Crafts on the theme of autumn at home. Original autumn crafts made from natural materials

The main material for creativity, which autumn presents us with in a large assortment, is multi-colored leaves that fall from trees on the eve of winter frosts, so most often it is with them that children and parents perform crafts from autumn materials. This activity is incredibly exciting and interesting, and it begins long before you sit down at the table to make an original card or applique, wreath or other craft, the creative process begins with a walk through the autumn deciduous forest or park in search of the most beautiful bright leaves .

Autumn leaves delight with their variety of not only shapes, but also colors, because on one tree there can be both still green, slightly yellowed, or even reddened leaves, which will definitely make your imagination look for possible ideas to preserve this beauty.

Crafts from autumn materials

Of course, the most popular are appliqués, but we suggest looking at this type of children’s creativity “in an adult way” and making a stylish panel that will decorate your room or kitchen, but such paintings look best in natural interiors with a lot of natural textures in the decoration , so place the painting you and your children made in the dacha; besides, the dacha is the most comfortable place to engage in autumn creativity, sitting on the veranda under a warm blanket or sitting comfortably near the fireplace.

For the panel you will need leaves of the same shape and size, which is the most difficult thing, because first you will have to wander through the forest for a long time to collect the required amount of foliage. By the way, in the fall you can combine business with pleasure, because when you go on a “quiet” hunt, invite your children to collect leaves for the time being. In addition to the fact that they should be the same shape, it is also important to choose a color palette, so it is advisable to choose the most “multi-colored” tree and select green, yellow, orange and red leaves.

When you have completed the task, the collected material must be sorted by color; there should be several rows of each color, because we will lay out the leaves in rows so that they slightly overlap each other.

To complete the painting you will also need a cardboard base; what size it will be depends only on your wishes. The base can be painted in a chosen color, for example, soft blue, to create the impression that you are looking through a dense forest at a gentle sky.

The collected foliage must be prepared, since we don’t have time to dry it between the pages of books, as we did in childhood, so we will spread them between two layers of thin cotton fabric and go over them with a hot iron several times. Now the elements can be glued moving horizontally. Each subsequent row should slightly overlap the previous one so that there is no free space left. You can glue it on PVA, which is designed for making such simple crafts with your own hands, besides, it is very easy for children to work with PVA, and it is quickly washed off from any surface and from hands.

Autumn crafts made from natural materials

From childhood, many mothers try to instill in their daughters not only a love of creativity, but also to turn them into little housewives. Daughters are always happy to help their mother in the kitchen, especially when it comes to baking, because children really like to knead the dough with their own hands and make various figures out of it. For them, the dough is a kind of plasticine, and the increased interest is caused by the fact that from this “plasticine” the mother then makes very tasty cookies and buns. We invite you, without leaving the kitchen, to make light ones using dough.

For this simple master class, which can be combined with cooking and distract the child, you will also need leaves, only this time their color does not matter, it is better to pay attention to the shape, choosing a material with a beautiful texture, clear outlines and For example, I really liked the carved edges of maple or chestnut leaves, which have thick veins.

The veins are necessary to create an imprint when you apply it to the layer of puff pastry. To do this, you need to prepare a piece of dough, roll it out a lot so that it becomes even, but not thin. Place the selected element on the surface so that the veins are facing down. Then press down a little with your hand, evenly, or tap on the surface with something wooden. You can compare what marks the dry or fresh ones leave on the dough; most likely, the dry ones will have a more clearly defined outline. To quickly dry your element, you need to iron it several times.

The base for the print should be round or oval, you can also take arbitrary shapes, but without sharp corners to maintain naturalness. Then place the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment and bake in the oven until the dough becomes hard.

After that, remove the baking sheet from the oven and let the blanks harden, after which you can take paints and a thin brush and begin to draw autumn motifs on our blanks, reviving the leaves, giving them a bright color. When the paint dries, you need to varnish the craft so that it lasts longer.

To make something so durable autumn crafts made from natural materials In addition to the dough, you can also use a paste that hardens in air, but the option with dough will not require any financial costs.

DIY crafts from autumn materials

The brightest DIY crafts from autumn materials I want to not only take a photo to demonstrate to my friends how much creative potential and ideas you have, but also to exhibit your creativity at a school exhibition, which is traditionally held in the fall. And we have an idea for such a craft that will be in full view of all the guests of your home, because it is an analogue of a Christmas wreath - the “Golden Autumn” wreath, which is made from tree branches, colorful foliage, berries and other forest materials. All materials that you will use must be dried, be it twigs or berries, so that they do not begin to fade in the wreath, they must first be dried, and then begin to form an original decorative element for your home.

You can make four such wreaths, each of which would correspond to a certain time of year: for autumn, take bright orange leaves, for winter - pine cones and spruce branches, for spring - delicate flowers, and for summer - an abundance of greenery, or you can make it in the sea themed with shells and pebbles.

As before, before performing, you need to go for the necessary material to a park or forest, where there is a huge amount of fallen multi-colored leaves that we need for this simple product. The base can be a metal circle, and if you want to make it more natural, or leave part of the circle open, it can be woven from flexible willow or grapevine branches. For the base, you always take several rows of twigs, or a fairly thick and flexible wire on which the entire structure will be supported.

If you pick maple or grape ones, you can use them to make roses, which will become the main decoration of the entire product. The roses must be rolled in the same way as we do, using corrugated paper or fabric. The edge of the first grape is bent, and then it must be rolled into a tube, this will be the base around which the next “petals” must be wrapped, and wrapped with sewing thread at the base so that the resulting rose does not fall apart.

Be sure to complement your composition with sprigs of viburnum or rowan, you can take small apples, sloe and dried mushrooms. In addition, you can also supplement it with acorns, pine cones, chestnuts.

DIY autumn crafts made from natural materials

With the onset of autumn, it’s time to do this, because you have already managed to collect a rich harvest from your garden plot, which means you can afford to use vegetables and fruits to create original figures. In addition, you can already collect ideas for Halloween, because on this holiday it is customary for the whole family to do DIY autumn crafts made from natural materials, carving various sinister faces out of pumpkins, making lanterns out of them and decorating the house with mystical accessories. You can make a wreath for the door from decorative pumpkins and heads of garlic, making a weave of thread on it and planting a toy spider in the center. Such decoration on the eve of the holiday will definitely fill the house with a special atmosphere.

Don't forget that the best autumn entertainment for children is applications, in which they can show all the freedom of their creative fantasies. Now invite them not just to stick elements on paper, but to make animal figures from materials of various shapes and sizes.

You can use the popular iris folding technique and use it to make an interesting card. To do this, you need to cut out the outline of a maple leaf and the stem on the base sheet, and then stick the elements on the back side, moving as if in a spiral from the center to the edges. All the leaves for this craft must be folded in half and placed under a press for several days.

Craft from natural material “Autumn Forest”

If you are looking for an idea for, then we suggest you and your child make a composition “Autumn Forest”, which will become a small island of autumn nature, which you will recreate on any cardboard base. For such a composition, you may need not only fallen leaves, but also other natural materials that can be found in the forest. You can make a wicker fence from thin dry branches around the perimeter, surround the edge of the forest with miniature spruce trees, the role of which can be played by cones, and to make your clearing green, use moss that you can find on the trees.

Craft from natural material “Autumn Forest”- this is a flight of fancy, ask the child what animals he wants to put in this clearing. For example, you can make a hedgehog from chestnut and plasticine, or use various vegetables for a bunny.

Be sure to make a lake, pond or river in the center of your composition, using blue cardboard or colored paper, with which you can make even small waves on a fast-flowing mountain river.

Every autumn, kindergartens announce competitions for the best autumn craft. Usually, nature itself suggests ideas for implementation: curved driftwood can easily be imagined as snakes and dragons, acorns, chestnuts and pine cones can be used to make any kind of people and animals, leaves naturally suggest subjects for appliqués. But if you don’t have time to fantasize, but want to make an autumn craft with your child for kindergarten with your own hands, Active Mom did her best for you and created a selection of interesting ideas.

Crafts from acorns and chestnuts

Perhaps the most popular natural autumn material is acorns and chestnuts, of which there is an abundance in every park at this time, take it - I don’t want it. But we want it! And we return from our walk, carrying bags with these treasures in our hands.

Acorns and chestnuts make excellent topiaries. To make this decorative tree, crumple the paper into a ball, wrap it with thread and cover it with white napkins/paper towels. The “trunk” of the tree will be a strong, even branch that needs to be wrapped with twine, tape or corrugated paper. Any container can be used as a pot, the main thing is that the tree stands firmly in it.

But, of course, most of all children love to make people, animals and birds out of acorns and chestnuts, because this is an excellent opportunity to smoothly transform creativity into play.

These charming owls are made from chestnuts, acorn caps, paws, wings, beaks cut out of felt and doll eyes glued on.

Matches (toothpicks), plasticine, maple and ash fruits (for wings, ears, tails) are also required as additional material. These autumn crafts for kindergarten are easy and simple to do even with a three-year-old child:

But this is not just a craft, but a real composition.

Door wreaths made of chestnuts and acorns look great. If animals seem too “childish” to you and you want to make not a toy, but a decorative element with a preschooler from an older group, this is your option. The base of the wreath is an intertwined vine. Moment glue or liquid nails are used to attach acorns and chestnuts.

Candlesticks made using natural materials look stylish. It's very easy to make them.

Crafts from pine cones

Cones are the second most popular natural material in autumn. The pine cones make spectacular baskets and vases that can be filled with autumn gifts of nature: apples, grapes, mushrooms, twigs with rowan berries, rose hips, and sea buckthorn. To make a vase you will need wire, fishing line, and pliers.

And look how charming the flowers made from pine cones are when you paint them! Admit it, you didn’t immediately realize that these were bumps?

Well, where would a kindergarten be without a variety of lush animals and birds?

Autumn crafts from vegetables and fruits

When creating compositions for kindergarten, you can actively use vegetables and fruits that autumn is rich in.

The most popular vegetable for creating crafts is, of course, pumpkin. You can use it to make a vase for flowers or autumn leaves, or a basket for vegetables.

Or you can use it as a blank for creating an animal or a bird...

...or even such a madam.

You can build a ship like this from a pumpkin:

Apples, potatoes, and zucchini will be excellent materials for crafts:

Autumn crafts for kindergarten become a real mirror in which the beauty of autumn is reflected. How to make autumn crafts for kindergarten with your own hands?

To create interesting autumn crafts with your own hands, you can use various materials.

Autumn crafts from leaves

For example, it is easy to make beautiful appliques from leaves. All you need is to select the leaves of the desired shape and color and pre-dry them under pressure. You can do without drying, especially if children will be working with the leaves - it is easier for them to handle durable and elastic material. It is enough to add eyes to the leaves and they transform into animals.

From leaves and a paper plate you can make a favorite children's character - a hedgehog.

Applique of dried leaves “tree”. To create such an applique, glue a brown trunk with branches onto a white sheet of paper. Here is a wonderful example of a seabed leaf applique.

Application of leaves “sea bottom”

The base of the craft can be made from a leaf painted with watercolors.

Painting from leaves “sea bottom” You can make a real autumn fairy out of autumn leaves. We decorate the base with watercolor stains. We cut out the fairy's hands and head from paper. After the base has dried, glue the head. Around the head we draw a sketch of the future craft with a pencil.

From the head we begin to assemble the entire image of the fairy. The hair, crown, body and arms find their place. A lush fairy dress gives you immense scope for creativity.

A touching autumn craft can be made from leaves and a child’s handprint.

And this is a charming turkey made from paper and maple leaves.

A video master class will help you make a rose from maple leaves:

Autumn crafts from salt dough and plasticine

The unique shape of autumn leaves can also be used to create original pendants. For example, cut out leaves from salt dough. To do this, we paint the salt dough in autumn colors.

We crush the multi-colored pieces into a single mass.

Using molds or a plastic clay spatula, cut out the leaves.

Dry and coat with clear varnish.

You can make an interesting herbarium from salt dough. We make a round base of the craft from salt dough. We leave an imprint on it with a real leaf.

First we paint the print itself with bright colors. Then we cover the rest of the craft with a thin layer of varnish or paint.

Autumn paintings from plasticine

A real masterpiece on the theme of autumn and study can be created from plasticine. First, we make a suitable sketch in pencil (or print it out from the Internet).

Sketch on the theme “start of school and autumn”

We make a background from a thin layer of purple plasticine. On this one we glue a globe and a book made of plasticine.

Glue letters, pencils, a pointer and a sprig of autumn maple on top. Autumn application made from plasticine - ready!

You can make a real “autumn in the forest” picture from plasticine on cardboard. We start work with the birch trunk.

Autumn crafts for kindergarten from pine cones

You can make a charming forest hedgehog from salt dough and fir cones. To make it you will need a fir cone, which is then disassembled into individual scales. These scales decorate the hedgehog's body. The body itself is molded from salted dough.

If you want to make a large hedgehog, then you can use a plastic bottle as a base. We color the top part of the bottle with a black marker - this is the future face of the hedgehog. Glue the fabric to the bottle, leaving the painted part free. We glue the cones onto the fabric, trying to position them as closely as possible to each other.

When the entire surface with the fabric is covered with cones, all that remains is to glue paper eyes and ears to the hedgehog. We attach apples, nuts, mountain ash and twigs to the back of the hedgehog. Autumn hedgehog made from cones - ready!

Look at the video on how to make a hedgehog from cones using a bottle and plasticine:

You can make a charming squirrel with an acorn from a pine cone and felt. Squirrels with acorns are real symbols of autumn.

You can make a proud autumn deer from a pine cone, twigs and an acorn. The parts of the craft are attached to each other using plasticine.

From natural materials you can make a very beautiful autumn craft “nest with birds”. We weave a nest from thin twigs. We weave leaves into the bottom, covering the gaps between the branches. From cones, chestnuts and leaves we make a bird family - a mother and two little chicks. All parts of the craft are attached with glue. We glue the birds' eyes and beaks and place them in the nest. A nest with birds made from natural materials - ready!

Using the same technique, you can make topiary from leaves.

You can make a very cozy one out of cones.

Autumn crafts from vegetables

You can build a real frigate from vegetables.

We make the sail from lightly boiled cabbage.

You can make paper sails for a boat - they will retain their beautiful appearance for a long time.

Experienced craftsmen, with the help of dad, will be able to construct a real airplane from zucchini and carrots.

You can make a funny penguin family out of zucchini.

You can make a funny cat from onions and carrots.

You can make a very funny hare from vegetables. Using toothpicks, we connect two heads of cabbage together - this is the head and body of the bunny. We cut the zucchini into two parts - these are the future bunny legs. We cut the second zucchini and attach it to another head of cabbage - these are bunny ears. We make bunny arms from peeled zucchini. We make a face for him and attach a carrot. Our bunny is ready. It will decorate any autumn exhibition in kindergarten!

Autumn craft - bunny made from vegetables

Another great fall craft is an apple caterpillar. We fasten the apples together with toothpicks. We also use toothpicks to attach halves of carrots to the apples - these are the future legs of our caterpillar.

Using a toothpick, attach the head to the caterpillar. We decorate the head itself with eyes, mouth and horns. The craft is ready!

You can make adorable pigs out of potatoes and carrots. All parts of the craft are attached to each other using toothpicks.

You can make an elephant out of beets. We connect two beets with tails together using toothpicks - we get the head and body of an elephant. Using toothpicks, we secure the two halves of the beets - these are the ears of the elephant.

We make him a pen from a cardboard box, put some paper grass and treat him with delicious nuts.

See what an amazing autumn zoo you can make from the gifts of autumn -.

You can use a pumpkin to make a luxurious vase for an autumn bouquet.

You can make a small festive bouquet from fruits and berries. Design - any, depending on the products available for sale.

Autumn crafts from needles, chestnuts, acorns and nuts

A wonderful autumn hedgehog is made from plasticine or salt dough. The hedgehog's coat is made from pine needles. Even the smallest children will find it interesting to decorate the hedgehog with needles, sticking them one after another into soft plasticine.

You can make a fast horse from acorns and matches.

A beautiful craft on the theme of autumn for kindergarten can be made from horse chestnuts and acorns - if you connect them with each other with a lump of plasticine, you get very natural mushrooms. Complement this composition with rowan berries and blades of grass - and you will get a real piece of autumn forest.

You can make a charming autumn squirrel from chestnuts and acorns. We make the squirrel's paws and tail from fluffy wire, its tummy from felt, and decorate its face with factory-made eyes. We attach all parts using a glue gun.

Chestnuts can be used to make a symbol of wisdom - an owl. We make the wings from chestnut shells.

You can make a very impressive deer from natural materials.

Autumn crafts from twigs

You can make a house from a cardboard box and hollow dry sticks. The roof of the house is decorated with leaves, and the roof is made of dry straw.

You can make an autumn beauty from corn. The autumn dress is made from corn leaves and decorated with berries and flowers.

Craft "autumn" from corn

Foamiran is a type of foam rubber. This material is durable and pliable, and can be very bright and colorful. Many needlewomen and teachers have already fallen in love with it. We decided to make an autumn bouquet from foamiran. We cut out autumn leaves: birch, maple and oak. We paint them with paints, trying to emphasize the pattern of veins and edges.

To make veins, we heat the sheet with an iron and firmly press down the twig - we will be left with a characteristic pattern.

We make an autumn vase from a plastic bottle and branches. We attach the branches using double-sided adhesive tape.

Place the leaves in a vase. We complement the bouquet with natural materials: dry twigs and cones. An autumn bouquet made from foamiran is a small piece of art that will decorate a group or classroom for years to come!

Autumn applications for kindergarten

An easy-to-make and beautiful applique is made from pieces of colored paper. The child crumples pieces of paper and, one by one, glues them onto the base - the crown of a tree.

This application is a little more complicated than the previous one. The child crumples the paper for the leaves and rolls the brown paper for the trunk and branches of the tree.

A very bright and beautiful applique is made from colored paper and a real branch. The difference in the execution technique is that in this applique, not pieces of colored paper are glued, but tightly twisted balls.

In this applique we glue paper rings.

A very original idea to make autumn foliage from eggshells or pasta. Pasta or shells are colored in colored water and then dried. The material for the autumn applique is ready!

The “autumn tree” applique, made using painted pumpkin seeds, looks very interesting.

You can use painted pumpkin seeds to make the pumpkin itself using the appliqué technique.

Pumpkin applique

If you use various ideas in your work, it is very easy to turn a kindergarten group into a real autumn kingdom.

Autumn crafts for kindergarten from paper

Paper leaves glued to a string make a very beautiful autumn decoration.

You can make a spectacular autumn garland from paper leaves.

Beautiful themed products can also be obtained using other available means - for example, using cardboard toilet paper tubes: they can easily be transformed into autumn tree trunks.

We insert autumn leaves, rowan branches and other gifts of autumn into the rolls. We place the trees on a thick sheet of cardboard and complement them with hedgehogs made of chestnut and plasticine. We will get a very simple but effective autumn composition.

You can make very cute hedgehogs out of paper.

DIY origami autumn leaf

Look at the video on how to make an autumn leaf out of paper:

Making some colorful autumn leaves.

These leaves can be used to make a very beautiful autumn decoration.

Autumn cards and gifts for teachers and educators

A very impressive postcard as a gift for a teacher or educator can be made using the scrapbooking technique.

As a gift to your favorite teacher or educator, you can make a stunning bouquet of sweets and corrugated paper.

Another example of an autumn bouquet of candies is a bouquet on a palette with pencils. All parts of the craft are inserted into a foam base wrapped in corrugated paper.

The palette is a cardboard base with lids filled with colored plasticine.

But we made such a beautiful stand for the office in the master class ““.

Autumn drawings for kindergarten

An original master class can be given to children, teaching them how to put stamps using... an ordinary apple. To do this, prepare sheets in advance with the outlines of tree trunks printed on them.

Invite the children to paint the trunk and wide branches with paints. While the paints are drying, make stamps: to do this, you need to cut a small apple into two even halves. Then we put red paint on one half and yellow paint on the other and put prints around the barrel. It turns out to be a real autumn apple tree.

You can use wax crayons to draw spectacular autumn leaves. Place the piece of paper on a regular landscape sheet. We color the junctions of the paper and album sheets.

We remove our paper sheet. We will be left with the outline of the sheet on the paper. We use leaves of different shapes and paint them in bright autumn colors. We will get a very unusual drawing “Autumn leaf fall”

One of the famous painting techniques is painting with autumn leaves.

The leaves are dipped in paint, then pressed against a sheet of paper - a beautiful imprint remains.

Stamps made from vegetables and fruits are well suited for creating autumn designs. Look what an amazing flower you can make from “vegetable” stamps.

Ideas for autumn drawings for schoolchildren

Drawing “Clear autumn day with houses and a stream”

You can paint late autumn with white trunks of birch trees.

Drawing "autumn" with birch trees

Autumn applications:

We paint with paints:

Autumn crafts from plasticine:

Autumn cutting templates

Autumn crafts for kindergarten reviews:

I really liked animals made from vegetables)) (alevita)

I want to make chestnut and acorn mushrooms for my child’s kindergarten. (wera)

I like the sunflower hedgehog, but it’s hard to find a sunflower))

Autumn! Gold autumn! There are so many colors and warmth in it, which are about to be replaced by cold weather. Don't waste a moment, it's time to get inspired for new ideas for creating beauty. Be creative, create interesting things from materials given by nature. Let autumn become the muse for inspiration, go for it!

The main thing in the article

Autumn crafts are a great idea for leisure time

With the onset of autumn, it is simply impossible to stroll through parks and squares indifferently. Colorful landscapes enchant the eye with their bright notes. At this time, nature gifts us with juicy fruits, as well as a variety of color palettes.

These autumn gifts can be immortalized in time by decorating your home with them using a variety of crafts and “hand maid” things. Such decorations will not only transform the interior, but will also help you while away the cold autumn evenings. This activity will allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of home warmth and comfort. So brew your favorite warming drink and grab a warm blanket.

So, autumn has arrived, it’s time to stock up on all sorts of natural materials for creativity.

Crafts from natural materials for home and interior: paintings and panels

Panels are widely used to decorate walls in the interior. Such paintings will look original if made from natural materials.

In general, a great option would be to involve children in doing manual work of this type. This will give children the opportunity to show their creativity and imagination, and will also have a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills, which is important for the normal development of the child.

Panel of coffee beans

This type of wall art is best suited for the kitchen. Often this place is associated with comfort and homely warmth. It has been scientifically proven that the smell of coffee has anti-stress properties. So such a panel will not only decorate the house, but will also benefit the body.

For this type of work you will need:

  • Coffee beans that have different properties, ranging from smell and color to size.
  • The material that will serve as the frame (base) of the panel. Typically, any durable fabric, wood, paper, etc. is used for this.
  • Glue, the most common PVA will also work, but it’s better to consult a craft store.
  • A drawing that will be depicted using grains.
  • Carbon copy.
  • A simple pencil.
  • The frame in which the finished product will be mounted.

This list of necessary materials is the most basic. You can add various cereals and legumes to coffee beans, thus creating a whole picture filled with various shades.

How to do the job:

  • Transfer the desired design onto the base using a pencil and carbon paper.
  • Then apply glue to small areas and immediately glue coffee beans onto them, alternating beans of different colors, depending on your idea. An interesting idea would be to make appliqués from grains, gluing fringes, ribbons, rhinestones, etc.
  • Frame the final result.
  • The product can be decorated with multi-colored aromatic spices or dryings.
  • To attach cereals, such as buckwheat or semolina, apply glue liberally to the desired surface, cover it tightly with the cereal and wait for it to dry; simply shake off any excess residue.

Leaves panel

There are a lot of design options for such handicrafts; you just have to take a walk along the autumn alley and stock up on the necessary materials.

Children take on such paintings with particular passion.

You can decorate the room not only with paintings, but also with works in the form of bouquets of leaves.

Below are ideas for panels made from natural materials that will inspire you to get creative.

Shell panel

Leather panel

Crafts for school and kindergarten

Almost all school and preschool institutions hold autumn-themed competitions. It is at this time of year that you can stock up on natural materials so that you can use them throughout the year.

Sometimes children do crafts so passionately in labor lessons and at home that entire works of art are created.

The creativity kits that can be purchased in stores cannot be compared with the variety of generous gifts of autumn. The completed craft will be saturated not only with children's love, but also with the magical aromas of the forest.

So what can be useful for creation?

  • Fallen leaves. The abundance of dry foliage is rich in the brightest shades of colors. There is room for your imagination to run wild.
  • Cones. If there is a park, forest plantation or even a forest not far from your house, you can stock up on these fruits of coniferous plants.
  • Shells, stones and sand. These materials, of course, can be found not only in the fall, but they can diversify the list of necessary materials.
  • Acorns and chestnuts. It is with these finds that a lot of ideas for DIY work are associated.
  • Coniferous and spruce branches are a real find for nature lovers.
  • “Perky helicopters” is what maple seeds are sometimes called and used in their work.
  • Walnut shells, pumpkin and melon seeds, bunches of rowan berries are not the whole arsenal of supplies.
  • Tree bark, reeds, and dried flowers are also needed.
  • It happens that after visiting exhibitions and zoos with birds, you can get rich with a whole collection of feathers.

If possible, try to pay attention to the surrounding delights of nature every walk and pick up all the above-mentioned abundance. Be careful, because in the simplest and most ordinary things there is often hidden a whole treasure.

In addition to being outdoors, your child will have the opportunity to develop their creative thinking and exercise their logic.

DIY children's crafts: funny applications

So, you have stocked up on the necessary natural gizmos, so you should put them into practice. One of the many types of crafts is applique. Call the kids and sit down to create. Here are ideas for creativity.

Autumn crafts from leaves: ideas for creativity

Interesting leaf applications

Autumn collages

Leaf print paintings

Candlesticks made from leaves

Vase of leaves

Autumn paper crafts

DIY crafts from pine cones

Photo exhibition of autumn crafts

Autumn themed crafts: original ideas

Unusual wreath

Creative wall framing

Crafts from vegetables and fruits

Video tutorials for making autumn crafts

Nature has blessed us with an incredible abundance of bright and colorful natural materials. Don’t miss the opportunity to take advantage of these gifts, create comfort by decorating your home with handmade crafts!

Autumn is a great time for needlework, because it gives us so many wonderful materials: leaves, vegetables, fruits, flowers, acorns, pine cones and twigs. And how cozy a house becomes if you decorate it with yellow and purple tones. In this material you will find 6 ideas for DIY autumn crafts for adults and children with step-by-step master classes and a selection of photos for inspiration.

Idea 1. Autumn topiary

Topiary is a decorative tree that can be used to decorate a dining table, mantel, or front door area. To make it, you can use natural or artificial materials, for example: leaves, berries on twigs, acorns, cones, chestnuts, flowers, dried citrus slices, as well as felt, sisal, linen and whatever your imagination tells you. In the next slider you can see several examples of such autumn crafts.


  1. Clay pot;
  2. Wooden stick or branch;
  3. Two polystyrene or floral foam balls;
  4. Materials for decorating the crown;
  5. Dry moss (you can replace it with sisal);
  6. Glue gun and several glue sticks;
  7. Scissors;
  8. Side cutters or pruning shears;
  9. Acrylic paints for painting the trunk, ball and pot (optional).


Step 1. Cut a hole in the base ball with a sharp tool for the barrel, about a third of its diameter deep. Place a drop of hot glue into the hole and insert the barrel into it.

Step 2: Insert the second ball into the pot. If the ball does not sit tightly enough in the pot, place newspaper around it. Cut a hole in the ball for the trunk, 2-3 cm deep. Insert the trunk with the crown into the hole and adjust its length. Next, drop glue into the hole of the ball, place the barrel in it and begin to fill the hole with glue, placing small pieces of paper around the barrel. This is necessary so that the hot glue does not deepen the hole too much.

Step 3: Paint the pot the color you want if you don't like the original look. In this project, the pot was painted with spray paint in a dark bronze shade from Rustoleum (sold in construction stores, for example, in Leroy Merlin).

Remember that the design of the pot should be simple and unpretentious so as not to distract attention from the crown. If necessary, paint the barrel and/or balls at this stage. It is advisable to paint the balls so that the gaps between the decorative details are invisible.

Step 4. While the paint on our blank is drying, sort the decorative parts by type and size. If you use artificial leaves, flowers and berries with a wire base, then when cutting them, leave “stems” about 2 cm long. This is necessary in order not only to glue the parts, but also to stick them into the ball - then they will hold more securely . If the “stems” do not have wire, then it is better to cut the parts “at the root”.

Step 5. Now it's time for the fun part - creating the crown. First, evenly distribute and glue the largest parts onto the ball, then the middle ones. Finally, fill in the gaps with small embellishments.

Step 6. Well, that's all, all that remains is to decorate the ball in the pot with dry moss or sisal, after treating it with glue.

Idea 2. Pumpkins made from toilet paper rolls

Here's another vegetable-themed fall craft idea you can make with your kids - pumpkins made from toilet paper rolls. The possibilities for decorating these crafts are endless. For example, children can use colored paper, gouache or glitter, while adults can use gold leaf, fabric or lace.


  • Toilet paper or paper towel rolls;
  • Scissors;
  • Leg-split;
  • For decoration: brushes, gouache or acrylic paints, PVA glue and glitter or book pages, etc.;
  • Cinnamon sticks or sprigs (to create the core of the vegetable);
  • Burlap, felt or cardboard (for creating leaves).

Step 1: Flatten the toilet paper roll and cut into rings.

Step 2: Decorate the rings with a material you like, such as craft paper, scrapbooking paper, fabric, ribbon, or simply paint them with acrylic paint. You can also decorate pumpkins exactly as in this master class - with glitter and stripes of book pages.

Method 1. Using a brush, coat the outer sides of all rings with PVA glue, and then sprinkle plenty of glitter on them. Wait until the pieces dry, and then cover the glitter with a second layer of PVA glue to protect it from falling off.

Method 2. Cut thin strips of paper from book pages and glue them to the rings using PVA glue or a glue stick.

Step 3: To shape your pumpkin, pass a strand of twine through the rings, then tighten the two ends and tie a knot as shown in the photo.

Step 4. Now glue cinnamon sticks or cut branches into the center of the pumpkin.

Step 5. Hurray, your pumpkins are almost ready, all you have to do is add leaves cut from burlap, felt, cardboard or any other material you have on hand.

Using the same principle, you can make a pumpkin from rings of any material.

Idea 3. Panel of leaves

Next, we present to you an idea for crafts made from autumn leaves. Since this master class does not use hot glue or sharp objects, you can safely involve children in the work, and especially in collecting material.

An idea for an autumn craft made from natural materials that you can make with your children and use for seasonal home decoration



Step 1. Cut out the wood with a jigsaw and sand the ends with sandpaper.

Step 2. Paint the board with stain and leave to dry.

Step 3. Using a marker, draw a maple leaf on the board by hand, using a template or stencil.

Step 4. Start gluing the pre-dried leaves (see how to dry them at the end of the article) like a fan, trying to place them so that their edges coincide with the outline of the picture. At the same time, you should not glue the leaves completely; let their tops be a little loose so that the panel gains some volume. Place a press of suitable size on each glued leaf for a minute.

Keep in mind that the leaves will not stick immediately, but after the glue dries they will stick well.

Step 5. To make the outlines of the design clearer, trim the leaves in some places. However, try to resort to such correction as little as possible so as not to lose the beauty of natural lines.

Step 6. Now attach the twig to your panel in place of the stem, break off the excess and glue it.

The following selection of photos presents examples of no less original autumn panels.

And finally, we suggest watching a video tutorial on how to make an autumn craft with your own hands in the form of a panel of leaves with a frame of acorns.

Idea 4. Wind chimes made from natural materials and more

The following project is an example of an interesting, but very easy-to-make craft from natural materials and ready-made parts, which a child can make almost independently.


  • Two or one sticks;
  • Natural and manufactured materials for decorating threads: pine cones, flat stones, acorns, wooden beads, small metal candle stands (used in this project) and anything else that comes to hand and matches the fall theme;
  • Leg-split;
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks.

Step 1. Paint some elements of the future wind chime, if necessary. In this master class, the author painted the pebbles in bright yellow and red colors.

Step 2. While the decorations are drying, tie two sticks crosswise and tie the center of the cross with twine as shown in the photo below. You can also just use one long stick or, say, a hoop.

Step 3. Cut 9 ropes of twine to the desired length with a small margin for knots, so that in the future you will have two rows on each branch and one in the middle.

Step 4: To create one row of wind chimes, take a piece of twine and begin stringing beads or other pieces onto it, passing the strings through the holes twice at a time or tying them well into knots. The stones should be additionally fixed with hot glue. In order not to make a mistake with the order, the parts should first be arranged in the desired order. By the way, it is better to place especially sonorous elements opposite each other so that their chime in the wind can be better heard.

Step 5. Tie knots at the end of each rope.

Step 6. Once each thread is completed, tie them to the branches using double knots with a drop of glue added.

Below are other examples of this unusual decoration made from pine cones, acorns and leaves.

Idea 5. Candlesticks in the shape of autumn leaves made from salt dough

Leaves can be used not only as a decorative or finishing material, but also at the same time as a template and stamp for creating crafts from any modeling mass. Take note of the idea of ​​autumn crafts with children in the form of these cute salt dough leaves. By the way, they are not only beautiful in themselves, but can also perform a practical function, for example, you can store various decorations on them or put candles on them.


  • Ingredients for kneading salt dough: ½ cup salt, ½ cup water, 1 cup flour;
  • Container for kneading dough;
  • Glass bowl;
  • Rolling pin;
  • Large leaves;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Acrylic paints in yellow, red, orange and brown.


Step 1. The first thing to do is go for a walk with the whole family and find at least two beautiful large leaves.

Step 2. Then knead the salt dough. To do this, simply mix all the ingredients and roll out the dough to about 6mm thick (no less), so that it is not too thick, but not too brittle.

Step 3: Place your leaves on the dough and run a rolling pin over it using light pressure.

Step 4: The next step is to cut out the shape around the leaf. Use a sharp knife and, of course, take this part of the work yourself.

Step 5. Remove the leaves. Invert the glass bowl and coat it with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

Step 6: Carefully lift the sheets and place them on the bowls.

Step 7. Place the bowls with the dough in the oven preheated to 250 degrees and leave them to bake for 2-3 hours.

Step 8: Remove your pieces from the oven and let them cool in the bowls for about 15 minutes. Then carefully lift the leaves and leave to cool completely.


Step 9. Once the bowls have cooled, start painting. To do this, pour paints of each color into cups and let the children mix them themselves and paint the inside of the leaves first, and then the outside. Crafts made from salt dough are quite fragile, so you need to paint them carefully, without pressing. Wait for the paint to dry and, if desired, cover the bowls with a layer of PVA glue. It will give the craft a matte finish and make it a little stronger.

Painting the bowl

Leaf shapes may vary.

By the way, if you don’t want to bother with salt dough, you can replace it with soft plasticine. The photo below shows an example of such a craft.

Idea 6. Felt garland

Although felt is not a natural material, crafts made from it turn out to be the most autumnal. Today we invite you to make a simple garland from felt leaves.


  • Several sheets of felt in fall colors;
  • Leg-split;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Thick threads with a needle;
  • Pencil.


Step 1: Download and print the leaf templates (see downloadable template below), then cut them out and outline them.

Step 2. Cut out the blanks.

Step 3. Sew the veins by hand using large stitches.

Step 4. Now, maintaining equal intervals, hang the leaves on the twine. To do this, wrap the tail of each leaf around the twine and secure with glue. If you wish, you can sew on the details. Woo-ala, the autumn felt garland is ready!

Using the principles of this simple master class, you can create a variety of garlands with decorations in the form of acorns, pine cones, pumpkins, etc. The following selection of photos shows some examples of autumn felt garlands.

How to dry leaves and flowers

Method 1. This method is suitable if you want appliques or other non-voluminous crafts. Place leaves or flowers between the pages of the book at a distance of about 3 mm from each other and move them to other pages every day (also maintaining an interval of 3 mm). Within a week, the paper will absorb all the moisture from the plants, and you will be able to use them for creativity.

Method 2. If your craft does not involve the use of flat leaves, then you can dry them by simply collecting them in a bunch and hanging them upside down in a dry but ventilated area. At the same time, keep in mind that the leaves will lose their color completely in the sun, but will retain their color in the shade.

Method 3. This method is suitable for drying and preserving the color of leaves and cornflowers. Blot fresh, just picked leaves/cornflowers with a napkin if they are wet. Place each sheet between two layers of wax paper, and place a paper towel on top of the resulting “sandwich.” Preheat your iron and make sure the steam setting is off. Using pressure, iron the paper towel for 2-5 minutes. Turn the sandwich over and pat it again through the paper towel, then carefully remove the wax paper.

  • To prevent dried leaves and flowers from breaking, they must be dipped in a solution of water and PVA glue, diluted in a ratio of 4:1, and then left to dry.