How to give your hair a beautiful shade. universal golden hair color

Few women are satisfied with their natural color hair. You always want to correct, or even radically change what nature has given. AND modern industry beauty makes it possible. Resistant paints for hair can quickly give them beautiful shade, turning you from, say, a brunette to a radiant blonde. The only problem is that even the best of the dyes harm the hair because they contain aggressive chemical components. " Good alternative permanent paints - tint products that do not penetrate deep into the hair shaft, but only envelop it, remaining on the scales and under them, - says Irina Arhagova, beauty salon stylist golden ratio". - These preparations do not use hydrogen peroxide, so the natural pigment is not washed out of the hair. You can strengthen your natural shade or make it a few shades darker. But such products, alas, cannot cardinally lighten hair. They can only give any light nuance to already bleached hair.

And tinting agents help to take care of curls: they contain vitamins, natural oils and plant extracts. Tint products are available in the form of paints, balms, tonics, masks and shampoos. Be careful with the latter: shampoos are alkaline and with frequent, and even more so incorrect use, you can dry your hair. “Toning is recommended to be done once a month or 2 weeks after using resistant paint, if you need to refresh the color,” says Irina Arkhagova. — Noticing that dyed hair has become drier and duller, connect intensively moisturizing balms and masks to the care. And here nutrients do not get carried away - they wash out the coloring pigments from the hair.

natural dyes

You can also give your hair a beautiful shade with the help of vegetable dyes. They not only change color, but also heal hair - accelerate growth. Natural remedies are suitable for curls in any condition, they are not capable of harming the hair. And they are distinguished by durability and natural shades.

* Golden shade hair will be given ordinary hops, fallen birch leaves, calendula or juniper berries.

* Straw color curls can be obtained using yarrow and barley sprouts.

* chestnut palette will provide dyes from walnut shells, buckthorn bark, nettle, sea buckthorn.

* Reddish golden shades will give hair chamomile, onion peel and cranberry.

But there is one more important nuance. “Natural dyes are best used if you do not use industrial ones,” says Irina Arkhagova. - Any dyed hair is damaged to one degree or another, and can settle on the scales. If you use permanent or tinting agents again, there is a high risk that the resulting color will be far from desired, because. particles of vegetable dye will slow down, if not completely change the chemical reaction.

Recipes for natural hair dyes

- Decoction of buckthorn bark

Gives hair a dark chestnut shade.

1 tbsp buckthorn bark pour 200 ml of boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes until the composition becomes reddish Brown color. Strain it and refrigerate. Then apply to clean, dried hair and rinse with water after 30 minutes.

- Decoction of nettle

Gives hair a chestnut tint.

400 g of dry chopped nettle, pour 2.5 liters of warm water and put on fire for 4 hours. After the water has boiled away, the volume of paint should be approximately 2 liters. Cool the resulting composition and strain. Before tinting, mix one part of the dye with 1/4 part table vinegar. Apply the composition to dry hair and do not rinse until complete drying. Nettle dye can be used daily until the shade of the desired intensity is obtained.

- A decoction of fallen birch leaves

Prepare the composition for dyeing according to the dye recipe from dry nettle. Apply the resulting product to clean, dried hair for 20-30 minutes and rinse warm water.

- A decoction of onion peel

Gives hair golden hue.

100 g of onion peel pour 1 liter of hot water and boil for 30 minutes. Then let it brew for half an hour and strain. Moisten clean, dried hair with the prepared composition, leave for half an hour and rinse the curls.

- Rhubarb decoction

Gives hair a light brown tint.

150 g of rhubarb pour 0.5 liters of water and boil down to half the volume. Strain the resulting mixture and refrigerate. Apply to clean, dried hair for 20-30 minutes and rinse.

- Decoction of acorn shells

Gives hair a black tint.

Shells from 1 kg of acorns pour 1 liter cold water, bring to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes. Then strain and refrigerate. Apply the resulting composition to the hair until the desired shade is obtained.

Color your hair with tinted or natural tinting compounds, and your curls will be healthy and beautiful.

Deciding to dye our hair, we buy paint in the store - the choice is very large. But even quality product, which does not contain ammonia in the composition, harms curls. With frequent staining, they become dry and brittle, the tips begin to split. The situation is getting worse frequent use thermal appliances and styling products for styling. In order for the dyeing procedure to take place without harm to the hair, you can use natural ingredients - they do not penetrate the structure of the hairs and do not destroy the natural pigment of the strands, which means they are completely safe for them. Many natural remedies not only color the strands, but also provide extra care after them. The only downside natural pigments- they do not give an instant effect, and it will take several procedures to get the desired shade of strands.

Basma - dark hair without dandruff

Basma is obtained from the indigo plant. The use of this black pigment allows you to dye your hair in dark shades- from light brown to blue-black. The final color of the curls will largely depend on their original tone and condition. But use basma in pure form undesirable - it can give the strands an ugly blue or green shades. Often black pigment is mixed with henna. The final color will depend on the proportions in which you mix the dyes.

There are many components useful for hair in basma - you provide them with additional care. The composition contains natural substances that help eliminate dandruff. The use of basma - safe way make hair strong, smooth and shiny.

Henna - paint and remedy for curls

The most popular natural dye among women. It is obtained from the dried leaves of lavsonia. Henna is used as an independent paint or basma is diluted with it. With the help of a natural remedy, you can give your hair bright shade- from golden to bright red. It all depends on the exposure time of the composition and the initial tone of the curls.

No wonder henna is often used for cooking medical masks for hair. The pigment envelops each hair, protecting from negative external factors. Henna, if all the rules of the staining procedure or applying medical masks are followed, makes the curls elastic, silky, strong. The dye also stimulates hair growth.

Cinnamon - healthy, beautiful hair of a light shade

Cinnamon is often used in home care for skin and hair - usually for cooking useful masks. This aromatic spice has tonic and antiseptic properties. After applying cinnamon-based products, curls become shiny, decomposed, and their growth is stimulated.

If you use cinnamon in its pure form, it gives a light brown or golden tone. The final color of the curls will depend on their original color. Red-haired girls get a slightly reddish tint of hair, and brunettes will add golden tints to the strands. For intensive lightening of curls, cinnamon is mixed with lemon and honey.

Chamomile - lightening and care for blond hair

Chamomile is the best natural dye for blonde hair. Dramatically change color with this medicinal plant you will not succeed - it only gives the hair a golden hue. Using chamomile for light brown curls will give them a sun-bleached look.

In addition to soft hair coloring, chamomile has a whole range of useful properties - it strengthens strands, makes them more manageable and shiny. natural remedy It also has a positive effect on the condition of the scalp - itching and flaking are eliminated.

To lighten hair with chamomile, a herbal decoction is used - a glass of dried flowers of the plant is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. They rinse the strands after washing with shampoo. The effect can be seen after a couple of weeks of using this balm.

Rhubarb - giving hair light brown and ashy shades

Rhubarb root has long been used to color curls in light blond and ashy colors. If you treat the plants with a decoction light strands, they will acquire light brown tone with copper overlays. And the use of rhubarb on fair hair will brighten them up to ashy shade. good effect the plant also shows when dyeing gray hair.

To dye hair with rhubarb, a decoction is used - 2 tbsp. l of crushed plant is poured with 200 ml of water and boiled for about 20 minutes. The resulting balm is rinsed with hair after washing. To enhance the effect of the use of rhubarb, white wine is often added to the infusions.

Coffee - chocolate shades of curls

Very easy to get with coffee beautiful hair chocolate shade. And if you mix a drink with henna and paint light brown curls with this tool, you can give them a rich chestnut color.

To color coffee curls, brew a strong drink and rinse your hair with it, soak for a while, and then rinse. You can periodically repeat the procedure to maintain color.

Coffee tones, promotes increased blood circulation in the tissues, which has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. You can speed up their growth and make them stronger. To make the staining procedure even more useful, do coffee scrub for the scalp - massage the cover with light movements and only then rinse with cooked coloring composition hair.

Lemon - fast hair lightening

If you want to quickly lighten curls, take a lemon. After several procedures, the strands brighten by at least 1 tone. Take freshly squeezed lemon juice, mix it with the same amount of water, rinse the curls with the resulting solution, and then dry it naturally.

Lemon cleanses the scalp well, gives shine to the strands.

Please note that it is undesirable to dye dry hair with lemon! Sour fruit has a drying effect, which will only aggravate the situation.

Linden - rich brown and chestnut shades

Linden gives curls a beautiful chestnut hue. If you hold the prepared dye on the strands for a shorter amount of time, you will get a light blond shade. Linden is used by both blondes and brunettes.

And linden not only makes hair beautiful, but also heals them. The strands become stronger, shine, do not electrify. Lipa in comprehensive care behind the hair will help get rid of dandruff.

To get beautiful hair, prepare lime decoction - 8 tbsp. l dried flowers of the plant, pour 2 tablespoons of water, boil, strain. Treat the hair with the solution and keep it for at least an hour.

dye plants
These are plants that produce and contain in their separate parts(roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds) and tissues (wood, bark) dyes contained in plastids (intracellular components containing pigments and synthesizing organic compounds) or dissolved in cell sap.
The richness of shades of natural dyes is unmatched, because. they give deep and soft tones.

You can get a coloring solution by evaporating the roots, leaves and flowers of plants in water. Fresh, not dried, give the color the brightest, although less resistant. Shades depend on the age of the plant, the composition of the soil, as well as the time of collection. It is better to collect leaves and flowers that have just blossomed, the bark - in the spring, and the roots and rhizomes - in the fall.
Natural dyes not only change the color of the hair, but also nourish the scalp, strengthen the hair roots.

Recipes for dyeing hair with natural dyes.

Infusion of navel dye

(2 teaspoons flower baskets pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then filter and cooled infusion is applied to the head for 15 minutes) gives the hair a light brown tint.

Infusion of annual sunflower:

2 tablespoons of flowers are poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours, filtered and rinsed hair 1 time per day. To maintain natural freshness light brown hair.

A decoction of chamomile inflorescences and nettle rhizomes

For its preparation, take 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials of each component per 1 liter of water. Rinse the head with a decoction, tie it with a scarf or towel for 15-20 minutes. After drying the hair, moisten it with chamomile essence mixed with water (1: 1 ratio). After 1 hour, rinse again with chamomile infusion (1-2 tablespoons of chamomile are poured into 1 cup of boiling water, insisted for 15-20 minutes, then filtered). For lightening hair.

Decoction of chamomile

For fair hair, take 100 g of dry chamomile inflorescences, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, leave for 1 hour, then filter. For darker hair, you need to take 150-200 g of chamomile. Moisten the hair with a decoction and leave for 30-40 minutes. In order to dark hair become lighter, 100 g of chamomile pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, mix well, leave for 30-60 minutes, filter, squeeze out the residue and add 1/4 cup of 30% hydrogen peroxide. Lubricate the hair and leave without wiping for 30-40 minutes.

onion peel

A decoction made from onion skins is used natural dye. Such a dye is one hundred percent natural, which means it is completely harmless. And this gives it a lot of advantages. Onion peel will be a reliable help when using different cosmetics. A decoction of onion peel will help to heal the scalp, solve problems such as her excessive dryness and dandruff. To create such an amazing infusion, simply pour the boiled husk, but do not hot water. After covering the workpiece with a lid, leave it for about twelve hours. Then use the infusion every time you wash your hair. Onion decoction is ideal for those who want to give their hair a soft reddish tint.

St. John's wort for hair

Grass strengthens hair follicle deeply affects the hair structure, strengthening and toning it. Products based on St. John's wort help get rid of oily hair, normalizing the functioning sebaceous glands. With their help, you can effectively reduce the symptoms of baldness and overcome dandruff, give hair splendor, silkiness. Beneficial features St. John's wort spread not only to the hair, but also to the scalp. Rinsing the head with a decoction will help eliminate itching, moisturize and tone the skin.

Decoction of St. John's wort for hair.

To prepare a decoction, you will need fresh (2 tablespoons) or dried (1 tablespoon) St. John's wort flowers, which must be poured with boiling water and left for an hour, the decoction gives the hair a chestnut tint. You can also use pharmacy fee. The product is used to rinse the hair after shampooing. Decoction for oily hair prepares more concentrated. If the scalp is very sensitive, it is recommended to add chamomile to the decoction.

Vegetable hair dye from walnut shell

As a result, the hair acquires a beautiful brown color. Such a dye is prepared from the shell of a green walnut, which must be boiled in water for 3-4 hours. The result is a dark brown liquid, which is then evaporated to obtain a pure extract. Next, add olive oil to the resulting extract and sunflower oil in the ratio: for 1 part of the extract obtained, 2 parts of the oil. Then we evaporate the resulting mixture until the water has completely evaporated. We cool the resulting dye to 40-50 degrees, apply it to the hair, hold for 25-30 minutes, and then rinse.

Herbal hair dye from nettle

Nettle dye is used to obtain a chestnut color. You will need 400 grams of dry chopped nettle. Fill it with warm water and boil for 4 hours - about 2 liters of dye should remain. Then we cool it, filter it and add vinegar in the ratio: 4 parts dye 1 part vinegar. Next, apply the resulting dye to the hair, hold until completely dry, then rinse. This is an excellent tint. It can be used every day.

Vegetable hair dye from fallen birch leaves

Use dye to obtain a golden hair color. It is prepared in the same way as nettle dye.


Herbal hair dye from buckthorn bark

Gives reddish hair golden color. To prepare the dye, take buckthorn bark - 1 tablespoon, pour boiling water over it and cook for 10-15 minutes. After that, cool the red-brown dye, apply to the hair, hold for 30 minutes, then rinse.

Madder dye

An infusion of the rhizome gives the hair a brown color. Infusion of flowers to strengthen hair, gives them shine and health.

The use of dye plants and obtaining natural, natural dyes is not only useful, but also very pleasant.

I hope it was useful to you! All beautiful and healthy hair!

Hair coloring with folk remedies is a great alternative to traditional chemical dyes. Not everyone can use conventional paints due to intolerance to individual components, allergies and other contraindications. Folk methods can environmentally and safely dye their hair dark or light color, hide the gray strands and give the curls the desired shade.

Features of staining with natural dyes

Now there are many who want to dye their hair using folk remedies, since it is easy to do at home. The only downside to paint natural origin is their instability, the painting procedure must be carried out again every few weeks. The time that the color will stay on the hair after dyeing at home will depend on individual characteristics.

So, Thin hair hold color better and require less time for the staining process. Before you start dyeing your hair at home, you need to prepare necessary tools. Folk remedies should be applied with a sponge or swab, you can also paint with a comfortable soft brush. It is also necessary to prepare a blanket to protect the shoulders from paint. Before painting, wash your hair with regular shampoo.

The benefits of natural dyes

Hair dyeing with the help of folk remedies is convenient not only because it is carried out at home. It also has many other benefits, including:

  • Care for hair.
  • No irritation on the scalp.
  • The naturalness of the resulting color.
  • It is possible to regularly change the color of the hair.
  • Providing a healing effect on the hair and scalp.
  • Low price for natural ingredients.
  • Possibility of painting over gray hair.

To get the most pleasant experience from dyeing hair with folk remedies, you should remember a few simple rules. Can not use natural colors immediately after coloring at the hairdresser. hair saturation process desired shade quite long, so you can not rush and remove the paint in advance. By following these rules, you can easily get good result at home.

Henna and basma

Henna is considered to be the best folk remedy for dyeing hair in a golden color. It is a powder from the leaves of alkana or lavsonia. Henna not only gives the hair a pleasant color, but strengthens the hair from root to tip due to the presence of tannins. Its use at home is quite simple, while for recreational purposes it can be done weekly.

It must be remembered that henna is effective only on brown and blond hair, its use on blonde hair imparts a reddish-orange tint. To give dark color hair, henna complement basma. The proportions of these components affect the final result. So, if you take henna and basma in such proportions, it will come out:

  1. A 1:1 mixture gives a nice chestnut color.
  2. Henna and basma in a ratio of 2: 1 will give a bronze tint.
  3. Henna and basma in a ratio of 1: 2 will result in a radically black color.

These figures may vary slightly depending on the natural hair color. To correct saturation, you can reduce or increase the painting time. In addition, dyeing black hair with folk remedies will not give desired result, dark and golden color will not appear on them.

To prepare henna and basma paint at home, you should take their powders in the right proportions. The powders are poured into a glass bowl and mixed until a uniform color. After that, hot liquid is added to the mixture, it can be either ordinary water or red wine or coffee. Optionally, you can add drops of glycerin.

  1. Hair is washed with shampoo and slightly dried without using a hair dryer.
  2. The hairline is covered with petroleum jelly so that the dyes do not pass onto the skin.
  3. A mixture of basma and henna is applied along the parting lines with a sponge.
  4. To color the tips, add a little hot water to the rest of the mixture.
  5. After careful application of the paint, the hair should be hidden in a plastic bag, wrapped with a towel on top of it.

Depending on the desired shade, the paint must be kept from 15 minutes to one and a half hours. After this time, the paint is washed off with warm water without using shampoo. If the hair is gray, painting with these folk remedies takes a little longer, but the result will be very good anyway.


Chamomile is an affordable and popular remedy for lightening hair at home. It has a soothing, softening and regenerating effect, and also adds shine to the hair and reduces excess sebum production. There are several recipes using chamomile flowers:

  1. 1 cup of dried flowers is poured with half a liter of freshly boiled water and aged for two hours. In the infusion is poured 3 tbsp. l. glycerin, after which it is applied to the hair. Hair wrapped up plastic bag and a towel for one hour. With this folk remedy, you can dye completely gray hair in a golden hue.
  2. Dark hair can be lightened with chamomile in this way: one and a half glasses of flowers are poured with 1 liter of vodka and insisted for 14 days. After that, the infusion should be mixed with 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide, applied to the hair for half an hour, then washed off with regular shampoo.

You can also regularly rinse with a light chamomile decoction to give a golden hair color.

onion peel

Among folk remedies for dyeing hair at home, husk is popular. onion. In addition to a persistent golden color, the husk adds shine to the hair and eliminates dandruff. To dye your hair onion peel, you should take:

  • 0.5 cup finely chopped husk
  • 1 glass of hot water
  • 2 tsp glycerine

Pour the husk with water and bring to a boil. Keep on fire for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling, then cool and filter. Add glycerin to the decoction and apply it to the hair with a clean sponge daily until the desired shade is obtained.


Using the green peel of this nut, you can give a bright chestnut shade to your hair, it will look especially effective on light brown hair. At the same time, the raw materials used can be dried and peel paint can be used at any time of the year. There are many ways to color walnut, among them are:

  1. Half a glass of any vegetable oil add 1 tbsp. l. alum, 1 tbsp. l. ground walnut peel and 50 ml hot water. The mixture is put on low heat and kept there for a quarter of an hour. Next, strain the mixture and apply the resulting cake to the hair. Hold the cake for 45 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  2. This recipe is simpler than the previous one. For him, you should take the peel ground in a meat grinder, and mix it with water, bringing it to the consistency of thick homemade sour cream. The product obtained in this way should be applied to the hair with a brush, hold for 20 minutes and rinse with water without shampoo.
  3. For achievement stable result need 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped green peel, pour 100 ml of alcohol and let stand for a day. Apply the resulting infusion to the hair and hold for up to half an hour. This method gives a noticeable and lasting color to the hair.
  4. There is another walnut hair dye recipe. For it, you need to pour 100 gamma peels with a liter of water, put on fire and boil the broth until two-thirds of the original volume is reached. Filter the resulting broth and apply to the hair, rinse with water without shampoo after half an hour.

Video: Hair coloring with natural dyes


Rhubarb imparts ashy and light brown shades, and the funds from it paint over gray hair well. Rhubarb recipes include:

  1. Rhubarb root in the amount of two tablespoons is poured into a glass of water and boiled over medium heat for a quarter of an hour. The broth is cooled and filtered, after which 50 ml are added. apple cider vinegar or wine. The mixture is again brought to a boil and exactly half of the liquid is evaporated. The decoction is used to rinse the hair after regular washing.
  2. Leaves and roots of rhubarb in the amount of 200 grams are poured with unsweetened white wine and boiled down by half. Rinse the hair with a decoction after washing to give light shade oily and normal hair.

Golden color is great for almost all types of appearance. Therefore, if you decide to change dramatically, then we recommend that you consider coloring the curls in such a bright tone.

By the way, in ancient greece a similar color of strands was considered a gift from the gods.

So if you have such curls by nature, it may be worth postponing the staining. After all, after staining, it is quite difficult to restore the previous tone.

As for the psychological assessment of the nature of people with such a palette, they are most often distinguished by complaisance and calmness. These people always keep their promises, are generous and reliable.

And, of course, the presence of such curls quite often indicates significant creativity. So you can be sure that if you met a person in your life with such attractive strands, then he is most likely a rather interesting person.

Golden hair color: who it suits

Do not think that such a palette is suitable only for girls with fair skin And blue eyes. If you choose the right tone, then a woman with any color type of appearance can become a "Goldilocks". But first, we will tell you who is ideally suited for a pure golden tone.

Such lucky women definitely include girls with a spring color type. But if your type is cold, then you should not use a warm golden shade, because in this case there will be a rather significant difference between hair and skin. In this case, it is better to give preference to a creamy or beige tint of the blond.

If your natural color- linen with a platinum sheen, then all you need to do is
add some bright sparks to curls. To do this, you can use a regular toner, with which the curls acquire a radiant shade.

Now for the owners dark skin. In order for your image to be original, you should pay attention to the golden brown hair color. It goes well with this type of skin. In addition, this tone will look great in the sun, giving your image originality and depth.

It is also worth talking about the possibility of girls with dark strands to color their curls in such a color. First of all, we will discuss the method of obtaining a similar color by natural brunettes. And in this case, you need to be prepared for what to receive desired shade you won't be able to do it in one go. IN best case you will have to use the paint two to three times.

If your hair is too dark, then getting a golden color at home will definitely not work. And in the salon, before applying paint to the hair, the curls will have to be discolored. Which by the way is pretty harmful procedure. Therefore, before deciding on such a procedure, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Perhaps you don't really want to risk the health of your curls just for the sake of getting golden or copper color hair.

Golden shades of hair: palette

And before we study the features of applying coloring agents to curls and the rules for choosing makeup, let's study the palette of shades:

  1. beige;
  2. golden;
  3. creamy.

These three shades are a kind of classic. But if you use bronze or tropical colors, then you should get a beautiful golden brown hair color.

Attention! Remember that this color has a tendency to burn out. Therefore, if you want to keep the tone as long as possible, we recommend that you use special shampoos and conditioners for the care of dyed curls.

Also, do not forget that the paint contributes to dehydration of the hairs.

Therefore, if you do not want your hair to look like straw, then you should definitely do a nourishing mask at least once a week.

Hair dyes with an interesting shade

We all know that today in any cosmetic store you can see a huge variety of hair colors.

And so that you do not get confused and do not spend a huge amount of money and time looking for the right paint for you, we offer you a small list, using which you can get one or another tone.

  • Let's start with golden blonde hair color. It looks quite natural, adding to your
    appearance a little warmth and softness. To achieve a similar shade, you can use paints such as L’Oreal Recital Preference Pure Gold, Wella Wellaton 9/3 Golden Blonde or Brillance 814 Golden Blonde;
  • To obtain a golden chestnut hue, we recommend that you purchase a hair dye such as Palette Fitolinia 750 - Golden Chestnut, Syoss 4-6 Honey chestnut or Palette G3 Golden truffle;
  • But in order for your curls to acquire a copper tone, we recommend that you use a coloring agent such as L'Oreal Feria Color, 6.34 - dark blond golden copper, Londa color 36 Cognac, ESTEL ESSEX 7/34 - Golden-copper medium light brown / cognac.

Using similar professional tools you can get the color you want. But at the same time, do not forget that all hair coloring products contain a huge amount of harmful chemical compounds that can damage the structure of the hairs.

Coloring with home remedies

If you want to become the owner of such an amazing color, then you can use not only professional, but also home remedies. For example, excellent tool to give the curls a shade of light gold is a decoction of chamomile. To prepare it, you need to pour two to three tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers with boiling water.

Attention! Such a decoction should be infused for about two to three hours. You can then use this remedy as a rinse aid. By the way, after using it, the hair will become soft and shiny.

You can give an interesting golden color to your hair using coffee. To do this, you need to brew a cup of strong natural coffee and let it cool. In the cooled infusion, you need to thoroughly moisten the curls and leave them with such a mask for about half an hour. After that, I wash my hair as usual.

Attention! Do not think that after such a procedure your hair will become perfect and acquire the desired color. Yes, of course, coffee can strengthen curls and give them a light golden hue.

But a significant change in tone still does not work.

Selection of makeup and style for golden hair

First of all, you should remember that a similar shade of hair can give your image a touch of romance and tenderness. But if you choose the wrong makeup, your appearance may be vulgar.

Therefore, you need to follow these rules for choosing a style:

  1. Shadows should be either brown or light pink. IN last resort you can
    use a golden palette;
  2. The optimal color of eyeliner and mascara is chocolate or bronze;
  3. Blush should choose peach, pale pink or beige.

Now for the selection of clothes. Bright things look great with this hair color rich colors. For example, emerald, bright purple, turquoise or bright red. It should also be noted that all women with a similar color of curls are blue, blue and black.