From what to make an asterisk on the head. Star costume for a girl for the New Year. Detailed master class with photos. How to make a star on a Christmas tree. decorative star

Thinking about which costume to choose for the upcoming matinee, holiday or theme party? Do you want something new and unique? Asterisk is a costume that is quite rare. It is quite simple to make, but it looks spectacular and is perfect for lovers of sparkles. In addition, an asterisk is a costume for which there are no established traditions of appearance, such as, for example, for the image of Cinderella or other popular characters.

For any age

The photo shows a version of the outfit for an adult girl, but using this technique, it can be adapted for a child.

The basis of the costume is golden leggings and a T-shirt or bodysuit. Since metallic colors are in fashion, finding them in the store will be easy. Shoes can be both golden Czechs and old sneakers painted with golden spray paint.

But in order to get a real star, the costume will have to be supplemented with a special decor.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • thick cardboard measuring 50 by 50 cm;
  • golden paper for creativity - 2 sheets measuring 50 by 50 cm;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue;
  • golden hairband (you can take any color, but then you have to paint it with golden paint from a spray can);
  • glue gun;
  • knee-length knee-highs;
  • many ribbons in different shades of gold (the footage depends on the height of the wearer).

How to make a star costume

The work process is simple and does not even require sewing:

  1. Cut out a star from cardboard and glue a sheet of beautiful paper on it.
  2. Put it on the workpiece, circle it, cut along the contour. If necessary, paint it with golden paint. Then glue the bezel to the star with
  3. Cut off the socks of the golfs, cut the gold ribbons into long pieces. Glue them to the nylon fabric.
  4. Complete the look with glitter makeup.

Star costume for a girl for the New Year

If you are faced with the task of making a unique outfit for a matinee, then you will have to work a little more. But the result is worth it.

To work, you will need different materials, many of which can be found in departments with New Year's toys:

  • glue gun;
  • elastic ;
  • wide elastic band;
  • ready-made large star or thick cardboard with glitter to cut it out;
  • golden branches;
  • many golden ribbons;
  • golden and white tulle with sparkles;
  • decorative wire with stars;
  • beautifully shaped bottle
  • white sequins;
  • leggings or knee-highs of golden color;
  • bodysuit in beige or gold
  • wide braid with sequins;
  • scissors.

Making a small miracle

Non-standard solutions

Most often done in golden tones. And this is quite logical - after all, it should literally glow from the inside. But in order to see the stars, you need night and darkness.

How do you like this asterisk:

The costume is made in dark but sparkling colors and perfectly sets off the golden headdress, which is made in the same way as in the very first version of the costume. T-shirt with sequins, fluffy skirt, cardboard decor - making this outfit is quite simple.

Here is another example of such a suit:

Here the main attention is also paid to the crown made of wire and decorative paper.

Falling star

You can make such a charming meteorite:

To do this, you need to cut out a "tail" from a long piece of felt, decorate it with silver glitter paint and make loops to fasten it to your shoulders and wrists.

From the yellow fabric, cut out 2 stars, sew them and stuff them. Attach to the tail.

And from the lush tulle with sparkles you need to make a skirt: take an elastic band, cut the tulle into ribbons, fold them in half and fasten them with knots on an elastic band.

If you still like the golden color, then in the same way you can make such a cute tutu:

As you can see, when creating a "star" costume, there is a huge scope for imagination and creativity.

It's time for New Year's parties and preparing costumes for children's Christmas trees. To complete the creation of the image of the Little Princess or Snowflake, make an unusual tinsel crown. Let your daughter help you in making, she will be proud of her handmade accessory.

We offer three workshops using different materials. Watch and choose what you like best.

Royal crown with pom-poms

You will need:

  • Silver tinsel on wire
  • The simplest bezel with teeth (without decor),
  • Small pom poms (or other decorations)
  • Super glue and scissors.

Cut the tinsel into small pieces (about 20-25 cm long). Attach them as shown in the photo.

Wrap the headband with tinsel and glue on the pompoms.

Silver and gold stars for the Snowflake

To create a star crown you will need:

  • Silver and gold tinsel on wire
  • Gold or silver bezel with teeth (without decor),
  • Scissors,
  • An asterisk drawn on paper.

Cut the tinsel into pieces (the length depends on the size of the stars). Attach to the pattern and form a star.

Attach the finished stars to the rim.

Wrap the headband with gold glitter. Accessory is ready! It is perfect for a Christmas tree costume.

Crown for Princess Rapunzel

Materials and tools:

  • Lilac or purple tinsel on a wire,
  • Dark headband with teeth without decor,
  • Scissors,
  • pliers,
  • Decorative push buttons (sold in craft stores).

We make cloves, as in previous cases.

We attach the buttons with pliers, as shown in the photo.

Particular care must be taken at the joints.

The New Year's image of a heavenly star is a great solution for a festive carnival.

New Year's costumes are different, but if you want to make an unusual New Year's costume for your young charmer, you should pay close attention to the wonderful star girl costume.

New Year's delight!

Children are waiting for the New Year because this is the time when fun and entertaining mornings are held in kindergartens and schools. And for these matinees we need original, beautiful costumes.

Such an original costume is easy to sew with your own hands at home.

Of course, first of all, this applies to girls, long before the pre-holiday preparations they dream of the image in which they will appear on the New Year's holiday.

For parents, a New Year's party is a wonderful occasion to bring joy to a little daughter and make a beautiful costume for her. Plus, it's an easy process.

There are several ways to create a New Year's star costume. Here are the simplest ones. How to make such a beautiful New Year's costume with your own hands?

All the darling is good and the star burns in the forehead!

  • Buy a dark blue dress and carefully stick golden stars on it.
  • Of course, this outfit will be a bit similar to the night, but, nevertheless, it is worth considering as an option. Especially if you need to make a costume in a short time.
  • If you need to make a costume very quickly We recommend watching the following video. It explains very clearly how to make a beautiful foil carnival costume. If this method seems too sloppy to you, and the result is fragile, replace the foil with a shiny cloth, and the tape with a sewing machine.

Because the very idea of ​​the costume is simple and ingenious.

gold or silver star

Buying a New Year's costume for a child today is not difficult. Almost all retail chains and the Internet offer an unlimited assortment of holiday dresses.

However, making carnival costumes for children at home has long become a family ritual in preparation for the New Year. And besides, this is a pleasant opportunity to learn something new, to make a one-of-a-kind, exclusive carnival outfit.
The choice of the theme of the costume, which can be made at home, is limited only by the imagination and the ability of mothers and grandmothers to hold scissors and a needle in their hands.

Stars can be easily sewn on top, real, golden stars!

Whoever imagines a golden and yellow star can try to make a costume as follows.

And a magnificent crown can be made from thick wire, beads and beads. How? Watch the master class:

Turn on your imagination boldly to its fullest, give freedom to your creativity so that your daughter's costume looks beautifully original, as if it was sewn by a famous fashion designer!

You can make the costume dark and place the star in the form of a crown on the child's head.

But most often this choice is made by kindergarten teachers or school teachers, and the role of the child in the children's holiday is clearly spelled out. In this case, you have to make a costume on a strictly given topic.
Stars take part in almost every New Year's performance.

Making such an outfit will not take much time, high material costs and high sewing skills.
When choosing materials for making a costume, it should be remembered that all of them should be hypoallergenic and as comfortable as possible when in contact with the baby's skin.


Chalk and a simple pencil for marking fabric and cardboard;
A ruler with a length of at least thirty to forty centimeters;
Glue gun;
Ordinary bobbin threads of the corresponding colors;
Sewing needle.


Crown in the form of a star;
Shiny top;
Skirt - pack;


Light transparent silk fabric or yellow tulle (can be interspersed with golden elements);
Silk ribbons in gold and silver;
Wide elastic band;
Shiny beads and sequins of various shapes and sizes;
Plastic headband;
Silk cord of yellow or golden color;
Filler. It can be cotton wool or foam rubber;
A transparent plastic bottle, jar or other unusually shaped container;
White and silver sequins;
Shimmering and sparkling hair clips.

The amount of fabric required for tailoring a costume is calculated depending on the individual parameters of the baby. It is necessary to measure the height of the child, waist circumference, the desired length of the skirt and top, chest circumference. Any fabric store sales consultant will tell you how much material you need to buy. If the skirt is planned to be multi-layered, then the amount of fabric is multiplied by the number of layers.


- carefully wrap the plastic headband with a yellow silk ribbon and fasten the ends with a glue gun, glue sparkling beads and sequins along the entire length of the headband;
- cut out a star of the desired size from a golden fabric, stitch it from the wrong side and turn it on the front side, to add volume, fill it with cotton wool or foam rubber;
- We firmly fasten the star to the rim with a pistol.

- we cut out a rectangle from the fabric corresponding to the girth of the child's chest and process the upper and lower edges of the top manually or by machine;
- we sew the edges of the fabric along the width manually or on a sewing machine;
- from a silk ribbon we make straps of the required length and sew to the top.

Skirt - pack.

- divide the total piece of fabric by the number of layers, put it together and sew the edges of the resulting pack along the widths;
- make a hem equal to the width of the elastic plus half a centimeter;
- insert the elastic band (along the length equal to the volume of the child's waist) into the hem and fix the edges of the elastic band with a thick thread;
- the lower edge of the skirt, using a glue gun, decorate with sequins and beads in random order.

- we make a star out of golden fabric (just like for the crown), sew one of the rays exactly in the middle of the silk cord. The edges of the cord are “fluffed out” and brush cases. We fix such an impromptu handbag with a cord on the arm;
- the remains of a silk ribbon are used as a belt, tied at the waist and tied with a voluminous bow;
- pour silver and white sparkles into the prepared transparent bottle, which will be used during the holiday, like shimmering star dust.

Light silver or gold shoes and a festive hairstyle lavishly decorated with sparkling barrettes complete this stellar look.

Star Jumpsuit

Another option for a "star" costume - jumpsuit, that is, the arms, legs, head are the rays of an asterisk, only a hood in the form of a cap is still put on the head. If the child spreads his legs to the sides and spreads his arms, then you get a star.

It's easy to shine in the New Year's sky!

A cheerful star is what you need for the New Year holiday!

But this outfit is extraordinary for a girl and, perhaps, few will choose it. To each his own. The most important thing is that the girl is satisfied with the outfit, and the New Year holidays leave her a lot of pleasant, unforgettable impressions.

Stars of heaven and variety

What stars do you know? Stars are different! First of all, at the word star, we imagine luxurious stars shining in their endless and mysterious beauty in a dark sky. However, this expression is often used allegorically, referring to beautiful celebrities and successful people, whom we call stars!

The guitar is the best assistant of a rock singer

Your beautiful girl will be able to choose the image of both a real star and a human star - a pop star! It's so interesting: try yourself in different, new images!

Glamorous shine and chic!

They say that wishes made on the New Year's holiday come true, who knows, suddenly this will come true?

After all, we learn to dream from early childhood! Even the smallest ladies will be able to take part in different images, even rock singers!

Hard Rock!

Of course, you will have to work hard and sweat a lot to achieve your goal, but it's worth it. It is true what they say that patience and work will grind everything. At the New Year's holiday, a girl can try herself in the role of: a Hollywood star, a famous singer, actress and a person of any other creative profession!

Higher up, you could get acquainted with beautiful carnival costumes for the New Year, which the girl boldly tries on the image of twinkling stars from the sky.

Now, you can carefully look around these photos, in which the girl acts as a show business star, on the stage.

It's good when there is a large choice in everything, so that at the New Year's ball, the girl could look not only beautiful, but original!

I'm so cheeky!

It is the costume of a real star that will emphasize the individuality and special originality of a young beauty in a kindergarten or school.

New Year's singer - socialite

Let the New Year's ball be fun and leave behind unforgettable, the best memories in life!

Songs of the 90s

The costume of a little star can suit not only a girl, but also a girl. You can go to a New Year's party with friends or to a corporate carnival in it. The main thing is to feel free and relaxed. Be fashionable and enjoy your beauty!

And to get even more inspiration, read our articles about various New Year's costumes:

We hope that you will find an outfit to your liking and enjoy the upcoming holiday with us! All outfits are good, just sew from the heart!

Photos - variations on the theme of snowflakes. The simplest version of such a costume is a white dress trimmed with tinsel, a crown on the head, you can also hang a snowflake from tinsel on a ribbon and give it to the baby in her hands.

The presented dresses are made of cheap Chinese brocade, rather simple cut. The "teeth" on the second one are made with the usual machine-made zigzag (not embroidery), on the back there is an even coquette made of tulle, fastened with a small button and a "zipper" on brocade. A feature of sewing a dress made of brocade is to sew on a lining (otherwise the sections spread very quickly, and the touch of such seams on the skin is unpleasant for a child).

I know that the costume is rather banal and not at all original, but I decided to send it anyway :) White ballet leotard, white skirt. Everything is covered in rain. In my opinion, our costume turned out to be interesting, because I picked up a very beautiful rain - white with blue snowflakes on it. Thanks to this, we immediately stood out among all the other snowflakes :) They usually make a crown on their heads, but we danced in this costume and the crown interfered, so I sheathed a simple white bow with the same rain :)

This day for kids is a real fairy tale, and parents, in turn, try to do everything to make their child feel like a part of this long-awaited holiday.

Children are looking forward to the New Year also for the reason that merry morning performances will be held in schools and kindergartens, for which they put on interesting and unusual costumes. And this applies to girls in the first place, because long before the pre-holiday preparations they begin to dream about the image in which they will appear on the New Year's holiday. Every mother will surely agree that making an outfit for her baby is much more pleasant than buying a ready-made product in a store.

How to sew a do-it-yourself star costume?

A very popular way to celebrate the New Year is the star costume. It is perfect for girls of all ages. Let's find out how to make such an outfit with your own hands.

As a basis, we take a swimsuit, a T-shirt or a specially tailored white top. The product should have two straps - on the shoulders and forearm.

Next, we need a skirt of several layers. We make the lower one from a dense white fabric, and the upper one should be made from a lighter colored material. T-shirt and skirt can be either the same or different, but combined with each other, colors. Combinations look great: blue - blue, purple - pink, emerald green - purple and many others.

An additional skirt, sewn or glued from a shiny film, is put on over the colored light skirt, shown in the figure. It is made from separate parts in the form of cloves. All elements are glued slightly overlapped. After all the parts are fastened together, we sew them onto a fabric braid, the width of which is 2 cm. The length of the braid should be such that after attaching the “cloves”, there are still ends left that can be used to tie the skirt at the back. You can also make a fastener in the form of a button and eyelet.

To decorate the T-shirt along its edge (back and front), along the second lowered straps and along the belt, attach rain or thin shiny strips of film. On the wrists, you can make shiny cuffs with an elastic band from the same film. Next, you need to pick up Czechs (slippers or ballet flats) and tights to match the color of the suit. Shoes should be decorated with small stars and sparkles.

Now let's start making a kokoshnik in the shape of a star.

We take a piece of thick cardboard, paste over it on both sides with foil. In order to cut out the decoration, you need to take your daughter's hoop and trace the outline on cardboard. After that, draw triangles around the outline, as shown in the figure below. Cut out the kokoshnik and connect the inner corners with one continuous strip to make the base. Glue tie strings at the bottom.

The star costume will make the girl tender and refined. And it is especially nice if you made this outfit with your own hands.


  1. Ribbon - brocade width 0.6cm, 1cm or 1.2cm
  2. Floral wire silver or gold
  3. Foamiran glitter two colors
  4. felt of two colors, similar to the color of foamiran
  5. Glue gun


  1. We wrap the rim with a ribbon so that the color matches one of the colors or shades of foamiran. I have a silver brocade ribbon.
  2. We print from the Internet or draw stars on paper in 2 sizes. I chose a fairly simple and well-known method - I simply attached a sheet of paper to the monitor and circled the stars I liked and the right size. I transferred them to cardboard and cut them out.
  3. According to the finished stencils, I cut out the required number of stars from foamiran. I got 3 small and 2 large silver stars and 1 large and 5 small lilac stars. The number of stars, their combination in color and size can be anything and differ from my data.
  4. From the felt of the appropriate colors (in the color of foamiran), we cut out the same stars using the same stencils.
  5. We form a frame for stars from floristic wire. You can temporarily attach the wire to the rim with clamps, but I immediately fixed the points of contact of the wire with the rim with foamiran stars. We bend the wire abstractly, as you like. You can draw a sketch of the lines on paper in advance, but I did everything by eye, the main thing is to like the combination and intersection of these lines. If necessary, we bite off the remnants of the wire, fix the tip with an asterisk and begin to form a new line with another wire.
  6. Having strengthened all the wire lines on the rim, add stars to the wire and randomly in between, alternating in color and size.
  7. From the inside, glue a felt pair to each star. This will further strengthen the details of the rim and give accuracy to the work. If necessary, you can carefully trim the edges of the stars (if suddenly the felt base does not match the foamiran base a little.