Congratulations on your 7th wedding anniversary. Seven years: what kind of wedding? What to give for seven years of marriage

What anniversary is celebrated for 7 years of marriage? A copper or woolen wedding is celebrated on the seventh year after the marriage. How is she different from others? Firstly, 7 years is a serious period in your family, because you have already experienced a lot together and built a joint life.

During this time, your love has strengthened and turned into a deeper feeling - friendship, respect and mutual understanding. Despite the fact that 7 years is not considered a round date, a copper wedding remains an important event that confirms the strength of your relationship and sincerity of feelings.

After all, you must admit that this time is quite enough to understand whether this is your person and whether you want to build a future with him. By this time, children usually appear in the family, which brings both joy and trouble. This means that new trials and difficulties await the young family.

To pass them safely, you need to celebrate the next wedding anniversary in accordance with all the rules. You need to know how to celebrate, what to give and what traditions to follow. After all, the number seven has always been considered sacred for the Russian people, so a lot of interesting beliefs are associated with the 7th anniversary.

Why is the 7th wedding anniversary called copper or wool

Many do not think about such associations. 7 years of marriage is not in vain called copper and woolen. First, copper is a metal that is second only to silver in its properties. It is plastic, and therefore, easily takes any form. What form it will be, and what it will be filled with, is up to you.

Therefore, do not forget to tell your soul mate how much you love and appreciate her. Try to show your spouse more attention and do not miss the opportunity to do business together.

Of course, no relationship can do without jealousy and scandals. But it is they who kindle passion and renew feelings for their partner. In this regard, the naming of the anniversary is woolen. That is, the relationship is just as warm and soft, but at times, during scandals, the causticity of this material is also felt.

7th wedding anniversary traditions

A copper wedding is associated with many traditions and beliefs. It is believed that young spouses should wear ringing jewelry on their clothes on this day in order to drive away evil spirits from their family happiness. Such decorations can be coins, knives, plates, daggers.

Gifts are another important ritual for the 7th year of marriage. On this day, it is obligatory to give objects made of copper or things made of wool. You can give each other copper rings that you will wear next to your wedding rings.

Another belief in a copper wedding will be the gift of a copper basin. This is not only practical, but also useful from a magical point of view. A copper basin is a symbol of well-being in the family, so try to pack all the gifts you receive into it. The one who will present this basin to you, let him say: "so that your life is full of money and happiness."

Copper Wedding Gifts

Guests should think carefully about the gift, because it is so important not to make a mistake and please the young spouses. What can make them happy? It would be wise to present copper products, which can be in the form of dishes, candlesticks, cutlery. You can also give an elegant flower vase, home decoration or some beautiful jewelry boxes. It would also be appropriate to give old coins on this day, respectively, also made of copper.

Parents can buy a copper horseshoe for a young family to hang over the front door.

A copper wedding is another opportunity to express your love to your spouse. The main thing is that the gift must be made of copper or wool. An ideal gift for a husband would be a belt with an element of this metal, and for a wife, you can buy jewelry based on copper.
Here is a list of possible jewelry for the wife:

  • earrings;
  • bracelet;
  • ring;
  • hairpins;
  • beads.

However, you can please your beloved with an original chain with a copper pendant.
As for the gift to your spouse, the situation here is much simpler. Wives - needlewomen can knit a scarf, sweater or wool blanket on their own. You can also give your soul mate warm slippers or a handkerchief. If you want to make a practical gift, you can surprise him with a soft blanket that will keep you warm in winter.

How to celebrate your 7th wedding anniversary

Seven years of marriage is a real feat, so it should be celebrated as cheerfully as possible. You can decorate the house with colored ribbons and balloons, and put a copper basin that will be filled with gifts.

A copper wedding is held in the circle of family and friends. You can diversify the evening with contests and drawings, which are arranged in honor of the holiday. Children put on a funny scene as a gift to their parents for seven years from the wedding day.

Congratulations on a copper wedding in verse

    Congratulations on your copper wedding anniversary!
    7 years - a long time has already passed,
    And love all the same selflessly,
    Everyone has gained happiness in each other!
    You have overcome a lot of troubles together,
    And the joy was shared - all together!
    So let adversity lose you all,
    And happiness will forever come to your home!

    Seventh anniversary, copper wedding!
    Congratulations, dear!
    The timpani sounds a victorious melody,
    We wish you happiness, young people!
    Seven years of marriage and, therefore,
    Promises seven happiness and love.
    Let her melt copper into gold
    And gives happiness in marriage again and again.

    You yourself have found the key to happiness,
    And it was kept safe.
    No secret was revealed to anyone
    Gently, tremulously hid it.
    We want to wish that in years
    Troubles did not penetrate the castle.
    7 years together, we give a copper basin,
    You already have the rest.

    Seven years go hand in hand,
    Your family has existed for seven years,
    We wish you never
    Troubles and problems have not touched you.

    We wish you happiness and love,
    Patience, kindness and prosperity,
    Trust each other's thoughts
    And do not experience disappointment!

    Seven years have passed since you each other
    Gave rings at this hour
    And you are happy spouses,
    We congratulate you on this.
    And on your seventh anniversary, copper,
    We wish you with all our heart
    Happy life and comfortable,
    Love beautiful and big!

    Congratulations on your copper seven!
    Although the name is not very shiny,
    It means a lot
    And says a lot more!

    Talking about love and trust
    About a healthy and strong family!
    Be happy, be beautiful
    And live like in a fairy tale dream!

    Family is a very serious step,
    Never regretted it
    Friend and foe envy me
    And, you know, you can see it right away!

    Seven years, beloved wife,
    I love you incredibly
    You are given by the Lord
    And together we are with you - it's nice!

    On the day of the copper wedding, congratulations,
    I wish good and happiness
    To my own husband,
    And only the best for him!

    'Cause you deserve it all
    For seven years you were the best husband,
    I hope it continues like this
    My dream will come true!

The seven-year wedding anniversary is called copper. And this has its own secret meaning, because copper is a durable material, of course, copper is far from the noble materials, perhaps because such a name for the wedding would hint to the spouses that they still have everything ahead. According to the custom, the spouses exchange coins on the 7th wedding anniversary as a sign of family happiness.
Guests bring forged copper products and souvenirs as a gift, a wife can give her husband a belt with a copper buckle, a husband can give his wife original copper jewelry or bijouterie.
The most appropriate gift for a tin wedding would be a copper horseshoe as a symbol of happiness and family well-being. Also, a wife can give her husband a Turkish copper if he likes to drink freshly brewed coffee in the morning.
And most importantly, it is of course original. On this page you will find congratulations on a copper wedding from parents, from friends, a wish from a husband to his wife and vice versa, poems with congratulations from a friend and a friend.

Happy everyone today
After all, fate is harmless:
You've been married for seven years
Today's wedding is copper!
Son-in-law, be strong as metal,
Delicate like mint
To become a support for his wife,
Yes, the kids are growing!

Lived together for seven years.
How many joys and troubles
You have experienced
But hidden from the eyes of strangers:
The dispute in the family is not for show,
Not for prying eyes.
Seven years to live -
Don't drink tea together
This date is not easy.
The boys are running...
It's not clear what's the matter
Life stuck or feelings broken?
You are red-copper before the wedding
We reached the victorious path:
Save your love
Saved a family from disaster.
We'll give you a copper cezve.
In the house of coffee - we love the house,

Seven years, like seven days,
flew brightly,
But, as before, bright words
The heart yearns for heat.
Be happy friends
And live long
The more reliable the family
The better the road.
And God forbid you lay down
The wings are young.
Your copper wedding - to live,
To meet others.

The number 7 is one of the main ones.
This is the number of completeness,
Happiness, peace, words of congratulations
In a house where flowers reign.
At a beautiful copper wedding,
Noisy, ringing and comfortable
With copper coins
Warm in fingers
So that all sorrows
Forever gone!
Live and continue to have fun
Sweet and songful!

It's been a good bit of life!
Although there are many more anniversaries,

You lived together for 7 years
The term is not that great.
Again you are the bride and groom,
You are beautiful at this moment!

This is a copper wedding, honey infusion -
This is our honey year, a small milestone.
We will ring the whole world with silver
And we'll play our gold later...
In the meantime, let this sonorous copper ring -
This is not a trifle at all - to overcome seven years.
This sonorous happiness that fell to us,
To celebrate, we will call our friends.
This copper frontier is more fun than others,
Because he caught us so young.

Seven glorious years have passed since the wedding day,
It's been a good bit of life!
Although there are many more anniversaries,
You are happy to celebrate your holiday.
We wish you love from the bottom of our hearts.
In the hearts, let it burn hotly,
Congratulations to your family today
You invite us to visit again!

Congratulations for the wife on a copper wedding

My dear, my wife,
Today I'll tell you, not melting,
That I was happy to live with you for 7 years,
And there is simply no better for me than you!
Thank you for the warmth and comfort
For the fact that they are waiting for me at home with dinner,
Thank you for my son and daughter...
You are the best in my destiny!

We lived to see the copper wedding with you,
And they have become a very strong family.
I'm happy that I met you in my life
I couldn't have dreamed of a better girl!
Thank you for our every day and night,
Thank you for your wonderful daughter!
Thank you for the love I will say.
Dear, I really appreciate you!

For luck, a copper coin
With you we will throw this day
So that the Russians, following the signs,
The shadow of misfortune has passed us by

Seven years already as we are with you,
We breathe and live each other
Since we are the same fate
Forever bound together

I wish myself this day
All my life to be loved by you,
So that every evening, falling asleep,
In a dream I saw your face.

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary of 7 years from friends

We are happy to congratulate you, friends,
Your family has been living for seven years!
You, meeting a copper anniversary,
They became one whole, indivisible!
So may your happiness last forever
Let your love be perfect
Your children grow up with joy
And be the happiest you all in the world!

Congratulations on your copper wedding anniversary!
7 years - a considerable period has already passed,
And love all the same selflessly,
Everyone has gained happiness in each other!
You have overcome a lot of troubles together,
And the joy was shared - all together!
So let adversity lose you all,
And happiness will forever come to your home!

Congratulations for your husband on a copper wedding

My dear, I'm glad for you
Happy anniversary!
7 years together! It's necessary!
What do you wish me?
I wish you health
Let only success await in business.
And I'll tell you with love:
“For me, you are the best!

It's hard for me to find the words now
To convey how happy I am with you.
We share all the hardships in half,
And we multiply joy with love.
When we started living together
Everything seemed new, unknown,
We created our cozy home
And they were looking for common interests.
And on the anniversary of the wedding, I will say:
We succeeded and even very much.
I'm sorry, I can't find more words
And as a sign of love I will put an ellipsis ...

Cool congratulations on the 7th wedding anniversary

Honeymoon is the first
And the copper year is the seventh.
Husband, open the can
And change your ears.

Wife, you are a bride again! -
The sound of brass rumbles.
This yeast is in the dough,
And these - in moonshine!

May the sun of the copper date
It burns like a copper basin!
Let everything than the life of a hunchback
Will cover the copper basin!

Congratulations on the 7th wedding anniversary from parents

With a copper wedding dear
We want to congratulate you
And an unusual gift
Of course we will equip you.
The eighth year is very insidious
They say it's complicated
That even a crisis is possible
Where someone is not in love.
So keep your feelings
Don't worry us often
You live in harmony
Every day and every hour

Anniversary of 7 years has received the name copper or woolen wedding. This is due to the fact that the couple's relationship during this period of living together resembles these two materials. Having lived together for seven years, the characters of each of the spouses become flexible and compliant, they are able to understand and accept their soul mates in everything. And it is marked with wool because relations by this time have become tender and warm, but there are also all sorts of taunts. Perhaps, having lived together these years, the passion of a man and a woman subsided somewhat, but confidence in each other appeared. After 7 years of married life, the couple has achieved a lot, and if there are any family troubles and understatement, you need to work on it.

It is customary to celebrate this date on a grand scale, inviting friends and acquaintances, everyone who prepared for your date congratulations on copper wedding. For guests who do not have second halves, your family should become indicative. Speaking of gifts, it is worth noting that there is an old tradition here - a horseshoe made of copper. Shawls, blankets, scarves and other things made of various wool will be a good surprise. The seventh anniversary implies both gifts and congratulatory verses within the family. A husband may present copper jewelry to his wife. It can be hair clips, a bracelet, beads and much more. And the wife, in turn, will please her beloved husband with a handmade surprise, in the form of hand-knitted socks, hats or mittens, thereby once again proving her love and care.

Poems 7 years of marriage

Congratulations on your copper wedding!
You've been together for seven years!
We wish you today
Live together, not knowing the troubles!

In vain do not swear
Don't lose the spark of passion
More gentle hugs
And kiss each other!

Seven years go hand in hand,
Your family has existed for seven years,
We wish you never
Troubles and problems have not touched you.

We wish you happiness and love,
Patience, kindness and prosperity,
Trust each other's thoughts
And do not experience disappointment!

To the marches of the brass band,
Shine of holiday lights
You are like a bride and groom again.
You have an anniversary today!

We wish your couple cute
Drive away longing, sadness and darkness.
We wish that love is enough
Live another seven times seven!

Seven years have passed since you each other
Gave rings at this hour
And you are happy spouses,
We congratulate you on this.
And on your seventh anniversary, copper,
We wish you with all our heart
Happy life and comfortable,
Love beautiful and big!

Congratulations on the copper wedding
I want you guys today
Glorify a worthy family
It's impossible to forget about you!

I wish you happiness in this life
And it's fun to walk together
Have fun in this world
And never lose heart!

To be happily married
Or it's great to get married
You all need to learn
So keep your knowledge!

Passion of love in full swing
And whining and boredom - fight!
Congratulations to your couple
Happy seventh anniversary!

Congratulations on your copper seven!
Although the name is not very shiny,
It means a lot
And says a lot more!

Talking about love and trust
About a healthy and strong family!
Be happy, be beautiful
And live like in a fairy tale dream!

You yourself have found the key to happiness,
And it was kept safe.
No secret was revealed to anyone
Gently, tremulously hid it.
We want to wish that in years
Troubles did not penetrate the castle.
7 years together, we give a copper basin,
You already have the rest.

The couple spent seven years together, shoulder to shoulder, giving each other reliability and warmth.

How much has happened! Joys and holidays, quarrels and insults, jealousy and reproaches, pleasant surprises and romantic joys...

Over the seven years of living together, a lot of joint memories have accumulated, serious experience has been accumulated, many discoveries and conclusions have been made. The spouses already know each other as themselves, have studied every character trait and all the features, and have learned to get along together, forgive and understand.

Going through life day after day, they got used to being together and no longer think of each other separately. But seven years of marriage is not so much, and what a great and interesting life is yet to come, how much is planned and to be experienced!

This anniversary, seven years of marriage, is called copper or woolen. It is called so for good reason - how many coincidences can be found with these materials, if you pay attention to the life of the spouses during this period!

Copper is a noble and beautiful metal, but not the most durable. It is malleable and can take any shape. So is the relationship of the spouses during this period - they are already “metal”, but have not yet really strengthened, and can turn into anything.

Depending on external factors and the situation in the family, relationships can become strong, harmonious and indestructible. But they can turn into a war, or even collapse.

As for wool, the relationship of the spouses in the seven years of marriage is very similar to it - they are soft and warm, but sometimes prickly. Wool can give warmth and even heal, which means that the family has already become a cozy and reliable refuge for spouses from everyday hardships. Here you can warm up, hide and get warmth, care and comfort.

Copper Anniversary Traditions

Like any other anniversary, a copper wedding has its own traditions, rules and its own specifics. These rules will help strengthen the family, make relationships more harmonious and reliable, and make life prosperous and happy.

How should the wedding anniversary of 7 years pass, what is customary to give to the wife and husband, what congratulations should be on this holiday, and what should be the anniversary in general? It is important for everyone to know about this in order to celebrate the day so that the whole year of further life together is happy.

Where to start?

The first thing the hostess should do on a festive day is to bring her home to a decent appearance. It is necessary to do a thorough cleaning, wash all the corners so that there is no dirt and dust, cobwebs and mold anywhere.

The fact is that any dirt, dust and old things are enemies for harmony in the family, they carry terrible energy, and there will be no happy family life if you move into a new joint period with such energy in the house.

The wife needs to clean up, as well as throw away all the old things. What has not been used for a year should be thrown away without regret - or given to someone. All cracked or broken dishes should be thrown out of the house.

And the husband should fix everything that needs fixing. If a thing cannot be repaired, then it is in the trash, and without hesitation! Move into the new year of family life together in purity, freed from rubbish.

But not only the house must be cleaned, but also themselves. A wife and husband need to talk from the heart - confess secrets and lies, reveal grievances and secret pain. Admit guilt, ask for forgiveness and, most importantly, truly forgive.

This may not be the most pleasant procedure that can be on a holiday, but believe me - it will change a lot for the better. After such a “confession”, you should thank your soulmate, and remember all the wonderful moments that you had to give to each other!

Scroll through the photos, remember all the good things, tell your spouse why you love and appreciate him. Such an event will greatly strengthen your couple, and you will go to a new life stage cleansed, happy and ready for a new relationship, harmonious, clean, honest and strong.

How to celebrate an anniversary?

A copper wedding must handle noisily! You can call everyone around - and relatives, and friends, and colleagues - anyone, if only you want to see this person and he is pleasant to you. Let there be a noisy crowd, cheerful faces and pleasant congratulations on this day!

It is necessary to celebrate the seventh anniversary in an unusual and non-standard way - in an unusual place or in an unusual style. Show your imagination and decide what your soul wants - to celebrate in nature or go to another city, spend an evening in a themed cafe or restaurant. It must be something new and fresh for you!

Dressing up for a copper wedding should be as bright and beautiful as possible. You can afford the most elegant costume and a lot of jewelry!

A woman should not only be in copper jewelry, but also ring - let earrings, necklaces and bracelets ring, their ringing will scare away all failures and difficulties, and attract wealth and happiness.

On the table there should be copper utensils and decorations - candlesticks, figurines, coins. It’s great if there is a candlestick for seven candles, and the main dish is served on a huge copper plate.

Copper wedding rituals

Seven is a magical and sacred number. It is very good if this lucky number occurs as often as possible at the holiday, it will literally attract happiness to the family!

You can put on seven ornaments, or put seven candles on the table. Giving bouquets of seven roses is a must! The more sevens, the more prosperity and good luck will be in the family.

Husband and wife do two more beautiful rituals on this day. The first is personal congratulations and the exchange of copper coins. Such a symbolic action ensures that there will be prosperity in the family.

Coins are given and put in a wallet, they must be carefully stored, like a talisman. They will magically attract wealth to the house.

And the second ritual is the exchange of copper rings. It can be held solemnly, with guests, to give music, congratulations and applause, remembering the wedding day.

Any copper rings give - they can be the simplest, they can be beautiful and unusual, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is that they will symbolize a strong union, they must be given and worn with love. Such a ring should be kept very carefully, because it is a security talisman for your union.

Traditional gifts for good luck

What to give for this anniversary, what congratulations should be on this day and what gift will bring happiness and prosperity to the family?

  • The most important gift is a copper horseshoe. It must be hung over the door, horns up, and decorated with a branch of parsley. Such a horseshoe will bring good luck and will protect the house from negativity and adversity.
  • A wife can knit a gift for her husband with her own hands, because the second name of the anniversary is a woolen wedding. Such a gift will not only be pleasant, but will also become a symbol of warmth and love, and will strengthen the union. If you absolutely do not know how to knit, buy a warm woolen sweater, scarf or plaid.
  • Congratulations from the husband are not connected with wool, but with copper. He can give his wife copper jewelry - a necklace, a necklace, bracelets and earrings, hair ornaments, accessories.
  • Another traditional gift that a copper wedding suggests is a chic copper samovar. Let it not be used today, but such a gift will bring happiness and wealth to the house, and will also become a luxurious interior decoration.
  • Congratulations and gifts can be anything related to wool. Spouses can be given woolen blankets, blankets, carpets, warm sweaters, shawls and scarves.
  • They also give dishes - beautiful bowls, glasses, trays, dishes. You can give a candlestick or a vase, as well as a good gift - a copper figurine.

The main thing in a copper wedding is not congratulations or gifts, but an understanding of how valuable the union is, and how important it is to protect, build and strengthen it. In seven years, you can understand a lot, and it is important to draw conclusions, understand your mistakes, change - for the sake of your own beloved family. Author: Vasilina Serova

According to ancient traditions, the seventh anniversary of the marriage of spouses is a copper wedding or, as it is also called, woolen. Such definitions for the next marital milestone are not accidental; the life of a husband and wife remotely resembles these materials. Relationships are valuable, soft and can take the desired form - spouses adjust to each other's tastes and preferences, appreciate the point of view of a loved one, cherish what was given with such difficulty. Cozy and warm, like wool, but sometimes they can be prickly - rarely does a couple do without disagreements, they still know the delights of life and do not always agree with the other half.

The 7 years of weddings that have passed in worries extinguish the fire of passion, transferring it to the plane of measuredness and cold mind. Children grow up, outlooks on life become similar, but occasionally outbursts of jealousy tone up one of the spouses, who relaxes with the flow, ceasing to fight for the attention of her husband (wife).
It is believed that the wedding anniversary of 7 years is a significant moment, if a couple experiences it together, then they will carry love and mutual respect until the holidays corresponding to other precious metals (gold and silver).

Wedding traditions for 7 years of marriage

The Russian soul is used to celebrating everything on a grand scale, and a copper wedding is no exception. On this day, they do not gather a purely narrow circle of close people (children and parents), but call friends and acquaintances who want to congratulate the "newlyweds".
There are several traditions that are rooted in the distant past.

  1. Spouses were given rings made of copper, which they exchanged at the wedding and did not remove jewelry throughout the year. This is a symbol of fidelity, prosperity and a vow for a long life together.
  2. The tradition that drives away all troubles and misfortunes from the family consisted in the costumes of the husband and wife. They had to be “loud”, supplemented with coins and metal objects (necessarily made of copper), during the dance and the meal, a melodic ringing was heard, driving away evil spirits and envious people from the family.
  3. The spouses were given copper glasses or cups, from which they drank all evening. Our ancestors could set the table with such dishes for a wide range of guests, resurrecting traditions at present, you can limit yourself to glasses for young people.
  4. A horseshoe (decorative or real) is hung over the threshold of the house; a copper wedding will be a turning point in the formation of the first family amulet. All the negative energy that ill-wishers carry will remain beyond the threshold.

How to celebrate your 7th wedding anniversary

The more interesting and unusual the copper wedding celebration will be, the longer it will remain in the memory of friends and relatives. You can invite a professional toastmaster who will come with a ready-made script and organize a holiday of the highest standard with music, toasts and jokes. A copper wedding can be a discovery for spouses in terms of eating habits - you should try Japanese, Asian or Chinese cuisine. Fragrant food, moderately spicy, will symbolically bring piquancy to a measured life. This is a subconscious hint that it is time to perk up and get rid of the routine.

There is no desire to invite guests - you can go on an exciting, full of surprises trip to the mountains (to the sea / to the forest) or spend a romantic evening on the lake, away from civilization and prying eyes. A gift for a copper wedding is a mandatory attribute that spouses must exchange. Jewelry, clothing with metallic decor - anything that contains copper will be iconic and appropriate.

What to give for 7 years wedding

Guests can sometimes puzzle over gifts for a long time, trying to find a thing that is unique, non-trivial and such that it does not gather dust in the backyard of the family hearth, but is useful in everyday life. What is given for a copper wedding is a question that is of great interest to modern man. The following copper items would be an excellent option:

  1. Jewelry boxes - a gift is given to a woman who will use it for its intended purpose, keeping things dear to the heart. It is better to choose exquisite handicrafts with forged elements; such a box can be placed in a conspicuous place to decorate the interior.
  2. Cast candlesticks - they must be for 7 candles in order to bring good luck to their new owners. This is a unique gift for 7 years of marriage, its cost is high and the risk that another guest will repeat the idea is minimal.
  3. Copper vases for flowers or fruit bowls - copper is an environmentally friendly metal without harmful impurities that does not exude an unpleasant odor. It may come into contact with food or plants.
  4. Woolen scarves or socks that can warm and surround the newlyweds with warmth. An actual option for those who celebrate their wedding day in the fall, very soon cold winds will bring discomfort to a person’s life and you need to hurry up to give him a pleasant and useful gift dedicated to a family celebration.

Spouses living in an atmosphere of mutual respect and love will surely turn a banal holiday into an unusual, memorable one, symbolizing feelings that have not yet cooled down. A copper wedding is an opportunity to rethink the past years, to “work on mistakes” and receive a powerful charge of positive energy from friends and acquaintances who sincerely wish good and well-being to a married couple.