What a beautiful way to greet someone from the maternity hospital. Life-size puppet show. Choosing a place for a holiday

The meeting of a young mother from the maternity hospital symbolizes welcoming a new life into the family, so dads strive to thank their wife for such a priceless gift and beautifully organize the meeting. Then this event will be remembered for the rest of your life as the most joyful and happiness-filled day.

Thank you couple
verse congratulations
photographer inscription for girl

Discharge from the maternity hospital: ideas for a meeting

Please your wife

The day of discharge from the maternity ward is always troublesome and nervous, but it is associated with a happy moment in life. Mom wants to be home with the little man as soon as possible, so interesting ideas For long-awaited meeting I need to prepare for dad.

Photo of discharge from the maternity hospital

Hire a professional photographer

When organizing a photo shoot great attention dedicated to the new mother, who also wants to look attractive in photographs. Therefore, it is necessary to call in advance and discuss what clothes, cosmetics and shoes to bring to discharge. It is possible that you will need varnish, a hair dryer, deodorant, underwear and other little things. It’s good if the woman dictates the list of necessary things over the phone, and the husband writes everything down and brings it.

Among the common mistakes that occur when being discharged from the maternity hospital in the photo is making the mother who has become the center of the photo shoot. Often women are so tired during childbirth, lose a lot of strength and would rather go home that they are not eager to pose for the camera. In this case, the photographer must pay attention to the client’s wishes and not insist on mandatory photography and video with the participation of the woman in labor.

On ceremonial photo shoot you need to photograph other people present who will happily pose for the camera.

Another common mistake is taking close-up photos of the mother. It is known that after childbirth a woman is not in in better shape. This applies to hair, face, clothing and overweight. So it's better to take pictures general plan, group photos and will switch to the participants of the photo shoot with the newborn.

Focus on the time of year and weather. In autumn and winter, in February, it is better to photograph young parents in the maternity hospital, but do not delay the filming. Several shots are taken outside so that the baby and mother do not freeze.

In summer and warm spring, they often move outside, closer to the greenery, then the pictures turn out bright and beautiful. Also in the summer, everyone takes pictures together at the exit of the department.

DIY maternity hospital discharge poster

Do it from the heart

Such a surprise today is traditional, but very successful and original. If you make a poster for your baby's discharge with your own hands, it will become a memorable decoration that will preserve the feeling of the holiday for many years.

There is no financial cost required to design a poster, and it will express your feelings accurately and without words. The young mother will be pleased to see congratulations from her husband for her and her child.

Poster for a boy

Heartfelt congratulations

There are many options for original posters with the birth of a baby boy, let’s look at a couple of popular ones:

  1. Draw a yellow sun in the center and the caption “Our Sun” under it. Draw white clouds around, in each of which the guest will write his name and wishes for the newborn. Ready product place it in a frame as a keepsake significant event and everyone present there.
  2. You can make a poster and sign it “Birth new sprocket- Dima". In the center we draw a big star and many small stars nearby. We enter the name of our son, and each guest present puts his signature and name. Framed item as a keepsake.

Poster for a girl

May she be healthy

The following idea will suit your beloved daughter's discharge:

  1. On the left - darling, children's drawing– stork, baby and cloud of balloons. Guests leave comments and congratulations on each balloon as the girl is discharged. After ready-made poster you can decorate a newborn's room at home.
  2. Often girls make posters with a photograph of a newborn, it is placed on the left of the picture. Then all the guests with the help finger paints leave fingerprints thumb And beautiful congratulations in the received pictures.

How to decorate a room for discharge from the hospital

Lots of balls

Let's consider the most unusual jewelry apartment and children's room upon arrival from the maternity hospital:

  1. Decorate the apartment with balloons. This is an affordable and effective home decoration for the arrival of the baby and wife. Such option will do to meet boys and girls, you just need to choose the colors that correspond to the gender.
  2. The presence of balls already creates festive atmosphere, and if you order words or figures from them, then congratulating your loved ones will turn out to be completely unusual. There are many varieties of balloons, so create holiday decor easy: foil, helium, in the form of a “sausage”, miniature and voluminous - if desired, any figure and picture can be created.

  3. Congratulations paper products. With the help of paper, they create original and bright products and decorations using the origami technique. Corrugated colored paper allows you to create voluminous butterflies that fly around the room. Sometimes they are tied to balls with a string and sent flying.

    You can make any shapes with your own hands: cars, ships, airplanes for the boy’s room; for the girl - bows, flowers, clouds. Will do bright garland for the wife, made of small flags with printed letters.

  4. Child's name. There are many options here: laid out with balloons, cut out in large paper letters, or written on big poster under the maternity hospital and decorate bright colors. By choosing strong and durable materials, the decoration will help you greet your loved one beautifully and will remain at home for many years.
  5. Postcard with wishes. It can be made from a large sheet of paper, put on cute pictures and images, make a themed background and leave space for the wishes of the guests. This souvenir will stay with you forever. long memory about the solemn day.

Congratulations: discharge from the maternity hospital

If your spouse, sister, daughter or friend is about to be discharged, you need to think in advance congratulatory speech when you come to pick her up at the maternity hospital or visit her at home. Today you don’t have to write everything yourself, there are plenty ready congratulations that will help you express your feelings and emotions.

Below are congratulations for boys and girls:

Menu and table for checkout

Lots of seasonal fruits and vegetables

At home, discharge is celebrated with a narrow family circle with a small number of invitees, but guests need to be treated to something. There is no need to organize a large-scale feast, because mother and baby will want to relax, but you can prepare small snacks with champagne.

Making a menu for festive table, choose recipes for dietary dishes so that a nursing woman can also enjoy herself.
Mashed potatoes or porridge are suitable as a side dish. It can be cooked hot with gravy; it is better to stew the meat. Mommy can’t eat all red foods, so there should be only a few of them on the table.

Versatile dishes include chicken and duck, which can be baked in the oven. Salads - made from greens, dressed with oil or low-fat sour cream. For dessert, try bananas in caramel sauce or green apple pie. In this case, everyone present will be able to eat without exception.

Gifts and souvenirs upon discharge from the hospital

Give what is useful

When gathering after discharge, it is customary to congratulate the new parents and give gifts. Let's look at the list of the most desirable gifts for the home and children, according to new mothers:

  1. Baby cot, car seat, bathtub, bottle sterilizer. Also relevant original products from diapers, which today can be ordered from modern craftsmen: cakes, boats, soft toys and more.
  2. So that the most precious things are preserved in mom's heart for a long time, special kits will help. They are made in the form of a box with inscriptions, and the following trinkets are stored inside:
    the same test with two stripes that informed about the birth of a new life;
    tags from the hands of a newborn, which indicate the height and weight of the baby;
    baby's first hairs.
    Over the years, the contents of the box can be replenished by placing the first tooth that fell out, a pacifier, booties and other small items.
  3. Rational gifts that make life easier for a modern young family are also appropriate:
    food processor;
    kit bed linen;
    children's cosmetics and other products.
  4. You will always need children's things: bodysuits, overalls for growth, educational toys from birth.
  5. The most appropriate gift is a certificate for the purchase of everything you need in a children's store. Then the parents themselves will choose everything they want for the birth of the baby.

Don't overdo it

How to meet a wife from the maternity hospital? Discharge from the maternity hospital is such a long-awaited event that until solemn date it gets discussed many times. And still doubts remain!

How to greet your wife from the maternity hospital - solemnly, with a buffet banquet, or modestly, but with flowers? Should I give something as a gift, should I invite a lot of relatives? You will find the answers in today's article.

The tradition of welcoming a wife back from the maternity hospital in a grand manner, with balalaikas and button accordions, partying until the night and toasting “to the baby” took root firmly in the Soviet Union.

It was a holiday for grandparents, close and distant relatives and, of course, for young father. Few people asked mother and baby if they needed this fuss on the first day of discharge from the hospital.

But you don't follow tradition and ask your spouse, how exactly does she want to check out?. Most likely, she has long matured a clear plan - so let her share it, because you still won’t be able to guess.

You need to have a clear idea of ​​what is happening to your woman in the postpartum ward. Most likely, she has stress from the burden of surging responsibility, pain in her chest from the milk bursting out of her, cracks from the baby’s inept touches and painful stitches everywhere.

And she also has hormonal disbalance(tearfulness, irritability) and several sleepless nights contract. First of all, she wants your understanding, patience, as well as warmth and calm.

Even if the woman in labor has assured you for nine months that she dreams of noisy party with balloons, confetti and fireworks, she could dramatically change her mind within a couple of days in the ward.

Call her and gently hint - does she still want to see twenty relatives at the front door?

How to meet a wife from the maternity hospital in a modest way

If a new mother is looking for peace and quiet, offer her a simple discharge option.

You will arrive at the right time with flowers (this is mandatory), a photographer (there is often a full-time photographer working at the maternity hospital, you just need to negotiate with him and indicate your phone number in the form) and several of your closest people - best friend, sister, freshly baked grandparents.

And even this version of the statement with the catchy title “It couldn’t be simpler” can be corrected by your spouse. For example, a friend of mine didn’t want to see anyone at all during the first week. She only needed a husband and child.

He picked her up with a bouquet of wild flowers, they took a photo on their mobile phone and left for new apartment. By the way, clean and fresh, fully prepared for the baby, which was the main merit of the young dad.

Check out: everything is going according to plan

Regardless of the pomp of discharge from the hospital, your responsibilities as a husband and father include:

1. buy a bouquet of flowers,

2. arrive at exactly the appointed time, and not half an hour later,

3. take pre-assembled bags with things for mother and baby (you will hand them over to the nurses in the foyer),

4. don't forget outerwear and your wife's seasonal shoes,

5. think about transporting the baby. Car seat (car seat) – The best decision for traveling by car. If you walk home, a regular stroller will do.

The rest is optional: photographers, cameramen, gifts for midwives, envelopes for the doctor, relatives, musicians, balloon compositions, a decorated car with “I had a son” stickers, an inscription on the asphalt “Thank you for your daughter” and other amenities.

By the way, even if your significant other has flatly refused a lavish ceremony, this does not mean that a sculpture made of balloons in the form of a basket with a baby or festive outfit car. The initiative in this case is not punishable.

The magnificent ceremony begins at the gates of the maternity hospital, where a young mother is greeted with music, songs, dancing and champagne, and ends at your home with a gala dinner and gifts.

Think over the menu in advance: it should contain enough healthy and approved food for nursing mothers. But it’s better not to tempt a woman with chocolate cakes and smoked sausages.

If you decide to throw a party, make sure you have a quiet and comfortable room where tired mother and newborn can retire. The party should not be excessively noisy or drunk, as this will irritate those discharged.

What to give your wife on the day of discharge?

In many conservative families that honor traditions, a gift to the wife for a son or daughter is obligatory. Usually this is jewelry with diamonds - a ring, earrings, pendant.

If finances allow, buy her some jewelry, even modest. Otherwise, you will put her in a terribly awkward position when her friends start asking: “What did he give you?”

But it is not at all necessary to greet your wife from the maternity hospital with a ring in her hands and on bended knee. You can present it at home, at dinner, or when everyone has left - it’s a rather intimate ritual.

And most importantly, pay more attention to your spouse in the first days at home: she now so needs your help and support!

After birth, the baby and his mother spend several more days in the maternity hospital - usually from 3 to 8. A young father can spend this time trying to figure out how to meet his wife from the maternity hospital in an original way. After all, a woman who has just given birth to a child, although tired, deserves small holiday and surprises.

Under the windows of the maternity hospital

Childbirth is not an easy process, so you shouldn’t be surprised that a new mother doesn’t run outside to see what her lover has prepared for her. But the day after the birth of the baby, most women can already go to the window and see the prepared surprise. What could it be and how to prepare it?

Air balloons

The balloons can be inflated with helium and launched so that at a certain moment they fly past the windows of the room where the young mother is. There should be a lot of balls, what color they will be - the new father will decide.

Of course, traditionally pink ones are made for girls and blue ones for boys. But it's better to stock up multi-colored balls- it looks colorful and fun.

Balloons and poster

Combination bright balls and a congratulatory banner, many women consider the most appropriate. How to prepare such a surprise?

  • pump up 2 or 3 large balloons with helium (you can use heart-shaped ones);
  • draw a poster with a declaration of love, gratitude for the child, etc. on thick but not heavy paper;
  • tie the balls to the top edge of the poster at an equal distance from each other;
  • Attach threads on spools to the bottom edge of the poster to adjust the height to which the surprise rises.

For the wife to see this beauty, she needs to call her, ask her to come to the window and wave her hand. In the window she should see a poster raised to eye level.

Sometimes men have the most unexpected ideas for a meeting from the maternity hospital: order an orchestra, a life-size puppet show, etc. But not all women like such things, so you need to be careful with such surprises.

At the time of discharge

The young mother’s spirits, raised in the maternity hospital, should be supported directly on the day of discharge. This is done primarily with the help of specially decorated vehicles. For this use:

  • balloons,
  • posters,
  • separately glued letters,
  • ribbons and bows,
  • stickers,
  • baby dolls,
  • soft toys, etc.

When decorating a car, you need to remember that safety comes first, so you shouldn’t clutter the hood, because this can obstruct your view. A few balls on the roof and a couple of ribbons tied across the trunk are enough. If you wish, you can decorate the car with the inscription “I have a son!” or “I’m going to pick up my daughter.”

Since you can beautifully greet your wife from the maternity hospital not only with the help of a specially decorated car, you need to take care of the bouquet and the photo shoot as a souvenir.

Which will be given to doctors and nurses can be anything. It is best to prepare small bouquets of bush chrysanthemums and asters if the baby was born in the fall, or of tulips and daffodils if in the spring. Roses - universal flowers for any occasion, even one bud will look good if it is decorated in an original way. As for the bouquet for your wife, you should think about a composition from soft toys- it will not cause allergies and will last for a long time.

Meeting at home

It is best if a man asks his partner in advance how she would like to be greeted at home after discharge. Not all women dream of a noisy holiday with a large number of guests, even if they are close relatives. Young mothers consider the best “gifts” from their husbands to be:

  • complete order at home after the procedure spring cleaning(possibly after cosmetic repairs);
  • freeing her from housework for at least the first 1-2 weeks after returning home;
  • the husband's leave for the first time after the birth of the baby in order to share the responsibilities of caring for him;
  • sets of diapers and everything you need when caring for a baby (breast pump, sterilizer for baby bottles, changing table, etc.).

Such care cannot be ignored, the new mother will appreciate it, she will not be nervous, and the baby will not be nervous either, which, in turn, will save the strength and nerves of the father of the family.

However, if you want to figure out how to greet your wife from the maternity hospital with a surprise, then you should turn to your imagination. A pleasant surprise for a woman it will be:

  • a poem dedicated to her (especially if the husband has never written anything like that), or a song;
  • a picture painted by your loved one with your own hands;
  • if you don’t have any special drawing skills, you can come up with a touching one that will tell how the couple met, how they got married and had a child;
  • instead of a collage, some make a clip from frames home video and photo.

Whether to decorate an apartment with balloons is a personal choice for everyone, but we must remember that the sharp sound of a bursting balloon can scare both mother and baby. Also, do not overuse flavorings - there is a risk that the child will not like the smell or will cause allergic reaction, which is very dangerous.

Before meeting your wife from the maternity hospital, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail, because any failed detail will ruin the whole impression. You shouldn’t come up with something super original; the woman will most likely be too tired to appreciate such efforts. Perhaps it makes sense to present a surprise in a few days.

What can be compared in importance to the discharge of mother and baby from the maternity hospital? Yes, practically nothing!

IN wedding day you share attention with your fiancé, when buying a car or an apartment you enjoy material values, but the holiday for being discharged from the maternity hospital is a special emotion, special photos and completely different feelings!

Today we will tell you how to organize discharge from the maternity hospital so that the baby’s mother is delighted! Of course, it’s worth slipping this publication to future dads and godparents, grandparents and aunts :). Let them take charge of organizing the fun!

Organizing discharge from the maternity hospital is complex and labor-intensive process, if you do it alone! But what if we divide powers and responsibilities and take on ideas for discharge from the maternity hospital point by point?

  • Organization of discharge from the maternity hospital
  • Meeting of a young mother and baby at home
  • Menu for discharge from the hospital

The first point can easily be taken care of by your friends, the second by your husband, but the third will definitely fall on the shoulders of the parents (grandparents of the baby).

Beautiful and original extract from the maternity hospital: meeting place

Of course, every couple wants their graduation ceremony to be the most stylish and beautiful! That is why I propose to move dozens of steps away from the banal posters “Thank you for your son/daughter!” and move on to more romantic and modern ideas!

For example, it would be appropriate if your wife (daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, etc.) receives her first bouquet upon waking up from the delivery room. Nothing makes me happy woman's eye, like an elegant bouquet of flowers that will remind you that she is loved and appreciated! Just note that the flowers do not have to be very fragrant (like lilies).

Let the unusual discharge from the maternity hospital begin from the first minute! The cheerful mime will scatter rose petals in front of the mother and lead her to where the young father, parents and family friends are already waiting!

Be sure to hire a professional photographer who can capture bright emotions and beautiful shots! Believe me, you will have no time to photograph mother and baby, because all your emotions and energy will be spent on congratulations!

An interesting solution would be to make various attributes for the meeting - arches, paths, fireworks and other “chips”. Discharge from the maternity hospital and the “pleasures” organized with your own hands will not go unnoticed on this day!

Please note that it must be issued in gentle tones– pink, peach, yellow, coral.

Don't forget to cook Balloons and firecrackers with rose petals, but you shouldn’t buy too many flowers - let only the husband with the bouquet be the one who is most looking forward to his girls coming home :).

It will be fun to issue a discharge from the maternity hospital in the style of the birth of a Princess! Then the key element of the entire design can be a small crown, which will crown the girl’s name, flags, balls and other accessories!

Give small crowns to everyone present :). Let them feel like they are at court!

But maybe it can be more restrained :). Blue and blue tones more traditional for children of this gender.

Give preference to a holiday in the style of a little gentleman. Funny mustaches, butterflies and blue balloons - such a creative discharge from the maternity hospital will be remembered by everyone without exception!

Give all your guests a piece of candy - let them feel the sweetness and fun even before the buffet table :).

After mom comes out, congratulations and a few photos of the newborn and parents should be sent home!

Perhaps you are planning a small buffet for discharge from the maternity hospital? You will find ideas for it below!

Extract from the maternity hospital: what to think of for apartment decor

The holiday doesn't have to end with arriving home! It should just begin there! Depending on the gender of the child, place garlands and congratulations, photographs with the pregnant mother, things and other little things on the walls!

Frames with ultrasound photos and a pregnant photo shoot in the album will complement the overall atmosphere!

A good solution would be to arrange gifts in the house, decorate the crib and place children's soft toys!

If you're planning to invite guests home, don't forget to send them fun invitations!

Just for friends and family, place a book of wishes at the entrance, where they can congratulate the baby and mother. By the way, the first pages of a children's photo album can serve as a book of wishes. This way, you will forever preserve the wishes of those closest to you for your daughter or son!

Many people ask the question “How to celebrate being discharged from the maternity hospital?” The next section of our article is exactly for you!

How to arrange a discharge from the maternity hospital: a celebration of the belly

Noisy feast, alcohol and a large number of It’s better to leave guests until the bridesmaid or christening. Then mother and child will adapt to each other, the situation and the environment at home and will be able to fully enjoy the holiday. For now, a circle of close people is enough :). Treat me people's lungs snacks and sandwiches, skewers and tartlets, recipes for which you can find on our website.

Give preference to desserts and tea, which will be enough for a festive meeting!

Don't forget about the little things that will brighten up your holiday!

For entertainment, you can arrange competitions when you are discharged from the hospital. For example, conduct a short quiz among your guests with questions on the topic “What is the weight of the newborn baby?”, “Length of the foot in millimeters,” etc.

Let your guests have fun by guessing children's songs and riddles, playing games or other children's activities!

We are sure that our tips on how to decorate a discharge from the maternity hospital will help your family create a unique holiday!

The long-awaited miracle must be met magically!

Call your friends for help

On album sheets words of gratitude are printed out. We invite family friends who are waiting for mother and baby on the street in front of the maternity hospital. This is a surprise that will definitely touch a woman's heart. You quietly turn on your wife’s favorite music, and your friends gradually and one by one raise sheets of words above them. Approximate option installations: “Beloved!”, “Tender”, “The best in the world”, “My girl”, “Wife”, “Mom!”, “I’m happy!”, “Thank you!”, “For being you” !”, “For these 9 months”, “For my daughter and son!”, “Thank you that I am now a DAD!”, “I will love you!”.

Dance flash mob in front of the maternity hospital

The father, while waiting for discharge, with the help of friends or relatives, prepares a dance with bouquets of flowers (balloons, hearts, packs of diapers - whatever your imagination allows). Learn 3-4 movements the day before and try to dance synchronously for two minutes to your favorite music. participate. When the dance ends, everyone turns around, lining up in a row, and on the backs of the flash mob participants are attached sheets with the words: “Beloved! Thank you for your love and son!” or any other words you come up with. And even if the movements are not very coordinated, and the inscription on the back is clumsy, the main thing is that you will try for your beloved!

New Year

Mother is greeted, regardless of the time of year... Father Frost and Snow Maiden! Yes, don’t let this bother you, because from the date when your baby comes home you really have New Year- completely different from all the previous ones. And don’t limit your imagination, take it to checkout and artificial Christmas tree With family photos, with bottles, sliders and nipples. And at the end - an impromptu round dance around mother and baby and, of course, gifts.