Dragon tattoo wraps around yin yang. The meaning of the yin-yang tattoo. Original details for a tattoo, compatibility

Yin and yang is a concise symbol of the universe. Its image, like the concept itself, came to us from Chinese philosophical teachings, but the meaning is also intuitively clear to a European. The yin yang tattoos, the meaning of which we intend to find out today, are quite popular, because this symbol is really comprehensive, it reflects the essence of being, so it is quite difficult to be original in this case. But human imagination knows no bounds.

Symbol history

According to one version, the essence of the yin and yang symbol was borrowed from Buddhists about two thousand years ago. In the Chinese Book of Changes, this sign was used to display the fundamental opposites: light and darkness, heat and cold, hard and soft. With the further development of philosophical teachings, the Celestial symbol began to play one of the key roles, explaining the concept of the universe.

The black and white halves symbolize the indestructible interconnection of opposite principles: destruction and creation, earth and sky, moon and sun, female and male energy. Both the dark and light parts contain blotches of the opposite color. This indicates that in nature there is no absolute good and evil, "black" and "white". Even the impenetrable darkness of the night will be dispelled by the sun's rays, and the winter cold will be replaced by spring warmth. Both energies are in constant motion, when one of them reaches its peak, it is replaced by another. How deep the interpenetration of these energies is indicated by their separation not by a straight line, but by a wavy line. It also speaks of ambiguity and incessant movement.

The idea of ​​the dualism of everything in nature underlies many currents in Eastern philosophy. However, in the Chinese tradition, it is precisely the metaphysical meaning of the symbol, the dualism of the original nature of the world and reality, that is considered, while the Japanese philosophical schools dwell on the physical aspect of the sign: fire and water, man and woman.

The meaning of the symbol in the tattoo

The meaning of the yin yang tattoo, of course, is associated with the symbolism that is embedded in this sign by the followers of Eastern philosophical currents:

  • Harmony. The main designation of the yin yang tattoo is the harmonious interaction of opposites, thanks to which the origin and development of life in a broad sense is possible. Such a tattoo indicates a person who is on the path to achieving harmony with his inner and surrounding worlds, reconciled with all the contradictory aspects of his essence and being in general. It can speak of a deep understanding of the concept of the universe.
  • Unity. Everything that exists in the universe has a certain meaning. Even the elements that oppose each other and are in eternal struggle are in their places, their confrontation has its own deep meaning, without which the world that we know is impossible. The sky is one with the earth, day with night, light with darkness, without one the other simply cannot be. So it is with a person: every trait of his character, every impulse plays an important role in the formation of a single and unique whole. Yin yang tattoo means in this context the cessation of the struggle with oneself, the awareness of this unity or the desire for awareness.
  • Infinity and cyclicality. The inextricable circle in which two opposing forces are enclosed indicates that life in the Universe is endless. Stars, planets, plants, animals, people - these are its parts, set in motion by energy that does not come from nowhere and does not go anywhere, it only transforms, completing the old and starting a new life cycle.
  • True love. Paired yin yang tattoos speak of deep and sincere feelings between two people. This is not just a sudden passion or short-term passion. Such a tattoo indicates a connection, sealed with mutual understanding, respect and deep emotional attachment.

Composition solutions

Yin yang tattoos are suitable for men in the same way as for women, because the symbol indicates the unity and inseparable connection of the two principles. The symbol itself looks quite simple, one might even say that its classic image has practically no artistic value. However, the art of tattoo knows no boundaries, so it is worth considering different options for stylizing the sign without losing its original meaning.

Small watercolor tattoos with a yin yang symbol on the wrist or ankle, depicting fire and water, are quite simple, do not require much space, but look very impressive. Violent tongues of red flame and blue streaks of water fully reflect the philosophical concept of the sign. Small black and white yin yang tattoos can also look original if, for example, decorate the image with a floral ornament.

Larger works with yin yang on the shoulder, for example, may consist of many small elements. The drawings depicting a pair of animals, whose bodies form a regular circle, look interesting: black and white cats, owls, fish. If you are planning a large-scale tattoo, for example, on the back, yin yang can depict the change of seasons, if you divide the drawing into a winter half with snow-covered fir trees and frozen ponds and a summer half with green grass and bright sun. Another interesting option is changing the time of day. It can be a large yin yang tattoo on the arm, in which the sign itself acts as the center of the composition, dividing the sleeve into two parts: a light one with clouds, birds soaring in them, and a dark one with a starry sky.

Oriental style tattoos with yin yang on the legs, arms or back look cool. Usually the sign itself acts only as one of the elements of the composition, its center can be a dragon, tiger, carp, a portrait of a brave samurai or a beautiful geisha against the backdrop of dark waves and other scenery:, or.

The place of tattooing can be chosen according to the doctrine of the psycho-energy centers of the human body, which is reflected in Buddhism, Hinduism and some types of alternative medicine. Thus, the image of yin yang on the neck, at the location of the Vishuddha chakra, which is responsible for expressing the will of a person through speech, can indicate harmony between thought and word, truthfulness, agreement between inner impulses and the outside world. A tattoo with a yin yang symbol on the chest can contribute to emotional liberation, since the Anahata chakra, which is responsible for our feelings, is located in the center of the chest. It is also called the love chakra or the heart chakra.

It's no secret that tattoos can really affect our lives. It happens that a sincere belief in the power of a symbol helps to overcome obstacles on the path of life and gain self-confidence.

Photos and sketches of a yin yang tattoo

Since ancient times, the Yin-Yang symbol haunts people, bewitching them, at first glance, with its uncertainty and ambiguity. However, the meaning of the Yin-Yang tattoo is quite specific and carries a clear meaning.

The symbol "Yin-Yang" came to us from ancient Chinese mythology, in which Yin is the feminine, and Yang is the masculine. These two opposites merge together in order to achieve a balance and eliminate the struggle between the two entities.

"Yin-Yang" is a symbol of world unity. It helps to solve all emerging problems and disagreements, gives inner balance and calmness in difficult situations, and also strengthens the strength of a person who has such a pattern.

Two opposite forces: yin - which is a symbol of death, moon, darkness and even numbers, and yang - a symbol of sky, light, sun and odd numbers, are always depicted in a circle. Such a designation suggests that the opposition of these two opposites is eternal, as the circle in which they are located is endless.

Feng Shui considers the meaning of the Yin-Yang tattoo as a struggle between two completely opposite types of energy that cannot exist separately, as they give rise to each other. Such interaction is the origin of everything that exists on earth, which generates and shapes life. Its essence lies in complete harmony, which is violated if one of the forces begins to prevail over the other.

A few photo examples of how the symbol is combined with images of animals

The symbol "Yin-Yang" can be considered as a statement of a certain order of things. It points to the duality of everything that exists, affirms the balance of all things in nature. It lies in the fact that events should complement each other, providing a general normal state of life.

The meaning of the Yin-Yang tattoo may be related to the desire of a person to feel happy in any case. Regardless of which band dominates his life, this tattoo will serve as a sign of harmony with himself and peace of mind. It also has a certain mystical meaning: along with opposites occupying more space in an infinite circle, there is a center in which there is nothing, no struggle, no suffering, no movement.

"Yin-Yang" is one of the most mysterious, beautiful and popular symbols that came to us from Eastern culture. Its meaning is quite obvious, but everyone can give it their own meaning.

Photo of tattoos "Yin Yang"

We bring to your attention - a few photos of this mysterious tattoo ...

Often, having decided to decorate their body with a tattoo, people prefer the image of two beings equal in strength and spirit: a tiger and a dragon. These animals have different characters and outwardly their confrontation is clearly visible, but at the same time their unity. And only the person who opted for such an image decides what unites them: the struggle or the achievement of a common goal.

What do they look like?

The tiger and the dragon, merged in a single battle, are a symbol of Yin-Yang. To indicate the infinity of the existence of nature, the outlines of animals are enclosed in a circle. Such tattoos are beautiful, quite voluminous and occupy a rather large area on the human body. Therefore, before applying, it is necessary not only to evaluate the external elegance of the selected image, but also to find out its symbolic meaning.

Yin-Yang tattoo is recommended to be applied to that part of the body where it will be possible to make it as large as possible. This is the back, chest, thigh or arm, if the lifestyle does not allow you to openly demonstrate the drawing. In the event that a person normally perceives the fact that the image cannot be hidden, it can be applied to an open area, for example, the neck area.

History of the tattoo

In Chinese culture, it is customary to identify these animals with two symbols: Yin and Yang.

The primary sources of the emergence of Yin-Yang symbolism go far into Chinese history. A simple natural phenomenon, the illumination of the mountain by the sun, first from one side, and then from the other, prompted people to think about the existence of a confrontation between the two elements and at the same time their unity. Based on these conclusions, the opposite incarnations have the following interpretation:

  • Yin is represented by the Dragon, which personifies the feminine and correlates with such concepts as the moon, earth, death, darkness.
  • Yang is the Tiger, embodying male power, which is based on the sun, warmth, life, light, sky.

Historical roots of symbolism

In the western regions of Europe, it was associated with evil, and in the East it was considered divine power. Most often, the symbol was depicted as a huge creature with claws, similar to a snake and exhaling fire. The meanings of the image of this mythical character among different peoples are different from each other. The following stories of its origin are hidden in the legends and tales of the peoples of Asia and Western Europe:

According to Western European legends, this animal destroyed human settlements and carried out the theft of their inhabitants.
  • Chinese culture. Represents the Dragon as a divine creature that is able to control the elements of nature, including rain, lightning, etc. People believed that he reincarnates and carries wisdom, vitality and harmony.
  • Japanese legends. Traces of the existence of the image lead to China. The legend says that a Koi carp (a symbol of wisdom) could turn into a Dragon. Therefore, he was associated with a deep mind, guardianship and strength. To have such a pattern on clothes or body was considered a sign of greatness.
  • Western Europe. Unlike the culture of the East, the dragon is presented in a negative light. According to legend, he destroyed entire villages, took away people.

Popular today and often used in tattoos, the Yin-Yang symbol begins its history with ancient Chinese mythology. The essence of this symbol is to combine two opposites into one, it was the most famous symbol of balance and struggle. Yin and yang are always opposite forces:

YIN- a symbol of the feminine, death, earth, moon and even numbers, darkness, etc.

YAN- a symbol of masculinity, life, sky, sun and odd numbers, light, etc.

The single and indivisible yin-yang is a symbol of world unity, which helps to resolve all contradictions and problems, it strengthens the vitality of a person and bestows inner balance in difficult situations.

It should be noted that these opposites are depicted in a circle, which has become a symbol of infinity, which indicates that their opposition is eternal. Ancient Guénon considers yin-yang as an image of the universal whirlwind, which swirled and united the opposites that gave rise to its perpetual motion.

In the art of Feng Shui, the yin-yang symbol denotes the union and struggle of two main absolutely opposite types of energy. But, despite their opposite, these energies give rise to each other and cannot exist separately. And this same constant interaction of opposites is the origin of everything that exists on earth, it generates and shapes life. And the essence of this interaction lies in absolute harmony. If one of the forces prevails or increases, and the other decreases, or vice versa, then everything collapses.

Yin-yang is a statement of a certain order of things in nature. It means the duality of everything that exists, symbolizes the balance of nature and balance at the level of things. This balance lies in the fact that the events and signs of life complement each other, making up the general normal state: growth and decay, sadness and joy, gains and losses.

The meaning of a yin-yang tattoo can mean a person’s ability or desire to live and feel happy, regardless of whether a black or white stripe has come in his life, this tattoo is some kind of symbol of peace of mind and harmony in oneself.

In addition to opposites, this symbol also contains a certain mystical center in which there is nothing, no movement, no anxiety, no struggle, no suffering.

As you can see, the meaning of the yin-yang tattoo is quite definite and yet interesting. This is one of the brightest, most beautiful, mysterious and universal symbols that Eastern culture has given us. Everyone can perceive it in their own way and endow this symbol with their own meaning and their own understandable meaning.

in East Asia dragon is yin, which embodies the feminine and is associated with the moon, earth, death, darkness and the north. Tiger is Yang, the embodiment of the masculine principle and the meaning of the sun, sky, life, light and south. The Chinese people eventually began to consider the Yin-Yang symbol as the result of interaction, unity, and not confrontation.

The meaning of the tattoo

The meaning of a dragon and tiger tattoo carries a very large semantic load, since this symbol is a philosophical concept, and this is a rather extensive science. The dragon means gentleness, sympathy, happiness, well-being. The tiger is firmness, aggressiveness, strength and steadfastness. This is the perfect combination of the qualities of these two majestic creatures.

Dragon and tiger tattoos are inflicted by people in 2 cases:

  1. To show their inner harmony of the body and the unity of the soul;
  2. To make it clear to everyone that there are 2 entities that constantly oppose each other.

The Yin-Yang tattoo with a dragon and a tiger looks bewitching due to its rich set of colors and the scale of execution. Tattoos are often applied on the back or chest. This symbol carries the vital energy that gives rise to perpetual motion. Basically, these two forces are united, harmonious and do not pose any threat to destruction and struggle.

Dragon and tiger tattoo- this is not an easy beautiful tattoo, it is a symbol of peace of mind, peace and harmony.