What is an ergo backpack and how to choose the right one. An original product for carrying babies or an ergo - a backpack for newborns: the advantages and rules for choosing a useful novelty What is rz in ergo backpacks

Ergo backpack is one of the first helpers of modern parents. With the help of a unique device, you can easily combine your usual lifestyle and caring for a newborn baby.

Ergo-backpack for newborns is presented in the form of a special carrier designed to move one of the parents along with the baby. The product combines the useful qualities of a sling and a kangaroo.

With proper operation, the accessory is absolutely safe for the smallest children and their mothers. Allows parents to be more mobile, to continue to lead an active lifestyle with a new family member.


The physiological backpack consists of the following fundamental parts:

Fixture Features

In such a carrier, the weight of the child is distributed evenly, which eliminates excessive stress on the body of the newborn and the spine of the mother.

The most important feature is the anatomically correct position of the child according to the M-type- legs bent at the knees are spread apart to the sides, the position of the pelvis is below the level of the legs. It is in this position that the movement in the carrier is as safe as possible for the child.

Ergonomic backpacks are equipped with a variety of additional features and accessories, which together help to adapt to the individual characteristics of each baby. The soft back made of dense material evenly supports the child in the desired position, which is easily adjustable and allows you to feed the baby without taking it out of the backpack.

The design is thought out to the smallest detail, ensures the safety and comfort of the child in any conditions. Adults can safely go shopping, go for a walk, do household chores with their hands free.

At what age can a child be carried in an ergo-backpack?

At the state level, there are no standards that determine the age at which children can start using carriers. Manufacturers indicate age categories on their products based on general recommendations, develop inserts and other accessories to please the smallest customers.

The ideal time to fit into an ergonomic backpack is the period when the baby can sit on his own for some time without the support and support of an adult. For some it is 4 months, in other cases it can be 9 months. Sitting earlier is acceptable for a short time when mom needs free hands or rest.

How to independently determine whether a child can be carried in a carrier

You can determine the readiness of the baby to move in a backpack by the following signs:

  • a short stay in a backpack is allowed if the newborn holds his head confidently;
  • can raise the upper body in the prone position;
  • the weight of the baby reached 7-8 kg.

For larger children, it is easier to choose the first device, as there are rarely models that are suitable for the smallest parameters.

Varieties according to age characteristics

There is a division of ergo backpacks into types according to the age of the baby:

How to use

Ergo-backpack for newborns is packed complete with instructions and operating rules, which must be strictly adhered to.

Brief instruction manual for the ergo backpack:

Options for placing a child in an ergo-backpack

Most ergo carriers are designed to be used in 3 positions:

How to choose an ergo backpack

When choosing an ergo carrier, you should consider many important features for the comfort of the baby and his parents.

A few tips to help you choose the right option:

  • Even the most popular models may not take into account all the wishes of a particular family, so it is recommended that you always try on before buying. You can experiment with adjusting the straps for convenient use not only by mom, but also by dad.
  • Check the quality of the material, it is better to give preference to the natural composition of fabrics. On fitting, it is easier to evaluate the convenience of the design and the correct fit with sufficient density.
  • The carrier should be easy to put on, but have reliable fasteners and locks that firmly fix the backpack on the mother’s belt.
  • The presence of a special insert for babies in the kit is an advantage. This inlay is designed to safely accommodate the smallest babies from birth to 4 months old. Provides even support for natural body position in both horizontal and vertical positions.
  • The design of the back should be wide and not taper downwards. This shape is necessary for the correct position of the legs in the backpack, the free hanging of the legs down is unacceptable.
  • The material of the back should provide loose yet firm support to the back in the C-position. Solid inserts will prevent the formation of natural curves of the spine.
  • The design of the accessory is recommended to choose a more practical one. Additional decorations are not as important as wide straps that will not cut into the shoulders during use.

Pros and cons of the device

An ergo backpack for newborns has a considerable number of positive properties and reviews, but there are also negative points that accompany the carrying of a child in this product.

The main advantages and disadvantages are summarized in the table:

pros Minuses
It has no restrictions on the time the child is in the carrier. The child can be worn all day without harm to health and negative consequences.Long-term use requires rest for the back, especially as the child's weight increases.
The negative impact on the spine and hip joints of the baby is excluded.Placing a child in the wrong position is fraught with additional stress on an unprepared small body.
The design of the carrier ensures even distribution of the weight of the newborn on the shoulders, back and hips of the adult.The use of a carrier that is not suitable for age carries the potential for harm to the health of the newborn.
Ease of use allows you to quickly take off and put on the device in any circumstances.
Thanks to high-quality materials, the backpack lasts a long time and does not lose its main properties.
The presence of the option of head support and a protective hood make walking more comfortable.
A variety of design solutions and a rich color palette can satisfy the tastes of the most demanding parents.

Opinions of doctors about ergonomic backpacks

Reviews of experts about carrying children in carriers are mostly positive. The main condition on which the attention of doctors is focused is the compliance of the device with the parameters for the weight and age of the newborn. It is also important not to harm the child, for which it is worth strictly following the instructions and rules for proper placement.

From the point of view of benefits for parents, the use of backpacks is also justified. Convenient carrying relieves the burden on the hands, prevents the appearance of pain in the lower back.

According to psychologists, constant contact with the mother has a positive effect on the child's condition, improves his mood, and promotes speech development. In carriers, newborns feel more secure, less likely to cry.

Demonstration of wearing an ergonomic backpack for newborns up to 4 months

A positive effect is also noted for the mother. In carrying it is easy to move with the child where it is impossible to pass with a stroller. You can always feed the baby without taking it out of the backpack. Mom feels calmer when the baby is nearby and happy with everything.

Distinctive characteristics of an ergo-backpack and a kangaroo

Describing both types of carriers, experts agree that ergonomic backpacks are safer for newborns. Kangaroos are suitable for babies who are already sitting confidently, have a stronger spine and a muscular corset that allows movement with a firm back.

It is necessary to pay attention to the position of the baby's body in a kangaroo, not all models provide a physiological position, as in a sling. As a result, the baby carrier puts more pressure on the baby's perineum.

Ergo-backpack for newborns is more comfortable not only for babies, but also for their parents. Thanks to the wide straps and waistband, there is no increased load on the shoulders and back area.

The fixation of the legs in ergonomic accessories is also conveniently organized, unlike kangaroos, in which the legs dangle freely and interfere with movement.

For a long stay in a carrier, an ergo backpack would definitely be the best option; in a kangaroo, you will often need to get a child to unload the spine and let the baby move for a couple of minutes.

Sling or ergo-backpack: which is better for a newborn

Both devices have a number of undeniable advantages for use by babies from the first days of life. In a sling, a more physiological position of the baby is maintained, almost like in the arms of a mother. This way of carrying provides the most calm and comfortable conditions for the newborn.

The tabbed ergo backpack also does the job well. The argument in favor of backpacks is the quick attachment and removal of the device, in contrast to the sling. Therefore, when choosing, it is worth considering how long it will take to carry.

If necessary, it is more convenient to take off and put on the accessory often with an ergo-backpack, for long walks it is better to use a sling.

Video: which is better: sling or ergo backpack:

Ergo backpacks are designed to be worn in all seasons. You should choose clothes for the child, taking into account weather conditions, pay special attention to the legs. The contact with the mother and the carrier keeps the baby warm, so a well-insulated jumpsuit should be sufficient.

There are special jackets with inserts that allow you to wear a sling or a backpack under outerwear. In this case, it is important not to overdo it with warming the baby in order to avoid overheating. Also on sale are warming parts for backpacks, providing an additional warming effect.

How to check the correct position of the baby in the backpack

Ergo backpacks are designed taking into account the physiological characteristics of newborns. The design is designed to fix the baby's body in as close to a natural position as possible. However, you can get the opposite result if you use the carrier incorrectly. Therefore, you should check whether the baby is sitting in a safe position before each walk.

It is not difficult to do this, it is enough to put on the device in front of the mirror for a more accurate positioning of the child in the M-position.

If the landing resembles a wide and sweeping letter M, you need to correct the position by bending the legs at the knees and unloading the spine of the newborn. The second way is to raise the legs a little, thus contributing to the lowering of the pelvis down.

What else you need to pay attention to:

  • The pelvis of the newborn should sag above the fastening belt, in no case should sitting on it be allowed.
  • The fabric on the back should not gather into folds or have empty areas. It is necessary to monitor the dense coverage of the material of the entire surface of the back and neck of the baby.
  • The hip joint is fixed with the legs spread and bent at the knees, the shins are freely located.
  • The level of the child's shoulders coincides with the upper edge of the back of the backpack; older children are allowed to free their hands for movement, lowering the backpack to the armpits.
  • The symmetrical position of the child in the ergo-backpack is also important.
  • If the child sits in the carrier with legs apart, but even, then the device does not fit. It is better to purchase a backpack with a larger back.

Overview of popular models and average prices

When choosing the best accessory, it is important to take into account brand awareness, the number of positive reviews from satisfied customers, and the availability of supporting documentation on compliance with product quality standards.

Several manufacturers with good reputation:

  1. Ergo baby (ergo baby)- American-made backpacks, they are distinguished by high quality and environmental friendliness of materials, increased comfort during operation. Wide details do not rub or cut into the skin. The presence of a soft headrest protects and fixes the baby's head at the right angle. Equipped with a special seat belt along the chest line - a convenient solution for frequent and safe attachment of an accessory. The color scheme consists of universal colors for every taste. The cost varies between 4000-11000 rubles.
  2. I love mum- designed for children from 4 months to 1.5 years. Differ in a variety of bright colors, versatile materials that allow you to use the carrier in both warm and cold seasons. Equipped with an elastic band for belaying a newborn, the straps cross on the back, which relieves the burden on the back and shoulders of an adult. The manufacturer offers decent quality at the best prices, the average cost is about 2500-3000 rubles.
  3. Hipsit - ergonomic carrier with a special seat for children from 18 months. up to 3 years old. Supports the function of carrying on the hip, which greatly facilitates the movement with children after a year. It is equipped with a convenient way to fasten the seat on the adult's belt, eliminating the appearance of pain in the lower back. The best option for children who like to sit on their hands. Approximate prices from 1000-3500 rubles.
  4. Berlozhka- Russian brand, backpack models are represented by high-quality devices at affordable prices. The average cost of carrying is 2500 rubles. The complete set is supplemented with a waist bag, a hood, a backrest with the option of changing the length as the child grows. The model is considered suitable for large children under the age of 3 years.
  5. Sling mi - practical model made of natural materials with a hood. It is possible to add various useful features to free your hands from bags and phones. You can order a handmade drawing. Democratic pricing policy, the purchase will cost between 2000-2500 rubles. Restrictions on use - from 4 months. up to 25 kg.

A high-quality ergo-backpack contributes to a significant facilitation of the leisure of young parents in the rhythm of modern life. Compliance with all recommendations for its safe use can be not only comfortable, but also beneficial for the development of the newborn.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: ergo backpack for a newborn

Video presentation of Manduca ergo-backpack for newborns:

Slings and baby carriers have long been popular with modern parents. As for the latter, pediatricians never left flattering reviews about them. In kangaroo backpacks, it is difficult to properly distribute the load, which can cause serious harm to the health of mother and child. Manufacturers have reworked all the shortcomings of this model and released an ergo backpack that takes into account the physiological characteristics of the body of an adult and a baby.

What it is?

The ergo backpack is a mix of a sling and a kenrugu carrier. Unlike the last option, it is absolutely safe for the child. A sling backpack (often there is such a name) ensures the correct distribution of the load on the mother's spine and the baby's pelvis. It observes the anatomically correct position of the child, when the knees are spread to both sides, and the pelvis is below the level of the legs.

Ergo-backpack perfectly adapts to the anatomical features of a particular baby. The back in such a carrier is not rigid, as in a kangaroo, but at the same time it fits snugly against the body of the child, providing him with uniform support. If necessary, you can loosen the straps and lower the baby. This makes it possible to breastfeed him without pulling out of the ergo-backpack. The presence of wide straps and a hip belt provides reliable protection for the child when carrying. You don't have to worry about it falling out of the backpack, even if the fasteners suddenly unfasten.


Depending on the age of the child, all ergo backpacks are divided into three types. They may be intended for children:

  • from birth to 1.5 months;
  • from birth to 4 months;
  • from 4 months to 3 years.

The first option for sale is extremely rare. In this ergo-backpack, the baby is horizontal with hidden legs or sits in. Since the immunity of the crumbs has not yet been formed, frequent walks in this form are undesirable for him. The baby in the first month of life mostly sleeps, and for healthy sleep and growth, he needs a rigid base under the back.

The second option differs from the traditional ergo backpack by a pattern. The narrow back allows you to pull the baby to the mother as tightly as possible. There are also ergo backpacks with additional fastex fasteners in the middle. This allows you to remove the load from the spine of the crumbs.

The third option of ergonomic carriers is the most common. It is on this age category that the attention of manufacturers is directed. Choosing the right product for babies from four months to three years is not difficult. It can also be used for babies, but with a special insert for carrying newborns. Thanks to her, the baby can sleep in a horizontal position. And only closer to the age of four months the child will sit in an ergo-backpack, freely dangling arms and legs.

Thus, the safest and physiologically correct option for carrying babies is an ergo-backpack with an insert for newborns. What does she represent?

Why do I need an insert for newborns in an ergo-backpack?

As a rule, all manufacturers produce ergo backpacks for children aged 4 months and above. At the same time, for carrying newborns, parents are encouraged to separately purchase a special insert for newborns. It can be used from the moment the baby is born until they reach four months.

The insert for newborns is soft to the touch. Thanks to her, the baby can be laid horizontally, as in a cradle. The insert for newborns in an ergo-backpack together with the child can be placed vertically. In this case, natural support is provided for the head, hips and spine, just as the mother holds the baby in her arms in the "column" position. It is forbidden to carry a newborn without a fold. In this case, the consequences for the fragile body of the baby may not be very good.

How to carry a newborn in an ergo backpack: instructions

If you plan to go out with a newborn baby, then in this case you can use an ergo-backpack. How to fix it correctly and quickly?

To begin with, at the level of the mother's abdomen, or rather, under the waist, it is necessary to tightly fix the belt of the ergo backpack. In any instruction that is pasted on the product, this item is marked as the most important. Before putting the child in, you need to check whether the belt is firmly fixed.

Most models have a European level of protection for children in sling backpacks. To do this, they have a reliable fastex fastener that fixes the belt at the back. And only after making sure that it is well fixed, and pulling the straps on the sides as close as possible to yourself, you can put on the upper straps on your shoulders. They are also additionally fixed at the back with a fastex fastener.

Now that the baby carrier is ready to use, you need to place the baby in the center of the tab and place it in the "pocket".

Positive reviews

All the benefits of ergo backpacks for newborns can be identified from numerous customer reviews. They confirm the following:

  • ergo backpacks, like slings, are made from natural, environmentally friendly materials;
  • the child can stay in it for an unlimited time, unlike a two-hour walk in a kangaroo;
  • the ergo backpack does not have a negative effect on the spine and hip joints of the baby;
  • the weight of the child, thanks to the wide belt, is evenly distributed between the muscles of the back, shoulders and hips;
  • ergo-backpack for newborns is conveniently removed and put on an unlimited number of times;
  • the presence of a hood that protects from wind and rain and supports the baby's head during sleep;
  • wide range of colors.

Thus, the infant carrier, which has generally positive reviews, is the best replacement for a baby carrier and an acceptable alternative to a sling.


An ergo backpack is such a successful invention that it is quite difficult to find any flaws in it. But nevertheless they are:

  • despite the fact that the load on the mother’s spine is reduced to a minimum level, it still remains, so the back also needs rest;
  • if the child is in the wrong position, he can get a serious and undesirable load on his fragile body;
  • Carrying a baby without a newborn inlay is dangerous to his health.

How to choose?

When choosing an ergo backpack for a newborn, there are some features that you should definitely consider in order to buy a really good thing.

Firstly, before buying, you need to try on an ergo backpack. It should sit fairly tight, not bulge or cut into the shoulders.

Secondly, the fabric must be of high quality, sufficiently dense, made of natural materials.

Thirdly, the design of an ergo backpack should be simple. Ruffles, bows and additional pockets are useless here. Preference should be given to products with wide straps.

Fourth, it is important to pay attention to the fastener. It should securely fix the belt of the backpack on the mother's stomach.

What is better or ergo-backpack?

Professional sling consultants often receive similar questions. Their answer is unequivocal: for a baby, starting with it is preferable to spend time in a sling. What are its benefits? Sling is the closest to the physiological method of carrying a child, of course, after mother's hands. The baby in it can freely take the position that he had in the womb. That is why in a sling he feels most comfortable and calm.

At the same time, sling consultants do not completely reject an ergo-backpack for newborns and advise to carry a child in it infrequently and for a short period of time. If you plan to frequently remove and put on the sling, then since this is not at all fast, it is better to have an ergonomic backpack on hand.

Thus, it is up to parents to decide which is better - a sling or an ergo-backpack for newborns. Depending on the time that the baby will spend in it, you can choose the best option for price and quality without harm to the health of the child.

Modern mothers are no longer obliged to spend all their leisure time at home, or go for a walk no further than the nearest park, which can be reached by a pram. With the help of a special ergo-backpack, which is easy to fit even a newborn, a woman can afford to travel much longer distances - for example, use public transport, taxi, go to visit or meet friends in a cafe. All this time, the baby can sleep peacefully next to the mother, and if necessary, have lunch.

A modern mommy can actively spend time moving around the city with a child

Slingo backpack features

A backpack for carrying a baby has many names - ergonomic, physiological, sling backpack. Its peculiarity is that it allows you to carry the child in a position that is the most physiological for the crumbs. We list the main structural elements of the carrier, the presence of which is mandatory for the correct accessory:

  • wide straps covering the mother's shoulders with sewn-in strength elements;
  • Reliable and soft back, which provides the most comfortable position for the baby;
  • a strong belt that tightly covers the mother's waist or hips, the task of which is to take on the main load.

There are other additional elements of a slingo backpack that add comfort to mom and baby. It is convenient when the product is equipped with a hood, which can be used to cover the baby's head to protect it from wind or rain.

Advantages of an ergo backpack over a sling and a kangaroo

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Inexperienced parents do not see the difference between a kangaroo bag, a sling and a slingo backpack. The latter has many advantages. We list the most important ones:

  • With proper use, the sling backpack is safe for the baby. In a regular kangaroo backpack, orthopedists do not recommend holding the baby for a long time so as not to create a load on the small spine (we recommend reading:). In the ergonomic version, the position of the child is the most physiological - the legs are spread apart, the buttocks are at the level of the bent knees or lower. It is allowed to keep the baby in it for as long as his mother needs.

In the ergonomic model, the child's legs are separated at the right angle, and the back is supported
  • Another advantage of such a carrier is that the baby is tightly pressed against the adult, and this also removes some of the load from the spine.
  • Due to the wide belt, mom or dad can walk with the child in this product for quite a long time without feeling tired. The belt is a feature of tailoring a sling backpack that allows an adult to unload their back.
  • Most parents will agree that, compared to a regular sling, a sling backpack is more convenient for beginners. To learn how to put or seat a baby in a sling, some practice is needed, and a slingo backpack can easily be mastered by a person who has no experience.
  • Another difference between a backpack and a sling is its well-designed non-changeable device, which should suit any child. Sling, on the other hand, requires some actions from the mother that will allow her to fix the baby in the most comfortable position for him. Moreover, some types of slings are a very long canvas, which you need to wrap yourself and your child, then tie the ends well under the chest - experience in this matter is simply necessary.

Ways to wear a backpack

Despite the fact that the sling backpack has a well-thought-out design, in which there are obligatory cut elements, it still allows a certain freedom of action. You can use such a carrier in different ways - it is important to find out for yourself all the possibilities of this product and choose the most comfortable ways to use it. In addition, you should know which ones are suitable for babies older than six months, and which ones are convenient for the smallest.

Face to mother

The most familiar and safest way to carry a baby is facing the mother. In this case, you must definitely use an additional accessory - support for the baby's neck. It is always included in the backpack package. Without such support, the child will quickly get tired, because he will have to hold his head on his own and, very likely, for quite a long time. If he puts his head on his mother, it will be difficult for him to breathe, and there is no support at all from behind.

The advantage of this method is that the baby is in front of mom or dad - an adult sees his mood, controls whether the baby is sleeping or awake. An adult can protect the baby with his hands if a pandemonium occurs. The child also sees the mother, which reassures him.

Behind the back

This method - on the back of an adult - is the least popular. The child sits in a carrier, pressing his stomach against his mother's back. He has a certain freedom of action - the baby can turn his head in different directions, hug his mother. However, in view of the fact that an adult does not see the baby, but only feels, some difficulties arise. For example, you cannot be sure that the child is sleeping, and it is also dangerous to enter transport with a baby behind your back. In addition, the adult does not see the movement from behind and will not be able to protect the baby if someone accidentally pushes the baby.

The method of carrying a child on the back is the least popular

Facing the world

The baby is in front, but he is pressed against the adult with his back, and not with his stomach, as in the first version. This method is good because the child can see everything that an adult sees. He looks ahead and studies the world around him with interest - people, dogs, passing cars. However, this option causes a lot of comments from orthopedists and specialists in children's health. It is believed that in this position, the load on the baby's spine increases, and the pressure on the muscles of the perineum also increases.

These moments can serve as a catalyst for the emergence of such a pathology as hip dysplasia, because the desired angle between the leg and the body is not provided (we recommend reading:). In addition, excessive pressure on the muscles of the perineum can provoke inflammation of the genital organs in boys.

Child psychologists say that if you put a child with his back to him, he will not be able to feel protected from the outside world. He will not have the opportunity to hide his face on the chest or shoulder of an adult in case he is afraid of something. In this regard, this method is considered the least preferred, so we put it at the end of the list.

At the same time, those who like the “forward facing” method can use it, trying to limit the time the child sits in the ergo backpack to 1-2 hours. Then there will be no great harm from him, and the baby will get the opportunity from time to time to explore the world around him.

A child facing the world can observe what is happening, but feels insecure

The optimal age of the child for an ergo-backpack

At what age is it allowed to carry a baby in a sling bag? It is believed that it is ideal for children who have reached a weight of 7.5 kilograms. The internal volume of this accessory is too large for a child whose body weight is less than indicated. For this reason, parents are advised not to use a carrier for babies under 4 months of age. It is at this age that the baby usually reaches a weight of 7.5-8 kg. Up to this point, it is better to use a classic sling.

In addition, the child will feel comfortable in the sling if he already knows how to hold his head, and also rise on his hands, lying on his stomach. At the very beginning, in the process of getting used to the accessory, it is advisable to use the “face to face” method, observing all the landing rules. It is important that the baby's legs do not hang down, but wrap around the parent's hips and are at an acute angle in relation to his body. You should not hold the baby behind your back, since at an early age it is very important to control the landing, which is quite difficult to do in this position.

The optimal age at which it is best to start putting a child in such a backpack is also determined in a different way. As a rule, this is the time when the baby can already sit on his own, without support, without falling to one side or the other. For different children, this happens at 5.5-7.5 months. It is allowed to seat such a child both behind the back, and facing the movement, and even on the side, there are no restrictions.

Is it possible to put newborns in an ergo-backpack?

What to do for those who want to buy an ergo backpack for newborns or 2-3-month-old babies? For the most active parents, experts have come up with an additional accessory for the ergo carrier, which allows you to carry newborns in it. This is an insert that makes it possible to lay the child in such a way that the body position is the same as in a classic sling. In it, it will be possible to fix the baby both in the “cradle” position and vertically, facing the mother’s chest.

An additional advantage of the tab is the ability to feed the baby without removing it from the carrier. This is made possible by loosening one of the straps to make it easier to attach the baby to the breast. A special hood in the backpack will help hide the feeding process from others.

According to orthopedists, however, such an insert does not solve the problem of the most physiological position, since it is not so easy to fix the child in it according to all the rules. Most experts consider it wrong to put the baby with the help of an insert in an ergo-backpack if he is under 4 months old.

Many parents compromise by using an insert from time to time. All mothers have to rock a child in their arms without any adaptations, and such an accessory helps to make life easier for tired parents. The main thing is not to abuse the product and use it less often.

Very small ones are best carried in a position close to horizontal.

Choosing a slingo backpack

For those who decide to purchase an ergo backpack for their baby, it is quite difficult to navigate the huge number of offers. We will help you make the right choice by listing the main qualities of the accessory that you should pay attention to. The table contains several of the best and most popular models from well-known manufacturers by rating, their parameters and main characteristics are indicated.

Table with characteristics of popular backpack models:

Company manufacturerBackrest height/width, cmBelt length, cmHood, height, cmModel characteristics
Manduca31-38/24 140 34 As you can see from the parameters, the back height is adjustable within 7 cm. There is an insert for newborns. The hood, if necessary, hides in a special pocket.
Love & Carry37/34 122 32 Includes neck pad. Convenient in the heat, a pocket comes unfastened from the back, and a mesh remains in its place. The hood is also detachable.
Ergo Baby Carrier34/29 113 33 The model has passed orthopedic testing. Soft fabric with pockets.
Berlozhka35-45/34 145 33 The cut of the backpack is the same as that of the German models from Manduca. The back can change its height, the hood is hidden in a pocket with buttons.
Dilettante Smart36/40 142 27 This model, in the absence of a special insert, is designed to be worn by newborns. Made from soft, delicate to the touch fabric.
Ilovemum Classic37/38 137 35 Designed for babies from 4.5 months. It has all the attributes of a good ergo backpack - a tight belt, a hood, there are sucking pads.

As you can see, each model has its own characteristics and advantages over products from other companies. It is important to choose based on your preferences and circumstances. For example, an adjustable back will allow you to use the product for quite a long time, no less than up to a year without any inconvenience. A removable hood will make it easier to use the backpack if the mother is sure that she will not need this attribute on a short walk. For those who want to use a backpack for the little ones, the Dilettante Smart model for carrying a child from 0 months is suitable.

How to put on an ergo backpack?

The backpack should be operated according to the rules that are set out in the presented video. To make it easier to understand its design, we suggest using a step-by-step instruction for beginners:

  1. The backpack should be worn without a child. First you need to adjust the belt, it is better that it is not on the stomach, but on the hips. Next, you should check the reliability of the fasteners.
  2. Now you need to take the baby and turn it to face you. To manage to take the desired position, it is advisable to tilt him back a little, and then make him hug his mother with his legs. Make sure his knees are bent.
  3. Then you need to put on one of the straps of the backpack, fasten it, holding the crumbs. Then put on the second one.
  4. The next step is to fasten the belt, which fix the straps of the product. It will be convenient to fasten if you stretch your right hand from above or below. The left hand holds the baby.
  5. Next, you need to check whether the child is sitting tightly enough in the backpack, then you can go for a walk with him.

Features of winter use

Is it possible to wear an ergo backpack in winter? If walks are planned in the cold season, it is necessary to dress the child well. Remember that the upper body is in direct contact with the mother, so the baby will not freeze in warm overalls. At the same time, the child's legs will be more open, so they can freeze at sub-zero temperatures. In this regard, in winter it is necessary not only to wear warm shoe covers with fur, but also to put socks under them.

An important nuance: while putting the baby in the backpack, the pants are often wrinkled, exposing part of the legs. In winter, to carry in a backpack, you need to pick up a crumb of a model of pants that is longer, and make sure that the legs are straightened. You can insulate the backpack itself - there are special baby warmers on sale.

Checking the position of the baby

Slingorukzak helps to carry the child in the most physiological position for him. However, the misuse of this useful invention can negate all the efforts of manufacturers. In this regard, you need to make sure that the baby is sitting correctly in the carrier. Orthopedists recommend looking in the mirror and assessing the shape of the body of a seated child. The broken line that runs from one heel of the baby through the bent knee, then the buttocks and again - the knee, the heel, should resemble the letter "M". If this letter is disproportionately wide, it is likely that the load on the baby's spine is higher than expected.

If the landing is not ideal, you can try to raise the legs of the crumbs so that his buttocks sag a little. If the situation repeats, each time you put on the backpack, raise the legs, pushing up the heels.

If the child is sitting incorrectly, it is enough to pull his legs up a little.
  • Does the child rest against the crotch of the belt of the backpack. His buttocks should hang over the belt, but not be held in the existing position with it.
  • The landing of the baby is a beautiful letter "M", that is, his knees are bent at sharp angles.
  • The back of the product tightly covers the back of the crumbs, it does not bulge or wrinkle.
  • If the baby is very small - the upper cut of the back of the product should pass along his shoulder line, if the baby is older - end under the armpits. It is important that the upper cut of the back does not fall to the waist.
  • The child in the backpack sits comfortably, from the side his position is symmetrical.
  • The lower part of the back of the product should end under the knees of the crumbs. At the same time, it is important that she does not press on the legs, forcing the baby to straighten her knees. If the child is already walking, this part of the accessory should not reach the knees.
  • The straps are well fixed, they are not tightened anywhere, they look symmetrical.

These criteria will help parents determine the correct position of the baby in the backpack. In addition, they allow you to make sure that the baby has already grown enough to use the product.

Sling or ergo backpack, as it is also called, is a device for carrying a baby that can make life easier for parents. The stores offer a wide range of models, so choosing the best sling backpack for a child, taking into account his gender, age, body weight and season, is not difficult. One of the main advantages of such a carrier is that the parents' hands remain free to perform the necessary tasks.

The sling backpack is gradually replacing the kangaroo in the demand market, because it has more practical functionality that takes into account the peculiarities of children's physiology as much as possible.

This limitation is due to the fact that the sling backpack is characterized by:

  • the lack of the necessary support system for the spinal column. Such products have an unregulated shape that cannot be changed. For newborns, such a sling is large, so the straps sewn in the middle of the model back are not able to fix the lower and upper vertebral sections;
  • creating an increased load on the mother's body, which is undesirable for a woman after childbirth. During this period, it is better for the mother to avoid pressure on the pelvic floor, therefore, if children are carried in a sling, there may be increased discharge, discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, hemorrhoids;
  • creating conditions for premature lumbar flexion in children. Usually this happens due to the fact that mothers have to tighten the straps more to better fix the baby;
  • the leg spread width set by the company is too large for children under 4 months of age.

Suitable age characteristics

From what age can a carrier be used? The sling backpack can be used no earlier than the child reaches the age of 4 months. But even at this time, it should be used with restrictions, and in cases where the mother is not able to cope with the baby and perform the actions she needs.

The best option for carrying babies in such backpacks is the age of 6-8 months, that is, the month from which the baby begins to sit. At the same time, the weight of children during this period reaches 7 kilograms, and the height reaches 65 centimeters.

How to use

There are three options for using the device.

  1. The baby sits down facing the mother. In this position, you should additionally use an insert for the baby's neck, otherwise the child will quickly get tired and start acting up. This situation has an undeniable advantage in that the baby will not worry and look for his parents. In addition, the mother can sometimes support the child with her hands.
  2. The baby is seated with its back to the face of the mother. In this position, he will be able to look forward and to the sides, studying the environment, his back and neck will not get tired, as a constant support is created on the mother's body.
  3. The child is behind the parent. In this position, the sling backpack must be put on in the same way as a regular satchel. Unlike other positions, this position is most uncomfortable for the baby. The device should only be used when both hands of the parent are occupied.

How not to harm the baby

In order not to cause discomfort to the child, you can use such carriers, following some tips:

  • a sling backpack should be worn no earlier than the age at which the child begins to sit;

  • the best option for placing a child up to the age of six months will be “face to face” with mom, as maximum visual and physical contact is ensured;
  • after 6 months, the baby should be worn facing forward so that he actively gets acquainted with the environment;
  • you can also carry children behind your back from six months.

Distinctive characteristics

Many people think that a sling backpack is no different from a kangaroo. But, despite similar designs, these devices differ significantly.

  1. In the backpack, children's legs are separated and slightly raised above the level of the priests, which ensures the correct orthopedic position. In a kangaroo, this arrangement is not provided.
  2. The kangaroo does not provide full snuggling to the parent, resulting in improper weight distribution.
  3. When the baby sits in a kangaroo, his weight is distributed on the buttocks and perineum, which is very harmful for children who cannot sit.

There are also May slings similar to kangaroos, which also do not provide the correct orthopedic effect. Based on the characteristics presented, it can be concluded that backpacks perform their functions better than kangaroos and mai slings.

How to choose

To choose the right carrier, you can pay attention to several characteristics.

  1. A good device for newborns is necessarily characterized by the presence of a wide belt made of quality material. It is this part of the backpack that takes on part of the load, correctly distributes the mass of children on the mother's waist and hips.
  2. It is better if the shoulder straps are located on the back area not only in a parallel direction, but also in a cross direction. Such straps should be wide enough, as the thin version will cut the shoulders.
  3. The back of the product should be soft and wide. Thanks to this, it ensures the correct location of the crumbs, does not allow him to get tired.
  4. It is better to give preference to a model with a hood that will protect the child from sudden rain or wind.

Popular manufacturers and main characteristics

There are several manufacturers that produce sling backpacks, which differ in individual features and functionality. Among the most famous manufacturers are I love mum, Teddy, Ergo baby, Karaush, Miracle Chado, Manduca.

The main characteristics of backpacks

Among the functional and orthopedic features, the most important are the following characteristics.

  1. Adjustment of the position of the shoulder straps: available from the manufacturers Chudo Chado, I love mum, Ergo baby, Teddy, Karaush, M
  2. The presence of foam rubber in the straps is necessary in order to comfortably carry the baby: available from Karaush, I love mum, Ergo baby, Miracle child, M
  3. Availability of wear-resistant foam in the shoulder straps: available from Teddy.
  4. The presence of a deep landing of children - M-position: I love mum, Karaush, Ergo baby, Teddy, Miracle child, M
  5. Supplying the front of the product with a convenient pocket in which you can carry the necessary little things: available from I love mum, Teddy, Miracle child, M
  6. Attachable toys: available from I love mum.
  7. Transformation into hipsit, in which the child can be carried for a short time: perhaps in I love mum.
  8. Diagonal stretching of the fabric so that the child can move his arms freely: available from I love mum, Ergo baby, Teddy, Karaush, M
  9. Lack of ability to stretch the carry vertically and horizontally, available from I love mum, Karaush, Teddy, Miracle child, Ergo baby, M
  10. There is a cushion for supporting the neck of the Miracle child, M
  11. Suitable for beginners at I love mum, Ergo baby, Karaush, Miracle child, M
  12. Ergo baby, Teddy, Karaush, Miracle child, M have a wide orthopedic belt with adjustment for individual characteristics.
  13. M
  14. The presence of a lining in Karaush.
  15. The presence of a soft back in Teddy, Karaush, I love mum, Miracle child, M
  16. Baby carriers made of 100% cotton or breathable synthetics from Ergo baby, Teddy, Karaush, Miracle child, M

The Manduca sling backpack is better than the rest thanks to the characteristic that allows you to lengthen the back. Also, the models of this manufacturer are distinguished by the presence of an insert for newborns, which allows you to wear crumbs in it from birth.

Unlike the kangaroo, it provides the correct M-position with the distribution of body weight on the back and buttocks.

There are also mai slings that allow children to confidently support their heads and keep their backs only after they have learned to sit. Therefore, May models are best purchased after the child reaches 4 months. This is due to the fact that in May slings cannot maintain the physiological position of newborns. The advantages of May slings are:

  • the ability to reduce the width and height of the back;
  • use of hypoallergenic fabric.

Despite the fact that May slings are much cheaper than backpacks, it is better not to give them your preference. This is due to the fact that May models can harm the development of the baby's spine.

If you decide to carry newborns in a sling backpack so that you can perform additional actions with your hands, when choosing a product, you should give preference to trusted manufacturers, for example, Teddy, I love mum, Miracle Chado, Ergo baby, Karaush, Manduca. This is due to the fact that only trusted companies will be able to ensure the safety of the child and his parents. When choosing an accessory for children, it is better to ignore the kangaroo and may slings, as they do not meet the orthopedic requirements for newborns. Kangaroo and May slings can be selected for children who sit confidently and hold their heads.

Detailed video instruction from Nina Zaichenko to the sling-backpack of the Lux series from TeddySling. A complete description of the baby carrier, how to put on the baby carrier, the design details of this carrier, as well as important points that parents should consider when carrying a child in this carrier.

Another detailed video from Nina Zaichenko to the budget sling backpack of the Comfort series. This backpack has been designed to be worn by children from 6 months to 2 - 2.5 years. It has a shorter wearing period than the Lux series ergo backpack, but it is just as comfortable and made of quality materials. This carry takes less time to complete and is easier to sew due to its design, so this ergo backpack cheap. In comfort for mom and baby, he is not inferior well-known brands of ergo-backpacks.

This video instruction was prepared by sling consultant Irina Suprunova. Backpacks TM TeddySling are made with different shoulder straps. Irina will tell and show in detail how to carry baby on hip in carrying with each type of backpack straps separately. Our ergo backpacks are made with anatomical straps, straight universal and wide.

Inserts for newborns in an ergo-backpack they create an incorrect position for the baby, and it is also very hot in them for both mother and baby. If you wrap the baby in a pillow and press it to yourself, then there will be something similar. That is why our company came up with a sling that only improves the position of the child and adds another way to fasten the straps to the backpack. Sling consultant Irina Suprunova will tell and show you the main advantages of this device.

The baby carrier should be adjustable in size and grow with the baby. This is the main factor of the TeddySling trademark. We don't want parents to keep buying new carrier sizes and worried about the growth of the baby. Now every second manufacturer has also begun to write about their ergo backpacks, that they grow with the baby, etc. We ask you to be careful when choosing a carrier and not to simply believe what is written. Watch video reviews about slings, read real reviews, ask the seller to show and tell how the carrying is regulated. Mom blogger will show by her example how in one backpack you can position the child correctly at 4 months and at 3 years.

director of a large Sling Life store Oksana Shtol gives tips and advice on choosing an ergonomic backpack. This store is located in Tolyatti and has been, for some time now, our official representative. Oksana has extensive experience in babywearing and consultations, and she also holds babysling meetings and organizes events in her city.

Video instruction for a May backpack from TM TeddySling.

Nina Zaichenko will introduce you hybrid of sling and ergo backpack, which was developed by TM TeddySling. Backpack May, it is also called ergo-may, has an original design and has become a favorite sling for many slings. On some shelves, he replaced the sling scarf, which tells us about the right approach to design development. This carrier has a patent. Copyright by TeddySling.

How to put on a sling with rings video.

We have prepared for you a video instruction for a sling with rings. This video will show you how easy and simple it is to wind the SSK with the baby on the stomach, on the hip and in the cradle position. The sling consultant shows you the basic nuances for comfortable wearing in a sling. This sling is suitable for babies from birth.