Frontal speech therapy lesson with a presentation for the senior group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard up to. Abstract of the lesson on the development of speech for Mother's Day Topic: “My dearest is my mom!” Elena Matvienko's melody recitation model I'll draw for a cute mom

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1 Development of a lesson plan for the senior group on Mother's Day. Educator: Kiyashko I.V.

2 There are words in the world that we call holy. And one of these holy, warm, affectionate words is the word "mother". The words mother, mother are among the most ancient on Earth. They sound almost the same in the languages ​​of different peoples of the world. How much warmth is concealed by the word with which we call the closest, dearest and only person! Mothers Day! Mom, mommy How much warmth this magic word conceals, which is called the closest, dearest, only person. There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature, Brightly marked for centuries! The most beautiful of women A woman with a child in her arms. From generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most important person in life. The new holiday Mother's Day is gradually entering Russian homes. Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. It is impossible to argue with the fact that this holiday is a holiday of eternity. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

3 To develop this lesson, a lot of preliminary work was carried out with children and parents. During which a lot of fiction was read in order to instill in children a love for the family, their relatives. There were conversations about what they read, the children answered questions about their values. The conversations were about mother, the children made up stories. Learned poems about mother. There was a competition for the best poem for mom.

4 Listening to music in verse (model of melody recitation by Elena Matvienko) “I will draw for my dear mother”; - viewing illustrations, reproductions of paintings by famous artists, family photographs. Various games were held in which elements of the family were involved. A competition of collectors of proverbs and sayings about mother was held (participants

5 parents) (“A child’s finger hurts, and a mother’s heart”, “Maternal care saves at the bottom of the sea”); They built a house for the family. Sculpted a gift for mom.

6 Role-playing game "Family".

7 In the course of preliminary work, a summary of the lesson dedicated to Mother's Day was drawn up. Educational area: social and communicative development. Type of activity: directly educational. Age group: older group of children 5-6 years old. Purpose: Topic: "Mom, my mom!". - to increase the social significance of motherhood; - Formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family. Program content Educational tasks: - to teach the ability to answer questions, correctly build sentences in a story about mother; - to teach to show care, attention, desire to help mother, to please her with good deeds and deeds; Developing: - improve vocal-auditory coordination; - develop emotional responsiveness, creative independence, aesthetic taste; Educational: - to instill in children a sense of deep love and affection for the closest and dearest person to their mother. Vocabulary work: -enrich the vocabulary and vocabulary of children; - develop memory, expressive speech, the ability to recite poetry.

8 Materials and equipment: - paints, sheets of paper, napkins; - musical accompaniment: "Song of a mammoth". The course of activity The music "Mammoth's Song" is not playing loudly. Children sit and listen carefully to the words of the song. Educator: - Guys, listen, who is this song about? Children: About mom. Educator:

9 Mom - how much warmth, affection this word bears, this word is called the most dear, close person, (I show photographs that depict mothers with children). Mom is the beginning of our life, the warmest look, the most loving heart, the kindest hands. Mom teaches us to be honest and courageous, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us. Mom always wants her children to grow up healthy, smart, kind, polite. At the end of November, our country celebrates the wonderful holiday "Mother's Day". People congratulate their mothers. And today we dedicate our lesson to this day. -Children, who is your mother? (Children read poetry). Mom - this means tenderness, This is affection, kindness, Mom - this is serenity, This is joy, beauty! Mom is a bedtime story, This is the morning dawn, Mom is a hint in difficult times, This is wisdom and advice! Mom is the greenery of summer, It's snow, an autumn leaf, Mom is a ray of light, Mom means LIFE! Educator: A lot of beautiful words can be said about your mother, dear, beloved, sweet, beloved

10 Come on, guys, passing this beautiful heart to each other, let's say affectionate words to mom from the bottom of our hearts. What is your mother? Children: Affectionate, sweet, beloved, kind, beautiful, gentle, smart, charming, attentive, hardworking, friendly Educator: Well done, you said a lot of wonderful words about your mothers. Melody declamation: (music sounds, children pronounce the text and, in accordance with the text, perform movements - a model of melody declamation by Elena Matvienko). I'll draw for my dear mother, A house in a colored meadow, And smoke from the stove With white rings.

11 I will make a window in the house, Let it not be dark in it. On the side - a door and a bell, To hear the bell. The blue color will be the sky, The clouds are still dressed. I will light the sun in the sky, I will hug my mother with its rays! In the grass I will plant flowers, Colorful bushes. I will finish the bright birds, And my drawing is in order! Losing Many mothers in the world. Children love them with all their hearts. And all this beauty is for you, mom, for you!

12 Conversation about mother. Educator: - Guys, each of us has a mother, without a mother we can’t do anything. Mom is needed and important for every person! I will tell you a story about this. It's called Mother's Heart. “The big beauty birch grew in the forest with three little birch daughters. Do not be afraid, daughters, with my spreading branches I will protect you from the heat, mother Birch said when the heat was scorching. Snuggle up to me, daughters, so that the wind does not break off your branches, mother Birch asked when a strong wind blew. Birches quickly grew up and enjoyed life. Next to their mother, they were not afraid of anything. One day a severe thunderstorm broke out in the forest.

13 Thunder roared, lightning flashed in the sky. The little birches trembled with fear. Birch tightly hugged them with branches and began to reassure: Do not be afraid, lightning will not notice you behind my branches. I am the tallest tree in the forest. At that moment, there was a deafening crack, a sharp lightning struck directly at the Birch and scorched the core of the trunk. Birch, remembering that she protects her daughters, did not catch fire. Downpour and wind tried to knock down Birch, but she stood. Only when the thunderstorm passed, and the sun shone over the washed earth, did the birch trunk sway. As she fell, she whispered to her daughters: “Don't be afraid, I'm not leaving you. Lightning failed to break my heart. My trunk will be overgrown with moss and grass, but a mother’s heart will never stop beating in it.” When falling, the birch trunk did not touch any of the three thin-barreled daughters. Since then, three slender birches have been growing around the old stump. And near the birches lies a trunk overgrown with moss and grass, in which a mother's heart beats. (Questions to children) Why do you think mother always protects her children? Why is a mother so necessary and important for every person (Children actively answer questions, draw conclusions) Educator: Tell us about your mother, what is your mother's name, what does she love, how affectionately do you call her at home? Think and tell how you can help your mother if she is sick or in a bad mood? (Children reason and answer the questions posed). Well done boys! How much did you tell about your mothers! Mom loves you, takes care of you, even in the morning, when you open your eyes, the first thing many of you see is mom, her face and smile. The game "Mom knows how" (pantomime) Educator: Have you ever watched what mom does at home with the housework? (Answers of children). Get in a circle. The leader will be in the center of the circle. And the rest will present

14 that they are mothers. The host will list what mom can do, and we will show. (Children do the task). Educator: That's how much mom has to do! What can we do to help mom (Children answer). Finger gymnastics "Big wash". I will help my mother, I will wash clothes. (children pretend to wash, rub their fists against each other) With soap, I wash my socks (They drive with their right fists on the palm of their hands) The fists rub hard (Rub fists against each other) I will rinse the socks deftly (Movement with lowered brushes to the right, left) And hang on a rope. (Hands up, hands bend, straighten, hands down). (Children perform movements in accordance with the text).

15 Educator: And how can we please mom? (Answers of children). Drawing: "Mom's portrait" Educator: The teacher offers to draw a portrait of his mother to the children. Educator: - What kind of hair? What color are the eyes? Then he conducts finger gymnastics “Flowers”: Our scarlet flowers have blossomed their petals. (They show palms with spread fingers.) The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway. (Slowly shake their palms to the right and left.) Our scarlet flowers cover the petals. (They slowly clench their fingers into fists.) They fall asleep quietly, shake their heads. (Perform up and down movements with fists.)

16 The teacher offers to start drawing, shows and explains. Children draw. The teacher watches and helps. (The music “Mammoth Song” sounds softly). Guys, our lesson has come to an end. Who are we talking about today? What do you especially remember? What did you like about the lesson, what did you not like? (Children analyze and answer). Let's stand in a circle and hold hands, we will transfer "warmth" to each other, that is, with my eyes closed, I will lightly shake my neighbor's hand, he is next, and so on in a circle. And I also want to give you a small heart that symbolizes love for our loved ones.

18 Thank you all!!!

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Olga Bezrukova
Summary of the lesson on the development of speech for Mother's Day Topic: "The most dear is my mommy!".

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech for Mother's Day

Subject: « The dearest is my mother.


Increase social value motherhood;

Develop respect and a sense of belonging to one's family.



To teach the ability to answer questions, correctly build sentences in a story about mom;

To teach to show care, attention, desire to help mother, to please her with good deeds and deeds;


Improve vocal-auditory coordination;

-develop emotional responsiveness, creative independence, aesthetic taste;


To instill in children a sense of deep love and affection for the closest and native person - mother.

preliminary work:

Conversations about the family;

Writing stories about your mother;

Reading fiction about mother;

Listening to music in verse (model of melody recitation by Elena Matvienko) "I'll draw a cute mom";

Vernissage of children's works "Portrait of my mother".

vocabulary work:

Enrich the vocabulary and vocabulary of children;

- develop memory, expressive speech, the ability to recite poetry.

- musical accompaniment: audio recording of the song "Mama is the first word" to the words of Yuri Entin, the model of the melodeclamation is Elena Matvienko.

GCD progress:


Guys, today is a great day. Let's smile to each other so that our hearts are filled with kindness and love. (children smile). Your little hearts are beating like clockwork, put your hand on your heart and listen to it beat. Do you hear? (children listen). The heart can feel love. She may be different: love for family, love for friends, love for nature, love for the sun, love for mother, for one's family, for one's homeland.

(children sit on chairs)


Guys, today we will go to visit Zvezdochka and hear her story.

(On the screen : Sky and Asterisk.)


It was a long time ago. Many centuries ago. On a clear night, only one star could be seen in the sky. Her light was either bright or dim - The Moon noticed this and asked the little Star. (Moon appears on the screen) Star, why is your light so different. Either bright, showing the way even at night, or dim and inconspicuous.

My light gets dim when I'm lonely. After all, next to me there is not a single star that looks like me, a star that would take care of me. And so I want to see and hear someone next to me!

And on what nights does your light get brighter?

My light grows brighter when I see the eyes of a child hurrying home.

And what are the eyes of children who rush home?

They glow with happiness and joy. After all, warmth, comfort, care and cordiality of the family, mother's love await at home.

Dear Star, would you like to have your own family, a mother who would help you be happy and give happiness to everyone?

A Is it possible?

Yes, sure.

The moon waved its sleeve and at the same moment many new stars shone in the sky, which blinked their twinkling light to a small star.

We are now one family!

(An audio recording of the song "Mom is the first word" sounds on the words of Yuri Entin.)

caregiver: what a wonderful song sounded. Who is she talking about?

(We listen to the children's answers.)


Yes, about the dearest and most beloved person, mommy.


Mom is shelter in bad weather, warmth in cold weather, a cool breeze in heat, a healing bandage on a wound, light in the night, mom is life, it is pure selfless love ...


Let's put together the word "MAMA" from the letters. It consists of only 2 letters. The letter M - stands for a fence, protection. The letter A is the most important letter, it's you. The mother is the guardian of the child.


That's right, well done.


A long time ago in Rus', children also loved their mothers and called their: mother, mother. The memory of this is stored in proverbs and sayings. Let's recall some of them.

(View slides). The teacher reads part of the proverb to the comma. The children have to say the rest.)

slide 1: sun like dear mother never offend.

slide 2: When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

slide 3: The bird is glad of spring, and the baby mothers.

slide 4: There is no sweeter friend than dear mother.


Guys, do you know what holiday is celebrated in November?

Children: -Day mothers!


At the end of November, our country celebrates a wonderful holiday "Day mothers» . People congratulate their mothers. And today we dedicate our occupation for the day. day mothers.


I so want that on the planet,

All mothers had a happy life.

Always to please the children

And all the promises came true.

Day mothers- a wonderful holiday

To all mothers, our deep bow.

May happiness shine in their eyes

And the sky will be clear.


How affectionately can you call your mother?

Children: -Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, etc.)


Children, and who is your mother now, they will tell us about this.

(Children read poetry)

Mom is heaven!

Mom is the light!

Mom is a blessing!

Mom is no better!

Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is a joke!

Mom is a treat!

Mom loves everyone!

Mom - autumn is golden!

Mother - most dear!

Mom is kindness

Mom will always help!


Yes, a lot of beautiful words can be said about mother - beloved, sweet, beloved ... I propose to say beautiful words about mother, passing this beautiful flower to each other. What is your mom?

Children: - Affectionate, sweet, beloved, kind, beautiful, gentle, smart, charming, attentive, hardworking, friendly, .


Well done guys, you said a lot of wonderful things about your moms. And now let's show what we can give mom!

melodeclamation: (music sounds, children pronounce the text and perform movements in accordance with the text).

I'll draw for my dear mother

House on a colored meadow,

And the smoke from the stove

With white rings.

I'll make a window in the house

Don't let it be dark.

Side door and bell

To hear the bell.

Blue will be the sky

Still dressed in clouds.

I will light the sun in the sky,

I will hug my mother with its rays!

I'll plant flowers in the grass

Multicolored bushes.

I draw bright birds,

And my drawing is fine!


There are many mothers in the world.

Children love them with all their hearts.

And all this beauty

For you, mom, for you!


Well done boys! Mom loves you, takes care of you, even in the morning when you open your eyes, the first thing many of you see is mom, her face and smile.

A game « Mommy»

Who came to me in the morning? - Mommy.

Who is the rock: "It's time to get up!" - Mommy.

Who managed to cook the porridge? - Mommy.

Who poured the tea into the cup? - Mommy.

Who braided my hair? - Mommy.

Whole house swept alone? - Mommy.

Who kissed me? - Mommy.

Who childish loves laughter? - Mommy.

Who is the best in the world? - Mommy.


Have you ever watched what mom does at home with the housework? (children's answers).

Finger gymnastics "Big Wash".

I will help my mother

I will wash clothes. (children pretend to wash, rub fists against each other)

Soap, I wash my socks (Drive with the right fist on the palm)

The fists rub hard (Rubbing fists against each other)

Rinse my socks deftly (Movement with lowered brushes to the right, to the left)

And I'll hang it on a rope. (Hands up, hands bend, straighten, hands down)

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text).


That's how much business mom has! But mom also knows how to have fun and amuse, but do you like to have fun?

Children: Yes.


Then let's all dance together.


Good deeds in the house busy,

Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.

good morning with us

Good afternoon and good hour,

Good evening, good night

It was good yesterday.

And where, you ask,

There is so much kindness in the house.

What of this kindness

Flowers take root

Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?

I will answer you directly:

It's mom, mom, mom!


It is customary to give gifts to the most dear and beloved for the holidays. We drew with you mothers and made postcards for our beautiful and beloved mothers (photo slide show)


Your mothers get up early in the morning and spend the whole day in business, taking care of the family and children. Moms cope with any job, because they can do everything. All kinds of mothers are important, all kinds of mothers are needed. And where and by whom your mothers work, you now tell about it yourself. (children's answers)

The game "Mom is my sun"

(Yellow circle. In the hands of children are photographs of mothers. Children put photographs to the rays of the sun and talk about their mothers.)


We got such a radiant sun, because we said a lot of good, kind words about mom.

And we will sing a song for moms.


Guys, our lesson has come to an end. Who are we talking about today? What do you especially remember? What did you like about lesson what didn't you like? (Children analyze and answer). Let's stand in a circle and join hands. Now it will go in a circle from me "warm", that is, with my eyes closed, I gently shake my neighbor's hand, he - the next, and so on in a circle.

Svetlana Sukhoruchko
Summary of the lesson for the senior group on Mother's Day

Summary of the lesson for the senior group on Mother's Day.

From generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most important person in life. New holiday - Day mothers- gradually enters Russian houses. Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, the Day mothers occupies a special place. It is impossible to argue with the fact that this holiday is a holiday of eternity. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day, I want to say thank you to everyone. mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

Educational area: socio-communicative development.

Kind of activity: directly-educational.

Age group: senior group children 5-6 years old.

Subject: "My dearest mother!".


Increase social value motherhood;

Develop respect and a sense of belonging to one's family.

Program content

Educational tasks:

To teach the ability to answer questions, correctly build sentences in a story about mom;

To teach to show care, attention, desire to help mother, to please her with good deeds and deeds;


Improve vocal-auditory coordination;

Develop emotional responsiveness, creative independence, aesthetic taste;


To educate in children a sense of deep love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother.

preliminary work:

Conversations about the family;

Writing stories about your mother;

Reading fiction about mother;

Listening to music in verse (model of melody recitation by Elena Matvienko) "I'll draw a cute mom"; - viewing illustrations, reproductions of paintings by famous artists, family photographs;

Contest of collectors of proverbs and sayings about mother (participants are parents) – (“A child’s finger will hurt, and mother's heart» , « maternal care and at the bottom of the sea saves ");

Exhibition of family collages "Favorite Mom's occupation» ;

Vernissage of children's works "Portrait of my mother".

vocabulary work:

Enrich the vocabulary and vocabulary of children;

Develop memory, expressive speech, the ability to recite poetry.

Materials and equipment:

Fingerprint paints or gouache mixed with toothpaste, sheets of paper, napkins;

- musical accompaniment: "Mammoth Song".

Activity progress

Music playing softly "Mammoth Song". Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.


Guys, listen, who is this song about?

Children: About mom.


Mom - how much warmth, affection this word carries, this word is called the most dear, close person, (showing photos of mothers with children).

Mom is the beginning of our life, the warmest look, the most loving heart, the kindest hands.

Mom teaches us to be honest and courageous, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.

Mom always wants her children to grow up healthy, smart, kind, polite.

At the end of November, our country celebrates a wonderful holiday "Day mothers» . People congratulate their mothers. And today we dedicate our occupation for the day.

Children, who is your mother? (Children read poetry).

Mom is heaven!

Mom is the light!

Mom is a blessing!

Mom is no better!

Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is a joke!

Mom is a treat!

Mom loves everyone!

Mom - golden autumn!

Mom is the dearest!

Mom is kindness

Mom will always help!


Yes, a lot of beautiful words can be said about mother - beloved, sweet, beloved ...

I propose to say beautiful words about mom, passing this beautiful flower to each other.

What is your mom?

Children: Affectionate, sweet, beloved, kind, beautiful, gentle, smart, charming, attentive, hardworking, friendly, .

caregiver: Well done, guys, you said a lot of wonderful words about your mothers.

melodeclamation: (music sounds, children pronounce the text and, in accordance with the text, perform movements - a model of melody recitation by Elena Matvienko).

I'll draw for my dear mother

House on a colored meadow,

And the smoke from the stove

With white rings.

I'll make a window in the house

Don't let it be dark.

Side door and bell

To hear the bell.

Blue will be the sky

Still dressed in clouds.

I will light the sun in the sky,

I will hug my mother with its rays!

I'll plant flowers in the grass

Multicolored bushes.

I draw bright birds,

And my drawing is fine!


There are many mothers in the world.

Children love them with all their hearts.

And all this beauty

For you, mom, for you!

Talk about mom.


Guys, mom is needed and important for every person! I will tell you a story about this. And she is called "Heart mothers» .

“The big beauty birch grew in the forest with three little birch daughters. Do not be afraid, daughters, with my sprawling branches I will protect you from the heat, ”mother Bereza said when the heat was scorching. Snuggle up to me, daughters, so that the wind does not break off your branches, - Mother Bereza asked when a strong wind blew. Birches quickly grew up and enjoyed life. Next to their mother, they were not afraid of anything. One day a severe thunderstorm broke out in the forest. Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed in the sky. The little birches trembled with fear. The birch tightly hugged their branches and became calm down: Do not be afraid, lightning will not notice you behind my branches. I am the tallest tree in the forest. At that moment, there was a deafening crack, a sharp lightning struck directly at the Birch and scorched the core of the trunk. Birch, remembering that she protects her daughters, did not catch fire. Downpour and wind tried to knock down Birch, but she stood. Only when the thunderstorm passed, and the sun shone over the washed earth, did the birch trunk sway. Falling, she rustled daughters: “Don't be afraid, I'm not leaving you. Lightning failed to break my heart. My trunk will be overgrown with moss and grass, but maternal his heart will never stop beating." When falling, the birch trunk did not touch any of the three thin-barreled daughters. Since then around old stumps grow three slender birches. And near the birches lies a trunk overgrown with moss and grass, in which beats maternal heart».

(Questions to children)

Why do you think mothers always protect their children?

Why is a mother so necessary and important for every person (Children actively answer questions, draw conclusions)


Tell us about your mother, what is your mother's name, what does she like, how affectionately do you call her at home?

Think and tell how you can help your mother if she is sick or in a bad mood? (Children discuss and answer the questions posed).

Well done boys! How much did you tell about your mothers! Mom loves you, takes care of you, even in the morning when you open your eyes, the first thing many of you see is mom, her face and smile.

A game "Mom's Things" (pantomime)


Have you ever watched what mom does at home with the housework? (children's answers). Get in a circle. We choose the leader, he will stand in the center of the circle. And the rest will pretend that they are mothers. The host will list what mom is doing at home, and we will show. (Children do the task).


That's how much business mom has! What can we do to help mom (Children answer).

Finger gymnastics "Big Wash".

I will help my mother

I will wash clothes. (children pretend to wash, rub fists against each other)

Soap, I wash my socks (Drive with the right fist on the palm)

The fists rub hard (Rubbing fists against each other)

Rinse my socks deftly (Movement with lowered brushes to the right, to the left)

And I'll hang it on a rope. (Hands up, hands bend, straighten, hands down)

. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text).


And what can we do to make mom happy? (children's answers).

Drawing: "Gift for Mom"


The teacher offers to draw something that will please mom - a beautiful rose flower. (Children draw with their palms).


What are the parts of a rose?

The teacher clarifies the meaning of the word "bud". Then he does finger exercises. "Flowers":

Our scarlet flowers have opened their petals. (Show palms with spread fingers.)

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway. (Slowly shake hands left and right.)

Our scarlet flowers cover the petals. (Slowly clench fingers into fists.)

They fall asleep quietly, shake their heads. (Perform up and down movements with fists.)

The teacher offers to start drawing, shows and explains:

flower - the edge of the palm is bent into a fist (Red color); stem - edge of the palm (green color); leaves - palms with joined fingers (green color). Children draw.

The teacher watches and helps.

(Music is playing softly "Mammoth Song").

Guys, our lesson has come to an end. Who are we talking about today? What do you especially remember? What did you like about lesson what didn't you like? (Children analyze and answer). Let's stand in a circle and join hands. Now it will go in a circle from me "warm", that is, with my eyes closed, I gently shake my neighbor's hand, he - the next, and so on in a circle. And I also want to give you a small heart that symbolizes love for our loved ones. Thanks to all!

1. Lopatina A., Skrebtsova M. Moral education of preschoolers. Lesson notes, fairy tales, poems, games and tasks. – M.: Amrita, 2010.

2. Kurazheva N. Yu., Varaeva N. V., Tuzaeva A. S., Kozlova I. A. "Flower-seven-flower". The program of intellectual, emotional and volitional development of children aged 5–6 years. - St. Petersburg: Speech; M.: Sfera, 2012.

3. Training development and correction of the emotional world of preschoolers 4-6 years old. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD PRESS", 2008. 4. Postoeva L. D., Lukina G. A. Integrated correctional and developmental classes for children 4-6 years old. – "Bibliophile", 2000

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
"Volgograd State Social - Pedagogical University"
Institute of Art Education
Summary of extracurricular activities
Event: Mother's Day.

MZB group student z-21
Tarkhanova E.A.
Senior Lecturer Drobzheva N. V. Volgograd 2016
Summary of the lesson for the senior group on Mother's Day
From generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most important person in life. A new holiday - Mother's Day - is gradually entering Russian homes. Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. It is impossible to argue with the fact that this holiday is a holiday of eternity. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.
Educational area: socio-communicative development.
Type of activity: directly educational.
Age group: older group of children 5-6 years old.
Topic: “My dearest mother! ".
- to increase the social significance of motherhood;
- the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family. Program content
Educational tasks:
- teach the ability to answer questions, correctly build sentences in a story about mom;
- to teach to show care, attention, desire to help mother, to please her with good deeds and deeds;
- improve vocal-auditory coordination;
- develop emotional responsiveness, creative independence, aesthetic taste;
- to educate in children a sense of deep love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother.
Preliminary work:
- conversations about the family;
- writing stories about your mother;
- reading works of art about mother; - listening to music in verse (model of melody recitation by Elena Matvienko) “I will draw for my dear mother”; - viewing illustrations, reproductions of paintings by famous artists, family photographs;
- a competition of collectors of proverbs and sayings about mother (participants are parents) - (“A child’s finger hurts, and a mother’s heart”, “Maternal care saves at the bottom of the sea”); - an exhibition of family collages “Mom's favorite activity”;
- vernissage works "Portrait of my mother".
Vocabulary work:
-enrich the vocabulary and lexical stock of children;
- develop memory, expressive speech, the ability to recite poetry.
Materials and equipment:
- paints for fingerography or gouache mixed with toothpaste, sheets of paper, napkins;
- musical accompaniment: "Song of a mammoth".
Activity progress
The music “Mammoth Song” plays softly. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.
- Guys, listen, who is this song about?
Children: About mom.
Mom - how much warmth, affection this word bears, this word is called the most dear, close person (I show photographs that depict mothers with children).
Mom is the beginning of our life, the warmest look, the most loving heart, the kindest hands.
Mom teaches us to be honest and brave, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.
Mom always wants her children to grow up healthy, smart, kind, polite.
At the end of November, our country celebrates the wonderful holiday "Mother's Day". People congratulate their mothers. And today we dedicate our lesson to this day.
-Children, who is your mother? (Children read poetry) .Mom is heaven!
Mom is the light!
Mom is a blessing!
There is no better mother! Mom is a fairy tale!
Mom is a joke!
Mom is a treat!
Mom loves everyone!
Mom - golden autumn!
Mom is the dearest!
Mom is kindness
Mom will always help!
Yes, a lot of beautiful words can be said about mother - beloved, sweet, beloved ...
I propose to say beautiful words about mom, passing this beautiful flower to each other.
What is your mother?...

Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

From generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most important person in life. New holiday - Day mothers - gradually enters Russian homes. Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Day mothers occupies a special place. It is impossible to argue with the fact that this holiday is a holiday of eternity. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day, I want to say thank you to everyone. mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

Educational area: socio-communicative development; artistic and aesthetic.



Educational tasks:

  • teach the ability to answer questions, correctly build sentences in a story about mom;
  • to teach to show care, attention, desire to help mother, to please her with good deeds and deeds;

Development tasks:

  • improve vocal-auditory coordination;
  • develop emotional responsiveness, creative independence, aesthetic taste;

Educational tasks:

  • to bring up in children a feeling of deep love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother, to bring up an effective feeling of love for the closest and dearest person - mother, affection for the family, the ability to notice some labor actions: mother sews, washes, irons, cooks dinner and etc.
  • encourage children to help their mother with housework. To acquaint with how to properly care for mothers, protect them, love.

preliminary work:

  • conversations about the family;
  • writing stories about your mother;
  • reading fiction about mother;
  • listening to music in verse (model of melody recitation by Elena Matvienko) “I will draw for my dear mother”; - viewing illustrations, reproductions of paintings by famous artists, family photographs;
  • competition of collectors of proverbs and sayings about mother (participants are parents) - (“The child’s finger hurts, and mother's heart», « maternal care saves even at the bottom of the sea”);
  • exhibition of family collages "Favorite Mom's occupation»;
  • vernissage of children's works "Portrait of my mother".

vocabulary work:

  • enrich the vocabulary and vocabulary of children;
  • develop memory, expressive speech, the ability to recite poetry.

Conduct form: holiday - entertainment

Location: music hall

Children's age: middle - senior preschool age

The course of the holiday

To the music, the children enter the hall, become a semicircle.

Presenter: Our dear, beloved mothers! We dedicate this autumn evening to you!

Happy mother's day dear ones!
May this holiday be bright
May the winds bring you joy
Let sorrows go away, dreams come true
May you always be given smiles and flowers!

The children take turns reading the poems.

1 child:

We are here today to congratulate our mothers,
We sincerely wish you great happiness and health!

2 child:

I'm not naughty today, I'm not a prankster!
Guessed why? Because the holiday!

3 child:

Because mothers are smiling with us in the hall,
Because everyone loves this holiday!

4 child:

Gentle, kind, very sweet, the most feminine holiday
Both funny and beautiful

Together: Happy holiday to you mothers!

5 child:

We congratulate all mothers on Mother's Day.
We honor and praise our beloved mothers!

6 child:

We will gather the mothers of our kind smiles in a huge bouquet.
For you, dear, beloved, we sing songs today!

Children sing a song about mother "My dear mother".

A phonogram sounds (a child's cry).

Presenter: Guys, who is crying? Maybe someone offended whom? Now I'll see, (he comes out and brings a crying Mammoth - a child into the hall) Who are you and who offended you?


Look, a long nose, well, and behind - there is a tail.
But what a misfortune, I can’t name myself.
I don’t know the name, so I suffer!

Presenter: Guys, do you know who this is? Of course, he looks like an elephant, but pay attention to his fur. That's right, it's a mammoth! What happened to you, Mammoth?

Mammoth: I lost my mom!

Presenter: Guys, where do you think we can find his mom? (children's answers). Can we find it in Africa? But it's such a long road! After all, you have to go to Africa by ship. Do we have the strength to overcome such a long journey? And I think so, because we are strong, brave, dexterous, because we go in for sports and do exercises in the morning.

Mammoth: What is sport?

Presenter: Guys, let's show our mothers and Mammoth our cheerful, sports dance.

Children perform the Chunga-Changa dance (boys with balls, girls with sultans).

Presenter:(turns to parents) These are our guys strong and dexterous! They will easily overcome the path to Africa and will definitely help the mammoth find its mother (addressing the children). Get on the ship, guys, we must hurry on the road. And to make it more fun on the way, we will sing a song together.

Children sing the song "Mammoth".

Presenter: That's Africa! Get out on the beach! Oh, do you hear what this music is? (girls in monkey masks run into the hall). Who you are?

Monkeys:(together) Find out now!

Children perform the dance "Monkeys" (rhythmic dance).

After the dance, the girls read a poem.


I will recognize my mother, I will hug her, I will certainly find my mother! ( sighs)

Presenter: Monkeys, what are we going to play?

Monkeys (together): To bananas!

The game "Pass the banana"

(to the motive of the Russian folk melody "In the garden, in the garden")

We pass a banana, we sing a song loudly.

Whoever has a banana in his hands will now dance for us!

During the game, an adult turtle quietly enters the hall and lies down under a fake palm tree.

Presenter: Thank you monkeys for playing with us. But what should we do next, where should we go?

All children approach the turtle.

Presenter: Hello wise turtle!


How many small children? Speak quickly:
Did you wake up the turtle on business or out of fear?
Sit down everyone, I have to examine you carefully.
Children sit on chairs, Turtle carefully examines the children.


I am looking for my mother, I want to see her.
I will recognize my mother, I will hug her, I will certainly find my mother!

Turtle: (examines the mammoth)

There are paws, and there are ears, and you can’t count all the hairs.
There is also a long nose, well, and a ponytail at the back ( thinks)

Mammoth: Why don't you answer, mother, where is mine, you know?


Don't shout, I'm not deaf, and where is your mother, I know!
You all shout together, and call the elephant.

Presenter: Children, let's all together in chorus, shout loudly: "Elephant-ni-ha!" ( 3 times)

The Elephant, an adult, importantly enters the hall to the music.

Elephant: Who called the Elephant - mother? Who was screaming around here?

Mammoth: (runs up to the Elephant) Mom, I missed you so much!

Elephant:(hugs baby mammoth) Oh oh oh! I have a son, so I became a mother! We are now one family, you and I will be together! ( strokes his head)

Presenter: Thank you, wise Turtle, for helping Mammoth find his mother!

Elephant: Children, I see you are celebrating a holiday, and whom do you congratulate?

Presenter: And you, the Elephant, listen to our poems and guess for yourself.

The children take turns reading the verses:

1 child:

2 child:

Live, mommy, a hundred years, know that there is no better than you!
So that you are next to me - today, tomorrow and always!

3 child:

Let the years go by, and wrinkles stubbornly fall,
Be healthy, mother, always be happy, dear mother!

4 child:

We gathered to congratulate our glorious mothers.
Dear family, thank you for everything!

Elephant: What good poetry! Unfortunately, it's time for us to go! And so I want to be at your mom's holiday!

Presenter: Stay with us Elephant, we will teach you to sing!

Elephant: Is it true? Thank you, I'll stay and sit on your chair! ( sits down with Mammoth)


Listen to our song, dear mother!
Be always healthy, be always happy!

Children sing a song about mother.


And now, honest people, it's my turn
My legs are torn to dance, oh, I'll have fun now!
Hey, elephants, come out and dance with us merrily!

Children perform the Pink Elephant dance.


They danced very cheerfully and did not get tired at all.
I thank you all and give you bananas!
The elephant treats all children with bananas.


It's time to end the concert, we are glad to all the guests,
That you chose the time and looked to us.
Goodbye adults! See you, kids!
The day is over and together we
It's time to go home!