Village wedding: how was it before? A great summer celebration - a rustic-style wedding: decoration

Over time, sophisticated Western weddings are becoming more and more popular. Brides compete in the simplicity and elegance of dresses, arrange receptions, engagements, rent lush halls. But there are those who like eco-style. The phrase "country wedding" usually draws in my head an abundance of dirt on the roads, an accordion and a home table. But now you can arrange a stylized celebration for lovers of decent, but sincere relaxation. This style is also called "rustic".

Traditions of a Russian village wedding

In Russian villages, weddings were played in the fall or winter after Epiphany. It was winter marriages that were considered the happiest. The peasants were harvesting, there was time for festivities and food supplies were sufficient.

Parents usually agreed on the wedding, the opinion of the young was rarely asked. They tried to marry girls before the age of 20, otherwise no one would take her later. On the eve of the wedding, the girls always had a bachelorette party, at which they sang songs and playful ditties.

In the house of the young, a ransom was necessarily carried out. Then there was a feast, the young were presented with gifts, after which they went to transport the bride's dowry to the groom's house, where the holiday continued. After the ransom, there was a wedding, then walking through the streets and a wedding feast. wedding cake there was a loaf or kurnik made of unleavened dough.

The traditional village wedding lasted more than one day. On the first day, the young people got married and played a feast, and on the second day the young woman met the guests, showed what a good hostess she was. According to tradition, the son-in-law should visit the mother-in-law.

Wedding in the village: ideas

The village is not just nature and comfort, but also a tribute to Russian traditions. Photo shoots at such celebrations are no less elegant and beautiful than in a hotel or on the coast. A talented photographer will be able to convey the unforgettable flavor of a real Russian village.

It seems to many that the only option is to go to relatives in the village and walk wherever possible. Village celebration has a lot of options. You can find a picturesque place where there are no relatives, rent a small house, a cafe, if there is one, or arrange a wedding in nature.

  • Restaurant. Cozy rustic style attracts many, but the desire to go out of town is not very encouraging. In the city in a quiet place you can find a restaurant in rustic style. Usually in such establishments you can find everything at once: tents, open areas, wooden buildings. The decorator will arrange everything in a proper style, the chef will prepare traditional Russian dishes. Not the cheapest, but very convenient option.
  • Vacation home. It is not so difficult to find a small suburban village closer to the city and rent a house there. A party can be arranged on the street or in a local cafe, and the young ones can be left to spend the night in the house. You should consider how to accommodate guests. After a storm of fun, it will be difficult for them to get home. For this purpose, you can rent several houses, find a hotel nearby, or arrange a wedding for family members and close friends only. A small number of guests can easily accommodate in one house.
  • Picnic in a tent. romantic and beautiful celebration. Tents can be made of fabric or in the form of wooden canopies. Thus the wedding will take place outdoors, but in case of bad weather, guests will be protected. There may be one or more tents. Any wooden buildings nearby can also be stylized: decorate with fresh flowers, posters, bouquets of ears of rye and wheat.
  • wedding on outdoors . This is a rather risky event, as the weather is unpredictable. You should consider options for shelter in case of thunderstorms and rain. You can set tables right in the center of the field or come up with original tables-sheaves of hay covered with tablecloths made of natural materials. Warn smoking guests in advance that such materials are flammable.

Rustic Wedding: Decoration

A rustic wedding requires simplicity and minimalism, but at the same time taste and sophistication. For decorations, you can use any natural materials, as well as cardboard, paper, bottles, glass, ribbons.

  • Vases with daisies look very nice on wooden tables. Any flowers will look organic, if they are not exotic plants. It is worth giving preference to wildflowers, garden small roses, spikelets.
  • If the wedding is under open sky, it is necessary to consider lighting in the evening. Lanterns and garlands on trees and bushes look very original.

  • Sometimes you can combine luxury and rustic simplicity. For example, hang a chandelier in a large barn, put up chic long tables, like at a reception, and decorate them with wildflowers and leaves.
  • If there is a gate, they can also be decorated with the initials of the newlyweds, ribbons, natural or paper flowers, heart-shaped garlands, posters, balloons.
  • You can decorate flowers on the tables very simply: put them in ordinary glass jars with water. It will look appropriate at a rustic wedding. Banks can be decorated with ribbon, thin braid, weaving.
  • The tree can also be used as nameplates. Table numbers on pieces of wood will look original. To wow your guests, tie a nameplate to a real horseshoe.
  • For an exquisite aroma, place sachets on tables or benches. They will emit a subtle scent of flowers and spices.
  • Long colorful ribbons can be tied to tree branches. They will create a sense of celebration.
  • Often the organizers create a rustic flavor with the help of hay. You can scatter it on the floor, make a stack, lay out tables or even a large comfortable sofa for guests.
  • You can decorate the room with garlands of plastic figurines with the initials of the newlyweds or the date of the wedding. Transparent multi-colored figures will beautifully transmit light.

Rustic winter wedding

A wedding in the countryside in winter is special event. You can’t accommodate guests on the street, but how many interesting amusements can you think of: sleigh rides, snowball fights, snowman. Such a wedding will always be a little in the spirit of the New Year, and this is its charm. A feature of a winter wedding is the presence of a heated indoor space. A professional organizer will help you rent this. You can find a restaurant in the suburbs or in a holiday village.

The bride and groom need to think about their outfit. It should be beautiful, but warm. Taking pictures in the cold in one dress is dangerous for health. The groom can wear matching coat, and the bride - a white coat or fur cape.

The best option would be a photo session separate from the wedding, so that on the day of the celebration you don’t freeze and freeze the guests. Young people will be able to choose a good day themselves, without a blizzard and hard frost to take beautiful pictures in a calm environment.

You can decorate the hall in a snow-white style to indicate the season. Sequins, white lace, candles, crystal snowflakes, white flowers - all this will help create the right flavor.

Christmas accessories on winter wedding will look appropriate. Rustic wedding involves Russians new Year decoration without Santa Claus and reindeer. Can add Christmas balls, bare twigs of trees with beads.

Candles in glass candlesticks and spruce branches will serve as an excellent table decoration and replace flowers. Spruce will emit a pleasant aroma. The decor will look beautiful and fabulous combinations of white and golden colors, various sequins and snow-white tablecloths.

A winter village wedding can be stylized as a Russian fairy tale "Morozko". Dress up the bride blue colors like Nastenka, and make the groom a prince. If the wedding date is close to the New Year, the hosts will look organic in the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Wedding in the village in summer

Summer is a time of opportunity and limitless fantasy for the newlyweds. Options summer wedding great multitude.

The venue can be absolutely anything, as long as the style of the village is important, and not the location itself. Rustic style can recreate many restaurants and cafes. You can also gather guests at the camp site, where you can set up decorations in advance. Bridesmaids can try on kokoshniks and Russian sundresses.

The most daring young people can try the old Russian custom - sawing a log (this is done by the bride and groom together). Thus they promise to always help each other.

If you want to hold a wedding in a Western style, but in a rustic style, you can put a wedding arch in the courtyard, and seat guests on bales of hay.

At wedding planners you can find any props: from balls and chairs to blooming artificial birches and apple trees. For lovers of sophistication, we can advise you to decorate the hall in the Gzhel style in white and blue tones.

A wedding in the village does not mean a small hut and dirt. In modern suburban villages, you can rent a real wooden cottage. small wedding V narrow circle It will be convenient to celebrate in the courtyard of the house. However, you should also look for a traditional Russian small house for a photo shoot. Small windows, shutters, and bright blue paint on the walls will add brightness to the shots. If there is a river nearby flowering field, they certainly need to be involved in a photo shoot.

This scenario is suitable for young people who want to organize a wedding in the countryside in the summer. Traditional customs, tests for the bride and groom, interesting contests, tasks, games that can be played outdoors will help create a relaxed holiday atmosphere and make it unforgettable.


Usually, in the villages for the wedding they build a "hut" - Tarpaulin cover. In the middle, the hut is decorated with balls, ribbons, posters with wishes for happiness to the young and comic advice. Guests are seated at long tables covered with linen tablecloths, and benches are used instead of chairs. Live wild flowers are placed on the tables in small glass jars, which are decorated with ribbons or wrapped with twine.

On the central wall can be placed 2 wreaths woven from ears of wheat in the form of hearts or make them from ribbons. The gate through which the young will enter the courtyard is decorated with fresh flowers, balls, the names of the bride and groom, hearts pierced by love arrows.


Usually at village weddings, the hosts are witnesses or "brisk" fellow villagers who at all weddings take on the role of toastmaster. Sometimes the parents of the bride or groom can become the hosts.

Required attributes:

  • Log and saw
  • Candles for the ritual of lighting a family hearth
  • Attributes for games
  • 2 pairs of children's jeans
  • Handkerchief

Event progress

From the gate to the hut, a carpet path is spread in front of the young. Guests stand on both sides of it, forming a symbolic “gate of happiness”. The song Maxim "Wedding" sounds. The newlyweds walk along the carpet to the music, and the guests shower them with sweets and grains to family life was generous and prosperous.

Host (witness):

Invites the young to approach their parents and bow at the waist for having raised and educated them.

The groom's parents greet the young couple with bread and salt, the bride's parents with a tray with grain and 2 glasses of champagne.

Host (witness):

Invites the newlyweds to kiss the bread and accept the blessing of their parents. Parents bless their children, the mother of the bride showers them with grain, and the father offers to drink wine (champagne) to seal the marriage with the crystal clinking of glasses.

Then the young, to the applause of the guests, take pride of place for wedding table. Everyone sits down at the tables, toasts to the love and happiness of the young. After some time, a fire is brought on a tray in a ceramic bowl (light dry alcohol). Slow music is playing.


He says that a custom came to us from grandfathers and great-grandfathers: fire must be brought into the house of the newlyweds in order to light the family hearth, which will give them the light and warmth of love. Offers to bring this beautiful family tradition to life.

Rite of ignition of the family hearth

The fathers of families light thin candles from the flame of the hearth and pass them on to their wives. Mothers come up to their children, who already hold a large candle in their hands, at the same time bring their candles to the candle of the newlyweds and pass the flame to it. Parents wish their son and daughter that their fire of love does not fade away, that they keep the warmth of the family hearth all their lives. Here you can use parting words of mothers in poetic form.

Young people, holding a lit candle in their hands, thank their parents and slowly circle in a short dance.

The hosts offer to raise glasses so that the flame of the family hearth never goes out. Everyone is drinking and eating.


He talks about an old Russian custom - sawing a log. The bride and groom are offered to cut a log together to see how they will cope with their family responsibilities.

Assistant leaders bring in a small deck, which the young people must cut together. Thus, they will make a vow to support each other in family life.

presenter reports that it's time to check how young people are ready for life together.

Tasks for the bride:

1. Put diapers, clothes on the doll, and swaddle it.
2. By touch, determine which item is in the bag.
3. Get to know the blindfolded husband's hands.

Jobs for the groom:

1. Push off the floor 5 times, take a rose lying on a glass with your teeth and give it to your wife.
2. Get to know your wife by touch on the knee: several girls sit on a bench in a row, cross their legs, and the bridegroom, blindfolded, must recognize his beloved by touch on the knee.
3. Quickly drive three nails into a block of wood.

The host proclaims that the newlyweds are perfect for each other and ready for family life.

Musical pause

Guests are offered to amuse the young and sing ditties for them. A competition is held "Who will sing ditties best of all." You can also organize an impromptu orchestra, where instead of musical instruments use improvised materials: pots, spoons, glasses, bottles and so on.

Presenter: It's time to find out how well moms know their kids.

Contest of mothers "Recognize by voice"

The mothers of the newlyweds are blindfolded and offered to recognize the voices of their children. In turn, three men, among whom there is a groom, say the phrase “Hello, my beloved mother-in-law!” or “Mom, I love your borscht. Feed your son-in-law." The mother of the bride must guess the voice of the groom. In turn, three girls, among whom there is a bride, say the phrase “Oh, moms, milk is running away!”. The mother-in-law must recognize the voice of the daughter-in-law.

Games for guests

"Make a Wish"

The guests form a circle. The bride and groom stand in the middle of the circle. Music is playing, people are passing around balloon in the form of a heart. The music stops, the newlyweds call the letter. The one who had a heart in his hands at that moment says a wish to the bride and groom on the letter uttered by them.

"Pregnant Men"

Male players are attached to the stomach balloons and give the task: to collect scattered matches. Whoever collects the most matches becomes the winner.


The players are tied to the belt with a rope (length at the level of the knee), at the end of which a pencil is fixed. Task: without the help of hands, get a pencil into the neck of the bottle - "hook the fish on the hook."

"Sonka the Goldhand"

Players are divided in pairs (man and woman). The women are blindfolded, and the witnesses quickly attach clothespins to the men. Task for women: find all the clothespins by touch and remove them from the man. The winner is the one who finds all the clothespins the fastest.

"Faberge eggs"

The game is played in pairs between a man and a woman. Task for a woman: gently roll egg from one galoshes of trousers to another without crushing it.

Divination for the firstborn

The presenter brings 2 pairs of children's jeans into the hall. Some galoshes are tied with a blue ribbon, others are pink. Those present are offered to put money in them: if they think that a boy will be born first in a young family, then in jeans with a blue ribbon, a girl with a pink one. At the end, the money counts. If their sum is greater in "boyish" jeans, then the son will be born first, in "girlish" jeans - a daughter.

Guests are invited to the table. Again toasts are heard in honor of the young. Then the presenter announces the first family dance of the young. The bride and groom dance a prearranged dance. As soon as the last sounds of music subside, gypsies appear in the hall (several guests in disguise). Gypsies begin to dance around the groom and distract him by any means. At this time, gypsy boys take the bride to a secluded place.

If the groom did not notice the disappearance of the bride, then the kidnappers inform him about this and demand a ransom. For the sake of saving the bride, the groom and the witness must complete certain tasks: say compliments in honor of the bride, dance a lezginka, sing a song, eat a slice of lemon without sugar. After completing the tasks, the young wife is returned to her husband.

dance break

Then the guests are invited to the tables. Continuation of the feast. Caravan rite. Distribution of loaves to guests.

Leading knocks loudly on the lid of the pan and says: Dear guests, allow the loaf to be brought in!

Guests reply: We allow.

Leading: The guests are quietly answering something. Dear guests, let me bring the loaf.

This is repeated 3 times. Then the presenter with assistants brings a sliced ​​\u200b\u200bloaf on a round dish, and on the second dish - 2 glasses and a bottle of vodka. Each guest must take a piece. wedding loaf, drink a glass of vodka, tell the newlyweds a wish and give them a gift.

Rite of washing the mother-in-law's feet

This ritual has been known since ancient times. To appease the mother-in-law, the son-in-law must wash her feet. Some prefer to wash the wife's mother's feet with vodka or champagne and even shower them with rose petals. After the feet are washed, the son-in-law puts new shoes on them (slippers or boots) and invites the mother-in-law to dance.

Ritual of removing the veil from the bride

The ceremony symbolizes the adoption of the daughter-in-law into the family. The bride sits on a chair, her mother-in-law comes up to her and gently removes the veil from the bride's head to beautiful music. After the veil is removed, the mother-in-law hands the handkerchief to the daughter-in-law. She refuses three times and then agrees. "Second mother" ties a scarf on the head of a young woman. From that moment on, the bride becomes a wife. The ceremony continues with the dance of the young unmarried girls. They are asked to stand in a circle. While the music is playing, the bride must have time to dance in turn with all the girls, holding a veil over their heads. It is believed that in this way the young woman will bring happiness to unmarried girlfriends and increase their chances of successfully marrying. At the end of the dance, the bride puts a veil on the head of the girl who, in her opinion, needs luck in love the most.

In many villages today they remember the wonderful wedding customs in Rus' and play them in an old-fashioned way.

Usually in the evening they go to the bride's house matchmakers. Approaching the house, they knock on the window or door and ask to be let in. As before, matchmakers come to the house under the guise of lost wanderers or hunters, or merchants who have found out about the sale of "heifers" in this house, or simply, entering the house, they say: "We are not matchmakers, but kind people, and you accept from (name) bread and salt".

At the beginning of the conversation, the groom remains outside the door, and only later enters the house. Observing an ancient ritual, matchmakers first of all ask the consent of the girl's parents, and they, in turn, ask their daughter. As a sign of consent, the bride cuts the bread brought by the matchmakers in half or into four parts - lengthwise and across, after which the bride and groom go into another room.

We take bread and salt, and we invite you to feast. We accept bread and salt, and we put you under the image. We accept bread and salt from good people, and a good fellow to boot.

And if you don’t like it or for some other reason refuse, then:

Thank you for love, matchmaker; and now we don’t want to give away the girls. Young: mother did not eat her father's bread and salt. It’s early, the girl is still young: not from the hut, she looks into the hut (the corner of the peasant’s hut). Our goods are not for sale, they did not ripen. The goods are not according to the merchant, the merchant is not according to the goods. We take bread and salt, and the assignment (a pledge, betrothal, conspiracy and singing of the bride) to the court kind people we give. Please don't get angry; look for us better. Not a hand to you, our goods, you will find by yourself. We have not become a threshold across you: there are better than us.

The matchmakers, meanwhile, begin a business conversation - about the wedding day, about how many guests will be from the bride and groom. During the matchmaking or immediately after it, leaders (distributors) are determined: a friend, his assistant - a half-friend, two matchmakers. The main thing at the wedding is the friend. He is chosen from among married men who know well wedding customs, and must be a lively, agile person, able to manage the celebration. The whole course of the wedding depends on his abilities and behavior. He treats guests, makes sure that everyone is happy.

Matchmakers are chosen by the parents of the bride and groom from among married relatives or neighbors. These are eloquent, sharp-witted women who know their business well. The matchmakers dress the bride on the day of the wedding feast, take her dowry to the groom's house ("Buy four corners, give four rubles, the fifth in the middle," said the matchmaker who brought the dowry), treat the guests, accept gifts. The eldest friend is selected from the bridesmaids. She is with the bride during all wedding ceremonies: goes with her to invite guests, helps her dress on the wedding day. A similar role with the groom is played by a boyfriend, chosen from among his unmarried friends.

(Many proverbs cited by V. Dahl speak of the diverse role of the friend: Choose such a friend to solve riddles / grooms, the train is not allowed into the bride's hut until they solve all the riddles proposed by the girlfriends. Please give me a bride, make way! What is said is delivered/druzhka brought clothes for the bride/. Drink-drink-ka, there’s a penny at the bottom, and you’ll also have a drink, and you’ll find a penny / friend redeems the bride/. People baptized / Orthodox/, bless our prince and princess to the cross and crown / friend tells all the guests/. Know how to drink your child, feed, know how to bring people out / friend talking about the bride/. As a dove does not make a nest without a dove, so a newlywed prince does not sit down without a princess / groom's boyfriend/. Gold twisted with gold, a pearl rolled up with another / friend says about the young/. A fur coat of warmth and furry - you live warmly and richly / putting the young at the table on a fur coat/.

Cook, cook-father, cook-mother, stand on marten's feet, on sable heels, etc. / sentences a friend at a wedding feast /. The garden is fenced off, and the beast is saved / says the friend to the parents of the young, in good marriage / etc.)

Inviting guests to a wedding is accompanied by special ceremonies. According to custom, the bride goes to invite guests in a wedding dress, while she bows to all passers-by, and bows three times to the guests she invites.

On the evening before the wedding, bridesmaids usually gather at the bride's house for hen-party, which is accompanied by songs, playful ditties. The guys gather in the groom's house, have dinner there and then go to the bride together with the groom. They bring sweets with them and treat the girls. Along with modern songs, the girls sing ancient ritual songs and always "beat", that is, they first call the bride and groom, and then everyone else.

Early in the morning on the wedding day, friends again converge to the bride. The matchmaker and the older friend or a specially invited woman dress up the bride. Until the arrival of the groom, the girls stand near the bride and sing songs.

Meanwhile, in the groom's house, final preparations are underway for the trip for the bride. His friends come to the groom, who, together with the boyfriend and the matchmaker, make up the wedding train. Usually they go for the bride in cars decorated with ribbons, flowers, and on the sides of the car, the names of the young people are written on the panels.

In the yard of the bride, the wedding train is met by teenagers (relatives and neighbors of the bride), armed with brooms, sticks, buckets. They guard the closed gates so as not to let the groom to the bride without a ransom. The gates are opened only after the friend gives a ransom. As a rule, the ransom at the gate turns into a cheerful ceremony, accompanied by jokes. (Druzhka lashes crosswise with a whip on the gate - drives away the girl's bliss). Having received the ransom, the guards open the gate and let the groom's wedding train into the yard. Druzhka goes into the house to "buy back" the table and the bride's braid. The table is "sold" by the older friend, she is traded for a long time, although the amount is known in advance; the scythe is "sold" by a boy - a relative of the bride, he receives sweets and gingerbread. After the "redemption" of the table and braid, the wedding train goes to the house of the village authorities, where the solemn ritual of marriage will take place. Then the invitees go to the bride's house, and the fun continues. Important point wedding feast - gifting the young. (The prince and the princess are asking you for a glass of wine and a glass of beer: take a glass, and give the young ones. Take loaf cheese, put a hryvnia on gold.

Transportation is an integral part of the wedding ceremony. bride's dowry to the groom. Upon arrival at the groom's house, the wedding feast resumes.

A village wedding (its beginning, as a rule, is timed to coincide with Saturday) usually lasted two, less often three days.

Kurnik - wedding cake

The kurnik is baked from sweet unleavened dough. Pies made from such dough are probably of more ancient origin than those from yeast, so they are often associated with ritual traditions and especially carefully decorated. Kurnik is prepared in the form of a dome or a four-octahedral cap and decorated with stylized figurines of people, animals, flowers, etc.

From unleavened pastry roll out a round cake with a diameter of about 25 cm and a thickness of half a centimeter. They put a baked pancake on it, a layer of chicken pulp on it, again a pancake, a layer of fried fresh mushrooms (boiled and chopped dry in winter), cover with a pancake, finally, put a layer of rice on top, all these minced meats are laid in a slide and cover it with pancakes. Then the second cake of unleavened pastry is rolled out with a diameter of 35-40 cm, 4 radial cuts are made and a hill of minced meat and pancakes is covered with it. The edge of the upper and lower cakes is pinched around the base of the kurnik in a herringbone pattern. On the surface of the kurnik, the edges are pinched along the lines of radial cuts. Kurnik is smeared with an egg, decorations are put on it, several punctures are made and baked at 200-210 degrees.

First mince. Friable rice porridge is boiled, chopped boiled eggs, parsley, oil are added and mixed.

Second mince. Boil the chicken, remove the pulp, cut it into pieces; flour is heated with butter, diluted with broth, boiled, and the chicken is poured with this sauce.

Chicken (pulp) 450 g, butter 20 g, flour 5 g.

Third mince. White fresh mushrooms are fried in oil and seasoned with the same sauce as chicken. If the mushrooms are dry, then they are boiled, chopped, fried and seasoned with mushroom sauce.

Fresh mushrooms 150 g or dry 50 g, oil 10 g. For unleavened butter dough: wheat flour 350 g, butter 20 g, egg 1 pc., sour cream 30 g, sugar 15 g, salt 4 g, soda 3 g, water or milk 75 g.

For pancakes - flour 40 g, eggs 10 g, fat 2 g, milk 100 g, salt 1 g.

To lubricate the chicken coop - half an egg.

You will need: for the dough - flour 4 cups, butter 250 g, sour cream 250 g, 2 eggs .;

for the filling - 1 chicken, porcini mushrooms 300 g, 5 eggs, rice 1 cup, chopped parsley 1 tbsp. spoon;

for sauce - butter 2 tbsp. spoons, flour 1 tbsp. spoon, strong chicken broth 2 cups, cream 1/2 cup, 2 yolks, 200 g of champagne.

Prepare a pastry from the indicated components, boil the chicken until tender, remove the meat from the bones, cut into slices, season with white sauce. Boil the rice and season the resulting friable rice porridge with oil, add chopped eggs and greens to it. Stew fresh porcini mushrooms in oil and season with the same sauce.

Form a pie from the prepared dough and fillings. To do this, separate the fourth part of the dough for the surface of the pie, and roll out the remaining dough into a round cake 1-1.5 cm thick, put it in a greased form or pan so that the edges of the form are covered with a layer of dough, put the fillings on it in layers: rice , sliced ​​eggs, sliced ​​chicken, mushrooms and again rice, etc. In this case, it is necessary to give the cake the shape of a dome. Then roll out the “lid” of the pie from the remaining dough, cover the domed surface of the pie with it and make from the dough various decorations; Brush the surface of the pie with the egg. Poke a hole in the middle of the lid to allow steam to escape during baking. Bake the cake at a temperature of 220 ° C. When the crust is reddened, the cake is ready.

The chicken was served with sauce.

Sauce preparation. One st. grind a spoonful of butter with flour, dilute with broth, add cream, boil the mixture for a couple until a creamy consistency, remove from heat and, with continuous stirring, season with yolks, pounded with one tablespoon of butter. To prevent the yolks from curdling, it is not recommended to heat the sauce.

It's troublesome to bake a kurnik,

Yes, that's not what it's about.

Do not feel sorry for the labors for Nastya.

God bless her!

You are welcome, honest people, to our young people for loaf cheese.

Cake "Bride"

From the protein mass prepared according to the main recipe, bake two or three cakes and several small meringues. After cooling, put the cakes one on top of the other, layering them with lingonberry or cranberry jam.

Apply a thin layer to the surface of the cake even layer cream. Decorate the edges of the cake with small meringues. Using a pastry bag with a tube of "magnolia" on a sheet of parchment, squeeze the flowers from the cream, place them in the refrigerator. When the flowers harden, transfer them to the cake with the tip of a knife, put the cake in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

The preparation of meringues includes three stages: whipping the protein mass, its molding and baking products.

Whipping proteins. Basic meringue recipe: 4 egg whites, 1 cup of sugar. Carefully separate the proteins from the yolks, the presence of even traces of the yolk interferes with pricing. The bowl in which the egg whites are whipped must be spotlessly clean, without any traces of grease. Before whipping, it is necessary to cool the proteins to 2 ° C (it is also desirable to cool the sugar). When whipping, proteins increase in volume by 7 times, which must be taken into account when choosing dishes.

First, the whites are whipped without sugar until a strong, stable foam is obtained. Then, without stopping whipping, gradually, in a thin stream, sugar is introduced into them. Beating proteins with sugar should not be done for too long. With long whipping, the mass will become glossy, dense and may settle. The duration of whipping the mass is different and depends on the amount of protein and sugar. It usually takes 9-10 minutes to beat four proteins with a mixer.

Formation of the protein mass. Using a pastry bag with a smooth or carved tube, the whipped protein mass is deposited in the form of round cakes or shells on a greased sheet and baked immediately, otherwise the mass may settle.

To get a cake, the whipped mass is spread on a sheet covered with paper, leveled over the entire sheet and baked. In the process of baking, the cakes must be pricked with a fork or the tip of a knife over their entire area in order to protect them from breaking. The paper will easily move away from the products if under it for 2-3 minutes. put a slightly damp cloth.

Meringue baking. In the manufacture of meringues, it is necessary to strictly observe temperature regime. A sheet with molded meringues should be placed in a freshly lit oven and slowly (for 1.5-2 hours) at a temperature of 100 * C bake - dry the products. Baking at more high temperature leads to rapid hardening of the surface of the products, while the middle is moist, viscous. After baking, such meringues instantly "sit down", decrease in volume and become flat, blurry. The oven can be opened while baking the meringues, the meringues can be removed from the sheet gradually, as they are ready. Finished products easily move away from the sheet.

The groom is proud of the "Bride's Cake".

Crossing the edge of the yard

Guests for a party

To the bride's house until the morning

We went with talyanka.

Behind the master's door

In felt upholstery

Quiet from one to seven

Chatter snippets.

And the dawn, in the very dream,

Just sleep and sleep,

The accordion sang again

Leaving the wedding.

And the accordionist scattered

Again on the accordion

The splash of the palms, the shine of the monist,

Noise and din of festivities.

And again, again, again


Straight to the sleepers on the bed

Broke in from the party.

And one, as white as snow,

In noise, whistle, din

I swam again with a paw,

Moving the sides.

shaking your head

And with the right hand

In the dance on the pavement,

Pow, pow, pow.

Suddenly the enthusiasm and noise of the game,

The clatter of a round dance,

Falling into tartarara,

They sank like water.

A noisy yard woke up.

business echo

Intervened in conversation

And peals of laughter.

Into the immensity of the sky, up

A whirlwind of gray spots

A flock of doves flew

Taking off from the pigeons.

Exactly after their wedding,

Waking up,

Wishing you many years

Sent out in pursuit.

Life is also just a moment

Only dissolution

of ourselves in all others

As if they were a gift.

Only a wedding, deep into the windows

tearing from below,

Only a song, only a dream

Only a gray dove.

B. Pasternak WEDDING

Today it is very fashionable to arrange weddings in a rustic style. A modern country wedding is a memorable, elegant ceremony with exquisite food and stylish decorations, quite unlike the noisy and drunken country banquets of the past. Such a celebration is traditionally held outside the city. The holiday can take place in a garden or park, but there are also restaurant weddings decorated in a similar style.

Village wedding: the image of the bride

Important elements of the holiday in country style are costumes. At a rustic wedding, rhinestones and tuxedos are not needed, the bride and groom wear simple outfits without much glamor and brilliance. For the image of the newlywed, light and modest White dress simple style possibly trimmed with ribbons or lace. A veil will also be appropriate as a symbol of purity and innocence. You can replace it with a wreath of wildflowers.

See also

Stiletto heels - not the best good option, especially if the holiday is planned in nature. It is better to choose comfortable pumps with low heels or bright ballet shoes. It can be interesting to decide to wear flat boots with a dress. The image of a village bride should be restrained and modest, it is advantageous to emphasize the dignity and natural female beauty.

The image of the groom in a rustic style

The groom does not have to buy an expensive suit. For his wedding dress Fine suitable white or even checkered shirt in combination with stylish vest and a bow tie. Pants that match the color of the vest will look good, but this is not at all necessary, you can even wear jeans if you wish. It will be interesting to look with such an outfit bright ties with a pattern. And you do not need to run to the hairdresser to match the image, a slight unshaven hair will only emphasize your style.

Rustic Wedding: Bridal Bouquet

An important element in the image of a newlywed is her bouquet. The holiday will not end until he is in her hands. Everyone knows the tradition of completion wedding celebration the struggle of the bridesmaids for the bouquet she threw. great idea will be a composition of wild flowers in combination with chrysanthemums. Lilacs, daisies or other flowers growing in the village are good, you can use roses. To make the bouquet harmonize well with the image of the bride, decorate it with ribbons and lace.

Village wedding: guest outfits

When inviting guests to your wedding, be sure to warn them that the celebration is planned in a rustic style so that the invitees can play along with you. Most will gladly fulfill your wishes, because it is easy to dress simpler. Many of them will get something special, rustic for such an occasion. Prepare some just in case. simple accessories for invitees to help them look appropriate, such as wreaths of flowers for women, suspenders or hats for men. With this solution, you can create the style of the holiday you need, and your guests who come unprepared will not be embarrassed.

Don't forget to think about the bridesmaids' attire. To make the ceremony look beautiful and stylish, the girls prepare the same or similar dresses and bouquets, decorate their hairstyles with flowers. Thus they serve beautiful background for the white bride.

Rustic Wedding: Festive Atmosphere

So that a holiday planned in nature cannot be spoiled by the weather, everything must be well thought out. It is advisable to have a room nearby or at least closed gazebos where you can hide in the rain. In the immediate vicinity of any city, there are always modern restaurants with outdoor areas and gazebos decorated in country style.

After choosing a place, you need to think about how to create a holiday atmosphere in it, how to decorate it. Everything can be done with your own hands, because it is not difficult if you give free rein to your imagination. Bouquets of flowers will come in handy, balloons, garlands of lanterns, and any room or a simple clearing in the forest will quickly change. Of course, one cannot do without the help of friends in this case.

Rustic wedding decor

To create the right atmosphere for wedding banquet use natural materials and a real rustic entourage. In the place of the celebration, in the open air, fences, tables and chairs made of natural wood, rustic baskets, garden tools and even haystacks can be installed. Old wheels, a real wooden cart, earthenware, sunflower flowers, ears of corn will come in handy.

Use burlap and woven rugs for decoration. Decorate the tables with chintz checkered or color natural linen tablecloths, wild flowers, clay pots, simple glass or wooden vases. You can decorate them with bouquets of flowers tied with a coarse cord, dried berries and fruits, viburnum sprigs, rye ears. Lacy white napkins will look harmoniously on the tables.

Village wedding: treats for guests

A rustic Russian wedding is known for its tables full of food and plenty of liquor. A European village wedding is more like a light buffet. Guests are seated at separate tables and served only light snacks, soft drinks and just one hot dish with a side dish. From alcohol, champagne or good weak wine is enough. Separately, you can install sweet tables with sweets and fruits. The culmination of the holiday is always a solemn removal wedding cake, which the newlyweds cut together and treat guests to them.

Rustic wedding invitations

Organizing a village wedding, be attentive even to such trifles as invitations. You can make them yourself using textiles, burlap, woolen threads, lace, twigs, dried plant stalks, dry leaves and flowers. Village weddings are very popular today, so in specialized stores wedding accessories you will easily find ready postcards made in country style.

Village wedding: photo

Not a single one is complete without a photo shoot. modern wedding. If the celebration is held in country style, photographs should convey the atmosphere of the village, reflect the mood and style of the holiday, in order to preserve warm memories of such a significant day in life. Use all available installations and rustic attributes, for example, photograph the bride and groom near a wooden fence, in a haystack or sitting on a cart.

Against the backdrop of wildlife, beautiful romantic pictures are also obtained. Take a photo of the newlyweds by the trees, the lake, sitting in the tall grass, or wallowing among the wildflowers. These pictures always look great.

A rustic wedding can also be the basis for organizing a stylish and bright holiday in Russian rustic style. To hold such an event, national Russian outfits will come in handy, and they will harmoniously fit into the scenario of the celebration. ancient rites and traditions.

IN Lately weddings in the countryside are gaining popularity. The prevailing stereotype that a village wedding - five torn button accordions, a sea of ​​moonshine, revelry without brakes - all this has long been a thing of the past. Village wedding in summer: the design is stylish and tasteful - the topic of our article.

So, you have decided to hold your wedding in the countryside. The romantic beauty of nature, space, Fresh air and the opportunity to celebrate the celebration in a fun and stylish way. If you're lucky, you can also ride horses. And you will get incredible beauty!

rustic wedding style

A pompous celebration with expensive outfits is not suitable for the village. Therefore, choose something more mundane for such a wedding. Rustic style is very popular these days. Rustic means rural. Everything is simple, tasteful and no frills.

How to arrange a celebration?

What associations arise when thinking about a wedding in the countryside? A hospitable country house, linen curtains and tablecloths, a crowded feast. We will discuss ideas on how to arrange a wedding in the appropriate style.

We start with invitations. They will convey to the guests information about the time and place of the celebration and the spirit in which the event will take place. If you have a dress code in mind, then it must also be described in the invitations. The cards themselves are designed in accordance with the chosen style of the wedding. Invitations can be made by hand. Use natural materials: paper, fabric, cardboard. In the decor, pay attention to the little things. They accentuate the design. Linen rope, lace, dried flowers and other natural elements are suitable for decoration.

The activity is creative and exciting. We have selected a video with a master class on making invitation cards in rustic style.

The next important step is to think over the outfits for the bride and groom.

Rustic Groom

The image of a village groom lacks a strict suit and traditional wedding attributes. The outfit is democratic. It can be trousers, and even jeans, a plaid shirt, or a plain one. Suspenders look stylish. Hat or cap. From additional accessories butterfly and boutonniere natural materials. Look at the photo fashion images groom for rustic wedding.

Rustic Bride

The bride's outfit should be simple, light and airy. Dress simple cut from natural fabric, minimum of accessories. Instead of traditional veil- wreath of flowers. From shoes ballet flats, sandals, sandals. For clarity, we have selected a photo.

The bridal bouquet is simple yet sophisticated. best idea- wild flowers and herbs tied with twine or cloth.

If the bride's head will be decorated with a wreath, then the bouquet should be in harmony with it.

Dress code for guests

To ensure that all participants in the celebration match the style, designate the dress code for the event for guests. For the female half simple dresses from natural fabrics floral print, comfortable shoes on a low run. For men, clothes to match the groom. Trousers, shirts with short sleeve, vests, buttonholes.

Decoration of the celebration

The venue for the banquet also needs to be aligned with the style of the celebration. Everything should be natural, simple, beautiful and cozy. For decoration, you can use household items. Buckets and watering cans turn into stylish vases for wildflowers

Use unpretentious garlands made of paper, ribbons, paintings with rural landscapes as decoration for the hall. How to DIY beautiful garlands from paper, see our video tutorial.

Suitable for decoration plain fabrics such as burlap. It looks great paired with lace. Against its background stand out color accents on details.

Burlap can be used for decoration wedding arch, chairs and areas for a photo shoot.

Rustic style suggests the presence of decor only from natural materials. Favorites - wood, glass, metal. For clearance banquet table use tree saw cuts. They can serve to indicate the places of landing of guests. Or use them as a decorative stand, for example, for candles.