Wedding without guests: is there a place for such a ceremony. We celebrate the wedding without a banquet. Celebrate summer with parents: ideas

Very often, a wedding turns into a banal holiday, where guests can eat deliciously. traditionally rich banquet table in a rented hall of a restaurant or cafe - perhaps the main expense item for the newlyweds. But for them holiday will pass it is much more pleasant if, instead of talking at a table bursting with treats, they are offered a horseback ride or a trip along the river or sea on a snow-white boat.

How to celebrate a wedding day without a banquet: original ideas

It's a good idea to hold the wedding almost traditionally, offering guests a light morning snack at the bride's house before the ceremony, and then at the groom's house, after a tiring wait and long official events. Light snacks, biscuit sandwiches and sweets with fizzy champagne and fragrant wines will keep the guests energized. Then the schedule wedding day will almost not differ from the generally accepted:

  • In the morning, the newlyweds dress in ceremonial outfits followed by a bride price ceremony. It's time for the photographer and videographer to start capturing those precious moments.
  • Then the wedding cortege follows to the registry office. If possible, it is better to set the time for the official painting earlier, at 10-11 o'clock.
  • Before and after the ceremony, the newlyweds can pose in front of the photographer to replenish the collection of memorable shots.
  • After a light buffet, the guests congratulate the newlyweds and wish them a pleasant honeymoon during a trip. If the money collected for the wedding is spent on a trip, and not on a traditional magnificent banquet, then such a festival will definitely appeal to young people. Their loving guests and relatives will only rejoice for the bride and groom, and will not be indignant at the lack of treats.

As an intermediate option, try replacing a banquet in a rented hall with a democratic buffet. With the money saved, to amuse the public, you can invite a company of artists and showmen, which again guarantees all those present good mood and great memories.

It would be even more original to invite all the guests to a picnic after the wedding. As a treat for fresh air instead of heavy and expensive restaurant food, home-made preparations, wines and liqueurs with fragrant shish kebab prepared by oneself will go great.

Scenario of the buffet

A buffet is not a way to feed and overfeed guests. As the saying goes, don't turn a snack into a meal! Instead of a celebration of overeating with endless changes of various dishes, it is much more democratic to entertain guests with games, dances and a varied cultural program. And to maintain strength, the invitees will be able to visit the buffet table at any time convenient for them.

In addition, a magnificent banquet is nothing more than a kind of way to quickly pay off your guests with a plentiful treat. And it's no secret that he won't leave any special memories.

It is much more difficult and at the same time more correct to take care of a rich cultural program of the evening. Moreover, this approach will save you from the likelihood of unpleasant excesses at the celebration in case of guests who have gone too far with alcohol.

Ideally cultural program you should prepare yourself, although you can turn to professionals. Some wedding agencies establish strong contacts with many artists and performers, and therefore are ready to offer you the most variety of options entertainment.

For small wedding it would be a good idea to invite a jazz band for the evening. However, you can limit yourself to one or two performers. For example, a singer and a saxophonist. It would be a good idea to invite the director of the first dance of the young to the celebration. For a certain remuneration, a professional in his field will act as a dance manager at your celebration.

Special lovers of the traditional sumptuous feast can complain about the disproportion of their wedding gift and eaten. However, a wedding is not a trip to a restaurant. Such guests can only be reminded that a gift for young people for a celebration and its size is a personal matter for everyone.

wedding menu

The basis of the buffet can be such cold appetizers as sandwiches, canapes, Chinese dim sum, vegetables and fruit salads. You should not make especially elaborate dishes, it is better to provide a variety of food with ease of preparation.

Hot dishes, meat or fish, are also not forbidden to serve. However, they should be pre-cut into portioned pieces in order to increase the convenience for guests and save their time for more interesting things. Please note that seafood dishes are more suitable for a buffet table, due to their “lightness” compared to meat counterparts.

For dessert, provide a selection of sweets, cookies, and fresh chopped fruit. Optionally, in addition to wedding cake can you make it small sweet table with cakes, cupcakes and muffins. For lovers of hot drinks, take care of the opportunity to enjoy freshly brewed tea and coffee.

How beautiful to arrange a table

Buffet tables are most often placed along the walls. Thus, only the auxiliary role of treats in the wedding celebration is emphasized once again. Drinks are placed in the center of the table. Next to them are sets of glasses and glasses. The dishes should not be laid out on the table, but simply placed in stacks of 10 pieces. The same goes for cutlery. They just have to lie in special boxes. Sets of traditional spices and napkin holders should be placed on the tables at some intervals from each other.

Snacks and sliced ​​bread should be displayed no earlier than half an hour before the start of the event, so that nothing withers and winds. In general, it is easier to arrange a buffet table than a banquet table. Although both are best left to professionals.

Banquet Benefits

Of course, a wedding without a banquet is a much more sensible decision, primarily from the point of view of the young. There is nothing surprising in the fact that it is much more pleasant for you to go to Honeymoon than languishing at a table surrounded by a huge number of people.

Theoretically, banquets are much more profitable in terms of money. It is believed that guests wedding envelopes will give the newlyweds an amount that covers all banquet costs. But you should never hope for it.

In several cases, the option of holding a wedding ceremony in a banquet format is the only one. For example, at a rural wedding. Fellow villagers simply will not understand the desire of the young to leave to travel. Or in families with an abundance of relatives and friends. Perhaps even the most distant relatives will try to come to the celebration. And children and the elderly are unlikely to be comfortable spending all the time on their feet.

Whichever option you choose, take into account the opinions of others, but also do not forget about yourself.

Increasingly, there are couples who have planned to register their marriage or even have already submitted an application to the registry office, and in the minds of which the thought appears that it could be wedding without a banquet Is that what they need? And if both agree on this option, then, how to have a wedding without a banquet?

Let's start by discussing whether it's a good option wedding without a banquet and what are its pros and cons. The main reasons why the bride and groom would like to have a wedding without a banquet (without a restaurant) are two:

  1. Lack of desire to spend money on a banquet or, in principle, the absence of these funds;
  2. Lack of desire to organize an event for guests, and not for themselves.

Yes, of course, if you figure out that everything that young people do in preparation for the wedding is done with the goal of pleasing the guests, and for themselves, so that the memory remains. Dress, costume, makeup, ordering a photographer and videographer - this is done directly for the newlyweds. And here is the order banquet hall, its decoration, organization of transport for delivering guests, toastmaster (leader) and artists - all this is organized exclusively for guests.

The question of payback of all this is also relevant. If the bride and groom do not have enough funds to organize a full-fledged wedding; or if they would like to go on vacation, and if they spend money on ordering a restaurant (banquet hall), then they don’t have enough money for the rest, then they already have to choose: either to make themselves feel good, or not to offend the guests.

Let's look at it from this angle: close friends and relatives who understand what's going on will never be offended because you had a wedding without a banquet. And distant relatives or friends who will condemn you, why do you need them at all? Believe me, the people for whom you are dear will never condemn you and gossip about something that you didn’t have a banquet at your wedding, and it’s not worth doing a banquet solely “out of decency”.

Why do many people not want to make a wedding banquet?

Some couples do not want to have a wedding with a banquet because they do not have enough time to choose a hall, decorate it, choose a toastmaster, and so on. In this case, you can entrust the organization of the wedding to a special agency, which has its own toastmaster, and the hall will be selected according to your desire, as well as decorate it. Your business is small, just pay all expenses and fees to the agency.

How much will the wedding banquet cost?

If the reason for making a wedding without a banquet is the lack of funds, then let's figure it out how much does a wedding banquet cost and whether it is worth doing it for rationalistic reasons. In Russia, prices fluctuate, and significantly. Of course, renting a restaurant hall in the capital will cost more than in some regional center or city with a population of 300,000 people. But on average, in the cities of Russia, the cost of a wedding banquet is from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles per person. Prices do not include alcoholic beverages you will have to buy them yourself. Most often, young people are given more than they spend on a banquet, but again, depending on which guests.

If you have weighed all the pros and cons and decided to hold a wedding without a banquet, then it is also important to think through everything to the smallest detail so that it does not happen that the guests, leaving the registry office, all beautiful and smart, did not know where to go.

Here is an option of what you can do if, for example, on the day of registration, the young people already have a plane in the afternoon: the morning passes traditionally, as it usually happens for the bride and groom, that is, everyone dresses at home, the bride puts on makeup and makes hairstyle. If the registration is in the morning, then it is possible not to make a ransom, but if the registration is in the afternoon, then it is quite possible to make a ransom, because it does not depend on the banquet in any way. At the bride's house, it is advisable to make a small buffet so that the guests have a little snack (fruit or sandwiches) and drink champagne. Then the young people go to the registry office for the official registration of relations, after which they can go for a walk, where the newlyweds can make staged wedding photos. At the end of the walk, in case of a wedding without a banquet, you can go to the groom's parents, where it is also desirable that a buffet table be organized so that the guests are not hungry. Or you can swap the walk with the house of the groom's parents, and after the registry office, first go to the groom's parents, and therefore already for a walk. If the time of the year is favorable (late spring, summer, early autumn), then you can agree in advance with the administration of the park or with some cafe, at least symbolically decorate it and make a buffet table in it.

How to feed guests without a banquet?

If you decide to hold a wedding without a banquet, then be sure to think over the moment of feeding the guests so that they do not remain hungry, receptions are obligatory, let there be more fruits, a variety of sandwiches and other “convenient” snacks.

Sometimes guests have a question whether it is worth giving gifts for a wedding without a banquet, and how much money to give for such a wedding. Answer: of course, it’s worth giving a gift, even if it’s something symbolic, but it’s worth it at least as a sign of respect. In general, it is better to give a gift such as you would give if the wedding was with a banquet. The same applies to the amount of the gift. Regardless of the banquet or not, you need to give as much as you don’t feel sorry for, and as much as your conscience allows, as well as own funds. The amount of 1500-3000 rubles per person for a wedding without a banquet is quite a worthy gift.

On our site you can find advice on how to, and also here you can read a lot of useful articles for newlyweds and those who plan to become them.

A wedding together will be a highlight if you know how to celebrate it. Attention to detail, study fashion trends and taking into account the individual preferences of the couple is the key to a successful wedding ceremony and an unforgettable honeymoon.

How to spend that day

A wedding for two can be held in home country or somewhere in exotic places. They are especially popular. It all depends on the wishes of the couple and the budget. It is necessary to calculate the costs in advance, decide on the place and organizational issues.

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How to celebrate a wedding together? First of all, you need to decide what the holiday will be like. Lush or humble? Where will the wedding take place? The script is compiled on the basis of key points:

  • preparing the couple for the event;
  • registration;
  • photo session and film;
  • journey.

After you decide where to hold the wedding together, you can start detailed planning and development of the intricacies of organizing a wedding program. For a wedding in your native country, you must apply to the registry office, order field registration. There are many options after that:

  • travel to warm countries (,) or to a ski resort;
  • hike or picnic in nature;
  • for those who do not leave the city: a photo session, a luxurious dinner, a night in a honeymoon hotel;
  • traveling by car in the country or abroad;
  • vacation on a yacht or a cruise on a steamboat.

Unusual ideas for a wedding for two lie on the surface. To create the perfect celebration, you need to fantasize, plan wedding day in advance. Then it will be a happy and romantic event in life.

Organization and options

When deciding how to spend your wedding day together, decide in advance on the key points:

  • where will the wedding take place?
  • Event date;
  • whether the trip will take place;
  • what will be the photo session;
  • what entertainment is planned;
  • what is the budget of the event;
  • how many days are left before the celebration;
  • how many days the newlyweds will be able to relax on their honeymoon trip.

The preparation for the event begins with the answers to these questions. Ideas for a wedding for two without guests are endless. It all depends on the budget and wishes of the couple:

  • at home (together);
  • traveling to exotic countries;
  • at the ski resort;
  • outside the city (in nature).

The image of the bride and groom

The appearance of the bride must be selected based on what her image is. Summer is a popular time for stylish and beautiful weddings. In the warm season, the dress should be comfortable and light (made of chiffon, organza, silk, lace, guipure, tulle).

Shoes must be open (sandals, sandals, summer boots). If planned, you need to prepare another pair of shoes in which it will be comfortable to move around.

Hair should be light and natural. Bunches, loose hair, will do. You can decorate them with flowers or ethnic accessories. Makeup must be waterproof and protected from the sun. Emphasis is best placed on tone healthy skin, without bright color combinations. Naturalness is a priority. The emphasis should be on simplicity.

For winter, the image of the bride should be Dress - made of dense materials that will not let you freeze and will not let the cold through. Dress models must be closed, with original parts decor.

wedding planner

Complete the look of the bride outerwear: fur coat, coat, jacket, fur cape. The best shoes- boots, ankle boots, boots, ugg boots (not visible under the dress, but warm). Hairstyle - curls, loose hair, braids. You can decorate your hair with beads and other interesting accessories. Makeup is persistent, it is better to avoid blue and shades of gray.

Elena Sokolova


The priority is functionality, comfort and, of course, the good mood of the bride. The bride is in the center of attention, and the groom complements her.


The bride is charming in autumn. The dress for her can be anything, with a full-length or ¾ sleeve. Capricious autumn encourages to stock up on outerwear and accessories: coats, fur coats, shawls, jackets, shirts, cardigans. Shoes can be any: ankle boots, closed shoes, sneakers, boots.

Important! The hairstyle should be stable (the wind can break everything): it is important to fix curls, knots, bundles with accessories. Makeup is better to choose in warm golden or peach tones.

The appearance of the groom must be selected according to the general style of the wedding. Men do not like to spend a lot of time on style, fashion and clothing choices. It is also important to look for the groom's outfit under the bride's dress. Appearance must be combined in style and color.

Unusual ideas for a photo shoot

How to hold a wedding for two without guests? Here you can not do without the original photo shoot. Most brides love to pose, flirt in front of the camera, acting as if they were shooting for a portfolio.

Grooms are most often reserved. They watch what is happening in the company of their friends. Only sometimes the photographer invites the groom for key shots.

When the bride is satisfied, you can begin to implement interesting ideas for a photo shoot. And there are many of them.

body swap

Classic - the bride is waiting for her beloved, getting ready, talking with her bridesmaids. The new interpretation is to reverse the perception (the groom and his friends play the role of women, and the women are male roles). The wife puts the ring on her lover's finger. He reacts emotionally with the words: “Wow”, “Wow!”. The photographer, meanwhile, captures moments. The groom gets behind the wheel of the car, and the bride pushes the car, changes the wheel or refuels at a gas station ...

theater stars

It is necessary to prepare props and other theatrical things. The scene will be under open sky and city streets. Improvisation, playing for the camera, reincarnation, victory over the fear of being funny or ridiculous - this is what will bring pleasure from the holiday.

water magic

Photo session at the reservoir - original version for couples who are not afraid of water. Inflatable mattresses, boats, vests, fishing rods and other attributes will decorate the wedding day.

Relevant for a photo shoot: jumping from the pier into the water, wallowing in the sand, fighting with pirates. Dynamic and fun key points for a dazzling wedding. Romance is also appropriate: sand castles, splashing water (for the warm season).

Sport competitions

Family is a daily sport. Ups, downs, applause, silence - weekdays family life. To add life to a photo session, you need sports equipment. Thanks to bright photo shoots the couple will receive a wedding photo album that captures an important day in the life of a young family. After some time, the husband and wife will be able to take the album and flip through its pages, telling their children and grandchildren about how it all began.

How to meet the budget

When organizing a wedding, be sure to consider the expense items. Should be considered:

  • newlyweds outfits;
  • services of a make-up artist, stylist;
  • bouquets, floristry, boutonniere;
  • videographer and photographer services;
  • gala dinner or lunch;
  • honeymoon room and decor;
  • Rent a Car;
  • additional expenses (entertainment).

You can also add other expenses to the list. But this is the basis. To calculate everything in advance, you need to ask about the cost of services and goods. If the amount is impressive, it is better to start saving money in advance.

How to celebrate a wedding together? To make the celebration bright and unforgettable, it is better to go on a trip to warm countries (to a seaside resort) immediately after registration. A wedding for two abroad is cheaper than a holiday for relatives, acquaintances and friends.

Outdoor ceremony at the resort - great option to celebrate a wedding together. Best Options– Greece, Czech Republic, France, Cyprus, Italy, Montenegro. You can also travel around your home country.

How to celebrate a wedding together in an original way? Resting at home is a great leisure option. It is necessary to prepare food in advance, turn off phones, think over entertainment. Village vacation - an original option for those who want to live in original conditions. Such a tour will give exotic impressions to newlyweds from the city.

Many couples save money for a wedding 1-1.5 years before the event. This allows you to create bright holiday without compromising your budget and in a good mood. When compiling the program of the event, it is important to dream boldly. Write a script based on the wishes of the couple. Then the holiday will be unforgettable and delightful.


How to spend a wedding together - it's up to you. It will become a romantic celebration of love if the couple prepares for the event in advance, informs loved ones about the reasons for which they do not want or cannot invite relatives and friends to the banquet. Thanks to the preliminary preparation for the celebration, the event will turn into a bright holiday that will be remembered by hearts in love. And the couple will be happy to share their impressions of the event with their children.

Is it possible to have a wedding without a solemn banquet? To answer this question, let's find out for whom, in fact, a wedding is arranged? For honeymooners or guests? Of course, everyone will unanimously say that it is for the newlyweds, but in fact it turns out that all the efforts in preparing a festive banquet are aimed at making it fun and comfortable for the guests.

But the heroes of the occasion on "Day X" (and for several months before it) are in constant voltage trying to keep track of everything at once. As a result, by the end of the festive

the evenings are completely exhausted.

Advantages of a wedding without a banquet

If, representing the traditional wedding celebrations, your hair starts to move from horror on your head, try to arrange a wedding without a banquet. Firstly, it is much easier, and secondly, it will greatly save your first family budget, and finally, you can spend time together really interesting and unusual.

The main difficulty that future spouses usually face is the fear of misunderstanding from friends and relatives. Many are afraid that the majority will not approve of the decision to celebrate the wedding in this way, they are afraid of resentment in the future and even ending the relationship.

You will be surprised, but in fact, others often perceive such news quite calmly. This earlier wedding was celebrated by the whole village, but at that time there were not so many reasons for mass celebrations. Now options for holding a wedding without a huge number of invited guests are becoming more and more popular.

Wedding options without a banquet

For example, you can visit only the registry office, after which you immediately go on a honeymoon trip. By the way, if you still want a beautiful and memorable wedding, you can order a symbolic one. wedding ceremony directly at the place of rest.

Almost all countries (especially tourist countries) can offer their own scenario for this event. holiday. Traditionally, this includes a conditional marriage on the beach or in some beautiful historical place. Often this happens according to the traditions of the local population, to the live music of national instruments, you can even choose clothes that are typical for these places.

You can celebrate the day of your official reunion in some unusual place. For example, skydiving or bungee jumping. Arrange a flight for hot-air balloon or an original photo session, during which it will not be a pity to spoil wedding attire. Go sailing on a rented yacht or ride horses.

You have the right to come up with any plan and carry it out in accordance with your desires. even handsome and delicious dinner by candlelight in your favorite restaurant and a honeymoon hotel room will be a wonderful way to celebrate your wedding day.

Buffet in the summer instead of a banquet

In case you still want a few of your closest relatives and friends to share this solemn day with you, you can simply arrange small holiday with buffet. For example, go to nature immediately after visiting the registry office, or even invite the registrar directly to the exit ceremony.

Of course, this option is best used in the summer. It is good if you have a cottage where you can have a good time and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. Have a picnic with kebabs, small snacks, whatever alcohol you and your guests really enjoy.

Vegetables and fruits will be a great addition to festive table. Arrange plates with fragrant berries according to the season. And as desserts, you can buy or bake various delicious cookies and small cakes yourself. Even the cake home cooking will look organically against this background.

You will see that you can perfectly do without the toastmaster, the already familiar banquet halls and dancing until you drop. Considering that there will only be guests who have probably known each other for a long time, you will not have to worry that someone will start to sort things out and start a fight. This last point is usually the biggest negative of all wedding celebrations.

If you want to organize any contests, you can arrange them yourself or ask guests to take care of it in advance, for example, as a wedding gift. You will see they do great. The main thing is to warn in advance in what environment the celebration will take place in order to avoid possible misunderstandings.

There can be many ideas for holding a wedding without guests and a magnificent feast. It all depends solely on your desires and interests. Therefore, after pronouncing the coveted “Yes!” do not rush to puzzle over where you will get so much Money to please everyone.

Better think about how you can please yourself and your soulmate, how to spend this day so that it remains in your memory, one of the most happy days life together.

See how couples celebrate weddings without the usual celebrations.

Nowadays, many couples increasingly prefer to apply to the registry office and on the day appointed by the registry office employees to register a marriage and refuse to hold a wedding banquet for one reason or another. If both the groom and the bride believe that wedding banquet they don’t need it, then the question arises - what can a wedding be without a banquet and how to hold it?

In what cases can you make a wedding without a banquet?

First you need to decide whether to play a wedding without a banquet and find out all the pros and cons of the decision to refuse a banquet. As a rule, young people decide to hold a celebration without a wedding banquet, if they either do not have the means to hold it or they simply do not want to spend money on a banquet. The second option for refusing a banquet is what the bride and groom want to do better holiday for yourself, and not to organize a celebration according to all traditions for guests.

In preparation for traditional wedding young people usually do everything so that the guests are satisfied and that the newlyweds themselves have good memories. The bride's dress, the groom's suit, hairstyle, makeup, ordering a videographer and photographer - this is what young people do for themselves. Well, everything else - a wedding procession, renting a banquet hall, decorating this hall, a show program, a toastmaster, is done exclusively for the delight of guests.

The question of payback for a wedding banquet is always important. When young people do not have the money to organize a full-fledged wedding celebration or they dream of going on a honeymoon trip, and in the case of organizing a wedding banquet, they will not have the money to rest, it's time to choose between not offending the guests and a good post-wedding vacation for themselves.

Of course, close relatives and friends who are aware of your money situation will in no way be offended if your the wedding will take place no banquet. If distant relatives and acquaintances do not understand this and begin to condemn you, then you do not need them at all! Be sure that the people who love you and who are dear to you will definitely not condemn you, and even more so they will not spread gossip about your “inferior” wedding, so out of decency and to please everyone, there is no point in making a banquet.

As for couples who do not want to make a wedding banquet due to lack of free time to choose and decorate the hall, select a toastmaster and choose a show program, special wedding agencies can always come to the rescue. In such organizations there is also a toastmaster, and they will select a hall for you according to all your conditions, and they will also be engaged in decorating the hall. You are only required to pay all expenses for the organization and remuneration to this agency.

If you do not make a wedding banquet because you do not have the funds for it, then you should figure out how much, approximately, a wedding banquet will cost, and how rational it is to do it. In Russia, the average cost of a wedding banquet is from 1,200 to 5,000 rubles per person. These prices do not include the cost of alcoholic beverages. You will buy them yourself. As a rule, young people are given a little more for a wedding than their banquet costs, but this depends solely on what kind of guests you have.

So, you have decided that your wedding will take place without a solemn banquet? Now it is important to think over everything to the smallest detail so that it does not happen that your smart and beautiful guests, when leaving the registry office, will not know what to do next.

Option for a wedding without a banquet

One of the options for holding a wedding without a banquet, when young people go on a honeymoon trip in the afternoon on the day of registration. The morning can be traditionally spent with the bride and groom. Each of them dresses up at home, the bride does her hair and makeup. If registration is scheduled, for example, at 9-10 am, then the ransom can be omitted. If she passes through daytime, then it is quite possible to organize a ransom of the bride. This ceremony does not depend on the banquet. It is advisable to make a small buffet with sandwiches and fruits at the bride's house. Guests will be able to have a bite to eat and drink champagne in honor of the celebration.

After the ransom, the young people rush to the registry office, where official registration marriage, and then you can go for a walk so that the newly-married spouses make their own wedding staged photos. In the case of a wedding without a solemn banquet, at the end of the walk, everyone can go to the groom's parents, where it is also necessary to organize a banquet, otherwise your guests will be hungry. If you change the places of a walk and a trip to your parents' house, that is, after the registry office, you go first to the groom's parents and only then for a walk, that's also good. If your wedding takes place in warm time year, you can arrange in advance with one of the park's cafes, where the young people will take a walk, decorate it a little and organize a small buffet there.

When organizing a wedding without a banquet, it is important to think carefully about the meals of the guests, i.e. at least a buffet with all kinds of sandwiches, a variety of fruits and light snacks should be mandatory so that guests do not leave your celebration hungry.

Some guests are concerned about the question of whether it is necessary to give gifts to young people if their wedding takes place without a banquet, and how much money it is desirable to give for such a wedding. The answer is simple - of course, you need to give a gift, let it be symbolic, but the gift should be present at least as a sign of respect for the young.

In general, a gift or money, even in the case of a wedding without a banquet, you need to give it the way you would make it for a full-fledged wedding celebration. Give as much as you can afford or don't mind. For a wedding without a banquet, giving the amount of 3,000 rubles is quite worthy. Happy marriage!