What benefits are due to a father of many children if the children are from different marriages? What benefits can a father of many children count on?

In other cases, the legal status of a "single mother" is not assigned to a woman, which means that she does not enjoy benefits and payments. And oddly enough, but the widow is also not considered a single mother, although in this case the family is assigned benefits in connection with the loss of one breadwinner. If the father of the child was deprived of parental rights, then in this case the mother is not considered single, and the father, deprived of the rights, is still obliged to pay alimony. Simply put, a mother is not considered single if the child has an official father, and it doesn’t matter if he is alive or not.

The list of benefits provided to families with many children is not so extensive, but some of them can be very significant for the family budget, such as: meter of the total area of ​​housing for each family member permanently residing in a residential building (house), and an additional 10.5 sq.

The rights of a large family

A family with 3 or more minor children is considered to be a large family. In order to confirm its status documented, you need to register with the district councils and. in accordance with the temporary procedure for issuing certificates to large families, obtain a special certificate for a large family. To date, there is a whole list of benefits for large families. So, in the Appendix to the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated January 24, 2006 No. 37-PP, it is said that they can receive a discount on utility bills: heating, water supply, sewerage, hot water supply, electricity, gas.

On the free provision of land plots to large families in the Moscow region

3. Families with many children who simultaneously meet the following conditions as of the date of filing the application specified in Article 6 of this Law have the right to free provision of land plots: 2) parents or a single mother (father), adoptive parents, stepfather (stepmother), with who(s) have three or more children living together, have resided in the Moscow Region for at least 5 years; 4) members of a large family do not own a land plot of 0.06 hectares or more, on the right of lifetime inheritable possession or permanent (perpetual) use on the territory of the Moscow Region; 6) members of a large family did not alienate, as well as the division of land plots of 0.06 hectares or more belonging to them by right of ownership from the date of entry into force of this Law.

The types of such assistance and the methods of its provision should depend on the reason why the family became incomplete, - says Olga Arkanova-Chernaya, deputy head of the Main Directorate for Family, Youth and Sports. - And there can be many reasons: divorce, death of one of the spouses, the birth of a child out of wedlock, deprivation of parental rights of one of the parents. Divorce remains the most common reason today.

What family is considered large in Russia (how many children should there be)?

At first glance, the answer to this question is obvious. But it happens that when determining how many children make up a large family, difficulties arise. Consider an example. Parents with 3 children get divorced. 2 children stay with their mother, 1 with their father. In this case, citizens who are actually parents of 3 children lose their status of large families. In case of divorce of spouses with many children, one of them can retain this status only if at least 3 children remain to live with him (in principle, it is possible that both parents after the dissolution of the marriage will retain this status if there are 6 or more children). With regard to the example considered, the former spouses can again receive the status of large families if they enter into an official marriage with a person who has minor children.

What financial support from the state can families with many children count on?

Moreover, some of them are paid from the federal budget, and some from the regional ones. For a large family, this is in detail important in order to know who to contact and what size to count on. Federal monthly allowances for large families include only the payment of a monthly allowance for caring for a child under the age of one and a half years. This is not a specialized allowance for large families in 2015, but a payment for each child, although from the second child the amount of the allowance doubles (from 2.7 thousand rubles to 5.4 thousand rubles)

Astrakhan large families demand the return of benefits to foster children

The unpopularity of the procedure for adopting stepsons and stepdaughters is evidenced by the fact, they assure in a public organization, that for several thousand remarriages, entering into which one of the spouses in most cases has a child, there are only a few hundred adoptions. By the way, as of January 1 this year, 10,135 large families in the Astrakhan region were recognized as eligible for social support measures. Of these, 4,655 families have an average per capita income below the subsistence level. According to Nikolai Tikhvinsky, the organization developed and, back in 2015, introduced amendments to the law of the Astrakhan Region on large families to the regional Duma.

Good will

For Heroes of Belarus, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, full cavaliers of the Orders of Glory, Labor Glory, as well as citizens who, in accordance with the law, have the right to additional living space for health reasons, these standards for the total living space are increased by 15 square meters. meters for each family member entitled to additional living space.

Orthodox large glamor

If we talk about one side and not talk about the other, it is to lure a person into a difficult life choice for which he is not ready. The current setting for having many children does not take into account anything. Previously, there was an attitude “nothing, these will be killed, the women will give birth to new ones”, and now – “let the women give birth to at least some”. Because the reversal of the demographic disruption is just beginning. Now a generation is entering the arena that is already smaller than it should have been.

Social benefits and benefits for single mothers

Very often, the status of a single mother is attributed to women who are in various situations in life, which, according to the law, are not the basis for determining a single mother.

Raising a child by a woman after a divorce, accompanied by a lack of alimony for various reasons; The birth of a child by a woman within 300 days of her husband's divorce or death. In this case, the registry office registers the woman's ex-husband as the father of the child, even if he is not the biological father of the child; The birth of a child by a woman who is not married to the baby's father, if there is a document establishing paternity and the man is officially recognized as the child's father (even if he does not live with the baby's mother); The death of the husband of a woman who gave birth to a child from him; Deprivation of parental rights of the father of the child. All the necessary information about the right of mothers to additional financial support in these cases related to issues of divorce, the presumption of paternity and the participation of the father in the costs of maintaining children, read on the specialized portal Divorce-Expert. A woman who is a single mother is entitled to some very specific benefits and payments.

Rights and benefits for large families in Ukraine

In accordance with Art. 18-1 of the Law of Ukraine "On State Assistance to Families with Children", a single mother is considered a woman who is not married, single adoptive parents who have underage children in the birth certificate (adoption decision) of which there is no record of the father ( mother) of the child or records about the father (mother) were made in accordance with the established procedure by the RAGS department at the direction of the mother (father, adoptive parent) of the child.

Stepsons don't count

We keep chickens and roosters - here they are the main source of income, - Alena Bozhenova joked. Moreover, the officials did not return to the woman the certificate of the mother of many children, which she received earlier, and immediately froze the payments that she had previously received. In addition to the regional mother's capital, we are talking about a monthly cash compensation of 40 percent for electricity, gas, water and other utilities.

Read also: Application for forfeit on alimony - sample

Benefits for large families in Ukraine

The certificate is issued free of charge. Certificates are issued to children from a large family from the age of six. 50% discount for the use of housing (rent) within the limits stipulated by the current legislation; 50% discount for the use of utility services (gas supply, electricity supply, water supply and sanitation) within the limits established by law; 50% discount on the cost of scraped bottled gas for domestic needs within the limits determined; 50% discount on the cost of fuel within the norms determined by law, if the respective houses do not have central heating; The subscription fee for the use of a residential telephone in the amount of 50 percent of the approved tariffs. Privileges for the use of housing (rent), utilities and the cost of fuel are provided to families with many children, regardless of the type of housing and the form of ownership of it.

Enter the site

A large family is a family in which three or more children are dependent and raised. The status of a large family is confirmed by a certificate issued by local executive and administrative bodies. The sample certificate and the procedure for its issuance are approved by the Government of the Republic of Belarus. those. regardless of whether the child is native or not, the family has the status of a large family, because there are three dependent children.

Can I be considered a father of many children?

According to the law, a mother (father) with many children is a person who has dependent and brings up three or more children under the age of 18 (here we are also talking about adopted or adopted children, adopted children, as well as stepchildren and stepdaughters, who are included on equal rights as part of the family, as well as about children living separately from their parents (who study).A large family does not include children who are fully supported by the state, as well as children who are under guardianship or guardianship.

Amendments were made to the Law “On the Protection of Childhood” that directly relate to the rights of fathers with many children. Previously, a family was considered to have many children, provided that the husband and wife, being in a registered marriage, are raising three or more common children. Now the status of a large family is also received by parents who are raising not joint children, but one father or mother is also a large family if they live in a legal marriage and raise three or more children, that is, if earlier only the mother was the bearer of the status of a large family, now the father also received this right.

Thanks to the new norm of legislation, the issue of receiving benefits for the payment of utility bills by the father of many children was resolved, because earlier only the mother of many children and children had the right to a 50 percent discount on them. To apply for such benefits, you should contact the specialists of the Department for Family, Children and Youth Affairs, to obtain a certificate of a father with many children, or to have a photo of the father pasted into the certificate of a large family. Then the father of many children should contact the department of labor and social protection at the place of residence.

It is important that you must live with all three children, then benefits are due.


Education: higher, graduated in 1981 from Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in History. Area of ​​interest: labor law, litigation in labor disputes I specialize in the field of labor law and social security. Over 15 years of experience in the field of labor law, in her professional activities she constantly faced with the protection of the rights of both the employee and the employer. Therefore, I can talk about the most important labor rights that.

Svetlana Bubnova

Ordering a lawyer's consultation

Lawyer topics:


Education: - "Central Russian University (Humanitarian - Technological Institute)", in the direction of jurisprudence. Work experience: — Law enforcement agencies Work experience: — more than 5 years Specialization: — Criminal law City: — Kaluga

What benefits do fathers with many children have and do their fathers with children from different marriages have

In recent years, in connection with the policy of the state in the field of encouraging the birth rate, families with many children have begun to appear more and more often. If the concept of a mother of many children has existed since the times of the USSR, when they were awarded the title of Mother Heroine, the concept of a father of many children appeared relatively recently. Along with the introduced concept, the benefits of the father of a large family also appeared. Benefits can be provided in different areas:
- labor activity;
- housing area;
- medical care;
- general education;
— the sphere of crediting and taxation;
- other.
Fathers of at least three children under the age of 18 or under the age of 23 are entitled to state assistance, provided that they study at the full-time department of a higher or secondary specialized educational institution.
Funding sources are both federal and local budgets. In this regard, in different regions, a father with many children may have different benefits.

How the state encourages the breadwinners of large families

The father of the family may receive some types of assistance free of charge, some at a discount, some at reduced rates, and others. An important circumstance is that benefits for a father with many children at work are a kind of guarantee of obtaining these benefits, since the mother of the family may not have a job, but be engaged in raising children. Accordingly, the family will be deprived of these benefits.
The state provides assistance to fathers of large families:

For free:

1. Pharmacological preparations, provided that the child has not reached the age of six;
2. Travel of school-age children by public transport in settlements and suburbs;
3. Nutrition in educational institutions.
4. If there is a medical certificate, prosthetic and orthopedic products are provided.
5. Vouchers to health camps at the place of work if there is a clause in the collective agreement.
6. One-time gratuitous subsidy for the construction or reconstruction of residential premises.

With discount:

1. 50% when paying utility bills.
2. A 50% discount is provided when purchasing school literature.

Other perks:

1. Extraordinary admission of children to preschool educational institutions.
2. The right to extraordinary membership in gardening associations.
3. Reduced credit rate when obtaining a loan;
4. Benefits in the payment of income tax: the non-taxable minimum has been increased.
5. 100% payment of temporary disability benefits.
6. Preferential employment conditions and working conditions in relation to others.
7. Additional leave for up to 10 days.
8. If necessary, improvement of living conditions.

A father with many children may also be entitled to other assistance from the state. But in each case the situation is analyzed individually. Professional lawyers will help you figure it out.

How to draw up documents

In order to use the full range of benefits offered by the state without any problems, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of a father with many children. To do this, you need to contact the regional department of social protection and submit documents according to the following list:
1. An identity card, as a rule, is a citizen's passport.
2. Certificate of assignment of a single citizen identification number (TIN).
3. Certificate from the place of residence on all persons registered at this address. This document is very important. Why will be discussed below.
4. Birth certificates of all children, where the applicant will be indicated in the father column. In the case of a dash, or with a partial coincidence of the surname, name and patronymic, recognition as a father of many children will be denied.
5. When a child reaches the age of 18, a full-time student of an educational institution must submit a certificate of this.
6. Photo for the future certificate in 3 x 4 format.
7. Paybooks.

Is the father of children from different marriages entitled to state assistance?

Families tend to sometimes break up and transform into new ones, where children also appear. There are situations when the father has children in a previous marriage and appear in a new one. The question often arises whether a father with many children is entitled to benefits if the children are from different marriages. In this case, it is of primary importance with whom the child is brought up. This can be confirmed by a certificate from the place of residence, which was mentioned earlier. If the child is registered at the place of residence of the father, then the latter will be recognized as the father of many children with all the ensuing consequences. If only one or two children were born in the new daddy's family, then only he of the two parents will have the status of a parent with many children with benefits attached to the status. The mother of his children, neither in the first nor in the second marriage, will have such a status if she does not have children from other fathers. Accordingly, the only parent with many children will be entitled to state assistance. There are situations when a child actually lives with his father, although he is registered elsewhere. In this case, it is possible to establish the fact that the child lives with the father in a judicial proceeding, and an additional court decision must be submitted to the social protection authorities. In order to avoid mistakes and not delay the judicial procedure, it is better to contact a professional.

Read also: Divorce from husband if there are minor children

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Can a father who has children from different marriages be recognized as having many children?

I have a 12 year old son from my first marriage. He lives with his mother, registered with me. I do not pay official alimony, I pay simply by agreement with the BZ. My current wife gave birth to twins. Those. in fact I am the father of 3 children, all of whom are registered with me.

Clarification of the client

If someone is interested, then I inform you that I received a certificate of a large family.

Lawyers Answers (21)

As a rule, mothers are recognized as having many children in regional laws.

You need to look at your laws.

What benefits do you want to claim?

In any case, the fact that your child from your first marriage does not legally live with you will play against you!

Citizens with many children
Provision of land plots to citizens with three or more children.
On the territory of the Volgograd region, free provision of land plots to citizens with three or more children is carried out on the basis of the Law of the Volgograd region of April 04, 2003 N 809-OD “On the provision of land plots that are in state or municipal ownership, in the ownership of citizens free of charge” as amended on April 16, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Law No. 809-OD).
In connection with the amendments to Law No. 809-OD, the previously valid Law of the Volgograd Region dated December 16, 2011 N 2272-OD “On the procedure for granting land plots to citizens with three or more children free of charge and establishing the maximum size of such land plots” has lost strength.
Conditions for granting a land plot free of charge to citizens with many children:
- the presence of a citizen of three or more minor children, including those under guardianship or guardianship or transferred to foster care under a foster family agreement, as well as adult children under the age of 23 studying in general education organizations, professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher full-time education, subject to the cohabitation of a citizen and his children;
- permanent residence of a citizen with three or more children in the territory of the Volgograd region for at least five years preceding the date of filing an application for free provision of a land plot for ownership;
- joint residence of a citizen and his children.
A land plot is provided to one of the parents of three or more children or to a person replacing him. A citizen who has three or more children may be granted free ownership of only one land plot.

List of required documents for applying:
1) a copy of a passport or other document proving the identity of a citizen who has three or more children;
2) copies of passports, birth certificates, adoption certificates for each of the children;
3) a document confirming the permanent residence of a citizen with three or more children in the territory of the Volgograd Region for at least five years preceding the date of filing an application, as well as the joint residence of a citizen and his children (information on registration at the place of residence of a citizen and his children or a court decision establishing the relevant fact);

4) a copy of the agreement on the foster family, concluded between the body of guardianship and guardianship and foster parents (parent), - for the foster family;
5) a copy of the act of the body of guardianship and guardianship on the appointment of a guardian or custodian - for citizens appointed as guardians or custodians of minor children;
6) documents confirming the education of adult children under the age of 23 in general education organizations, professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education in full-time education - for citizens who have these children
Copies of documents must be certified in accordance with the procedure established by law or provided with the presentation of the original. Upon presentation of original documents, copies from them are certified by an official of the authorized body or a specialist of the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services that accepts documents, and the originals are returned to the applicant.

Sincerely! G.A. Kuraev

Clarification of the client

Thank you! I thought that if I ask a question here, then I no longer need to look at our legislation)))). Well, or they will instruct me on a specific NPA))))

I would like to get an answer from a lawyer. With specific points and articles. Without the wording "as a rule", "usually", etc.

Legally resides - how is it? Legally, he lives with me. It is registered in my apartment.

Also, legally, a family with many children is recognized (and receives an appropriate document) at the request of one of the parents. I am also interested in the situation with children from different marriages. And in order to talk with the employees of the MFC, I need links to certain documents. Which is a bit difficult for me to find.

Have a question for a lawyer?

1. Can my current spouse and I be recognized as a large family?

Alas, no, because older child lives separately from you

2. Can I apply for child care allowance for both the second and third in a row?

Only on the condition that you will actually take care of the children

Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Child care leave
At the request of a woman, she is granted parental leave until the child reaches the age of three.
The procedure and terms for the payment of benefits for state social insurance during the period of the specified vacation are determined by federal laws.
Parental leave can be used in full or in parts also by the child's father, grandmother, grandfather, other relative or guardian who actually cares for the child.

Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006 (as amended on March 9, 2016) “On Compulsory Social Insurance in Case of Temporary Disability and in Connection with Motherhood”

Article 13
6. To assign and pay a monthly allowance for child care, the insured person submits an application for the assignment of the specified allowance, a birth (adoption) certificate of the child being cared for, and a copy of it or an extract from the decision on establishing custody of the child, a birth certificate (adoption, death) of the previous child (children) and a copy of it, a certificate from the place of work (service) of the mother (father, both parents) of the child that she (he, they) does not use parental leave and does not receive a monthly child care allowances, and if the mother (father, both parents) of the child does not work (does not serve) or is studying full-time in basic educational programs in organizations engaged in educational activities, a certificate from the social protection authorities at the place of residence (place of stay, actual residence) of the mother (father) of the child on non-receipt of monthly allowance for child care. In order to assign and pay a monthly child care allowance, the insured person shall also submit, if necessary, a certificate (certificates) on the amount of earnings from which the allowance is to be calculated. For the appointment and payment of a monthly allowance for child care in accordance with part 4 of this article, a certificate (information) from the social protection authorities at the place of residence (place of stay, actual residence) of the father, mother (both parents) of the child on non-receipt of a monthly allowance for care for a child is requested by the insurer from the authorized executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation, which has such information at its disposal. The insured person has the right, on his own initiative, to submit the specified certificate for the appointment and payment of benefits. The interdepartmental request of the insurer for the submission of documents (information) shall be sent within three calendar days from the date of receipt of the application for the payment of a monthly allowance for child care in accordance with part 4 of this article. The term for preparing and sending by the authorized executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation a response to the said interdepartmental request may not exceed five calendar days from the date of receipt of the interdepartmental request by the said bodies.

In recent years, in connection with the policy of the state in the field of encouraging the birth rate, families with many children have begun to appear more and more often. If the concept of a mother of many children has existed since the times of the USSR, when they were awarded the title of Mother Heroine, the concept of a father of many children appeared relatively recently. Along with the introduced concept, the benefits of the father of a large family also appeared. Benefits can be provided in different areas:
- labor activity;
- housing area;
- medical care;
- general education;
— the sphere of crediting and taxation;
- other.
Fathers of at least three children under the age of 18 or under the age of 23 are entitled to state assistance, provided that they study at the full-time department of a higher or secondary specialized educational institution.
Funding sources are both federal and local budgets. In this regard, in different regions, a father with many children may have different benefits.

How the state encourages the breadwinners of large families

The father of the family may receive some types of assistance free of charge, some at a discount, some at reduced rates, and others. An important circumstance is that benefits for a father with many children at work are a kind of guarantee of obtaining these benefits, since the mother of the family may not have a job, but be engaged in raising children. Accordingly, the family will be deprived of these benefits.
The state provides assistance to fathers of large families:

For free:

1. Pharmacological preparations, provided that the child has not reached the age of six;
2. Travel of school-age children by public transport in settlements and suburbs;
3. Nutrition in educational institutions.
4. If there is a medical certificate, prosthetic and orthopedic products are provided.
5. Vouchers to health camps at the place of work if there is a clause in the collective agreement.
6. One-time gratuitous subsidy for the construction or reconstruction of residential premises.

With discount:

1. 50% when paying utility bills.
2. A 50% discount is provided when purchasing school literature.

Other perks:

1. Extraordinary admission of children to preschool educational institutions.
2. The right to extraordinary membership in gardening associations.
3. Reduced credit rate when obtaining a loan;
4. Benefits in the payment of income tax: the non-taxable minimum has been increased.
5. 100% payment of temporary disability benefits.
6. Preferential employment conditions and working conditions in relation to others.
7. Additional leave for up to 10 days.
8. If necessary, improvement of living conditions.

A father with many children may also be entitled to other assistance from the state. But in each case the situation is analyzed individually. It will help you understand it.

How to draw up documents

In order to use the full range of benefits offered by the state without any problems, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of a father with many children. To do this, you need to contact the regional department of social protection and submit documents according to the following list:
1. An identity card, as a rule, is a citizen's passport.
2. Certificate of assignment of a single citizen identification number (TIN).
3. Certificate from the place of residence on all persons registered at this address. This document is very important. Why will be discussed below.
4. Birth certificates of all children, where the applicant will be indicated in the father column. In the case of a dash, or with a partial coincidence of the surname, name and patronymic, recognition as a father of many children will be denied.
5. When a child reaches the age of 18, a full-time student of an educational institution must submit a certificate of this.
6. Photo for the future certificate in 3 x 4 format.
7. Paybooks.

Is the father of children from different marriages entitled to state assistance?

Families tend to sometimes break up and transform into new ones, where children also appear. There are situations when the father has children in a previous marriage and appear in a new one. The question often arises whether a father with many children is entitled to benefits if the children are from different marriages. In this case, it is of primary importance with whom the child is brought up. This can be confirmed by a certificate from the place of residence, which was mentioned earlier. If the child is registered at the place of residence of the father, then the latter will be recognized as the father of many children with all the ensuing consequences. If only one or two children were born in the new daddy's family, then only he of the two parents will have the status of a parent with many children with benefits attached to the status. The mother of his children, neither in the first nor in the second marriage, will have such a status if she does not have children from other fathers. Accordingly, the only parent with many children will be entitled to state assistance. There are situations when a child actually lives with his father, although he is registered elsewhere. In this case, it is possible to establish the fact that the child lives with the father in a judicial proceeding, and an additional court decision must be submitted to the social protection authorities. In order to avoid mistakes and not delay the judicial procedure, it is better

A father with many children in Russia has the right to count on state support in the same way as a mother. Often, fathers are forced to raise and provide for children without a wife or their mother. In such a situation, the father is forced not only to support the family, but also to solve everyday problems that usually fall on the shoulders of a woman in the house.

A father of many children can be recognized as a man who has three or more children: relatives or adopted by him in the prescribed manner. Children from different marriages will also be considered large when the father is established. But there are prerequisites for establishing the status of a father of many children:

  • all three children must live together with the father, and not just be provided with alimony from him;
  • Russian citizenship for a man and his children is mandatory;
  • registration of the whole family in one region;
  • confirmation of legal rights or family ties for each of the children;
  • the age of the older child must not exceed the established threshold for full-time or other forms of education.

Individually, each subject of Russia has the right to establish its own requirements for recognition of a large status. The main criteria are:

  • the age of the older teenager until which he will be considered in need of paternal support;
  • full-time education, in which a teenager cannot get a job for additional income;
  • conscription service in the army, due to which the teenager also does not have the opportunity to help the family with money;
  • the number of minor children established in different regions is different.

To find out the conditions for compliance with the established norms of a particular region, it is necessary to obtain information from the local social security authorities.

Under these conditions, a father living with children has the right to apply to social authorities to obtain the legal status of having many children. He will need to write an application and provide the required documents. After an affirmative decision, the man will be issued.

Having received the status and certificate of a father of many children, a man can claim the same privileges and benefits as a full-fledged family or a single mother with many children.

All benefits and additional payments are entirely assigned to the regions of Russia. The only payment that is made from the federal budget is 100,000 rubles. It is assigned to a parent who was able to raise more than six children up to the age of eight. For this, he is awarded the Order of Parental Glory.

All other state aid measures are allocated from the local budget.

Medical Benefits

At a young age, the immunity of children is still being formed, and they are subject to constant diseases. That is why the provision of preferential medical care is especially important for families with many children. Dads with many children have the right to:

  • emergency medical care;
  • free vitamins;
  • free provision of necessary medicines for children under 6 years of age;
  • preferential right to allocate a voucher to a sanatorium once a year for each baby.
To receive discounted medicines, you must apply with a prescription from a doctor to a social pharmacy.

Labor privileges

Dads with many children are forced to provide for the whole family, so they are provided with special working and rest conditions:

  1. They are obliged to give priority to employment in their profession on the basis of qualifications.
  2. An additional day off with a 40-hour work week if there is a dependent child with a disability.
  3. Additional unpaid leave of 14 days annually.
  4. Exceeding the norms of the working day or sending on long business trips only with the written consent of the father.
  5. Part-time work with dependent children under 14.

Tax relief

When paying taxes, fathers with many children also have certain privileges. To obtain them, you must write an application to the personnel department at work or to the Tax Inspectorate and submit the necessary documents. What is eligible for:

  • standard tax deduction for each child when calculating personal income tax;
  • partial or full exemption from taxes if you have your own business or farming;
  • discounts or complete abolition of transport tax;
  • a tax refund of a quarter of the cost of his children's education.

Communal payments

A significant expense item for each family, especially in the winter season. Therefore, fathers with many children are provided by the regions with a discount of 50 to 70% on all utilities.

And those families who live in private homes can also be offered a discount on combustible fuel up to 50% or firewood allocated free of charge.

Transport services

Moving around the city with three or more children makes it much more difficult and fetters the family. That is why they have:

  • free travel on public transport;
  • preferential travel by intercity transport links to medical or educational institutions.
Individual regions may provide other benefits at their discretion.

Social benefits

One of the widest groups of benefits to which all dads with many children, without exception, are entitled:

  1. The right to receive a land plot with an area of ​​at least 6 acres.
  2. Obtaining soft loans to improve housing conditions.
  3. Priority admission of children to kindergartens and educational institutions.
  4. Providing a school uniform.
  5. Providing free meals in schools and kindergartens.
  6. Cultural development of children through the allocation of free tickets to museums and other recreational activities at least once a month.

Cash payments

If a father is raising three or more children on his own, he is entitled to receive the following payments:

  1. Allowance for the care of a child until he reaches one and a half years. Paid by the employer in the amount of 40% of the permanent average monthly income. If the father is unemployed, then this allowance is paid by the social authorities in a fixed amount. For 1 child 3065.69 rubles, for the next - 6131.67 rubles.
  2. Has the right to maternity capital at the birth of a second or third child after the entry into force of the program since 2006. In 2017, its amount was 453,026 rubles.
  3. Regional surcharges are set individually in each subject and depend on the standard of living in it.

Thus, dads with many children have the same benefits as families with many children. Only the situation for them is much more difficult, since the father has to solve problems and perform the functions of both parents.

The status of a parent with many children is usually associated among members of our society with mothers, and fathers remain in the shadows. But it is the man who provides for the family when the wife is on maternity leave. He also takes care of the offspring. Such a citizen deserves no less public respect and state assistance. Parents have to invest a lot of work in the upbringing, education of even 1 child, to say nothing of several. You need to have an extraordinary amount of strength and patience to devote yourself to raising children.

Previously, the status of a father with many children almost never manifested itself legally. The renewal of the legislation played a positive role for him. A man representing this social category has equaled the number of rights with a woman.

Who is assigned this status?

Russian legislation assigns the status of a parent with many children to a person raising from 3 minor children inclusive. This category also includes men/women with the same number of dependents under 18 who:

  • found in them a foster family;
  • were adopted/adopted by them;
  • Due to various circumstances, they live separately from their biological parents.

This status does not apply to persons raising children who:

  • are under guardianship / guardianship;
  • are fully supported by the state.

In addition to the special social status of a mother with many children, the father of several offspring can also count on certain benefits.

The “Law on the Protection of Childhood”, which was amended, also recognized a family with many children that does not have common offspring (stepsons, stepdaughters).

This status is automatically awarded to the parents of the mentioned number of children who are legally married.

It is possible to realize the right of the beneficiary if the residence permits of the offspring and the parent coincide at least three times.

Preferences for employees with many children

A father with many children is entitled to temporary disability payments corresponding to the full amount of earnings.

Such fathers, if this clause is included in the contract, are provided with free vouchers from the place of work for the rehabilitation of children in state-owned institutions.

Fathers with many children can be released from work, in addition to the official limit, for 10 calendar days annually (non-working days, holidays do not count). This decade is also subject to payment. Such leave passes in the statements as additional.

A man who is supported by 3 or more children is entitled to relief when applying for a job, easier working conditions.

Help for the needy

If the income indicators of a man with many children do not exceed the need limit, such a parent has the right to visit Social Security in order to request assistance in the form of providing free food to babies under 2 years old.

Targeted social assistance is provided for fathers with many children raising from 3 minor children. The income ceiling of such a parent should be similar to the previous paragraph. A prerequisite for the provision of assistance is the conditionality of the size of the family income by objective reasons.

Other perks

Fathers of many children also have the right to:

  • free travel for their children in electric transport, city and suburban buses;
  • free medicines for preschoolers;
  • free provision of prosthetic and orthopedic products to children (if necessary);
  • improvement of living conditions (for those who need it);
  • extraordinary purchase of garden plots.

They are also entitled to a one-time gratuitous subsidy for the construction / reconstruction of housing.

The person in question has favorable conditions for obtaining a loan for the purchase / construction. The interest rate of concessional lending is 1% per annum.

A standard tax deduction (for personal income tax) is certainly due to each minor child on a monthly basis.

A representative of this category is compensated for half of the cost of paid utilities. Previously, this benefit only applied to the mother.

A man has the right to apply for an extraordinary adoption of the baby by a kindergarten pupil; at school - to demand free food for him, a 50% discount for the use of students.

Documentation rules

A parent with many children must visit the social security authority (at the place of residence).

The applicant for the relevant benefits is accepted by a specialist in the family affairs department; he will process the submitted papers.

The bureaucratic procedure for confirming status can take two forms:

  • a photo of the father 3x4 cm is pasted into the certificate of a large family;
  • the parent receives the certificate of the father of many children.

There is one more condition for receiving benefits: a man must be listed in the unified state register of persons. To register in it, you need to provide employees of the social security authority with the following documents:

Termination of benefit payments

Benefits for large families are not paid if a person has been deprived of parental rights.

Also, preferences are canceled on the basis of the child reaching the age of 18 (if the parents have two minor children).

If a family decides to have more than 2 kids, the state will always support it in this intention. The federal authorities will not leave such parents in financial matters.

It is necessary to learn in a timely manner about all types of social assistance to large families. If employees of any institutions refuse to provide benefits to fathers of large families, provided that the latter comply with all the conditions for receiving them, you need to contact the protection authorities.

The status of a father with many children is a completely new legal term, which is introduced by a special law and implies certain rights.

Who has the right to be considered a father of many children

At the legislative level, it was decided to award the title of an applicant with many children to those persons who are dependent on three or more minor children. This category also includes adopted children, stepchildren and stepchildren, as well as children from different marriages. Children must be under 16 years of age, or under 18, provided they study in general education institutions.

The rights enshrined by the state guarantee the provision of benefits both at the regional and national levels. The main point of compliance with the law is the clearly established fact that all family members live together, and not separately.

List of conditions required for mandatory fulfillment:

  • the fact of mutual residence with children;
  • the availability of documents proving the family ties of the applicant and children (the right to guardianship);
  • the fact of independent upbringing of three or more minor children, as well as other dependents who have a disability or are in full-time education.

What are the benefits for fathers with many children?

In Russia, as in many European countries, the state provides material assistance to the poor. This type of targeted support is caused by the extremely low level of natural population growth in the countries. Accordingly, social stability and development in society is falling, causing irreparable harm to the economy, so the state has developed an administrative program to support the poor.

All legal, economic and organizational foundations for social support are determined by the law of the President. "On measures for the social support of large families." This decree states that the subjects of the Federation have the right to independently determine the categories of persons who need material support. And the Ministry of Finance, in turn, determines the procedure for financing.

It is important to know! In each region, having many children looks different, because in one region a family with three children is the norm, and in another territorial district it is considered a rarity.

A low-income man is entitled to targeted social assistance that does not exceed the criterion of need.

The prescribed prerogatives for a father of many children:

  1. Free travel for children in urban and suburban transport (tram, subway, trolleybus).
  2. Getting free medicines for babies (up to 6 years old) with a doctor's prescription.
  3. Free school meals (breakfast, lunch).
  4. 50% discount for the use of school textbooks.
  5. Extraordinary admission of the child to a preschool institution.
  6. Providing children with prosthetic and orthopedic products.
  7. Favorable working conditions and employment.
  8. Reimbursement of monthly payments for kindergarten. Since 2018, the reimbursement is 20%, for the second child - 50%, for the third - 70%.
  9. Providing children with a free educational uniform in accordance with the established standards of a general education institution.
  10. Monthly provision of tickets for visiting cultural and entertainment organizations.
  11. Reduced transport tax (please contact your local tax authority for relief).
  12. Guaranteed discount for utility bills not less than 30% of the established payments.
  13. Assistance in the extraordinary organization of a farm or other small enterprise, while providing a land plot, providing benefits for paying land tax in the form of partial or full exemption from tax for a certain period.
  14. If there are more than 7 children, the state provides awards + 100,000 rubles.
  15. Lending with an interest of 1% per annum.
  16. One-time gratuitous discount for the reconstruction or construction of a dwelling.
  17. The possibility of retraining with subsequent employment.

Important! In case of disability of the father, who is dependent on three or more children, an allowance is paid in the amount of 100% of earnings. But provided that the total family income does not exceed the criteria of need.

For a working group of low-income fathers, it is possible to provide free health-improving vouchers for children in state institutions, if this clause is in the contract. And for fathers, the legislation provides for additional rest in the amount of 10 paid working days, not counting holidays and weekends. In 2018, young dads are entitled to pay utility bills in the amount of 50%. Previously, this service was provided only to mothers.

How to get a father's certificate

Obtaining a certificate, including a list of all state benefits, is not a complicated, but lengthy process, which includes applying to the Department of Social Protection of the Population.

The family affairs specialist will need to present:

  • a copy of the applicant's passport or other identity document;
  • photocopies of birth certificates of children;
  • an act testifying to the residence of the family in the area in which the documents are drawn up;
  • a photocopy of paper certifying the dissolution of the marriage (certificate of death or deprivation of parental rights);
  • photo of the applicant 3x4 cm.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated, the certificate is issued for the period the family has the status of a large family, but not more than 5 years. If it is necessary to extend the validity of the certificate, the applicant can submit an application electronically, while using the state information system -

Unified portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow region (MFC MO). Also, for the extension of the certifying document, a man has the right to apply directly to the Social Service at the place of residence. In case of refusal, the applicant is given a written explanation of the reasons for such a decision.

In case of loss or damage to the certificate, it is necessary to submit an application on the basis of which a duplicate is issued. In it, after the serial number, the mark "Duplicate" is put. The fact of granting a certificate is recorded in the registration log for the issuance of certificates.

Comment! The certificate is issued in one copy for the whole family.

List of documents required for registration of the status of a father of many children

In accordance with the law, a preferential package of services can be used only after the provision of all necessary documents that could confirm the status of a father of many children and the need for support or refute it.

A single dad will need to provide:

  1. Originals + copies of birth certificates of children.
  2. Applicant's passport.
  3. Father's TIN.
  4. If available, a certificate of income, place of work or service.
  5. If the family has a child with disabilities - all documentation proving the disability.
  6. For children studying at universities on a full-time basis - a confirming certificate from the place of study.

The applicant will need to attach additional paperwork in cases where:

  • paternity was required - a copy of the court decision on the basis of which the law comes into force should be attached;
  • in case of divorce, a copy of the act of the court proceedings will be required;
  • in connection with the death of the mother - a copy of the death certificate.

Advice! Please note that if one of the children has reached the age of majority or the parent has been deprived of parental rights, then the payments will be terminated and the status of the father of many children will be canceled.

Naturally, it is impossible in principle to take into account all the needs of low-income families in a single regulatory act, therefore, for this category of persons, regional legislation has provided additional benefits, which can be found in the regulations of your region.