Children's day camp "black hill". Children's health camp "gorki" Health camp Gorki

Address: Nizhnevartovsk region, highway Nizhnevartovsk - Raduzhny 1 B.

Route: Daily in the morning and in the evening along the developed route from Nizhnevartovsk to SOK "Chernaya Gorka" and back. The procedure for meeting, seeing off and escorting: Pedagogical accompaniment of children during the journey to the place of rest and back.

Location: Children's day-care recreation camp "Chernaya Gorka" is located in a quiet place, on the banks of the picturesque lake Urievskoe, surrounded by coniferous forest, a 15-minute drive from the city of Nizhnevartovsk. The area of ​​the territory is 1.661 ha.

On the territory are: three two-story residential buildings, one-story house-headquarters; a one-story house-circle room, an administrative building with a medical center, a circle room; sports grounds with rolled-rubber-polyurethane coating for playing volleyball, basketball; soccer field with quartz sand, playground for young children, assembly hall, stage with playground, air and sunbathing area (beach), forest area.

Accommodation conditions: In rooms in rows in separate three two-story residential buildings with places for undressing children. Each floor is equipped with a sanitary unit.

Beach: according to the weather conditions, a visit to the adjacent lake Uryevskoye is organized for the improvement of children.

Beach equipped with locker rooms, bathing area limiters, footbridges, water cooler. Lifeguards and a medical worker work on the beach.

Wellness services: in the administrative building there is a Medical Center, consisting of a doctor's office, two isolation wards, a room for preparing disinfectants and storing cleaning equipment, a toilet and a washbasin, equipped with the necessary medical equipment, inventory, medicines, dressings for first aid.

Catering: 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea) according to the 14-day menu in compliance with the requirements and conditions for organizing children's nutrition, the amount and calorie content of the food provided, taking into account the age of children: daily vegetables and fruits. Meals are organized in the canteen of MBOU "Secondary School No. 43" on the basis of an agreement with LLC "School Meal Plant-2"; catering for children is carried out in one shift; organization of the drinking regime - coolers with bottled clean drinking water and disposable cups are freely available on the territory of the complex for use by children (medical center, sports grounds, during events, the beach).

Leisure organization: A comprehensive pedagogical program of recreation and health improvement for children, adolescents and youth The Bright Holidays festival is aimed at professional self-determination of adolescents, the identification and development of leadership qualities, the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, the creative, physical and moral development of children and adolescents. “The Bright Holidays Festival is a frequent change of activities, a democratic style of communication between children and adults, goodwill, openness, an atmosphere of celebration and creativity, adventure and discovery, which makes the holidays truly bright. Each festival shift is characterized by its theme. Each of the three shifts provides for environmental conservation activities, entertaining lectures dedicated to the year of ecology in Russia.

Security conditions: safe stay of children on the territory of SOK "Chernaya Gorka"

provided by a private security company with a throughput system at the entrance, a video surveillance system, an alarm button.

The institution accepts children: from 6 to 17 years old.

The ticket price includes: order placement; Three meals a day; providing organized filling of children's leisure time with cultural and gaming events by special personnel; transport services - daily; general medical care; provision of the organizational stage (holding parent meetings, information services, etc.); accident insurance for children.

The child needs to have:

1. A voucher of the established sample, filled out on both sides;

2. A copy of the medical insurance policy;

3. A copy of the birth certificate (passport);

4. Medical certificate with the conclusion of a dermatologist (a dermatologist's mark is taken no earlier than 7 days before arrival), an extract on the epidemiological environment (an extract is taken no earlier than 3 days before arrival from a local doctor or in an infectious disease room), an analysis for enterobiosis (scraping) for children under 12 years old, children over 14 years old - blood on RV;

5. Information voluntary consent to medical interventions;

6. Commitment;

8. Confidential letter to counselor.

The children's camp "Gorki" is located in the ecologically clean Podolsky district, 60 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Kaluga highway. The territory of the camp with an area of ​​more than 16 hectares is fenced, lit, guarded around the clock. Children aged 7 to 15 are accepted for recreation and rehabilitation. The camp is designed for 450 places.


Every summer vacation, the Gorki camp holds a new interesting sports, entertainment and creative program. The program is compiled by professional teachers and creative counselors, taking into account the age of the children, individual special events and the weather, creative events alternate with sports days and quizzes. Games are aimed at developing initiative, leadership, independence and creative abilities.

Studios will work in the camp: sewing, souvenir, folk crafts, painting, wall graphics, dance, computer, etc., where children can try their abilities and get certain skills.

Every summer shift at the camp "Gorki" a specialized team "Computer" is created (for an additional fee), which participates in the main life of the camp and teaches in the following areas: graphics (computer drawing), WEB technologies (creating websites on the Internet), office ( input rules, editing texts, creating cartoons), programming (creating programs - applications for Windows), operating systems (Windows, ASPLinux). You can choose a program based on your own interests and level of knowledge of information technology, as well as after filling out a special questionnaire. Beginners and experienced users are engaged in different groups.


  • a large sports complex, which includes a game gym, a gym, a sauna with a capacity of up to 13 people;
  • two football fields;
  • volleyball and basketball courts;
  • cinema club;
  • a youth club with a cafe, video (cable TV) and a dance hall equipped with professional lighting and music equipment for discos and TV evenings;
  • billiard room for 4 tables (additional charge).

On the territory of the health complex there is a first-aid post.

Detachments, counselors

Children are divided into teams according to age. There are 2 counselors for every 30 children. The teaching staff are experienced teachers and psychologists, as well as students and graduate students of pedagogical universities, responsible and caring people who love children and the camp.


Children are accommodated in two-story brick buildings with centralized heating and water supply for 4-5 people per room. Each room has beds with bedside tables, a wardrobe is shared. Facilities on the floor. The buildings have lounges with upholstered furniture and TVs for team events.


Meals 5 times a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, dream book) according to the extended menu. Meals take place in one shift. The daily menu includes: vegetables, fruits, pastries, meat and fish dishes. On the territory there is a cafe where you can buy sweets, carbonated drinks, juices.

Medical service

There is an equipped first-aid post on the territory of the camp, a pediatrician from Moscow monitors the health of children.

Feedback from user Vasilyeva Nina

[email protected]

My girl got into the Thumbelina squad. From the first day she really liked the atmosphere of the Gorki camp. The entertainment program in the camp was rich and useful, because after the arrival of the child, she could not be stopped from enthusiastic stories. Next time we will come again!

Sent on 09/04/2015 at 09:05

Feedback from user Rita876

Good afternoon My son went to the Gorki children's camp for the 2nd shift in 2015! We were not pleased that when we came to visit the child, and we were not even allowed to go to his camp - to see how he is and where he lives, what territory! Is it parent's day?! In principle, my son had free time, and the events were mostly all sports - either table tennis or football. They were taken out of the territory to the pool. As a result, I want to say that next time we will try to look for a camp with a more intense program, because at 11 years old they still want some games and involvement in activities from the leaders! By the way, the child was taken from the camp earlier at his request!

Posted on 21.07.2015 at 14:48

Feedback from user Maria

The child was for the first time in a children's camp (I shift) - in complete delight! Thanks to the football program and personally to the coach! Many thanks to the leaders of the 14th detachment, Elena and Sasha, who helped my son! Good luck and keep it up!

Posted on 06/22/2015 at 21:54

Feedback from user Diana

I hope my review will be useful for parents who want to send their child to the Gorki camp in the Podolsk region. We bought a ticket in advance with a discount, we needed to receive compensation from the work husband. therefore, they were specifically looking for shifts for at least 21 days! chose Gorki and probably did not lose! they lived in the room of 4 girls, in the next 3 more girls, and one toilet and shower for them. How would you always have time to wash, but you had to take a queue and not prolong the pleasure? I won’t say that the food was bad and I won’t say that it was super, in a word, usually. The program seemed to me a little with the “flavour” of antiquity, but my daughter liked it - discos, movies, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, and so on. I read reviews that children have a different number of days to relax, and indeed - my daughter said that several girls from the next room left earlier. But in principle we liked it - there were friends and pictures for memory, thanks to the staff and organizers!

for children from 9 to 15 years old

DOL "Gorki" is located on the territory of the Podolsky district, 60 km from the Moscow Ring Road.

The territory of the camp (16 hectares) is well lit and guarded around the clock.

The camp is designed for 450 places.

"Summer is a small life". And this life is so bright, joyful, and in our camp it is also very diverse. In such a short time, several programs will come true, many events will take place, and they, like different colorful plots, will line up in a harmonious solar ribbon.

It is not for nothing that we called the program of summer 2011 “Colorful stories”.

Camp "Gorki" is 60 years old!

We will try to make the rest in the camp rich and interesting.
The program is structured so that intellectual games alternate with sports activities, and the age of the participants will be taken into account when conducting cases. All our creative activities, an evening of acquaintance, discos, a leader’s concert, a Spartakiad (“sniper”, mini-football, beach volleyball, basketball, towns, draughts-chess), sportland, meetings with camp veterans, a moment of silence at the site of the first air ram, committed by V. Talalikhin in 1941, the opening of a memorial plaque in honor of the heroes of 1812 and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, an economic game, a competition of theatrical miniatures, folk festivals, the game "Know your country". And this is not yet a complete list of events that will broaden the horizons of the children, enrich their spiritual life, and improve their health.

The "system of city self-government" in the camp (elections of the city head, city council, etc.) will help our children become more independent and enterprising. Craft workshops will operate in the city: sewing, souvenir, folk crafts, painting, wall graphics, dance, computer, etc., where children can try their hand and acquire new skills.
Everything that happens will be displayed by the media of the city "Gorki".

The ticket price includes: Accommodation, meals, cultural and entertainment program.
The price does not include: Transfer (800 rubles. M. "street of Academician Yangel").

Accommodation: Two-story brick buildings, rooms for 4 people (beds, bedside tables, wardrobes), amenities on the floor, hot water all the time. In the halls upholstered furniture, TV, carpet.

Nutrition: five times a day in accordance with the standard menu for children's institutions. The dining room has a self-service system.

On the territory of the camp: outdoor swimming pool, football field, volleyball and basketball courts, children's cafe, disco club with light and music equipment, sports hall 22x35 m., table tennis, billiards, first-aid post and isolation room, dining room, sauna.

On the day of arrival, bring with you: 1. ticket with parents' receipt;
2. medical certificate (form No. 79 / y) with a note on vaccinations and a record of the epidemic. school contacts;
3. certificate of epidemiological contacts at the place of residence of the child (the certificate is taken no more than 3 days before arrival at the camp);
4. a copy of your medical insurance policy;
5.copy of your birth certificate or passport;
6. copy of the passport of one of the parents.

ATTENTION! ! ! The administration and counselors DO NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for material values ​​and money brought by children to the camp and not left for storage in the storage room for personal belongings!

By car:- from metro station Teply Stan along Kaluga highway to the village of Lvovo, turn at the sign for Kaluga, then straight to the camp "Gorki" or along Varshavskoye highway through the city of Podolsk straight to OK "Gorki".
By public transport:
- from metro station "Teply Stan" by bus No. 508, 162 to the Voronovo village, then by bus No. 28 to the village of Kamenka.
- from the Kursk railway station by train to the station "Podolsk" then by bus number 28 to the village of Kamenka.

Departure and arrival of children: Meeting on the day the shift starts at 12:00 at the metro station "Ulitsa Akademika Yangelya" (exit from the last car when moving from the center), departure at 12:30. Gathering place

Arrival of children on the day of the end of the shift at the same place. Approximate bus arrival time at 14:00

In a word: the Gorki camp is bad (not terrible).
I decided to buy a ticket to this camp, because. the prices were acceptable (“recovered” there I have two children). There are almost no reviews about the camp, there was only one negative, most likely the rest are simply deleted (plus the camps are good technical support for the site, they have a bang).
I'll start with the departure. They gathered children into groups depending on the sports program for which the ticket was purchased. Also in the camp there is a regular camp program "Around the World". Yuri Grigoryevich Lopatka, head of the DEX program, commanded the meeting. The first shock: the parents who brought the children to the program "Around the World" approached Yu.G. Lopatka. to clarify where their group is going, who will supervise their children, they received the answer: “Well, we actually don’t bear responsibility for the children from Around the World, but we’ll put the children on our buses anyway.” At the same time, these children were not looked at, they were not checked according to the lists, they were simply put in a "bunch" on the bus. There is only one camp, the meeting place for all children is indicated by the Akademika Yangel metro station.
Three buses left the metro one at a time WITHOUT being escorted by a traffic police car.
Second minus. The youngest child, 8 years old, left on the first bus, a ticket for the Transformers program. Upon arrival, the younger children were checked and sent to the corps. The eldest child was bought a CrossFit ticket, he was taken from the metro on the third bus, he arrived at the camp at about 12:10 and until 20:00 he and 50 other children waited to be registered and examined in the medical room. According to the child, they had to stand on their feet near the administration building, they had nowhere to sit down. It’s good that they even remembered and fed the children with lunch, they didn’t invite the children for an afternoon snack.
Third minus. No programs other than DEX and Autostart are organized in the camp. They didn’t hear about any CrossFit in the camp, although everything is written so beautifully on the site. I don’t know how it happened, but my children ended up in the same group with the name “Blinded from what was” in the amount of 31 one people, they appointed one counselor, who, sorry, did not have time with so many children.
Counselor Sergei want to say Thank you very much. The young man was sent to practice, they were not introduced to any program, they were given the above group and left him without assistants. Despite all the difficulties, Sergei did not leave the guys, he tried to keep everyone under control, and thanks to him, my children returned unharmed.
In general, thanks to this third minus, the entire rest of the children was spoiled. Children wandered around the camp as restless, there were no classes declared on the website. Reading the program, my children will not have a single free minute, and as a result, my children texted me all day long. It became easier when the counselor Sergey was given an assistant, but she didn’t last long, saying that the children in this group were all bad, she left (it’s kind of like a future teacher, she came to practice). A few days later, another assistant came, it seemed that she was doing quite well.
On July 11, the youngest child calls me and says that he was moved to another room, because the ceiling began to crumble on them. And the next day, July 12, a great tragedy occurred in Omsk ... What is the state of the corps in the camp?
End of shift. In all the camps that my older child had attended before, they issued return vouchers. I carefully collected the entire set of documents, including vouchers, on which there were return coupons (that is, in which a mark should be made that the children were in the camp). And in this camp, it turns out they don’t know how such vouchers are filled out, and they didn’t give the necessary documents when the children returned. The husband met the children in Moscow and went back to teach the administration how to draw up documents.
In general, the camp is aimed only at satisfying the personal ambitions of the head of the DEX. The remaining vouchers are sold to pay for the rest of the needs of the camp. In fact, if it is possible to send children to the camp, but not to this camp!!!

Children's health camp "Gorki" - a large health camp in the Moscow region, located on 16 hectares of forest in the south of Moscow, on the territory of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts - accepts children and adolescents aged 6 to 15 years. We offer interesting and unusual programs for autumn and winter, as well as spring and summer children's recreation in the Moscow region in the summer of 2016, which will appeal to both girls and boys.

Often children spend their holidays very monotonously - in front of the TV, at the computer, at best - in the yard. A trip to a children's health camp will help make your vacation unforgettable. It is here that the child will be able to show their talents, try something new, for example, master an ATV or learn to dance, improve their health and, of course, meet new friends.

The children's health camp is located in the south of the Moscow region, 60 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road along the Kaluga highway, it can be reached without difficulty by car, as well as by public transport from the Tyoply Stan or Dmitry Donskoy metro stations. In addition, transportation of children by camp bus from Moscow, Podolsk and Klimovsk is organized.

  • Sports: gym, basketball, indoor pool, volleyball, table tennis, football
  • Active recreation: shooting gallery, snowmobiles, billiards, ATVs
  • For children: playground, animation, playroom
  • Beauty and health: bath
  • Entertainment: excursions, cinema hall, dance hall, disco
  • Other: wi-fi, internet, parking
  • Meals: 4-5 meals a day