How old can you get married and get married - the age of marriage in different regions of the Russian Federation. Underage marriage: what does the law allow? Age at which people get married

As they grow older, every teenager begins to wonder at what age you can get married or get married. According to the norms of the legislative sphere of the Russian Federation, joining a legal union requires compliance with two important conditions - the onset of the age of majority of 18 years and the mutual consent of the partners. Violation of one of these conditions is the basis for the recognition of the illegality of marriage in court and can have extremely negative consequences in the future.

Permissive factor for marriage registration in Russia

The age of marriage is the lower age limit, which gives a citizen all the rights to marriage and family relations. This requirement of the law is based on the UN Convention on Consent to Marriage, adopted in 1962, and completely excludes the possibility of starting a family until the age of 18.

The generally accepted age limits imply that a member of society who is 18 years old has all the signs of legal capacity and meets two important factors:

  • achievement of physiological maturity at which he can, without any danger to his health and life, conceive and safely reproduce offspring;
  • the achievement of psychological maturity, which implies that a citizen has a sense of comprehensive responsibility for his every step, his spouse and the whole family.

A capable person should be ready to answer for his actions and inactions, be able to soberly assess the surrounding situation and make adequate decisions, including at what age he can get married. From the point of view of the state, an 18-year-old citizen has the necessary level of mental development and can be responsible for himself. At this age, he already has a secondary education, and men are recognized as fit for military service and they can be allowed to handle firearms. The ability to give a sober assessment of the situation creates the conditions for observing the second important condition for marriage - to express voluntary consent to get married or get married.

The result of any marriage should be the creation of a family and the appearance of children. To ensure a favorable demographic situation in the country, citizens who are physically developed enough and ready to give birth and raise children should marry and get married.

In addition to legal capacity and voluntary consent, Article 14 of the RF IC requires compliance with the following conditions for creating a family:

  • the complete absence of a previously registered and not dissolved marriage;
  • complete absence of close relationship between partners;
  • adoptive parents and adopted children, guardians and pupils should not marry;
  • the absence of mental disorders that served as the basis for declaring a citizen legally incompetent.

Marriage before age 18

Under certain circumstances, the age of marriage may be reduced to 16 years for specific citizens for the following reasons:

  • personal request of partners who have reached the age of 16;
  • underlying causes (for example, the bride's pregnancy);
  • consent of representatives of the local administration and guardianship at the place of residence of the partners.

A 16-year-old Russian who has entered into a legal marriage acquires legal capacity with all the ensuing circumstances and is endowed with the same rights that citizens over 18 years of age have. For example, he can start his labor activity, enter into civil law contracts or try his hand at doing some kind of business with registration with the tax authority. However, the fact of the liquidation of marriage before reaching the age of 18 deprives him of such opportunities.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, there are legislative norms that provide for the conditions for registering a marriage union by adolescents under 16 years of age. Any Russian region has the right to independently determine the minimum period (the minimum allowed threshold is from 14 years old) and the conditions for registering a marriage.

From the age of 15, you can get married or get married in the following regions:

  • Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria;
  • Chelyabinsk region;
  • Murmansk region.

The opportunity to get married and start a family at the age of 14 is available in such regions as:

  • Republic of Adygea;
  • Chechen Republic.

Conditions for marriage of foreign citizens

The question of how and at what age foreigners can marry in Russia requires special attention. According to Article 156 Part 2 of the RF IC, Russian requirements for creating a family do not apply to representatives of other states. If foreigners have expressed a desire to get married in Russia, then the norms and rules of those states of which they are citizens must be observed for them.

If a person entering into marriage has dual citizenship, the Russian Federation and any other state, then the requirements of the RF IC must be observed. Holders of several citizenships have the right to choose the norms and rules of one state. All persons without any citizenship can marry according to Russian standards if they permanently reside in Russia.

Maximum age for marriage

There is no maximum period for marriage in Russia, and the difference in the age of partners does not matter from the point of view of legislation. Only public opinion can play a certain role in this issue, which can condemn, for example, the desire to marry a 70-year-old man to a 30-year-old woman and vice versa.

Despite the right to marry at a young age, many citizens decide to start a family after reaching 30 years or more. This phenomenon can be explained by social and economic factors:

  • long time to get education;
  • career and housing issues;
  • a significant increase in urban dwellers who decide to start a family later than villagers.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in this article may be out of date. However, each situation is individual.

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The Family Code of the Russian Federation, as a general rule, fixes the age of marriage - 18 years. However, this does not mean that marriage cannot be entered into earlier.

Paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the RF IC reads:

For valid reasons, the guardianship and guardianship authorities have the right to allow starting a family from the age of 16.

Can you get married before the age of 16?

In some regions, you can get married and get married before the age of 16:

  • from 15 years old - Ryazan, Murmansk, Tver, Chelyabinsk regions, etc.;
  • from 14 years old - Moscow, Tyumen, Samara, Vologda, Vladimir regions, etc.;
  • without establishing a minimum age threshold - the Republic of Tatarstan.

Important! Despite the fact that the Family Code of the Republic of Tatarstan does not say anything about the minimum marriageable age, it is impossible to get married before the age of 14. This is due to the obligation of the spouses to present a passport to the registry office, which is not issued before the age of 14.

Reasons for getting married before the age of 18

Getting married before the age of 18 is an exception to the rule, and like any exception, it must have a good reason.

The reasons why guardianship authorities may give consent to early marriage include:

  • birth of a child;
  • difficult life situation of the mother;
  • threat to the life of the groom or bride;
  • conscription;

These reasons are regulated in detail only in regional legislation, and strictly speaking, these rules are relevant only to early marriages (up to 16 years), but by analogy they can be applied to an older age.


Often, the law of the subject establishes a requirement for the gestational age, for example:

  • at least 22 weeks of gestation (Murmansk region),
  • at least 12 weeks (Vladimir region).

In any case, this condition must be confirmed by a certificate issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist when registering a pregnant woman. In antenatal clinics, they are usually registered after 8 weeks, because. before this period there is a risk of an ectopic or missed pregnancy.

Birth of a child

Sometimes regional law stipulates that the child must be common, but even if such a condition is not contained, it is implied. The legislation of the Murmansk region uses a peculiar wording - "the actual stay of the child with the mother."

Difficult life situation

"When a pregnant underage woman, being in difficult material or other extreme conditions (orphan, incomplete family, dysfunctional family situation, etc.), entering into marriage, improves the living conditions for herself and her unborn child."

Threat to the life of the groom or the bride

The reality of the threat is assessed by the guardianship authorities individually. This category includes:

  • the need for a complex operation;
  • service in a "hot spot";
  • being near military operations, etc.

As a rule, the list of possible reasons is open - this allows the guardianship authorities to resolve such an important personal issue with each couple individually.

Conditions for marriage under 18 years of age

Marriage is possible only if the following conditions are met:

  • the desire and consent of the bride and groom;
  • the absence of both a valid legal marriage;
  • lack of close consanguinity;
  • lack of status of an adoptive parent and adopted;
  • no mental disorder.

Important! Marriage under 16 is possible only when neither the groom nor the bride has reached this age threshold. Marriage between an adult and a child under 16 years of age entails criminal liability.

Do I need permission to register a marriage under the age of 18?

If age 16 to 18

In this case, parental permission for marriage is not required, but the consent of the guardianship authorities is required.

If age is under 16

Rules may vary by region. For example, in the Moscow region, a positive decision is required from a specially authorized member of the Government, which is based on the application of the spouses, their parents or guardians. If the parents do not agree to the wedding, the issue is resolved by the guardianship authorities.

How to register a marriage?

To obtain the coveted stamp in the passport, you need to take the following steps:

  • prepare evidence of valid reasons for lowering the age of marriage;
  • obtain permission from the guardianship authority at the place of residence or another authority, if required by the law of the relevant subject;
  • pay a state duty of 350 rubles. in Sberbank;
  • submit an application to the registry office - on purpose or through the State Services portal. It can be any registry office of Russia, even located in another region. Attached to the application: passport, evidence of the termination of the previous marriage (if any), permission from guardianship authorities and other authorities, receipt of payment of the fee;
  • when submitting an application, a wedding date is set - usually not earlier than in 1 month, but in exceptional cases the terms can be reduced up to the day the application is submitted;
  • on the day of the wedding, you will receive a certificate (one for two is issued).

Important! If one of the future spouses cannot appear in person to submit a joint application, it can be done with two separate documents. In this case, one document is drawn up at the registry office, and the second at the notary.

Consequences of early marriage by minors

After the official registration ceremony, the newlyweds automatically become fully capable. This means that the law imposes exactly the same requirements on them as on adults. And even if the marriage is suddenly terminated, full legal capacity is preserved. In legal language, the acquisition of full legal capacity by a minor is called emancipation.

Important! Emancipation does not apply to the age of conscription for military service and criminal liability.

Minor parents are fully equal in rights with adults.

Can minors enter into a marriage contract?

A marriage contract is a transaction that can be made before or after the registration of marriage. Since, after official registration, minors become emancipated, they have the right to conclude a marriage contract on a general basis.

But do the bride and groom have the right to sign a marriage contract before the marriage ceremony?

  • If the spouses are 16 years old, they have the right to sign the contract on their own after submitting an application to the registry office.
  • If the bride and groom are between 14 and 16 years old, then they can make this transaction only with the written consent of their parents (trustees).

Divorce and invalidation of early marriage

Everyone has the right to divorce, even a minor. Since at the time of the marriage the minor has acquired full legal capacity, the dissolution of the marriage is carried out in the general manner.

Declaring a marriage invalid means recognizing it as non-existent. In this respect, invalidity differs from divorce. For example, a subsequent marriage after a divorce will be considered the second, and if the marriage is invalid, the first. The differences between invalid and dissolved marriages are summarized in the table.

A special reason for invalidating an early marriage is the absence of permission from the guardianship authority to create a family. In addition, the marriage is invalid:

  • between close relatives;
  • imprisoned against the will of the spouse;
  • concluded without dissolution of the previous marriage union;
  • incapacitated due to mental illness;
  • between the adopter and the adopted;
  • in case of deliberate concealment by one of the spouses of HIV or a sexually transmitted disease.

Important! The recognition of marriage as invalid does not affect the rights of parents and children.

Anna Vertinskaya, lawyer, specially for the site

Useful video

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in order to enter into a marriage, the mutual voluntary consent of the future spouses and reaching marriageable age(Art. 12 RF IC). In the absence of one or another condition, the marriage will be declared invalid by the court. This will entail a lot of negative consequences for both sides. Marriage age in Russia is set 18 years(Art. 13 RF IC). Legislator Allows the age of marriage to be lowered to 16 but only in cases stipulated by law. The average age of citizens for marriage is not established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, nor is there a limit.

Marriage is a free union of a man and a woman, based on equality, its goal is. It can be concluded subject to the rules defined by the legislator, including the mandatory registration with the registry office.

So called "civil marriages" the legislator does not recognize as the basis for the emergence of family rights and obligations. Unions concluded before July 8, 1944 are an exception, since before that date the laws recognized both actual and marriages registered in the registry office.

Age of marriage in Russia

The marriageable age is the minimum age of a citizen, after which the legislator allows marriage. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 13 RF IC, marriageable age is 18.

In different countries of the world, the marriageable age is different, but in most countries it is set at 18 years, that is, from the moment a citizen reaches the age of majority established by international law. In accordance with the Convention on Consent to Marriage, adopted by the United Nations in 1962, marriage is not allowed by a person under the age of 18 years, the competent authority in exceptional cases, with good reason, may give permission to register a relationship before reaching the specified age.

There are a number of reasons for this age limit. It is assumed that a citizen upon reaching the age of eighteen reaches maturity:

  • physiological(the state of the spouses allows them to conceive and give birth to a child without prejudice to their health and the health of the child);
  • mental(by entering into marriage, a citizen is ready to take responsibility for his family, his actions and actions of his spouse, as well as for the behavior of his children, and be responsible for the whole family as a whole).

Full civil capacity for a citizen entails:

  • the ability of a citizen to acquire and exercise civil rights;
  • a person becomes able to create for himself civic duties and fulfill them.

A capable citizen is fully aware of and can be held responsible for his actions. It depends on the mental development of the person. The legislator assumes that an eighteen-year-old citizen is mentally developed enough to be fully responsible for his actions. By the age of 18, an individual usually completes secondary education. A man of this age is considered ready for military service. At this age, a person is capable of a sober assessment of the situation and can fulfill one of the most important conditions for entering into marriage, namely, to give voluntary consent to it.

In addition, the registration of marriage has as its purpose - creating a family and having children. The state is interested in improving the demographic situation. Because of this, it is necessary that citizens who are physically mature and ready for childbearing enter into marriage.

In this regard, in accordance with Art. 15 RF IC, citizens entering into marriage, may undergo a medical examination, counseling on genetic issues and family planning. Such an examination is carried out by medical institutions at the place of residence of the examined person exclusively voluntarily and free of charge. The result of the examination can be transferred to the future spouse only with the consent of the examined person.

If during the medical examination it turns out that the future spouse has one of the diseases listed in Part 3 of Art. 15 of the RF IC, namely HIV infection and sexually transmitted diseases, marriage may be declared invalid. This is possible on the condition that the sick person must know about the presence of such diseases and deliberately hide this from his spouse. The list of diseases in which a marriage may be declared invalid is exhaustive and not subject to broad interpretation, i.e. cannot be extended or interpreted arbitrarily.

The age requirements established by the Russian legislator do not apply to individuals who are not citizens of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 156 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the conditions for entering into a marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation are determined for each of the persons entering into marriage by the laws of the state of which he is a citizen at the time of the marriage.

For such citizens, it is only obligatory compliance with the conditions contained in Art. 14 of the RF IC, namely:

  • the absence of a previously concluded marriage among persons who intend to marry;
  • lack of close relationship between persons wishing to register their relationship, including adoptive parents and adopted children;
  • the lack of incapacity established by the court due to a mental disorder.

For persons who, along with citizenship of a foreign state, citizenship of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation is applied to the conditions for concluding a marriage. faces, having multiple citizenships foreign states, can choose, the legislation of which state will be applied when entering into a marriage. If a person does not have citizenship, then the conditions for concluding a marriage will be regulated by the legislation of the state in whose territory this citizen has a permanent place of residence.

Future spouses can submit a joint application for marriage registration personally to the registry office or send in the form of electronic documents through a single portal of state and municipal services. The application sent in the form of an electronic document is signed by the electronic signature of each future spouse. In addition, the application can also be submitted through the multifunctional center for the provision of municipal and state services.

The legislator allows separate submission of applications for marriage registration if one of the applicants cannot personally submit it. In this case, each application of the future spouse must be certified by a notary.

Minimum marriage age

Marriage age, established by the Family Code of the Russian Federation, is not a fixed indicator. Under certain conditions, it can be reduced up to 16 years(part 2 of article 13 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The list of conditions under which the marriageable age can be reduced to 16 years is not provided by law. The legislator regulates only the conditions for reducing the age of marriage.

To reduce the marriageable age collectively the following:

  • request of persons wishing to marry;
  • they reach the age of 16;
  • valid reasons for marriage;
  • permission of local authorities at the place of residence of persons.

In the case of registration of relations by a citizen before he reaches the age of majority, he becomes fully functional(part 2 of article 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If a citizen dissolves such a marriage before the age of 18, his legal capacity is preserved. Except in cases where the marriage is declared invalid by the court.

The minor registered the marriage at the age of 16. At the age of 17, he decided to go into business. The tax authority is obliged to register him as an individual entrepreneur, provided that he is provided with a marriage registration certificate, which is proof of full legal capacity.

The legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may determine special conditions under which marriage is possible before the age of sixteen. This means that any subject of the Federation can pass a law that will determine the age of citizens who wish to marry, and the conditions under which such a marriage is possible.

At present, in Russia, the age for marriage has been reduced to 15 years in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Chelyabinsk, Murmansk regions and in a number of other regions and republics. The marriageable age to 14 years has been reduced in the Republic of Adygea, Chechnya and other republics and regions of the Russian Federation.

Citizens who have entered into marriage before the age of majority have the right to conclude a marriage contract, since they are fully capable.

The legislator does not make exceptions in matters of regulation of marriage registration for minors declared emancipated in accordance with Art. 27 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. A person who has reached the age of 16 can be declared emancipated in the following cases:

  • works under an employment contract;
  • engaged in entrepreneurial activities with the consent of the parents.

Emancipation is made decision of the guardianship and guardianship authorities with the consent of both parents, in the absence of consent - By the tribunal's decision.

An emancipated person has all civil rights and is responsible, i.e. is fully capable, with the exception of those rights and obligations for the acquisition of which the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes an age limit. Such cases include marriage, therefore, in order to register it, an emancipated person needs those specified in Art. 13 RF IC conditions.

Average age for marriage

RF legislation no median age t for marriage. This category is more economic than right. There is a noticeable increase in the average age of citizens wishing to register their relationship. This is due to several factors:

  • long periods of training for a future profession;
  • an increase in the number of urban residents who marry later than rural residents;
  • increase in life expectancy.

The state is trying to regulate the age of marriage through other norms, not allowing it to be excessively lowered. But these rules are more of a recommendation.

In accordance with "Fundamentals of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on November 29, 2014, a young family is a family that is in the first registered marriage, in which the age of each of the spouses does not exceed 30 years (35 years in the case of resolving issues related to housing relations).

Marriage age limit

Russian legislator no age limit set marriage. Citizens of the Russian Federation are free, their rights are the highest value, and their observance and protection is the main duty of the state. It does not matter and the age difference between the spouses.

This situation has not always existed in Russia. In 1744, by decree of the Synod, the maximum marriageable age was set - 80 years for men and 60 years for women, since at this age it is difficult to achieve the main goal of marriage - birth of children.

Questions from our readers and answers from a consultant

I am 16 years old and my boyfriend is 23 years old. We want to get married. My parents are against our marriage. Can we get married ?

The possibility of marriage in this case depends on two conditions:

  • there are valid reasons for marriage, for example, pregnancy;
  • there is a law in the subject of the Russian Federation where you live, allowing marriage at the age of 16. But in this case, you must have the reasons for marriage specified in this law. Parental permission is not required for your marriage.

I am 85 years old, my chosen one is 50. Can we get married, provided that the chosen one is a disabled person of the 2nd group?

Marriage between you is possible provided that the disability of your chosen one is not caused by a mental illness, and she is not deprived of legal capacity by a court decision.

Me and my fiancé are cousins. I am under 16 but I am pregnant. Can we formalize our relationship?

In accordance with Art. 14 of the RF IC, marriages between close relatives are prohibited in Russia. Cousins ​​under Russian law are not close relatives. Accordingly, such a relationship is not an obstacle to marriage. Due to the fact that the marriageable age in Russia is 18 years old, and in exceptional cases 16 years old, as a general rule, you cannot get married. But, if the subject of the Russian Federation in whose territory you live has issued a law on lowering the age of marriage, then there is the possibility of marriage.

The principle of voluntary marriage provides that the choice of a spouse and marriage depends solely on the will of those entering into marriage, and is not associated with the consent or permission of other persons, including parents. Thus, in order to conclude a marriage, the mutual voluntary consent of the man and woman entering into marriage is necessary. Under Russian law, any form of restriction of the rights of citizens upon marriage (as well as in family relations in general) on the grounds of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation is prohibited. But this does not mean that there are no restrictions at all:

1) Persons entering into marriage must reach the age of marriage (clause 1, article 12 of the RF IC). The age of marriage is set at 18 years (clause 1, article 13 of the RF IC). 18 years is the age of civil majority. It is from this age that a citizen of Russia can independently exercise his rights and obligations in full (Article 60 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). From the age of 18, a citizen's legal capacity begins (Article 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), which is understood as the ability of a citizen to acquire and exercise civil rights, create civil duties for himself and fulfill them. It is interesting to note that in ancient Russia, for marriage, the age of the spouses must be 15 years old for the groom and 13 years old for the bride. It is difficult to judge to what extent this is physiologically acceptable, but given the fact that we have become one of the greatest nations in the world, there seems to be nothing wrong with this.

So, you can legally get married at the age of 18. At the same time, if there are valid reasons, local governments at the place of residence of persons wishing to marry, have the right, at their request, to allow them to marry when they reach the age of sixteen (paragraph 1, clause 2, article 13 of the RF IC). You can legally marry even before the age of 16, but only as an exception, taking into account special circumstances. The procedure and conditions under which marriage may be permitted before reaching the age of sixteen years may be established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (paragraph 2, clause 2, article 13 of the RF IC). The request for marriage of minors (from 16 to 18 years old) is brought by them themselves. What are the valid reasons in this case? The legislation does not list them. Any situations that justify the decision to reduce the age of marriage can be recognized as such by the local government. It is known from law enforcement practice that the bride's pregnancy, the birth of a child, de facto marital relations, etc. are usually recognized as valid reasons. At the same time, the list of valid reasons is not limited to this enumeration. An unconditional criterion in such cases is the observance of the interests of the minor. To resolve the issue of reducing the age of marriage, the consent of the parents (parent, guardian) of a minor entering into marriage is not required. Another thing is that their position on this issue should be revealed in the decision-making process, but in itself their agreement or disagreement has no legal force.

A marriage license for a minor between the ages of 16 and 18 is issued only by the local self-government body (district, city, district administration in the city, etc.) at the place of residence. Decisions of other bodies or officials on lowering the age of marriageable majority have no legal force and are not grounds for registering the marriage of a minor. Of course, the refusal of the local government is also possible. But we live in a democratic country, and such a decision, like any other, can be appealed to the court.

Marriage of persons (persons) under the age of 16 may be established by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics and national characteristics of the subject. For example, in the Moscow region there is the following procedure for marriage of persons under 16 years of age. To make a decision on allowing or refusing to allow marriage to persons under the age of sixteen, a package of documents is formed, consisting of:

Applications in writing by persons wishing to marry;

Written statements of parents (parent) or persons replacing them (adoptive parents, guardian), and in the absence of parents or persons replacing them (adoptive parents, guardian) - of the guardianship and guardianship authority;

Copies of identity documents and copies of birth certificates of persons under the age of sixteen;

Certificates from a medical institution on the presence of pregnancy (if any);

Copies of the birth certificate of the child of persons wishing to marry, certificates of paternity (if any);

Documents confirming the immediate threat to the life of one of the parties;

A document of the guardianship and guardianship authority at the place of residence of the minor in the presence of disagreements between the parents (parent) and a person who wants to marry a person under the age of sixteen years, on consent to the marriage of a person under the age of sixteen years.

The term for consideration of applications is twenty calendar days from the date of registration of applications after the submission of the necessary documents.

After registration of marriage, citizens under the age of 18 acquire legal capacity in full. This rule is necessary to ensure the equality of spouses in marriage, which is the principle of our family law.

Marriage registration of persons whose marriageable age has been lowered is carried out in accordance with the general procedure. But a minor may not use the permission received and refuse to marry. Then he does not acquire legal capacity in full. However, if the marriage is dissolved before the age of majority, legal capacity remains. Otherwise, the issue of legal capacity of a minor is resolved if his marriage is declared invalid. Since violations of the conditions established by law for recognizing a marriage as invalid may be different, the question of the consequences of such recognition is decided by the court, depending on the specific circumstances.

2) The second restriction on marriage, after age, is the prohibition on entering into a new marriage until the previous one is terminated. In other words, polygamous (bigamous) marriage, or polygamy, is legally prohibited in Russia (Articles 12, 14 and 27 of the RF IC). Touching on polygamous marriage, one cannot but touch on traditions and religious norms. The Bible is ambivalent about polygamy. While the Old Testament mentions several wives of the main biblical heroes, including the Patriarchs (Jacob has the most - 4 wives), the New Testament or the Gospel categorically prohibits polygamy. Upon careful study of the texts of the Old Testament, scientists found that all the polygamous marriages mentioned there did not bring happiness. The presence of a concubine with Abraham led to the fact that, at the insistence of Sarah, he was forced to drive out the concubine Hagar and her son Ishmael (until now, the descendants of Ishmael - the Arabs - are at enmity with the descendants of Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah - the Jews). Jacob's special love for Rachel led the offended sons of other wives to sell Rachel's son Joseph into Egyptian slavery. Jesus Christ categorically forbade polygamy. He proceeded from the fact that the Lord gave Adam only one wife, Eve, and therefore it is necessary to follow His Providence. It should be noted that in pre-Christian Europe, polygamy was not allowed either in ancient Greece or in ancient Rome. Perhaps one of the reasons for their greatness was monogamy. As for Russia, polygamy was allowed here before the adoption of Christianity. For example, Prince Vladimir the Holy before baptism had 200 wives. After the baptism of Rus', polygamy was no longer allowed. Well, this is understandable: it was not allowed in any Christian country. Since we have already remembered St. Vladimir, it is interesting to note that, choosing between polygamy and the prohibition of wine, which was among the Muslims, and monogamy and the legalization of wine, offered by Christians, Vladimir unequivocally settled on monogamy and the legalization of wine, "for joy in Rus' is drinking ".

3) The next circumstance preventing the conclusion of a marriage is the family ties between the spouses (incestuous marriages). Marriage between close relatives (relatives in a direct ascending and descending line (parents and children, grandfather, grandmother and grandchildren), full and half-blooded (having a common father or mother) brothers and sisters) is not allowed. This list is exhaustive and is not subject to broad or narrow interpretation. The Family Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a ban on marriages of stepbrothers and sisters, i.e. having no common parent at all. Also, lateral kinship of more distant degrees, for example, cousin kinship, does not prevent marriage.

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Live broadcast of the final game of the Cup of Russia on football will show channel "Match!" . The broadcast starts at 17:55 Moscow time.

Special issue of the Children's Voice on May 24, 2019 - what time will the live broadcast start and on which channel:

As we have previously, on May 16, 2019, Channel One canceled the results of the final of the sixth season of the contest "Voice. Children", since the cheating of votes in favor of one of the participants (the winner) was revealed, and announced a special edition on Friday 24 May 2019.

Children's Voice season 6 special (which viewers refer to as the new ending, or rerun ending) will begin airing on Channel One at 21:30 Moscow time , at the end of the information program "Time".

Who will sing on May 24, 2019 in the final "Voice. Children":

The involved experts from the company "Group-IB" confirmed - that "the vote was influenced by external influences". Namely, more than 8,000 short text messages (SMS) were sent from 300 telephone numbers belonging to one cellular operator, and more than 30,000 calls were made via IVR telephony from fixed phones. At the same time, unique phone numbers were in order and differed by only one or two digits, and calls from them were made at the same time and for one participant.

In its statement on the current situation of "interference" in the audience's voting, Channel One specifically noted that during the audit, it did not aim to find the persons responsible for cheating votes, but only needed to confirm the very fact that cheating was carried out. Also, according to the channel, "Voice. Children" is a project that should give participants only a positive experience. In addition, children should not be held responsible for actions not committed by them.
Due to this, all nine finalists of the sixth season were invited to the special edition of "Voice. Children" on May 24, 2019. Whether they will participate in the "re-final" or not now depends solely on their desire.

If all the finalists of the 6th season of Children's Voice take part in the special, then the list of performers will be as follows: Mikhail Grigoryan, Yerzhan Maxim, Nino Chesner, Robert Bagratyan, Mariam Abdelkader, Anastasia Sisauri, Renata Tairova, Valery Kuzakov and possibly Mikella Abramova .

Will the solar eclipse be visible in Russia on July 2, 2019:

July 2, 2019 another solar eclipse, which is complete and refers to 127 saros.

Unfortunately, with my own eyes from the territory of Russia to see this celestial phenomenon will not work . If you are going to watch the broadcast of the total solar eclipse live through webcams, below is the time at which this can be done.

What time will the solar eclipse begin on July 2, 2019, where it will be visible:

Any eclipse begins in one place on the planet, and ends in another. Its start and end times vary for different parts of the world.

As for the total solar eclipse on July 2, 2019, the inhabitants of the islands located in the central Pacific Ocean (for example, in Hawaii) and sea travelers will see it first at 16:55 UTC ( at 19:55 Moscow time). Further, the shading zone will shift to the southeast towards South America, where will end over Chile and Argentina at 21:50 UTC ("in Moscow" it will be already 00:50 July 3, 2019).

Also partial phases will be seen in Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay and Uruguay.

In match Russia - Sweden there is no clear leader, it will be a game of two equal teams. If you look at the history of head-to-head meetings over the past two years, then here the advantage is on the side of Sweden. In five meetings, the Swedes beat the Russian team 3 times, and once the result of the match was a draw. Well, in the current tournament, the Russians go undefeated and have already secured access to the playoffs. But the Swedes made a “misfire”, losing to the Czechs in the very first match, and are only in third place in the group. However, the current meeting may change the arrangement of the teams in the table.

On which channel to watch the live broadcast of the meeting between the national teams of Russia and Sweden:

The match will be shown live First channel.

That is, the 2019 Ice Hockey World Cup match between Russia and Sweden:
*Starts at 21:15 Moscow time.
* The first channel will show the live broadcast.