Do-it-yourself Christmas garland schemes for the competition. We make beautiful and festive garlands ourselves

Preparing to celebrate the New Year at home, at work, in a kindergarten or school, many run to shops, stalls and exhibitions in order to buy decorations for the Christmas tree and the room. But you can stop running and stay at home with your children, spend the evening in a cozy home environment, and even with benefit. We offer to make beautiful festive garlands with your own hands for the New Year from paper. The process will give you pleasure, and the result will surely delight all guests and households.

There are many options and ways to prepare your home for the celebration of the upcoming New Year. A garland is one of the decorative elements that is most often used to decorate a house and other premises. The easiest way to make it out of paper. But this does not mean that the paper garland will look rustic and artisanal. You can create such masterpieces that many stylists and designers will envy. We offer several options for a garland for the New Year, which you can do with your own hands from paper with a photo and a step-by-step description of the process.

What is the New Year without a Christmas tree! She is the main character of the holiday and the very first beauty at New Year's parties and parties. But her image can also be used to create festive room decorations. Let's look at several options for a do-it-yourself garland for the New Year made of paper with a picture of a Christmas tree.

The first option involves cutting out several Christmas trees from thick green paper according to the template and gluing them onto one tape. Such Christmas trees can be decorated with glued beads, buttons, rhinestones or sequins. You can also alternate them on a ribbon with other cut out elements: stars, snowmen, snowflakes, and so on.

Second option:

  1. Cut out triangles from colored paper.
  2. Fold each triangle in half lengthwise. The top stays up.
  3. We make cuts along the entire height, not reaching the fold.
  4. Expand the triangle.
  5. At the top we fasten the Christmas tree by the rope to the garland ribbon.

These funny Christmas trees can be combined with any other elements, in general, fantasize and create your own decorations.

Confetti and a scattering of stars

A very simple and insanely beautiful garland is obtained from cut out colored circles or stars. Let's look at the process of making this do-it-yourself garland for the New Year from paper.

What we will need to work:

  1. Colored paper. You can use many different shades or stop at two or three, which we will alternate. You can also take gold and silver paper or cardboard.
  2. Sewing machine with dense and strong threads.
  3. Scissors.

Let's start the creation process:

  1. Cut out circles of various sizes from paper. You can cut all one or all completely different. If it is decided to make a garland of stars, then cut out the stars. It is possible to do both.
  2. Now we start the sewing machine and simply sew all the elements one by one.

So, we can get in a short time a very long garland of circles and stars, and not just one.

traditional chains

Maybe someone will say that this is already a beaten and hackneyed version, but this decoration from childhood, dear, familiar, which is associated with a kindergarten or school and evokes pleasant memories, creates a New Year's, magical atmosphere. This is a very simple do-it-yourself garland for the New Year from strips of paper that are linked in a chain. Be sure to make it with your children, they will love it, and the making process will be simple and fun.

First, let's prepare everything you need:

  1. Colored paper. The more flowers there are, the better. You can use wrapping paper, it can be with a New Year's pattern or just with an interesting ornament. And now there are many options for synthetic dense tape in rolls. It can be openwork or with any ornament, a smooth ribbon.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Glue.

Let's get started:

  1. We need to cut colored paper or ribbons into identical strips.
  2. At the first strip we close the ends in a circle and glue.
  3. We pass the second strip and all subsequent ones into the previous ring, close and glue.

We repeat this whole process until the strips run out or the garland reaches the desired length.

Garland of accordions

A very effective and quite easy-to-make garland of small harmonicas or colored paper fans. Let's take a look at how to do it in detail.

What we need:

  1. Colored paper in different shades. Here you can choose two or three colors and alternate them or make a garland of as many different shades as possible.
  2. PVA glue.
  3. Scissors.

We start manufacturing:

  1. Cut the paper into equal rectangles.
  2. We fold each rectangle with an accordion along.
  3. Now we turn each accordion in half across, we get a fan.
  4. We fasten the fans with PVA glue to each other, alternating one up with a wide part, the other up with a fold (as shown in the photo).

A photo is attached to the description of how to make this garland with your own hands for the New Year from paper in stages.

We suggested one of the options for attaching fans, but you can go beyond this, but figure out how to connect the elements in a garland in a different way and get completely different and amazing decorations. Moreover, Christmas tree decorations can be made from these elements as a set for a garland by connecting several fans into a circle and attaching a braid loop to them.

Do-it-yourself twisted snakes from crumpled paper or tinsel

An interesting and simple, yet very effective version of the garland is twisted fluffy snakes made of crumpled corrugated paper. A great option for home, office or school. How to make such a garland? Very simple. All you need is:

  1. Corrugated paper in two shades.
  2. Scissors.

We cut the corrugated paper into strips of any width, fold in half. We cut each strip on one side into thin strips, not reaching the fold. Expanding. We do the same with stripes of a different color.

Now we just twist two strips of different colors, squeeze the ends tightly. Everything, the garland is ready. It can be mounted to a wall or hung on a Christmas tree.

We decorate a group in kindergarten

For a kindergarten, a baby will not fit any of the above garland options. But there are special options that are simply created in order to decorate the room where the baby lives. These are garlands with characters: from many Santa Clauses, clowns, bunnies and bears, and even ballerinas.

Let's make these wonderful DIY paper garlands for the New Year for children or even with them. The kids also love to make things with their mom. Here is a detailed description.

Garland with paper ballerinas - 2 options

The first way to make a magical blizzard of ballerinas is snowflakes. For him, you need to cut out the figures of ballerinas according to the template, which is given below. We cut them out of thick white paper. Then we cut out snowflakes from thin white paper according to the pattern - the template, which are given below.

Then we just put the skirt on the ballerina, pull the thread to the right place in the room and tie the ballerinas on it. They immediately begin to spin in a dance from the slightest movement of air. It is very beautiful and very New Year's.

The second way is a little more difficult. For him, you need to prepare:

  1. Thin wire for the base of the ballerina.
  2. Napkins.
  3. PVA glue.
  4. Scissors.

Let's get started:

  1. From a thin wire you need to twist the base for the ballerina. To do this, take 2 pieces of wire. We bend one in half, leave a loop at the bend - the head, then twist the body and the ends - these are the legs. We cut the second piece in half and wrap it in place of the handles, leaving the ends in different directions.
  2. Now we cut the napkin into strips and wrap the base, the strips can be slightly wet with glue.
  3. The body of the ballerinas is ready, it remains to dress her up. We make packs of napkins and fasten to the waist.
  4. From above, you can make a colored skirt (from a colored napkin), and put a cut-out snowflake on top. Get a whole outfit with lace.

After several ballerinas are ready, we tie them on a thin thread and attach them to the main thread or braid. Such dancers can be alternated with threads with beads or snowflakes.

Paper garlands with figurines

An indispensable version of a do-it-yourself garland for the New Year made of paper for kindergarten is various figures that you can do like this:

  1. You need paper as wide as the height of the selected figure and as long as possible. You can pre-glue several strips together.
  2. We fold such paper with an accordion. The width of one addition is equal to the width of the selected figure.
  3. We draw on the first addition the outline of the figure. We make it so that those parts that are in contact with the folds on the sides are not cut out.
  4. Cut out the rest of the contour and lay out the accordion.

Here are some patterns for such a garland.

Template drawings

After the details are cut out and deployed, everyone can draw a muzzle and any other details by coloring them.

Festive paper garland ideas

There are a lot of opportunities to make a paper garland, here are a few more ideas with a short description:

  1. Garland of white paper napkins. For her, cut out any paper napkins you like and string them on a ribbon or rope. Such garlands can be hung vertically. Snowflakes can be alternated with cotton snowballs.
  2. Checkboxes. Cut out several flags from any paper. We make flags double, and in one and in the other direction. We will hang them on a rope, simply folding them in half. Already hung on a rope, you can glue 2 halves so that the flag does not come off.
  3. In haste, you can think of such a garland of strips of corrugated paper. Cut strips of crepe paper of different colors. We take several strips and twist them in the middle with a thread. So we make any number of beams. Then we fasten the bundles with a thread to a string and hang such a fluffy and colored garland on a Christmas tree or on a wall. Thus it is possible.

Making lanterns

Paper decor can decorate an existing boring, ordinary garland with lanterns. Let's see how this can be done:

We will need:

  1. Ordinary garland with small lanterns.
  2. Wrinkled paper in different colors.
  3. Scissors.

How to do it:

  1. We cut out flowers of different sizes and different shapes from corrugated paper, with a different number of petals.
  2. We make a hole in the center of each of them.
  3. We put on 3 different flowers for each light bulb. Press lightly at the base.

This is how you can transform an ordinary boring garland.

If there is no garland of lanterns, then you can draw them. Here's how to make paper lanterns:

  1. Let's prepare an ordinary twisted rope, it will imitate a wire.
  2. From thick colored paper or colored cardboard, cut out ovals in the shape of light bulbs.
  3. For each oval, draw a spiral in the middle.
  4. Cut out rectangles from gray cardboard. They will play the role of a cartridge for each light bulb and with them we will attach the light bulbs to the rope - cord.
  5. We fold the gray rectangles in half, bending around the rope, put a paper light bulb inside and glue it.

We use improvised material

Often there are toilet paper or paper towel rolls that can be used for creativity. Let's make a garland out of them!

  1. Cut the bushing into circles. We flatten each round on both sides, forming an oblong petal.
  2. They can be painted with spray paint or a brush, or you can leave it like that.
  3. We collect a flower from 5 round ones, gluing them at the middle.
  4. Thread a string through one of the petals.
  5. We string all the resulting flowers on a rope.

And finally, one more wonderful do-it-yourself garland for the New Year from paper with a detailed description of the process of its manufacture on video.

Whatever option you choose for making a paper garland, do it with imagination and good mood, combine options, allow yourself to be a little naughty and indulge, perhaps you will get a unique and very interesting little thing that will delight you and all guests on holiday.

A garland is the fastest and easiest way to decorate your home for the holidays. How to make it? In fact, you just need to hang more of any beauty on the threads and that's it! We offer 18 simple, but very original New Year's garlands that you can make with your own hands.

1. Standard "snake"

Even the smallest children, who have barely learned to hold scissors in their hands, will cope with the preparation of "snakes". So, if you have kids, take them with “snakes”, and start more difficult work yourself.

Manufacturing technique: Cut out a large circle from paper and, stepping back a centimeter or another from the edge, start cutting off the tape (see photo) until you reach the center. If you nevertheless entrust this simple task to a child, it is better to draw in advance with a pencil the lines along which he should cut - this will make it easier for the child to work.

2.Garland with soft toys

In this case, you will have to work hard and sew a couple of funny toys - snakes (very important this year), cats, Christmas trees, deer, monkeys ... to your taste. And then just hang them on a long ribbon among coniferous branches and Christmas tree decorations. Perhaps your children have many small soft toys? Then this will make it even easier for you!

3. And they dry on a rope ...

How do you like this idea: in the middle of the room there is a clothesline, on which old Santa and his faithful deer hung their holiday clothes to dry: red caps, mittens, boots with bells, big pants, a bag ... First you have to sew miniature clothes (you can, of course, get similar in toy stores, but it will be more expensive), and then secure them with small clothespins (you can use large ones, of course). If you don’t want to fool around for a long time, hang your mittens or colorful socks to “dry”. And you can mix both. You can simply cut out multi-colored boots from felt or paper and string them on a thread.

4.Using a typewriter

An express version of the garland is to cut out many, many circles-stars-fir-trees-snowflakes from paper or felt and sew them all in a row using a sewing machine. There is another way to make such beauty - but here you need twice as many star circles, since the thread will be glued "inside" the two parts (see photo).

5. Tags

Cut out “tags” from thick paper or cardboard. The bigger, the better. Each of them can be arranged in your own way: write wishes on one, make a drawing on the other, stick a photo on the third, a clipping from a magazine on the fourth, write the names of relatives and loved ones on the fifth, sixth and seventh, cut out a big heart on the eighth , on the ninth - glue a miniature snowflake, etc. Now it remains only to string them on a ribbon or tourniquet. You can involve the whole family in making such a garland - let everyone write their wishes for the next year.

6.Use natural materials

Don't throw away orange, lemon, or tangerine peels - they can be a great material for a Christmas or New Year's garland. Cut out funny figures from the peel (stars, faces, hearts, Santa Claus hat, snowman, snowflake ...) and use a needle to string them onto a thread. Such a garland will not only be a beautiful decoration, but also give a persistent citrus aroma, which can be emphasized by lightly sprinkling cinnamon on the skin and piercing it with cloves in some places.

Very beautiful and original garlands are obtained from cones and apples. Try pairing them with the same orange peel, cinnamon sticks, or spruce branches, or paint the buds a different color.

7. By the principle of the chain

Another simple version of a garland is to cut the ribbon into small pieces of 10-15 cm and glue them together, linking them together like a chain.

8.Colorful pom-poms

Soft lumps of happiness - pom-poms. They remind us of those fluffy balls that adorned our warm clothes in childhood - funny dangling on mittens, scarves, hats and socks. Make many, many bright pompoms, string them on a thread and decorate the Christmas tree with them. Or you can make a pile of snow-white balls and create an imitation of snowballs hanging from a chandelier or cornice.

9. Volumetric stars

Such stars easily spin from paper tapes one or two centimeters wide. Carefully study the photo-instruction and go!

10. Garland of gifts

You, like a real needlewoman, do not even throw away matchboxes? And now, on the eve of the new year, do not know where to put all this rubbish? Pack small boxes in gift paper (you must have kept assorted pieces from past packages, right?) And decorate with miniature bows. Such "gifts", strung on a thread or a tourniquet, become a wonderful element of festive decor, and not only New Year's! With such boxes you can beautifully decorate the table, decorate candlesticks with them, and you can twist the Christmas tree with a garland or just pull it in the middle of the room.

11. Lace fir trees

If you're lucky and got hold of round lace doilies, then this garland option is for you! These wonderful Christmas trees will become a feature of your New Year's decor!

12. Flashlights

Such a garland can at any moment turn into a series of real lanterns, just put one of them on the table and light a candle inside - a pill.

13. A garland of photographs

A great idea is to attach a number of your family photos with clothespins on a long cord, especially if these are photos of your previous New Year's gatherings! Let the garland be replenished with a new picture every year, and so another cute tradition will appear in your family.

14. Angels

Hang a garland of snow-white angels over your holiday table, and put a couple on the table - these winged light creatures have the peculiarity of giving others a sense of miracle with their mere presence.

15. Two-color paper garland

Fold two paper circles of different colors (as shown in the photo) and make a couple of cuts. Then expand both circles, slightly level them and glue them together in four places (if you mentally draw a cross on the circle, then the gluing points will be at the ends of the cross). Next, make a few more of the same details. Now all the "links" need to be glued. Such a garland is good because it does not wrinkle during storage, but folds into one continuous pancake.

16. With one hand

We often indulged in such crafts in childhood, so it will not be difficult to repeat the same procedure today! Try to cut out not just Christmas trees or men, complicate the task and cut out funny penguins, deer, Santa Claus, snowmen.

17. Scrapbooking and fantasy

Use your imagination and the tricks of scrapbooking, the art of turning paper into a masterpiece, in working on a garland. Age the paper, put stamps on it, cut out the most interesting things from old postcards, etc. And then hang these miniature collage pictures around the room like flags.

18. Quite unusual

If you gravitate towards outrageous and art decor, make a garland out of corks or arrange a “running light” in disposable cups! Get creative and you might want to use scraps of newspaper, old spoons, bottle caps, tin cans or miniature flower pots!

You are absolutely in vain to remove a luminous garland after the winter holidays. There are many interesting ways to decorate your home interior with it.

1. Lay a garland around the mirror office of some interesting shape.

2. Wrap paper lanterns with a garland around the branch and hang over the bed.

3. Create a drop down light by decorating the garland with large bulbs.

4. Create an original tree from a garland.

Draw a contour on the wall, drive in carnations around the perimeter and wrap a luminous garland around them. As easy as pie!

5. Attach photos to the glowing garland with clothespins.

6. Create your own canvas with a pattern of glowing lights.

7. Thread the garland into flower baskets or put it right there.

8. Fill wine bottles with lights to effectively illuminate them from the inside.

9. Create an angel wreath from paper napkins.

Using wire cutters, form a round holder for snowflakes and wrap it with an electric garland with small bulbs. Then glue decorative snowflakes onto the holder.

10. Or use napkins to make a wedding wreath.

Just make small holes in the napkins and thread the lights through them.

11. Cover disposable cardboard cups with fancy paper, this will help create interesting light shades with the help of an LED string.

12. Crochet a glowing rug with a rope and a garland.

13. Decorate your Christmas garland with tulle bows.

14. To create a festive mood, decorate the garland with old decorations.

15. Create colorful twine balls and decorate them with a glowing garland.

16. Make flaming snowflakes out of store-bought flower holders.

17. Tie rope with a garland for a nautical room decor.

18. Create a network of glowing garlands in the bedroom.

19. Hang air clouds with hanging luminous garland.

Pictured is a 2D version of the cloud.

20. You can also use egg cartons to create the effect of flowers.

21. Write a letter-by-letter message on pendant lights.

Make letters by punching holes in the paper.

22. Create a romantic headboard.

Knock down a simple wooden frame and add traverses. Drill small holes and insert sockets at the bottom of each niche. Paint the frame and screw it to the wall. Fill each niche with a garland and connect it to the outlets. Cut transparent panels from polycarbonate sheets and attach them to the frame with fasteners.

23. Use glitter wrapping paper to create giant glowing candies.

Required materials and tools:
  • disposable plastic container with lid;
  • electric garland;
  • scissors;
  • wire or pipe cleaners;
  • wire cutters;
  • multi-colored wrapping paper;
  • scotch.

Preparation method:

  1. Cut off a piece of wrapping paper measuring 45x45 cm from the roll.
  2. Wrap the garland with wrapping paper. Remember to leave both ends of the garland outside in order to connect it to the network and connect the element with other candies.
  3. Put the wrapped garland in a plastic container and close it. Wrap the container in wrapping paper and secure with tape.
  4. Use brushes or wire to shape the garland container into a candy shape.
  5. Decorate the entire garland in this way, leaving free space between the links (20-40 cm).
  6. Connect the finished bunch of candies to the network.

24. Insert flashlights into tiny canning jars.

Take special covers with a hole for the garland. Close each jar with a lid and insert a light bulb from the garland into it.

25. Insert an LED string into an old toy.

You will need:
  • old toy (made of cotton fabric);
  • PVA glue;
  • tassel;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • light garland.
Preparation method:

26. Write a light message.

27. Arrange the luminous garland in waves.

28. Cut out black cat shapes to make this cute garland.

29. Wrap the garland around the wire wreath.

Probably one of the easiest options for creating homemade wreaths.

30. Light up the canopy over the bed with a garland.

31. Cut the paper into strips to make the same fringed lanterns.

32. Use foil from a cupcake pan to decorate your garland.

This is a great idea for any party.

33. Make sparkling decorations with mirrors and lights.

  • brushed aluminum bar;
  • hooks for hanging;
  • garland with mirror pendants;
  • electric garland.


  1. Attach the bar to the wall with two hooks.
  2. Hang a mirror garland on the rod. To enhance the visual effect, you can cut some of the threads with pendants so that the finished curtain is of different lengths.
  3. Behind the pendants, stretch a light garland and plug it into an outlet.

34. Use twigs to create a rustic chandelier.

This idea can easily be implemented with a luminous garland.

  • dry branches;
  • hemp twine;
  • stain (optional to darken the color of the wood);
  • wood color paint;
  • lampholders with a removable cardboard cover for painting;
  • plastic ties;
  • glue gun;
  • electric cable in black and white;
  • black electrical wire with plug;
  • branch clamps "nuts".

35. Make a garland of geometric lanterns.

You can make your own lanterns from black wire or natural straw.

Take: DIY Christmas garlands. 18 ideas.

A garland is the fastest and easiest way to decorate your home for the holidays. How to make it? In fact, you just need to hang more of any beauty on the threads and that's it! We offer 18 simple, but very original New Year's garlands that you can make with your own hands.

1. Standard "snake"

Even the smallest children, who have barely learned to hold scissors in their hands, will cope with the preparation of "snakes". So, if you have kids, take them with “snakes”, and start more difficult work yourself.

Manufacturing technique: Cut out a large circle from paper and, stepping back a centimeter or another from the edge, start cutting off the tape (see photo) until you reach the center. If you nevertheless entrust this simple task to a child, it is better to draw lines in advance with a pencil along which he should cut - this will make the child's work easier.

2. Garland with soft toys

In this case, you will have to work hard and sew a couple of funny toys - snakes (very important this year), cats, Christmas trees, deer, monkeys ... to your taste. And then just hang them on a long ribbon among coniferous branches and Christmas tree decorations. Perhaps your children have many small soft toys? Then this will make it even easier for you!

3. And they dry on a rope ...

How do you like this idea: in the middle of the room there is a clothesline, on which old Santa and his faithful deer hung their holiday clothes to dry: red caps, mittens, boots with bells, big pants, a bag ... First you have to sew miniature clothes (you can, of course, get similar in toy stores, but it will be more expensive), and then secure them with small clothespins (you can use large ones, of course). If you don’t want to fool around for a long time, hang your mittens or colorful socks to “dry”. And you can mix both. You can simply cut out multi-colored boots from felt or paper and string them on a thread.

4. With the help of a typewriter

An express version of the garland is to cut out many, many circles-stars-fir-trees-snowflakes from paper or felt and sew them all in a row using a sewing machine. There is another way to make such beauty - but here you need twice as many star circles, since the thread will be pasted “inside” two parts (see photo).

5. Tags

Cut out “tags” from thick paper or cardboard. The bigger, the better. Each of them can be arranged in your own way: write wishes on one, make a drawing on the other, stick a photograph on the third, a clipping from a magazine on the fourth, write the names of relatives and loved ones on the fifth, sixth and seventh, cut out a big heart on the eighth , on the ninth - glue a miniature snowflake, etc. Now it remains only to string them on a ribbon or tourniquet. You can involve the whole family in making such a garland - let everyone write their wishes for the next year.

6. Use natural materials

Do not throw away orange, lemon or tangerine peel - it can be useful as a wonderful material for a Christmas or New Year's garland. Cut out funny figures from the peel (stars, faces, hearts, Santa Claus hat, snowman, snowflake) and use a needle to string them onto a thread. Such a garland will not only be a beautiful decoration, but also give a persistent citrus aroma, which can be emphasized by lightly sprinkling cinnamon on the skin and piercing it with cloves in some places.

Very beautiful and original garlands are obtained from cones and apples. Try pairing them with the same orange peel, cinnamon sticks, or spruce branches, or paint the buds a different color.

7. By the principle of the chain

Another simple version of a garland is to cut the ribbon into small pieces of 10-15 cm and glue them together, linking them together like a chain. See options for "links" in the photo ...

8. Colorful pom-poms

Soft lumps of happiness - pom-poms. They remind us of those fluffy balls that adorned our warm clothes in childhood - funny dangling on mittens, scarves, hats and socks. Make many, many bright pompoms, string them on a thread and decorate the Christmas tree with them. Or you can make a pile of snow-white balls and create an imitation of snowballs hanging from a chandelier or cornice.

9. Volumetric stars

Such stars easily spin from paper tapes one or two centimeters wide. Carefully study the photo-instruction and go!

10. Garland of gifts

You, like a real needlewoman, do not even throw away matchboxes? And now, on the eve of the new year, do not know where to put all this rubbish? Pack small boxes in gift paper (you must have kept assorted pieces from past packages, right?) And decorate with miniature bows. Such "gifts", strung on a thread or a tourniquet, become a wonderful element of festive decor, and not only New Year's! With such boxes you can beautifully decorate the table, decorate candlesticks with them, and you can twist the Christmas tree with a garland or just pull it in the middle of the room.

11. Lace fir trees

If you're lucky and got hold of round lace doilies, then this garland option is for you! These wonderful Christmas trees will become a feature of your New Year's decor!

12. Flashlights

Such a garland can at any moment turn into a series of real lanterns, just put one of them on the table and light a candle inside - a pill.

13. A garland of photographs

A great idea is to attach a number of your family photos with clothespins on a long cord, especially if these are photos of your previous New Year's gatherings! Let the garland be replenished with a new picture every year, and so another cute tradition will appear in your family.

14. Angels

Hang a garland of snow-white angels over your holiday table, and put a couple on the table - these winged light creatures have the peculiarity of giving others a sense of miracle by their mere presence.

15. Two-color paper garland

Fold two paper circles of different colors (as shown in the photo) and make a couple of cuts. Then expand both circles, slightly level them and glue them together in four places (if you mentally draw a cross on the circle, then the gluing points will be at the ends of the cross). Next, make a few more of the same details. Now all the "links" need to be glued. Such a garland is good because it does not wrinkle during storage, but folds into one continuous pancake.

16. With one hand

We often indulged in such crafts in childhood, so it will not be difficult to repeat the same procedure today! Try to cut out not just Christmas trees or men, complicate the task and cut out funny penguins, deer, Santa Claus, snowmen.

17. Scrapbooking and fantasy

Use your imagination and the tricks of scrapbooking, the art of turning paper into a masterpiece, in working on a garland. Age the paper, put stamps on it, cut out the most interesting things from old postcards, etc. And then hang these miniature collage pictures around the room like flags.

18. Quite unusual

If you gravitate towards outrageous and art decor, make a garland out of corks or arrange a “running light” in disposable cups! Get creative and you might want to use scraps of newspaper, old spoons, bottle caps, tin cans or miniature flower pots!

Irina Razin

Every year, preparations for the main winter holiday begin earlier and earlier. The city, shop windows, all institutions are being transformed. And, of course, you immediately want to take a piece of the holiday home with you. If it’s too early to put up a Christmas tree, then making paper garlands with your own hands is the time. Connect children and other family members, fun pastime is guaranteed for you, and as a result - an interesting New Year's decor. Plus it's unique. So read how to make New Year's paper garlands, turn on your imagination and bring it to life.

  • Materials for work;
  • Fringe or tassels;
  • Asterisks;
  • Bunnies and Christmas trees;
  • Flashlights;
  • Garlands from circles;
  • New Year stretches.

Work materials

Most ideas can be realized by collecting improvised material around the house. Here is a basic list of what you will need:

  • Colored paper of different density. If you are fond of decoupage, then decoupage sheets are also a great help, you can use wrapping paper;
  • Cardboard;
  • Glue or glue gun;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • stapler;
  • Scissors;
  • Rope, ribbons, twine;
  • Ruler or tape measure;
  • Simple pencil;
  • A printer.

Advice! If it is not possible to print the template, you can always display it on the computer screen in the desired size and redraw it by pressing the good old tracing paper to the monitor screen. Often this trick works with a regular sheet of paper for printing.

Be sure to prepare a good mood and a little patience!

Garlands with fringes and tassels


The fringe looks very advantageous, especially if you make several pendants from materials of different colors with your own hands.

For example, you can take a white and brown disposable tablecloth (or any medium-weight colored paper). Choose the color scheme at your discretion - red and white, red and green, etc. Three colors can be combined. Or take two discreet colors and complement them with shiny paper.

Fold the sheet of the desired length in half, cut 2/3 of the length. Then unfold, glue the middle, put twine or ribbon, press, and then fold. Here is the finished garland!


Tassels will be a great decoration not only for the New Year 2020, but also for any other home holiday.

The initial stage is the same as in the fringe. We fold the selected paper in half, cut vertical strips 2/3 of the length.

Advice! Unlike fringe, tassel strips are best made thinner.

We unfold our incised sheet. Now we have a fringe on top and bottom. We roll the sheet into a tube and fold it with a tourniquet to make a loop on top and a tassel on the bottom. We make several of these brushes and string them on a rope.

In order for the brushes not to bunch up, it is better to smear the loop with glue and stick them to the rope on which they will then hang. The main thing is that you first need to make the number of brushes, distribute them along the rope, and only then glue them.

Let's master the principle of fringe, you can easily make many original paper garlands with your own hands.

Star garlands

Stars are an integral part of the New Year's decor, which means they should be used to decorate the apartment.

convex sprockets

For this decoration you will need cardboard or thick colored paper. Next, you need to cut out the required number of stars and draw a fold line in the middle of each beam (see template below). The main thing is only to mark the line, but not to damage or cut the star.

Advice! If there is no special tool, you can use a manicure spatula or an orange stick.

Then fold along the fold lines, make 2 holes in one of the rays with a hole punch and skip the rope. The decoration is ready. It looks great both in one color and in multiple colors.

If you don’t have time to fiddle with the bulge, then you can simply use the cutting template and make flat stars, string them on a string and enjoy the result.

Vertical pendants made of stars

New Year's decorations will look unusual if you do not just glue the stars, but sew them on a typewriter. To do this, you prepare a lot of stars from colored cardboard, and then stitch it with a thread of a suitable color, it also serves as a link, so we just leave a thread between the stars. Be sure to leave long enough ends on both sides.

Garlands can be placed vertically on a window or doorway, but they can also be hung horizontally on a wall.

Volumetric Christmas garlands

Decorations from three-dimensional paper figures will look airy and snowy.

To make one volumetric star, you need to cut four blanks according to the template. Next, using glue or double-sided tape, stick one star in the center of the other and slightly bend the edges of the inner star. Make two such blanks. Then glue together the flat parts of the stars, after skipping the thread for hanging. You can place 3-5 stars on one thread.

Clouds are made in the same way. And then place all the threads with figures on one rope and look for a worthy place in the room.

Bunnies and Christmas trees

Since childhood, on New Year's Eve, we sing a song about the Christmas tree. And if there is a Christmas tree, then where without bunnies? They can also be used as Christmas decor.


Use the template for cutting and make blanks. Glue cotton ponytails to bunnies, or you can make real pom-poms-tails from threads. Attach with a satin ribbon or string.

Even the smallest tails can stick, even if the tail ends up somewhere in the ear area.

Christmas tree garlands

Perhaps the Christmas tree is the most "promoted" New Year's symbol, so there are a huge number of options that you can do with your own hands.

The easiest way is to take three squares of the same size, fold them in half, and then connect the resulting triangles together. If you sew Christmas trees on a typewriter, you get a nice pendant.

The original Christmas tree will come out if you fold the triangle in half and make cuts, as shown in the diagrams.

Also a great option is to cut Christmas trees out of paper, make a hole at the top and string them on a string. Depending on the color and texture, the Christmas tree pendant will look different.

If there is a figured hole punch, then making Christmas trees will be easier and faster.

Instead of Christmas trees, you can attach paper figures of deer, gingerbread men or mistletoe leaves.


Paper lanterns look bright and festive.


A lot of openwork lanterns of different colors will instantly create a joyful mood.

The secret is to glue two strips of paper on the top and bottom, leaving the middle free, and then cut according to the pattern.

Almost real

If electric garlands look dangerous, create a safe one yourself.


A stapler and a few strips of colored paper are all you need to make another Christmas lantern. Place one strip in the middle, and attach the rest to the sides. The drawing will help you.


It turns out that simple mugs, if there are a lot of them, look like both snow and light bulbs of electric garlands at the same time - it's hard to come up with something more New Year's, right?

Volumetric hearts made of shiny paper will help to decorate the house for the New Year.

Glazed cookies are the last place from the West migrated to us, so we take them into service. We glue a pink blot with a hole inside on a simple white circle and decorate it with drops of glue with sparkles or beads - the donut cookie is ready. We string the livers on a ribbon and decorate the room with a sweet paper garland with our own hands.

Christmas streamers

We must not forget about this type of New Year's decor as streamers.

A few shiny paper rectangles or triangles strung on a string - and the stretch is ready. You can add the inscription "Happy New Year!" or HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Traditional snowflakes and snowmen are a simple and successful addition to the New Year's decoration.

This article is just a few of the ideas for making Christmas paper garlands. As you can see, everything is quite simple, but fun. Just get started and you will definitely come up with something of your own.