Lucky blue smith is going to be a father. young and early

IN THE HEADING "NEW NAME" once a week we talk about promising newcomers: musicians, directors, artists and other creative people - that is, everyone whose name is increasingly appearing on the pages of magazines, in social media feeds and in our conversations and who is clearly on the threshold of great success. Today we are talking about a young American fashion model, Mormon and drummer with the heartbreaking name of Lucky Blue Smith.

olga strakhovskaya

It is common to say about 17-year-old people that they have a great future (and good, if so). But history knows exceptions, and Lucky Blue is just one of them. It’s a little strange to say about a teenager that he already has a great past behind him, but there’s no other way to call it: for the last five years he has consistently and confidently turned into the king of the catwalks, the idol of the youth (mostly female) and the pop star of the Instagram era. At the age of 12 he directed by Hedi Slimane for Japanese Vogue Homme, followed by Levi's in their campaign against the background of the inscription "Hollywood"; now crowds follow Lucky Blue, wherever he appears, his invites to the show Ellen DeGeneres, and separate articles from Business of Fashion and New York Magazine are devoted to his phenomenon. He's one of those people who doesn't even need a last name to be recognized - like Naomi, Kate or Kare - although, let's face it, a name like his is hard to forget.

Back in 2010, little foreshadowed such a development. Lucky Blue was an awkward, angular and lanky teenager with long whitish patches(sorry for this word, but you can’t say otherwise) and protruding front teeth, by his own admission, made him look like a rodent. Add to this three beautiful sisters a little older, and everything will be clear - the guy in the Smith family for a long time was not in the first roles. Moreover, the beauty in this family, obviously, was transmitted through the maternal line: the mother of our hero Sheridan Smith was a fashion model in her youth, as, indeed, her mother. Father's mother too.

All three Lucky Blue sisters are also models, and looking at their family photos is really weird. Such a concentration of conventional beauty almost devalues ​​it and at least dehumanizes it: we have before us, as it were, the embodiment of the American dream, fixed in one frame. It would seem that living people don’t even have such names: in addition to Lucky Blue, the younger generation of the Smith family is called Daisy Clementine, Piper America and Starley Cheyenne. Yes, these are all real names, and I really want to go to their hometown of Spanish Fork, in Utah, to see what the rest of the residents are called there.

In fact, origin is the second trump card up the Smith family's sleeve, and they seem to be well aware of the fact that it gives them +10 to charisma and unusualness. Natives of the Mormon state of America itself, the Smiths, as befits the adherents of this religious movement, promote it in every possible way (even by the very fact of their existence): they show journalists how to pray before meals, and demonstratively hold on to traditional family values. Lucky Blue himself from time to time posting on twitter quotes from the Book of Mormon, which leads his online flock to delight, tenderness and bewilderment at the same time. Considering that before that we knew only one Mormon sex symbol - The Killers lead singer Brandon Flowers - and the followers of Mormonism are still suspected of both polygamy and virginity before marriage, an additional halo of mystery naturally developed around Lucky Blue.

← The first clip of the Smith family group The Atomics, where Lucky Blue is only thirteen years old

Unfortunately, all this says almost nothing about the personality of the young man himself and his inner world: successes in the modeling business, traditions and beliefs laid down in him by his parents and the environment, even a passion for music - all this, it seems, is not quite him, but an image, that other people put on him. The success story of Lucky Blue, as if by a textbook, follows the path of many child stars who were stubbornly pushed through by their parents from an early age. When our hero was ten, his fourteen-year-old sister was taken to a modeling audition in Salt Lake City, and more than successfully. It was signed by one of the main American agencies Next, and a couple of years later the Smiths brought two other daughters and a son to Los Angeles. A couple of booker recommendations, six months in braces and a few hours in the hairdresser's chair - and so a new star was born: a platinum blonde with a piercing look, for which he is invariably compared to James Dean.

Even the family and quite good surf-rock band of the young Smiths The Atomics, in which Lucky Blue sits on the drums and the sisters play the guitars, seems to be at least partly invented by their father. He, as is usually the case, is their manager. The reporter for The Cut says that in the Los Angeles apartment where all four now live with their parents, the walls are plastered and painted not with cheerful rebellious slogans and pictures, as is customary at this age, but with motivational signs charging for success and success again, like "You work hard, you work hard." On The Atomics' task list, which also hangs in a prominent place, is to reach the first line of the iTunes hit parade. It's hard to believe that they'll succeed, but Lucky Blue always has a movie escape route: on top of that, he's going to star with Rob Diamond, an indie filmmaker and friend of the Smith family.

All this together should terribly put pressure on the teenage psyche, but looking at Lucky Blue, you understand that he seems to be saved precisely by the fact that he is a teenager. He sincerely freezes out”And laughs at himself on the Ellen show, feels like a king and a jerk at the same time, and with pleasure (with the encouragement of his mother) gives out the coordinates of his location on Instagram - where crowds of fans immediately flock. Yes, perhaps this is how parents want to see the success of their offspring, but this does not mean that this is not at all consonant with the offspring himself. It remains only to wait until a personality begins to break through from under all these clichés and the game of innocent sex symbolism. “I would really hate to turn into one of these guys who get famous and start acting like terrible assholes,” he says, and we would love to take him at his word.

The list of stars who will become parents in 2017 has been replenished with another couple. Model and musician Lucky Blue Smith and model and singer Stormy Bree, who is eight years older than her boyfriend, announced the imminent replenishment.

young and early

18-year-old Lucky Blue Smith, who shines on fashion shows and is the face of brands such as Michael Kors, Tom Ford and Philipp Plein, is rightfully considered one of the most successful and promising fashion models of our time. The young man, who started modeling at the age of 10, has managed to achieve no small success and earns millions.

As it turned out, Lucky Blue is not only in a hurry to make a career, but also decided to become a young dad. Smith's girlfriend Stormy Brie, 26, is pregnant.

New stage

The future father shared the good news with his Instagram followers. On Tuesday, a black-and-white photo of him posing with Stormy appeared on his page, with the caption:

“Hey guys, I just want you to know about an important event in my personal life. I have amazing news - Stormi and I are having a baby! I'm very excited and can't wait for a great trip."

Forgotten Vows

The fans rushed to congratulate the couple, but did not fail to remind Smith of the rules adopted by the Mormons (Lucky Blue's parents are strict Mormons and he himself has repeatedly said that, being a modern person, he adheres to this religion). Users remembered his words about the inadmissibility of sexual relations before marriage, because, as you know, Bree and Smith are not yet married.

Smith in the Tom Ford campaign.

Lucky Blue Smith (Lucky Blue Smith) was born on June 4, 1998 and is a . He was discovered at the age of 10 and signed his first contract when he was 12 with NEXT Model Management. Many believe that he gained wide popularity primarily due to his platinum blond hair and a multimillion-dollar army of followers on social networks.

Model Data:

  • Height: 189 cm;
  • Eye color: sky blue;
  • Hair color: platinum blonde;
  • Consists of agencies: NEXT Model Management (Los Angeles / parent / Paris / Milan / London / New York / Miami).

Model career

Smith is the youngest among her four sisters. His mother Sheridan is a former model and his father Dallon is a musician who enjoys playing the guitar. He grew up in the small town of Spanish Fork, Utah. Lucky was discovered in a store where he went with his three sisters and his mother when he was 10 years old, while he began his career at 12. After signing a contract with NEXT Model, he and the entire Smith family moved to Los Angeles. Shortly after their arrival, Lucky, as well as his siblings, took part in a Hedi Slimane photo shoot for Vogue Homme Japan, thanks to which the young fashion model attracted huge attention.

Smith's modeling career took a new turn after he dyed his hair platinum on the advice of his agent. By 2015, his portfolio had grown to include dozens of popular magazine covers and campaigns for popular brands such as Philipp Plein and Tom Ford. He and several other models appeared in Tom Ford's fashion video with Lady Gaga for the Spring/Summer 2016 campaign. Smith has done shows for labels such as Tom Ford, Versace, Michael Kors, Etro and Bottega Veneta. He has also featured in campaigns for CK One (photographed by Mario Sorrenti), Moncler (photographed by Annie Leibovitz), Gap and the Tommy Hilfiger campaign. Lucky has also featured in Levi's and H&M commercials, and graced the cover of Harper's Bazaar.

Magazines where Lucky appeared on the covers (clickable gallery):

Musical career

In 2009, Smith and his three sisters formed Surf rock band called The Atomics. Lucky is the drummer in the band and states that music is his true passion. The group is also represented by NEXT.

Merit in the modeling industry

In 2015, Teen Vogue named Smith a "Breakthrough Aspiring Model". He received the status of "Promising Model" from the respected fashion resource, and got into his "" for 2015, where he ranks second in the number of followers on social networks among all male models in the industry. Many in the fashion industry acknowledge that Smith's popularity (especially among teenage girls) on social media is a deciding factor for brands and editors who want to work with him.

The article was prepared based on Wiki materials.

Lucky has a huge army of fans in the social. networks, which is more than 1.8 million, and only on Instagram!

Lucky along with one of her sisters Piper America.

10 facts about Lucky Blue Smith

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