Can a father receive benefits as a large child. Who is assigned this status? Termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer

Father of many children- a single person receives the same benefits as a mother of many children. A family can be considered large if it simultaneously brings up 3 or more children under the age of 18. This rule applies to relatives, and officially adopted and adopted children. If the children are from several marriages, the rule applies to stepchildren and stepchildren. The main condition for the status large family- This Cohabitation father and all minor children at the same address. Although the status can also be obtained by the father, who lives separately.

In the article, we will look at the definition of a father of many children and the nuances of status: the benefits that are due and what to do if the children are from different marriages or the father lives separately. And also, how to apply for the status of a father with many children, what benefits are due to children living together.

Definition of a father of many children

The status of "father of many children" is a man who brings up more than 3 children, including from different marriages. These are native children and adopted (officially adopted or adopted). To obtain, you will need to register the status of a large family. To do this, you need to contact the Department of Labor and social protection population at the place of residence. You will need to collect and submit the following documents:

  • written statement;
  • passport;
  • father;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • a certificate stating that all family members are registered in the same living space;
  • divorce certificate (or death of mother).

You will need original documents and notarized copies. The status of a father of many children is lost after all children become adults.

If the children live separately after the divorce, the father can independently allocate material support. They serve not only alimony. By voluntary agreement, property rights are granted to an apartment or a country house.


A single father with many children is equal in rights to a mother of many children. It is subject to the following types of perks and benefits:

  • social;
  • labor;
  • medical.

A single father with many children has the right to:

  • payment subsidy for payment utilities in the amount of 50 - 70%(in some cases, the family is exempted from paying completely);
  • in the amount of 100% of earnings(regardless of insurance experience);
  • 50% of the cost of vouchers for spa treatment(including health Camp for children);
  • obtaining a soft loan for the construction of a house or the purchase of an apartment(if it is necessary to improve living conditions);
  • priority queue for obtaining a land plot in the village(if you plan to open a farm);
  • preferential rate on a loan to start your own business.

Read also about subsidies for the construction of houses for large families.

Professional labor benefits include:

  • preferred employment (in the case when the education, skill level and seniority are the same);
  • opportunity to have a reduced working week(if the children are minors);
  • unpaid leave up to 14 days (if there is such a clause in the collective agreement);
  • impossibility to dismiss due to redundancy (except in case of liquidation of the enterprise).

What documents are needed for maternity leave read to your father.

The only reasons for dismissal are:

  • appearing at work under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • systematic violation of labor protection rules;
  • constant absenteeism;
  • proven theft, embezzlement or willful damage to property;
  • persistent, intentional dissemination of personal information about employees;
  • disclosure of confidential or secret information.

A father of many children is also entitled to tax benefits, primarily to lower income taxes. tax incentives for having many children rely only to an individual. They are also eligible for benefits intended for single mothers:

  • if a child with a disability under 5 years old is a dependent, overtime work and business trips can only be with his consent;
  • additional 4 days off per month (if the child has a childhood disability);
  • income tax credits are doubled;
  • vacation at a time when the father needs.

The relief is:

  • for 1 and 2 children up to 1400 rubles;
  • on the third and subsequent - from 3000;
  • if there is a child with a disability - 12,000 rubles (regardless of age);
  • for a full-time student - 25% of the amount;
  • for a full-time student with a disability up to 24 years old - 12,000 rubles.

This amount is deducted every month from tax deduction father.

If he lives separately, the amount of the tax deduction directly depends on the amount of alimony paid.

Benefits are also received by a man who has 3 or more children from different marriages. Even if he lives separately, there is an opportunity to enjoy preferences.

Registration if the father lives separately

If the father, after the divorce, lives separately from the children but accepts Active participation in education, he can claim the status of having many children. To do this, he must be officially employed under a contract or an employment contract. You will need the following documents:

  • certificate of guardianship (for adopted children);
  • documents confirming the child's disability (medical report and certificate);
  • a certificate from the university confirming the study at a day hospital;
  • information about full payment alimony from the current or former place work.

Copies of all documents are certified by a notary or the chief accountant of the enterprise where the father works. Proof of good faith payment of alimony will be required if between ex-husband and the wife failed to reach an agreement. In this case, the distribution of duties occurs by decision of the court.

To prove the conscientiousness of the fulfillment of obligations to the children, it is enough for the father to present a voluntary agreement or a contract of donation of real estate shares.

Benefits for children living with their father

Minor children in a large family are entitled to the following benefits:

  • entry in kindergarten out of turn;
  • free meals at school;
  • free travel in public transport;
  • free medical preparations(children under 6 years old);
  • 50% discount on the use of textbooks.

Children with disabilities from a large family receive free medical equipment and:

  • wheelchairs;
  • walkers;
  • crutches.

Also on free receipt children with injuries of the musculoskeletal system have the necessary medical equipment.

Some benefits remain for children from a large family after reaching the age of 18, while they are studying at a university. For example, it is an opportunity to travel for free in public transport.


This video will tell you about what benefits are due to a large family.


The status of "father of many children" is a man raising 3 or more children. Not only relatives are taken into account, but also adopted, or from several marriages. Including, these may be children from several marriages. This status gives the right to the same benefits and preferences as for a mother of many children. What documents are needed for registration child allowance read . Even if the parents are divorced and the children live separately, the status of the father of many children is preserved.

Most people are accustomed to the fact that only a mother can be a parent of many children. But if you delve into this topic, you can find out that for the father there is a status of having many children. After all, the father for the family is the breadwinner and educator, he also needs help.

Assistance from the state is manifested in benefits for a father with many children. Everyone will agree that raising children of three or more is difficult, so benefits and assistance to such parents are necessary in order to cover the financial costs at least a little. In this matter, state assistance extends to many areas of life in relation to children and their parents.

It is worth saying that a family is considered to have many children when three or more children under the age of eighteen live in it. If, for example, the elders are already eighteen years old, and there are two minor children left, such a family will no longer be considered large. But provided that they become full-time students, the status of a large family will last until the age of 23.

Having learned about what benefits are due to large families, you can safely become the parents of several children, there is always help.

For both parents, both for mothers of many children, and for fathers, they are no different. And they operate in the same way in all institutions and spheres of habitation. If the father of a large family does not work for some time, he is entitled to payments in the amount of the entire amount wages, as well as by law, mothers.

Also, if the semi-annual amount of family earnings is not more than minimum amount need, the father and mother can apply to the Social Security Administration for free meals for children under two years of age.

It must be understood that children who are under guardianship and are fully provided by the state cannot belong to a large family.

Fathers large families receive in the form of cheap or free tickets to visit health resorts, free trips to the camp, as well as benefits in state institutions.

Previously, by law, only mothers could receive a subsidy to pay housing services, then now a father with many children can qualify for preferential terms. By own will, the father of a family consisting of several children, can take ten days' leave every year, in addition to those holidays that are prescribed in the Labor Code.

As you can see, the preferential conditions for fathers and mothers are enough to not doubt the decision to start big family. In every area they can get the help they want.

What are the benefits for a father of many children

Preferential conditions for a father with many children also apply to such areas of life:

  1. Medicine. Until the age of six, children should receive free medicines.
  2. Transport. Free minibuses in the city and beyond.
  3. Preschool institutions. To enroll in a nursery or kindergarten, you do not need to stand in line.
  4. Nutrition. All members of a large family are provided with food free of charge in government buildings.
  5. Education. Discounts on school textbooks (up to 50%).
  6. states. A loan is provided when buying real estate or building a house, on the terms of benefits.
  7. Taxes. Tax benefits.
  8. Land issues. Plots of garden plantings can be purchased without a queue.
  9. Location. If there are problems with the apartment, you can improve living conditions.
  10. Employment. Priority definition for workplace.

To purchase desired conditions(benefits) for a father of many children, it is necessary to consult with an employee of the family institution.

After that in public institution you can get a certificate that confirms that a man is the father of several. You can also get a family document instead of a certificate, which will indicate the number of children and a photograph of the father.

After the father of a large number of children, it is necessary to consult with a social worker at the place of residence of the family.

An interesting video about helping large families:

Documents that are required to obtain a certificate of a father of many children

In a state institution for the protection of the population and labor, you need to enroll in a state document (register), and for this you need to collect the following documents:

  • Extract from the brownie book (certificate of family composition)
  • Children's birth certificates (originals)
  • Books on calculations
  • Original and copies of the assigned TIN (identification code)
  • Individual passport (copy and original)

The list is not so difficult to collect, so you should not delay obtaining the status of a father of many children.

Under what conditions will benefits be terminated?

There may be several reasons for terminating the payment of benefits, firstly, the achievement of one of the children of the age of eighteen (if there are three children in the family), and secondly, the deprivation parental rights. In such cases, the commission examines whether the living conditions are suitable for a large family, and if there are complaints from children, the family becomes registered, and they are monitored in an enhanced regime by the social protection authorities.

In situations where the family decides to have more, the state will always go to their aid. Therefore, do not think that parents are left alone with financial issues.

You need to learn more about the benefits that families with many children are entitled to count on. And of course, in situations where any institutions or people neglect the benefits of large families, you need to know that the law is always on the side of the father and mother, and contact the relevant protection authorities.

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Parents with many children in Russia are in need of special support from the state.

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Since their upbringing is a large number of children and sometimes there is no time and energy left for labor activity.

It is important to know what benefits are due to a father of many children in Russia in 2019. In this regard, the state provides a choice of benefits in various areas.

General provisions

Not only a mother can raise several children, but also a father. And the status of a large family can be obtained without a second spouse. Therefore, in Russia there are laws and regulations that provide benefits for fathers with many children.

For a man, raising children may not always be easy. After all, in addition to earning Money he needs to provide children with attention and care. In this regard, the state provides comprehensive support to the father.

Who can get this status

The establishment of large families occurs on the basis of local government legislation. Since no exact figures are given in federal acts. This applies to both mothers and fathers. And there are no distinctions in this regard.

Photo: certificate of a large father

In general, the presence of more than three children in most cases provides an opportunity to obtain the status of a father of many children.

Registration procedure

Initially, the father needs to deal with the registration of all benefits. To do this, he must collect a package of documents and apply to the competent authorities:

  • birth certificates of children under 18;
  • confirmation that the child has a disability, if any;
  • a paper on the composition of the family, which will confirm the relationship and stay of the family in the same living area;
  • father's passport;
  • certificate 2-personal income tax and certificate of employment.

Further full package papers are transferred to the social security authorities for processing and verification. Within 30 days, the commission decides on issuing the status of a father of many children or refuses such an opportunity.

A prerequisite is proof of the absence of a mother in the lives of children.

Confirmations in this case Documents may appear on:

  • of death;
  • deprivation of liberty;
  • lack of parental rights to children.

Legal grounds

The legislative framework of Russia involves several laws that regulate the scope of the issuance of benefits and the status of beneficiaries.

Thus, Presidential Decree No. 431 “On measures to social support large families”, the concept of a father with many children and the procedure for obtaining such a status were defined. There are also benefits opportunities here.

Paragraph 1 of this law in subparagraph e establishes the possibility of providing such parents with jobs. For them, they must create working conditions to be able to provide children with financial plan.

Highlights of state concessions

To receive public assistance, a parent must meet certain conditions of the public assistance program.

The main points in this regard will be:

  • confirmation of actual residence with children;
  • more than three children who are under 18 years old or who are
  • are dependent due to disability or university education;
  • confirmation of kinship with children or the fact of establishing guardianship over them.

In this regard, every moment must be taken into account. Only then can you count on different kind help. The state provides the citizen both financially and in terms of various social norms.

Types of help

The list of benefits is established by the subject Russian Federation. Therefore, it is important to take into account all the changes that may occur on regional level.

But there is also a list of mandatory benefits that must be provided to the father:

  • concessions on utility bills;
  • medical benefits;
  • travel by public transport;
  • childcare benefits preschool and payment discounts
  • provision of school meals and school supplies;
  • lending with concessions and assistance in the development of your own enterprise;
  • preferential admission to the workplace and labor indulgences in the course of labor.

The Ministry constantly checks on the volume of benefits provided. Therefore, the parent will receive all the necessary benefits.


In social terms, a parent can count on the following set of compensations:

Admission of children to kindergarten It is carried out on a preferential basis - in the first place
Providing meals free of charge In schools and kindergartens
Free provision of school and sports uniforms
Visits to cultural institutions throughout the country will be free But not more than once a month
Allocation of financing for loan programs It is possible to provide land for business activities


In medical terms, fathers also have the right to receive compensation and benefits from the state. Basically, benefits apply to such operations:

This is where the list of medical support for single-parent families with many children ends. AND additional programs- This is only the initiative of local authorities.


In terms of taxation, families are provided with significant concessions. It has the following tax credit options:

housing and communal services

In the field of utility costs lonely parent of many children receives compensation in the amount of payment of 70%.

But most often the amount of compensation does not exceed 50%. It all depends on where the family lives in.

If the family lives in own house and uses stove heating, it can count on the provision of solid fuel. But the number of benefits is determined at the local level.

Labor (leave at work)

It is important to clarify what benefits are due to a working father with many children. Since there are several significant guarantees in this plan:


Fathers with many children get the opportunity to save on public transport in this way:

Some features of the provision

In some cases, the provision of benefits may have its own set of features. Since each case is considered by a separate commission. And it is not always possible both to obtain the status of a father with many children, and to obtain certain benefits.

Children from different marriages

In this case, registration of the status of a father with many children is possible only on the basis of the joint residence of children with a man and his full participation in their upbringing and provision.

If all the children are fully supported and raised by their father, then it will not matter how many marriages they come from. In addition, adopted children will be taken into account.

Upon retirement in Moscow

In this area, there are no special features for fathers. Mothers with many children can get the opportunity to retire early, but the law does not provide for such an option for fathers.

Men retire only in old age - in the generally established order. There are no separate acts at the regional level.

The same is true of the law on maternal capital. Because the father is extreme cases and not fully able to use these funds.

Benefits for fathers with many children in the Moscow region

In the regional plan, fathers can count on an additional list of compensations. In the Moscow region, the following list of benefits for fathers of large families has been established:

  • monthly cash payment to cover the cost of food - due to the constant increase in their cost;
  • payments for living in the city;
  • compensation for the cost of children's goods;
  • reduced rate for landline phone.

For many years, federal legislation actively supported only mothers of many children, who by default received the prescribed benefits and were considered the preferred choice for raising children in a divorce.

The change in the legal status of large families gave the right to fathers to receive the status of large families, not only when registering sole custody of their babies, but also with a successful legal marriage.

The concept of having many children

The status of having many children can be obtained by families raising three or more minor children. Based on the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families” dated May 5, 1992 (edition 2003), recognition of large families and the receipt of various benefits is carried out at the level of regional authorities, therefore, it can differ significantly in different subjects federation.

A large family is considered until the age of majority of one of the three children or can apply for an extension of the status when the child enters full-time higher education. Allowances and benefits for having many children are equally valid for both natural and adopted children.

Who is eligible to receive the status of a father of many children

A large family can be considered either a complete family, or one of the parents who actually takes care of the children and lives with them. The status of a father with many children can be issued by men raising three or more minor children, regardless of the fact of divorce from their mother / mothers, widowhood or official deprivation of maternal parental rights.

The concept of “father with many children” appeared in legal legislation not so long ago; earlier legislative acts operated on the definition of having many children only in relation to the mother. However, virtually every region has given and continues to give significant support to families with many children, including single fathers.

There are two ways to apply for the status of a father of many children:

  • make a family card - a certificate issued to a large family in one copy, listing all its members and indicating kinship;
  • make an individual certificate - crusts with a photograph of the father and a list of children (the same is issued separately by the mother if the spouses are legal marriage).

Important: the father who does not live with children, is obliged to pay alimony for their maintenance, has restrictions on parental rights, or has been deprived of them, does not have the right to be considered large. Also, the account of large families does not include children who are full-time state support(for example, in a boarding school) or legally transferred under the guardianship of other persons.

What are the benefits of a father with many children

Having many children is often associated with difficult financial position, which the state is trying to compensate with cash payments and various benefits in the most important areas of life. So, fathers of large families enjoy the following privileges:

  • compensation for utility bills (from 30 to 70%)
  • tax deductions for children;
  • getting a place in a nursery or kindergarten out of turn;
  • compensation for payment of a preschool institution;
  • free meals in schools, discount on educational literature;
  • providing the whole family with free admission to museums, theaters and other cultural institutions (once every month);
  • transport benefits (free travel in urban public transport, discounts on long-distance travel, preferential transport tax, free parking);
  • assistance in the field of healthcare - free medicines for children (up to the age of 6), treatment in sanatoriums, free vouchers for children's health camps.

The only difference between fathers of many children and mothers is very significant - women are provided the whole package pension benefits not available to fathers (for example, early exit retirement, accrual of points at increased coefficients, etc.)

Cash payments in Russia to single fathers

Fathers of many children have the right to apply for financial support from the state at several stages:

  1. A one-time payment of a birth allowance - for single fathers, it is available when a baby is adopted. For 2018 on federal level this payment equals 16,759.09 rubles, and when adopting a disabled child, a child over seven years old, children who are brothers and (or) sisters - 128,053.08 rubles. The regions have additional payments upon adoption, which are indexed by regional authorities.
  2. Child care allowance - is issued at the place of work and amounts to 40% of the average earnings, its payments last until the child reaches one and a half years. If there are two children under the age of 18 months, then the allowance is paid for each; if the father brings up three or even more kids at once, who are not yet 1.5 years old, then the payment will be 100% of the average earnings.
  3. Material payments for children from 1.5 to 18 years old are made at the expense of the regional budget. Therefore, their size and frequency are regulated by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This allowance is paid only to low-income single fathers, regardless of whether he works or not (the monthly income for each family member does not exceed living wage). To receive this benefit, you must submit a package of documents to the Social Security Service. Also, the SPP authorities can change the indexation of payments, taking into account the annual updates of the list of regions with low birth rates.

What are the subsidies

The main subsidies that a father with many children should take advantage of are related to the opportunity to improve living conditions. The state provides a choice options, each of which is regulated not only at the federal, but also at the local municipal level. Subsidies cover both the purchase of finished housing and self-construction. In addition, the main banks of the country take into account the factor of large families and offer loans and mortgage lending on preferential terms.

In addition, families with many children have the right to receive a land plot free of charge from the local administration if they are registered as in need of improvement. living conditions. This land can be used at the discretion of the new owners (for the construction of a house, cottage, farm, remain a land plot for growing crops, can be sold).

The issuance of land by the municipality is made only once for one large family! Therefore, if the plot does not correspond to the desires and capabilities of the family, there is an option to abandon it and continue waiting in line to receive land.

Benefits at work: what are provided

A father with many children is entitled to payment sick leave in 100% volume, regardless of other factors. Also, providing the personnel department with a certificate of a father with many children allows you to add vacation (up to 14 days at your own expense in accordance with Article 263 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Without substantial grounds, they are not entitled to be dismissed, like other employees (only in case of gross violation of labor discipline, or in case of liquidation of the enterprise).

Does dad have the right to payments and benefits if children are from different marriages

Registration of the status of a father of many children is possible in situations where children were born in different marriages or even in unregistered cohabitation. The main condition is the civil fulfillment by the father of his obligations under the law: living together with children, ensuring their financial well-being, bearing full responsibility for their minor children.

Features of registration of status for children from different wives

When a father raises children different women, on his shoulders lies the need not only to create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere for the children, but also to properly arrange Family status in terms of the law.

So, first of all, children should live with their father and be supported at his expense. To confirm the fact of cohabitation, it is necessary to present certificates of registration of children in the same housing with dad. If the children are registered in other places, then cohabitation is proved in court.

Secondly, one should take into account the status of ex-wives, on which the procedure for obtaining benefits and benefits directly depends. If own mother From a legal point of view, the child is no longer considered such, then the father is recognized as a loner. If the mother of the child shares the right to raise and communicate with him, then by law she is obliged to pay alimony for his maintenance, which is taken into account when calculating due to father payments from the state.

When a family consists not only of children from previous marriages father, but also from a child whose parents are registered spouses, the wife has the opportunity to also apply for the status mother of many children. This can be done in the case when adopted children are officially adopted by her, which is possible when depriving the parental rights of the mother. When registering in marriage guardianship or guardianship of non-native children, a woman does not become a large woman.

Thus, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides fathers with many children with comprehensive support, which previously only mothers could count on. State financial aid, various subsidies, registration of benefits enable fathers of large families to provide their children with decent conditions for growth and development.

Useful video

In connection with the updated legislation, a father of many children has the same rights as a mother of many children. Whereas earlier, the status of a large father legally almost did not exist.

Each region independently determines the criterion for a large family. Therefore, the benefits provided to fathers with many children in individual regions will also differ.

Who is considered a large family

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a father or mother of many children is a person who brings up three or more children who have not reached the age of majority.

In addition, a father or mother of many children is a person who has three adopted and adopted children, as well as adopted children under the age of 18 and children who for some reason live separately from their parents.

Please note that a large family does not include children under guardianship or guardianship, as well as those who are fully supported by the state.

After amendments were made to the "Law on the Protection of Childhood", a family with many children is also considered to be raising non-common children (stepdaughters and stepsons), whereas previously such a family could not receive such a status.

The status of parents with many children is automatically received by both the mother and the father, who live in a legal marriage and raise three or more children.

To receive benefits, it is necessary that children be registered in the same living space with a father or mother with many children.

What are the benefits for fathers with many children?

In each constituent entity of the country, benefits for large families are assigned on the basis of a list of benefits that are defined in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05.05.1992 No. 431 “On measures for the social support of large families”.

At work, in the presence of this clause in the contract, fathers of large families are provided with benefits in the form of free vouchers for the rehabilitation of children in state institutions.

Fathers with many children are entitled to a 50% discount on utility bills. Previously, this benefit was provided only to mothers.

Fathers of many children are provided additionally (i.e., in addition to official leave) ten paid calendar days per year, excluding non-working days and holidays.

In addition, in 2019, fathers with many children have the right to:

  • Free travel for children in city and suburban transport;
  • Free medicines for children under six;
  • Free school meals for children;
  • 50% discount for the use of school textbooks;
  • Registration of children in kindergarten without a queue;
  • Reimbursement for kindergarten expenses. For the first child, 20% of the monthly payment is compensated, for the second - 50%, for the third - 70% of the monthly kindergarten fee;
  • Vehicle tax relief. To use this privilege, you must contact the local tax authority with the appropriate application;
  • If a family brings up seven or more children, then you can receive government awards. In addition to the awards, 100,000 rubles are paid;
  • Preferential conditions for a loan for purchase or for construction;
  • If necessary, free provision of children with prosthetic and orthopedic products;
  • Preferential conditions for employment and preferential working conditions;
  • If necessary, improve living conditions;
  • Acquisition of garden plots without a queue;
  • Preferential lending with an interest rate of 1% per annum;
  • One-time gratuitous subsidy for the construction or reconstruction of residential premises;
  • If the house does not have central heating, then compensation is due for firewood and coal purchased independently.
  • Receiving allowance for the care of adopted children aged 1.5 to 3 years. The amount of the allowance is equal to the minimum wage.
  • The opportunity to get a new specialty or undergo retraining with subsequent employment.

IN without fail Each child is entitled to a monthly standard tax deduction.

In addition, a father with many children is paid temporary disability benefits in the amount of 100% of earnings. In the event that the income of a large family does not exceed the need criterion, a parent with many children has the right to apply to the Social Security for assistance in the form of security free food children under 2 years old.

address social help due to a father of many children who is raising three or more children under 18 years of age, and whose income does not exceed the need criterion. Assistance is provided only if family income has been affected by objective reasons. Download

Documentation rules

To qualify for benefits, a father of many children must:

  1. Contact a Family Affairs Specialist.
  2. A photograph of the father is pasted into the document of a large family or a certificate of a father with many children is issued to the parent.
  3. A father with many children must apply to the department of labor and social protection at his place of residence.

To receive benefits, the father must be recorded in the unified state register of persons.

In order to carry out this registration, employees government agencies The following documents must be submitted to the Department of Labor.