How to survive a breakup with a loved one? How to get over a breakup with a loved one easier

People meet, fall in love, then get married, have children and live happily until old age... Everyone would like this, and everyone expects exactly this from love. But, unfortunately, not every relationship, even the strongest at first glance, is able to overcome all difficulties and lead to everything described above.

People not only meet and get married, but also break up.

And, although this happens quite often, it seems to everyone that he is the first and only in his grief. It's not clear how to get over a breakup. It is unclear how to proceed further. And it is absolutely impossible to survive the pain, because it is unbearable. Is this all about you? Then the article is addressed specifically to you. And it will help you cope with the problem that has arisen, overcome it and forget about the offense forever.

Tip one: you need to understand that you are not unique in this

Believe me, people break up, perhaps even more often than they get married. Most of those who now enjoy a happy marriage have experienced the same pain and betrayal in their past. And often people who experienced a breakup note that it was for the better, and it was this that led to the appearance of another loved one in their life, who turned out to be the one and only one.

Of course, it is not easy to understand and, most importantly, accept this. You are feeling resentment, disappointment, despair. And I certainly don’t want to hear that many people have had this happen and that everything will pass over time, the feelings will subside, and a new sun will shine in the sky. But, no matter how banal it all sounds, that’s exactly how it is. You are not the only person who has been abandoned. And, for that matter, the pain of separation has been experienced by billions of people for millennia. This has existed since the very beginning of humanity, and almost everyone managed to survive and found the strength to move on.

Of course, at first the feelings will simply roll in, and the melancholy will seem suffocating. But it’s hard for everyone after a breakup. It is important to understand that you are not unique in this. And since you managed to survive everyone else, you can too.

Love is one of the most exciting, rewarding and enjoyable human experiences. Whether it is the love of family, friends, children or romantic love, it is still a common human adventure. You can climb to the very top of love, but the falls can be much more painful, especially when it comes time to let your loved one go. Whether it's the moment when you have to let him go because it's time to move on, or it's time to move on to another relationship, grief will still befall you. You will grieve for what was lost, but time heals everything. Be aware of your emotional boundaries, but don't isolate yourself to allow someone to come and heal you from your loss.



    Accept the five stages of grief. These stages can rather be described as cycles. You may miss these stages, never experience them, but you may also get stuck in them. At the same time, you may feel only some or all of them at once, repeatedly absorbing you. Stages:

    • Rejection and Isolation: This stage involves denial of reality. This is a natural reaction when suppressing the pain caused by the pain of loss.
    • Anger: This stage occurs after you become aware of your rejection. Anger may be directed at inanimate objects, strangers, family, or friends. You may be angry at the person who died or moved away, but then feel guilty for your feelings of anger.
    • Negotiation: At this stage, you may feel that it is time to take back control and emerge from a state of helplessness. You may worry that you should have been a better person than you are, or that you should have gotten help, and so on.
    • Depression: This stage will only bring sadness and regret that comes with the knowledge that a loved one is truly gone. You may feel depressed, cry, and so on.
    • Acceptance: This stage can be described as achieving a state of calm and humility. Some people never get to this stage of grief.
  1. Acknowledge your grief. This relationship essentially died. So, it's normal to feel as if the most important person in your life has died. You have the right to feel loss. Let the waves of grief wash over you, but swim out eventually, otherwise they will consume you. Don't fight them. Accept that these are just waves of emotions that will shock you for a while, but your heart needs time to heal. Grieving is part of healing.

    • Even if no one in your life knows how you feel, you can still recognize your pain just for yourself. When you feel down, take a moment and tell yourself, "I'm sad, and that's okay. It makes you feel better."
  2. If necessary, seek professional help. If you are concerned that your pain is developing into something less than healthy, or that you are becoming depressed, seek help from a professional. A therapist will help you process your loss and determine whether you are depressed.

    • Read "How to Get Rid of Depression" to better understand its methodology.
    • You may find it helpful to talk to a therapist, even if you are not depressed. A therapist can help you understand how to cope with the pain of loss.

    Trust time

    1. Promise yourself not to rush. There is an old saying: "time heals all wounds" and it's true. However, healing has everything to do with being aware of your emotions and giving yourself time. We want to deal with it as quickly as possible, but in the end, a quick cure is powerless where love was. Take time to heal and don't rush.

      Give yourself one day. Conquer the top of time in small steps. You can put all your long-term goals on pause. It's just one day.

      Celebrate small victories. You may still feel pain, but you will soon feel it subsiding. And this will be a serious step towards healing. This is a promise that things will only get better.

      Allow yourself to think about something positive. Find harmony and don't let the sad moments come before the happy ones. Once the wave of sadness has passed, give yourself a moment (maybe just a moment) to hear your feelings. Then direct your thoughts to something more positive.

      • For the record, it's okay to laugh while grieving. Your emotions are simply overrated. Whether you believe it or not, your emotions are doing exactly what they are supposed to do. However, the reappraisal process fails and we may end up in deep depression, which is much more serious.

      Memories of relationships

      Chat with other people

      Expressing yourself

      Move on with your life

      1. Live your own life. You have experienced grief and you have used enough time to work through this relationship. You've learned how to set your emotional boundaries as well as manage them. You began to let people into your life and found yourself. Now it's time to move on. Honor the memory of your loved one by living your life. His love had an effect on you when he was alive, but not when he is dead. Continue to remember his love, but do not deny yourself this feeling and the life that awaits you.

        Determine if you are still depressed. When you give yourself time to heal from a broken relationship, the person you are ready to let into your life may appear at that very moment. But you don't want to be the one who carries old baggage into a new relationship, friendly or romantic. Think about whether you are free from thoughts about lost love. If you still think about him even a couple of times a day, then you are still depressed about your relationship. Even friendships with someone aimed at moving on from an old relationship can be a problem, as you experience a temporary gap in emotional needs and will only burden someone by trying to fill the hole in their heart. But the connection probably won't work that way. In fact, he will have nothing more to offer you.

        Determine how often you think about this person. Can you visit places you went to together and not immediately think about him? If the whole world is still screaming his name, then most likely you need more time.

        Free up your memories for new experiences. Until you're ready, it's okay to avoid places that might remind you of him. But keep in mind that the pain is multi-layered. While it's okay to avoid everything at first, eventually you'll want to challenge yourself to fully heal. Try visiting old places with a new friend. You will then be able to form new memories and associations. Start with places where you feel comfortable and slowly move to places where you would like to change your memories and stories. These places can still be special.

        Watch your reaction when someone says your lover's name. When you hear someone say your lover's name, do you still feel a sharp pain? If you still feel pain, remind yourself that you want the best for him. It will seem stupid, but in this way you will reprogram your thoughts about that person.

      2. Assess your emotional reaction when meeting your ex-lover. If you run into your ex and his new lover, what will be your reaction? Does it offend you to see him happy? Can you be happy for him? Did you let him go?

        • Be prepared for possible minor injuries, but just like when you are injured, you can be healed and be able to come out of that state. Just make sure it's just minor bruises and nothing more.


I realize this is really unexpected advice. But in fact, all the recommendations to start new things, do good, take up a career, have a cat, a lover, fleas - these are just ways to get distracted. Let's accept it as a fact: you broke up, it can make you feel good, bad, terrible, great. But you are still living. And live.

Every moment when you want to crawl under the covers, hide, wake up, when it’s over - live. Tell yourself: “This is me, this is my face, my body, my work, my children, my cats, my dogs. I don't disappear because someone left or something ended. I still am. I live". Don't take away your sensitivity - face pain too. Society and the world teach us not to come into contact with what hurts us, but numbness is the same paralysis: the less you feel, the less you live.

Accept your own “stupidity”

You will be given a lot of advice: don't call him, call him, tell her, don't tell her, go on a hundred dates, have a drink, buy a new dress, get a new haircut. And you will act illogically. Perhaps even in a way that you yourself consider unnecessary and wrong. You call him, you don't call him, you don't tell her, you don't tell her, you don't make a date, you don't get drunk (get drunk), you don't buy a dress or get a haircut. In a difficult separation, the sights are off and for some time decisions are made under the influence of the moment, rather than a qualitative study of current conditions. Accept it.

If you feel bad, don't be afraid

Yes, you feel bad and there is no other reality. You suffer, you cry, you pray. If your loved one was important and good, it should be bad. When you lose a hundred rubles, you get upset, and when you lose someone important, it would be quite cynical to shake yourself up and move on. But it means that you had something valuable. You can, of course, cry here and say that “now it’s not…”. And cry. But it was. Over time this fact will become more important. The sooner you start appreciating it, the better.

Write a list

All psychologists recommend writing lists, why am I worse? For example, “11 of my favorite socks from my ex” or “17 plans for the future without this goat.” Write any list - his or her advantages, disadvantages, pros, cons, just some extraneous list - shopping, for example. Finally, make an estimate for the renovation of your parents’ dacha.

Okay, this is almost a joke point. But if you like making lists, be sure to make them. Because structuring the situation helps to cope with chaos and high levels of feelings: when we make lists, the analytical part of the brain works more. In addition, a repair estimate is always useful.

Ground yourself

When experiencing strong emotions, a person seems to float - stands on his toes, does not breathe, does not feel his body. Exhale. Stand firmly on your feet. Feel your body. Remember your name, how old you are, what education you have, what food you loved most as a child.

Know: no one is irreplaceable

Remember your good experiences before and without meeting this person. There are no such? Can't be. What about that favorite food in childhood? You lived without this person for many years: you went to the park with friends, skipped math, got bad marks, earned money.

Maybe life or meeting this particular person is the best thing that has happened to you at the moment. But it’s not the only good thing and definitely not the only good thing that will happen in your life. At least if you decide so.

Go to therapy

No, really. Go to a psychologist, tell him everything, cry, get angry, find a connection with your mom, dad and what your grandmother (great-grandmother) experienced during the war. Maybe this is your family scenario? Self-fulfilling prophecy? Narcissistic injury? Separation failed? Addiction complicated by depression and compulsive overeating? Maybe you are actually the sickest person in the world? And you think that it’s all because of unhappy love.

But seriously, psychologists are special people who exist to help those who feel bad. They study for 15 years to properly sit down next to you and talk about what exactly is wrong. Probably not in vain.


And you can do the same for me, because, probably, if you have strong feelings, then any texts seem useless. Don't forget about your aggression, it's very important. Because there is not only pain, but also anger - at the fact that you are in such a situation, at the fact that he (she) is not smart enough, at a thousand things.

Ask for help and support

A psychologist is good, but it’s even better if you have a friend, colleagues, classmates, parents, someone who can hold your hand at a particularly sensitive moment. Sometimes it can feel like you're boring everyone with your story, and it's scary to turn to someone for help again. But this is a very important activity.


Maybe not even for a new love. Just for something good: a trip to an interesting place, admission to a university, a change of job, a new season of your favorite TV series - in general, something that will bring you joy. Try to restore your favorite activities, or at least just build yourself some new, but stable schedule. Hope and faith in the future is one of the foundations of recovery.

It’s great when an emerging timid feeling develops into true love and brings lovers to the threshold of the registry office. And then a happy family life, like in a fairy tale. But it also happens differently.

The specter of parting looms on the horizon, and you are frantically looking for answers to the question: how to move on. But let's talk about this in more detail.

Psychology of farewell

Parting. A terrible word that is familiar to almost all of us. In psychology, separation is one of the types of losses. Loss of property, loss of ability to work, loss of a loved one.

When a person goes through this period, he inevitably goes through certain stages.

Psychologists say that the process of experiencing a breakup lasts from 3 months to 3 years. The duration depends on many factors. In addition, this process is distinguished by such a property as reversibility. That is, you can live a new life, but at one point your memory can helpfully throw you back a year. And despair, anger, sadness will come again.

How to get over a breakup easier

Separation is unpleasant because it changes our usual way of life. And in the case when it is not we who leave, but us, self-esteem also suffers. The realization that we have been neglected unsettles us.

How to survive a breakup and get out of this situation with the least losses in the shortest possible time?

Put a point

The most difficult thing after a breakup is to put an end to the relationship and start a new, happy life. In order for everything to work out, you need not to hold on to your ex-love, but, on the contrary, let her go. You must accept the fact that you have your own, and your partner has his own, separate life.

Give him the right to be independent. Turn this page in your book of destiny. Once you free yourself from the burden of the past, relief will come.

Letting go of obsessive thoughts

An equally difficult point is accepting the breakup. However, this is also the most correct thing. Don't fall into sadness and despair. Better analyze the relationship and forget about it. If your ex-lover doesn’t want to communicate with you anymore, then it’s your fault. Think about what was wrong? Review your mistakes so that you never repeat them again and live with positive thoughts.

Remember that a woman must be an actress. When you feel completely uneasy, put on the mask of a successful lady, get into character and experience positive emotions and sensations.

Praise yourself for the smallest, but, in your opinion, successful little things. Standing in front of the mirror, admire yourself. Loving yourself during a breakup is not easy, but it is necessary. Then others will love you too.

Forgiveness of a loved one

You must be well aware that the other person has the right to their own privacy. He doesn't owe you anything and is not obligated to live up to your expectations. Accumulating anger and reproaches is not the best option.

Hatred destroys from within. If you want to quickly recover from the consequences of separation, do not make plans for revenge, do not cultivate a negative attitude towards your former loved one, do not beg for pity.

Forgive your partner, let go of the grudge. After all, negativity does not allow you to easily enter into new relationships, enjoy life and improve yourself.

Search for benefits

The relationship finally deteriorated and you broke up? Look at it from a different angle. How many new opportunities and prospects are opening up for you. Take a blank piece of paper and write a short list.

List the main advantages of breaking up with your ex-loved one. And there is no need to say that they do not exist. They are always there, you just need to think carefully and see the obvious. And when you compose it, re-read it carefully and hang it on the wall. You can even frame it.

Work and more work

Of course, becoming a workaholic is not the best solution. But at such a moment you can take advantage of this opportunity. Throw yourself into your work, come up with new projects, generate fresh ideas and bring them to life. If you do this, you can kill two birds with one stone: get out of your past relationship quickly and without losses, and also climb the corporate ladder and make a career.

Fighting loneliness

After a breakup, a person finds himself in a social vacuum. Even if he is surrounded by people with whom he enjoyed communicating, they cannot take the place of someone who is no longer with you. You feel a universal emptiness.

These emotions are especially acute when:

  • the breakup happened unexpectedly, literally out of nowhere;
  • the person who was abandoned was emotionally dependent on the partner.

In such cases, it is very important to survive this period without destroying yourself. One of the most common mistakes is new relationships. They will not bring you joy. Moreover, there is a high probability that they will also end in a breakup. After all, you are not yet ready for new feelings, and you are driven by the usual desire to prove something to your ex.

This position is not the best basis for new love. The new partner becomes a kind of screen onto which the image of the departed is projected.

This does not mean that you should not communicate with members of the opposite sex at all. No, communicate, but as soon as you notice that you are starting to pour out your grief and resentment, stop. There is such an image among men as a “comforter”, but do you want to be a victim all the time - that is the question.

A woman who respects herself will never agree to build a relationship based on pity. You just have to wait until the past fades away and cools down, and then start a new romance.

Chat with friends. Such communication really saves. Just don’t complain to them about life. It’s better to tell us what’s new at your work. Remember what you talked about with your best friend or girlfriend before her (before him). It's good if you return to your previous interests.

Look after yourself. Take time to go to a beauty salon or hairdresser. Get a stunning manicure or a new hairstyle. All this mobilizes and forces you to live on.

Chance for self-realization

A person is designed in such a way that, becoming attached to a loved one, he begins to live his life. This is especially true for women. When separation knocks on the door, we not only lose our partner, but also ourselves. Most often, relationships end precisely because one of the partners has lost himself and completely dissolved in the other. This is the worst part of a breakup. But there is no need to despair.

A breakup is the perfect time to start taking care of yourself. Remember what you always wanted to do, what you dreamed about, but never got around to it.

Sign up for a Spanish course? Learn a new profession? Learn to dance flamenco? So what's stopping you now?

This way you will spend your free time not on memories and hysterics, but on self-realization. There is one more plus to this - you will be surrounded by many people, new acquaintances, new interests and a new opportunity to express yourself.

Recreation and entertainment

In the first period of life without him or without her, the most important thing is not to be alone. Plan your days so that they are filled to capacity with things that interest you.

Why don't you go on a trip or go to a play with your favorite actors.

Have a bachelorette party with your friends, observing only one taboo - not a word about your ex. Don't you have something to talk about with those you respect and have been close to since childhood?

Small pleasures

Why not give yourself a holiday? For example, call a good friend to rearrange the furniture in the room. This way you will immediately feel at home in a new environment.

Or buy yourself that bracelet that you have long dreamed of, but put off buying for later. Now is the time to treat yourself to something new.

Or you can purchase a subscription to a beauty salon and devote the whole day to your beloved. Are you not worthy of this? They deserve it, and not only that, so why deny yourself the pleasure?!

How to cope with a breakup with a loved one

Psychology claims that breaking up a relationship is not a reason for despair, but a good opportunity to change your life. Analyze past mistakes and get ready for a new flight, but without making the same mistakes that happened in the past. Let's talk about this in more detail.

With husband

A husband is the person who has become a part of you. Breaking up with him is like having your arm amputated. It hurts, it hurts a lot. But you still have to learn to live without this very “hand”. What to do?

Psychologists give good advice - you need to abstract yourself and look at the situation from the outside. Start, for example, writing a novel.

Not even a novel, just a diary. Or post your writings on a blog. Let the main character become your prototype. She is going through the same thing as you. Think about what might await her in the future, how best to behave in such a situation. Come up with a plot for her life, and then just implement it yourself.

With my wife

Men, despite all their physical strength, experience mental anguish for a very long time and painfully. There are a huge number of reasons why women leave. This could be either an inappropriate attitude of a husband towards his wife or a new hobby. Betrayal or cooling of feelings. But we are not talking about the reasons now. We're talking about how to cope with loss.

With a guy

Have you made amazing plans for your wedding and life together, but now you're faced with the prospect of a breakup? Alas, life is not always idyllic. The most important thing now is to get out of this situation without problems. How to survive this temporary state?

Here's what the wisest people - psychologists - say:

Step one. Realize and accept what happened.
Step two. Decisive, effective actions. Try attacking your bad mood.
Step three. Secure the result with self-control.

You can’t experience the same thing twice, so if your emotions run high, give yourself free rein. If you want to cry, cry. Tears are a great tool to get rid of negativity. And they are usually replaced by calm. And then a new life awaits you, full of joyful moments and happiness.

With girl

It often happens that guys cannot immediately accept the breakup of a relationship as a given. But here you have to be careful. If you decide to get back together, then there is a high probability that in the near future you will break up again. And this will happen again and again. Therefore, it is better to put an end to it.

  • Try to minimize communication with this girl. At the very least, stick to this rule until you are sure that you don't want to start all over again.
  • Remove all emotional reminders. Her things, the movies you two watched together, your places where you walked. It’s better not to remember all this at first. Otherwise, you will have romantic dreams and a desire to return everything again and again.
  • Try to diversify your life. Sign up for a new sports section or start developing a new project at work. Just don’t resort to drinking alcohol: it won’t lead to anything good.
  • Start chatting with other girls. Looking for a replacement right away is a bad option. But it is important that you are surrounded by female society, then the pain of separation will subside quite quickly.

Video: How to get over a breakup

With lover

Parting with a lover is a mental pain that needs to be drowned out with something. Just what? Lying down and looking at the ceiling is a path that leads to nowhere. But you can turn the situation around for your own benefit.

Fill the time you spent together with something else. For example, fitness classes. Or pay attention to your family, start building relationships with your husband. Listen to cheerful music, watch romantic films, and it will be better if you do this together with your spouse.

How to behave in order to quickly return to normal life?

  1. No need to hide emotions, it’s better to feel all the pain, resentment and melancholy. Tears are a good healer of mental wounds; they cleanse.
  2. Learn to distract yourself. This is where work can help.
  3. Experiment. Swap your brown curls for golden ones. Men have a different style - change the decor in your apartment.
  4. Create. Explore new and unknown things. Learn to play the guitar, new languages ​​and specialties.
  5. Help other people. Send old children's things to an orphanage, bring groceries to a neighbor, go with your mother to her favorite performance.
  6. Go on a trip. A change of environment is very beneficial; we are distracted from everything that happened at home.

And after all these manipulations, just forgive and let go. This will not happen right away, but one day you will still feel that the person who brought you joy and suffering is no longer yours. And you won’t feel any negativity towards him.

Separation from the person you love is a complex and ambiguous situation. It doesn’t take a day or even a couple of weeks to survive it. You can't just forget everything and get it out of your head.

Psychologists can tell you how to survive a breakup with a loved one. There are certain rules of conduct and relevant advice.

When the relationship is over

Separation from a person with whom you were in a relationship is always a very difficult and confusing matter. But psychologists say that such a breakup is easier to survive than a divorce.

Therefore, if the separation occurred precisely at the time of the meeting, then this is one of the advantages of the sad situation. It is always more difficult for a wife to heal a broken heart than for a lover.

Parting with a loved one should not occupy a girl’s thoughts all night long.

After a certain period of experiencing shock, you need to try to distract yourself with something, and at the same time relax.

What to do after a breakup?

  • A set of relaxing massages for a week or two will help greatly. It will relieve excess tension in the body and clear the head.
  • Self-care can often help take your mind off sad thoughts and also improve your self-esteem. It is recommended to sign up for a manicure, get a pedicure and go to the solarium.

A confident girl who receives compliments and smiles from others simply does not have the right to be lonely and unhappy!

  • It is necessary to arrange pleasant sessions alone with yourself every evening. For example, take a bubble bath with some calming herbs.

During such unity with yourself, you need to try to forget about past relationships and imagine next to you a worthy man, with the qualities with which you want to meet him.

You need to understand that you cannot get over a breakup in a short time. But when most of the emotional burden is removed, you can gradually move on to new acquaintances.

  1. No need to cry at night, and is mesmerized by looking at photographs accompanied by the most touching music in the world. This will only make the pain worse. You should throw out all memories of your ex-boyfriend or hide them in a black box, which is strictly prohibited from opening.
  2. Take your mind off sad thoughts. When a breakup occurs, many people write SMS and try to remind their ex-boyfriend about themselves. There is no need to do this; it is better to distract yourself from the situation and accept all offers from friends to meet. You can sign up for dancing, decide on something you’ve wanted for a very long time. It could be a new hobby, skydiving.
  3. Change your image. If your ex liked long hair, you need to get a haircut urgently. If he liked red lipstick, you need to switch to neutral shades. Such novelty in the image is necessary so that, looking at herself in the mirror, the girl can say that she is different and that a different, happy life awaits her.
  4. Get all the phrases out of your head, which talk about self-doubt and feed it. Breakup: quotes from many great people on this topic agree that if he left, it does not mean that there are problems with the girl. On the contrary, it’s the guy who has the problem: it’s not worth blaming himself for anything.
  5. Don't torture yourself. Every day, wandering through the places where they were often together, ending up under the windows of his house. All this will only worsen depression, so for your own health, you need to completely switch from the situation and change the environment as much as possible.

About a change of scenery

As soon as a breakup occurs, you must immediately try to change the situation. In order to think everything over well and regain strength, psychologists advise leaving the city.

A change of scenery will not help you forget the situation and solve it, but it will help you forget for a while and gain strength.

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The advice is also relevant in the situation of how to survive a breakup with a married man. You shouldn’t delve into yourself, humiliate yourself, it’s better to look to the future.

In any situation, you must try to look for the positive sides and accept the lessons that life gives. New life experiences will help in future relationships.

Your 7 day plan!

Everyone in life has the experience of parting with a loved one... Everyone has a unique experience, parting occurs for thousands of reasons and in completely different ways.

What is common is disappointment and pain that the relationship ended. I won’t say “don’t be upset, don’t be sad” - it’s natural.

But what to do if the sadness drags on and begins to develop into depression, if the desire to do anything at all, the desire to live, disappears. How to survive a separation from your beloved man or husband?

There are several valuable tips that will help you survive a separation from your loved one (your beloved boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife...)

Day 1 - Give yourself a gift!

The main thing is that it gives you pleasure: sign up for a massage, buy yourself a ticket to a concert or a soft toy, just eat a cake! And every day, no matter how small, give yourself a gift!

Day 2 - Keep a diary

Keep a regular or electronic diary where you write down all your experiences and feelings. This way you will get rid of tension and those thoughts about separation that lead to nothing, but only make our life very difficult.

Day 3 - Exercise

Do not suppress all negative emotions - anger, resentment, pain! Just take them out not on the people around you, but in the gym or in the park.

There you have the opportunity to hit a punching bag (a home version is a pillow), or engage in any other sports. It is important to live during classes, to release all the accumulated feelings. After classes it will definitely feel easier and better!

Day 4 - Take care of your appearance

After a breakup, any desire to take care of yourself often disappears, especially if you are sitting at home alone. However, as soon as you start taking care of your appearance, taking care not only of your mental state, but also of your physical state, your mood always improves! So use it as a guide to action - fragrant bubble baths, going to a beauty salon, buying new clothes.

Day 5 - Go somewhere

What could be better than a change of scenery and getting new emotions that are not associated with everything familiar and familiar? So be sure to arrange a trip for yourself - to nature, to another city or to the sea. It all depends only on your desires and capabilities. It’s not so important where and for how long, it’s just important to change the space for a while.

Day 6 - Meet with friends

Chat with your friends - go to the cinema, visit, go to a cafe or just take a walk together. You've probably already told your best friend about everything you've been through, how difficult it is for you, etc. Now it is important to distract yourself, at least for a few hours, and talk with friends about everything except your personal life.

Day 7 - Get creative.

One of the best ways to help yourself cope with a difficult psychological situation is art therapy! You have, of course, already heard about this effective method. It's very simple: take a sheet of paper, paints and a brush and draw. There are no clear rules - you can draw effectively without thinking about the final goal, but you can come up with plots. The process itself is important!

Allow yourself to be alone!

And the last thing - do not forbid yourself to sometimes be alone, sometimes to be sad... Gradually this will begin to appear less and less, and after that you will definitely look at the world with happy eyes again! I used this when I was worried.

Now you can use these tips too. Why did the separation happen, what was it connected with... - You can get answers to these and other questions in the book ""