Wedding in a rustic style: the whole village is noisy! Wedding in a rustic style - how to choose outfits

One of the trends that has not lost relevance for many years is a wedding in rustic style. This is not just a wedding, this is a whole theatrical performance, performed in the spirit of the Russian hinterland - serene and pure nature, magical aromas of greenery, generous land, a riot of bright colors and kind, sympathetic people. If you like the theme of rural romanticism, feel free to start preparing for a wedding in a rustic style.

Romance rustic wedding.

Country wedding: how to maintain the overall style?

Encourage guests to bring evening dresses thematic notes. Men can wear straw hats or even shirts, and women can complement the look with traditional accessories: beads, voluminous earrings, embroidered belts or bouquets of wheat ears. Of course, you shouldn’t demand originality, nor should you hope that the ladies will come in kokoshniks. But to stimulate guests by organizing a competition for best outfit guest, preferably. Prizes in such competitions can be a photo session with the bride and groom or a ride on a cart rented for the occasion.

Rustic wedding: how to choose the right restaurant

If you live in the province, in a small town or village, the task is simplified. You can even organize a wedding in your own yard, if the space allows. Another thing is, do you want to turn your home for a few days into a springboard for military weddings, and then eliminate their consequences?

Therefore, regardless of whether you are a city dweller or a provincial, it is better to stop at a cafe or restaurant. Moreover, now traditional-style establishments are very popular, with national cuisine and original interior.

The rustic style allows you to dream up the design of the venue.

The outdoor ceremony is worth mentioning separately. can take place both in the restaurant itself and in any other area - a park or square. The rustic style involves a ceremony against the backdrop of nature. But especially original and daring newlyweds can decide to paint in a rural cultural center. Believe me, emotions will overwhelm both you and your guests.

Rustic Wedding Banquet Hall

In the spirit of the rural outback, you can organize a courtyard - a place where guests and newlyweds will spend time away from the table. IN warm time year, it can be a summer playground, decorated with ethnic elements: a wicker fence, beautiful bags filled with grain (they can be used as comfortable chairs), swings and various items village life. And, of course, what rural farmstead doesn’t have a hayloft? By making an agreement with the restaurant owners, you can manage to deliver a large pile of hay, against which original photographs will be taken.

Try to take full advantage of the rustic style.

In addition to ornaments on tablecloths, chair covers and table textiles, you can complement them with bouquets and wreaths of wild flowers, multi-colored ribbons and garlands. Let everything in the interior be colorful and bright, because rural glamor has not been canceled!

Rustic Wedding Invitations: Surprise Your Guests with Your Imagination

You can design invitations using the now fashionable technology for decorating postcards with natural materials - scrapbooking. Various decorative elements– flowers, beads, feathers, stones, rhinestones, etc.

Original invitation with applique.

The rustic theme of the wedding will be emphasized by a card with decorations made of spikelets, ribbons, straw, dry branches of field plants or flowers, small clay figurines of domestic animals and birds, plant seeds, beans, sunflower seeds, etc. All elements should be varnished for reliable fixation and adding shine .

Of course, it’s difficult to do everything yourself, but you can always involve your handicraft friends or delegate a responsible task to scrapbooking professionals.

Rustic wedding chic in the newlyweds' outfits

Yes, this happens too! But you need to show off wisely. We will not advise the bride to wear felt boots and tie her head with a scarf; let the newlyweds’ outfits be classic, but with the obligatory presence of rustic notes.

Dresses with frills and ruffles that fall from bare shoulders look beautiful. Owners rounded shapes can afford to emphasize them with this style of dress. The skirt can be of absolutely any shape, but with elements of ethnic embroidery or print. Poppy flowers or cornflowers look great on a white background of a wedding dress.

The groom's classic suit can be complemented with an embroidered shirt. And in a less formal style, you can organically fit a cap with a flower to match the main color of his future wife’s dress.

– a faithful companion during wedding ceremony. Of course, the predominance of wildflowers and herbs will only emphasize the overall rustic flavor of the holiday. Secondary decorative elements of the bouquet can be pieces of decorative burlap, clay bees or butterflies on flowers.

Wedding in a rustic style: photo, videography and procession

It is advisable to conduct a photo session in the nearest historical and ethnographic museum. Against the background of village exhibits, the outfits of the bride and groom will “sparkle” in a new light. And after that, you can continue shooting in the interior of the banquet hall. Be sure to ask the photographer to take a photo for each of the guests who wish to photograph themselves against the backdrop of a hayloft or cart. And most importantly: the general mood at the village wedding video, filmed during festive events, will convey it in the best possible way.

May consist of:

  1. Carts and carts are colorful means of transportation over short distances.
  2. Tractors - such a wedding will make a noise throughout the whole city, especially if it is appropriately decorated.
  3. Soviet retro car - who said that people don’t drive cars in the village? They also drive very unusual and rare ones.
  4. Traditional walking. If you are within walking distance from the place of painting to the restaurant, you won’t need a motorcade at all. A procession of newlyweds and guests proudly marches along the street to the music of a mini-wind orchestra, causing admiration and smiles from the townspeople they meet.

How will we entertain guests at a village wedding?

Toastmaster - manager of a village party

How can you imagine modern wedding without a leader? Even in the rural outback there are ringleaders who can cheer up a quiet public and direct the celebration into the right direction and give everyone the opportunity to express their wishes to the newlyweds.

The village is one continuous decoration for your celebration.

Perfect for a village wedding would be better suited a colorful aunt who knows customs and traditions, jokes and songs with ditties. Try to find such a laughing lady, and the guests will be in a perky mood all evening.

Wedding show in rustic style

What kind of show can there be in the village? Here are some ideas:

  • A fire over which you can jump (entertainment for the brave) or dance in circles with songs. Consider a place for the fire pit in advance so that there is enough space around for dancing guests.
  • Mandatory competitive program. This is where your imagination can run wild - from a competition for speed eating pies to active competitions in the style of " fun starts" Together with the toastmaster, think through such competitions that will be interesting to different guests– from kids to adults.
  • Performance of ensembles. If your soul desires real action, invite folk ensemble songs and dances, who will sing songs in many voices and dance to his own music.

Average Russian village bride chooses a traditional white dress. And in principle, in the West, too, girls prefer the color of purity, modesty, and youth. But Russian girls are inclined to fluffy dresses with a huge number of ruffles, frills and pebbles, while abroad the priority in choosing an outfit is maximum simplicity.


As for shoes, they are more creative in this matter foreign brides. Their wedding image- an amazing combination of comfort and shocking. For example, they will be worn with great pleasure and ease under an elegant, expensive Wedding Dress cowboy boots, sneakers or cleats with high lacing. While our girls, even to their own detriment, will never give up stilettos.

2.Bride's bouquet

And a few words about the bouquet. Russians village girls prefer standard classics. They do not change white roses or any other flowers. While brides abroad They try to put the whole essence of the event into a bouquet. Their flowers speak, they talk about love, about happiness, about excitement. They represent a kind of totem that will protect such a fragile family from troubles and trials.

3.Wedding ceremony

Russian village wedding still adheres to the ceremonial of the Soviet country that has sunk into oblivion. According to tradition, all newlyweds inform the village council about the upcoming event a month before the wedding. On the wedding day, they are met by the master of ceremonies at the threshold of the ceremonial hall of the House of Culture. He reads from the tablet the words about the new “unit of society”, the newlyweds exchange rings, kiss, dance the first waltz and leave. Practiced abroad outdoor ceremony in the fresh air. In 90% of cases. The remaining 10% of couples combine a wedding and marriage ceremony and hold it in a church.

4. Walk

Wedding walk - required attribute wedding day. Both in Russia and in the West. Wedding photo shoot during a walk is also an integral part of the celebration of the unity of hearts and worlds. But! Our newlyweds tend to demonstrate their feelings and emotions, the principles of dominance in a couple, etc., taking mostly portrait photos, while abroad couples emphasize the harmony of the world that surrounds them. They - happy couple against the backdrop of the vast Universe.

5. Transport

A village and a limousine are absolutely incompatible things. Ours understand this too newlyweds, and foreign. That’s why they are trying to find an exclusive means of transportation for the wedding procession. Although in the Russian village they prefer “heavy artillery”, and in the American version of a village wedding they use light carts and tarantasses.

6. Banquet place

As a rule, in Russian villages, men get together just before the wedding and build hut. In the middle of the yard (of the bride or groom) a bulky tarpaulin shelter is made, which is then decorated with ribbons, flowers, tree branches, ears of corn, icons and posters, with a humorous meaning. Abroad, a wooden barn is rented for a wedding banquet and decorated with fabrics, lanterns, miniature bouquets, pictures, and streamers. Even in the village, a wedding here looks sophisticated and elegant.

7. Table decor and snacks

The Russian village is famous throughout the world for its hospitality. Anyone can come here (to congratulate the newlyweds and treat themselves to special wedding vodka and loaf of bread). Almost all the villagers are invited to the wedding. And, accordingly, they cook a lot, tasty and fatty. Abroad, this part of the wedding celebration, on the contrary, is very modest. Wedding banquet takes place mainly in the form of a buffet with light, individual snacks and champagne.

8. Wedding cake

In Russia, according to tradition, the symbol family happiness consider loaf. But cake is also served as dessert. In the West, cake is the main decoration of the table and the culmination of the wedding celebration. Taking out the cake is always accompanied by beautiful show, and the newlyweds cut the dessert and treat it to all their guests personally.

9. Music and dancing

Wedding- a fun event, which means it definitely requires an appropriate musical arrangement. And, of course, the main entertainment for guests is dancing. In the Russian village they dance to the live accompaniment of folk instruments (accordion, tambourine, etc.); in the West, mostly bards are invited to participate in a village wedding.

10. Folk fun

In the Russian village, at the end wedding celebration The son-in-law must wash his mother-in-law’s feet and put on new slippers, and the mother-in-law must take off her daughter-in-law’s veil and put a scarf on her head instead. In addition, there is a tradition of “bathing” parents on the second day of the wedding. Abroad they have never heard of this. There wedding celebration clearly regulated in time and limited to one day (or even half).

As a summary, we could say that the Western version of the village wedding won with a score of 6:4. But we don't sports competition, and especially not the Ecumenical Court. Each nation has its own views on wedding celebrations, its own mentality and its own traditions. Taking this into account, all that remains is to advise changing for the better, and forgetting forever about the remnants of previous regimes. Enjoy your freedom rustic wedding, the beauty of the surrounding nature and love for each other!

A wedding in a rustic style involves decorating the interior in a simple and perhaps a little naive manner. At the same time, the atmosphere will be imbued with home comfort.

Decorating a wedding in a rustic style: basic recommendations
  1. Cloth. in a rustic style it can be of any style. Give the main role to accessories. So, replace lace gloves with leather ones. Instead of a veil, fresh flowers look great. The beauty of your white dress will emphasize the belt mustard color or cardigan, bolero of the same shade. Groom suit classic cut. However, you should pay attention to the fact that the color of his tie must match color scheme bride's accessories. The boutonniere certainly continues the bouquet: if the latter is in the form of a sheaf of wheat, then the future spouse needs to tuck a couple of ears of wheat into the buttonhole of his jacket.
  2. Hair and makeup in rustic style: long braid, a little disheveled (if your hair middle length, you can resort to a chignon ponytail that is attached to your own curls). Loose hair decorated with wildflowers will look no less elegant. Give preference neutral shades makeup.
  3. Invitations. They should be decorated with images of baskets with harvest, various vegetables and fruits.
  4. Gifts for guests. They will serve as small boxes with homemade baked goods or jars with honey and jam.
  5. Location: big house with a garden, a dacha, in the backyard of which you can organize a celebration.
  6. Cortege. It can be in the form of: a cart, a tractor, a retro car Soviet period or absent altogether.
  7. Hall decoration in a rustic style. Banqueting hall decorate with fresh flowers. For decoration, use fresh fruits, bundles of hay, sheaves of wheat arranged in vases. Attach guest cards to potatoes or pears. Decorate the backs of the chairs with chintz ribbons bright colors. By the way, you can decorate a wedding arch with them.
  8. Menu. Include vitamin-rich snacks from fruits, berries, and vegetables. Meat dishes cook in the grill, . As the main drink, give preference to uzvar or cider. Don't forget about homemade pies, wine, and cookies. Salads, the main dish can be served in enamel dishes decorated with a simple pattern.
  9. Cake in a rustic style. Opt for a multi-tiered cake. You should not decorate it with a large number of confectionery flowers, etc. Let the main thing be not luxury, but its internal content.

This scenario is suitable for young people who want to organize a wedding in the village in the summer. Traditional customs, tests for the bride and groom, interesting competitions, tasks, games that can be played outdoors will help create a relaxed holiday atmosphere and make it unforgettable.


Usually, in villages they build a “hut” for weddings - shelter made of tarpaulin. In the middle, the hut is decorated with balls, ribbons, posters with wishes of happiness to the young and comic advice. Guests are seated at long tables covered with linen tablecloths, and benches are used instead of chairs. Fresh wildflowers are placed on the tables in small glass jars, which are decorated with ribbons or wrapped with twine.

On the central wall you can place 2 heart-shaped wreaths woven from wheat ears or make them from ribbons. The gate through which the newlyweds will enter the courtyard is decorated with fresh flowers, balloons, the names of the bride and groom, and hearts pierced with love arrows.


Usually at village weddings the hosts are witnesses or “eager” fellow villagers , who at all weddings take on the role of toastmaster. Sometimes the hosts can be the parents of the bride or groom.

Required attributes:

  • Log and saw
  • Candles for the ceremony of lighting the family hearth
  • Attributes for games
  • 2 pairs of children's jeans
  • Handkerchief

Progress of the event

From the gate to the hut a carpet is laid out in front of the newlyweds. Guests stand on either side of her, forming a symbolic “gate of happiness.” Maxim's song "Wedding" is playing. To the music, the newlyweds walk along the carpet, and guests shower them with candies and grains to family life was generous and prosperous.

Presenter (witness):

Invites young people to approach their parents and bow to the waist for raising and educating them.

The groom's parents greet the young couple with bread and salt, the bride's parents - with a tray on which there is grain and 2 glasses of champagne.

Presenter (witness):

Invites the newlyweds to kiss bread and accept the blessing of their parents. Parents bless their children, the mother of the bride showers them with grain, and the father offers to drink wine (champagne) to seal the marriage with the crystal clink of glasses.

Then the young people, to the applause of the guests, take places of honor for wedding table. Everyone sits down at the table and makes a toast to the love and happiness of the newlyweds. After some time, fire is brought on a tray in a ceramic bowl (light dry alcohol). Slow music is playing.


He says that a custom came to us from our grandfathers and great-grandfathers: you need to bring a fire into the house of the newlyweds in order to light the family hearth, which will give them light and the warmth of love. Offers to bring this beautiful family tradition to life.

Ceremony of lighting the family hearth

Fathers of families light thin candles from the flame of the hearth and pass them to their wives. Mothers approach their children, who are already holding a large candle in their hands, and at the same time bring their own candles to the newlyweds’ candle and pass the flame to it. Parents wish their son and daughter that their fire of love does not go out, so that they keep the warmth of the family hearth all their lives. Here you can use mothers' parting words in poetic form.

The young people, holding a lit candle in their hands, thank their parents and slowly circle in a short dance.

The presenters offer to raise their glasses so that the flame of the family hearth never goes out. Everyone drinks and eats.


Talks about an old Russian custom - sawing logs. The bride and groom are invited to cut a log together to test how they will cope with their family responsibilities.

The presenter's assistants bring in a small deck, which the young people must saw together. In this way, they will make a vow to support each other in their family life.

Presenter reports that the time has come to check how ready the young people are for life together.

Tasks for the bride:

1. Put diapers and clothes on the doll and swaddle her.
2. Determine by touch what item is in the bag.
3. Recognize your husband's hands while blindfolded.

Tasks for the groom:

1. Do push-ups from the floor 5 times, take the rose lying on the glass with your teeth and give it to your wife.
2. Recognize your wife by touch by the knee: several girls sit on a bench in a row, cross their legs, and the blindfolded groom must recognize his beloved by touch by the knee.
3. Quickly hammer three nails into the wooden block.

The host proclaims that the newlyweds are ideal for each other and are ready for family life.

Musical pause

Guests are invited to amuse the newlyweds and sing ditties for them. There will be a competition “Who can sing ditties best of all.” You can also organize an improvised orchestra, where instead musical instruments use available materials: pots, spoons, glasses, bottles and so on.

Presenter: It's time to find out how well mothers know their children.

Mom competition “Recognize by voice”

The mothers of the newlyweds are blindfolded and asked to recognize the voices of their children. In turn, three men, among whom is the groom, say the phrase “Hello, my beloved mother-in-law!” or “Mom, I love your borscht. Feed your son-in-law." The bride's mother must guess the groom's voice. In turn, three girls, among whom is the bride, say the phrase “Oh, mommies, the milk is running away!” The mother-in-law must recognize the daughter-in-law's voice.

Games for guests

"Make a wish"

The guests form a circle. The bride and groom stand in the middle of the circle. Music is playing, people are passing around balloon in the shape of a heart. The music stops, the newlyweds name the letter. The one who has a heart in his hands at that moment says a wish to the bride and groom based on the letter they pronounced.

"Pregnant Men"

Male players have a balloons and are given a task: to collect scattered matches. Whoever collects the most matches becomes the winner.


Players have a rope (knee level) tied to their belts, with a pencil attached to the end. Assignment: without using your hands, hit the neck of a bottle with a pencil - “hook a fish.”

"Sonka the Goldhand"

Players are divided into pairs (man and woman). The women are blindfolded, and the men are quickly pinned by witnesses. Task for women: find all the clothespins by touch and remove them from the man. The winner is the one who finds all the clothespins the fastest.

"Faberge eggs"

The game is played in pairs by a man and a woman. Task for a woman: carefully ride egg from one galosh of his pants to another without crushing him.

Fortune telling for the firstborn

The presenter brings 2 pairs of children's jeans into the hall. Some galoshes are tied with a blue ribbon, others with a pink one. Those present are asked to put money in them: if they think that a boy will be born first in a young family, then in jeans with a blue ribbon, and a girl with a pink ribbon. At the end the money counts. If their sum is greater in “boyish” jeans, then a son will be born first, in “girlish” jeans - a daughter.

Guests are invited to the table. Toasts are made again in honor of the young. Then the presenter announces the first family dance of the newlyweds. The bride and groom dance a prepared dance. As soon as the last sounds of the music die down, gypsies (several guests in disguise) appear in the hall. The gypsies begin to dance around the groom and distract him by any means. At this time, the gypsy boys take the bride to a secluded place.

If the groom did not notice that the bride was missing, the kidnappers inform him about it and demand a ransom. To save the bride, the groom and witness must complete certain tasks: say compliments in honor of the bride, dance lezginka, sing a song, eat a slice of lemon without sugar. After completing the tasks, the young wife is returned to her husband.

Dance break

Then guests are invited to the tables. Continuation of the feast. Loaf ritual. Distributing a loaf of bread to guests.

Leading loudly knocks on the lid of the pan and says: Dear guests, allow me to bring in the loaf!

Guests respond: We allow it.

Leading: The guests answer something quietly. Dear guests, allow me to bring in the loaf.

This is repeated 3 times. Then the presenter and assistants bring in a loaf cut into pieces on a round dish, and on the second dish - 2 glasses and a bottle of vodka. Each guest must take a piece wedding loaf, drink a glass of vodka, tell the newlyweds a wish and give them a gift.

Mother-in-law's foot washing ritual

This ritual has been known since ancient times. To appease the mother-in-law, the son-in-law must wash her feet. Some people prefer to wash their wife's mother's feet with vodka or champagne and even shower them with rose petals. After the feet are washed, the son-in-law puts new shoes on them (slippers or boots) and invites the mother-in-law to dance.

The ceremony of removing the veil from the bride

The ritual symbolizes the acceptance of the daughter-in-law into the family. The bride sits on a chair, her mother-in-law comes up to her and, accompanied by beautiful music, carefully removes the veil from the bride’s head. After the veil is removed, the mother-in-law hands the daughter-in-law a scarf. She refuses three times and then agrees. The “second mother” ties a scarf on the young woman’s head. From this moment on, the bride becomes a wife. The ceremony continues with the dance of the young unmarried girls. They are asked to stand in a circle. While the music is playing, the bride must have time to dance in turn with all the girls, holding the veil over their heads. It is believed that in this way the young woman will bring happiness to her unmarried girlfriends and increase their chances of getting married successfully. At the end of the dance, the bride places a veil on the head of the girl who, in her opinion, needs luck in love most of all.

IN Lately Holding a wedding in the village is gaining popularity. The prevailing stereotype that a village wedding – five torn button accordions, a sea of ​​moonshine, uninhibited revelry – is all a thing of the past. Wedding in the village in summer: decorating in a stylish and tasteful manner is the topic of our article.

So, you have decided to hold your wedding in the village. The romantic beauty of nature, space, Fresh air and the opportunity to celebrate the occasion in fun and style. If you're lucky, you'll also get to ride horses. And they will turn out incredibly beautiful!

Rustic wedding style

A pompous celebration with expensive outfits is not suitable for the village. Therefore, choose something more down-to-earth for such a wedding. The “Rustic” style is very popular these days. Rustic means rural. Everything is simple, tasteful and no frills.

How to arrange a celebration?

What associations arise when you think about a wedding in the village? A hospitable rural house, linen curtains and tablecloths, a crowded feast. Let's discuss ideas on how to arrange a wedding in the appropriate style.

Let's start with the invitations. They will convey to guests information about the time and place of the celebration and the spirit in which the event will take place. If you have a dress code in mind, it should also be described in the invitations. The cards themselves are designed in accordance with the chosen wedding style. You can make invitations yourself. Use natural materials: paper, fabric, cardboard. When decorating, pay attention to detail. They will highlight the design. Linen rope, lace, dried flowers and other natural elements are suitable for decoration.

This activity is creative and exciting. We have selected a video with a master class on making invitation cards in a rustic style.

The next important step is to think about the outfits for the bride and groom.

Rustic style groom

The image of a village groom lacks a formal suit and traditional wedding attributes. The outfit is democratic. It could be trousers, or even jeans, a checkered or plain shirt. Suspenders look stylish. Hat or cap. From additional accessories butterfly and boutonniere from natural materials. Look at the photo fashionable images groom for a village wedding.

Country style bride

The bride's outfit should be simple, light and airy. Dress simple cut from natural fabric, minimum accessories. Instead of traditional veil- wreath of flowers. Shoes: ballet flats, sandals, sandals. For clarity, we selected a photo.

The bride's bouquet is simple, but at the same time elegant. Best idea– wildflowers and herbs tied with twine or cloth.

If the bride's head will be decorated with a wreath, then the bouquet should be in harmony with it.

Dress code for guests

To ensure that all participants in the celebration match the style, indicate the dress code of the event for guests. For the female half simple dresses from natural fabrics with floral print, comfortable shoes at low speed. For men, clothing to match the groom. Pants, shirts with short sleeve, vests, boutonnieres.

Celebration decoration

The location of the banquet also needs to be brought into line with the style of the celebration. Everything should be natural, simple, beautiful and cozy. You can use household items for decoration. Buckets and watering cans turn into stylish vases for wildflowers

To decorate the room, use simple garlands made of paper, ribbons, and paintings with rural landscapes. How to make it yourself beautiful garlands made of paper, watch our video tutorial.

Suitable for decoration plain fabrics, such as burlap. It looks great paired with lace. Stand out against its background color accents on the details.

Burlap can be used in decoration wedding arch, chairs and area for a photo shoot.

Rustic style assumes the presence of decor only from natural materials. Favorites – wood, glass, metal. For registration banquet table use wood cuts. They can serve to indicate where guests will be seated. Or use them as a decorative stand, such as for candles.