, free provision of children with prosthetic and orthopedic products;
  • Preferential conditions for employment and preferential working conditions;
  • If necessary, improve living conditions;
  • Acquisition of garden plots without a queue;
  • Preferential lending with an interest rate of 1% per annum;
  • One-time gratuitous subsidy for the construction or reconstruction of residential premises;
  • If the house does not have central heating, then compensation is due for firewood and coal purchased independently.
  • Receiving allowance for the care of adopted children aged 1.5 to 3 years. The amount of the allowance is equal to the minimum wage.
  • The opportunity to get a new specialty or undergo retraining with subsequent employment.

IN without fail each child is entitled to a monthly standard tax deduction.

Besides, father of many children temporary disability allowance is paid in the amount of 100% of earnings. If the income of a large family does not exceed the need criterion, a parent with many children has the right to apply to the Social Security for help in the form of providing free meals for children under 2 years old.

address social help due to a father of many children who is raising three or more children under 18 years of age, and whose income does not exceed the need criterion. Assistance is provided only if family income has been affected by objective reasons. Download

Documentation rules

To qualify for benefits, a father of many children must:

  1. Contact a Family Affairs Specialist.
  2. A photograph of the father is pasted into the document of a large family or a certificate of a father with many children is issued to the parent.
  3. A father with many children must apply to the department of labor and social protection at his place of residence.

To receive benefits, the father must be recorded in the unified state register of persons.

In order to carry out this registration, employees government agencies The following documents must be submitted to the Department of Labor.

IN last years the understanding that the role of the father in the upbringing of children is not limited to earning money has increased. At the same time, the participation of the mother in the material support of the family is becoming more significant. And if the concept mother of many children" is familiar to everyone, then the status of "father of many children" should be dealt with in more detail.

Russian legislation, in particular the Russian Federation, does not give an unambiguous explanation of what a large family means. And even more so there is no separate concept for the father. The only thing that will allow you to understand this terminology is the National Standard of the Russian Federation " social services population. Terms and Definitions". According to him, a large family is a family raising three or more children. Moreover, each subject of the federation interprets the details at its own discretion. So, in Moscow, citizens under the age of 16 are recognized as children, and when studying on a full-time basis at a university - up to 20 years. In the regions - 18 years and 23 years, respectively.

Thus, the status of parents is also determined. But the family is an ambiguous concept and has suffered greatly from the post-Soviet period. Therefore, the answer to the question about the term is quite extensive. A father of many children is:

  • A person who maintains and brings up three or more natural or adopted / adopted minor children. All children must be officially registered and live in a complete family.
  • A man who has three or more minor children from different wives, but who lives with him. This must be documented. If the child lives as a sotcom, but is registered elsewhere, then the issue is resolved through the court.
  • A man who has two children from his first marriage who live with him, remarried and adopted / adopted a child of a new wife.
  • Single fathers raising three or more children.

The concept of "large families" both in relation to the father and mother (Article 61 of the RF IC recognizes the equality of their rights) does not differ in constancy. The changes taking place in such a family entail the transition of parents from one status to another. Therefore, all examples and facts refer to the average unit of society.

Obtaining the status of a father of many children

It is clear that with the birth of a third child, when a family becomes large, no one is in a hurry to automatically assign a new status to parents and does not offer privileges. The initiative must come from the stakeholders. Certificate confirming this new social status, you can get either for two parents (with two photos), or for each separately. In the event of a divorce, it is reissued to the one with whom the children remain.

For all these questions, you can contact your local department of social protection, in Multifunctional Center(MFC) "My Documents", somewhere it is called "One Stop Shop", on the Internet portal of the State Services. To obtain a certificate of a father of many children, you will need:

  • an application for recognition of the status of a large family and the issuance of a certificate;
  • passports of the father and mother (if the certificate is one for two);
  • birth certificates for children under 14 or passports over 14;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • TIN (original and copy);
  • a certificate from the university on the full-time education of an adult child;
  • one or two photos (according to the number of certificates).

In extraordinary cases, the list is replenished with the relevant papers (documents on adoption, court decisions). In addition, you need to be prepared to comply with additional requirements of regional legislation.

After the transfer of all papers to authorized organizations, in the absence of shortcomings, a certificate of the father of many children is issued within 30 days. Based on this document, you can receive benefits that the state provides to such families. This is a rather large list of tax, social, labor and medical preferences.

Benefits for fathers of large families

The state provides families with many children with various benefits, the implementation of which previously mainly implied the participation of the mother (for example, parental leave). Now, with the exception of some, the father also has the right to use it. Conditionally benefits can be divided into groups:

  1. Social.
    • 50% discount on utility bills and other utility bills;
    • children free pass by public transport;
    • free school meals;
    • providing a place in kindergarten without a queue;
    • providing subsidies for housing construction;
    • monthly benefits if the per capita income in the family is below the subsistence level.
  1. Labor.
    • employment benefits in case of relocation;
    • the right to receive benefits for partial or temporary disability in the amount of 100% of the average monthly wage;
    • guarantee of employment in the event of a reduction in the staff of the enterprise;
    • choice of vacation time at will;
    • the possibility of a shorter working day.
  1. Medical.
    • free vouchers to health-improving institutions for children;
    • preferential provision of medicines;
    • complex of benefits for the care of children with disabilities.

In order to properly use benefits for fathers with many children, you need to get a complete list of them from the regional social security authorities. As already noted, many of them are the prerogative of individual subjects of the federation.

The right to receive benefits automatically terminates in the event of the deprivation of the father parental rights. The same happens at the moment of execution of 18 years to one of three children.

The difficult demographic situation of the first post-perestroika years, when the number of homeless children was compared with similar figures of the period civil war, remained in the past. But a rather frivolous attitude towards the institution of the family persists. Therefore, in the context of this topic, it is necessary to dwell on two more non-standard family situations.

On the one hand, is a family considered to have many children if the children different marriages? This is a very common problem today. Will a large father of children from different marriages receive benefits? There are two directly opposite answers to two questions that are close in essence.

Family code Russian Federation, the amendments and changes made to the legislation, under the main demographic task, mean the upbringing of children in a complete family. Therefore, the equality of both natural and adopted children is emphasized everywhere. If these norms are observed, then the answer is definitely positive. But a man who has three children from three marriages, pays alimony in good faith, will not be recognized as a father of many children, since he does not live with his children.

Another situation is connected with the appearance in the family legislation of the definition - a single father. Unfortunately, there are many cases when a single mother remains with children. Incomplete family receives material support from the state. Fathers raising children without a mother were not taken into account. Assigning the status of a single father, which was not before, eliminates this injustice.

A man who is raising children alone, whose mother is legally deprived of parental rights, declared incompetent, died or is considered missing, can apply for the status.

The benefits provided to a single father are more significant and have a larger scope than preferences for fathers with many children. The most notable relief concerns working conditions. Part-time work, a ban on night shifts, an extra two weeks of vacation are just some of them. After registering as a single parent, the parent begins to receive all payments provided for incomplete families. In accordance with the law, he also has the right to use maternity capital.

In recent years, legislative and executive authorities at all levels have been paying more and more attention to improving the demographic situation in the country. New status father is also called to promote this. But the damage inflicted on the institution of the family in the first post-perestroika years will be felt for a long time to come.

Most people are accustomed to the fact that only a mother can be a parent of many children. But if you delve into this topic, you can find out that for the father there is a status of having many children. After all, the father for the family is the breadwinner and educator, he also needs help.

Assistance from the state is manifested in benefits for a father with many children. Everyone will agree that raising children of three or more is difficult, so benefits and assistance to such parents are necessary in order to cover the financial costs at least a little. In this matter, state assistance extends to many areas of life in relation to children and their parents.

It is worth saying that a family is considered to have many children when three or more children under the age of eighteen live in it. If, for example, the elders are already eighteen years old, and there are two minor children left, such a family will no longer be considered large. But provided that they become full-time students, the status of a large family will last until the age of 23.

Having learned about what benefits are due to large families, you can safely become the parents of several children, there is always help.

For both parents, both for mothers of many children, and for fathers, they are no different. And they operate in the same way in all institutions and spheres of habitation. If the father of a large family does not work for some time, he is entitled to payments in the amount of the entire amount of the salary, as by law, to the mother.

Also, if the semi-annual amount of family earnings is not more than minimum amount needs, the father and mother can apply to the social protection for getting free meals children under the age of two.

It must be understood that children who are under guardianship and are fully provided by the state cannot belong to a large family.

Fathers large families receive in the form of cheap or free tickets to visit health resorts, free trips to the camp, as well as benefits in state institutions.

Previously, by law, only mothers could receive a subsidy to pay housing services, then now a father with many children can qualify for preferential terms. By own will, the father of a family consisting of several children, can take ten days' leave every year, in addition to those holidays that are prescribed in the Labor Code.

As you can see, the preferential conditions for fathers and mothers are enough to not doubt the decision to start big family. In every area they can get the help they want.

What are the benefits for a father of many children

Preferential conditions for a father with many children also apply to such areas of life:

  1. Medicine. Until the age of six, children should receive free medicines.
  2. Transport. Free minibuses in the city and beyond.
  3. Preschool institutions. To enroll in a nursery or kindergarten, you do not need to stand in line.
  4. Nutrition. All members of a large family are provided with food free of charge in government buildings.
  5. Education. Discounts on school textbooks (up to 50%).
  6. states. A loan is provided when buying real estate or building a house, on the terms of benefits.
  7. Taxes. Tax benefits.
  8. Land issues. Plots of garden plantings can be purchased without a queue.
  9. Location. If there are problems with the apartment, you can improve living conditions.
  10. Employment. Priority definition for workplace.

To purchase desired conditions(benefits) for a father of many children, it is necessary to consult with an employee of the family institution.

After that in public institution you can get a certificate that confirms that a man is the father of several. You can also get a family document instead of a certificate, which will indicate the number of children and a photograph of the father.

After the father of a large number of children, it is necessary to consult with a social worker at the place of residence of the family.

An interesting video about helping large families:

Documents that are required to obtain a certificate of a father of many children

In a state institution for the protection of the population and labor, you need to enroll in a state document (register), and for this you need to collect the following documents:

  • Extract from the brownie book (certificate of family composition)
  • Children's birth certificates (originals)
  • Books on calculations
  • Original and copies of the assigned TIN (identification code)
  • Individual passport (copy and original)

The list is not so difficult to collect, so you should not delay obtaining the status of a father of many children.

Under what conditions will benefits be terminated?

There may be several reasons for terminating the payment of benefits, firstly, the achievement of one of the children of the age of eighteen (if there are three children in the family), and secondly, the deprivation of parental rights. In such cases, the commission decides whether living conditions for a large family, and if there are complaints from children, then the family becomes registered, and they are monitored in an enhanced regime by the social protection authorities.

In situations where the family decides to have more, the state will always go to their aid. Therefore, do not think that parents are left alone with financial issues.

You need to learn more about the benefits that families with many children are entitled to count on. And of course, in situations where any institutions or people neglect the benefits of large families, you need to know that the law is always on the side of the father and mother, and contact the relevant protection authorities.

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Modern legislation, taking into account the number of divorces and acting in the interests of children, equated the status of a father with many children to the same status of a mother with many children. And, accordingly, equalized their rights. But what if the man does not live with his children? How to determine that the father really deserves this honorary title?

Who can be considered a large family under the law?

The state always stands up for the preservation of marriage and for living and raising children in a complete family. The updated Family Code automatically assigns the title of father of many children to a man who has three (or more) children. All of them must be officially registered and live in a complete family, while adopted / adopted also have full rights of relatives.

It is not uncommon for a man to have minor children from different wives. But at the same time, he can be considered a father of many children only if cohabitation with them. You can confirm this with a certificate of family composition and a registration document at the same address. If the child is nevertheless registered in another place, but lives together with his own father, this fact will have to be established in judicial order.

How to get the status of a father of many children?

A family that has three or more children to bring up will never get help from the state. Moreover, such help is extremely necessary for a single father. But in order to establish the right to receive it, you must have a certain status.

It is possible to obtain one certificate of having many children for the whole family. It will contain data and photographs of both spouses at once. And you can get certificates individually for the husband and wife separately. If parents have separation, the parent who lives with the children is considered to have many children, respectively, and he receives the certificate.

There are several options for submitting an application and documents for obtaining a status:

  • visit social security at the place of registration, where a certificate will then be issued;
  • visit the MFC - this is the so-called "one-stop service", but it does not exist in all localities of the country;
  • apply with scanned documents through the State Services portal, this is not possible everywhere. The certificate is obtained personally at the MFC, or in social security.

To apply, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • direct application;
  • birth certificates of all children under 14;
  • passports of mother, father and children from 14 years old;
  • photo - one or two, depending on how many certificates there will be;
  • marriage certificate;
  • certificate of residence of parents (father) with children together;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • certificate from the university for adults under 23 years old, not common in all regions;
  • an agreement or a court decision on the residence of the child together with the father for divorced parents.

One of the nuances of collecting a package of documents is the inability to draw up exact list. Exist different situations, in the event of which you may need different certificates and certificates. And since in many regions they offer fringe benefits, then more information may be required.

What is this status for and what does it give?

IN Russian legislation there are no obligations under which a man living and raising three or more children must receive the status of having many children. But many do just that, because support and help in some cases is simply vital. And there are really a lot of benefits:

  1. 1. 50% discount when paying utility bills.
  2. 2. Completely free vouchers in summer health camps and necessary sanatoriums for children.
  3. 3. Medications for preschoolers.
  4. 4. Food for schoolchildren.
  5. 5. 50% discount on the purchase of educational literature for the school.
  6. 6. Adoption of children in children. gardens without lines.
  7. 7. After the baby enters the children. garden is provided with payment compensation.
  8. 8. Benefits in the payment of certain types of taxes.
  9. 9. Participation in special preferential lending programs.
  10. 10. Various subsidies to improve living conditions - construction, repairs, etc.
  11. 11. Extraordinary provision of municipal housing (for large families and other privileged families, there are separate queues).
  12. 12. Compensation for the funds spent on heating a private house.
  13. 13. The primary opportunity to undergo new training, get a higher-paid specialty with mandatory employment.
  14. 14. If the father (family) is raising more than 7 children - receiving an award from the government, and an additional 100 thousand rubles.

And this is only the federal list of possible benefits and compensations. Regions can provide extra help. In order to find out full list benefits to which a man with children is entitled, you must contact the local authorities (social security).

Almost all regions practice the issuance of land gardening plots or country plots for the capital construction of a house.

If necessary, the father will be able to issue benefits due for children under 3 years old, the amount of the benefit is 1 minimum wage. The main condition is that the father must have the status of having many children.

The change in legislation affected the status of fathers with many children. While maintaining the main condition for determining a large family, the circle of persons belonging to a large family has been expanded. A family is considered to have many children if it simultaneously brings up three or more children, both natural and non-native (adopted, adopted children, stepdaughters and stepchildren).

The age of children is up to 18 years, with the exception of students of higher educational institutions. Until graduation, they are considered to be in the care of their parents and are considered part of the family, although they live separately.

The title of a father of many children is equivalent to the title of a mother of many children. The main thing is the status of a large family.

It is preserved under one condition: registration and residence at the same address of parents and children.

Men who have three or more children from different marriages and pay alimony for their maintenance cannot receive the status of a father with many children and the corresponding privileges.

The law, having equalized the father and mother in the right to be called large families, first of all took into account children's interests. The essence of the legislative innovation: children should grow up in a complete family, where both parents are engaged in upbringing.

The tax legislation provides for norms that reduce the tax burden on parents with children.

IN this case the status of having many children does not matter. A man can have more than three children from different marriages living separately from him. The number of children is taken into account when calculating personal income tax.

Discount amount:

  • for the first and second child - 1400 rubles each;
  • starting from the third - 3000 rubles;
  • for a disabled child, regardless of age - 12,000 rubles;
  • for a full-time student up to 24 years old, if he is disabled I, II groups- for 12,000 rubles;
  • 25% refund of income tax per full-time student.

This amount reduces the taxable income of the father.

The main criterion for qualifying for a tax deduction for a divorced parent is the payment of alimony.

Registration when children live separately from the father

The parent receives the right to a discount if he is employed on a permanent basis, under a contract, under an agreement.

For registration, you need to contact the accounting department at the place of work with an application and documents confirming paternity and payment of alimony:

  • copies of children's documents;
  • certificates of adoption (adoption);
  • certificates of guardianship;
  • medical report and certificate of disability of the child;
  • a certificate from the university about studying at a day hospital;
  • divorce certificate;
  • alimony payment certificates previous place work.

Copies of birth certificates of children, adoption, guardianship must be notarized or certified by the chief accountant. Proof of child support payments will be required if they are made on the basis of an agreement between former spouses or by court order.

By voluntary agreement, the father can transfer the agreed amounts for the maintenance of the child himself to deadlines. The court decision concerns the provision of a child by granting him the property rights of a divorced parent (an apartment, a summer residence, other real estate).

To confirm the fulfillment of obligations for the maintenance of children, the father must present copies of the voluntary agreement certified in court or judgment in favor of the child.

Benefits for children from the same marriage when living with the father

The privileges of a large family now apply to both parents equally.

Now the father, like the mother, can receive tax, social, labor, medical preferences, and relief in paying for utilities and transport services.

Specific amounts and types of benefits for parents with many children are determined based on the possibilities of local budgets.

Municipal, regional councils make decisions within the framework of federal legislation. An exception is income tax relief, which is defined in the Tax Code, and is regulated at the level of the federal budget.

Professional and labor benefits:

  • preferred employment in the specialty, other things being equal, in terms of education, qualifications and length of service;
  • permission to work abbreviated working week if there are minor children in the family;
  • free 2 week vacation if there is a clause in the collective agreement;
  • job retention with downsizing.

A father with many children has the right:

  • to reduce utility bills by 50-70% or cancel completely;
  • free travel in public transport;
  • a 50% discount on the payment for a wellness voucher;
  • transport tax relief;
  • priority queue to receive a land allotment for the creation of a farm;
  • reduced rate when providing a loan for organizing your own business;
  • reduced real estate tax rate.

Single dads get the same benefits as single moms:

  1. Business trip and overtime work with the consent of the father, if he has dependent children under 5 years of age or a disabled child.
  2. Additional 4 days off per month in the presence of a disabled child.
  3. Vacation time at the choice of the parent when the family has a disabled child.
  4. The tax benefit for PN is increased by 2 times.

The right to receive the title of father of many children appears simultaneously with the third child and disappears upon reaching the age of 18, when the number of minor children is less than three. The exceptions are disabled children and students of higher educational institutions. federal significance under the age of 24.

Registration of benefits when cohabiting with children

The registration procedure begins with obtaining the title of a parent with many children.

Certificates of an approved form are issued by the municipal and district departments for labor and social protection of the population.

To obtain a document, you must submit the following papers (copies and originals) for consideration:

  • about the birth of children;
  • on the disability of children;
  • about studying at a university;
  • a certificate of the number of registered people in one living space;
  • passport;
  • identification code;
  • statement.

Single fathers additionally need to present a death certificate of the mother of the children or documentary evidence of the mother's non-participation in the upbringing of the children.

Difficulty in registration arises when children, living with a parent, are registered elsewhere (with grandparents or in donated, inherited housing).

In such cases, a certificate of residence signed by the neighbors is required.

Having a document confirming the status of having many children, a man can apply to the relevant authorities:

  • health care;
  • utility services;
  • municipal and regional departments (financial, land, tax);
  • bank branches.

Scroll additional information for processing approved regional benefits indicated when applying.

State support for large families is becoming more tangible. Equating the status of mother and father when raising more than 3 children helps to strengthen the family, improves the situation of children in the financial, moral, psychological state.


It's no secret that in Lately the state embarked on the path of increasing the birth rate in the country. This has led to the emergence of various benefits and benefits for families with many children. Take the same maternal capital that encourages people to have a baby. Mothers of many children is not a new concept. Since Soviet times, there have been heroine mothers who had a large number of children. In our time, more and more fathers of large families began to appear. These include those citizens who have in the care of three or more children who have not reached the age of majority. In this regard, the state provides benefits to fathers of large families in different areas. However, not everyone knows about their existence. This article will tell you about the existing benefits and ways to get it.

Benefits for fathers with many children

As already noted, mothers of many children are a fairly common concept. These women have certain subsidies from the state.

It is worth noting that bringing up three and more children should be encouraged. Therefore, a father with many children has the following benefits:

  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • if he works, he has the right to receive vouchers for children to health centers;
  • free travel for children on public transport;
  • school meals free of charge;
  • tax incentives, including for entrepreneurs;
  • assistance in improving living conditions (if necessary);
  • a working person is given extra days vacation in the amount of 10 days;
  • if the father cannot earn living wage, then when applying to the appropriate authority, children under 2 years old will be fed free of charge.

This is not the whole list of benefits offered by the state. A father with many children has the right to an extensive list of subsidies that are aimed at improving the financial situation of the family.

How to get the status of "father of many children"?

To belong to any category of citizens, certain documents are required to the appropriate authority. In our case, in order to receive benefits for a father of many children, you must first officially be called him. To do this, you should contact the social security institution with the collected official papers.

TO necessary documents relate:

  • information about the composition of the family;
  • birth certificate of each of the children, only the original document is considered;
  • TIN in two copies (copy and original);
  • identity document (copy and original).

These official papers constitute the minimum list of documents that must be submitted. After completion of this procedure, the social protection authority considers the appeal and makes a decision. If there are no comments, the parent is assigned the status of "father of many children."

Situations where exemptions do not apply

What benefits are due to a father with many children, we have already considered. However, there are cases where these benefits will not apply.

List of such situations:

  • If the father was deprived of parental rights.
  • When a family has three children, but one of them has reached the age of majority, the benefits cease. However, if there are four or more children, in a similar situation, all benefits remain valid.

When depriving parental rights and wanting to return them, you need to prove to the commission your suitability as a father, and provide children normal conditions residence. If a family wants to adopt three or more children, the state will help in most cases. Of course, in case of confidence in the provision of good conditions.

Benefits of a father with many children for children from different marriages

Recently, situations of family breakup are common. In such cases, often both parents find a new partner. At the same time, already having children from one marriage, babies are born in another. In this regard, the question arises: is a father with many children entitled to benefits, having underage sons and daughters from different wives?

When answering, it is necessary to take into account the place of upbringing of the child. This is usually determined by reference to the place of residence. If the address of the father and children is the same, then he is recognized as having many children. If in new family children were born, then only one of the parents is entitled to receive the status. Then the mother, if she is not recognized as having many children, cannot receive benefits.

There are situations when a child is registered in one place, but actually lives in another (with his father). Then the fact of residence is established in court.

Dismissal of large fathers

Previously, the law established a provision according to which mothers with many children were protected from termination employment contract. The only exception was the liquidation of the enterprise. And fathers who raised children alone did not have such advantages.

So it was until recently, until the provision came into force that now not the whole family is recognized as having many children, but an individual parent. appeared in Russia new category citizens are fathers of many children.

They now have similar rights with mothers. Benefits for fathers with many children at work are limited by some rules, according to which the employer cannot fire such a person. Also, in disputable situations, the parent who brings up the children wins.

A father with many children can be fired if he repeatedly and seriously violates labor discipline, as well as in case of intentional harm to the employer.

Termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer

Of course, in such cases, human qualities come to the fore, and the leader can forgive the father of many children. However, there is a list of situations when such a citizen can legally lose his job:

  • Job mismatch. This is determined as a result of certification.
  • The employee does not fulfill his immediate duties.
  • Absenteeism that is not due to a good reason.
  • The employee came to the workplace in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, this fact is officially established.
  • The employee gave general publicity to information that is a trade secret.
  • Violation of safety standards.
  • Committing a serious misconduct involving embezzlement of funds or intentional damage to the property of the employer.
  • Submission of false documents.


The state provides benefits to fathers of large families to improve their financial situation. To enjoy these benefits, you must verify your status. This is done by collecting certain documents and submitting them to the appropriate authority. If everything is done correctly, the request will be approved and a new status assigned.

A father with many children at work has a number of advantages compared to other workers. However, in case of violations of the employment contract, he can be fired. Therefore, it is not necessary to carry out absenteeism, to treat work in bad faith. Nowadays, no one is insured, and the loss of a breadwinner for children will become an irreparable disaster. A father with many children is obliged to behave with dignity and by all means to provide children with normal living conditions.


Modern legislation, taking into account the number of divorces and acting in the interests of children, equated the status of a father with many children to the same status of a mother with many children. And, accordingly, equalized their rights. But what if the man does not live with his children? How to determine that the father really deserves this honorary title?

01 Who can be considered a large family under the law?

The state always stands up for the preservation of marriage and for living and raising children in a complete family. The updated Family Code automatically assigns the title of father of many children to a man who has three (or more) children. All of them must be officially registered and live in a complete family, while adopted / adopted also have full rights of relatives.

It is not uncommon for a man to have minor children from different wives. But at the same time, he can be considered a father of many children only if he lives together with them. You can confirm this with a certificate of family composition and a registration document at the same address. If the child is nevertheless registered in another place, but lives together with his own father, this fact will have to be established in court.

02 How to get the status of a father of many children?

A family that has three or more children to bring up will never get help from the state. Moreover, such help is extremely necessary for a single father. But in order to establish the right to receive it, you must have a certain status.

It is possible to obtain one certificate of having many children for the whole family. It will contain data and photographs of both spouses at once. And you can get certificates individually for the husband and wife separately. If the parents live separately, the parent who lives with the children is considered to have many children, respectively, and he receives the certificate.

There are several options for submitting an application and documents for obtaining a status:

  • visit social security at the place of registration, where a certificate will then be issued;
  • visit the MFC - this is the so-called "one-stop service", but it does not exist in all localities of the country;
  • apply with scanned documents through the State Services portal, this is not possible everywhere. The certificate is obtained personally at the MFC, or in social security.

To apply, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • direct application;
  • birth certificates of all children under 14;
  • passports of mother, father and children from 14 years old;
  • photo - one or two, depending on how many certificates there will be;
  • marriage certificate;
  • certificate of residence of parents (father) with children together;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • certificate from the university for adults under 23 years old, not common in all regions;
  • an agreement or a court decision on the residence of the child together with the father for divorced parents.

One of the nuances of collecting a package of documents is the inability to compile an accurate list. There are different situations in which you may need different certificates and certificates. And since many regions offer additional benefits, a few more certificates may be required.

03 Why is such a status needed and what does it give?

There are no obligations in Russian legislation under which a man who lives and brings up three or more children must receive the status of having many children. But many do just that, because support and help in some cases is simply vital. And there are really a lot of benefits:

  1. 1. 50% discount when paying utility bills.
  2. 2. Completely free vouchers to summer health camps and the necessary sanatoriums for children.
  3. 3. Medications for preschoolers.
  4. 4. Food for schoolchildren.
  5. 5. 50% discount on the purchase of educational literature for the school.
  6. 6. Adoption of children in children. gardens without lines.
  7. 7. After the baby enters the children. garden is provided with payment compensation.
  8. 8. Benefits in the payment of certain types of taxes.
  9. 9. Participation in special preferential lending programs.
  10. 10. Various subsidies to improve living conditions - construction, repairs, etc.
  11. 11. Extraordinary provision of municipal housing (for large families and other privileged families, there are separate queues).
  12. 12. Compensation for the funds spent on heating a private house.
  13. 13. The primary opportunity to undergo new training, get a higher-paid specialty with mandatory employment.
  14. 14. If the father (family) is raising more than 7 children - receiving an award from the government, and an additional 100 thousand rubles.

And this is only the federal list of possible benefits and compensations. Regions may provide additional assistance. In order to find out the full list of benefits to which a man with children is entitled, you must contact the local authorities (social security).

Almost all regions practice the issuance of land gardening plots or country plots for the capital construction of a house.

If necessary, the father will be able to issue benefits due for children under 3 years old, the amount of the benefit is 1 minimum wage. The main condition is that the father must have the status of having many children. Labor Code allows fathers to:

  • 100% sick leave payment;
  • increase vacation by 10 days at the expense of the employer;
  • preferential employment and subsequent benefits when setting a work schedule;
  • be the last to leave a job with a reduction, while the employer must report on upcoming actions 2 months in advance. and/or suggest additional vacancies.

04 What if the children are from different marriages?

Divorces are not uncommon in the country. And it happens that a man, having married for the third, fourth time, has children from different marriages. Can he, in this case, be considered a large family and officially receive this status? Maybe, but subject to certain conditions. Namely:

  • the total number of children registered to the father must be from 3 people;
  • all children must be minors, or be under 23 (in other cases up to 24) years of age when studying full-time at a university;
  • each minor must be registered and live with his dad, if the baby has a different registration, the fact of residence can be established in court;
  • children can be adopted/adopted, but not in guardianship/guardianship.

Only if all the above conditions are met, it is possible to obtain the necessary status and the right to benefits and state assistance.


Innovations touched the current legislation of our state. Most of the changes were made specifically to the status of fathers with many children. Immediately you need to pay attention to the fact that the circle of people who are classified as a large family has been expanded.

If the number of members of such a family is more than five (taking into account the fact that there are more than two children), then it can be considered the status of a large family. Moreover, parents can raise both their own and adopted children.

Is a family considered to have many children if there are children from different marriages?

On this moment on the territory of Russia, according to the current legislation, a family with many children is considered to be one in which three or more offspring of a minor age are brought up at the same time.

This also includes adopted babies, stepdaughters and stepchildren. It should be noted that if at least one child is already eighteen years old, but he is studying in a higher educational institution of any type on a full-time basis, then until he reaches twenty-three years of age such a family will be considered a large family.

If there are three children in the family, and one of them is an adult

A family is considered to have many children if the parents are raising more than two children. Therefore, the presence of a child who has reached the age of majority does not make such a family not large.

How to get the status of a father of many children if the children are from different marriages?

Few people know that the status of a father with many children is completely analogous to the title of a mother of many children. It can be saved if the main condition is met: there must be registration and residence at the same address not only for children, but also for both parents.

Men raising three or more kids from different legal unions, as well as monthly transfers of alimony for their direct maintenance, cannot receive the status of a parent with many children and all the corresponding benefits and privileges of a financial nature.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation has made equal rights mothers and fathers who are raising more than three children. First of all, the law protects the interests of minor children. The essence of the innovations introduced is that kids must grow up in complete families. And educational process not only mother, but also father should be engaged.

The tax legislation contains certain norms that significantly reduce the tax burden on parents raising more than three children.

Moreover, in this case, the status of having many children does not play absolutely any role. A man can have multiple children different relationships. It is not necessary that they all live with their father. The number of babies is taken into account when calculating the mandatory income tax for individuals.

What are the legal benefits for a father with many children?

It should be noted that the state will pay 1400 rubles for the first and second baby. But starting from the third - 3000 rubles each. If the son or daughter is disabled, the parents can count on financial assistance from the state in the amount of 12,000 rubles.

A student who studies at the full-time department of a higher educational institution (if he is disabled and has the first or second disability group), and his age is up to 24 years, then his parents can claim to receive 12,000 rubles per month.

Also, the mother and father of a student child can get a quarter of income tax back if he is a full-time student. The taxable income of the father is also reduced by the same amount.

The main criterion for qualifying for a tax deduction for a divorced parent is the payment of alimony.

The privileges of a large family can now apply to both parents equally. From now on, dad, as well as mom, can receive tax, social, labor, medical and other preferences. They also have the right to concessions in the payment of utilities and transport services.

It is worth noting that more precise amounts and types of benefits for parents raising several children are determined based on financial opportunities local budgets.

Regional and municipal councils make appropriate decisions within the framework of federal legislation.

An exception is income tax relief, which was defined in the current Tax Code. It is regulated at the level of the federal budget.

To pay utility bills

A man who is the father of more than three children has every right to have his utility bills reduced by fifty to seventy percent. In some situations, he has the right to have these payments completely canceled.

tax incentives

A father with many children may also qualify for a vehicle tax exemption. It is also necessary to pay attention that real estate is subject to a minimum tax.

For travel for children on public transport

A man raising more than three children is entitled to free public transport. Children can also enjoy free travel.

For school meals

Most regions of our country provide material support to those families who are raising three or more children.

Families that have a monthly income less than the norms established by the current legislation can also apply for this privilege. One of these measures is considered to be free or subsidized meals for babies in preschool and school institutions.

For example, in some regions of the Russian Federation, large families low-income families can count on preferential conditions when children are fed once completely free of charge, but the second meal is paid at a 45% discount for each child.

Additional vacation days

Fathers of many children are entitled to professional and labor benefits. Once a year, a man has the right to a two-week vacation, if such a clause is in the collective agreement.

Other perks

A father raising more than three children is entitled to the following privileges:

  1. preferable employment, other things being equal, as well as by education, specialty and general length of service;
  2. a man can get permission to go to work on a reduced schedule. This is relevant only if the family has children who have not reached the age of majority;
  3. when the staff is reduced, the father of many children retains his job. Such an employee cannot be fired due to his position;
  4. he can get a 50% discount on the purchase of a ticket to a recreation center specializing in health improvement;
  5. he retains a preferential queue for obtaining a land plot for creating a farm;
  6. reduced rate when obtaining a loan to create your own business;
  7. the minimum rate for real estate taxation;
  8. business trip and work more than eight hours a day with the consent of the man, if he has children under five years of age or a child with the first or second group of disabilities in his care;
  9. additional four days off per month in the presence of a disabled person;
  10. the period of leave can be chosen by the parent independently in the presence of a disabled child;
  11. tax relief on PN doubles.

The right to receive the status of a parent with many children appears simultaneously with the birth of a third child. This title is retained by a man until the child reaches the age of eighteen.

If before the eldest offspring reached adulthood, the couple had another baby, then the status of a large family does not disappear. The exceptions are the disabled and students of higher educational institutions under the age of twenty-four.

Can a father who has many children be fired?

It is extremely difficult to dismiss a parent with many children, especially if the organization does not go through the procedure of voluntary or forced liquidation.